#specifically a woodchat shrike
I set up an appointment with a tattoo artist to get the phoenix done
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outofangband · 3 years
Flora and Fauna of Ard-galen
I originally had only the flora posted separately but I wanted to post this together for convenience and to add to the flora!
Flora and fauna of Arda masterlist 
Originally requested by @polutrope
Disclaimer: I used both what we can extrapolate is likely indigenous to the region based on descriptions of the landscape and climate as well as my own headcanons and inspirations and reference books on similar habitats as well as books like The Atlas of Middle Earth and The Flora of Middle Earth
I really love working on and researching these! and as always feel free to ask more, even if I've already done a place I'd always enjoy going into more detail of tacking a more specific kind of life there
Ard-galen was the vast, green plains south of Angband and North of Dorthonion. It translates to Green Region in Sindarin. Little description is given to the details of its climate or biodiversity but based on its location and proximity to Dorthonion, it was likely a temperate region with cold seasons especially due to the proximity of the mountains.
The grasslands would be made up of a variety of grasses and other plants and would probably include fens, other areas of more moisture. Timothy grass, green foxtail, windgrass, larkspur, blue grass and other meadow grasses, sedge, cow vetch,  yarrow, various brambles, wood reed, meadowsweet, marsh yellow cress, meadow rue, wild mustard, clover, and dog violet are all possible examples.
Dotted throughout the region there are probably streams including those that originate in the mountains. Wood sorrel, floating sweet grass, marsh bedstraw, soft rush, and various reeds may be found closer to the water
A variety of wildflowers also probably grow throughout. Goldenrod, certain species of lilies, summer pheasant’s eye, mayweed, cornflower, poppies, campion, and pilewort are all possible examples
Amphibians are likely more abundant than in Hithlum or Dorthonion due to the milder climate. Possible species include the moor frog, stream frog, marsh frog, perhaps a species of small tree frog (though of course these wouldn’t live in trees mostly, more likely smaller shrubs), smooth newt, brook salamander and alpine newt. Reptiles are less common. Pond slider turtles, common wall lizards, meadow lizards and perhaps small green grass snakes are among the few species. 
Birds also differ than in surrounding regions because of the different type of landscape. Some examples include quails and peasants, stone curlew, kingbirds, gray, brown and woodchat shrikes, grasshopper warblers, yellowhammers, buntings and red footed falcons. 
Larger mammals are uncommon though some do pass through along migration, grazing or hunting routes. Perhaps the fields of Ard-galen are included in the migration routes for woolly rhinos or another large, prehistoric creature.
Common rabbit, a species of badger, field mice, hazel dormouse,  swamp cat and (European) wild cat, common genet, roe or fallow deer, and black foxes are some possibilities. 
Even short lists of insects can be overwhelming but there are definitely pollinators like honey and bumble bees, wood white and small copper butterflies, etc. 
I do like to think that perhaps creatures do adapt to the landscape once the worst of the toxins clear including creatures that have previously favored Angband for the volcanic landscape. I think life adapting to the destroyed land fits very well with other themes, including the Haudh-en-Nirnaeth regaining plant life in the middle of the desert.
note: of course this is just an overview as a complete list would be thousands and thousands of species! as always feel free to request more specific areas!
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