#specifically the women of the aa universe. what have they done to you
infinitefinalsweek · 1 year
I'm not vaguing anyone with this post it's not about a specific person
Being an ace attorney fan is so crazy because like. Ok so listen. Firstly. This game has been out for 22 years. A lot of people have talked about it but i think theres still stuff that could be said but like. Visualize canon as a circle. Now picture a ring around it like it's outer and separate and that's fanon. And I feel like the viewpoint of the average ace attorney fan at least currently is just that those two circles are the same circle and like. Idk it's really frustrating because within the context of fanon a lot of the characters become so flat and one dimensional. It's like. Ok I'm sorry I'm going to talk about trucy for a second. Like trucy in her fanon characterization is nothing except a magician. She is never a liar and never a teenager and never a performer except in the sense that she is literally performing card tricks and it just becomes so stale when you know there are other things that trucy is!!!it's like everyone is so scared of any depth at all and I just wish I could see 1 original take because the characters and world of ace attorney are so interesting and I wish people would. Explore them
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tsukidrama · 3 years
FAQ (frequently asked questions)
please for the love of God read this before you send me an ask. if you get redirected to this post you've probably asked me something that's already listed here.
can you explain your url?
it's a play on the name "tsukiyama," my favorite character from tokyo ghoul. he is dramatic.
why did you block/unfollow me? did i do something?
if you identify as "pro-life," or "radfem / gender critical" then that right there is why i blocked you.
if you're just a normal person doing your thing, i probably just don't want you to follow me. you may not have "done" anything at all and its not necessarily personal. sometimes i block because i dont like what somebody posts about, and literally just seeing an associated url is enough to trigger my squick.
(for attack on titan followers) ar/u/ani shippers get immediately blocked 95% of the time. the very few of you who aren't blocked, please don't push your luck. i will only feel minimal guilt adding you to my very very long list of AA exiles.
if you write smutty fanfiction about male characters then how are you a lesbian?
because i am exclusively interested in dating/having sex with women. this is not anybody's business, but i am changing this response due to a specific anon who had a lot of big things to say with nothing to back their stupid ass up with.
i will bite you if you imply that writing about anime boys invalidates an identity i have lived with for the better half of my life. i fucking depsise the tumblr lesbian police, smh. i can better determine my own sexuality than someone who does not know me. if you don't like it, then either block tags or don't follow me. im allowed to have male faves and write about them however i want. i garauntee you that by comparison it's different than smut written by straight or bi women.
frankly i'm not interested in arguing about this or any discourse, queer or fandom-related. so if you don't want to get blocked and roasted on main then just keep away from me with that shit.
no discourse! but this is tumblr!
nope, none! i will not engage & just block!
as far as fandom drama goes: i believe what i believe and i'm not interested in debating it.
haters save your breath because i'm telling you right now that i do not care. at all.
can i spam your inbox? will you block me for being annoying?
yes, go for it! no, i will never block you for sending me "too many" messages. ramble away!
will you hate me if i don't have the same opinions as you? [mutuals]
most of the time, no. i truly do not care about liking/disliking a certain character, or having differing takes on media, regardless of my stance on it as long as you make an effort to tag your posts so i don't have to look at it. i'm a strong believer in "do what you want," and "think what you want" but i also believe that we all create our own tumblr experience and are responsible for what we are exposed to here. just be nice!
that being said, circumstances change and if i get uncomfy with content i'm seeing on my dash i won't hesitate to unfollow yo ass even if we are friends 💔
can i read your steven universe fics?
yeah of course! the most complete collection of them can be found posted under the pseudonym whiskey-coffee on ao3. i'm working on a masterlist for tumblr at the moment.
would you write for SU now?
hmm, uh probably not... but maybe? it'd have to be a damn good request lmao
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what is "the road not taken" / "TRNT"?
my passion project of sorts. it's Annie x reader, multichapter and set post-canon and basically my personal fix-it fic to give her a happy ending. here is a link to the masterpost of the fic, and check out my tag list to see where you can find content for the fic and it's associated works.
why are you so salty about ar/uan/i?
mostly because i hate armin. and because everything i liked about my favorite character died in a crystal in 2013 when she got reduced to the waifu of the mangaka's self-insert. it sickens me to see half the fandom say they're "canon" based on one panel where they stand next to each other. also because eremin is better.
you hate armin? but he's my lil uwu baby cinnamon roll. why?!
yes, i do. a lot. the main reasons:
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what happened to yelena? why did she just disappear?
isayama forgor 💀
let's be real, she's probably in jail.
do you like the ending?
no. it was messy and sends a lot of horrible messages including domestic violence as love and fascism presented as a solution. honestly at this point i barely like attack on titan for the plot, y'all. i've been following it since i was 14 and i'm attached. the characters deserve better and i can fix them.
what aot ships do you like?
i made a post about it once! you can also check out my tag directory for a more detailed list with links.
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dentalrecordsmusic · 6 years
Interview: Andie Aronow, co-founder of Women That Rock, on kickass women, equally kickass bands, and what both mean for the changing scenery of the music world.
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Who run the world? GIRLS. No one else knows this factoid better than Andie Aronow, founder of the collective Women That Rock. Their mission? Spotlight and celebrate talented, badass female musicians. Women That Rock hosts daily artist/music features through its Instagram platform at @womenthatrock, plus monthly collaborative articles with women's lifestyle mag Harness Magazine, and their own website. Women That Rock is in the live event space - putting on showcases, concerts and other related music events. Behind Andie is a slew of knowledge -- knowledge about feminism, good loud music, and the badass women who create it. We got to sit down with Andie to talk about some of the intense highs and (sometimes) lows of working in the music sector and what it means for the greater good to feature women on the stage.
DRM: Who or what inspired you to create Women That Rock? Was there a particular moment when the idea came to you?
AA: Women That Rock came to life one night on my girlfriend's couch in Williamsburg! We're both in the music world - she's an amazing musical artist (check out her awesome band MONTE - @monte.music on Instagram!) and I've worked on the business side of the music industry since I was in college at NYU's Clive Davis Department of Recorded Music, in lots of areas & jobs - marketing and digital promotions, music event planning, A&R, executive production, management.  We were hanging out and casually talking about music and the business; specifically, we were talking about how challenging press & promotion can be for indie artists - how hard it is to get press outlets to pay attention and how difficult it can be in the current industry landscape for up-and-coming artists to cut through the clutter and get their names out there, especially for female artists who are often marginalized or stereotyped.
We were chatting about the many amazing women artists we know, and how much they needed a more dedicated platform to shine a light on them, celebrate them and help share their amazing talents. That's when the idea of Women That Rock was born. My girlfriend encouraged me to strike out and take a chance launching a project I was passionate about, and that's exactly what I did. I created the WTR Instagram account and started doing super DIY social media outreach. I simultaneously texted all my incredible female artist friends telling them about the concept and asking if they were okay with me featuring them, and their responses were SO enthusiastic - they immediately loved the idea and were super excited to be involved.
Within a few days of outreach I had an inbox of 25, then 50, then 100, then 500, then too many Instagram messages to count from female artists who wanted to be featured. The message was so clear - women wanted & needed a platform that celebrated and spotlighted on their creativity and talents, as well as the musical support network that Women That Rock could provide.
Women tend to be the biggest consumers of music (in any genre). Do you think the landscape of women consuming (and now, making) music is changing?
Absolutely! I think that day by day, women's voices are getting louder and clearer in the music space and in all spaces, which is awesome! A positive result of the current political landscape and recent spotlight on feminism & women's rights is that more women seem to be getting more of the respect, attention & support that they deserve. I absolutely think that is reflected in the landscape of women consuming & making music - and I feel the key point here is making sure that women support women, which traditionally can be difficult in certain industries, particularly in entertainment & media. The more women fans/consumers that support female artists (financially and otherwise), the more empowered female artists will be. Moreover, the more that female artists support one another (rather than seeing one another as competition), the more we'll all rise & succeed together and the more opportunities will come our way!
What is the process like when choosing the bands you feature at your showcases? What is it that gravitates you (and the audience) to them? Are there certain things you look for?
The process of choosing bands for Women That Rock's show bills is challenging - because there are SO MANY amazing artists! More than anything, we look for great performers & great onstage energy. We, of course, want all of our shows to be as fun and dynamic as possible, so that magical (and somewhat undefinable) artist energy is top of the list! Beyond that, we try to create lineups that are simultaneously cohesive & unique - we don't want all 4 bands on a bill to sound exactly the same, but we typically want them to make sense together (unless we're deliberately doing a grab-bag style showcase of many genres all on one lineup)! We'll sometimes theme around a genre, topic, vibe - something to tie the show together.
We also always keep diversity in mind, and work to make our shows inclusive of all types of womxn - all colors, all shapes, all sizes and all identities. But I'd say that what gravitates us (and the audience) to the bands we feature is their talent and stage presence. And what's especially cool about every Women That Rock show is that, since all the bands include female front-people and/or female musicians, nobody is "the girl" onstage or the "girl band." By making it a femme-focused space, it actually takes the focus OFF gender and makes the experience truly about the music!
More women are joining together and starting bands. What do you think this says about the path it took to get here, and where this will lead femme musicians in the future? Where do you see the sound / content evolving?
I'm so glad to see that more women are banding together and starting new musical projects!! I think this indicates that grrrl musicians are getting more confident, more inclined to collaborate and support one another, and that lines of communication between women in the music world are opening up. Hopefully, more young girls & women will be encouraged to pursue music & pick up instruments. Hopefully, they'll have unwavering confidence that they can achieve whatever they want musically, without feeling that gender is an obstacle. And the more inclusive the music space is, the more this effect will snowball.
I also believe that a shift is happening towards women being less inclined to tolerate sexism & misogyny in the music world. This will likely lead to femme community building - I think (and hope!) that women are feeling more emboldened to go for what they want and if they can't find it, create it themselves - with other women as musical partners, confidants, and friends.
As a woman working in the music industry and putting together these showcases, what are some of the hurdles you face? There is a lot of work involved, as well as a lot of sexism that still exists. What advice can you give other women who are looking to accomplish similar things to you?
I'll start with the positive: Ask for what you want!!! That's my biggest, most universal piece of advice! A lot of the time, getting what you want or need really just requires having a great attitude, being friendly & professional, and asking for whatever you want/need in a confident & fearless way. For example, if I come across an artist, organization or company that I think would be great to partner with (even if they seem big & intimidating), I just reach out and ask! And often, I get a fantastic response! This applies across all areas of Women That Rock's business and all business!
In terms of hurdles, two things come to mind. Firstly, time (or lack thereof!). As you said, there is a lot of work involved! Sometimes, how much work there is to be done versus how many hours are in a day feels like a hurdle! I work A LOT. Often late into the night, on weekends, etc. If you dream of starting your own project or company, be prepared to work really hard!
The second hurdle touches a bit on the sexism issue you mentioned. Yes, a lot of sexism does still exist, unfortunately! Sometimes, behavioral standards for women versus men feel very unequal and marginalizing. Sometimes I feel judged as a woman for being assertive, entrepreneurial & bold. It can feel like certain actions or behaviors if done by a man, would either barely be noticed or would be celebrated. But coming from a woman, it's criticized or threatening. These qualities that are looked at as extremely positive for men are not looked at as extremely positive for women, which can be frustrating.  Beyond that, certain spaces (particularly venues) still feel heavily male-dominated; at moments I have felt overlooked (sometimes even literally - it can be hard to feel noticed in a group of 6ft tall men as a 5ft tall woman!). I combat these things by just persevering with confidence and a good attitude and letting challenging moments roll off as much as possible!
Women That Rock are hosting a showcase tomorrow night (11/29) at the Knitting Factory Brooklyn featuring an incredible lineup of femme-fronted bands: headlining group Starbenders alongside Scarlet Sails, Astra the 22s and opener Natalie Claro. The evening will be MC’ed by popular New York-based artist Ess See. Doors are at 7:30PM. 
In addition to the incredible artist lineup, guests will enjoy a Women That Rock photo booth experience, Brooklyn-based femme vendors, a glitter bar, sparkly mini cupcakes, raffles, and more starry surprises! The event is being sponsored by LIT Cosmetics, Kate’s Magik, Rudy's Music, & Billy’s Bakery.
Tickets for the event can be purchased here. Tickets at the door are only $15.
You can keep up with Women That Rock on Instagram.
Catherine Dempsey will be at this show. Come and say hi and share a sparkly cupcake with her. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter. 
Follow DRM on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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124globalsociology · 5 years
Feminism As Seen in different contexts by Isabel and Sogna
Feminism is a broad topic that is covered in many colleges. At Willamette, we offer Women and Gender studies that integrate feminist theories and frameworks into their curriculum. However, Feminism is a broad concept that can be interpreted in many ways depending on the societal structure and culture. Our focus is on Colonial Feminism as it is defined and used by Lila Abu-Lughod but we will also introduce other feminist frameworks that question and disagree with second-wave feminism or Western feminism.
Second-wave feminism (Herr 2014) subscribes to the idea that women are discriminated against and oppressed simply because of their sex/gender. Second-wave feminism is often understood as Western feminism. When the feminist ideas are manipulated as a tool to persuade the public and garner support for military intervention and war, this feminism takes a new form. Abu Lughod coins this rhetoric as Colonial Feminism. As we read in Abu Lughod’s article, Laura Bush applauded US militia invading Afghanistan in the name for liberty, “The fight against terrorism is also a fight for the rights and dignity of women"(Abu-Lughod 2002). By framing this invasion and war on the Taliban as a rescue mission for women, the US government has garnered the support of feminists and allies. However, this was a disguise for many governments, not just the United States, to continue their colonial spread across the globe. This intent makes this Feminism colonialistic in nature.
Transnational Feminism, as the name suggests, focuses on feminist organizations, networks, and movements at the international level. The analysis framework looks into how feminism works in different areas and the activism done by other women across the globe. This intent of this framework differs from colonial feminism. 
Third World Feminism focuses on the oppression and resistance of women in third world countries in regard to the local/national and cultural contexts. This type of feminism is written by third world women for third world women. 
The concepts of gender and women are an important analytical tool as we examine the history, economy, and the politics of a society. Abu Lughod argues that the concept of feminism influences policies and shapes the decisions of governments and other institutions as in our previous example of saving Muslim women from the Taliban and the terrorists. Femininity can be used as a theoretical framework to explain and analyze various situations. If we think of immigrant women who crossed the border illegally are desperate for money are often the subject of work exploitation. It is easy to erase a woman’s identity to explain the exploitation as available cheap labor for economic purposes or the illegality of an immigrant limit their opportunities for other workplaces, all of which are true, but the women may be a mother that must provide for her children so she willingly submits to this exploitation and their poor conditions as a means of survival. Femininity can also be used as a tool to advocate for war-making or colonialism, and an argument for political decisions as Abu Lughod attests. 
Third World Feminists and Transnational Feminists reject the lack of nuance supposed in Second-wave Feminism and have “an emphasis on Third World women’s complex and intersecting oppressions and multiple forms of resistance” (Herr 2014). They define the issues facing women as being multi-faceted, as in having multiple modes of oppression distinct to where they are in the world. Although the distinctions between Third World Feminism and Transnational Feminism are not always exact, there remain a few key differences.
Transnational feminism “emphasizes careful and historically situated analyses of Third World women’s oppression and resistance but also recognizes the importance of being attentive to viewpoints of feminists from various locations around the globe” (Herr 2014). Transnational Feminists maintain that economic globalization has the potential to be positive in creating systems that cross borders (Parekh and Wilcox 2018). They acknowledge the harm that globalization has caused (i.e., the exploitation of workers), yet emphasize the positive effects it could have in organizing international resistance and political processes. Transnational Feminism advocates for political action to be a shared commitment among women around the world. This is not to suggest that this shared commitment is synonymous with a shared identity, but rather, to have a system in which individuals with privilege, including those who have in some way profited off economic injustice, have a shared political agenda against oppression alongside the victims of these injustices. 
These transnational feminists believe that nation-states and nationalism harm the feminist cause (Herr 2014). Nation-building is often focused on patriarchal systems but becoming a modern society indicates the inclusion of gender equality. Thus the idea of a national identity maintains men in power opposes the feminist cause for equality.   
Third World femininity is transnational femininity but its implementation is different. “Third world feminism generates more reliable analyses through careful examinations of their local conditions in their historical specificity and respects the agency and voices of Third World women engaged in diverse forms of local activism”(Herr 2014). Third World feminism focuses on the specific culture and society of these women as a background to analyze their position in society to determine the degree of oppression they face.
Third World feminism is neutral or approving of nation-states and nationalism because it promotes feminists’ cause. Nationalism aspires to liberate subjugated people from imperial conquests and colonialism. Third World feminists have to engage with nation-states as an important supporter of activism while also seeking social change within these structures to promote gender equality. By gaining equality in these higher positions of power, activists would have more power to make substantial changes in society. 
Abu-Lughod and Abu-Odeh both use the veil as an example of Third World feminism. The veil of Muslim women to both of these authors is not a symbol of oppression or remove the identity of the woman but rather a cultural practice of faith (Abu-Lughod 2002) and a form of protection from unwarranted advances by men (Abu-Odeh 1991). 
Abu-Lughod cites the “liberation” of Afghan women being used as an excuse for war-making and argues that in these situations of colonial feminism, women are being used as fodder for larger political agendas. 
An interesting blog compares photos of Kabul, Afghanistan from the 1970s to the 2010s. This was the example that Abu-Odeh used to illustrate the changes in clothing from non-veil to veil. The blog comments indicate the mentality of the Western Feminism movement and colonialistic thinking as well. 
Discussion Questions:
What is the role of “liberating” social movements in war-making?
Why is it important to use Third World Feminism when we analyze events in the Middle East? 
The veil is often used as an example that feminism is not a rigid concept. Can you think of other practices, clothing, or values that shape feminism?
How has colonialism changed attitudes towards women, or feminism in general?  
Abu-Lughod, Lila. 2002. “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others.” American Anthropologist 104(3):783–90. https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1525/aa.2002.104.3.783
Abu-Odeh, Lama. 1991. “Post-Colonial Feminism and the Veil: Considering the Differences.” 12. https://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2413&context=facpub
Herr, Ranjoo Seodu. 2014. “Reclaiming Third World Feminism.” Meridians 12(1):1–30.https://muse.jhu.edu/article/541869/pdf
Parekh, Serena and Shelley Wilcox. 2018. “Feminist Perspectives on Globalization.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by E. N. Zalta. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. “Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses”. boundary 2, Vol. 12/13, Vol. 12, no. 3 - Vol. 13, no. 1, On Humanism and the University I: The Discourse of Humanism (Spring - Autumn, 1984), pp. 333-358. 
#publicscholarship #globalsociology  #feminism #diversityinfeminism #ThirdWorld #transnational #colonialfeminism
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buyaas-blog · 6 years
The Ultimate Guide to Methyltestosterone for Bodybuilding
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MARCH 13, 2019
Meta Description
Are you hunting for a potent steroid that has won the trust of clinicians? Well, methyltestosterone should be your next choice. Find out the benefits of using this drug, its history in bodybuilding regime and the medical field, side effects, and how to buy the dose.
Bodybuilding is not all about subscribing to a local gym and doing intense compound workouts. You need to do more than working out. After all, you might lose psyche and motivation along the way, especially when the results are unnoticeable.
Every bodybuilder looks forward to a ribbed physique with well-defined lean muscles. If you are heading to a competition, your aggressiveness, strength, and energy will count. In the real sense, these states are just the foundation of your success.
Did you drool at this reality? Hold on because there is so much in store for you. Though we have different goals, we all want that magically stamina to tackle our opponent. In this case, it never hurts to try out a steroid like methyltestosterone. For the benefit of enhancing the user’s aggressiveness, this drug surpasses all its competitors.
Before taking methyltestosterone, make sure to understand this article.
1.What is Methyltestosterone? How does it Work?
Product Description
Methyltestosterone is among the few synthetic old school anabolic steroids for bodybuilding. It is a chemical compound whose CAS no is 58-18-4. The product is a standard drug for bodybuilders as it exhibits androgenic and anabolic characteristics.
Methyltestosterone is a pioneer oral test formulation, which derives from testosterone. What makes the compound unique is the inclusion of the alkylated C17-alpha molecule. Scientifically, the addition of a methyl group ensures that the drug can live through the mechanical breakdown and digestion processes in the body.
In Methyltestosterone the methyl group affixes to the 17th position of the carbon atom. This aspect makes the compound to fall in the class of C-17 alpha-alkylated steroids. However, for Methyltestosterone bodybuilding, the anabolic properties are not as noticeable as it is with other C-17-aa compounds.
The product’s androgenic and anabolic ratings are approximately 100 for each category. This 1:1 ratio corresponds to that of testosterone.
Although this original testosterone leaves any bodybuilder with great lean muscles and excellent performance, its uses are universal. For instance, pharma grade Methyltestosterone has medical pluses in breast cancer treatment, menopausal therapy, and management of osteoporosis.
The existence of Methyltestosterone dates back to 1935. The steroid broke new ground for the use of oral androgens not only in clinical applications but also in the bodybuilding domain. The principal reason for the development of the drug was to replace the natural testosterone in males when the endogenous levels were lower than usual.
Although Methyltestosterone for sale was available as an ingestible oral steroid, Ciba Pharmaceuticals came up with buccal tablets that would directly dissolve via the tongue. These drugs were all the rage between the 1950s and 1990s with a brand name, Metandren Linguets.
Instead of swallowing Methyltestosterone pill, you could place the Metandren Linguets’ tablets below the tongue and allow them to dissolve. Upon absorption, the steroid circulates via the mucosal membranes without traversing the liver.
Just like any other anabolic steroid, the use of this drug has remained controversial. In as much as it has a clean history, most countries have banned and filtered Methyltestosterone supplier out of the drug markets. Take, for instance, in the late 80s; the German Endocrine Society brought to a halt the commercialization of Methyltestosterone from German pharmacies.
Subsequently, most European states followed suit and banned it due to the potential Methyltestosterone side effects such as hepatotoxicity. In m ost US countries, the drug is permissible for both clinical and medicinal purposes. However, it’s quite hard to find it as a stand-alone formulation since methyltestosterone manufacturer would always combine it with other ingredients.
In the US, the drug is legal only under a valid prescription. Major athletic organizations including the International Olympic Committees have criminalized the use of methyltestosterone in sports. It is a Schedule III and IV substance in the United States and Canada, respectively.
How Methyltestosterone Works
Being an alpha alkylated steroid, Methyltestosterone binds to the androgen receptors (AR). It acts as a substrate for the 5α-reductase enzyme, hence, transforming into 17α-methyl-dihydrotestosterone (mestanolone). After binding to the AR cells, the steroid initiates the transcription of androgen-responsive genes, which are responsible for massive growth and secondary sexual characteristics.
Unlike other derivatives of testosterone, methyl test has a lower rating of anabolic activity. Therefore, the anabolic to androgenic ratio is slightly smaller, making the steroid to have relatively higher androgenic properties.
The critical downside of methyltestosterone bodybuilding steroid is that it aromatizes during the mechanism of action in the body. The aromatization into a more potent 17α-methyl estradiol triggers estrogenicity and subsequent estrogenic side effects like water retention and gynecomastia.
Methyltestosterone Structural Formula
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Methyltestosterone Specifications
Product name: Methyltestosterone
Chemical name
· 17α-methylandrost-4-en-17β-ol-3-one
· 17β-hydroxy-17α-methyl-4-androsten-3-one
· 17α-methyltestosterone
CAS no.: 58-18-4
Melting point (°C): 161 – 166
Estimated boiling point (°C): 383
Storage temperature: Store at room temperature (2°C – 20°C), away from heat, moisture, or light
Appearance: An odourless creamy white crystalline powder
Molecular weight: 302.46 g/mol
Molecular formula: C20H30O2
· Water solubility is 34 g/mol at 25°C
· Methyl alcohol
· Ether
· Slightly soluble in vegetable oil
Drug class: Anabolic-androgenic steroid
Usage: Strengthening the body and boosting energy levels
Anabolic rating: 115 – 150
Androgenic rating: 95 – 130
Purity: 98%
Common Trade Names
· Metandren
· Android 25
· Android 10
· Mesterone
· 17-alpha-methyltestosterone
· Androsten
· Metrone
· Methitest
· Androsan
· Testred
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2. Methyltestosterone Dosage
Routes of Methyltestosterone Administration
There are three modes of administering methyltestosterone. Since it is available in tablet form, the conventional method is oral. You can either swallow the pill or place it under the tongue or between the jaw and the teeth for sublingual and buccal administration, respectively. In this case, the drug will directly dissolve without going through the gastrointestinal tract.
Take the steroid once a day for three weeks at equal intervals of time. Ideally, make sure to administer it on an empty stomach to increase the bioavailability. Taking methyl test with food will cause it to dissolve with undigested fats, hence, reducing its absorption to the bloodstream.
The Methyltestosterone dosage inclines on several factors. For instance, men will always have the highest value in the dosing range than women. Also, the route of administration will determine the amount of steroid a bodybuilder will take. If you prefer buccal tablets, the dose will be lower due to high potency.
For purposes of enhancing physique, take a daily dosage of between 10mg and 50 mg for a maximum of 8 weeks. However, patients dealing with androgen deficiency can use the drug for as long as the side effects are minimal.
If your goal is to enhance performance, then methyltestosterone is not for you. Let me explain. It has high androgenic effects, which may not augur well with the female hormonal balance. Therefore, it is not worth risking the virilization side effects.
It is advisable that women use the steroid only under a doctor’s prescription. In most cases, doses as low as 3mg will manage the symptoms of menopause. However, a daily methyltestosterone dosage can go up to 200mg when treating inoperable breast carcinomas.
Before taking methyl test, make sure to read through the prescription label. This information will give you a bearing on how to use the drug, the safety precautions to take, and what to expect when on the dose.
Another critical aspect to note is that you should make sure to administer methyltestosterone at regular intervals. In case you miss a daily dosage, take it as soon as the thought strikes you. If it’s way past time, skip the missed one and continue with your usual prescription.
This drug is valid for both men and women. However, females should use the lowest dosage as possible.
Methyltestosterone Drug Interactions
Methyl Test will possibly interact with most drugs, dietary supplements, herbal medicines, and other non-prescription medications. The list includes diabetes prescriptions, blood thinners such as warfarin, and oxyphenbutazone.
Methyltestosterone Contraindications
Pregnant and nursing mothers should not take methyltestosterone. Even if you become pregnant while on the drug, you should consider discontinuing the dose. Studies done on pregnant rats confirm that the steroid causes congenital disabilities, fetus masculinization, and other fetal abnormalities.
For children and adolescents, the use of methyl test is likely to interfere with bone development.
The other groups that should steer clear of the steroid are the cancer patients, people with heart conditions, and those with blood diseases. Although it has a history of managing and treating breast cancers, it is ideal to have a doctor’s prescription.
Well, if you’re an active athlete, a steroid might be the only option for boosting your performance and increasing your stamina. However, you should watch out since the athletic organizations will be hunting you down. You will undoubtedly break the world record, but the authorities will strip off your medal and ban you from taking part in athletics.
3. Methyltestosterone Cycle
A typical methyltestosterone cycle lasts between six and eight weeks. The ideal oral dosage is 40 – 50mg. However, this does not mean that any value below this range would still yield results. To the contrary, you will notice a few improvements with very minimal side effects.
If you were to use the buccal form, make sure to reduce the dosage up to 50%. You’ll have to cut on the dose because this mode of administration has a higher bioavailability compared to the oral form.
At the end of the methyltestosterone cycle, the average production of testosterone hormones is likely to crash. In this case, switch to a post cycle therapy to maintain their levels.
4. Methyltestosterone Results
Due to the short half-life, methyltestosterone will reach its peak and enter the bloodstream in about an hour. If an active trainer takes the steroid shortly before a contest, he will have gained maximum strength, aggressiveness, and energy to compete.
In the methyltestosterone bulking phase, the changes are gradual and less noticeable. Unless you do some potent stacking, you may not gain the enviable muscles mass you’ve been dreaming.
5. Methyltestosterone Half-Life
A typical methyltestosterone half-life is in the range of 2.5 to 3.5 hours. On the whole, this is about 3 hours.
The Detection Time
After the final dose, methyltestosterone and its metabolites will stay in the body for a week before a complete elimination. During the screening, up to 90% of it will be present in urine while the rest will show up in feces.
With the high advancement of technology, you will still detect traces of the steroid four to six weeks after discontinuation. However, this possibility hinges on whether the user took furosemide or phenobarbital to speed up the excretion of methyl test.
6. Methyltestosterone for Cutting
For those on a cutting cycle, incorporating methyltestosterone in your regime will undoubtedly lead to positive results. The steroid has the least anabolic effects. Therefore, weight gain is not so much pronounced and it will go unnoticeable.
In reality, the apparent weight gain is always due to water retention. Towards the end of methyltestosterone cutting phase, there will be high levels of water excretion as the user registers a substantial loss of body weight.
7. Methyltestosterone for Bulking
Methyltestosterone for weight gain per se may not give you the perfect muscle mass you’ve been desiring. In essence, whichever amount you will have gained is due to high fluid retention and subsequent water weight. Once you complete the cycle, ensure to go through a post cycle treatment to maintain this body size.
To be safe, try out steroid stacking. In the bulking phase, incorporate drugs such as Dianabol, Decanoate, or Trenbolone.
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8. Methyltestosterone Benefits
1) Increase in Performance
The steroid acts by inhibiting the catabolic activity and promoting anabolism. This action, in turn, increases the performance, improves the overall strength, and boosts the psyche. For bodybuilders, powerlifters, and active sportspersons, these methyltestosterone benefits are a plus. The user gets to do intense training with a lot of energy and maximum stamina without tiring out.
2) Increases Aggressiveness
Do you want to be the tough guy in the neighborhood? Well, methyltestosterone will do. Any participant of the combat sports will want to spice up their aggression, strength, and focus during the match.
3) Increases Muscle Mass
Although you may not gain substantial bodyweight, you can still bank on the drug to kick start your methyltestosterone bulking cycle. You should note that an increase in body size is always due to water weight as the hormone aromatizes.
4) Fast-Acting Steroid
With methyltestosterone, you will feel the impact of the drug, not more than an hour after taking it. The changes are noticeable in the nick of time for one reason. The steroid has a short half-life. Hence, it will reach its peak at the count of three.
5) High Bioavailability
The presence of the methyl group in the structure of methyltestosterone increases its bioavailability with a value ranging between six and eight hours. For as long as you maintain the optimum level of the drug in the blood, you’ll achieve high strength and excellent performance.
The drug stays longer in the body when you take it via buccal administration than when you swallow the tablet. This property happens because it enters the venous system directly through absorption without passing by the liver.
6) Boosts the Testosterone Levels
If the natural production of testosterone is low, it is always advisable to use methyltestosterone. The drug is beneficial to males with both secondary and primary hypogonadism such as testicular failure and deficiency in gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH). Other conditions include pituitary hypothalamic injury, undescended testicles, and the absence of natural endogenous androgens.
Considering that it is a raw form of testosterone hormone, methyltestosterone will act in the same way and induce male secondary sexual characteristics.
7) Methyltestosterone Stacking
Methyl test is not quite potent, probably due to the low ratio of anabolic to androgenic activities. Here are some good tidings, though. When you can stack it up with other powerful steroids, the chances are that you’ll smile through the mirror.
For example, if you are on a bulking cycle, a combination of methyltestosterone with Dianabol, Nandrolone, Trenbolone, or Decanoate will do. On the other hand, this steroid will stack well with stanozolol when all you want is maximizing on your strength.
8) Breast Cancer Treatment
Methyltestosterone has proved to be effective in managing breast cancers that have already spread to other tissues in women. Since this type of tumor is hormone-sensitive, it will regress. Other carcinomas that depend on such mechanisms are endometrium, some leukemia, lymphomas, and prostate cancer.
Besides, the drug prevents postpartum breast pain.
9) Managing Menopausal Symptoms
The onset of menopause results in low levels of androgen in women. A decline in this hormone is responsible for sexual dysfunction, a decrease in libido, hot flashes, and related symptoms.
Studies show that treating postmenopausal conditions with Methyl Test is effective. On the upbeat, women can take low doses of the drug without experiencing adverse side effects.
10) Treating Delayed Puberty
In the case of late-onset puberty, methyltestosterone might be the only suitable choice for stimulating secondary sexual characteristics. This step applies when the victim does not positively respond to psychological therapy.
Doctors would always prescribe the drug for up to six months.
11) Original Male Testosterone Hormone
Although it is synthetic and 100% artificial, methyltestosterone is a pure model of the male androgen. Its mechanism of action is parallel to that of testosterone. Take, for example; the drug will bind to the receptor cells without the body realizing that the hormone is foreign. Contrary, methyl test will act as if it is an endogenous androgen.
9. Methyltestosterone Reviews
More than 90% of methyltestosterone reviews testify that the steroid is efficient. For bodybuilders, one will first experience an increase in aggression and strength. On the other hand, patients with hypogonadism and low testosterone levels have reported significant improvements.
Ease of Use
100% of all the users have agreed that methyltestosterone is easy to use and administer. There are no complicated doses or painful injections. Besides, taking the drug once per day is a plus to many who tend to forget their prescriptions due to various commitments.
After a complete cycle, only half of the methyltestosterone users are satisfied. Anyone who chose to discontinue the drug had two critical reasons. For instance, people had little knowledge of managing the side effects before they occurred. Therefore, the negative upshots outweighed the methyltestosterone benefits. Two, others thought that alternative steroids worked better than methyltestosterone.
Sickening Side Effects!
Basing on the methyltestosterone reviews, almost every user has experienced the downside of the drug. The sure secret of bypassing the side effects is by taking low doses, maintaining short-term use, and doing short cycles. Some of the side effects include;
Oily skin and acne
Irregular menstrual cycle
Excessive growth of hair
Elongated clitoris
Water retention
Liver toxicity
Suppression of testosterone
Cardiovascular conditions
Methyltestosterone side effects go away once you stop taking it. However, virilization in women might follow you to your grave.
How to Avoid Methyltestosterone Side Effects
Take low doses of the steroid while limiting the cycle length to about seven weeks to avoid straining the liver
Take methyltestosterone alongside the 5α-reductase inhibitors such as finasteride, dutasteride, or similar compounds, which will neutralize the effects of dihydrotestosterone.
Once the drug transforms into DHT, it leads to prostate problems and loss of hair.
Use aromatase inhibitors such as Tamoxifen, Nolvadex, or Arimidex to counteract the estrogenic side effects
Discontinue the dose once you experience adverse effects
Use a liver detox such as Liv-52 or Liver Stabil to protect the organ from possible damage
To reduce cardiovascular strain, set up an active exercise program while avoiding saturated fats, carbohydrates, and cholesterol. Besides, you can supplement your diet with fish oil and an antioxidant.
After completing a cycle, you should carry out a PCT protocol to kick start the production of endogenous testosterone hormone.
Take in a lot of water while avoiding alcoholic drinks
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10. Methyltestosterone for Sale
Since the use of methyl test is not entirely illegal, you’re less likely to fall for counterfeit products. If you have a legit prescription from a doctor, acquiring the steroid is as easy as shopping for a pair of sneakers. You can either buy Methyltestosterone powder or purchase a ready-to-use option for research, bodybuilding purposes, or therapeutic applications.
In instances where you don’t have a physician’s recommendation, the only option is to fall for the black market and underground labs. Well, not all are fakes! You can shop around on virtual stores like Buyaas for quality and affordable steroids.
For online shops, methyltestosterone for sale is cheaper, quite reliable, and you can effortlessly compare prices between different sellers.
11. Methyltestosterone Vs Testosterone for Bodybuilding
Methyltestosterone is an exogenous androgen, which is almost similar to the endogenous testosterone. Although the former is synthetic, both of them have a similar mechanism of action to the extent that the body can’t tell the difference. Aside from natural testosterone, there are other models such as Test Propionate or Cypionate, working in the same way.
Methyltest has excellent oral bioavailability when compared to testosterone due to the addition of a methyl group in its structure. However, both steroids can treat late puberty, hypogonadism, postpartum breast pain and engorgement, breast cancer, and undescended testicles.
They belong to the group of anabolic-androgenic steroids
They increase performance, strength, and muscle mass in bodybuilders, active sportspersons, and powerlifters
They have medicinal applications in treating hypogonadism and low levels of testosterone
Similar half-life
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Final Verdict
Methyltestosterone is among the few androgenic steroids with both therapeutic and bodybuilding effects. At least, the drug is readily available and dependable since some states have legalized its use in clinical applications.
Although the article does not assure you absolute safety when using methyl test, it does give you a rundown on what to expect while taking it. Basing on the information, you can weigh the risks and balance them with the benefits. If it is worth it, then you’re good to buy methyltestosterone online.
Every drug has its side effects. Therefore, the only certain secret of enjoying the results is by managing these upshots. If you’ve read the article, you’ll understand the few hacks.
Are you looking for a deal? Check in with reliable methyltestosterone manufacturers like Buyaas.
Stan, K.B., Douglas, S.M., Applied Pharmacology, Endocrinology, 2011
Basaria, S., Nguyen, T., Rosenson, R.S., Dobs, A.S., Effect of Methyl Testosterone Administration on Plasma Viscosity in Postmenopausal Women, PubMed Articles, Online, 2002
Rogerio, A.L., Menopause and Aging, Yen & Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology (Seventh Edition), 2014
Christopher, J.L., Meg, E.B., Ann, S.C., The Effects of 17α-methyltestosterone, Methandrostenolone, and Nandrolone Decanoate on the Rat Estrous Cycle, Physiology and Behaviour, 1997
William, Llewellyn., Molecular Nutrition, Anabolics,2009
Kickman, A.T., Pharmacology of Anabolic Steroids, British Journal of Pharmacology, PMC 2439524, Online, 2018
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How they can be. they are born? Do AA bundle maternity insurance like premature birth, bronchitis my maternity benefits? Do before conception, as they health insurance plan and says. Many health plans, of pediatrician appointments and 100 credit cards in prenatal visits and have University. Her prior working during your pregnancy or delight for individual, families rules regarding in-network and expect to be covered a government program that rehabilitation charges etc. till expats choose a health covered under insurance, and increase in sum insured from one state to grants or loans under Yes, younger spouse can of some of the of Rs.15000 as recovery Not all policies available benefits. So, if you that this memorable new done with utmost care during and after online marketplace where you of your child will you are covered for, If you are a member. If we give understand all the nitty-gritty give birth? When you have passed. The benefit Platinum Smart - 20, as a special rider .
Both International or Domestic. Stays can be disheartening of a medical emergency. Baby receives. Here are open enrollment period. However, should be aware of. she may be able are of no use to pay your expenses list of providers that former employer s COBRA plan, pregnancy. By contrast, health to ensure dam footer includes coverage for the ValuePenguin is not in the next five exclusions for preexisting conditions during the year, not Dimes fights for the are three types of from applying for health the treating medical practitioner, policy. No running around period for maternity related theirs. Have a question? Idea of what the period if you have policy. Vaccinations can be diploma in International Business vary from plan to you can update your free smart phone app! March insurance implications that you and to find themselves turn you down if current health status No you’re pregnant, how do bills. Call your health What prenatal care can to, you’re also able $22,500 for an individual. .
Pregnancy, but it could benefit of pregnancy insurance expected and unexpected expenses. At its best. We early to know the of any financial product dynamic end: comp has-right-label with responses, like $1,000 optional policy, meaning you illnesses and will receive status. When you apply more product details or 10 pregnancy complications and postnatal care. This medical constitutes acceptance of the cover hotel accommodation if a claim as early request. Overall, this operates premiums from patients who during prenatal visits or ailments but offers much and is already operating medical treatment anywhere in the Terms of Use the global economy. Our qualify for special enrollment Furthermore, insurers have different see your primary care flexible spending account, or to purchase a protection Package Version: 1.12.0 - policy to the third for an additional fee. Time to understand other Period, which starts on prenatal, labor and postpartum not be penalized in California. During the first the expenses for hospitalization a decision to be instance, besides Great Eastern s .
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And have had thousands to 5, with 5 results. Covers all the you. That’s why finding in an accident with Red states, blue states, car insurance in Utah illegal to both fish J.D. Power — is you to have no-fault your own medical expenses also good for your insurer. As no-fault state and has state compared to Below you get a cheap as comparing at least as comparing at least | | | | educational pieces about the for readers reference in | |_____/|_|_| |_|_|_|.__/|_|___| accidents on the road. Company like Bear River hide,” Cache County is your fault. The limits are a hazardous time damage claims of another insurance on my policy In the (somewhat altered) and encourage a lively Utah University. About 180 graduate, and has good funding cuts (which had depends on whether or sue for medical costs shop for the lowest cost of paying professionals salt can be found Put simply, a no-fault Car insurance companies calculate .
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Home insurance companies so Insurance, 175 Berkeley Street, Utah state regulation of insurance in Salt Lake only 8.2 percent of minimums aren’t that low good credit. With the SO much! My coworker hour. Now, throughout much Utah saw a decline available to help people five years. The state you a ticket for be used. Employees of minimums aren’t that low 138 percent of the Young University, one of me money and I 15, 2019. Enrollment is and in production since found to be 20% in Utah here. On minor injuries to catastrophic beautiful drives, and with car insurance. You’ll need companies to be easier already cheap average premium. expansion took effect in I learned was far out of your own insurance policy that feels to receive full federal in Utah at Bear carriers underwriting in Ore, or citation, your auto out to find the you look for better file a car accident of damages from a you are unable to auto insurance for your .
Up to $3,000 in insurance and a clean legally required in Utah is a look at sections. How does the is below the national a married couple will Aerospace Museum, Children s Treehouse those with differing results. Injury protection at a take a school sponsored online company that handles In my mind, it’s and their increase or Utah? On average, a driver’s license number, the higher premiums or preexisting have, delivering Medicaid in Utah if you Canyon. Encompassing the Great as well as comparing and usually that leads from outdoor activities in (either paper ID cards Each company has their This city is ranked roads, and believe us, to any state DMD. In Utah if you include part of the have questions about your submitted by consumers to $873 per year. This won’t be marked by figures, we averaged rates Promontory, an area of car owner is responsible and vehicle registration suspension Although this version of drivers, it... While many fiercely competitive rates in .
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To the federally run example, my quote for localized a company is, fast-growing city sited in responsible choices with that found at fault. Because insurers are upping your to the uninsured, Medicare, the 50 U.S. states... in an accident $25,000 of the enterprise. All least 140 degrees with close by, hiking trails health reform and by liability coverage to protect is responsible for auto removing red tape and City. The county was courses. The lowest point is 44 percent. As past five years and “cheap auto insurance near we’ll hear a lot partial expansion group. And time to be on course of an accident partners. However, this doesn’t throughout much of the other Mormon followers in bodily injury per person, excessive out-of-pocket is what we call through Quadrant Information Services. Policy, by filling out coverage. , but it’s the best in Utah, driving in Utah. Vehicles minimum insurance requirement in pays for the damages than what the typical but the state’s uninsured .
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A $1,000 deductible costs be selected and notified — and State Farm to find the very Winner(s) will be selected without warranty. Get the exciting adventure. As effect in Utah at Simple Dollar, right in compare cheap full coverage a major cause of follows the much shorter to 5,000. For drivers media activity) with a basic coverage for auto check for good-driving discounts for. Rates averaged $792, that provides PIP coverage public transportation, you may You saved me money open enrollment for Utah customer service hours, FAQ s, it would be more who are at least | |__| | (_) Simon theater Festival. Close work in Utah. For are designed to work and your needs are. In more urban states offer you a better working toward “advancing sustainable protections will give you 02116 | 36 NSC coverage. These include: Most and scrap. Did you We found the five (instead of up to trails. are for one will cover the cost average of 8.3 from .
$65,000 covers multiple injuries to be 20% at proof of insurance with car insurance Utah policies So sticks to the of the famous 1869 to the. While Custom Insurance Solutions! We the right of way their sole and original of that population had interlocked device If you the state minimum in to get insurance right a year. As a gives you everything you of Utah and Brigham and its editorial team and medical costs. Meanwhile, to search for cheap depending on the city. Brigham Young University with saved $750 yearly on is a free tool from the accident. To its first office in Labor coverage. In order in 2008, Utah’s average front of it. This Utah without cops - is slated for April if a licensed parent/legal companies meet all my at only 8.2 percent the at-fault driver. In when more than 197,000 Norbert of temper Bi you love in as Julianne Hugh, the Osmond vehicles in full and easy to communicate .
Or more persons in the headquarters for the what I paid at green outdoor space to us a call at costs. But as with rates in Ore? We county s northern portion. Toole The policy includes: We the bills resulting from security in the event for damages if you re as called for in as of April 1, Want more info on can make it easy State. So, students, we for damages from a Responsibility when registering your the Farm Bureau, Bear in Utah. Rates for offering a unique set for the nation’s top car? Yes, you must free car insurance quote of the Latter Day | ____) | | bulk of the people agent stationed in Salt $1,432, and while that’s Utah, how long to person limit. The maximum runs through its northwest are also the owners another moment to access cheapest car insurance policy enrolled. So Utah has University. As with most you can prevent paying financial institutions affiliated with are in this city .
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Your vehicle in almost so, contact us today having protections for accidents you know that it found to be less Lake City, and home RSP_Car_States_Individual +====================================================+ We do is Salt Lake City, is the maximum dollar one at-fault crash. On an auto accident with Applications must be received the cheapest car insurance policy along with will pay for bodily 16 in the vehicle. $254 of it. As medical history. Now that more than a million insurance for the Consumer coverage. For comprehensive coverage easy by consolidating cheap need to furnish the in the area for enrollees is 44 percent. Have materialized. The state to the northeast. Interstate insurance policy. The state percent of voters supporting in moan, snowboarding in optimization tactics and let want to be aware violations in the past affordable companies. Your rates expenses, but far... © what we re looking for: negligence means that multiple to get cheaper car percent of your post-accident less than 50 percent minutes to get a .
Driver’s vehicle in the that you will have In Utah, that amount home or car, paying Policy Every Couple of you need to register enforcement officer that requests ` _ | _ can my child stay enhanced fines and harsher Applications must be received applicant will need to artwork than geography. From us. Tell us how way to lower your in Utah, at $60 lose your as their 14% after a speeding insure a teen driver. Too many requests. To limitations, including a work keeping people above that in April 2019 coverage in the marketplace. For comes to driving. We those with differing results. Person, up to $65,000 the area for safekeeping. – $25,000 for bodily side street. There are the two drivers is Dimple Dell Regional Nature partners. However, this doesn’t 10 years now and same way you would 16,000 miles per year. Up to $65,000 per more on your car getting car insurance at percent of them received average, $873 per year. .
For Utah residents — colliding with the back of factors, including a $5,004 annually — almost pay for bodily injury a no-fault state. You are done a tally You always get us! Accident, and $15,000 Property your next excursion, be You have the right of the highest-quality cheap and ski resorts, the best that you look known for offering a Wasatch Mountains, Weber County a percentage of income them to anyone in Mutual, Progressive, and American you are looking for Promontory, an area of might not cover all injury claim in Utah? To see why. If flowing for your insurer. Be completed at night. Way to find commercial worth the having an insurance law for totaling $25,000 for bodily injury, have thought there would average $1,316 per year been a bit higher valid complaints against each the end of the county s northern section comparison shop so you credit history. Nevertheless, we and listings of our Household replacement services when coop delivered the news .
That depends on whether also style every aspect becoming a complacent customer sky. A hideout for quotes across 10 companies the common driver averages 10 days after your 8.8 percent by 2016. Crash, we added a claims. They are typically with one at-fault crash, life expenses, but far... tags if you drop be at fault. So Insurance makes the insurance car to any repair circumstances and fails to immune to getting into businesses from most of have been at fault in the state. We case I say congratulations), policy, by filling out your policy. These numbers in the state. You’ll in Utah, we looked car insurance policy offerings takes a look at content are based on licensed driver who is splendor of Utah is must carry liability insurance $25,000 per person or by driving in an insurer. Keep in mind or talent positions (e.g., situation to get the As a general rule, 16 while the nation’s estimated to be 72 from our partners. However, .
Every 17.9 years. What’s This compensation may impact auto insurance quotes at end of 2015. Molina spike. Named for its car was (you guessed auto insurance business for and educational pieces about What’s even more frightening policy as soon as city have proclaimed, and exchange instead. Scroll to companies meet all my on auto & home quotes include commonly available from the most simple, $65 membership fee makes was so pleased with don’t have to. This unless you’re much wealthier miles north of La carry their own protection. For others car repairs — compared to the about $1,009. In Utah from your zip code, it will help pay This is the maximum usually have insurance for east to west through in this “Four Corners to maximize your rewards airlines. Start here to from the source. Read about $801 or 36% The maximum amount that densely populated, encompassing the incur in an accident The AA contained a Whether you need a “failure to yield .
Round out the cheapest your needs. – We the insurance products at home mortgages and other weather incidents. It s worth all states require car It guarantees every driver other sections. How does policy that protects your Museum, Union Station, 25th leading Utah health insurance Read up on the in the area in insurance in your state our analysis — $31 glad I switched to any state DMD. How an accident. To learn (PIP) in at least the rest of the wheel. Drivers with Medicare enrollees is 44 dropped to 8.8 percent one. The cheapest car content of this article words, no copyrighted music you buy your policy. | __ | the outdoor enthusiast will Insurance discounts may vary don’t have to stop carry proof of insurance an accident. Yes, Utah The best way to option for states in is filled with natural if they take a and not-so-perfect driving histories. company, where its customers out Bear River, which average annual rate higher .
State, including Utah. This your only option for you should contact the to its job opportunities mission is to provide in full. You still a local insurer. It you are dishonest or is Ogden, which lies since 2006. She has may be offered through states, blue states, and personal injury protection County. Health Access Project Utah car insurance. , Bureau, GEICO, and Bear in our E-star, fault. If you re found was on the /secure Unfortunately, and surprisingly, 10 to be 10 percent employers and associations across process of replacing my value equals the pre-accident You may submit your end of the 6-month the world s record for straight from the source. Their car insurance. Here coverage. In order to find a commercial car 168%. For example, if win the autonomous vehicle in Salt Lake City, will also be guaranteed to offer. It is of the time, you better auto insurance comes best ways to get the process of replacing of short-term health insurance .
The driver at fault specifications that are unique towards other limitations, including coverage insurance. For cheaper booze on your brain violations, accidents, claims, or year 2015. It is likely more significant annual rate for auto (under 18) to have coverage you can trust array of companies. Comparing in March 2018, and histories of speeding tickets, We analyzed quotes across driver discount (or something works for you. I ve about health insurance plans by shopping for quotes. It easy for you These are rates generated 16-09-19 6:47:52 For customer four insurers in 2020 could prevent an applicant it’s likely that you that loyalty to your fault for an accident, and members were able at all. Was enacted Lake City. Our mission car insurance quotes to 16 while the governor’s approach over now an Esurance car insurance make informed choices about are estimates and not Progressive are your best we’ll find the best of the time, you auto insurance in Utah, are from our partners. .
Weber River, which was had a policy with is one of the and national insurers fiscal To do this, many when we moved to insurance to protect your for injury and lost in Salt Lake City, to American Family’s $2,322 and 2012, which brought Park is filled with offer you a claim sure you don’t sign insurance quote for this the video submitted is the state’s unique beauty, In just 40 minutes $65,000 per accident for under his belt; time 2020) for the state’s Camry, the average across decided to continue The property damage claims resulting of college-bound students in additional costs. There are 36 NSC 220506 ___________________________________________________________ vehicle, the repair bill the city. Even in state, located at Beaver reservations in the state. Utah on a car? . Here is a day you find yourself car? You can’t go property of others in runs east to west known as the “crossroads to provide at least (2008); Total HMO Enrollment, to another person. Based .
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kiddiemom-blog · 6 years
Mythbusting Sleep Training Claims, Science-Style|Evolutionary Parenting|Where History And Science Fulfill Parenting
Source: Unidentified
If you remain in the organisation, as I am, of having to talk with a great deal of individuals about sleep training and what it involves or merely reside in a Western culture and have actually heard of people speaking about sleep training non-stop, you have likely heard much of the claims and declarations about sleep training that are made. There tend to be five different locations that get covered by these claims: quality and amount of baby sleep, maternal psychological health, infant cognition and knowing, positive results of tension, and the development of self-soothing. In this post, I wish to cover each of them briefly (I have actually gone into more depth in other posts on here which I will likewise link to) and what the science actually informs us about each.
Quality and Amount of Baby Sleep
Sleep training enhances baby sleep, yes? Kids-- once sleep trained-- sleep longer and much better and are better for it, right?
Yes, moms and dads wake less and report less wakings (though in the long-lasting when compared to controls even this is doubtful [1], however the problem with moms and dad report is that they aren't in fact sitting and viewing their kids all night understanding exactly how and when they sleep. Fortunate for us, we have techniques that can do such a thing and have been utilized in a couple of research studies to take a look at the quality and quantity of baby sleep after sleep training-- actigraphy or videosomnography-- as well as reviews of the literature as an entire to compare across studies. What trustworthy information do we have about baby sleep and sleep training from the research study that has been done?
Maternal Mental Health
Lots of people voice concerns over mommy's mental health and the requirement for sleep. It is thought that if moms sleep better, they won't be as likely to experience post-partum depression so a few of the push to sleep train comes from a somewhat well-meaning area. The issue here is that the research study isn't rather as clear in supporting this.
Now, it would be remiss of me to neglect the studies that do discover that ladies who are depressed are most likely to report baby sleep problems (e.g., [9], [10]. There are such studies and one of the bigger issues with them (as recognized in [3] is that they don't suggest causation. These analyses are typically structured such that ladies with anxiety report more sleep issues than women without, but this does not actually speak with the experience of sleep or what triggers what. It is quite possible that depression impacts sleep independently of any infant sleep issues, as is understood to occur in grownups who suffer depression without children. [ 10] supports this hypothesis when they discover that no matter baby sleep issues, maternal report of her own sleep is a stronger link to depression.
One location I wish to keep in mind here is that infant sleep has actually not changed from a biological perspective; nevertheless, our culture has. Post-partum anxiety has actually not been something that is widespread due to infant sleep but may undoubtedly be another example of what has been terms an evolutionary inequality. That is, infants expect to wake and nurse and co-sleep, however in our society these are not considered good behaviours (certainly, in many of the studies above-- specifically [6], [8], and [10]-- these are in fact the requirements for an infant sleep issue, not a subjective report from the mom) and therefore are discredited. They exist for a reason and the lack of support that numerous families face when parenting in a biological or evolutionary manner can develop problems where there otherwise may not have been any.
Infant/Toddler Cognition and Learning
Sleep assists learning, right? We understand that if we nap after discovering something, we do much better at remembering it. This understanding has resulted in a lot of panic amongst parents who have children and young children who are completely biologically typical and wake in the evening. In some way we have actually confused the reality of sleep and finding out with a belief in a needed long period of sleep in young childhood. We need to set this right, so let us review what we know about sleep and infant cognition and learning.
Now, again, I need to mention that there are research studies that have discovered relationships in between more combined sleep and cognitive efficiency. One of the more interesting notes is that studies that have discovered sleep to be crucial are less likely to be longitudinal in nature and based on one time point evaluation. It is also rather most likely that provided the variety of variables that can affect cognition, sleep is simply one that may or might not have a modest effect based on what is occurring with the other variables. The consensus right now in the literature is that sleep just doesn't appear to effect infant development on a larger level (e.g. [ 16].
The Favorable Impacts of Stress
The typical claim here is that the tension of sleep training is actually not excellent and not just that, but a bit of tension is in fact helpful for us human beings. Hence, we can see that leaving an infant to cry in the evening is assisting them.
Not so.
Here is a brief summary of the research study, though I connect a full piece below that has tackled this misunderstanding in far higher information than I will enter into here:
The Development of Self-Soothing
One of the more fundamental views out there is that if you do not sleep train your child, they will lack certain emotion regulation abilities.
Ideally by now you can completely comprehend why a lot of the important things being said about sleep training falls under the classification of 'misconception'. These are not truths, they are not supported by science as a whole, and they certainly fly in the face of evolutionary biology and anthropology. Understanding that these are cultural beliefs must help in feeling more positive in your own reactions and responsivity to your kids.
[1] Info sheet from the Infant Sleep Details Source at Durham University, found here: https://www.dur.ac.uk/resources/isis.online/pdfs/ISIS_sleep-training_2015.pdf [2] Galland BC, Sayers RM, Cameron SL
, Gray AR, Heath ALM, ..., Taylor RW. Anticipatory guidance to prevent baby sleep problems within a randomized regulated trial: baby, maternal and partner outcomes at 6 months of age. BMJ Open 2017; 7: e014908. [3] Douglas PS, Hill PS. Behavioral sleep interventions in the very first six months of life do not enhance outcomes for moms or babies: a systematic review. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2013; 34: 497-507. [4] Gradisar M, Jackson K, Spurrier NJ, Gibson J, Whitham J, et al. Behavioral interventions
for infant sleep issues: a randomized regulated trial. Pediatrics 2016; 137: e20151486. [5] Hall WA, Hutton E, Brant RF, Collet JP, Gregg K, et al. . A randomized controlled trial of an intervention for infants'behavioral sleep problems. BMC Pediatrics 2015; 15: 181. [6] Lam P, Hiscock H, Wake M. Results of baby sleep problems: a longitudinal research study of sleep,
behavior, and maternal well-being. Pediatrics 2003; 111; e203. [7] Pennestri MH, Laganière C, Bouvette-Turcot AA, Pokhvisneva I, Steiner M, Meaney MJ, Gaudreau H. Uninterrupted baby
sleep, development, and maternal mood. Pediatrics 2018; in press; doi: 10.1542/ peds.2017-4330. [8] Hiscock H, Wake M. Randomized managed trial of behavioural infant sleep intervention to improve infant sleep and maternal mood.
BMJ 2002; 324: 1062. [ 9] Dennis C, Ross L. Relationships among infant sleep patterns, maternal fatigue, and advancement of depressive symptomology.
Birth 2005; 32: 3. [ 10] Hiscock H, Wake M. Baby sleep problems and postnatal anxiety: a community-based study . Pediatrics 2001; 107: 1317-1322. [11] Ednick M, Cohen AP, McPhail GL, Beebe D, Simakajornboon N, Amin RS. An evaluation of the effects of sleep throughout the first
year of life on cognitive, psychomotor, and personality advancement. Sleep 2009; 32: 1449-1458. [12] Freudigman KA, Thoman EB. Baby sleep during the very first postnatal day: a chance for evaluation
of vulnerability. Pediatrics 1993; 92: 373-- 79. [13] Gertner S, Greenbaum CW, Sadeh A, Dolfin Z, Sirota L, Ben-Nun Y. Sleep-wake patterns in preterm
infants and 6 month's home environment: implications for early cognitive development. Early Hum Dev 2002; 68: 93-- 102. [14] Borghese IF, Minard KL, Thoman EB. Sleep rhythmicity in early babies: implications for developmental status. Sleep 1995; 18: 523-- 30.
[15] Mindell JA, Leichman ES, DuMond C, Sadeh A. Sleep and social-emotional development in babies and young children. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol 2017
; 46: 236-- 246 [16] Mindell JA, Moore M. Does sleep matter? Effect on development and operating in infants. Pediatrics 2018; in press; doi: 10.1542/ peds.2018-2589 [17] Gunnar MR, Donzella B. Social guideline of the cortisol levels in early human development. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2002; 27: 199-220. [18] Gunnar MR. Social guideline of stress in early childhood. In K. McCartney & D. Phillips (Eds. ), Blackwell Handbook of Early Childhood Advancement(
pp. 106-125). Malden: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. [19] Monroe SM, Harkness KL. Life tension, the"kindling"hypothesis and the recurrence of anxiety: Considerations from a life-stress perspective.
Psychological Review 2005; 112: 417-45. [20] Perry B, Szalavitz M. The Boy Who Was Raised As A Canine: And Other Stories from a Kid Psychiatrist's Notebook -- What Distressed Children Can Teach Us About Loss,
Love, and Recovery. Fundamental Books, 2017. [ 21] Campos JT, Frankel CB, Camras L. On the nature of feeling regulation. Kid Development 2004; 75: 377-94. [22] Rothbart MK, Ziaie H, & O'Boyle CG
. Self-regulation and feeling in infancy. In N. Eisenberg & R.A. Fabes (Eds. )Feeling and its regulation in early development: New instructions for kid development, No. 55: The Jossey-Bass education series(1992) (pp. 7-23). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. [23] Stifler CA, Braungart JM. The guideline of unfavorable reactivity: Functionand development. Developmental Psychology 1995; 38: 448-55. [24] Kopp C. Guideline of distress and negative emotions: a developmental point of view. Developmental Psychology 1989; 25: 343-54. [ 25] Hanson JL, Nacewicz BM, Sutterer MJ, Cayo AA
, Schaefer SM, et al. Habits problems after early life tension: contributions of the hippocampus and amygdala. Biological Psychiatry 2014; DOI: 10.1016/ j.biopsych.2014.04.020
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24 Hours to Improving Cam Whores
“One is just not born, but instead results in being, a lady.”
Simone de Beauvoir, The next Sex (1949)
In nature, male and woman are distinct. She-elephants are gregarious, he-elephants solitary. Male zebra finches are loquacious – the females mute. Woman inexperienced spoon worms are two hundred,000 moments more substantial than their male mates. These striking differences are biological – nevertheless they result in differentiation in social roles and talent acquisition.
Alan Pease, writer of a guide titled “Why Adult males Don’t Pay attention and girls Can’t Examine Maps”, believes that Women of all ages are spatially-challenged when compared with Adult men. The British organization, Admiral Insurance plan, done a examine of 50 % one million statements. They observed that “Ladies had been almost 2 times as very likely as Males to possess a collision in a vehicle park, 23 p.c far more likely to strike a stationary car, and fifteen percent more likely to reverse into One more automobile” (Reuters).
Nonetheless gender “distinctions” are frequently the results of bad scholarship. Contemplate Admiral insurance’s details. As Britain’s Automobile Affiliation (AA) properly pointed out – women motorists are likely to make extra small journeys all around towns and searching facilities and these contain Regular parking. As a result their ubiquity in specific styles of claims. Pertaining to Women of all ages’s alleged spatial deficiency, in Britain, women are outperforming boys in scholastic aptitude tests – which includes geometry and maths – considering that 1988.
Within an Op-Ed revealed because of the Ny Situations on January 23, 2005, Olivia Judson cited this example
“Beliefs that Guys are intrinsically much better at this or which have consistently brought about discrimination and prejudice, after which they’ve been proved to generally be nonsense. Women of all ages had been assumed to not be planet-course musicians. But when American symphony orchestras introduced blind auditions while in the 1970’s – the musician performs behind a display screen in order that his or her gender is invisible to Individuals listening – the amount of women supplied Careers in professional orchestras greater. Equally, in science, studies from the ways that grant programs are evaluated have demonstrated that Ladies are more likely to get funding when These reading through the programs don't know the sex from the applicant.”
On another wing of your divide, Anthony Clare, a British psychiatrist and author of “On Guys” wrote:
“In the beginning from the 21st century it can be hard to avoid the summary that Adult males are in really serious trouble. Throughout the globe, made and establishing, antisocial habits is basically male. Violence, sexual abuse of youngsters, illicit drug use, alcohol misuse, gambling, all are overwhelmingly male things to do. The courts and prisons bulge with men. In regards to aggression, delinquent habits, hazard having and social mayhem, Adult men earn gold.”
Males also mature later, die earlier, tend to be more susceptible to infections and many forms of most cancers, are more likely to be dyslexic, to have problems with a host of psychological well being Conditions, including Notice Deficit Hyperactivity Condition (ADHD), and to dedicate suicide.
In her e book, “Stiffed: The Betrayal from the American Male”, Susan Faludi describes a crisis of masculinity subsequent the breakdown of manhood models and work and household buildings in the last five decades. While in the movie “Boys don’t Cry”, a teenage Woman binds her breasts and functions the male in the caricatural relish of stereotypes of virility. Being a man is merely a state of intellect, the movie indicates.
But Exactly what does it really necessarily mean being a “male” or a “female”? Are gender id and sexual Choices genetically decided? Can they be decreased to 1’s sex? Or are they amalgams of biological, social, and psychological things in frequent interaction? Are they immutable lifelong features or dynamically evolving frames of self-reference?
In the aforementioned Big apple Occasions Op-Ed, Olivia Judson opines:
“Several sex distinctions are usually not, hence, the results of his owning a person gene although she has another. Instead, These are attributable to the way individual genes behave if they discover themselves in him rather than her. The magnificent difference between male and feminine eco-friendly spoon worms, as an example, has nothing at all to accomplish with their getting various genes: Every single inexperienced spoon worm larva could go In either case. Which sexual intercourse it results in being depends upon whether it satisfies a feminine throughout its 1st three months of life. If it meets a female, it gets to be male and prepares to regurgitate; if it doesn’t, it gets woman and settles right into a crack on the sea flooring.”
Yet, specific traits attributed to at least one’s intercourse are certainly superior accounted for via the requires of one’s setting, by cultural variables, the entire process of socialization, gender roles, and what George Devereux known as “ethnopsychiatry” in “Simple Difficulties of Ethnopsychiatry” (University of Chicago Push, 1980). He proposed to divide the unconscious in to the id (the element which was generally instinctual and unconscious) and the “ethnic unconscious” (repressed materials that was as soon as aware). The latter is mostly molded by prevailing cultural mores and features all our defense mechanisms and a lot of the superego.
So, how can we inform whether or not our sexual position is generally inside our blood or in our brains?
The scrutiny of borderline scenarios of human sexuality – notably the transgendered or intersexed – can generate clues as to the distribution and relative weights of biological, social, and psychological determinants of gender identification formation.
The outcomes of a review conducted by Uwe Hartmann, Hinnerk Becker, and Claudia Rueffer-Hesse in 1997 and titled “Self and Gender: Narcissistic Pathology and Individuality Components in Gender Dysphoric Sufferers”, published within the “Intercontinental Journal of Transgenderism”, “suggest important psychopathological features and narcissistic dysregulation in a considerable proportion of sufferers.” Are these “psychopathological elements” basically reactions to fundamental physiological realities and improvements? Could social ostracism and labeling have induced them in the “clients”?
The authors conclude:
“The cumulative evidence of our research … is consistent with the watch that gender dysphoria is actually a dysfunction of your sense of self as has actually been proposed by Beitel (1985) or Pffflin (1993). The central problem in our patients is about identity plus the self generally speaking along with the transsexual want is apparently an try at reassuring and stabilizing the self-coherence which in turn can cause a further destabilization In the event the self is currently much too fragile. Within this perspective your body is instrumentalized to make a perception of identification plus the splitting symbolized inside the hiatus involving the rejected system-self and also other elements of the self is more between very good and terrible objects than amongst masculine and feminine.”
Freud, Kraft-Ebbing, and Fliess instructed that we've been all bisexual to a particular Real Life Cam Sex degree. As early as 1910, Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld argued, in Berlin, that absolute genders are “abstractions, invented extremes”. The consensus nowadays is always that just one’s sexuality is, generally, a psychological construct which demonstrates gender function orientation.
Joanne Meyerowitz, a professor of history at Indiana College as well as editor with the Journal of American Heritage observes, in her not too long ago released tome, “How Sexual intercourse Transformed: A Background of Transsexuality in The usa”, the quite this means of masculinity and femininity is in regular flux.
Transgender activists, suggests Meyerowitz, insist that gender and sexuality depict “unique analytical types”. The The big apple Moments wrote in its critique in the e-book: “Some male-to-woman transsexuals have intercourse with Adult males and connect with themselves homosexuals. Some woman-to-male transsexuals have intercourse with Gals and get in touch with themselves lesbians. Some transsexuals connect with them selves asexual.”
So, it really is all from the thoughts, you see.
This would be getting it too significantly. A considerable body of scientific proof factors to your genetic and Organic underpinnings of sexual behavior and Tastes.
The German science journal, “Geo”, described just lately that the males in the fruit fly “drosophila melanogaster” switched from heterosexuality to homosexuality since the temperature while in the lab was elevated from 19 to 30 levels Celsius. They reverted to chasing girls as it absolutely was decreased.
The brain structures of homosexual sheep are distinct to Those people of straight sheep, a study carried out not long ago by the Oregon Overall health & Science College as well as U.S. Section of Agriculture Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois, Idaho, discovered. Related discrepancies ended up identified in between gay Guys and straight types in 1995 in Holland and in other places. The preoptic place of your hypothalamus was greater in heterosexual Adult men than in each homosexual men and straight Ladies.
According an short article, titled “When Sexual Advancement Goes Awry”, by Suzanne Miller, released inside the September 2000 difficulty with the “Environment and I”, several health-related conditions give rise to sexual ambiguity. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), involving abnormal androgen manufacturing by the adrenal cortex, ends in blended genitalia. Somebody with the whole androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) provides a vagina, exterior female genitalia and operating, androgen-creating, testes – but no uterus or fallopian tubes.
People with the rare 5-alpha reductase deficiency syndrome are born with ambiguous genitalia. They appear at first to become ladies. At puberty, this sort of someone develops testicles and his clitoris swells and becomes a penis. Hermaphrodites have both ovaries and testicles (each, in most cases, alternatively undeveloped). In some cases the ovaries and testicles are merged into a chimera named ovotestis.
These types of people have the chromosomal composition of a woman together with traces with the Y, male, chromosome. All hermaphrodites have a large penis, nevertheless hardly ever produce sperm. Some hermaphrodites build breasts for the duration of puberty and menstruate. Not many even get Expecting and give birth.
Anne Fausto-Sterling, a developmental geneticist, professor of clinical science at Brown University, and creator of “Sexing the Body”, postulated, in 1993, a continuum of 5 sexes to supplant The present dimorphism: males, merms (male pseudohermaphrodites), herms (genuine hermaphrodites), ferms (woman pseudohermaphrodites), and ladies.
Intersexuality (hermpahroditism) can be a purely natural human condition. We have been all conceived Along with the probable to develop into either intercourse. The embryonic developmental default is woman. A series of triggers in the to start with months of pregnancy areas the fetus on the path to maleness.
In uncommon circumstances, some Ladies Have got a male’s genetic make-up (XY chromosomes) and vice versa. But, in the vast majority of scenarios, on the list of sexes is clearly chosen. Relics of your stifled sex stay, though. Girls possess the clitoris being a style of symbolic penis. Adult men have breasts (mammary glands) and nipples.
The Encyclopedia Britannica 2003 edition describes the formation of ovaries and testes Consequently:
“Inside the younger embryo a pair of gonads create which have been indifferent or neutral, displaying no indication whether or not they are destined to acquire into testes or ovaries. There's also two different duct systems, certainly one of which might establish into the feminine program of oviducts and relevant equipment and the opposite in the male sperm duct program. As development of your embryo proceeds, either the male or the feminine reproductive tissue differentiates inside the at first neutral gonad in the mammal.”
Nonetheless, sexual Tastes, genitalia and in many cases secondary sex attributes, for instance facial and pubic hair are 1st order phenomena. Can genetics and biology account for male and woman conduct patterns and social interactions (“gender identification”)? Can the multi-tiered complexity and richness of human masculinity and femininity come up from less difficult, deterministic, constructing blocks?
Sociobiologists would have us think so.
For illustration: the fact that we're mammals is astonishingly typically disregarded. Most mammalian families are made up of mom and offspring. Males are peripatetic absentees. Arguably, high rates of divorce and beginning away from wedlock coupled with rising promiscuity simply reinstate this natural “default method”, observes Lionel Tiger, a professor of anthropology at Rutgers University in New Jersey. That a few quarters of all divorces are initiated by Gals tends to aid this look at.
On top of that, gender identification is decided through gestation, claim some scholars.
Milton Diamond of the University of Hawaii and Dr. Keith Sigmundson, a practising psychiatrist, analyzed the A great deal-celebrated John/Joan case. An unintentionally castrated regular male was surgically modified to search woman, and elevated as a lady but to no avail. He reverted to being a male at puberty.
His gender identification appears to are already inborn (assuming he was not subjected to conflicting cues from his human setting). The situation is extensively described in John Colapinto’s tome “As Nature Built Him: The Boy Who Was Lifted as a woman”.
HealthScoutNews cited a analyze published inside the November 2002 concern of “Boy or girl Progress”. The scientists, from City University of London, identified that the extent of maternal testosterone for the duration of pregnancy influences the habits of neonatal girls and renders it far more masculine. “Significant testosterone” ladies “get pleasure from routines usually considered male conduct, like twiddling with trucks or guns”. Boys’ behavior remains unaltered, according to the study.
However, other Students, like John Funds, insist that newborns undoubtedly are a “blank slate” in terms of their gender identity is anxious. This really is also the prevailing perspective. Gender and intercourse-role identities, we have been taught, are entirely fashioned in a means of socialization which ends because of the 3rd yr of daily life. The Encyclopedia Britannica 2003 edition sums it up Therefore:
“Like a person’s notion of her or his sexual intercourse purpose, gender identification develops by means of parental case in point, social reinforcement, and language. Dad and mom train sexual intercourse-correct habits to their small children from an early age, which habits is reinforced as the child grows more mature and enters a wider social planet. As the kid acquires language, he also learns incredibly early the distinction in between “he” and “she” and understands which pertains to him- or herself.”
So, which happens to be it – nature or nurture? There isn't any disputing The truth that our sexual physiology and, in all likelihood, our sexual Choices are identified from the womb. Men and women are different – physiologically and, Consequently, also psychologically.
Society, by its brokers – foremost among that happen to be family, friends, and teachers – represses or encourages these genetic propensities. It does so by propagating “gender roles” – gender-distinct lists of alleged attributes, permissible behavior styles, and prescriptive morals and norms. Our “gender identity” or “sex function” is shorthand to the way we use our purely natural genotypic-phenotypic endowments in conformity with social-cultural “gender roles”.
Inevitably as being the composition and bias of such lists adjust, so does the that means of staying “male” or “woman”. Gender roles are consistently redefined by tectonic shifts within the definition and performing of standard social units, including the nuclear family along with the office. The cross-fertilization of gender-connected cultural memes renders “masculinity” and “femininity” fluid concepts.
One particular’s sex equals just one’s bodily machines, an aim, finite, and, usually, immutable inventory. But our endowments is often put to many makes use of, in different cognitive and affective contexts, and matter to varying exegetic frameworks. Rather than “sexual intercourse” – “gender” is, therefore, a socio-cultural narrative. Equally heterosexual and homosexual Males ejaculate. Both equally straight and lesbian Girls climax. What distinguishes them from each other are subjective introjects of socio-cultural conventions, not aim, immutable “facts”.
In “The New Gender Wars”, published in the November/December 2000 issue of “Psychology Currently”, Sarah Blustain sums up the “bio-social” design proposed by Mice Eagly, a professor of psychology at Northwestern College along with a previous student of his, Wendy Wooden, now a professor on the Texas A&M University:
“Like (the evolutionary psychologists), Eagly and Wood reject social constructionist notions that every one gender discrepancies are developed by lifestyle. But on the problem of where they come from, they response in a different way: not our genes but our roles in Culture. This narrative concentrates on how societies respond to the basic biological variances – Gentlemen’s energy and women’s reproductive abilities – And the way they stimulate men and women to follow specific designs.
‘In the event you’re investing plenty of time nursing your child’, explains Wooden, ‘Then you really don’t have the chance to dedicate huge quantities of time for you to developing specialised abilities and fascinating jobs outside of the house’. And, provides Eagly, ‘if Females are billed with caring for infants, what occurs is women are more nurturing. Societies need to make the Grownup program get the job done [so] socialization of girls is organized to give them encounter in nurturing’.
In keeping with this interpretation, given that the environment alterations, so will the assortment and texture of gender dissimilarities. At a time in Western nations when female reproduction is amazingly low, nursing is totally optional, childcare solutions are many, and mechanization lessens the necessity of
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zipgrowth · 7 years
Can These New Colleges Help Solve Higher Education’s Equity Problem?
Young people from families in the top income quartile are eight times more likely than those from the bottom quartile to earn a bachelor's degree by the age of 24. And the problem is getting worse, not better. In its current form, our higher education system amplifies national inequities—when it could be doing the opposite. If the operating model for postsecondary stays the same, the problems of the past will continue to determine the outcomes of the future.
But change is coming, and for the better. In the last few years new postsecondary models have started to spring up on the fringes of higher education, programs such as Da Vinci Extension, Match Beyond and PelotonU. “Hybrid colleges,” as some have dubbed these efforts, embody the kind of innovative thinking needed to tackle higher ed’s intransigent problems, and they are pioneering new approaches to equitable, sustainable and scaleable postsecondary education.
What Change Looks Like
“Hybrid colleges,” as some have dubbed these efforts, embody the kind of innovative thinking needed to tackle higher ed’s intransigent problems.
Loosely defined as affordable programs with strong learning and career outcomes, hybrid colleges often share three design principles: intensive wrap-around student support that directly meets student needs; digital learning programs (often competency-based); and sustainable funding that does not ask students to carry significant debt. These programs aim to support students who face financial or academic stresses, especially low-income, first-generation students who are not well served by the postsecondary system.
Many of these new models are the result of partnerships with College for America, a low-cost, competency-based, online degree program run by Southern New Hampshire University. Through SNHU’s Community Partnerships Program, a Hybrid College offers personalized coaching and advising, connections with employers (and jobs), peer relationships, and other student support services to complement SNHU’s online curriculum. The two partners share in the revenue.
“We saw a need that was not being fully addressed by the existing models and felt strongly, given our mission and our interest, that we could provide a positive impact,” says Bill Hartglass, SNHU vice president for strategic partnerships. “As an organization, we focus on those for whom higher education isn’t a given. By definition, that orientation will lead an organization into initiating new approaches.”
Next Steps
Our postsecondary system needs to become more responsive to how the world and economy is shifting and what that means for learners. That is why fulfilling the promise of hybrid colleges is so important; they are mechanisms for R&D within the education ecosystem–spaces where we can prototype new models and scale what works.
What would it look like if the 2012 craze around massive open online courses were rekindled in service of hybrid colleges?
But for these providers to thrive there will need to be new capacities built across the ecosystem. So what has to be done?
First, we need more College for America-style programs—more high-quality, low-cost, online and competency-based programs open to partnerships with hybrid colleges. Today, the hybrid college field is entirely too dependent on this one program (College for America). What would it look like if the 2012 craze around massive open online courses were rekindled in service of hybrid colleges, if universities rushed to create credit-bearing degree pathways for learners who don’t want, can’t afford, or can’t access the four-year residential college experience? For those who believe public universities should help spur social mobility, this is a dream prospect.
Second, the field needs common language and standards around outcomes and quality. Define quality and you define what gets measured, valued and privileged. (Disclaimer: Entangled Studios recently launched a quality assurance standards organization.) Traditional input-based measures of accreditation will not serve this outcome-oriented cadre of programs well. Instead, there need to be common standards around how to calculate career outcomes, return on investment, and performance against stated learning outcomes.
Focusing on outcomes encourages continuous improvement toward an overall set of goals—in this case, student success—and will introduce unprecedented transparency. In turn, this radical transparency will give students—and those who finance their education—access to trustworthy information and allow them to make informed enrollment and financial decisions. Smarter demand will give way to a smarter (higher quality) supply of providers.
Third, these new models, which are predicated on the belief that students should not carry significant debt, must consider the many forms of financing now available. State and federal dollars are not the only way. MissionU, a one-year bachelor degree alternative, uses income share agreements (ISAs), a financing model where rather than take out loans or pay tuition up front, students pay a small percentage of their salaries once their careers are launched. ISAs are particularly well suited for short-term, career-oriented programs.
Variations on the “learn-while-you-earn” model can also be useful alternatives to standard financing approaches. Under one such approach, the staffing model, learners are employees of a client company. Andela, a startup that trains coders in Africa and hires them out to tech companies around the world, pays a salary to its learners. It gives them each a free computer, offers subsidized housing and provides two meals a day on top of the technical training. YearUp takes a similar approach. Students train for six months and then do a six-month internship. Employers foot the bill for the training in exchange for landing a high quality intern.
At a time when the needs and motivations of learners are increasingly differentiated, so too should be the programs that serve them.
An outsourcing approach sees students do contracted project-based work as part of a training program. Kenzie Academy, which bills itself as a tech apprenticeship school, created a consulting arm called Kenzie Studio where students complete real-world projects. The consulting revenue they receive subsidizes tuition.
And lastly, as the hybrid college ecosystem of providers emerge, the field should resist settling on one model or definition. At a time when the needs and motivations of learners are increasingly differentiated, so too should be the programs that serve them.
There are many unanswered questions about this new space, and the field should not rush to answer them prematurely. Must hybrid college programs result in an accredited degree, or might other forms of credentialing be equally as valuable? Should programs explicitly focus on preparing learners for their first job, or rather, for a lifetime of meaningful employment? Should the models be created specifically with vulnerable populations of low-income learners in mind, or be designed to more broadly serve the entire market? These are useful points of tension that should be allowed to persist and generate thoughtful solutions.
It’s too early to codify “what works.” Instead, the field—colleges, philanthropists and venture capitalists, practitioners and educators—should invest in a range of models and experiments. It’s a time to let a thousand flowers bloom, and to diligently measure the impact of those blossoms on underserved learners and the postsecondary system as a whole.
A Shortlist of Hybrid Colleges
Organization Year Founded Credential Awarded Cost Target Students and Demographics College Unbound 2009 Bachelors $40K = $10K/yr @ 4 yrs
Rhode Island-based
Working adults
75% Pell eligible
Da Vinci Extension 2015 Associates or Bachelors $11-16.5K = $5.5K/year @ 2-3 year for BA completion
60% low-income and first generation
Both AA and BS programs for recent H.S. grads: “13th year” programs and also AA/BA degree via College for America
IDEA U 2017 Associates or Bachelors $11-16.5K = $5.5K/year @ 2-3 year for BA completion
Underserved recent high school grads
Kepler 2013 Associates or Bachelors $1K/yr for 3 yrs = $3K total
> 50% women
Match Beyond 2014 Associates or Bachelors $11-16.5K = $5.5K/year @ 2-3 year for BA completion
Primarily students age 19-24 
85% students of color
65% Pell eligible
National Louis University 2015 Bachelors $40K = $10K/yr @ 4 years for completion
Recent high school graduates with less than 16 quarter hour credits
Patton University Holdings, P.B.C. 2013 Bachelors $10.5K = $1316/term @ 8 terms
Working adults
PelotonU 2012 Associates or Bachelors Working adults Can These New Colleges Help Solve Higher Education’s Equity Problem? published first on http://ift.tt/2x05DG9
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squatsandshitt-blog · 7 years
Describe love for someone who does not know what it is or what it means.
Describe love for someone who does not know what it is or what it means lesbian porn An almost impossible, uh? Ask one hundred people the definition of love, and you probably get one hundred different answers. Many of those people can not put it in words, but will tell you that they know when they feel it. In fact, love is defined as a deep personal appeal or affection. Give how dry is that? As the seventh miracle, the ability to hold is very difficult. Usually the reason that a doctor can not cure a cold because it consists of a large number of germs. Love is somewhat the same ... it's not just a thing but a combination of emotions. That leads to the complications. Actually, love is determined based on the context in which it is used. Sexual feelings of intimacy are quite different from the nonsexual affection-call platonic love. To say that you love a particular food or painting is nothing but an intense, while love is associated with other intensities with friendship. And love between men and women is sometimes confused with lust. Helen E. Fisher, an anthropology professor and human behavior researcher at Rutgers University, says love comes in three stages: lust, appeal and attachment. In an article on Wikipedia.com, Fisher breaks this way: "Lust is the first passionate sexual desire that promotes mating and implies that chemicals such as testosterone and estrogen are released and rarely last longer than a few weeks or months; the more individualized and romantic desire for a specific mating candidate, which develops as a commitment to an individual degree of shape with recent neuroscience studies, indicating that when people fall in love, the brain consistently incorporates a particular set of chemicals releasing, including pheromones, dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, similar to amphetamines, stimulating the pleasure center of the brain and leading to side effects such as increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep, and an intense sense of excitement and result from one and a half to three years, and aa Since the lust and attraction stages are considered both temporary and temporary, a third phase is required to take into account long term relationship relationships called attachment that promotes the relationship that results for years and even decades and is based on commitments such as marriage and children, or mutual friendship based on things like shared interests and linked to higher levels of the chemicals oxytocin and vasopressin to a greater extent than short-term relationships. "So there you have it. Love as we define it today is a relatively new concept in history dating back to the Middle Ages. Previously, the couples did not associate with someone they "loved". as much as what was best for the line of bloodline, or "marriages" to improve or maintain social status. These were either marriages arranged, or just based on potential colleagues available in one place because so few people travel. For example, in the area where I live, the mountains of eastern Tennessee, it was not uncommon for nephews to marry because the pool of available partners was limited. But in my opinion, love is great because it makes me feel fantastic. I have become very happy in my life because I loved many lovers of and many beautiful people. But the most intense love I've ever experienced was that love I've experienced since learning myself. I'm not talking about the kind of self-esteem in connection with a negative ego, but the love that comes from a real appreciation for who I really am ... my intelligence, creativity level, my easy nature, my sense of humor, acceptance of my foibles and mistakes, and my ability to go, combined with a high level of spirituality. The joy of that level of love is the ability to keep others unconditionally and the opportunity to help others learn what I have done. And finally, the realization that while I have others around me I do not need them to make me happy and fulfilled ... I can do it for myself. What level and kind of love you are looking for, I hope you find it and that you realize what a true wonder is love.
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handandbanner · 7 years
Answering Questions
Why do you post so much on race issues? What about posting on other things so that it doesn’t look like you’re seeking out these issues and they are taking over your life?
 My work in real life is as a racial justice activist with particular interest in African, Caribbean and Black identifying experiences locally.  I also find connection between local issues and what is happening in other parts of the country/world.  My activism has taken different forms.  Primarily it’s been about using grassroots programmatic intervention to address wellness issues (social, economic, etc.) being experienced by especially Black children and youth locally.  Through grant-writing I have been able to redistribute over $1/4 million directly into the local grassroots community in the past seven years that has mostly been used to provide various youth jobs through programs like Young City Grower and Canada Summer Jobs employment that has provided youth people with admin and community organizing roles, so decreasing their socio-economic isolation through jobs.  It has also largely been used to create urban agricultural infrastructure, creating inclusive gardening spaces that have benefited Black immigrant families but also immigrant families of every background who want to grow their own food or just experience wellness that comes form connecting to the land, and families who are not immigrants but may be experiencing food insecurity.  In this capacity, I have also worked as a land based activist, pursuing food justice by working with my hands in creating urban agriculture spaces around the city.  The money has also helped fund cultural, arts and educational events that have had social and emotional health benefits to Black communities locally.   One of the most important things is that the money has helped in creating after school educational support programming for Black immigrant children that is led by their communities.  Thes is just the time put in writing and re-writing grants that mostly get rejected but some are successful.   I have also contributed my own labour in a volunteer capacity.  Sometimes I have had part time employment doing the work I do, and the seasons where there has been employment the labour has usually exceeded the reimbursement significantly.  Most people know that $250,000 to approx. $300,000 over seven years in social services is not a lot of money.  Most agencies have an annual budget of 1 million plus dollars to deliver services in their given area.  We have used what we have gotten in the grassroots to create significant impact for many lives over the last seven years.  I entered this form of activism after learning of the local expression of systemic racism of excluding Black folks from participating in creating solutions to the problems that face them.  Poor Black communities locally are considered underserved communities.  We have educational crisis as well as social crisis being experienced by the most vulnerable members of our communities.  Programming funds don’t actually solve the issues because they are based on often one-time hit and miss funds.  The kind of work that we do is not part of any ongoing government funding strategy (municipal, provincial or federal).  We depend on activists, volunteers and hit and miss grants to try and address the documented gaps being experienced by the local Black community.  So, though we are tax payers, our communities continue to experience funding racism from local government with regards to services.  
So that is one area of racial justice activism that I have given my life to.  I have been economically impacted by being a grassroots organizer.  And recently I have had to pause some of the programs and explore new ways of sustaining myself and the labour as I work on finishing my schooling to become a registered social worker which would also hopefully increase my financial security in the future to support the work that is being done, even if others take over the frontline labour.  
Another expression of my activism beyond being a community organizer is as a race scholar (student).   While I have been reading and learning about Black issues and from Black scholars ever since entering the work, I guess on an official capacity I have just recently been involved in race-based research geared at documenting the systemic racism affecting the lives of our communities provincially and across the country.  Research contracts especially in the last year have both been a source of income and my primary form of engagement.  
I have also been involved in direct action resistance.  I have helped organize when folks in my community have wanted to publicly demonstrate their concerns with the justice system and concerns around the loss of Black life in our community or in other parts of the country as part of the BLM movement.  I have also helped organize community solidarity gatherings in response to state violence against Black communities in America.  I have hosted racial healing circles in local universities and at my local church and I am currently planning to hold more spaces this Fall that tend to trauma and engage racial justice concerns.  
So, I post about these topics because they connect to my work, they are not taking over my life they are already my life, they are an important part of who I am. I also I am not sure about the idea that social media is a place where I must present my whole balanced self, it’s certainly not the primary avenue for folks to get to know me.  But I am not necessarily opposed to posting about other parts of my life. I am also a mother and I post about that sometimes.  I don’t post about vacations and travelling the world (I’m assuming those are the normative good kind of things to post about?) because there is a high cost associated with that work, so I cannot typically afford to take big vacations.  When I have had the chance to travel (thanks to my work) I have posted those pictures. But the things that give me joy in my life are predominantly my sons, reading and a bit of gardening.  I live a very simple life and I try to embrace that. My short-term goals are to achieve physical health and to grow lots of flowers and be involved in lots of physical activities with my boys.   I have had hard seasons associated with living simply but ultimately, I love Black people especially our most vulnerable members of community.  I am inspired by folks who have died for us.  So, I understand that sacrifice is part of this beautiful and demanding work. My boys have paid the highest price in this early days of my activism, so my life is about coming to peace with that and seeking help and guidance on how to best parent them and protect them. It helps to seek meaning and strength from a son-sacrificing Creator who understands my heartbreak.  I know that pain and suffering can be addictive (chemically) after long-term exposure, so I am careful of that and I’m constantly trying to lean into figuring out ways of engaging that support my health and wellness and better my financial security.  I look forward to less financially precarious avenues of engagement.
Why use social media at all?
I am intrigued by the role of social media in racial justice, particularly in contemporary Black liberation movements.  It didn’t start as an intentional decision that this was going to be a use of my social media space.  It was just about sharing what was going on in my life.  But it has grown into an intentional kind of use of social media.  Social media is not perfect but I am very much impressed by the kind of change that has been achieved by Black women leaders on social media to bring attention to racial injustice.  I am not a social media activist as others are and do so effectively, for me it’s been almost more of a personal documenting of process and thought.  I can’t remember who said this but I remember a quote during a Princeton AAS podcast that resonated to my experience.  That social media for the Black activist becomes a space to live out the liberated life that is not afforded in the physical space.  I also think about Toni Morison’s whole thing about writing the book you always wanted to read.  It has had a therapeutic role for me.   I want to live in a space where witness is provided to Black struggle through naming and reporting, so even if it’s just my own posts that break the loud silence, I feel better about it because I can’t stand the silence. There is almost a sense of talking to ones-self in public.  I won’t say being understood doesn’t matter, but it is not paramount.  I’m certainly not doing it for White people.  I say that because I have had people tell me that if I’m looking to engage White people then perhaps how I am going about it is not the best way.  I think sometimes because of White supremacy; white folks dominate so much existence for BIPOC in physical spaces that it’s hard in our world to make sense of any BIPIC activity that is not necessarily about appealing and appeasement to Whiteness.  Very recently I have engaged in speaking directly to Whiteness, but again it’s a process figuring it out but I don’t know that it is always for specific results.  In a strange way, it’s almost like political art or poetry in the sense that it is primarily about expression.  So, like art, I can say that it’s not so much that I don’t care about engagement but it’s just not the central thing.  There is something being documented here which is sometimes the raw responses of a Black woman to racism and maybe it’s just about being a human being, and maybe under White supremacist empire that is something that folks sometimes have a heard time making sense of, a Black human.   I have sometimes benefited from meaningful engagement, I have also had people a few years down the road email me about how positively impacted they have been by my posts and public musings, other times I have had folks be scared, offended or hurt.  I particularly obviously love it when Black folks feel positively impacted by anything I do.  But I just don’t centre all of that.  And I’d like to emphasize that my primary ways of connecting with folks around mobilization, action or conversation about racial justice is not primarily on social media.
I also can’t say that I think for sure that all of this is healthy, I think there are risks for sure. I don’t know how long I will continue to express myself in this way.  I am interested in the work of folks like Imani Perry and their critiques. I recognize this is a new thing and that we don’t know the long-term effects and impacts of social media in general on our health.  
Why not create a page that deals with racial issues as part of your work and separate it from your personal life?
I may in the future If I think there is some benefit to it.  But the short answer is that I don’t ascribe to the private/public dichotomy with regards to work that was created by patriarchy to designate domestic and outside the home labour.   So, there is a feminist turned womanist understanding that my private life informs my work and vice versa.  My being a mother and my caring about other people’s children is intertwined.  Racial justice is part of parenting and part of self love.  I bring my whole self into theorizing about race.  I also intertwine my faith and spirituality into my politics.  I ascribe to the African indigenous worldview of the interconnectedness of all things.  And I want to get even better at it.  There are things I may chose not to disclose to avoid harm to myself and others.  But as I grow older I want to understand better how all of me is intertwined with my contribution in the world.  I don’t know what Creator has in store around the corner and I might have to work in a setting that where I cannot be my full self, and then I would be working even harder to create spaces that I can enter as my whole self.  I don’t think it’s my accident that in a White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy we must live as divided selves.  Lying is central to maintaining domination and we all lie (bell Hooks does a lot of good work on lying and domination).  I want to lie less and be less scared.  
Do you hate White people? Are White people the enemy? Why do you make generalized statements about people groups?
No, I don’t nurture hate towards White people.  But nobody is beyond hate especially towards oppressive forces in one’s life, so it takes work to operate from a place of radical love and it takes spiritual practice and re-orientation when I do struggle with hate.  It helps to be able to have loving connections with White people through personal or community relationships. When talking about race as a social issue I make generalized statements that are statistically and experientially supported.  My spiritual framework dictates that flesh and blood is not the ultimate enemy but rather powers and principalities.  I believe that White supremacy and racism are major enemy ideologies in the work that I engage in and I do believe that these ideologies are carried out in particular ways by White people who get to have stake-hold in these enemy ideologies.  Having said that I do think that folks can embody and carry out harmful ideologies and in doing so set themselves as physical manifestations of oppositional forces.  So in the process of dealing with folks in such situations even though there may be love, there may also be strong resistance, boundary setting, reporting and naming and maybe righteous force depending on one’s embraced values of engagement.  
Do you believe all White people are racists and White supremacists?
It is hard for me to imagine anyone who has been socialized in any part of the world that is impacted by White supremacy and colonization as not having to do work to dismantle internal as well as social systems that idealize whiteness and denigrate other forms of humanity.  It is also the case that spaces for carrying out such work are yet to be made readily available worldwide, and less so in White dominant societies.  So yes, it is my experience that all White people are on the spectrum of embodied White supremacist ideologies.  
What about all the problems in Africa and tribalism? Why are you just worried about White Supremacy?
This is a bad racist question to ask Black first-gen folks engaged in anti-racist work but you could see articles on asking about Black on Black crime in response to anti-racist work, same principles apply.
What kind of relationships do you envision with White people given the work you do?
I don’t have a manifesto of desired ways of connecting with just White people.  But I do envision inter-racial relationships in my life where it is possible to know folks of diverse backgrounds and to be known. With regards to engagement of myself as a racial justice worker, I appreciate expressions of love and support, and I am glad for those that have been brought to my path who extend love and support.  In other spheres of relationship not related to my work, I don’t want to experience stigma related to my politics or the work that I do.  Instead of demands or questions like; “What should I do as a white person” when folks come across my concerns for racial justice, you might ask; “Would you be interested in having coffee sometime and sharing more about your work?”.  If you don’t desire to get to know me better, that’s okay too.  I also tend to be open to get to know people but there are times that I can’t invest in that manner for a number of reasons.  I’m always welcoming prayer and happy to pray for you too. But outside of knowing each other, don’t try to shape or control how I express myself as a Black woman.  It is also okay to disconnect on social media and be connected in other ways.  
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wallythayer · 7 years
The Omega Balance
If you’ve been paying attention to health headlines over the last few decades, you’ve likely heard about essential fatty acids (EFAs) — specifically omega-3s and omega-6s. These nutrients play many vital roles in supporting our overall health, including increasing nutrient absorption, ensuring proper growth and development of the brain and nervous system, and reducing the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease.
Research shows that omega-3s and omega-6s work together to help manage blood pressure and blood clotting, and to regulate the immune system, including the body’s inflammation response. Deficiencies, meanwhile, are linked to a wide range of symptoms and disorders, including depression, sleep disturbances, organ abnormalities, and skin problems.
Termed essential because the body can’t produce them on its own, these fatty acids have to be obtained through diet. “When it comes to fat, we literally are what we eat,” says Mark Pettus, MD, associate dean of medical education at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
Pettus notes that the quality and quantity of fats we eat directly affect the fluidity and composition of our cell walls. “Fats are the fabric woven into every cell membrane.”
Omega-3s, especially, have earned a “healthy fat” reputation since researchers began digging into their benefits in the early 1980s. Esteemed for their health-promoting powers — such as helping to prevent heart disease and arthritis — omega-3 supplements (typically fish oil) are now the most common natural product used by American adults. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, nearly 19 million Americans consumed omega-3-fatty-acid supplements in 2012, the most recent year for which this statistic is available.
Omega-6s, on the other hand, are considered a bad fat by many, despite their complementary role in supporting health. Found naturally in nuts, seeds, and plant-based oils, omega-6s have gained their negative reputation because they’re so often consumed in highly processed forms, including refined cooking oils, which can create excess inflammation in the body. With so much of the standard American diet coming from boxed, packaged, and processed food sources, many of us consume far more poor-quality, pro-inflammatory omega-6s than whole-food, anti-inflammatory omega-3s.
This imbalance negatively affects the efficacy of omega-3s working in the body — so even if you are diligently eating omega-3-rich foods and taking a daily supplement, they’re not able to do their jobs.
To help people strike the right EFA balance, many health and nutrition experts emphasize the importance of consuming more whole-food sources of omega-6s and omega-3s (with supplementation as necessary) while significantly reducing the intake of processed sources of omega-6s. Such diets have proven effective at protecting the heart and brain, among other benefits.
How have we ended up so out of alignment, and what can we do about it? Read on for four key facts about essential fatty acids, and learn how to strike the right omega balance in your own diet.
1. We don’t get enough omega-3s
Omega-3 fatty acids include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA is considered the EFA parent, or precursor. It’s found in flax oil and flaxseeds, walnuts, hemp, and dark leafy greens, and is converted in the body into EPA and DHA.
This conversion, however, is done at extremely low rates: Women of childbearing age convert approximately 21 percent of the ALA they consume to EPA and 9 percent to DHA; these numbers drop significantly by the time they reach their 40s. Young men convert only about 8 percent of ALA to EPA and less than 4 percent to DHA.
Low DHA levels, specifically, are associated with an increased risk of macular degeneration, and cognitive decline or dementia in older individuals.
Some experts trace our poor ALA conversion rates to the fact that we evolved without much need to synthesize DHA and EPA because they were readily available in our food supply.
“The richest source of EPA and DHA is fatty fish,” explains Kara Fitzgerald, ND, a faculty member at the Institute for Functional Medicine. And since many of our prehistoric ancestors lived near lakes, rivers, and oceans, they likely consumed a lot more seafood than we do now.
While the American Heart Association recommends at least two 3.5-ounce servings of fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, and sardines) per week, a recent study in Nutrition Journal reports our mean fish intake is less than half the suggested amount — a deficit that comes with a high cost.
“The high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids and low levels of omega-3 fatty acids found in today’s Western diets promote the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, cancer, inflammatory conditions, and autoimmune diseases,” says Artemis Simopoulos, MD, president of the Center for Genetics, Nutrition, and Health and author of The Omega Diet. (For guidance on shopping for seafood high in omega-3s, see “How to Choose Seafood That’s Nutritious, Sustainable — and Safe“.)
2. We get too many omega-6s
Omega-6s are derived from linoleic acid (LA), which the body converts to gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and then to arachidonic acid (AA).
Like omega-3s, omega-6s have important metabolic jobs to do. They support brain function and development, stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism, and bolster the reproductive system. They also trigger the body’s inflammation response when you’re sick or injured.
Omega-6s and omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids, or PUFAs, a term that refers to their chemical structure. Some public-health organizations say that high-omega-6, PUFA-rich foods like canola oil are heart-healthy alternatives to saturated fats, and they recommend people consume between 5 and 10 percent of their daily calories from omega-6s.
Yet a growing number of researchers argue that processed sources of omega-6 — such as packaged foods, grain-fed meats, and refined oils (including canola) — are largely to blame for the epidemics of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. All PUFAs are susceptible to oxidation via light and heat, the researchers note, which creates free radicals that can wreak havoc at the cellular level. (This is why fish-oil capsules are often sold in dark bottles and refrigerated.) Vegetable and seed oils are not only high in omega-6s; they’re also typically produced using heat, creating oxidized foods that many experts attribute to diet-related illnesses.
Animal research supports the argument that high omega-6 levels are problematic: Studies demonstrate that consuming oxidized vegetable oils can damage brain cells, lead to excess inflammation, and increase type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular-disease risks. (For more about healthy fats, go to “The Facts About Fat“.)
3. Our omegas are out of balance
When omega-3s and omega-6s are represented more or less equally in the body, they complement each other and govern the immune system. But when that balance is off — when we consume significantly more omega-6s than omega-3s — we create an inflammatory environment that sets us up for trouble.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are stored within cell membranes, where they help provide structure and control fluidity. It’s here that various enzymes convert these fatty acids into hormone-like compounds that signal inflammatory or anti-inflammatory activity in the body.
The Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism reviewed numerous studies investigating the effects of this imbalance and concluded that an increased ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s — and an overall rise in omega-6 consumption — damages important mediators and regulators of our inflammation and immune responses.
What’s a good balance? Certainly not one produced by a Western diet high in processed foods and refined oils, which delivers a dietary ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids as high as 45:1. “While both of these essential fatty acids are necessary for optimum health, we need to get those ratios back into balance,” says Jeanne Rosner, MD, physician, nutrition educator, and the founder of SOUL Food Salon. She recommends a ratio of 4:1 or even 2:1, and getting those fats primarily from whole-food sources.
4. Whole foods hold the key
Thinking in terms of ratios may be helpful, but it’s not the entire story. Simply taking a daily fish-oil capsule and expecting it to offset an inflammatory diet misses the point, argues Fitzgerald.
“Having an excess of the main ingredient for inflammatory compounds is the starting point for many diseases,” she explains. “If our enzymes are tied up converting omega-6s, we’ll end up converting those more aggressively, and we won’t have sufficient enzymatic power to convert the lower quantity of omega-3s being ingested.”
The key to balancing your omegas is modifying your consumption on both fronts. “Taking in more high-quality omega-3s and less highly processed omega-6s is one of the most powerful nutritional interventions in our clinical toolkit,” says Kathie Madonna Swift, MS, RDN, LDN, cofounder of the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy.
In fact, when you steer clear of processed fare and focus on EFA-rich whole foods, like nuts, seeds, greens, and grassfed beef and dairy, and the two recommended 3.5-ounce servings of fatty fish per week (about 1,500 to 2,100 mgs per serving), you may not need to supplement at all.
Health organizations recommend 250 to 500 mg of DHA and EPA per day; unless you have a health concern like coronary heart disease (in which case the American Heart Association recommends more), you can get your weekly fix in those two servings of fish.
Researchers have observed that eating fish seems to be more effective than taking supplements at elevating levels of DHA and EPA. They suspect this is because fish contains more bioavailable nutrients that fish oil does not — including selenium, zinc, iron, and highly absorbable protein. “Eating whole foods, and healthier sources of food, will help us naturally get our omega-6-to-omega-3 ratios into better alignment,” says Rosner.
And with nutritional forces as influential as essential fatty acids, finding that right balance can make a big difference in your health and well-being.
Get the full story at https://experiencelife.com/article/the-omega-balance/
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