crystalflygeo · 11 months
Last of her kind Emperor!Alpha!Zhongli + Omega!Dragoness!Reader
cw/tags: This chapter has no smut but still contains highly suggestive themes and sexual implications. Mentions of slavery and past sexual abuse on fem!reader, A/B/O dynamics and heat mentions. fem!reader suffers with self-worth and bad memories, including past insults and abuse.
notes: After so long finally part 2!! EEEEEEEE I am so excited but also so nervous pls ;w; like if you want the first part can be read as a standalone and have a "happy ending" but now I am committed to the emotional roller coaster, A/B/O dynamics and LONG BURN PINING so yep >:3c hope this does justice to everyone's expectation tho. And hope you like it and accompany me on this tale hehe
As a lil sidenote brackets [] now indicate past actions/words and bad memories, regular italics for emphasis, inner thoughts or the little pinyin I sprinkled here (which btw is taken straight from genshin wiki so...).
<- Part 1 Part 3 ->
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Being precious all of the sudden was… different.
Your hand subconsciously kept touching your bonding mark, as if to make sure it was still there, to soothe you.
After a quick meal just between Zhongli and you, consisting of some soft rice buns and delicious minced meat packaged inside a crispy pastry shell, you were then offered some new clothes. It was much more elaborate and certainly more layered than anything you’d worn before: a long skirt and flowy sleeves in a silky soft fabric, beautifully embroidered and hastily modified to make a hole for your tail to slip out. A sash keeping everything in place while accentuating your figure. You immediately loved it although it felt a little heavy and restricting.
Now, you quietly follow Zhongli as he leads you around the palace. He’s back to his former fully-human appearance, wearing an elegant attire, and everywhere you go, people bow at him and cast curious silent glances at you. It was rather unnerving.
It’s fine, you are used to being stared at, judged. You hold your tail up close for comfort.
The place is huge and you quickly get lost trying to map it out in your head, simply following along until you reach a large room with a few simple beds scattered around. Bookcases and cabinets stacked the walls, filled with all sorts of books, papers, jars and things. A pungent smell present in the air.
A green-haired man leans over a desk, glasses perched on his nose as he frantically scribbles some notes. What seems like powders and plants litter the space around him, along with a few more glass containers, incense, and a tea set with a steaming fresh cup.
“Baizhu.” Zhongli’s voice calls and you stiffen a little, hearing it again after a while of silence. It is still warm and deep but with a more reserved and regal tone like when he first met you.
The green-haired man (a Beta, you recognize) looks up and blinks in surprise, then smiles brightly and says some words you do not understand, you shuffle in place.
“Yes, this is her.” Zhongli replies. “I will ask you to speak in in common tongue so she can understand as well, I don’t want to unnecessarily unnerve her.”
Well, that is… very considerate. It eases you a little.
“Of course, your majesty.” He turns to you, his eyes were a bright amber, also with slitted pupils. Was it common in liyuens? “My name is Baizhu, the royal doctor and apothecary, pleased to meet you, empress.”
“E-Empress?!” You can’t help but blurt out.
“Why of courssse.” A high-pitched voice hisses and you almost jump when a white snake peaks her head from her coils at the desk, staring up at you. “You’re mated to hisss majesssty the emperor, sssso, it would be underssstood you’re now the empresssss.” Her split tongue flickers.
Baizhu chuckles. “Changsheng, be nice.”
You don’t know what to answer, mostly because you’re still reeling from the fact that you’re apparently now an empress, and because there’s a talking snake.
Liyue is weird…
“I decided to bring her here exactly because of that.” Zhongli turns to you and suddenly holds one of your hands, softly, staring at you with such affection it makes you melt. “Darling, would you let him check your bonding mark for a moment?”
You’re a little nervous, but it is not like you can refuse… right? You nod quietly.
Baizhu approaches and examines your neck and you fight the urge not to flinch or growl. No Omega likes it when a stranger is so close to such a sensitive spot. He hums and tilts his head but doesn’t touch you. “It seems it’s already healed due to her illuminated beast blood but the scar is present. I’d say the bond has been properly established, congratulations your majesty.” He smiles warmly.
A grateful bubbly feeling creeps up your chest. Properly established. So, it’s true.
You feel Zhongli’s hand squeeze yours lightly and look down at it, then back up at him. “Thank you, Baizhu. I will not keep you any longer. We still have a lot to do and I’m sure you do as well.”
Baizhu bows at him (at both of you, you realize) and then you’re on your way. Not before hearing the snake’s hissy whispers again
“A fine yin, hm…?”
This is… your new home.
Zhongli shows you around some of the areas in what he called the “inner court” of the palace complex. Everything is so… large and open and lavish it has your head spinning, your eyes darting in every direction trying to take in all at once, walking fast on your new clothes. He guides you along the dining hall, a small temple, crosses through an enormous main hall where he explains audiences are held, and then a gorgeous outer garden that completely takes your breath away.
The wooden gilded architecture in golds and reds, the fresh wind and gentle sun. All sorts of new sounds and smells. The painted walls and high ceilings. The new plants and flowers. The chatters in a different language… everything is so distinct from the desert.
You soak in the new environment. Inhaling deeply.
It is both terrifying and exhilarating.
Finally, he guides you to another room, it looks similar to the nest room where you’d first been at, but larger. It is sparsely decorated with a large and comfy looking-bed, a desk, mirror and a small table with a couple chairs and a tea set. It smells nice enough.
You peek up at Zhongli.
“This will be your room.” He explains.
“We kept it simple for now but you are, of course, free to furnish and decorate it however you’d like. It’s close to my own room and anything you might need.”
Wait what?
Your ears lower down and you seem to deflate a little, disappointed. “H-Huh? But… I-I won’t be sleeping with you?” You ask softly.
Mated pairs sleep together, don’t they? They share living chambers and mix their scents together to symbolize their union. That’s what you’ve always been told. You are to always be near your Alpha, at his beck and call, warm up his bed and be ready to please.
Maybe things are different in Liyue? Or maybe it’s because he’s an emperor. Master didn’t tell you anything, so maybe you are just making a fool of yourself right now on your-
Zhongli clears his throat and looks at you a little surprised “I simply thought you’d be more comfortable having your own space, we… don’t really know each other very well yet, and I wouldn’t want to impose.”
Impose? As in order? But he’s your Alpha! “B-But I want to! Please! I-I mean… I thought that since we’re b-bonded…” You mumble shyly.
His cheeks turn a little pink, you like when that happens, he looks a lot less serious. He cups your cheek and you inhale looking up at those gorgeous golden eyes. “My dear dragoness. I don’t want you to feel forced to do anything you don’t want to. I know you were raised… differently, I cannot claim to understand your experiences, but listen to me: you are safe here.” He says the last part slowly, enunciating each word. “No one will scold you or punish you, least of all me. I want you to be free to speak and choose what you want.” He sighs. “Though I know it’ll be difficult...”
Furnish, impose, free… you don’t know any of those words.
But no punishment, to choose what you want, to be safe… it sounds surreal even.
What do you want?
His eyes soften at your nervous silence. “Let’s try this… do you really want to share my room, or would you like to stay here? I won’t be upset if you do.”
“I…” Your tail curls around you. “I want to stay with you. Sleep together. Like mates.” You mumble.
“Then it would be my honor, however, this room will stay ready if you change your mind, alright?” You glance around at the room again, and nod. “Now that that is settled, I have one last thing to do. I need to introduce you to a few very special people before I leave to-”
You didn’t mean to yelp like that.
“J-just to do my duties, I am not leaving you, I promise.” He corrects, a little taken aback. “I am sorry my dear, but as much as I’d like to spend every moment by your side right now, I have a few pressing matters to tend to. I know you’re nervous, everything is new and scary and overwhelming but I promise I’ll leave you in good hands and be back as soon as I can.”
You nod, now feeling a little embarrassed at the whole ordeal. You’d been feeling so at ease with his presence, showing you around, listening to his voice name and explain everything you saw that you’d almost forgotten. “You’re the emperor, I’m sure you’re very busy. No need to worry about me, I’ll behave, my lord.”
He frowns a little at that but says nothing, and you choose to say nothing else either.
Going back to the main hall, you immediately spot three people lined up looking at you with a mix of the already expected curiosity and excitement. One of them in particular immediately catches your attention, he’s an Alpha and you can’t help but feel a little nervous…
“Allow me to introduce you, these three are my most loyal and closest council members: Ping, Ganyu and Xiao.” Zhongli gestures at them and all three bow lightly. “Like you and I they all have the blood of xiānshòu, and you can ask them for anything should you need help or have questions. I hope you learn to trust them and feel at ease.”
You nod quietly, still a bit fixated on the other Alpha.
“Xiao, or general Alatus, is one of Liyue’s strongest, most resilient and skilled warriors. He usually keeps guard at the palace to ensure my wellbeing and now yours as well, if you ever feel danger call out his name and he’ll come.”
Ah, did they notice you were staring…?
With a gesture of his hand Xiao manifests a gorgeous Jade spear, crystalline green shards reflecting light as he taps it by his side, standing firm, you flinch in surprise. “My spear shall now serve you too, empress.” His eyes too are golden and sharp, filled with a certain rigidness and determination you can’t quite put your finger on.
“Thank you, Xiao, dismissed.”
Xiao hums quietly and promptly disappears in a burst of black and green smoke, you stand there a little startled, your hand clings to the brown fabric of Zhongli’s sleeve.
“He might be an Alpha as well, but I promise you he’ll cause you no harm.” Your alpha murmurs softly towards you.
“O-okay…” You squeak, a bit embarrassed.
“Ganyu here is one of the most reliable people in the palace, perhaps the entirety of Liyue. Everything of importance reaches her ears and passes through her eyes. She’s able to organize meetings, events, report, compile information and assist every negotiation and decision of this palace with stunning efficiency. She too will help you with anything you need and might be in charge of a little logistics regarding you settling in for the next few days.” Zhongli smiles.
The young woman with long blue hair and… horns? chuckles and blushes a little. “Your majesty, you're too kind, I merely love doing my job.” She puts her hands together and beams at you, sunset eyes bright. “I’m so honored to meet you, rest assured I’ll take care of anything you need. I hope you feel comfortable and welcome at the palace!”
That sounded like a lot. You weren’t used to people coddling you like this. You didn’t want to give anyone trouble or work. “T-that’s alright, thank you.”
“Now, Ping is probably going to spend the most time with you, she’s very knowledgeable in culture, history and the inner workings of the palace amongst other things. She has graciously offered to teach you liyuen and anything else you’d be interested in.”
Unlike the other two Ping has a certain calm aura to her, contrasting Xiao’s seriousness and Ganyu’s excited energy. You can tell she’s a gentle old soul as she approaches you with a soft wrinkled smile and graying hair.
“Don’t worry young empress, while Lord Morax here is regrettably busy with a work-packed schedule,” She gives him a playful side stare “You and I will have some fun. I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.” She takes your hand and pats it comfortingly. It’s kind of an awkward gesture for you, but you still welcome the warmth and good intentions.
Zhongli chuckles quietly. “In that case, I’ll leave you in her care and see you at night for dinner, alright?” He seems to hesitate for a moment but then cups your face in his hands and places a soft kiss at your forehead. The unexpected gesture has you blushing scarlet and your heart speeding up like crazy. His thumb brushes at the scales under your eyes, so affectionate in the smallest ways… “I know it’s not ideal, but it’ll be fine, yes?”
You stare at his golden eyes, the red lines, his handsome face framed with dark hair, his serene smile.
You don’t like this. You don’t want him to leave. The idea makes you uncomfortable.
But it’s not like you can say no.
You nod.
“Thank you, Ping.” Both of them exchange a glance and then he turns to the blue-haired woman still in the room. “Ganyu, if you will.”    
“Right away your majesty!” She scurries after him, talking quickly in foreign tongue while both walk away.
You stare after him for a moment longer.
“It’s a little difficult, isn’t it?”
You quickly turn back to Ping and then look down, ears folding back.
She laughs softly. “No need to be ashamed dear, it is understandable that you are unsure with all this, it’s a lot of changes for such a short time and you bond is still fresh, but let’s take it easy.”
Your hand brushes at Zhongli’s bonding mark again. “O-Okay…”
“Are you hungry? Tired? Perhaps you want to rest a little?”
You want to scurry away to your mate’s room and curl up there, that’s what you want, but…
“Um, aren’t you… going to train me?”
Ping blinks a little taken aback “Train? Oh! Teach?”
Same thing.
“Well, yes. I did offer, but only if you’re feeling up to it young empress. You can take your time, we don’t have to start right away. And like I said, take it easy, it's only your second day here.” She explains. “You won’t be absorbing any information if you are uncomfortable and jittery like this.”
“No need to apologize at all. Now tell me, is there anything you’ve seen or heard today that you’re curious about, anything you want to do?”
What you want…
You think back a few hours earlier. The infirmary, the small temple, the grand hall, and…
“The garden.” You speak. “Can we go outside and see?”
Ping smiles brightly. “Of course! I’m sure there are a lot of things there that will catch your interest and cheer you up.”
Your tail sways a little after you as you follow the old lady along the corridors.
The garden is breathtaking.
More than a garden it feels like a whole different world. Bright and exciting and colorful, full of life. It reminds you of an Oasis, but just… more!
A grand pond with multicolored fishes and a couple of turtles sunbathing. Walk paths made of stone, plants everywhere you see: in trees with vibrant yellows, oranges and all shades of greens, in flowers with soft colors and small petals, in thick bushes. The light filters through the leaves and there’s the soft tweets of small birds.
“It’s… so pretty!” You exclaim happily.
“I’m glad you think so. Gardens like this are carefully cared for and preserved to impress, but they also represent beauty, abundance a sense of harmony.” Ping explains as she is now the one following after you, skipping along the path. “These trees you see are sandbearers, and that one is a ginkgo tree, you can tell the difference by the shapes of their leaves.” She points at each one and you follow with your gaze, picking a small leaf from the floor, golden and fan-shaped.
“See those smaller fishes? They’re goldfishes. The bigger ones are kois.” She gestures at the animals freely swimming around. Some of them are huge!
“What do they eat?” You blurt out.
“Well, usually algae and wheat. We can get some another day and you can feed them.”
“Of course.”
“Oh! Is that a koi too? It’s so… long and pretty.”
“Ah, that one is a golden koi. Lord Morax has a few of them here. They are also called Jīnchì Jiǎlóng or ‘false dragons’ you know? For the small horns and long bodies. They do resemble your tail a little, don’t they?”
You move your tail forward and stare at it, then stare at the serpentine fish.     
“Yes, sort of… Jin chi… jia long.” You mumble.
“Here, I think you’ll like these ones. Come with me.” You eagerly follow after Ping as she rounds the pond and guides you towards a few red bushes. They’re dotted with pink round flowers. “These are silk flowers, Nícháng-huā, usually harvested to make clothes, but there are many special ornamental variants and between us both, your dear mate has a weak spot for these so he has quite the collection.” She chuckles.
“Ornamental, it means mostly for decoration.”
“Oh!” Suddenly you feel dumb, you’d thought for a second that was a liyuen word too. “I’m sorry… I don’t even know common tongue very well.” How could you even expect to learn liyuen?
“No worries, dear, learning a new language is a daunting task, it takes a bit of work every day. If you keep learning, using and practicing words, you’ll get there.”
You smiled softly. Ping was so… patient and supportive.
So much different from…
[You have to try harder.]
[Tch that is not good enough.]
[Are you stupid?!]
[Useless omega.]
You looked at the budding silk flowers and blinked. Once. Twice. Why was your vision blurry now? What was this feeling?
“Oh, oh young empress please don’t cry. It’s alright” Ping’s alarmed remark helps you understand. She fusses over you. “Are you ok?”
You wipe at your tears and smile, a genuine bright smile.
“I’m fine.”
And this time, you truly mean it.
After a rather fancy bath (the kind of like you used to take before being presented to Alphas, with bubbles and scented oils...) and a good dinner Zhongli and you headed over for his chambers for the night. You couldn’t help but be a little… nervous.
This is stupid. He’s your Alpha.
He’s been nothing but kind to you.
What if he wants to… d-do things?
Then you’ll do it. He’s your mate. It’s your obligation.
You were the one who chose this anyway.
Your heartbeat was loud in your ears, anxiety creeping up your chest. Were your fingers trembling? Was the room suddenly cold?
As expected, the bedroom was quite matching his style. Golds, browns and a bit of red and black here and there. Dragon imagery adorning some of the walls, a tea cabinet with a small table and shelves filled with all sorts of trinkets from precious stones and books to a beautiful fan and a tea set.
And then there was the bed.
A large canopy bed, enough to probably have your body and tail fully stretched across and still fit in the mattress, beautifully decorated and filled with fabrics and pillows.
The scent of Zhongli’s Alpha pheromones was definitely strong.
He yawns and runs a hand along his forehead, combing along his hair before pulling out the clip on it, letting his long dark locks spill free. He takes off his robe revealing his naked torso and you jolt.
It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine.           
You undress as well into your light sleeping clothes and gingerly slip into his bed, curling up around his pillows, surrounded by his scent.
You are his.
It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine-
“Darling, is everything alright? Are you uncomfortable?” He asks concerned, climbing on the bed as well and reaching out to touch your arm. You squeak. “You’re… terrified, what’s wrong?” Then Zhongli’s eyes widen a little. “Oh. The scent… I completely overlooked that, my apologies. Is it too strong? Are you ok? Should have given you some things earlier for you to scent and include them here. This is no good…” He rambles a bit to himself as he sits up and crosses his arms thoughtfully.
You stare at him, anxiety still surging through your veins but now mixed in with confusion.
“Would you like to sleep in the other room we prepared for you instead?” He sighs.
“I… t-this is… you… would just let me leave?”
Zhongli tilts his head slightly, now he looks confused.
“I promised you that the room would be available-”
“So, you don’t want to mate?”
He stares at you for a moment as you grip at the bedsheets, still tense.
His eyes widen as realization settles in.
Ah. The pink dusting in his cheeks is back.
“Y-You thought that… no! My dear, no, no, no…” He coughs into his fist awkwardly. “I apologize if I gave you the wrong idea. A-As I said before I want you to be comfortable and feel safe. No Alpha will force you to do anything you don’t want. Not even me. And you don’t have to feel forced to do things you don’t want to, either.”
You look down. Although you feel slightly more relieved.
“I want to stay here. A-and if you want to, I’ll service you, my lord. I was just… nervous, sorry.”
“I assure you there is no need for any of that.” He says softly. “Here.”
He pulls the covers and slips them over you both, lying down facing you but still keeping a little distance. You do the same, curled up face to face with him.
He’s so effortlessly handsome.
And kind.
And you like him.
But he’s still an Alpha.
“Is this alright? We’re just going to sleep, I promise.” He brushes some hair away from your face.
You nod.
“Is there… anything you want to talk about or ask me?”
You... don’t know.
You shake your head.
“Hmmm. Want to share about your day? What were you up to with Ping?” He gives you a playful smile. Suddenly he feels less like an imposing strict emperor, or like a scary Alpha. He’s just your Zhongli.
“She… showed me the garden. I wanted to see.”
“Ah, the royal garden has many fascinating sights and it’s a beautiful landscape to retreat to and ease one’s mind. I had the feeling you’d be interested.”
“There were so many beautiful things. She taught me about the silk flowers, nícháng-huā. And all the trees and fishes and birds.”
“Oh? Are these your first words in liyuen, my dear?”
You giggle. “I… suppose they are. She also showed me your turtles Jiàn and Fù and told me what their names mean, they are so cute. Oh! And we saw the liúlí bah… bai… bǎihé! I sang to them and they bloomed! It was... amazing.”
“I see. Not everyone can achieve that, I’ll admit I’m quite hopeless at singing.” He chuckles “What more did you learn?”
Feeling much more content and at ease you continue retelling all the new things you had experienced and the vocabulary you had learned including how to introduce yourself and some greetings and basic words. Talking for what felt like hours until weariness and sleep claimed you both.
Zhongli simply listened and stared at you, captivated. He seemed content as well.
It made you happy.
For the next couple of months, you established a sort of routine.
You’d wake up early alongside Zhongli, even though you didn’t need to, you simply enjoyed having some morning tea and breakfast with him. Afterwards he’d go tend to some of his official duties and you’d stay with Ping Lǎolao, learning more and more each day. By now you could even follow some basic conversation (provided the other person didn’t speak too fast) although reading and writing was still extremely difficult.
You’d expressed interest in some gardening and even headed to the kitchens to prepare some food by yourself. The maids claimed there was no need for the empress to do such ‘menial tasks’ but as an Omega you pride yourself in certain things, and cooking for your Alpha was something you’d yearned to do.
You were overjoyed when Zhongli praised your Jade parcels.
You’d always have lunch with him and some days he’d accompany you for a stroll or you’d stay at his study for some leisure time, or even at some meetings. It had been a little unnerving at first but you also knew it was important to know others and be known in the council, as well as understand Liyue outside of the palace walls. After all, you are an empress now.
At night, you slept close to him. The initial awkwardness of sleeping at opposite sides of the bed soon traded for a much cuddlier approach, often with you curled up to Zhongli’s chest or him spooning you, tails often intertwined together. The bed and the entire room now have a mix of your combined scents, like true mates.
And so, life was good…
You’re slowly pulled out of your sleep as Zhongli stirs in the bed. You grumble a little and yawn, already missing his warmth. It was so pleasant…
“Good morning, my dear dragoness.”
“Morning…” You mumble, not opening your eyes and instead blindly reaching for his pillow to hug and cling to. “Can we stay for longer?” You whine.
“You definitely can, but I have to go.” He kisses your forehead “Rest, my dear.”
You pout but say nothing. Squeezing at the pillow and burying your face in it.
It smells so good…
“Hmm… is it warmer today?” You wonder aloud as the maids help you up with the layers of your hanfu. The clothes still hot and heavy in contrast to what you used to wear at the desert, but today seemingly more so… the sash feels more constricting than usual. “I-I think I’d like to wear something a little lighter… if possible.”
“Of course, your majesty, no problem.”
You smile at them, grateful.
Sitting at Zhongli’s study room you practice some basic liyuen calligraphy while he seemingly goes over some important documents. The silence is comfortable and a warm cup of Qixing tea steams at both desks. Yet, something keeps bothering you.
You huff lightly, scratching and picking at the scales of your tail, irritated with the uncomfortable feeling. Why is it so itchy? A couple of them fall off, revealing new glossy ones underneath.
“Ah…” So that means…
You stop for a moment. The feverish feeling, scents being stronger on your nose, the urge to nest and cling to your mate.
Hmm… part of you is a little excited. And yet, there is fear.
“You have quite the appetite today, dear. Eat slowly, the food won’t go anywhere.” Ping chuckles as you practically pick a little of every dish while still trying to keep some modicum of elegance. Chopsticks weren’t that easy after all.
“Yes… I think… I think it’s my pre-heat hormones.” You sigh before munching on a shrimp ball.
Your heat…
Your first heat with Zhongli. With any Alpha to be honest. You’d always had to endure them on your own (Master couldn’t have you get pregnant) and they were excruciating and debilitating, crying out for days with your skin burning and itching, trying to sate yourself with your fingers and humping pillows. But now… you’re happily bonded.
Would it… feel good again?
Like, that first time you two mated…
You feel your cheeks heat up.
“Excuse me?”
You’re brought back to reality to see Ping staring at you seemingly a little alarmed.
“Pre-heat? Young empress, are you going into heat soon?”
“Y-yeah? Probably um, tonight…? Or tomorrow.” The onsets are always so quick, and your cycle has always been more or less stable.
The elder places her chopsticks down. “Have you told Lord Morax?”
“Um. N-No, not yet. But… m-maybe he already caught on...” You tilt your head.
Then again even you took a couple of days to identify the signs, and now for sure you were at the brink of it. Maybe he’ll mate you tonight…
Hm… how will Zhongli react to your heat scent?
You have to do your best!
[Be a good omega.]
Ping stands up, her expression still gentle but with a sort of urgency to it, your instincts catch the feeling she’s worried about something.
“I have to inform about this, please stay here dear.”
Now you’re nervous. You nod slowly.
Why does it feel like you did something wrong…?
After that, things get… chaotic.
It’s only a while later that you find yourself at the infirmary. Ganyu and Zhongli are also there and everyone’s anxious pheromones in the air do not sit well with you (subtle as they are, your nose is hyperaware right now).
“I’m sorry the symptoms are already settled in. At this point it is simply not feasible to give her suppressants, she has to go through this heat.” Baizhu says, looking troubled.
Feasible? Suppressants? More unknown words but…
Is there something wrong with your heat?
Ganyu scurries off and Ping starts talking with Baizhu on the other side of the room. You cling to Zhongli’s robe, trying to soothe yourself with his presence but his scent is… agitated.
You whine to call out to him. You’re scared.
“Did I do something wrong?”
Zhongli pulls you close, cupping your face again, staring straight at you. “No… no my dear dragoness, of course you didn’t, it’s just…” He steels himself searching for the right words, it doesn’t ease you in the slightest. “We didn’t expect your heat so soon. I should have known, noticed… I’m sorry.”
Why is your alpha apologizing to you? That is ridiculous.
“Is it a bad thing?”
“It’s… not the right time.”
You’re so confused.
Don’t Alphas like it when Omegas are in heat? Soft, pliant, warm, needy and ready to breed.
“I just don’t want you to feel obligated to do this…” He says. “And… you could trigger my rut, you could end up pregnant. I don’t want to… scare you, or hurt you. It’s much too soon for us to share your heat. I thought we’d have more time for you to get acclimated to Liyue or…” He shakes his head. “Nevermind. For the next few days you’ll be in a separate room, yes? No one will disturb you during your heat, I promise.”
“B-But then… I… what…?”
“Usually omegas take suppressants, like a type of medicine, to stave off their heats so they don’t have to face these risks or suffer them alone, and then when they’re ready, when they want, they choose to share heats with their partners.” He explains.
“But I want to! I… I’ll be good!”
Zhongli sighs. “Darling you are good, you are precious to me. You don’t need to prove anything or do things because they are ‘expected’ of you.”
He’s not listening!
He asks you what you want. He says you can choose. But now that you tell him, ask him, beg him even… he denies you?
How come you’re always making the wrong choice?
Was it all a lie then?
“But I- T-then- Why-… YOU’RE CONFUSING ME!!” You yell, tears stinging in your eyes.
There are a few gasps and you see not only Baizhu and Ping, but Ganyu and some of the maids staring at you in shock. You cover your mouth, eyes wide at the sudden burst of fierceness and emotion.
You yelled at him.
You talked back.
You should be punished.
He stares at you, frozen like a statue for a few moments. You stare at him, pitiful, your eyes begging. A whimper leaves you and Zhongli lets out a shuddering breath.
Oh, your Alpha wants you, you know it.
"Please..." You mumble, voice so small.
"I'm sorry my dear, it's better this way." His hand moves towards you, to cup your face again or brush at your hair you're not sure, but he stops himself before you can find out. He sighs, averting his gaze and looking conflicted, and then turns around.
This is your punishment.
"It'll be just a few days, you'll be well-cared for. This is for the best." He says sternly, voice pinched.
And then he leaves.
Your heart shatters.
Everything is a blur after that. You’re gently guided along towards an empty nest room, the same one you'd first met him at, there are some things with both your scents on it but they feel sterile, washed anew.
Your hands start trembling. Your eyes start to water. Your lips quiver. Your throat feels tight, choked and dry. Your body feels feverish, hot and restless.
Zhongli rejected you.
“Your majesty please calm down."
You could no longer breathe, hear nor see. You feel like you're drowning, unable to process what just happened. Your mate…your precious mate…he…he…
He abandoned you.
“Your majesty…?"
You scream.
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joestarfoundation · 8 months
JOBROS: Dinner is ready...
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Modern!AU. I aged-up some characters for obvious reasons. Minors DNI. Fem!Reader. English isn't my first language
AN: I didn't include Hermes because 1. She already has her post here and 2. This post is supposed to be straight (f/m). I also included both Bruno and Mista because I literally couldn't decide which of the two to put here, since I consider them both gio's jobro
Jobros x Fem!Reader
How these boys would suck on your clit
nsfw link: Speedwagon, Caesar, Bruno | He would eat you out by making you lie on the mattress, and he would do it so well that it would be impossible for you not to grab his hair while your tender moans motivate him to continue<3
nsfw link: Okuyasu, Mista | If you want it that way, he'll give you some licks to your clit to tease you, while looking at your breasts, but don't worry, he'll eat you out well, just make sure you don't hold back your moans if you don't want to end up totally overstimulated
nsfw link: Kakyoin, Gyro | Literally RIP that pussy, the moment will feel so deeply intimate, not only because of the way his full lips suck your clit, but because his hands will also be touching your entire body, everything. His tongue would move like crazy inside you and you would possibly end up squirting in his face
Here you can find more posts like these
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Guys I suffer from jojo brainrot, I know its not my usual writing , but I need to get this out of my system. NO SPOILERS they/them pronouns, sfw, Request open
Also for obvious (and legal) reasons in josuke and okayasu ones reader is like 16.
Also I didnt finish jojo part4 yet so some stuff might be eee not accurate?
More jjba dating headcanons!!
Including Kars, Santana, young Joseph, Jonathan, Josuke, Speedwagon, Okuyasu
Homie will litteraly pet them. My guy has god complex, thinks that humans are so so smol and so so tiny
Picks them up like some lil baby and probably carries them around everywhere
S/o mostly just vibes in his huge mansion while Kars plots some evil emo stuff (again)
Quick reminder that this guy was doing ah mimimimi ah mimimimimi😴 for last few centuries so s/o has to explain him a lot of stuff
Imagine him getting jumpscared bcs your phone made a noise, or him just walking up to light switch and turing lights on and off repeatedly. Mans fascinated
Also guy is a walking muscle so no matter how big or smol s/o is they going to be picked up and carried around, probably he uses only one hand too btw
Pls brush his hair he will litteraly melt
"Human why you carry tiny talking square everywhere? Is it magical?"
My guy will take their phone and 'accidently' take 50selfies, but not in sexy way, but in 'his face is zoomed to camera and you see only his eyes and forehead' way
His love language is quality time, understanding and gifts
Hates germans btw
Will give them random stuff, like he will litteraly bring them a microwave and be like "human explain meaning of this". But also gives them shiny rocks, jewellery, hair accessories. If s/o wants a new car, my man gonna litteraly pick up first car he sees and bring it to them
I am convinced he eats food with his bare hands. S/o has to give him tutoral how to use knife and fork, he won't like it >:(
Young Joseph
Homeboy hands are everywhere, if my guy doesn't hold their hand, he is putting his hands on s/o shoulders or waist or just kisses them
Doing make-up together. And nails. And hair. All of this while shittalking his enemies and talking about all the drama.
Tequila Joseph first dragqueen in history btw
Never go on plane with him, no matter how romantinc he promises it will be. Do not
Also makes fun of Ceasar that Joseph was the first one to find a partner not him😍
S/o and Ceasar probably meet up sometimes to just complain about how dumb Joseph sometiems is😭
Will litteraly do anything to impress them frfr
Not boyfriend, but Husband material
My guy will be on walk with his homie speedwagon and litteraly act like teenager girl with crush. All blushy, shy and asking for advices
Gives them handfuls of flowers, but like Jonathan's sized handful (alot)
Loves walking with s/o and holding hands ofc
My boy will blush and die if s/o does first move
Pls s/o beat dio up he sucks
The best boy husband
Bros gonna be so protective, like fr my guy will be worried if s/o goes to shop and doesn't come back in more than 20minutes
He will blush if s/o tries to hold his hand
Mumbles a lot about hair routine and hair products, and probably likes to comb s/o hair
Okayasu probably cried when he found out that Josuke has a partner btw
The sweetest boy alive
Guy will accidentally spoil them. Also they are basicly immortal due to all crazy daimon stuff
If s/o sees stands... OMG PLS pls hug his lil man, his stand i mean. It looks very hugable
Playing video games when s/o and josuke lied to his mom that you came over to teach him some school stuff>>
This dude
This guy
Will litteraly beat anyone up, for no reason anyways. He just do be like that.
He is very dumb, please be patient
Isn't romantic, he tries to act cool and tough, but he is unintentionally cute! Like he will go to s/o house in middle of day, knock on door and he like "sup babygrill I bought you some ice cream"
If you guys play any kind of competitive game he might let them win! But he never tell them that of course
Also he is very physical, but not in romantic/sexy way but in 'dub me up homie/sup give me high five' hes very bromance. he also enjoys just leaning on them, like yall just stand waiting for bus and this dude will put like half his body weight on them
Once he had a nightmare and called them at 3am
Btw sorry that characters are all over place and not organised, I am sleeby
My guy will shank anyone for you babe
Talks, a lot. So if s/o is a listener type, they will get along well
Goes to Jonathan and asks for advices about relationships!
S/o steals his hat and he pretends that he's offended, but pls dont stop you look cute!
My guy is very very...unorganised... total mess of a men if it comes to life. I dont even know if he has a house btw
Cuddles on couch when he's sure that noone is around>>>
Will read them to bed if that helps s/o fall asleep
He has poor eyesight but he doesnt wear glasses. Bonk him pls
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monster-mash-m · 20 days
Sometimes I just wanna peg big buff men till they’re cryin from overstimulation…. 💔
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cinamintyy · 24 days
JJBA sleeping hc's:
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A/N: a little bit of jjba hc's since I haven't written it in a while, and I finally have time to write as much as I usually do since my exams are over.
Characters: Jonathan Joestar, Speedwagon, Dio Brando
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Jonathan Joestar:
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☆He definitely prefers to bathe before he sleeps and would love if you joined in.
☆He loves big spooning you, just knowing you're there and being able to protect puts him at ease
☆A light sleeper, but I feel like he'd be extremely confused the first few minutes after he wakes up.
☆I don't feel like he'd have a tight grip on you when he first falls asleep, but later in the night, his grip on you gets firmer.
☆Snores, I can definitely feel that going for him. It's not too much that it's disturbing to your sleep, but just enough for you to hear when he's sleep, particularly deep.
☆You two always wake up with you on his chest and in his arms.
☆He definitely gives you good morning and goodnight kisses.
☆But I definitely think he is the best sleeper on this list. 10/10 would recommend 👌.
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☆Showers in the mornings unless he's really dirty.
☆Loves being held by you, especially laying on your chest.
☆Has frequent nightmares, in my opinion, nothing too bad just really weird nightmares.
☆Sleeps like a rock. Once he's gone, he's gone.
☆I hope you're a deep sleeper cause this man snores so loudly it's unbelievable.
☆I feel like the reason he sleeps as heavy as he does is cause he struggles to sleep.
☆But one way that he will definitely fall asleep is if you play with his hair in any way, he just immediately passes out.
☆He isn't a blanket hog he is the opposite he pushes all the blankets on to you.
☆He will not wake up the same way he fell asleep. He'd fall asleep on your chest and wake up at the bottom of the bed.
☆As much as I love this man depending on the night, he is the worst sleeper, so a solid 7.5. But he's not as bad as the next person on this list.
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Dio Brando:
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☆And finally, we have this bastard.
☆He has the most elaborate routine before he sleeps, hair care, skin care, whatever there is he does.
☆So greedy with the blankets, he'll take them if it's cold and gives them to you if it's hot.
☆He definitely kicks and pushes you in his sleep.
☆Takes all the nice pillows.
☆You have to wrestle him for space on the bed, or he'll take like 90% of it.
☆But since you are his partner and he would have to see you higher than other people to even consider dating you, he will once in a while hold you.
☆Just make sure to take a piss before you sleep. Cause he is a light sleeper.
☆If you move around too much, he will not hesitate to push you away from him. He's not going to let you disturb his beauty sleep.
☆Overall, 2/10 would have given him zero if it weren't for the fact that he sometimes graces you with the pleasure of being held by him.
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bebegi · 9 days
𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶! 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘩 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭! 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦!
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genre: accidental confession | modern au | reader x speedwagon, erina, straizo.
warnings: none! i think!
notes: this is a little ooc for them so sorry but i needed to make straizo a little weird :3
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© bebegi 2024. do not crop the tag or claim it as yours in any way please, do not repost in other sites without asking for permission + credit, thanks !! reblogs are highly appreciated ♡
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For mermay: how about merman! Joseph where Y/N finds him on the beach at low tide and when he sees them he freaks out and tries to go NIGERUNDAYOOOO but he's on land and he's just flopping around 😂
Absolutely! That's hilarious, you didn't specify whether you wanted yandere or non-yandere, so I made it ambiguous. Enjoy my beautiful mermay enjoyer (you also can be handsome if you want cutie!)❤️
Joseph was often told that his attention seeking behavior would cause him trouble one day. His elders often scolded him for causing currents in the city, startling fish, and wandering too close to the surface. He'd always laugh at them and quip back something clever that made them angrier. Now he realized they might have been right.
It was a simple bet really; Cesear and he were swimming around causing mischief when the topic of the surface came up. "I bet they've got some pretty hot babes on the surface. Ones with two tails instead of one." Joseph sighed dreamily, causing Cesear to scoff. "The women of the land can't compete with the women of the sea." Typical Cesear, so close minded. A smirk appeared on Joseph's face as a "brilliant" idea came to mind. "Oh Cesear, I think that I can find someone more beautiful than all the merfolk in the sea just by the beach." Cesear's kelp green eyes narrowed. "Your next words are 'You bastardo Joseph, you've got yourself a deal!'" Cesear fell for Joseph's ploy. "You bastardo Joseph, you've got yourself a deal!" Joseph shit eating grin was met with shock and anger from the other merman. "You smug sea devil, get back here!" Joseph giggled to himself as he swam from his friend.
Things were going good for Joseph no merfolk noticed Joseph and Cesear sneak towards the surface. Cesear still kept his underwater, like the bloody coward he is. No matter all Joseph has got to do is scope out the land for some hot babes! Swimming closer and ducking his head underwater when he thought someone might be coming, he eagerly spied on the beach to find... NO ONE?! What gives? It was a beautiful morning, sun rising steadily into the sky water at low tide. Low tide... "OH NO!"
You had just woken up and stretched a bit, this was a great place to vacation during the summer. Beautiful town, friendly people, and the sea. White sand for miles around and clear blue ocean water. You love the Mediterranean! Donning a swim shirt and swim trunks and covering that with a light beach cover up, you slipped on your sandals. You rode your bike through the small town that was peacefully asleep, it was pretty early in the morning. Perfect time to have the beach all to yourself. You were ready for another day of tanning, relaxing, and summer fun. You hop off your bike and walk over to the beach humming a tune that was stuck in your head. (Fav song) gets better each time you hear it. Your peace was ruined by someone screaming, oh my god is that person okay? Running to the source of the noise you found a handsome man. He had a mop of wild brown hair and eyes the color of sea glass. He was tall, tan, and muscular and had no legs. Instead, there was a beautiful green fish tail. The man Stopped his loud yelling and violently slapping his tail to look at you. The merman precedes to flop even harder.
Joseph was stuck and while he was an intelligent bastard he also was a cocky one. He wasn't paying attention to the tides and now was flopping around like a fish out of water. Well, he was one but that was beside the point. "Cesear, move your big tail and help me!" The man was met with bubbles. Oh, so that's how that is, Cesear was laughing at his misfortunes. Fake friend! Joseph was too busy cursing the blond traitor that he didn't notice a pair of footsteps quickly approaching him. A light gasp caused his head to snap over to the creator of the noise. A person who was (short/medium/tall) and had (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. They were wearing baggy cloth that hid their curves from his curious gaze. He found a two tail... a hot two tail! Crap a two tail! Joseph begins flopping harder than before he needed to get out of here. He heard the two tail speak in a language he could not understand as it franticly approached him. Hell no!
Wack! the powerful green tail smacked you straight in the gut, throwing you onto some sharp seashells thoroughly knocking the wind out of you. You were trying to help but this merman just gut punched you with his tail. He frantically made clicking and chattering noises to something in the water you could not see. Another merperson? That didn't matter right now, what did was getting the merman back into the ocean before other people came. The merman looked to be made of pure muscle so there was no picking him up and approaching him from behind would get you smacked again. Maybe you could get some water over to where you are. You crept around the merman and threw your hands up in a sign of nonaggression towards the frightened brunet. the ocean was further than you thought and you didn't have a bucket to pour water on him. Frustrated you sank your feet into the wet sand causing water to fill in the hole you made in the sand. Bingo!
Joseph was confused as to why the two tail was digging a hole at this time. Is that what two tails do when stressed? He'd have to ask Speedwagon but right now he continued to observe the two tail and keep them a tail length away. Continuing to watch he saw water slowly filling the hole they made as the dug up to where Joseph would be making some sloppy aqueduct. Who knew two tails could be smart? Joseph met the desperate (e/c) that held no malice towards him. He was good at reading people and knew the land dweller was no danger to him and was even trying to help. Joseph began slowly inching towards them and the small saltwater river they were making, their hands looked tired, but they didn't stop, even as sweat began to form on their brow. Joseph felt his heart began beating faster not out of fear but something else. They didn't have to help them and yet they were trying, more than some merfolk ever did for him.
You heard a squeak and a splash coming from behind you the merman enters the watery area you made for him and was pushing you with him towards the ocean. You both landed with a plop in the warm waters of the Mediterranean, salt stinging your eyes as you had not been prepared to go swimming right now. Surfacing you gasped for air as you searched for the merman, only to see the green merman circling you like a shark. Did you just put yourself in danger? Plop the merman's head surfaced from the water a cheeky grin on his face. Face only centimeters from your own, he looked like he was going to kiss you. You blushed as you found him handsome but wasn't expecting this, squeezing your eyes shut and turning you head away from him. Nothing. You opened your eyes to look at the merman who looked at you with lips puckered and squirted salt water into your face. Gross! The mermaid disappeared before you could even yell at him for not only scaring the crap out of you but getting salt water in your mouth. You couldn't help but laugh though as the merman was very playful and you didn't mind the water. That was until you saw your shoes floating away from you.
Joseph swam down to a smirking blond with a big goofy grin on his face. "Well Joseph, did you see a land babe?" Cesear mocked him but Joseph was in too good of a mood to pout. He was so close to you, he could have kissed you! However, kissing was sacred in mermaid culture only to be done with mates. He blushed at the thought of you being his mate. You could swim with him, he could introduce you to Cesear, and he could show you his home! His giddy thoughts were interrupted by the sour taste that came to his mouth when he thought of introducing you to Cesear or any other merfolk. He didn't want to do that, you were too precious for them. With that decided he planned hen he would meet his own little two leg again with Cesear chasing after him.
Sorry if it sucks, I kinda rushed towards the end because I didn't know if you wanted yandere or not, so this was more fluffy. Please feel free to request more this mermay.
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spicyicetea · 7 months
Just my luck that I'd mention the poll saying one thing and it suddenly changing. I've decided that I'm going to go off of what the poll says as I'm writing chapter 1. Currently its caught between having no powers and being able to take peoples powers when they've been defeated. I'm going to go off of the idea that she can take powers from someone once they're dead, but the power is weakened. For example, she could take a dead mans stand but it would be nowhere near as strong as it was with the original user. I hope this makes all parties happy, yall still get your horny yanderes don't worry.
You were always ours
JJBA various!Yandere x reader
MDNI with this story it will contain NSFW themes and behaviour, you are responsible for the content you consume. TW!Blood/Mentions of Sexual assault/Y/N degrades herself due to past abusive relationship.
prologue/(Chapter 1)/Next part
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With a groan and your head rocking against the cold stone beneath, you lifted yourself up. The left side of your head and hair were wet, having been soaking in the puddle you awoke in. Everying still hurts, head spinning in a nauseating way. What had just happened? Where were you? Your hands were covered in light scratches, stinging as your fingers flexed to gain your bearings. The last thing you remembered was… yes that thing grabbing you and your eye.
“Thank god you're awake! Y/N are you alright?” Eliana knelt beside you, cradling her own arm.
Blood ran down her fingers and dripped into the puddle, a rather large gash in her upper arm. In her other hand was a what looked like a letter opener, bloodied and chipped. Her hair was a knotted mess as she grabbed your face and tilted it left and right, inspecting the bruises from the harsh ground. She pause, starring at your eye with an odd intensity.
“Holy shit, no way, that looks the exact same as their birthmark. A star but not perfect, slightly warped… oh no… is that why we're here? Is this England?”
“Eliana, what are talking about-” She harshly turned your head to look at your reflection in the water, and as she stated, one of your pupils was now a strange looking star.
“So that wasn't a dream… I did see my eye right in our dorm. Wait does that mean that purple thing was real too?”
“Purple thing?”
“Yeah, there was this man who grabbed me from behind when i tried to help you after you passed out, but his body was purple…”
“No way… that was-”
“What are two little ladies like you doing out here in the middle of the night. Didn't think girlies like you were prostitutes.”
A man grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking you up to stand on the tips of your toes. You hissed in pain as he held your hair tightly, his other hand grabbing the neck of your shirt. His friend just stood behind Eliana grabbing her arms as she went to punch him.
“Woah there pretty girl, you'll get your turn once we're done with your friend here.” They laughed, fear shooting up your neck, feeling the bile rising in your throat.
“Get off of her you bastard,” Eliana thrashed, biting the mans arm.
Despite how much you wanted to scream and gouge this fuckers eyes out, you couldn't move. It had been a year since your ex had been chased off by Eliana, but it seemed he still haunted you. The echoes of his hands against your bruised skin, nails digging into you neck as he squeezed as hard as he could. Why? To punish you of course. You had spilt cola all down his shirt and you had to be taught a lesson. Always misbehaving, you couldn't do anything right. Maybe he's still watching you… maybe you deserved this. It was impossible to see with your vision obscured with tears, just letting yourself go limp as your legs became cold due to your trousers falling to your ankles. Just like him… you can just play dead and he'll get bored.
“What are you doing? That's no way to treat a lady!”
Your bare legs hit the ground as your ears rang, barely keeping you conscious. A pair of hands grabbed your shoulders as someone pulled you to your feet, helping fix your clothes. As the ringing stopped, new voices stood out from the general ambience, helping bring you out of your trance.
“Is she going to be alright? Poor thing, no true gentleman would even think of touching a woman like that. Such a fair maiden as well…”
“She'll be fine, it isn't the first time… sorry that's not my information to divulge…” Eliana said, her face coming into focus as she wiped tears from your cheeks with a handkerchief.
“Not the first? Blimey… good thing Jonathan and I got here when we did. Ah her eyes, hey are you feeling better?”
You looked over the three people in front of you, Eliana handing a handkerchief to a blue haired man. To his right was a blond man, the one who was just speaking, his eyes scanning over your face attentively. Swallowing down the feeling of anxiety as much as possible, you nodded and he smiled, turning to his friend to get his attention. His friend turned to you with a soft smile, handing you the handkerchief motioning to bellow your nose. You touch your upper lip and notice the small amount of blood stuck to it, you must have bitten your lip in the struggle.
“Ah thank you…” Your eyes scanned the cloth he had handed you, reading the name on it. “Jonathan Joestar. Thank you Jonathan, genuinely thank you so much.” Tears bubbled up in your eyes as you stepped forward, your shaky legs giving way as you face plant into his chest. He gasped before grabbing your shoulder, his other hand raising your head by your chin to make sure you hadn't hurt yourself. It was like the world went silent, his eyes staring into your own. His thumb rubbed over your bottom lip as his pupils dialated, head cocking to the side before he jolted back. His friend had put a hand on his shoulder, muttering something before he gasped and let you go.
“Ah yes! I have to return to father! Thanks for reminding me Speedwagon, you should accompany me! After my father is given his antidote I'm sure he'd let you stay with us, you wouldn't have to worry about nasty men like that anymore. I'd keep you safe.”
“I… I cant accept that Jonathan, you've already done enough.”
“Nonsense! I can't leave a defenceless woman like yourself in such a dangerous area!”
“He's right, these streets aren't safe for a sweet woman like yourself, I should know.” Speedwagon added, him and Jonathan sharing a strange look before nodding and turning back to you.
“I'm flattered, I really am but I cant leave my friend behind-”
“Then she can come to, come on then keep up we don't have time to waste!” Jonathan picked you up by your hips, holding you bridal style in his arms and he ran from the alley.
“HEY WAIT UP” Eliana yelled, running after him and Speedwagon.
“I said you had to keep up!” Jonathan yelled back, smiling down at you.
There was something about that smile, so sweet and consuming. He was so… warm. Maybe he was right… having somewhere warm to sleep would be nice. So warm…
While resting your head against his chest your eyes slipped closed, falling asleep against him. You couldn’t see the way he smiled down and squeezed you tighter, just making you mumble in your sleep.
“So what are you going to do with my friend while you’re confronting Dio huh?” Eliana said, catching up finally.
“Wow, you’re faster than you look. I’ll do what I have to… wait, how do you know about Dio.”
“We overheard you talking earlier, mentioning him poisoning your father.”
Jonathan gave her a suspicious look, before turning his head back to your sleeping form, running a hand through your hair, despite the knots and wet half. Eliana observed his motions and her face contorted in concern. This isn’t how Jonathan is meant to be acting, we shouldn’t throw off the plot too much… but Y/N she doesn’t know… is he glaring at me? Eliana snapped out of her thoughts as her eyes met Jonathan’s again, caught in a harsh glare. His gaze soon softened as he put on a smile but it was too late.
“I can carry Y/N, she’s my friend after all.”
“Oh don’t worry, she’s perfectly happy with me, what was you name again?”
“Well Eliana, we’re at my home, I’d appreciate it if you waited outside with Speedwagon while I tend to my father. Y/N is staying with me.”
“What, no what if Dio-“
“I’ll handle Dio, now stay here, it’s not safe for you.” Jonathan left to go inside as Speedwagon put a hand on Eliana’s shoulder, stopping her from following.
“So that’s your name darling… Y/N… how pretty. Hmm, Y/N Joestar.” His eyes widen as you shift in your sleep, clinging to his shirt as he tightens his grip on you. “Oh you’re so precious.”
“What have you got there Jonathan? Already moved on from the last wench, or is she some…” the man paused staring down at you. Jonathan shifted you to his side, placing your body down by the door.
“Dio… keep your evil eyes off of her. Now, we have business to discuss!”
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thornybubbles · 10 months
Random Gemstone Themed Yandere Prompts with the Jobros.
Warnings: Typical yandere horror stuff, abusive behavior, possible harm towards reader, disturbing situations, good guys gone yandere, anti-comfort, and canon typical violence. Remember that you alone are responsible for what you choose to read. 
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Speedwagon: Prompt 17 -- Unakite- does the yandere have a point of no return or will they eventually realize how dire the consequences of their actions?
As far as yanderes go, Robert is pretty tame. His point of no return would only happen if you were ever harmed in any way. His greatest fear is if you get hurt or worse. Having his greatest fear realized would unlock a side of good ol’ Speedwagon that not even his closest friends have ever seen. Remember, he was a violent thug before he got involved with Jonathan and his quest to put an end to Dio. If anyone was ever dumb enough to put their hands on you he would revert back to his thuggish nature, only worse. It’s not a side of him he ever wanted you to see, but he’ll happily sacrifice his reputation if it means protecting you. 
As far as realizing the consequences of his actions, he’s pretty lucid. He knows that breaking into your home to watch over you as you slept is not only unsettling and inappropriate, but highly illegal. He knows that following you around to keep an eye on you is borderline stalkerish behavior. He doesn’t care though. In his eyes, it's all perfectly justified. He’s extra careful to make sure you never catch him in the act of doing these things, but rest assured that if you ever did he wouldn’t bother lying to you. He’d come right out and tell you exactly why he was doing it. 
“I don’t mean to be overstepping any boundaries, but the world’s gettin’ a lot more dangerous lately. More so than usual. Someone’s gotta look out for you in these dark times and I figure that someone may as well be ol’ Speedwagon.” 
You’ll find it difficult to look into those big, sad, brown eyes and find any fault with him. Speedwagon a stalker? Absurd! Because of this mindset that you have about him, he’ll never really experience any consequences. You’ll just have him walk alongside you instead of trailing behind you in the shadows. 
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Caesar: Prompt 9 -- Diamond- what does the yandere want from their ideal darling?
With Caesar it’s all about romance. He’s no stranger to having ladies swooning over his words and actions, but just once he’d like to have someone make the first move or at least offer him something in the way of a challenge. He occasionally finds himself bored when he’s the one doing all the wooing. He flirts and flirts, but nobody ever seems to flirt back. More than even that, he’d like it if his darling didn’t just turn into a blushing mess the moment he put on the charm. Make him work for it!
If he finds you attractive, he’ll flirt the moment he lays eyes on you (though it’s mostly to annoy Joseph… at first). Maybe he goes for the traditional kiss on the back of the hand and instead of just standing there looking up at him all smitten and red-faced, you grab him by the wrist and yank him close. 
“Nuts to that old fashioned stuff! If you’re gonna kiss me, then just kiss me!” you say. 
And then maybe you pull him in for a kiss right on the lips. If you do something bold like that, you’ll completely throw him for a loop. He’ll stand there, feeling like his face is in flames and his heart is going to beat out of his chest. That brazen action of yours may have been the very thing that caused his yandere side to come bubbling up to the surface. You can’t just… you can’t just do that and walk away from him! You just can’t! You better expect him to pursue you now. As far as Caesar is concerned, you and him are practically engaged, so you may as well get used to him being around. 
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Kakyoin: Prompt 14 -- Moonstone- are there things that the yandere will hide from darling at all costs?
Noriaki definitely has a dark side. We’ve seen just how bad it can get with his first introduction while he was under the influence of one of DIO’s flesh buds. Even when he is his normal self, Noriaki has a vindictive and violent side. It’s this part of him that he doesn’t want you to see. Ever. He wants you to view him as the polite, somewhat shy boy who always manages to make you swoon without even trying. He wants you to love him, not fear him. 
His dark side is reserved for people who deserve it. Like anyone that tries to interfere with his relationship with you. Let’s say some guy tries to sway you away from him while he’s standing right there: 
“Hey there, hot stuff! Why don’t you come hang out with a real man, like me, instead of this skinny dweeb?” he says as he reaches over and flicks Noriyaki on the forehead, laughing boisterously at the redhead’s displeased expression. 
Suddenly, the guy stops laughing. 
“S-sorry… about th-that…” he stammers with a strange look on his face. “I-I was out of l-line…” 
He then staggers away, staring blankly into the horizon. 
“That was weird.” you say, disturbed by the whole interaction. 
“Probably on drugs or something.” Noriaki comments, disinterested. 
Moments later there is the sound of shrieking tires followed by the sound of a car ramming into a human body. 
“That guy just walked into traffic!” someone shouts. 
You turn your head, but Noriaki is quick to shield your view. 
“You don’t want to see that!” he says as he ushers you away. “Let’s just get out of here before the rubberneckers show up.” 
Not wanting to get caught up in a crowd wanting to see blood and guts, you agree and allow Noriaki to lead you away. Nori’s expression is grim and you wonder if he saw the accident as it happened. It worries you. The last thing Nori needed was more trauma to have nightmares about. Egypt certainly took a toll on him. He still refuses to tell you anything about why he ran away or what he was up to during the time he was gone. All that you know is that whatever happened, it nearly killed him. You lean into him and he holds you close, seemingly grateful for you for just being by his side. 
As you leave the scene, Noriaki calls back Hierophant Green. The Stand slithers out of whatever is left of the lowlife’s body and returns to his master. Noriaki wants to smile in satisfaction, but he refrains. He’s very glad that you can’t see Stands, or else you would be horrified by what he’d just done. 
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Okuyasu: Prompt 16 -- Rhodonite- does the yandere want kids and would they force darling into having them?
 (This is assuming that reader can have kids in the first place)
Does Okuyasu want to have kids? OH MY GOD, YES!!! Poor Okuyasu’s family life suffered so badly after his father became one of DIO’s followers. He longs to have a normal family again, or at least as normal as he can have while being a Stand user. Okuyasu sees having kids with you as a means of getting back the family that was taken from him. You can bet that he’ll be a great dad, if not a little over-protective. Okay, maybe more than a little…
As much as he wants a family, he will NEVER force it on you. If you aren’t interested in having kids, he’ll be a little disappointed, but he’ll settle for it just being the two of you alone. 
“I’m… I’m gonna be a dad? Really? Y-you’re not messing with me are you? You really mean it? We’re gonna have a kid?!” he’ll say when you tell him you’re expecting. 
Once you confirm to him that he will indeed be a dad he sinks to his knees and bursts into happy tears. After about ten minutes of that, he’ll dry up and shout, “I gotta go tell Josuke, Koichi, and everybody else in the whole neighborhood!!!” 
Before you can stop him he’s on his way out the door. He returns a moment later, grabs you (gently, of course), plants a long kiss on your lips, then runs out the door again. You stare at the door. He didn’t bother to close it behind him. You shake your head and allow yourself a small smile as you close the door. You love Okuyasu, but now that you were both going to be parents, you were going to have to have a long talk with him about his over-protectiveness. 
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Bucciarati: Prompt 8 -- Chrysoprase- how does the yandere deal with heartbreak?
Honestly? Not very well. He should have expected this to happen and he blames himself. It was only a matter of time before you discovered his career as a Mafioso. It’s only natural that such a thing would scare you away. It was bad enough that you wanted to leave him, but the way you looked at him with fear and suspicion as you broke things off absolutely destroyed him. He tried to explain himself, tried to explain what his true intentions were: to destroy the illegal drug trade from the inside out, but it meant nothing to you. You wanted nothing to do with such a lifestyle. It was too dangerous for you and far too frightening. He understands why you want to leave. He really does.
But he doesn’t care. 
He should never have pursued you in the first place. He should never have let himself get involved with a normal citizen that had no connections to either Italy’s underworld or the equally hidden world of Stands and their users. You were right about it being too dangerous for you but he was far too obsessed to let you go. He should have never let himself fall for you so deeply…
It’s far too late now. Not only is he overwhelmingly in love with you, but even if you leave him, you’ll still be a target for his enemies. You’ve already been seen together far too often, so surely some of his enemies know of your connection to him. They will use you to get to him. Most of them will be Stand users, too. You aren’t a Stand user. You will have no way to defend yourself. If you go now, you’ll be putting yourself in harm’s way. You’ll be alone, without him by your side and his enemies would take advantage of that. So, that’s why he has to spirit you away and hide you somewhere that no one will find you. That’s what he tells himself. He deludes himself into thinking that he’s doing it for your own good, but deep down he knows that he just wants to keep you from leaving. And you really are in danger now, so this is mutually beneficial! Even if you don’t love him anymore, he’ll keep you safe… whether you like it or not. 
“Glare at me if you wish. Call me all manner names and swear at me if it makes you feel better. Scream until your throat bleeds. None of it will make any difference. I won’t allow you to put yourself in danger.” he tells you as he unzips your limbs. 
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Anasui: Prompt 6 -- Carnelian- how does the yandere deal with their darlings strong will?
Ah yes, one of JJBA’s canon yanderes… 
Your strong will may very well have been one of the many things that attracted Anasui to you but, if your strong will leads you to push him away, when you’re so obviously meant for each other, then he’s going to be a lot less happy about it. He feels that he learned his lesson with Jolyne (he hasn’t). If you push him away the first time he puts on the charm, he’ll apologize and dial it back a bit. He doesn’t want to come on too strong, not like he did with Jolyne. So he’ll restrain himself and bide his time. You’ll come around eventually. All he has to do is find a way to endear himself to you while secretly scaring off (or getting rid of) any possible competition. It has to be different this time… he can’t take any more heartache. 
If you still refuse him, though, he might go “full yandere”. Believe me, you don’t want that. He’s only ever done that once before and that’s how he ended up in prison in the first place. Being cheated on and then rejected by Jolyne… he can’t take anymore heartache. So if you keep refusing him, he’ll realize that he’ll never earn your love. So he’ll just have to make you love him! This will lead to a psychotic break in him that will change his way of dealing with you. He’ll grow cold and sadistic. No more simping. His patience has run out. He’ll just have to kidnap you and teach you how to love him. He’ll have to punish you when you get it wrong. He won’t permanently damage you, but if he has to break you for you to learn your lesson then he will without hesitation. 
If you keep resisting even then, well it’s obvious to him that there must be something wrong with you. Maybe if he takes you apart he can find out what it is inside of you that makes you keep refusing him and remove it. He just hopes that he can put you back together again when he’s done…
“I’ve accepted the fact that I’m completely unlovable,” he’ll say in tearful rage, “but I will never accept being unloved!” 
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Gyro: Prompt 12 -- Kunzite- is the yandere’s motivations love, lust or something else?
All three. Love and lust go with the territory in a romantic relationship, but Gyro also wants something constant in his life that is only for him and no one else. Gyro spent much of his life living up to his father’s strict expectations and dealing with responsibilities that were foisted upon him at an early age. He found himself taking on more responsibilities when trying to earn amnesty for young Marco. Then he agreed to help Johnny during the race and teach him the art of Spin. Nearly everything that Gyro did was for someone else’s benefit. He can’t remember a time when he did anything for himself and himself only. 
Gyro reasons that he has every right to be selfish when it involves you. He wants your love, your affection, your heart, your soul, and anything else you have to offer. Plain and simple, he wants you. Sometimes he feels guilty for his selfishness, but the moment you throw your arms around his waist and give him a loving squeeze, all of that guilt goes right out the window. You're his and his alone, and he wants everyone to know it. It's the reason he becomes like a rabid dog when you’re around anyone but him and Johnny. Gyro knows that Johnny won’t interfere, but other people? Not so much. That damned Dio keeps throwing you smug grins like he knows something… what’s that all about? And Mountain Tim had better keep his distance or he’ll end up with more scars than just on his face! 
Expect him to do a lot of hovering whenever you’re out and about. It’s a little weird, but it seems like he’s trying to hide you with his own body sometimes, almost like he doesn’t want anyone to even look at you. For example if you go to a restaurant with booth seats, he’ll always have you slide into the booth first then slide up as close as he can get to you. 
“Gyro!” you grunt uncomfortably. “Will you give me some space? You’re practically sitting on me!” 
Of course he plays it off as a joke. 
“Hmm? Wha? Did you hear that, Johnny? It sounded like the bench was talking to me! I must be losing it…” He’ll say, pretending that you aren’t practically wedged up under his ass. 
“You already lost it.” Johnny quips, ignoring your plight completely. 
He’s not about to get involved with whatever it is that’s going on with you and Gyro. 
You groan and poke him in the ribs, inadvertently starting a tickle fight. It completely takes your mind off of his clinginess. 
If he sees you spending far too much time talking with someone while you’re in town, he’ll grind his grills together so hard they shoot sparks. Once he calms himself down a bit, he’ll saunter over and fling an arm around you. 
“Hate to break up the party, but we really need to be going.” he’ll say with a good natured smile that doesn’t at all indicate how he really feels. 
That’s odd. You thought you’d have plenty of time before your group would have to get back on the road. Oh well. Guess an early start won’t hurt. 
While he’s leading you away, he takes the time to shoot the person you were talking to a warning glare. The message is clear: Stay away, or I’ll make you pay! They distance themselves from you after that. 
You are the only thing that Gyro has that’s all for him. He’s not sharing you with anyone!
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We have the jojo and jofoes version of how they react to their darling's skirt being lifted, how about the jobro this one :3 Love your writing for the jojo and jofoes version ❤️
(I can see Kakyoin will be the one make the kid scared the most with his death stare XD)
Makes sense I should complete the trifecta here, got a second ask about this as well. So here are the upskirt : Yandere Jobros edition
Yandere! Speedwagon
He’s got a knack for reading people, so it’s almost instant that he basically steps on the child’s foot, and a pull on the collar. They’re verbally berated and flat out told by this man that they weren’t very sly about their utterly disgusting behavior. He’ll twist one of their arms towards the back and gives them a stare down they’ll never forget. Speedwagon also scares this child by stating he’s seen grown men nearly beaten to death for doing such a thing, before letting them go, the kid losing their balance and running off. The way he made that fairly thin threat was rather bone chilling, but he quickly adjusts his expression and he apologizes to you for not catching the child quick enough.
Yandere! Caesar Zeppeli
As soon as a look of shock appears on your face, Caesar already has a grip on this runt. His hand holding their arm, he sweeps their feet without hesitation. “How filthy to be trying that, your dirty little hands shouldn’t be anywhere near a skirt”. There’s also a strike to the back of the kid’s head out of annoyance, nearly making them fall over again. Perhaps they get soaked wet by the nearest water if he feels it’s appropriate, and they slip one more time before being allowed to flee.
Yandere! Noriaki Kakyoin
Oh there’s certainly a death glare the kid is going to receive from Kakyoin. They’re immediately tripped up, almost instinctively on his part. Brat slips out of his mouth without hesitation, and pinches on one of their ears hard before bending over and forcing them to look at him. Kakyoin simply asks what made them think they were entitled to such behavior. He doesn’t really let them answer, and perhaps he spots something that looks foul, likely garbage. Kakyoin excuses himself from you for a moment and before the kid can blink some kind of garbage is flung into his mouth. He keeps it in there about thirty seconds before letting the kid spit it out, giving him an additional dark glare warning him if he ever tries again, that next time he’ll make him swallow that garbage (or alternatively use something nastier).
Yandere! Okuyasu
Almost certain Okuyasu flips the kid upside down and holds them by one of their legs. A muttering of stupid kid, and even putting spit in the kids ears isn’t quite enough for Okuyasu but he lets them drop, and sends his foot up their butt to shove them further. Telling them to get lost real quick or he might pull something worse than that.
Yandere! Bruno Bucciarati
An almost instant death grip is on this child’s shoulder, they can’t keep running forward and are forced to look at Bucciarati’s eyes. He was unbelievably agitated by this child’s insulting gesture. He looks like he’s demanding an answer but he knew this kid wouldn’t have one. There wasn’t any for something that pathetic. He’s the type to pull on whichever ear is closest and pull on it until they’re very much uncomfortable. He doesn’t listen to being asked to let go, as he sees it it’s appropriate to ignore their protests since they ignored your space. Even a pinch of a nose, his grip is unrelenting until he appropriately waits for the kid to lose balance and fall on their face. He should find their parents later but for now he had to tend to you being humiliated.
Yandere! Hermès
Much like Jolyne she doesn’t take crap from little punks, you bet she has the little brat in a tight hold the instant they try to run off. She does a little bit of everything, pokes and prods, maybe even trips them up. But she’s looking to do something more equal, so if she has a water bottle or soda. You bet she’s pouring it all on the kids pants, perfectly where it would look like they pissed themselves. She smirks telling them the punishment has to equal the crime, and she doesn’t care how many people laugh and mock them. It is what they get for being a little perv, (although she’s tempted to do more, she gets sick of their presence and smacks them in the back of the head before shoving them off)
Yandere! Gyro Zeppeli
The child trips immediately on a steel ball of his before he grips their arm and pulling them backwards. He’s got a condescending smile on his face “you think that’s funny don’t you? Huh kid?”. He likely dumps something on them, like a little bit of leftover jam or honey, getting their hair all nice and sticky, and it’s a bonus when he pushes them and they stumble into some water and their pants are soaked. He probably uses spin once again and trips them up one last time, their pants happening to rip in a rather embarrassing place on a piece of wood. “ I could do way worse for you deciding to go on an upskirt frenzy…now get out of my sight” he says this last bit with an almost mocking laugh.
Yandere! Yasuho Hirose
Honestly she’s just about as upset as you or even more so, Paisley Park even comes out instinctively and grabs the child by the ankles. She smacks them on the back of the head with a rolled up magazine that happened to be tossed aside on the road. Before leaving she shows them a video of the kid upskirting you threatening to somehow send it to their parents, they quickly backtrack, and apologize in a panic before running off. (This also probably had to do with Paisley Park as well)
Yandere! Dragona Joestar
Dragona had it rough herself with bullying, so for once she’d like to do something about it. They promptly slap the perpetrator first before really doing anything. Smooth operators might be used to at least dislocate a couple things like a couple fingers/thumbs, it’s convincing enough that it looks like an accident. It might be turned back to almost normal, as they freak out quite a bit, not sure what’s going on. Thoroughly freaked out, the child runs off pretty quickly. Dragona then turns to you and gives you a tight hug, feeling horrible about that whole thing, then drags you off to a favorite place to make you feel better.
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soupbabe · 6 months
Hi, I hope you are doing well. I always really like your work and if you don't mind, can you please write Relationship Headcanons with Speedwagon? I'm sure it should be very cute(≧▽≦), thanks in advance. Congratulations on your return, this is great news for everyone✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
General Relationship Headcanons with Speedwagon!
I'm gonna be so honest anon I'm v happy to get this request! I haven't been writing because my personal life has been so so awful and stressful and I've been having some writer's block. Having something so simple and sweet with Speedwagon sounds just really nice to get back into writing with.
- It is impossible to not know that Robert has a crush on you!!
- He gets red in the face easy and he always keeps his eyes on you, no matter where you are or what you're doing
- Ugh he's such a hopeless romantic and he's so embarrassed about it
- He never got to be so open and mushy about his feelings on Ogre Street !! Having someone who lets him express himself the way that you do makes him feel like some kid with a schoolyard crush
- Speedwagon would make his confession rather intimate and romantic, giving you wildflowers and a picnic just to ask you out.
- I'd imagine he'd want to take things slow within a relationship. You're his first partner and his top priority is your comfort within the relationship.
- As much as Speedwagon would deny it, he is such the jealous type
- He trusts you and, but he's a bit insecure and thinks you would find someone else who's better than him. So when you're out on the town with him, he'll wrap his arm around yours and puff out his chest a little to show everyone that you two are together
- Unless someone is trying to get physical with you, Speedwagon keeps it classy with his jealousy though. He would only fight someone if someone actually poses a threat to you.
- Oh yeah Speedwagon would love to bring Jonathan and Erina out on a double date!!
- It is so important to him that you're on good terms with his friends. He doesn't expect you to be buddy-buddy with someone, but it makes him happy to hear that you "approve" of them
- Absolutely torn between the thought of Speedwagon taking you on trips with him or begging you to stay home while he's away on business because he's worried about you
- His anxieties may or may not have stemmed from a certain maritime disaster at the end of part 1
- His clinginess never faded away as he got older. Especially in the early stages of his oil business, he always dreamed of taking you out to see America with him!!
- Once he starts getting richer, I think Speedwagon is compelled to spoil you rotten
- Sure, he always knew that gifts don't have to be big and fancy, but once he actually has the money to buy nicer stuff for you...it's really hard not to tell himself no.
- Thankfully this little phase doesn't last for long though, Speedwagon always had his priorities on helping others and making sure you and him can live stably.
- To jump ahead to marriage, your wedding day is Speedwagon's happiest day of his life!!
- Contrary to other flashy millionaires of the time, Robert preferred something small and personal
- Your family, Erina, (and depending on the timeline) maybe Straizo too is in attendance
- He couldn't help himself, the moment he saw you from across the alter he cried
- Ugh this is everything he dreamed of, he keeps at least 3-5 photos of the wedding in his office <33
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randoimago · 11 months
Can I please request Jonathan, Speedwagon, and William A. Zeppeli(assuming they both fall under jobro, sorry if I misread) adopting a child with a stand that causes inexplicably damage when the child is scared pls? I know they can't see it, but that's why I think it'd be interesting especially with you writing it ^-^
Thank you for writing!
Helping Child Reader with Their Stand
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Character(s): Jonathan Joestar, William A. Zeppeli, Robert E.O. Speedwagon
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): You're good! I definitely count Jonathan's Zeppeli as a Joebro (the guy sacrificed himself to save JoJo, if that's not a homie idk what is).
But this is such an interesting concept because they can't see Stands. I really would love to know what Stand each of them would have if Araki did include stands for Part 1
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When Jonathan sees that his child is scared, he's ready to jump in to calm them down. But he stops when he sees a wave of destruction unleashed. Thankfully they're unharmed even if he might get some injuries from shrapnel and such.
It just makes him want to protect the kid more. He does his best to talk to them about what just happened, but doing so in a way that doesn't make them fearful again. He's so worried about his child and doesn't want harm to befall them at all.
Would look into so many historical books to try and find some kind of answer with what is going on with his child. He wants to be able to help and his knowledge is too limited at the moment. So, his time really is divided between caring for his child and helping them feel safe and calm while he's also trying to look through any text he can about the strange power his kid has.
Definitely the most lost the first time he watches destruction being dealt to whatever had scared his child. While he wants to think it was a random event, he knows better. His travels with JoJo and Zeppeli taught him that something is going on with his kid and he needs to get to the bottom of it.
He'll happily hold his child and keep them happy and safe, but he has sent letters to both JoJo and William in hopes of receiving some help with looking into this matter. I'm sure that whenever he does get the Speedwagon Foundation running that he makes sure to have them pour some resources into this too.
While Speedwagon is a very good father, he just knows this is way out of his element. But he still does his best to be emotional support for his kid and keeping them calm or providing alternative means to deal with their fear while he hopes that his friends can help look into what's going on.
I feel like even though he can't see the Stand, he definitely knows something is up. Maybe it's his Hamon telling him that his kid has some sort of power that hasn't been identified yet.
But he notices how scared they get, and he easily pieces together that destruction follows when they are afraid. What he finds interesting is that the majority of that destructive energy is unleashed on whatever had scared them in the first place. It helps him figure out that whatever this is, he knows it's trying to protect them.
Does his best to help his child. He has the patience of a saint. In fact, William probably teaches them some Hamon and breathing techniques to keep them calm and help them be able to control their stand quite a bit.
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joestarfoundation · 7 months
JOBROS: Need help?. . .
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Modern!AU. I aged-up some characters for obvious reasons. Minors DNI. Fem!Reader. English isn't my first language
AN: I didn't include Hermes because she's missing an essential body part (cock) :(( I also included both Bruno and Mista because I literally couldn't decide which of the two to put here, since I consider them both gio's jobro
Jobros x Fem!Reader
Giving them a bj
Speedwagon, Bruno: Just imagine letting it sensually enter your mouth<3 I think at first he would say something like "no need, dear" but when you gave him those puppy eyes, how could he say no? His hands would be in your hair all the time and he'd praise you nsfw link
Caesar, Kakyoin: He will be a little more enthusiastic, however, he would still be a little worried about choking you. However, the way his cock slid down your throat made him forget about the previous thing. He would groan and moan and tell you how well you suck his cock, and sometimes he would thrust against your mouth nsfw link
Okuyasu: When you asked him if you could give him a blowjob, his pants quickly disappeared. At that moment the only thing he wanted to feel was your mouth. And as you bobbed your head up and down, he could feel his body tense with pleasure. Every stroke of your tongue, every flick of your lips, sent shivers down his spine nsfw link
Mista, Gyro: Oh yeah! Possibly he may be somewhat abrupt with you, but you didn't care about that. His salty taste invaded your mouth, and you could feel his tip touching the deep part of your throat. His animalistic growls and moans could be heard throughout the room, while compliments with your name came out of his mouth. Would definitely cum in your throat, and don't worry, he also would definitely return the favor~ nsfw link
Here you can find more posts like these
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dead-lausen-journeys · 6 months
Hi I like to request for yandere speedwagon please and thank you ❤❤
Thanks for my first request! Due to nothing being specified I will write general head cannons for Yan Phantom Blood Speedwagon! Automatically gender neutral as well. I mean it's kinda one-shotish? Also, fun fact, I'm literally haunted by Speedwagon srs.
Warnings!!: Murder is mentioned, mentions of self sacrifice/starving oneself. As well as minor mentions of coercion.
Yandere Speedwagon Head cannons;
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We should start where it began, right? It's most likely that you were also some orphaned kid kicked out on the curb of Ogre street. Another poor soul similar to himself, possibly getting wrapped up in the same street gang he had also joined. Or maybe working freelance for any sort of income, but with how horrendous children are treated out there it's most likely not even worth trying. That's exactly why Speedwagon had even started to rely on criminal means to get by.
No matter how the two of you meet, either with normal or criminal means. It's a good thing to have people to rely on, and that's exactly what you were to the young man. Someone he could rely on when all else failed.
During the start of your formative years with the young blond boy, Speedwagon had a nack for getting himself into potentially life threatening situations. Either mugging the wrong gentleman on the streets, or getting caught stealing. Whatever it may be, you would either be right there to get him out of the fray, even heal and tend to his easily avoidable wounds... It makes a certain kind of trust to form between you two. Even if he's not entirely trustful of you at first, but as soon as you'd show him that you genuinely care, unlike those gangsters within Ogre street, he loosens up quickly. Much like how he saw Johnathans gold heart, he saw yours.
And as the two of you aged, growing up together like the family neither of you had, he'd soon grow more and more protective of you. Speedwagon values the genuinely good hearted people, it's an ideology you can't remove from him even with his sprees of theft and even murder. Being constantly exposed to such disturbing and horrifying things does something to people. He doesn't want to see the same thing happen with you. Not you, so, soon enough he asks you to stay behind. Not exactly restricting if you could go out or not. He knows you're capable, he's only paranoid that he would either find you dead or in an even worse state.
Especially when the two of you enter into adulthood, Speedwagon's paranoia about your safety reaches its absolute peak. Which would push his mental state further. Requesting that you just stay inside. Stay in the abandoned building the two of you called home until he gets back. He couldn't bear to see you hurt, especially when he could so easily prevent it.
To also say that over your years spent together in hell on earth made him catch some feelings for you, ones that aren't all that platonic. You've been his backbone since childhood, it was only natural that those feelings had realized themselves into this feeling of devotion. Especially with how brutal it is to live in such a place where food is considered a luxury. And Robert is a rather lucid man, he knows that a place like Ogre street isn't somewhere to fall in love- per say. Yet— he can't help this giddy feeling the blond gets around you even if he'd t.
You're a small dash of color in a land full of blacks and grey's. It only makes his heart swoon in joy once he's able to return to the place the two of you call home. Sometimes the man fantasizes about the both of you being married when this happens. That he's just your loving husband returning home, yet he knows that's not a reality. Yet, at least.
Over time he'd have a habit of trying to show off. Either from his bizarre fighting style to his almost frightening awareness and ability to narrate his surroundings to a T. Robert finds joy in this, seeing the way you either comment on his ability or subtly laugh at his goofy nature. It makes his days just a little bit brighter. It only fed this growing feeling in his heart that the two of you were meant to be.
But don't be fooled by his silliness, he can be quite serious when need be. As Robert himself has killed before, and will not hesitate to do so again when there's no other option left. It's most likely that he has killed someone for you're sake- either it be a dedicated creep or some London lowlife, he does feel guilty, but he'd rather protect those he loves rather than people he doesn't even know...
His street personality is strikingly different from his almost golden retriever-like attitude he carries around you at all times. Isn't he just the cutest, most charming man you've seen? Even if his antics are perceived as rather rude or extrinsic, Robert doesn't care. He'd light himself on fire to have those eyes on him for even a second longer...
These feelings he holds for you are rather charming. It runs deep within, more so than anyone could expect. As the eccentric man couldn't see himself where he is right now without you. You've played such a big role in why he's still breathing that he genuinely believes that he couldn't have survived up until now without your guidance and hospitality. His heart yearns to spew out his woes, to embrace you and never let go. He'd be the happiest man on earth if you even grazed his calloused and dirtied hands even accidentally. Practically making his stress melt away in record time and with flawless efficiency. There's nothing you could do now that would change Robert's view of you, he's practically like a trailing puppy at this point. Wherever you go, good ol' Robert E.O Speedwagon is not far behind!
He would give up anything to keep you well and happy, especially during those cold winters where he'd lend you anything warm he had- even if the two of you had the luxury of a fireplace in this old and rotten home. Robert would happily freeze, bleed and even starve if it meant that you were safe and sound.
The man is dedicated enough to bring around with him over a dozen momento's of you. From a torn and dirty piece of fabric that once belonged to your old clothes, maybe some locks of hair— if he's lucky enough he'd find some sort of locket to store these items of love— kissing it for good luck whenever he has the chance too. Robert is a hopeless romantic, after all. Keeping such things with him reminds him of why he's still fighting, to get back to you each time.
Oh, and about his prior fantasies of getting married— Robert would be overjoyed if you were to accept his proposal, even if it did take a bit of coercion. Robert is still over the moon with joy. With or without a ring, it doesn't matter to him. Especially after the events of Phantom Blood, Robert is just relieved that he's able to live the rest of his life with you without the threat of the supernatural or vampires... Or anyone else to disturb the two of you anymore...
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Jobros x Reader Headcanons
Who’s the easiest to seduce and why 💓 NSFW
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Also available:
Buccigang Version Here
La Squadra Version Here
Level 1: The Easiest 💦
Caesar Zeppeli
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Yes he’s one of the easiest on this list. This man is a fan of one night stands and is happy to get down when asked to. Especially by you
He can easily pick up when he’s being seduced. The smallest implication of so will get him in the mood.
He enjoys all forms of being seduced. He’ll admire it for your confidence and seduction is very sexy to him
Caesar is the type to know he’s being seduced with looks or ogling to his physique as well
Ermes Costello
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She's a hoe for her partner and is ready to be seduced anywhere, anytime
You can do anything even if you suck at being flirty or seductive about bedroom needs
She will be seductive most of the time but when you're doing so she'll be so turned on by it
Another plus is how much she'd love it
Good luck afterwards. She'll wreck you
Level 2: Very Easy, right behind level 1
Okuyasu Nijimura
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You know this man can get it and would enjoy being seduced
He will know what you're up to and act accordingly
He will do almost anything for snu snu but has a small list of kinks he isn't into
He isn't as horny as level 1 but he can pick up on your seduction
Yeah Okuyasu is somewhat easy but it has to be at the right time
If he's doing something important or busy he won't be in the mood
Other than that he's a thot for you. He is so turned on by your seduction
Gyro Zeppeli
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Also easily seduced but has to be at the right time. If he's got business to handle then he won't be in the mood
Gyro will love being seduced what with his high sex drive
He wants it 24/7 if you're okay with it
He will be seducing you back all with a couple "nyo-ho's"
He's going to be smiling ear to ear, showing off those golden grills
The smallest hint of seduction never flies by this cowboy
Good luck because you're in for a ride now
Level 3: Also easy but in the middle
Robert E. O. Speedwagon
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He's going to be in the middle since he has an average sex drive
However getting seduced is something he won't be passing. He'd enjoy it very much and as a gentleman he acts accordingly.
Sometimes he might miss on a couple opportunities for himself if you're too subtle
He doesn't mean to but sometimes he may misunderstand!
Other than that he will adore it all with his cute smile
This man won't hesitate to respond with seductive yet poetic words. A romantic at heart he won't leave you feeling unfulfilled when you're the one seducing him
Level 4: Medium Low, Not the Easiest but can be seduced
Noriaki Kakyoin
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He's lower since he's inexperienced and may not know what you're up to at times but he isn't that oblivious thankfully
Being subtle may go over his head unless your have some choice language he recognizes in the bedroom
It may be 50/50 he would understand so you may need to be more obvious at times
Otherwise he would enjoy it. Kakyoin is a man of action but he's got a couple pick up lines up his sleeve too
I think he would have a medium sex drive but he definitely won't be opposed to being seduced by you. I think he'd tease you about it a bit but it's light hearted. Extra points if you're a mommy dom or you quotev his favorite fictional characters
Level 5: Low, Not the Easiest but not Hardest to seduce
The jobros aren't below level 4 since they all like getting seduced.
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Speedwagon x Reader
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You enjoy narrating every single action your friends make and you are now an avid listener to the band REO Speedwagon. You claim this man is the best even though he is useless in part 1 and has a mullet.
First Date:
You are in an abandoned church. The rats have crafted you a wedding dress out of left over rags and trash. You walk down the aisle, taking notice of your finances friends and the local homeless shelter they invited to the reception. You see the man you are going to marry and you could not be happier. You reach up to pet one of his Kenshiro style eyebrows and are reminded of a fuzzy catapillar.
The man before you is none other than Speedwagon. He places a ring on your finger that you're pretty sure was taken from someone's corpse. You gaze into his eyes and know that this is the man that you will willingly spend eternity with. You kiss and then you take your husband's hat. You throw it in place of a bouquet and see a brawl break out. You're pretty sure that someone lost a finger or two from the blades. You then look back and notice that Speedwagon has already donned another hat.
Suddenly you are woken up from your thoughts. You notice your roommate demanding that you turn down your music and to stop playing YES/Roundabout. You comply with their demands and wait until you hear them begin to copulate with their partner they brought over for the night. You slightly open the door and watch them. Everything is quiet until your roommate hears "YES, GIVE ER' THE GOOD OL' JOESTAR TECHNIQUE!"
Soon the cops are called and you're being arrested for voyeurism while your former roommate orders a restraining order and begins to curse Araki. You're soon placed in the slammer and you begin to tell your cell mate the wonders of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
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