cosmereplay · 4 months
hi hi hi hi hi I love your blog and art so much dbjrnrnfjfntjjfhsksnr
for the ask game maybe 32 like with Shallan/kaladin/adolin
pls can it be not smutty pls thank you so much!!!!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! And yes I can absolutely write a non-smutty Shakadolin. I will write a kiss… 32. …to wake up.
Shakadolin, rated Teen, 500 words, the mildest of RoW spoilers
Half between sleeping and waking, Shallan felt something brush against her cheek. “Hrrmmmm,” she mumbled, and rolled over without opening her eyes. What had she just been dreaming about? Could she find it again? She relaxed into her pillow and drifted. “I have to get dressed,” she heard Adolin say, as if from a distance. “Can you wake her?” The deep blackness of unconsciousness enveloped her like a blanket, caressing her. Shallan dreamed she was held, protected on all sides. She could finally…relax… A touch against her forehead. “Thirty-five.”  Another. “Thirty-six.” She felt her body shift with the bed, down and up again. She opened her eyes to find Kaladin’s face zooming towards her. He kissed her forehead with a little muah sound. “Thirty-seven,” he said. Shallan grinned. “What—” “Muah. Thirty-eight.” “What are you doing, Kaladin?” “Muah. Thirty-nine. What does it—muah, forty—look like? Muah. Forty-one.” “It—” “Muah. Forty-two.” “—looks like—” “Muah. Forty-three.” “—push-ups.” “Muah. Forty-four. Very good. Muah. Forty-five. You might actually—muah, forty-six—stay awake this time.” As he continued his routine above Shallan, she eyed the opposite end of the room, where Adolin emerged, fully dressed in uniform. “Ah, the Horneater Princess is awake! Lovely! Don’t forget you have a morning meeting with Jasnah.” Shallan sat up in a shock of adrenaline, smacking Kaladin in the forehead. “Ow!” they both exclaimed. “Sorry Kaladin, sorry!” Shallan grimaced, rubbing her forehead as Kaladin rolled off her. In one smooth movement, he had moved his pushups to the floor.  “Is it so early in the morning that you forget you have Stormlight?” Adolin asked, bringing over a spherelamp and watching her forehead as she breathed in and the pain receded. He turned to Kaladin, proffering the bowl in front of him. “I’m fine,” Kaladin said between pushups. “Like crem you are,” Adolin insisted. Kaladin reluctantly drew some Stormlight, then stood. “Well now I’ll have to start all over or I won’t feel like I earned it,” he complained. Shallan glanced at her time fabrial, then fell back to the bed. Turned out she had lots of time. “How about I hold your feet while you do situps?” she asked. “It’s the least I could do since I ruined your pushups.” Kaladin nodded gracefully. “That would be amenable,” he said with a haughty air. “As long as I get to kiss you over my knees. I do require proper motivation.” “Oh well negotiated, Citizen Stormface,” Shallan grinned as she got into position in front of him. Are you sure you’re not a secret ambassador?” “I’ll be the secret ambassador to Braize if I don’t get out of here like right now,” Adolin said, and leaned down to kiss them both. “I’ll see you two tonight,” he added, and hurried out. Kaladin leaned in close with a conspiratorial smile. “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m the secret ambassador of the darkeyes, here to infiltrate the lighteyes and make us equals. But the only way to do it is with one hundred morning kisses. Ready?” “You think me a traitor, destined to betray my own people? Very well, I suppose. In the name of peace,” Shallan said with a haughty accent of her own. “I’m ready.” “One.” “Muah.” “Two.” “Muah.” “Three…”
From the I Will Write a Kiss ask game
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prodottiitaliani · 4 years
Lampada di sale dell'Himalaya, purifica l'aria, riduce lo stress, lampada da camera da letto, lampada di sale da tavolo, regalo di compleanno perfetto, riduce i sintomi di allergia, riduce l'asma, migliora la respirazione della lampada di sale
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Himalayan Pink Salt Rock Lamp assorbe il fumo di tabacco e varie impurità dall'aria catturando ioni positivi e fornendo ioni negativi. Potrebbe essere adattato a qualsiasi momento straordinario (San Valentino, Natale, Festa della mamma, Festa del papà, compleanno, Ringraziamento, laurea e commemorazione)
Lampada al sale dell'Himalaya naturale al 100%
Regalo perfetto per la festa della mamma
Calma le allergie e riduci l'asma
Aumenta il flusso sanguigno
Aumenta i livelli di energia
Riduci lo stress e promuovi il rilassamento
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ecogami · 2 years
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Smart Buys! Sphere paper lamp shade, printable lampshade, papercraft Pdf template to make your art deco lamp starting from €7.00 See more. 🤓 #LampshadeSvg #Papercraft3d #SphereLampshade #PaperLampshade #CraftPdfTemplate #SphereLamp #PapercraftLamp #LampShade #PrintableLamp #PaperLamp — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/qrO4QPT
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Globe Salt lamps are made from Natural Salt crystals and change color when you plugged in. It's a great addition as a night light in your kids' room or at your small workplace where it creates a beautiful and calm environment with its lovely colors. For More Products: http://himalayandecorintl.com/
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ilikethatlamp · 7 years
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Imagine having dinner under this decor. I'm seeing full moons everywhere. Designed by dimorestudio.eu. . . . . #ilikethatlamp #restaurantdecor #homedecor #lights #interiordesign #fullmoon #spherelamps #lamps #lamp http://ift.tt/2pGOJY0
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cosmereplay · 7 months
Day 27: Diamond
Chapter 1 - Negotiation (yeah I went overboard today) Rated Mature, Ialai/Beryl, Sex work, set during Way of Kings Cross posted on ao3
As Beryl changed and readied herself, she wondered one last time whether attending Ialai Sadeas as a Jasnah Kholin look-alike might be a bad idea. However, the Sadeases had an excellent reputation with the other prostitutes, and the pay Ialai’s scribe had offered was substantial, with payment up front. 
She looked in the mirror, holding her trademark diamond spherelamp, which contained the sphere she kept her illusion in. She couldn’t keep it on her clothes, for obvious reasons. The white light also allowed her clients to see her well, which was the whole point of hiring a look-alike. She made sure not to make herself look too uncannily similar. It helped that she was shorter than the princess, and a little younger. She enjoyed wearing Jasnah’s face with clients; she didn’t have to change very much physically, and stepping into the demeanour her clients wanted was often a fun change of pace.
However, most of her clients didn’t know the princess personally like the Highprincess did. That made her stomach flutter. Well, either way, she had a job to do. Head up and confident, she was granted entry into the Highprincess’ inner sanctum.
The room was rich with soft carpets and heavy tapestries, making the room feel smaller than it was. A hearth with a lit fire warmed the room, making the space feel cozy and alive. Elsewhere the room was lit by emeralds, not locked in spherelamps but open in goblets and small bowls–a sign of extravagance and self-assured confidence.
The Highprincess herself was not on the large, soft bed at the centre of the room, but in an overstuffed armchair in the corner. She gestured to Beryl to take the seat opposite her. Beryl acquiesced and placed her little diamond spherelamp on a delicate side table.
Brightness Ialai regarded her with a pleased air. “I admit I’m impressed,” she smiled. “Even down to the havah style. For a moment I thought the bitch herself had found me out. Now, to business. I assume since you accepted my price, you understand I will be asking more of you tonight.”
“Yes, Brightness,” Beryl said, inclining her head in deference. “I was told you would be interested in having me act like the Princess, and you would be spanking me. That’s perfectly acceptable to me, so long as you hit with the flat of your hand, and stick to my stomach, thighs, and ass.”
“Hm,” Brightness Ialai said, tapping her chin. “How about hair-pulling? Not hard enough to hurt, but perhaps enough to surprise.”
Beryl nodded. “Yes, Brightness, that would be fine. I would also ask no fingers or any other objects be put inside me. I have my own tools, but I was told you weren’t interested in them anyway.”
“Yes, that is correct. Although, now that I’m looking at you…” she trailed off thoughtfully.
When Beryl was in the room, sometimes clients thought to try to alter the agreement, and it seemed that Brightness Ialai was no different. 
“Can I come on you?”
An unusual request from a woman, but Beryl would take it. “So long as you provide me a wash basin afterwards. I’ll need to leave presentable.”
“Yes, you will,” Brightness Ialai said in a colder tone. “I’ll want you leaving promptly and without drawing any attention. If there is no talk of your presence here after two days, I’ll send an emerald mark. If there is any talk, I’ll never hire you again. If any rumours arise as to the nature of our contract, I’ll have you whipped.”
That raised Beryl’s eyebrows. “You won’t have to worry about that, Brightness,” she said, feeling unworried. Leaving undetected would be much easier than the Highprincess thought. “In return, of course, you’ll know that if you break any of my rules, your reputation within my network will be burned to the ground.”
Regular clients were best held in check by physical threats; merchants, threats of financial consequences. High-ranking lighteyes could only be held in check by their reputations. Brightness Ialai nodded amiably, already familiar with these standards.
She leaned forward, then, her light green eyes glittering. “You won’t have had occasion to meet Princess Jasnah, so I will tell you that she’s stuck up, judgmental, and thinks she smarter than everyone. I heard that she’ll be moving to the Shattered Plains, so I need to get this out of my system before she arrives. Act like you’re better than me, and let me wound your pride. Do you understand?”
Beryl nodded, then rose. She took a calculated risk, wanting to start her off irritated. She affected a bored, judgmental tone. “Then by all means, let’s begin, Ialai.”
Chapter 2 on tumblr
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cosmereplay · 5 months
Day 27: Diamond
Part 1 - Negotiation (yeah I went overboard today) Rated Mature, Ialai/Beryl, Sex work, set during Way of Kings Cross posted on ao3
As Beryl changed and readied herself, she wondered one last time whether attending Ialai Sadeas as a Jasnah Kholin look-alike might be a bad idea. However, the Sadeases had an excellent reputation with the other prostitutes, and the pay Ialai’s scribe had offered was substantial, with payment up front. 
She looked in the mirror, holding her trademark diamond spherelamp, which contained the sphere she kept her illusion in. She couldn’t keep it on her clothes, for obvious reasons. The white light also allowed her clients to see her well, which was the whole point of hiring a look-alike. She made sure not to make herself look too uncannily similar. It helped that she was shorter than the princess, and a little younger. She enjoyed wearing Jasnah’s face with clients; she didn’t have to change very much physically, and stepping into the demeanour her clients wanted was often a fun change of pace.
However, most of her clients didn’t know the princess personally like the Highprincess did. That made her stomach flutter. Well, either way, she had a job to do. Head up and confident, she was granted entry into the Highprincess’ inner sanctum.
The room was rich with soft carpets and heavy tapestries, making the room feel smaller than it was. A hearth with a lit fire warmed the room, making the space feel cozy and alive. Elsewhere the room was lit by emeralds, not locked in spherelamps but open in goblets and small bowls–a sign of extravagance and self-assured confidence.
The Highprincess herself was not on the large, soft bed at the centre of the room, but in an overstuffed armchair in the corner. She gestured to Beryl to take the seat opposite her. Beryl acquiesced and placed her little diamond spherelamp on a delicate side table.
Brightness Ialai regarded her with a pleased air. “I admit I’m impressed,” she smiled. “Even down to the havah style. For a moment I thought the bitch herself had found me out. Now, to business. I assume since you accepted my price, you understand I will be asking more of you tonight.”
“Yes, Brightness,” Beryl said, inclining her head in deference. “I was told you would be interested in having me act like the Princess, and you would be spanking me. That’s perfectly acceptable to me, so long as you hit with the flat of your hand, and stick to my stomach, thighs, and ass.”
“Hm,” Brightness Ialai said, tapping her chin. “How about hair-pulling? Not hard enough to hurt, but perhaps enough to surprise.”
Beryl nodded. “Yes, Brightness, that would be fine. I would also ask no fingers or any other objects be put inside me. I have my own tools, but I was told you weren’t interested in them anyway.”
“Yes, that is correct. Although, now that I’m looking at you…” she trailed off thoughtfully.
When Beryl was in the room, sometimes clients thought to try to alter the agreement, and it seemed that Brightness Ialai was no different. 
“Can I come on you?”
An unusual request from a woman, but Beryl would take it. “So long as you provide me a wash basin afterwards. I’ll need to leave presentable.”
“Yes, you will,” Brightness Ialai said in a colder tone. “I’ll want you leaving promptly and without drawing any attention. If there is no talk of your presence here after two days, I’ll send an emerald mark. If there is any talk, I’ll never hire you again. If any rumours arise as to the nature of our contract, I’ll have you whipped.”
That raised Beryl’s eyebrows. “You won’t have to worry about that, Brightness,” she said, feeling unworried. Leaving undetected would be much easier than the Highprincess thought. “In return, of course, you’ll know that if you break any of my rules, your reputation within my network will be burned to the ground.”
Regular clients were best held in check by physical threats; merchants, threats of financial consequences. High-ranking lighteyes could only be held in check by their reputations. Brightness Ialai nodded amiably, already familiar with these standards.
She leaned forward, then, her light green eyes glittering. “You won’t have had occasion to meet Princess Jasnah, so I will tell you that she’s stuck up, judgmental, and thinks she smarter than everyone. I heard that she’ll be moving to the Shattered Plains, so I need to get this out of my system before she arrives. Act like you’re better than me, and let me wound your pride. Do you understand?”
Beryl nodded, then rose. She took a calculated risk, wanting to start her off irritated. She affected a bored, judgmental tone. “Then by all means, let’s begin, Ialai.”
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cosmereplay · 7 months
Day 26: Apocalypse
Rated Mature for sexual themes & murder, Chana/Vedel. I can't remember what book gives out info on the Heralds, so just beware this has Heralds spoilers. Cross posted on ao3
Chana’s footsteps echoed hollowly through the Alethelan monastery. It was too quiet, and too empty, for how bright it was. The air smelled of rotting rust. She moved slowly, fluidly, worried she might startle some attacker. Her hand itched for her Honorblade, but it was gone, gone long ago. 
Instead her hand settled on the hilt of a shortsword. It would have to do.
The spherelamps were still lit, giving Chana an idea of how recently the monastery had gone dead. Maybe hours, maybe a day or two. 
Her hand tightened on the hilt. Maybe this time, she wasn’t too late.
Chana rolled her shoulders as she walked through the temple, scanning for signs of violence, but avoiding any depictions of Heralds. One thousand years later, and the pain still felt fresh. If anything, being saved by Taln’s forced sacrifice meant that her own pain would never relent, so long as he was on Braize. 
That pain was slowly driving her insane. 
“Temples always do this to you,” she said to herself as she walked deeper into the building, down a long, wide hall. She tried to shake off the guilt and focus on her task.
That’s when she saw her first body.
An ardent, laying on their stomach, a pool of blood beneath them. They had been running away…
Chana peeked into the room where their blood trail led. Yes, this must have been the centre of the slaughter. The stench of gore was thick here, though Chana had long since deadened her urge to throw up at such smells. Sickbeds had been turned over, and the floor was strewn about with a jetsam of medical tools under large pools of blood mixed with water. There were at least two dozen bodies here, killed in various stages of shock or escape. Each wore either a sickshift or an ardent’s robe. Each had been stabbed in the jugular, though some also had head wounds. 
A gurgle pierced the silence, loud as a bell amongst the dead.
Chana turned towards the sound and saw a figure curled in a dark corner. She took a careful step forward, afraid of who she might find.
Back to the corner, arms crossed over her pulled-up knees, dark hair flowing over bloody forearms. 
A scalpel glinting in the spherelight.
Chana’s heart broke all over again. “Vedel, no,” she whispered. Without thinking, she ran to her, sliding expertly through the blood. She landed on her knees and pulled her close. “Not you too.”
Vedel raised her head, her eyes practically glowing, though she could no longer take in Stormlight. “I killed them. I killed them all,” she rasped. “They had all been exposed to a plague. If I hadn’t killed them, it would have spread.”
“I’m sorry,” Chana said. “You shouldn’t have been the one to do this. It should have been me. I…sensed that you needed me…” But I was too late. Again. 
“You swore you wouldn’t seek anyone out. We all did,” Vedel said in a dry voice. Still, she dropped the scalpel and clung to Chana as if she were a rock in a highstorm. It didn’t matter; they would both be blown away by the winds of insanity that tore at their souls.
She pulled back. One look in her beautiful eyes was enough to inflame Chana’s heart. “I don’t care about oaths anymore, Vedel. I don’t care about being brave. I just want you. I can’t do it anymore without you.”
Vedel’s eyes filled with tears, and she nodded. “Sometimes we must amputate a limb, so the body may live,” she whispered, and shivered. “I’m so tired of surgery.”
“Shhh,” Chana hissed, and rocked her. “I’m here now. You can do whatever you want.”
Vedel cried in Chana’s arms, wracked with sobs. “I’m going insane,” she gasped between sobs. “I can feel it happening.”
“We do what we have to, Vedel,” Chana whispered. “Whatever it takes to survive.”
Eventually, Vedel calmed, the storm of her sobs softening into the riddens. She looked up with real hope in her eyes. “Thank you,” she said. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. Will you…stay with me?”
“Of course,” Chana said, and caressed her cheek, smeared with blood. 
Vedel leaned in, oh so softly, and kissed her. 
A thousand years had passed since they had seen each other, but it was like no time had passed at all. Maybe it was the slaughter around them that reminded her of when they’d last felt alive and in each other’s arms. Surviving battle together, in the times before they both knew how to fight like second nature. Back when Chana would seek out Vedel after a battle, pull her aside from her healing, and make love to her, to prove to her that there was still a reason to live. 
The memories and the old feelings flooded her as she kissed her back hungrily. She consumed Vedel’s body like a flame, her breath heating her skin, warming Vedel’s soul until she was human again. They made love, right then and there, tearing off each other’s clothes, rolling through the blood. 
The rest of the world be damned.
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lampadasale · 4 years
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La lampada al sale himalayano naturale al 100% riduce lo stress purifica l'aria riduce i sintomi di allergia migliora la respirazione e il sonno.
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prodottiitaliani · 4 years
Lampada al sale, lampada al sale naturale al 100%, bilancia la radiazione elettromagnetica, migliora la respirazione generale, luci dell'umore, purifica la lampada del sale d'aria, aumenta il flusso sanguigno
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Maggiori dettagli sono sulla nostra pagina del prodotto Clicca il link .. https://amzn.to/3nhKv5w ------ LAMPADA DI SALE HIMALAYANA AUTENTICA: Realizzata con sale naturale antico delle montagne himalayane (la vera fonte del vero sale himalayano), questo è puro sale cristallino. Ogni pezzo è speciale con una leggera varietà di forme, dimensioni e sfumature. Le persone dicono di amare sedersi accanto alle nostre luci di sale perché si sentono sollevate, calme e rilassate. ------ LAMPADA DI SALE HIMALAYANA AUTENTICA LAMPADA AL SALE INTAGLIATA E FATTA A MANO PURIFICA e DEODORA L'ARIA CHE RESPIRI RIDUCE I SINTOMI DI ALLERGIE E ASMA PURIFICA e DEODORA L'ARIA CHE RESPIRI
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lampadasale · 4 years
Lampada al sale dell'Himalaya, Promuove il rilassamento, Affina la concentrazione, Migliora la lampada dell'umore, Riduce lo stress, Aumenta i livelli di energia, Riduce i sintomi di allergia, Migliora la lampada respiratoria, Lampada al sale naturale al 100%
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Le gemme di sale sono estratte a mano sulle montagne dell'Himalaya e assemblate con estrema cura per l'unicità. Da spenta, con le sue pietre preziose dalla superficie irregolare, sembra rosa.
Aumenta il flusso sanguigno
Calma le allergie e riduci l'asma
Detergere, deodorare e purificare l'aria
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lampadasale · 4 years
Lampada di sale dell'Himalaya, Lampada di sale naturale al 100%, Riduce l'asma, Lampada gemme di sale, Riduce la lampada da stress, Energizza la lampada di sale, Purifica la lampada ad aria, Calma la lampada di sale allergica, Aumenta il flusso sanguigno, Purifica, Migliora la lampada del sonno
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Le gemme di sale sono estratte a mano sulle montagne himalayane e assemblate con estrema cura per l'unicità. Quando è spento, con le sue gemme dalla superficie irregolare, sembra rosa. Nel momento in cui viene acceso con la lampadina da 15 watt inclusa dona una calda lucentezza dorata.
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prodottiitaliani · 4 years
Lampada al sale dell'Himalaya, Promuove il rilassamento, Affina la concentrazione, Migliora la lampada dell'umore, Riduce lo stress, Aumenta i livelli di energia, Riduce i sintomi di allergia, Migliora la lampada respiratoria, Lampada al sale naturale al 100%
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Le gemme di sale sono estratte a mano sulle montagne dell'Himalaya e assemblate con estrema cura per l'unicità. Da spenta, con le sue pietre preziose dalla superficie irregolare, sembra rosa.
Aumenta il flusso sanguigno
Calma le allergie e riduci l'asma
Detergere, deodorare e purificare l'aria
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prodottiitaliani · 4 years
Lampada di sale, Lampada da camera intagliata a mano, Lampada da comodino, Sale rosa chiaro, Luce notturna di cristallo, Mini sale di cristallo, Lampada da tavolo di cristallo, Lampada di sale dell'Himalaya, Lampada purifica l'aria, Lampada rock, Lampada regalo ideale, Lampada di sale per amanti dello yoga, Pietra preziosa dell'Himalaya Lampada di sale, lampada di sale per dormire
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Lampade di sale himalayane prodotte naturalmente dall'Himalaya direttamente a casa tua. Il sale arriva oggi sotto forma di luce che, una volta accesa, irradia l'ambiente circostante come fa una splendida alba, il sole al tramonto, il calore del magma liquido, creando una fonte di luce che incanta tutti coloro che lo vedono.
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prodottiitaliani · 4 years
Lampada di sale dell'Himalaya, Lampada di sale naturale al 100%, Riduce l'asma, Lampada gemme di sale, Riduce la lampada da stress, Energizza la lampada di sale, Purifica la lampada ad aria, Calma la lampada di sale allergica, Aumenta il flusso sanguigno, Purifica, Migliora la lampada del sonno
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Maggiori dettagli sono nella nostra pagina del prodottoclicca il link.....
Le gemme di sale sono estratte a mano sulle montagne himalayane e assemblate con estrema cura per l'unicità. Quando è spento, con le sue gemme dalla superficie irregolare, sembra rosa. Nel momento in cui viene acceso con la lampadina da 15 watt inclusa dona una calda lucentezza dorata.
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prodottiitaliani · 4 years
Lampada di sale, Lampada di sale naturale al 100%, Lampada di sale dell'Himalaya, Sale di cristallo, Lampada di cristallo, Lampada di sale con luce notturna, Lampada da comodino per camera da letto, Lampada da tavolo con illuminazione interna, Riduce i sintomi di allergia, Purifica l'aria, Migliora la respirazione e il sonno, Tazza di sale
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Lampada di Sale Himalayano si presenta in maniera straordinaria rispetto ad altre lampade di sale himalayane di qualità. Le lampade di sale dell'Himalaya sono chiamate comunemente "Lampada di sale dell'Himalaya", "Luce notturna di sale himalayano".
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