wellnessway24 · 6 months
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Achieve a peaceful sleep using California Poppy, instead of relying on sleeping pills. Create your own Sleep Tea to effortlessly experience deep sleep and eliminate the difficulties of staying asleep. If you have severe sleep problems or suffer from PTSD, consider using a concentrated sleep tincture. Embrace the natural remedy of California Poppy to obtain restorative rest.
Watch the full video here: http://bit.ly/3WykXTb
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ianbrunetti · 1 year
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Hello everyone, I think everyone needs to have a medicinal garden in their backyard, in my opinion. In this manner, you can quickly go and choose the solution you require whenever. Even during times of crisis, when pharmacies may be shuttered or plundered, your neighborhood pharmacy will be there for you. They are offering 10 different medicinal seeds for you to plant in your backyard
If you want to learn more about this product, Click below
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tips4yourdailylife · 2 years
Watch the full video from here: https://bit.ly/3W4UaOt
High Payouts! From the creators of The Lost Ways and The Lost Book of Remedies! Converts well on interests like health, herbalism, self-sufficiency, off-grid, gardening, DIY, survival, and others. 
We created this Medicinal Garden Kit because we wanted to empower other people to take their health into their own hands.
Watch the full video from here: https://bit.ly/3W4UaOt
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disimba · 2 years
I tried my Spilanthes that i grew this season.
Amazing. Honestly so damn cool. The effect is damn near immediate and impossible to ignore.
Immediate salivation, followed by almost a cooling menthol feel. As that cooling goes away a “buzzing” replaces it, like a tingle but much more noticeable.
I didnt notice a particular taste, but i wouldnt go as far as to say it tasted “bad” it was just neutral in flavor.
The buzzing feeling essentially became numbness as I couldn’t feel my tongue in the normal sense and same with my gums. If i had a few more, I’m sure it could help with a sore mouth no problem.
I plan on growing a bunch more of these and having a large box or pot to grow them. Easily my new favorite plant and since I did grow them from seed, I’m feeling quite proud of myself.
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lynnswirld · 3 months
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This South American plant/herb is also known to be an antiviral, antibiotic, and anti-fungal.
related to the daisy - has round, yellow flowers with dark red spots in the center that are actually clusters of many tiny flowers.
grows about a foot wide and a foot high is an annual in most areas.
used as a topical pain reliever for toothaches and many other things
also made into tinctures or creams used as a natural botox as it relaxes worry lines and helps to smooth out skin wrinkles. i need to plant me some of this!
often called buzz buttons because of the numbing buzz they cause when you chew on them.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Holistic Oral Hygiene Advice for a Blissfully Fresh & Healthy Mouth 🌟
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(this image comes from Nadine Artemis's book Renegade Beauty - I highly recommend anyone read it! It's a bliss babe must read💖)
This is advice that I've personally been following for years. I finally stopped seeing what I believed were natural weaknesses in my teeth, gums, and even the skin around my mouth. It also drastically simplified tooth care for me.
1. Ditch commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes. Take care that the composition of your dental products aren't influencing your saliva to become acidic. In such environments, the teeth suffer because enamel, cavities, and sensitivity to extreme temperatures develop with ease. I would even get dry, irritated skin on my mouth corners from them. They are normally formulated this way to leave a "squeaky clean" sensation, but it does more harm than good.
2. More pressure is not necessarily better. The tooth enamel can wear down from too much abrasion over time. Electric tooth brushes with softer bristles and applying minimal pressure is preferable. I let my water flosser do more of the pressure related activity.
3. Protect the oral microbiome. When the microbial balance is disrupted, things like cavities, infections, boils, and gingivitis can occur. Botanical sanitizers are better to maintain a harmonious microbial balance. Oil pulling, salt water gargles with small amounts of high quality food-safe essential oils (don't use the highly potent ones, do your research. Peppermint, spearmint, frankincense, tea tree are all fine), herbal mouthwashes, baking soda, and clay are all great options. Oral probiotics are also good to recalibrate balance if you've deeply lost harmony, especially from antibiotic treatments.
4. Pay attention to the gums as well! The gums should also be brushed/massaged. It helps keep the muscles strong (They need to hold your teeth in place. Loose teeth and receding gums are not a good sign) and helps lymph and blood circulation. Rubbing in an (ozonated) gum gel/serum is great to revitalize the cells of these areas.
5. Make your own mouthwash. Most mouthwashes have a lot of sugar in them which makes absolutely no sense if you're trying to keep your teeth healthy. Craft it from high quality ingredients that will alkalize your saliva, keep breath fresh, and support the balance of life in the world that is your mouth.
6. Do not forget about your herbs. Herbal teas are the best mouthwashes between meals. Make sure you sip some after sweets, sugary drinks, and underripe fruit. Licorice, mint, dandelion root, pine, rosemary, and parsley are some that I recommend. (Eating some leafy greens are the next best thing if no tea or mouthwash is available). Certain herbs can also be helpful for numbing/easing pains (ginger, spilanthes, cloves, valerian), tightening gums (red raspberry leaf, nettles, black or green tea, blackberry root, uva ursi), and healing mouth wounds/boils/blisters (plantain, marshmallow root, yarrow, Siberian elm).
7. Understand that your teeth are part of your living body. They naturally engage in growth and repair processes like the rest of your bones. Cavities do reverse. I've observed it in myself. And teeth are able to regenerate too (everything in the body is). It takes time, though, and a focused holistic healing protocol. Make sure you are actively encouraging a reality where those cells flourish as well!
8. Bring awareness to your pains and aches. The teeth are connected with the body. The nerves that run from them link to other areas and organs of the body. Often, in times of pain, we try to numb out the pain or distract ourselves from it. But pains are messages for us to interpret. Sitting in meditation with your pain can not only widen your awareness beyond the pain, but bring insight about what the root issue is. It can reveal things as simple as holding your jaw too tensely (letting yourself be consumed by stress) to deeper issues like stagnant lymphatic flow.
9. Flossing is certainly important for keeping all dimensions of your teeth clean. But it doesn't need to be done with strings alone. (I'm sure most people don't even floss effectively). Water irrigation tools (aka water piks), brushing at different angles, chewing barks/twigs/roots (like licorice, neem, Gouania lupuloides, miswak, calamus), and eating fresh, fibrous foods are also extraordinary in their effects.
10. What you eat matters. As always. Consciously managing what you consume sends the body a message of love. You'll notice what is not supportive for your teeth or what requires more diligent cleaning naturally when you eat with awareness. But never eat something with guilt either, just eat whatever you do consciously. It always does your body good and brings a higher degree of nourishment.
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jarwoski · 5 months
Acmella oleracea, denominada anteriormente Spilanthes oleracea e Spilanthes acmella
O jambu
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wellnessway24 · 5 months
Your Natural Solution for Restorative Sleep
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Achieve a peaceful sleep using California Poppy, instead of relying on sleeping pills. Create your own Sleep Tea to effortlessly experience deep sleep and eliminate the difficulties of staying asleep. If you have severe sleep problems or suffer from PTSD, consider using a concentrated sleep tincture. Embrace the natural remedy of California Poppy to obtain restorative rest.
Watch the full video here: http://bit.ly/3WykXTb
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Farm and Garden Accountability:
Flower CSA
Stem Bar - build your own - Bouquet foliage building
Bouquets based on Fendi bags
Astrology Bouquets
Dinners having a living breathing bouquet (plant cuttings rooting in water/Elderberry) in the center for everyone to take home. Basil. Lotus flowers
Communal bouquet, have so many vases filled with flowers, let all attendants pick out a flower to place in the big vase, let everyone fill it out as they choose to and see what community created
Growing a section of a culinary garden that’s just foliage that’s used for folding and food packaging
Flower Fridge - to keep bouquets cool
Mushroom sex garden: Ejaculation logs 🪵- mushroom logs that look like genitalia. Mushrooms that need to penetrate ginger plants. Etc
Melody Center: Growing plants in containers of donated musical instruments. Succulents in the hole of recorders, gourds in trombones, vines through violins, grapes growing by harps, orchids on DJ equipment, Brussel sprout bells etc. having that little machine that plays music from plant vibrations present for demonstrations.
Clown garden in collaboration with a circus-Spilanthes. Amaranth. Cockscomb. Yarrow. Strawberry. Coral honeysuckle. Globe amaranth. Clematis. Amsonia blue ice. Rhubarb
Leopard spotted garden / animal print garden: White and black zigzags - Zebras + Spots of black eyed Susan - Leopard /Rarer animals and characteristics, like salamanders- Red or Orange Armyryllis
Display of ceramic Jugs for floral displays
Love letter seed box library (Seed library shaped like a love letter)
Astrology garden seed packets
12 of each seed packet- Libra- bleeding heart, mountain mint, Aries
Calendula house- having a silent safety net with calendula and sunflower or a series of garden plants that indicate this house is safe to seek rest and refuge in
Rose bushes shaped like a heart
Star garden in the form of black eyed Susan’s
Echinacea discolball shaped garden
Marigold sun
ana mendieta moss garden
Breakfast garden (garden full of plants that look like breakfast food. White Poppies with yellow centers, amaranth that looks like bacon, chives)
Egg garden (white flowers with a yellow flower center)
Tea Garden-Chamomile. Rose. Lavender. Lemon balm. Elderberry. Ginger root. Raspberry. Echinacea. Catnip. Bergamot. Strawberry. Juniper
Raised garden bed shaped like a hand
Plant growing in rain boot
Bouquet fundraiser. Bouquet for everyone who donates a certain amount for the [blank]
Gardens in the shape of clothes and then allowing them to grow past their bounds to emphasize the natural movements and pathways in a living environment’s formation and also the need for clothing to run its course
Anthropoid hotel
Garden in the shape of the [blank] lakes
Indigenous darkness garden- spirit garden- offering garden - allowance for demons and vengefuls and indifferent but powerful entities to soar and move and pass through like a fence of protections
Having dark / black plants / having plants with powerful energies like the one poisonous moon flower, having plants that flower at night, having plants whose shapes curl and form and twist, plants that offer moth home and nourishment, Cyepress, cedar, grasses with stripes, plants that hold things at bay, like willow and sweet grass, fish in the pond of the garden, black trees like the one elderberry variety,
Garden that spells out sustain
Hiding native plants and tools in a cooler and beach bag with a towel. Look and dress like tourists and sneakily plant plants and seeds
Exotic spices garden- Saffron, Ginger, Lemongrass, Vanilla Orchids, Fennel, Sumac, Lavender, Amaranth, Cardamom, Jasmine, Garlic (for Black Garlic), Shizo, rose. passionflower, Persian Basil
Bathroom bouquet - Flowers and Arrangements that are heavily scented and release oils in moisture. Lavender, eucalyptus, other mint family plants like sage
Ancestral bouquets - plants that have ancestral spirit-medicine like amaranth, marigold, rose, and more
Sex Work Garden:
Vines. Red Kitten Spinach. Strawberries. Grapes. Cherry tree. Red Velvet Okra. Strawberry spinach. Osmin Basil. Cinnamon Basil. Licorice Basil. Red Roses. Globe Eggplant. Sweet bay magnolia. Spice bush. Lotus. Bee Hive. Carnivorous plant greenhouse with fig tree. Passionflower. Orchids. Red Dahlias. Clematis (leather flower). Chokecherry.
Native plant bouquets:
4 judges,
3 top picks,
Widdling it down to 1st 2nd 3rd
Basic bouquet template printed out: two different foliages, filler flower, flower to give height, ‘star’ flower, flower to fill in any missing spots
Intention: The indigenous plants cultivated and tended to prior to contact and that have survived throughout colonization are beautiful and abundant in the ways they nourish us and our senses. Responsibly foraged and tended Native bouquets as a love letter to the land
Invasive plant bouquets
4 judges,
3 top picks,
Widdling it down to 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Basic bouquet template printed out: two different foliages, filler flower, flower to give height, ‘star’ flower, flower to fill in any missing spots
Intention: Many of the plants that were brought here, were brought here as food and medicine, or for their beauty. Invasive plants are just wildflowers, native trees and vines from other homelands, and this is a way to honor the plant as a source of nourishment while doing our part to make sure we’re taking care of the environment and it’s contexts sustainably
Having a fabric / dye garden with patron saints hung like scarecrows. A black turtleneck dyed black with tree of heaven in a nestle of tree of heaven. A red dress in a madder dye bed. Indigo blue scarf wrapped between crown of thorns in indigo field. Green cargo pants hung in clover field.
Medicinal first aid kit garden
Cascading pitcher plant deck entrance
Wampum grass bouquet - pink/purple/white grasses and floral purple bouquets
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messyintimacy · 8 months
I appreciate Black Walnut, Goji Berries, Lemongrass, Star Anise, Cardamom, Pineapple Mint, Coconut, Cashew, Duck, Dulce De Leche, Evaporated Milk, Labneh, Starfruit, Seasalt, Passionflower, Persimmon Leaves, Ginko, Orange Peel, Cinnamon Stick, Death Spiral Pepper, Raspberry, Autumn Olive, Roasted Shallots, Edible Charcoal, Squid Ink, Mahi Mahi, Elderberry, Venison, Wild Rice, Black Beans, Oat, Lemon Squash, Strawberry Corn, Oyster Mushroom, Willow Bark, Rose-hip, Vanilla Bean, Reishi, White chocolate, Papaya, Black Pepper, Strawberry Spinach, American Beauty-berry, Scorpion, Goat Milk, Lamb, Roasted Pork, Seared Bell Pepper, White Pine, Bourbon, Rhubarb, Spilanthes, Buttermilk, Pecan, Dandelion Green, Lilac, Magnolia, Lemon Basil, Chocolate chips, Orange Liqueur, Oxtail, Hibiscus, Okra, Ginger, Juniper, Spruce, Vinegar, Birch Sap, Quail Eggs, Alligator, Honeysuckle, Ramp Leaves, Apple Cider
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hippiemikelove-blog · 10 months
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hound-dog-development · 10 months
Desert Essence - Mouth Spray Arctc Berry Mbc - 1 Each-.9 Fz
Desert essence – mouth spray arctc berry mbc – 1 each-.9 fzcountry of origin : usa, californiais gluten free : yessize : .9 fzpack of : 1selling unit : eachingredients : water (aqua);aloe barbadensis leaf juice;xylitol;glycerin (plant);polysorbate 80;spilanthes acmella flower extract;gaultheria procumbens (wintergreen) leaf oil;eucalyptol;thymol;menthol;tocopherol (vitamin e);cellulose…
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spotjardin · 10 months
Le cresson de para
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Le cresson de para est une plante annuelle qui a une saveur poivrée et piquante. Il s'agit de sa principale particularité. Il est originaire d'Amérique du Sud et du Brésil en particulier. On l'appelle également Brède mafane , cresson du Brésil, Acmella oleracea ou bien encore Spilanthes oleracea, qui sont ses deux noms scientifiques. Il fait partie de la famille des astéracées. Sa culture est facile ainsi que son entretien. Son besoin en eau est moyen. Sa hauteur de 10 à 20 centimètres en fait un excellent couvre-sol. Malheureusement, très peu de jardiniers le cultivent. C'est pourquoi il trouvera sa place dans la rubrique des légumes oubliés. Il craint le froid et la sècheresse. C’est une excellente plante aromatique qui vous sert à agrémenter vos salades ou bien vos carpaccios.
Choisissez-lui un emplacement ensoleillé, frais, riche, meuble et bien drainé sur un sol neutre, voire calcaire. Semez-le directement en pleine terre dès que les températures atteignent une vingtaine de degrés c'est à dire de mi-mai à mi-juillet. Espacez vos graines de 30 centimètres environ en tous sens. Si toutefois vous avez effectué votre semis plus dense, éclaircissez-le, afin de garder la distance précisée ci-dessus entre chaque sujet. Vous pouvez aussi le semer dans des godets avec trois graines. Dans ce cas, dès que les plantules possèdent 2 ou 3 feuilles, éclaircissez pour ne garder que le plus beau. Patientez 15 jours à 3 semaines pour les repiquer soit en pleine terre ou bien dans des grands bacs. Trois pieds suffisent pour une décoration et pour votre consommation personnelle. Vous pouvez également l'utiliser en bordure et en potée, ce qui est très joli au visuel. Si vous souhaitez une récolte la plus longue possible, je vous conseille d'échelonner vos semis. Si vous ne voulez pas effectuer de semis, vous pouvez acheter le cresson de para en godet. C'est assez difficile à trouver dans les jardineries traditionnelles. Mais certaines pépinières spécialisées en plantes aromatiques peuvent vous fournir du cresson de para en godet.
Le cresson de para supporte très bien plusieurs coupes lors de vos cueillettes. Pincez l'extrémité des tiges afin de provoquer le maximum de ramifications (Comme cela se fait pour le basilic). Arrosez-le régulièrement surtout pendant les périodes chaudes de la saison estivale. Paillez-le afin de garder de la fraicheur à son pied , ce qui est nécessaire à son bon développement. Étant donné qu'il s'agit d'une plante gélive, je vous conseille de la couvrir d'un voile d'hivernage (dès que les températures commencent à se rafraichir), afin de pouvoir en profiter encore au début de la saison automnale.
En règle générale, vous pourrez commencer votre récolte entre 2 et 3 mois après le semis. Si vous cueillez des tiges au dessus du collet, vous pourrez obtenir de nouvelles pousses. Par contre, si vous cueillez feuille par feuille, votre récolte pourra s'étaler sur 4 à 5 mois. Les fleurs se consomment également. Attention, le cresson de para doit se consommer dans la journée voire 2 jours au plus tard si vous le mettez dans votre réfrigérateur, roulé dans un torchon humide.
parasites & maladies
Le cresson de para est très résistant aux parasites et aux maladies. Toutefois, surveillez nos amies les limaces qui sont très friandes des jeunes pousses.
Le cresson de para se multiplie par semis en récupérant les graines quand les fleurs sont complètement desséchées afin d'effectuer des semis l'année suivante. Pour les récoltez frottez sur la paume de votre main les capitules secs pour faire tomber les graines. Laissez sécher ces dernières à l'air pendant deux heures environ (sans soleil direct). Et pour terminer, mettez-les dans des sachets en papier kraft pour conservation au frais et au sec.
Les associations avec le cresson de para sont possibles à condition que les plantes associées ne lui fassent pas trop d'ombre. Toutes les plantes de tailles plus petites que le cresson de para peuvent lui être associées. Et pour terminer, je vous propose cette vidéo de la chaine YouTube de Xavier Mathias https://youtu.be/L0kl2UpFhsM Abonnement au site Inscription sur le site : Vous devez vous inscrire sur le site pour recevoir une alerte par mail à chaque nouvel article mis en ligne. Abonnement à la lettre mensuelle D’autre part, vous pouvez également vous abonner à la lettre mensuelle du site. Si vous avez aimé cet article n’hésitez pas à le partager sur les réseaux sociaux en utilisant les boutons ci-dessous. Read the full article
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lalitrajsingh · 1 year
Toothache_Plant I Spilanthes_acmella I
Electric_daisy_Eyeball_plant_Asteraceae_Fever_Heart_DIY #Toothache_Plant #Spilanthes_acmella #Electric_daisy #Eyeball_plant #Asteraceae #Fever #Heart #DIY #ytviralvideos #drlalit #healthylifestyle #herbalism #herbalremedies #health #herb #conservation #lifestyle #selfcare #nutrition #traditional #rabies #Spilanthes #tuberculosis #snakebite #dogbite #sorethroat #anandamide #antipyretic #cox #LOX…
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greenjourneyseeds · 1 year
Green Journey Seedlist 2023
The following varieties are now available freshly packed for 2023.
Amaranth, Love Lies Bleeding Amaranthus caudatus 200 seeds
Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng) Withania somnifera 40 seeds
Astragalus, Chinese Astragalus membranaceus 25 seeds
Balloon Flower (Jie-geng) Platycodon grandiflorus 50 seeds
Beebalm, Wild purple Monarda fistulosa 40 seeds
California Poppy Eschscholzia californica 200 seeds
China Aster Mix Callistephus chinensis 50 seeds
Cockscomb, Red ‘Mano de Obispo’ Celosia cristata 40 seeds
Echinacea (Purple Coneflower) Echinacea purpurea 40 seeds
Holy Basil (Rama Tulsi) Ocimum sanctum 100 seeds
Mexican Sunflower Tithonia rotundifolia 30 seeds
Marigold, China Cat singles Tagetes patula 40 seeds
Morning Glory, Bush ‘Royal Ensign’ Convolvulus tricolor 15 seeds
Morning Glory, Kniola’s purple-black Ipomea purpurea 20 seeds
Nigella, red pod Nigella damascena 75 seeds
Painted Poppy Mix Papaver somniferum 300 seeds
Shirley Poppy Mix Papaver rhoeas 200 seeds
Strawflower Mix, Apricot Pastels Helichrysum bracteatum 75 seeds
Sunflower Mix, Amber Eye Helianthus annuus 50 seeds
Sweet Pea, Bi-colored fragrant Lathyrus odoratus 20 seeds
Tobacco, ‘Perique’ smoking Nicotiana tabacum 100 seeds
Toothache Plant Spilanthes oleracea 40 seeds
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korkutkalkan · 2 years
Diş otundan kırışıklığı önleyen cilt serumu üretti
Diş otundan kırışıklığı önleyen cilt serumu üretti
“Subtropikal” iklimde yetişen diş otu tohumunu yurt dışından getirip Sakarya’da yetiştirmeyi başaran kimyager Sedat Kulaç, cilt sorunlarına karşı ürettiği onarıcı serumu iç piyasada pazarlıyor. Bol yağış alan yüksek sıcaklığa sahip (subtropikal iklim) bölgelerde yetişen Spilanthes Acmella (diş otu) bitkisini yurt dışından temin edip Sakarya’da yetiştirmeyi başaran kimyager Sedat Kulaç, bitkideki…
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