#spinel is our beloved wife
the-moon-prince · 5 years
“I found you”
Well, this is my first fanfic. This is like a pilot chapter(? IDK if it makes sense(? Also English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistake. I’m trying my best! All feedback is welcomed! First, some declarations: This is a Spinel x female reader fanfic. Also, the story takes place after the movie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm so tired to be here. I'm not even sure anymore if I want to be here. Why in the universe I thought I will be fine in this palace?  I thought I will love again. I'm a fool. I will never love, I can't love anymore. I will never be a friend again. What I'm going to do? I'm supposed to be a friend! I'm supposed to love and if... and if I'm broken? I'm maybe just broken. And that's why. Even if they were nice the first days, I still have this feeling. They are Diamonds! I was just a little pet clown for Pink! Wasn't I? Does that mean I'm just a pet for them too? Will they reject me when they will get tired of me?! I feel like asphyxiating. I don't belong here. I don't want to be here. This room. It used to be Pink's room. I'm staying in her room. It reminds so much of her, It even hurts. The Diamonds remind me of her too. I stand up and walked out of the room. I looked back. I need to find White and others. I went to the throne room.
"My Diamonds!" I said while doing the triple diamond sign. "Oh, the Pink's playmate! Here you are!" Said Yellow. I hated that, I have a name. It makes me feel as if I was only a gadget.  Also "Pink's this" "Pink that". It's always about Pink. "What do you want?" White asked. Oh no. How are going to react if I say that I'm running away? Are they going to be mad? AM I GOING TO BE SHATTERED?! "M-my Diamonds! I-I was thinking..." "Yes?" Blue asked. "What if Steven want my entertaining!" Oh no... "Like he was Pink, and I was Pink's..." Oh, my stars! WHAT I AM DOING! I CAN'T RETURN TO EARTH! WHAT I GOING TO SAY TO STEVEN?! "Oh! Yellow! She's right! What if Steven miss Spinel? She should go a while with him! I'm sure he's going to find her hilarious!" Blue marvelled with my suggestion. "I think so..." replied Yellow. "Steven gonna have so much fun with spinel! He would maybe want to come live in Homeworld! You should go and entertain him." declared White. "Yes, my Diamonds!" I replied, in my way to the pad.
Why him? Why I couldn't think in anyone else? Surely he's still upset with me. And for good reasons, I partially destroyed his planet. I teleport to the dome, is Steven's house.   Then, I panicked. What I am going to say?! <<Oh! Hello everybody! I didn't have any place to go, so I came here, sorry for trying to kill you twice!>> suddenly I heard footsteps coming. I froze. The door opened, I took a step back of pure instinct. It was Steven, he saw me with confusion. "Spinel?..."  I tensed. "Hello!" He... he didn't seem mad. It seemed to be ok? With me here? "Let me guess, you grown tired of the Diamonds, didn't you?" He said in an understanding mode. "H-hi Steven. You were right. They are a lil' hard to trade with.", I babbled in response. I'm unsure of this... "I'm sorry, for everything.", I finally apologised. "It's okay." He smiled at me. "If I was mad to every gem who tried to kill me, I would be mad to everybody!" He joked. I smiled back. It was easier now. I didn't feel rejected. "You can stay here for a moment if you don't have anywhere to go." He added."Are you fine with that? Will be the rest fine with me around?" I stuttered. "Sure!" Steven smiled softly. It's easier with him, but I'm quite awkward about this whole thing... He got out and go downstairs, to his living room. I followed him doubtfully.
Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl where there, sit in the kitchen isle. And contrary to Steven, they didn't seem very pleased to see me again. They stand up and took a defensive position. I just raised my shoulders with fear. "Guys! Spinel is not gonna hurt us, she just wanted to apologize!" Steven just reassured. "She's very sorry about all the troubles." "I'm sorry for trying to kill you all, twice" I am... My words calmed them down. "Well, sure you aren't the worst of all who tried to destroy the Earth" Amethyst teased me. "Thank you..." I didn't know what to answer. I still feel guilty. "Can I stay on Earth for a moment? I swear I will be well behaved" Pearl chuckled a little "There is already a lot of gems, one more would not be a problem". "Spinel is staying with us a little bit, meanwhile she founds a place of her own," Steven added. "So, you're staying forever?" Amethyst continued. "I'm not sure, yet." I just replied. "Why you don't go outside for a walk and you decide?" Garnet smiled at me softly. "Yea, I think it can be a good idea" I mumbled. A tour could maybe help to clean my mind. I walked, opened the door and took a deep breath. I'm unsure about this whole thing. I sat on the doorsteps. Just looking at the landscape. It was already night.
"Like if they wanted to be your friends.",  this little voice in my head again... "You're a fool, they are so much better without you. Did you forget already? You almost destroyed their planet. They have pitty for you. No one in this nowhere place would never be your friend. Nobody needs you or wants you here. They all have their respective friends. Humans have their friends, Gems don't want you. If you thought you could ever have better than the Diamonds, you're a fool." but, what if isn't true? What if I can get better?  What if I can have better? "But it is true." Suddenly, I felt my breathing more erratic, my chest felt heavier. I stand up, sweating cold. "They hate you." I look behind me, at the house. I saw Steven and his friends, happily talking. "I'm sure they are talking on how to abandon you." I was suffocated by fear, anger and sadness. I need to go away. Far, very far. I start to run. Run as fastest as I could. I didn't know where to go, I was just fearful. I went to the hill. Where else could I go? I reached a crater, full of grass. This spot, this is where my Injector was. I did repulsive things. I'm repulsive. My inspiration became very fast, I was over-breathing.   I look around, to the top of the hill. There. I run there. But as fast I reached the top...
There was someone, someone strange. It was a human on the top of the hill. I look at them. Their hair softly moving with the wind. It was a human girl, just standing there, her back to me. She was using a skirt, who moved with the wind too. What is a human doing here so late? And alone. Why isn't she with her friends or family?  I took a stape back. She slowly started to turn around. I didn't know how to react, I tensed. She finally fully turned around. I look at her, and she looked at me. She was wearing glasses. We made eye contact. I saw something... familiar. Her eyes looked familiar, with an expression I knew so well. I quickly felt less scared. She had a... sad look. The human blinked softly, and tilt her head. She opened her mouth and whispered, "W-why are you here? Shouldn't you be with your friends?". "I... don't have friends." She looked to the floor, then back to me. "I-I can be your friend..."
"Spinel go like two hours ago... Do you guys think she's gonna come back?" Steven asked. The gems haven't any idea where she could be. And there it was almost three hours she left. "I have no idea Steven, she maybe changed her mind. She is not very stable, you know?" Pearl reassured him. "Maybe" Steven sighed back. The door opened and reveal Spinel. Who had just came back from an unknown place for the others. "Hi" she greeted. She seemed calm, something odd in her. "I think I'm gonna stay here a while".
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