hikarichino · 3 years
spiritualpuzzleshipper Pearl: I mean....how can you not find him hot???
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“... Pearl please...”
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“You find who hot now...?”
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nightfurylover31 · 4 years
For @spiritualpuzzleshipper‘s birthday! She’s been very busy lately and I wanted to make something for her! She liked my videos I did with Yugi and Atem with “Ring in the Season” and “When We’re Together,” so I hope she likes this too. 
Happy Birthday, my wonderful and special friend! 😊💖🎂🎈
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tarashima · 6 years
Okay so like I been thinking really hard about what I want to see by the lovely Tara and I have decided that I want to see Yugi and Atemu happy. But not just happy like what we all love. I want Atemu and Yugi dressed in suits getting MARRIED!! YOU HEARD ME!! MAKE THEM STARE INTO EACH OTHERS EYES AND SAY I DO!!
Okay, I didn’t do the “I do” stare, because I mixed up things asdfghjkl, so let’s have giddy dorks being all “I can’t believe we’re actually married I’m so happy” instead. 
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sennenpharaoh · 5 years
spiritualpuzzleshipper replied to your post “@spiritualpuzzleshipper @game-weaver @atlantis-prince Not sure how one...”
Pearl, Aibou, Yourself XD, and Your King...I mean tormentor XD
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“He is not ‘my king’...”
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mutogamingco · 5 years
spiritualpuzzleshipper replied to your post: What's your favorite candy?
Atemu: You also forgot to mention you have to hide them from me *winks*
“Yes, just like you hide yours from me!”
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atlantis-prince · 5 years
spiritualpuzzleshipper replied to your post “//The question is… Who does Dartz kill annoy today? ”
Atemu is busy planning a wedding...wink wink...he got no time to deal with you Dartz...wink wink XD
Now that is something he can come and crash ;D 
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toeiyugimutou · 5 years
Atemu blinked at the two cards presented to him. "Hmmm. Honestly I believe Skilled Blue Magician works better for your deck. Getting Gaia out with just three spell counters then if you already have Dark Magician on the field, you can fusion summon Dark Calvary." He took the spare seat and sat next to Yugi. "Are you okay with me staying here with you?" He had finished his chores and was hoping for some time with Yugi. (foreveratemu)
He took everything that the other had to say to heart and agreed with him fully, "You're right. This card could be a life saver in some duels." He smiled as he added the final piece of his new deck to the rest; there's no way he could lose with these!
Yugi looked up at his closest friend with a tilt to his head, "Of course, Atemu. You know you're always welcome here with me." There was never a time that he wouldn't allow Atem to be around him.
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From @spiritualpuzzleshipper 's YGOtober writing seen here:
Gosh I just loved that line so much, I had to draw it out. It's angsty, but it was still such greatly put together. This was done a while back too, but its been sitting on my desk for a few weeks now, might as well post it. *shrugs* enjoy! ❤
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riyuyami · 6 years
Happy Birthday!!!! You were one of my first friends so long ago and now look at you. All grown up and adorable! *sniff* Hope you have a blast! Love ya
Hahaha! Thank you, that’s so sweet of you to say! :D
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animeangelriku · 5 years
spiritualpuzzleshipper replied to your post “so uh, inspired by people just sharing their ideas with the fandom...”
@animeangelriku​ I want to read this so bad T_T
I KNOOOOOW I’M SORRY!!! I AM gonna write it EVENTUALLY, because I still WANT TO, I JUST!!! Have had other interests in the meantime! BUT I WILL GET THIS DONE!! One way or another, sooner or later, I shall!!! >w<
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thiefkingyall · 6 years
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Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so much! You all make my day~
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hikarichino · 5 years
atlantis-prince replied to your post “Meanwhile… “I’ll play with you, Pharaoh~””
spiritualpuzzleshipper replied to your post “Meanwhile… “I’ll play with you, Pharaoh~””
Oh u gonna play that too!!
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“It’s only fair. You know, seeing as how you played it too~”
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nightfurylover31 · 5 years
It’s @spiritualpuzzleshipper birthday today! Hooray! So I wrote her a little drabble featuring Atem, and my original character Akemi. We haven’t done a lot of RPs lately, so here’s this. I hope you like it, my friend! 
“A movie?” Atem asked. 
Akemi had stopped by the Game Shop early that day. She knew his Yugi had been pretty busy lately, so she thought it would be a great opportunity to spend time with Atem.
“Yeah,” she replied. “There’s a new mystery movie out that I’ve been dying to see. I thought you would like it too. There’s also a carnival going on downtown. We could check that out too. I’m sure you’d rock those games. What do you say?” Normally, Akemi was pretty calm about plans and didn’t try to force them on others. But she was so excited about this, she could hardly contain herself. 
“I’d love to, but the shop…” Atem began to say. 
“Great-grandpa can cover, can’t he? Come on, Atem. We haven’t been able to do a lot together lately, and I’m sure it’ll be a ton of fun. Please?” 
The fact Akemi had her father’s eyes didn’t help Atem. He could never turn down Yugi when he wanted to hang out, so how could he refuse his daughter. Even if she was from some alternate future, or whatever it was. 
He sighed. “Just give me some time to get ready.” 
“Yes!” Akemi cheered. 
The film was as good as Akemi promised. It was like a Sherlock Holmes story, so there were a lot of puzzles and riddles. Both Akemi and Atem quickly began to figure out the clues, and tried hard not to blurt anything out to ruin it for the others watching. 
“I knew that guy couldn’t be trusted,” Akemi spoke as the left the theater. 
“I admit I was surprised,” Atem added, “but it did make sense when you look at his character.” 
They both loved the movie. It was fun seeing it with Atem. It was a lot like going with her— 
Akemi blinked, seeing Atem was a few steps ahead of her. 
“You looked like you were zoning out. Are you okay?” 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” she smiled. “So you want to try the carnival too? Or should you getting back?” 
Atem looked at his watch. Grandpa said he could take the day off, but he wanted to be back before sundown. 3:17, plenty of time. 
“No, we can check it out,” he responded. 
“Great,” Akemi said, grabbing Atem’s arm and ran. 
“Akemi, slow down! It’s not going anywhere!” Atem was happy she was enjoying herself. He was too, but he couldn’t help but notice something off about her for a moment. 
There were so many games and rides. As Akemi said, it was easy for them to win the attractions. Atem managed to win her a plush Dark Magician doll and other prizes. 
“You really ARE the King of Games,” Akemi laughed. “I bet you can even beat a chess expert.” 
“Who told you about that match with Kaiba,” Atem joked. Both bursted out in laughter. He then noticed how low the sun was in the sky. “It’s getting late. I think we have time for one more thing.” 
Akemi looked around. “How about that?” She pointed to the ferris wheel. She thought something easygoing would be a good way to wrap up the day. 
As they rose on the wheel, they could marvel at the view of Domino City. The setting sun made the sky turn orange and pink. The clouds only covered small parts. Everything was peaceful. Atem was glad he gave in to Akemi’s request. 
“Thank you, Akemi,” he said. “This was a great day.” He noticed she didn’t seem to hear him. She was looking out the window, as if lost in thought. He tapped her on the shoulder. “Akemi?” 
“Huh? Oh yeah, it was fun,” Akemi replied, trying to hide her thoughts behind a smile. 
“Akemi, what wrong? You seemed bothered by something.” 
“It’s nothing. Really.” 
Atem just gave her an unconvinced looked. “You really are Yugi’s daughter.” 
“He often hid his own feelings so he wouldn’t upset others. Now what is it?” 
“We were having such a good time,” she muttered. “I don’t want you to be sad.” 
“I’d be even sadder that you kept something bothering you from me.” 
Akemi took a deep breath. “It just… I used to do these kinds of things with my parents… with my dad. And being with you is great, but it just…” 
“You miss your parents,” Atem finished her sentence. She nodded. “Don’t worry. We’ll get you home.” 
“But if I did, I’ll probably never see you again.” There was a long pause after that. “I mean, I want to see my family again, but I don’t want to say goodbye to you. Meeting you has been the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, and I…” she began to cry. Atem pulled her in close, hugging her. She clung to his jacket, trying to control her sobs. 
“Meeting you has been wonderful for me too, Akemi,” he said as he tried to soothe her. “You are smart, kind, beautiful, and have helped me when I was struggling too. I don’t know what the future holds, but that’s why we should enjoy as much time together as possible. So that those memories will live on in our hearts.” He felt Akemi nod under his embrace. 
It truly was a wonderful day for both of them. One they would never forget.��
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tarashima · 6 years
spiritualpuzzleshipper replied to your post “Codebreakers… His archetype was codebreakers…  I can’t, I really...”
Do I...want to know...*followers others*
I’ll give you some hint that isn’t spoilers technically but a little: 
I’m crying because archetype Code Talker...
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...was attacked by archetype Codebreaker
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...which I admit makes more sense when you’ve watched the show but still...
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sennenpharaoh · 5 years
@spiritualpuzzleshipper / @foreveratemu asked for positivity~! (Oh you’re in for it now~)
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It’s no secret that Megan is one of my favorite people to interact with. Actually, she’s my first friend that I made here, and we’ve grown to become IRL friends, going to 2 conventions together so far. How did we become friends, you ask? Lemme tell ya~ 
HikariChino: Hey, that icon you have... is that you with Dan Green? (English VA of Yugi/Atem aka Nikki’s Voice Husbando don’t fucking ask) SpiritualPuzzleShipper: Uh, yea? HikariChino: Cool! We’re friends now! I’mma go spam your pms one minute SpiritualPuzzleShipper: ...
(Insert about 2 full days of ranting about love of Doma episodes and wait we live relatively close together and HEY YOU WANNA WATCH THE YUGIOH MARATHON ON TWITCH AND CRY THE WHOLE TIME ABOUT DOMA? ME TOO!)
NGL It was me that dragged her into the rp scene bc I liked her drabbles and whatnot. I remember her asking “What is rp?” and my answer was like “Think fanfiction tennis. You write a thing, then I write a thing.”
But anywho to make an already long post not as long she’s been more of family to me than I realize. Listened to me bitch when I felt like shit, made me bust out laugh a few times, and all out just made me realize that hey... maybe tumblr isn’t such a cringy and bad site after all. It made me some good friends that I thought I could NEVER make here.
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So thanks, Megan. It’s been a hell of a ride, and no I am not about to turn this car around. You’re staying put. Deal with it~
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mutogamingco · 6 years
Catwalk! Egyptian Pharaoh ^_^
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//I swear I didn’t forget about these! I just had low energy the last week or so but I’ve figured things out~ Finally found a more comfortable set up for drawing. 
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