#spm fanlore
camprell-art · 10 months
So Mimi was originally behaved like an animal before she was found by the count? If yes then poor baby
Yeah :o In the story I made for her she was created to replace the daughter of the witch, who was murdered by the villagers by mistake (well, it wasn't really a mistake because in the end I think they hurt her more by murdering her only daughter than they would ever do by burning her alive).
But anyways, Mimi was non verbal, her body was strangely cold, and she couldn't control her powers really well, so every time she tried mimicking the girl's appearance she would fail, the results of this failure is how she look in that drawing, with the long dark green hair, green skin with the black spots in her neck, hands and feet, and black eyes and teeth with glowing white pupils.
In the start, the witch was very patient when trying to make Mimi learn how to use her powers, but with time she got frustrated, depressed and became too tired to wait for Mimi to become the daughter that she was sure that would be irreplaceable.
In anger and sadness she now thought of revenge, and if Mimi couldn't be her daughter she would be the weapon with which she would destroy the people who took her most precious treasure and that's how True Mimi became a thing, but the woman didn't have too much time, her house was once again attacked, the villagers finally finding her, and now she didn't have a way to escape her destiny, as in that night, she would be stabbed and burned like her daughter did, leaving Mimi in the cold basement with her creator's blood dripping from the room above.
She stayed there for a very long time, thinking that someday the woman would return, even if she was treated as a failure and a weapon, she hoped she wouldn't be alone forever, but time passed, and nothing but animals entered that house for what seemed like an eternity, and Mimi quickly started to hunt them, that being her only food source, she didn't really need to eat, however her experience with the witch had taught her that it was necessary in some way, and it did feel good too, so it was something that became part of her life.
Much time later she finally had another experience with humans, which sadly was not positive, adventurous people heard about the legend of the witch and they were really curious to see if it was true, so in an cold afternoon they entered the house, plants had overgrown, there were bones from dead animals everywhere and all the furniture was damaged in some way, from scratching and mold or completely broken.
What really caught their attention was the old blood in the wooden floor, even more curious now they wondered what had spilled that blood, they assumed that if the animal bones had something to do with it the thing that killed them probably lived there.
And as if they were in a horror movie, some noises started being made, it was fast enough to be a rat, but was too loud to be one, if the thing had paws it totally had big claws, and soon the sound had started to get close, too close, they were hoping to find a big animal, but what they were seeing was a girl, a really strange one.
Her confusion was clear, and she seemed so scared but at the same time a different glow brightened her dark eyes, she tried to get close to the men, who, frightened by her unusual appearance, branded their swords, threatening to kill her.
She quickly understood what they were trying to do and in seconds her frail neck snapped, her face got disturbingly distorted and spider legs burst from the thin torso, leaving the body dangling from them, the men rushed to the exit, knowing that they had messed with the wrong animal or whatever was that thing, but she was faster than them, and one by one they were followed, thrown to the ground and stabbed by her sharp legs.
With their disappearance new legends were created, and from time to time other people decided to go to the house, hoping to slay the creature and "save humanity from the monster", some escaped, some died, but Mimi stayed there, her only company being the bones of her prey and her collection of forgotten objects.
But not forever because the Count and Nassy find her :)
I hope you like this text, it wasn't planned at all, I just kept writing and writing, the intention was just to explain why she behaved like an animal but it's basically because that's the only thing she sees for like, a millennium.
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camprell-art · 10 months
So was Mimi originally a basement spider creature?
Yeah :)
Spiders were what she was most successful at mimicking, and she lived in the basement because the witch couldn't bear looking at her, it's basically the Frankenstein complex of "ooh, what have I created?!", the only difference is that the witch wasn't so scared like Victor Frankenstein was ashjgd
And later in her life she did get out of the basement sometimes, she just stayed there most of the time because it's what she was used to
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