#spn 15x10 The Heroes' Journey
shallowseeker · 1 year
In The Hero’s Journey, when Sam loses his heroic plot armor, the fact that he’s clumsy is The Best Thing Ever.
Like, immediately, he’s a disaster in the kitchen (maybe he shouldn't have bothered the food?), he slips coming up the stairs, and he knocks over a bunch of shit at the case.
They should’ve kept it, and in a fit of irony, his clumsiness saves the day. Through a series of whacky, seemingly impossible, bizarre, Rube Goldberg-like events, Chuck is defeated.
Sam literally trips his way into victory.
The end.
Imagine it:
AU Bobby (on retraining Sam): "Oh, come on. A little clumsiness never killed anyone."
(Bobby watches Sam at work)
AU Bobby: 'Cept you. You're gonna take care of yourself before the baddies even get close.
On a subsequent case, all four of our mains are stealthing and (CRASH). “Sam," Cas says, genuinely horrified, with just a hint of blame. Later, after another BOOM, Jack says, "Sam," too, but like he's suffering from secondhand embarrassment on his behalf.
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SAM: Who left this cooking? Doesn't dinner usually cook itself? I'd better--oop--
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SAM: Whooooa, stairs, STAIRS--oop.
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SAM: (BANG) It—oop.
DEAN: Really?
SAM: It fell by itself.
DEAN: I watched you walk into it.
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Sam-fuckin-Winchester, everyone.
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(I made this with you in mind @couldnt-think-of-a-funny-name. And I regret nothing.)
Also. Someone NEEDS to let me remake season 15 where they don't get any luck back. Please. It was the weird everyone-teams-up ending we deserved.
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arcanespillo · 1 year
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“The Heroes’ Journey”
SPN S15E10
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fahclove · 6 months
What makes supernatural so fascinating is that the show is very meta in the show itself, like as a story. Sam and Dean canonically have God’s favor and when you acknowledge that all other side characters become so much more tragic, because for them, for every single person that crosses paths with Sam and Dean it is certain their end will be tragic, or, at the very least, slightly ruined.
Like Bela, Cas, Crowley, etc. it’s fascinating to think about their demise via Winchester association. How certain characters try to escape the narrative (Michael/Adam, Garth, Missouri) only to be sucked back in and usually die. And the fact that this is canon and real in the show bc Sam and Dean are God’s Special Boys is crazy. It’s insane. I can’t ever stop thinking abt Supernatural
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
But actually I do think that we're all here spilling so much digital ink trying to backwards engineer the secret good supernatural that lives in Andrew Dabb's head
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spneveryseason · 2 years
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unhinged-jackles · 1 year
SPN Best Episode per Season
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fallenangelblade · 2 months
spn 15x10 the heroes’ journey is just a high level dnd party that gets magically de-leveled and are suddenly stuck with commoner stats
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 15x10 The Heroes’ Journey
“Some kind of fight club bullshit? Wrestling? Wait not wrestling at all. Way more than that. Cage match. I don’t fkn know” “what the fuck” “I don’t know what to think” “why would there be glass underneath the grate?” “looks like a smoke machine inside of an oven” “what the fuck dude” “a curse or something?” “what the fuck” “maybe if you turned your lights off, you’d have more time to crank it” “Is one named Dean?” laughter
Laughter “that was funny” “does he have some creepy canine dentistry in this office?” “Jesus Christ” “looks like pond water” “isn’t that super unhealthy for you?” laughter
Laughter “he’s arguing with the babies” “Do you remember the shit you say after you come out of surgery? It’s fucked dude” laughter “what the fuck is wrong with this episode” laughter
“So did this god invent all the other gods?” “50 Shades of Grey?” laughter “that was funny” “what the fuck was that” “what the fuck” “what the hell is a magic horseshoe in my ass? I want to know what the fuck that is” “what happens when you google magic horseshoe in my ass?” Laughter
“Dean’s always eating” “did he just break the key off in the hole?” “No, it was just him pulling the key out.” laughter “that’s so obnoxious” “That’s actually disgusting” “what the fuck” “of course it was that picture” “did he forget how to pick a lock?” “are they going to spend the season going through death scenarios?” “pep talk time” “is he like 8 1/2 feet tall?” “nah, maybe like 7” “is it like an ocean’s film or something?” “that was easy” laughter
“That hat is awful” “ok” laughter
“Was that supposed to be funny?” “What’s that from? Looney Tunes?” “sure” “what?” laughter “what the fuck” “so we’re done with the Looney Tunes thing now?” “its going to be some random ass bar? Are they going to look for this place now?” “of course it’s this song” laughter
“Some bar in Alaska, I assume?”
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lolaused2run · 5 years
Dean gazing longingly at Garth and Bess dancing and having a sweet moment
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Meanwhile, in Dean’s head......
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welkinalauda · 5 years
Fortune favors the bold
Girl’s got a type.
I liked that godsend of a bar, with its endless antler array. I liked that they made Peace the child of Luck - a child that serves her schemes, but is summarily disposable to her. She can always make another peace.
I liked the origin story of the gods, the part about how Chuck was pissy about his diverted glory until he realized the blame for him being a cruel, capricious god was diverted too.
Doesn’t square with Kali’s version, but I’ll chalk that up to the ineffable.
I was pleasantly surprised when Dean was willing to walk away with his first winnings. Boy had his eyes on the prize, there.
I’d like this episode even better if they hadn’t made the boys incapable of picking a lock last episode. Why did that learned skill evaporate, while hustling pool is still a thing they can do? ‘tis not sensible. And I really do not like the implication(? canon statement, more like) that Baby is running on luck, rather than Dean’s hard work and the know-how he learned at his daddy’s knee.
Excellent song choice:
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dean & garth - 7x08 // 15x10
some things never change :')
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castheology · 3 years
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dancing ⤷ for Lyn @10x02′s follower celebration
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arcanespillo · 1 year
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“The Heroes’ Journey”
SPN S15E10
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
There's been some attention on my post breaking down the dance number from The Hero's Journey today, so I want to follow up just a little bit more.
The sequence was choreographed by Gordon Hart (x), who has a hella impressive resume and, according to his instagram, is a trekkie and married to a man. Or in his words, 🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈.
He posted here that the production originally hired dance doubles for DJ and Jensen, as they hadn't allowed for any rehearsal time, but the two learned the dance in 1 hr and practiced for 2 more, so the episode aired no footage with the doubles. We Stan.
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mybrainproblems · 1 year
oh thanks for the reply! yeah it was the poll - i KNEW the monologue was long. too long (and shouldn't happen at all because dean shouldn't die but i am letting it slip here). BUT it never ever, for over 2 years, since november 19th 2020, it never occured to me it was 8 minutes long. it's 1/5 of the episode. literally WHAT. this information has been haunting me since i sent that ask days ago.
anyway like i said i would definitely like to read some more thoughts about dabbnatural because there used to be a lot of people posting about him as a writer in a good way and after the finale it was a hatefest, (generally speaking). his episodes ARE enjoyable in general so WHY did he write the finale which is you know. bad. very.
i tend to be tinhatty when talking about the finale but it boils down to the one big question of: "what happened?! what happened that the finale is so bad, so not fitting into the rest of the season?!" and it makes me mad and insane. i guess we'll never know the truth.
definitely gonna check that tag of yours though. i need more brainworms.
every time i've tried to answer this in the past almost-four-months i end up with a multiple pages word draft that is basically just a timeline of US politics and spn production schedules from 2016-2020 with source citations and it looks completely bonkers.
i think the extremely blunt thing is that i see a lot of destiel fans assume there was some rainbow capitalist gravy train the CW could have ridden to the bank if only they weren't wildly homophobic and hadn't stopped destiel. but the thing is that the cash money and ratings desired by the networks are with the GA folks.
probably the best proof against a shutdown rewrite to remove destiel is the existence of walker. the CW was betting on it as a "safe" show but greenlit without a pilot in 2019 to air in 2020. and a metric fuck ton happened in 2020 that made it a less marketable show than initially expected when it aired in 2021. if they were looking to pick up viewers from the spn finale and wanted the "destiel demo" then walker would not be their follow-on choice.
but in terms of the actual writing of the finale itself? well. i'm gonna tinhat that the 40yr driving gap was intentional. you can do a lot with a 40 yr amorphous gap in time and space traveling along the axis mundi and seeing the heavenly way in your chevrolet. there is actually quite a bit of flexibility in the story for offshoots or continuations when you have a gap like that. also like. another ep dabb wrote for s15 was 15x10 "the heroes' journey" which is pretty much a big ol blueprint for a "dean retires" ending.
but circling back, i think 15x20 is really in service of a very final ending with which they can shuffle the parts of the audience demo that they want over to walker when it starts airing.
as to just thoughts on dabbnatural... at this point it's become this sprawling madness where i'm a genuine fan who has sought out his non-spn work (RIP resi, you were taken from us too soon). i think he really wrote one of the thesis quotes of the show... "it's just people trying to do their best in a world where it's all to easy to do their worst."
i have no idea if this answered anything
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myheartofmusic · 5 years
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How is this show even real
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