#spoil away I don’t have the attention span to watch the show lol
So I’m seeing people talk about Gabriel in the past tense and a gif of Nathalie threatening him with an actual fucking CROSSBOW
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henderylikespink · 5 years
Fluff Alphabet
Wong Kunhang
                           ♡ Hendery ♡
A- Affectionate (How affectionate are they? How do they display their affection?)
Hendery is a pretty affectionate guy. He's most affectionate in his words rather than his actions. For example, he's more likely going to tell you how funny you are/ how pretty you look than give you hugs and kisses.
B- Baby (Do they want a family?)
Hendery is definitely a family man. He wants kids in the future when he settles down with a spouse.
C- Cuddles
Hendery loves cuddles! Especially at night, he loves to wrap you both in a burrito of blankets. He always falls asleep so fast because it feels so safe and warm.
D- Dates (What dates are like with them)
Loves, loves more action-packed dates. Meaning, he wants to be moving and interacting with you. He likes to go to the park or to walk around the city. Things that keeps his body moving. The occasional restaurant date won't have him complaining though. Of course, if you had anything in mind, he wouldn't hesitate to make it a date!
E- Everything (You are my...)
You are the reason why he laughs and smiles. You are the world to Hendery. The reason why he wakes up with a smile on his face. You are the love of his life, his life long partner.
F- Feelings (When they realized they loved you.)
Hendery realized he loved you in a random moment. Y'all were laying on his bed-sharing memes and funny videos when he looked at you mid-laugh and realized there wasn't a day he wouldn't want to see that smile.
G- Gentle (How gentle are they?)
Hendery is fairly gentle but there are times when he will jokingly shove you into a wall (lightly though). He would never, ever hurt you. The only thing that is pretty gentle is his kisses. His hugs are always solid with a hard squeeze.
H- Hand/ Hold (How do they hold you? Do they hold hands?)
Hendery loves to hold you. Back hugs are his forte, hugs make him able to breathe again, and grabbing your neck to pull you in for a forehead kiss is one of his absolute favorite things to do. He holds your hand in public, he loves to show you off! He is just so proud of you and he doesn't want to lose you in a crowd by accident lol.
I- Impression (First Impression)
When Hendery first met you, he was really fascinated. Y'all would always see each other at a commonplace (like a restaurant). It became a routine for y'all to smile at each other when you crossed paths. Finally, Hendery gained the courage to eat with you. The rest is history.
J- Joker (Do they pull pranks?)
Every now and then Hendery will pull a prank. I don't think Hendery has the attention span to create a whole master prank idea but sometimes he will hide behind a wall so when you leave the bathroom he will scare you. (What a little shit.)
K- Kisses (How do they kiss?)
Kisses with Hendery are usually gentle. He will put his hands on your waist and pull you in really close. Sometimes he will softly stroke your hair or rest your cheek in his hand. Kunhang doesn't like short kisses. His kisses usually a little while. The soft look in his eyes when he pulls away and makes eye contact with you always makes your knees weak. When his feelings become overwhelming for you, which can happen quite often, his kisses become really passionate with his hands pushing your body to his. It's almost like you couldn't get close enough.
L- Love (Who said I love you first?)
You said I love you first. Kunhang would be too nervous, he would be afraid he would mess everything up if you did not share the same feelings. Hendery is usually a fairly confident guy, but sometimes he needs some assurance. He loves you so much, but when you said," I love you" his feelings soared for you.
M- Memory (Favorite memory together)
Hendery's favorite memory of you was when y'all went on a date. It was about a few months into your relationship. Y'all had a spontaneous date at around 8 at night and ate at a restaurant and walked around the city with the busy crowds of dates and businessmen. The date shifted to pointing at funny things on the street and topics that came up in your mind. Until y'all finally made it to your doorstep. That date was also the night when y'all shared your first breathtaking, passionate kiss.
N- Nickel (Do they spoil you?)
Occasionally, Hendery will buy you things that remind him of you. You usually get gifts when he has to go away for idol related things. When he gets home, most of his pockets and his backpack is full of things that are for you.
O- Orange (What colors remind them of you?)
Pink! Pink is his favorite color and your Hendery’s favorite person! Don't look at this account name Lol. In all seriousness though, dark green or dark red reminds him of you because they are beautiful, comforting colors.
P- Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Hendery usually likes to use your name. If he doesn't then he will call you sweetheart. The occasional "dumby" won't be unusual. If you have a nickname you usually go by then he will likely call you that the most.
Q- Questions (What questions are they always asking?)
This sweet little bby is always asking if you have eaten or if you are having a good day!
R- Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Kunhang loves to lay on the couch to cuddle and watch movies all day long! He would love to eat take out and do nothing but giggle and snuggle.
S- Sad (How do they cheer themselves/ others up?)
Hendery can get quite sensitive about himself sometimes. He doesn't understand how talented he is. He usually cheers himself up by telling himself to work harder, to persevere. Kunhang understands what a wonderful quality diligence and perseverance is and he holds that dear to him. To cheer others up, Hendery likes to make lighthearted jokes to see that individual smile. He will probably show them the bright side of things.
T- Talking (How much do they talk? What do they love to talk about?)
In a conversation, Hendery is about 50/50 for talking and listening. He is good at both. He loves to crack jokes or let out his creative ideas.
U - Unencumbered (What helps them relax)
Listening to music helps Hendery relax. Sometimes Hendery needs to put his headphones into his ears, lean his head back, and close his eyes to really clear his head.
V - Vaunt (what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Kunhang is a very humble man, so I don't think he would show off anything. Things such as material objects or personal achievements are not on the top of his tongue when he strikes up conversations with people. Kunhang does love to go show off you, he gets really excited when y'all run into his old friends in public. He just thinks you are a kickass s/o. Kunhang is proud of how far he has come in the music industry but he doesn't flaunt it.
W - Why (Reasons why they love you)
He loves that you make him smile, laugh, and make him feel alive. You made life so much more breathable during his hardships. You feel like home to him. If he ever needs a smile after a long grueling day, he always comes into your arms.
X - Xylophone (What's their song?)
(Hendery and I do not share the same music tastes so this was really hard but I tried my best lol) Stressed Out by Twenty-one pilots is probably one of his favorites. I can just see Hendery headbanging to this song lol. He probably screams the lyrics to the song as well.
Y - You (What you are to them?)
You are his best friend, his life long partner. You are his home. His safe place, for when life becomes way too much for him.
Z - Zebra (What pet they want to have?)
Hendery probably wants to own a tiny doggo. A cutie pie that makes Hendery flash his cutest smile.
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my-one-true-l · 5 years
Hello! So I recently broke up with my ex, he was a jerk and made me cry and had a scary temper, and even now he keeps bothering me. This may sound kind of weird but would it be okay if I asked for HC on the Wammy Boys reacting to this situation? where someone they like / are romantically interested in, is still getting harassed by her ex after she broke up with the bastard? I'd really appreciate it, this would really help me deal with this I hope it's not too strange lol
Hello Anon!
I will absolutely write this for you. I hope it helps. 🖤
L isn’t one to be pushed around, and, by extension, neither is his Love.  First thing he’d do is put surveillance on the guy, making sure he knows exactly where he is at all times.  This extends to a tracker on his car and cameras in his apartment. If he even so much a steals a grape at the store, L wants to know.  L isn’t taking any chances or giving this guy the advantage in this situation. He also puts his 3 most trusted bodyguards on a 24 hour watch cycle on his Love, but he never tells her. He doesn’t want her to feel any less safe than she already feels and he worries that the bodyguards will make her perceive the worse. He invites her to stay with him, even if this is a one-sided crush, because he wants her to be protected by the same security measures he is afforded.  
I can also see the guy having his ATM card frozen, getting a speeding ticket for going 1 mile over the limit, twice, & keeps getting male enhancement pills in the mail every other day. Of course, L has no idea how this is happening. ;-)
As for emotional support, he is always there for her, no matter what time or where she is.  If she needs him, he’s there, no questions asked. He may not show affection easily at times, but he is a good listener and is always willing to comfort her with a shoulder to fall asleep on as he softly strokes her hair.
If things escalate, he will not hesitate to confront the guy himself and put an end to it once and for all.
Near is a level-headed guy, but he is by no means someone to mess with. If his Love is being harassed by an ex, there is no line he won’t cross. Near insists on 24 hour surveillance for his Love, trying to disrupt her routine as little as possible. He suggests she consider staying with him at night. He has Halle pose as her friend so she has someone close if things get out of control. He has Gevanni follow her ex. Near wants to know every habit, every deviation in routine, every small crime and if he can nail him for a crime, no matter how small, he’s going to do it.
If the ex escalates the situation, Near would absolutely send Rester to have a little talk with him.
Near is always willing to listen, even if it doesn’t seem like he is and on the nights she stays over, they cuddle all night, feeling secure in each other’s arms.
An attack on someone Mello loves is an attack on Mello.  He wastes no time moving her in with him.  He wants to know she has a safe place to go, and if she’s staying with him, he knows she will be in good hands.  
He personally walks her to work, to school, on errands. He is her bodyguard. He doesn’t trust anyone else to do.
Once she is settled in with him, he pays her ex a little visit. “You fuck with her, you fuck with me. End of it.” There is no question that he is willing to beat the hell out of him if he throws the first punch…and he will certainly start it if the ex even thinks of laying a hand on her.
When it comes to his Love, he’s a big softy.  If she’s having a particularly hard time dealing with her ex, he will spoil her with ice cream in bed and watching whatever she wants on t.v., and if she needs to vent, or even scream at someone, he gladly will take the brunt of it.
Matt wants his Love to feel safe, but he also wants to make her ex’s life miserable.  He hacks his email, his bank account, his credit cards, and his social security number, anything that will make this guy’s life a living hell if compromised.  Once Matt has made it impossible for the guy to do anything, he arranges a little meeting between the two of them.
“You want your life back? Stop making her’s miserable. It’s that simple. If you don’t stay away from her, I’ll erase you. Got it?” It was an easy deal to understand.
Matt wants his Love to feel like she can come to him with anything.  He listens to her when she’s nervous about her ex, reassuring her and making her remember that not all guys are bad guys. Even though Matt has taken care of it, she still needs time to feel safe in her life again, and there is no limit to his undivided attention. He hasn’t picked up a game controller once, and she is totally worth it.
 Beyond Birthday
There is no discussing this for Beyond. No one threatens his Love. No one.  He follows her ex, true stalker style.  He sees his life span & He fights the urge to make it completely disappear. From the shadows, he approaches him from behind, restraining his arms with one of his own, covering his mouth with his free hand. B holds him so tightly he could hardly breathe.
“Don’t even bother trying to talk. This is simple. Leave her alone. Forever. Act as though you never knew her. If you see her, pretend you don’t. Consider her friends strangers now. Delete her phone number. Forget her name,” Beyond low-growled into his ear. “If you don’t, I will be sure you never do anything else ever again. Do you understand?”
A muffled “mhmm” vibrated from his throat.
“Do not turn around. Count to 60 before you go on your way.”
B let him go and melded back into the shadows.  He hides outside of his Sweetheart’s house, waiting to see if her ex tries to see her. An hour passes before B knocks on the door.  She is happy it’s him.
“He won’t be bothering you anymore, my Love,” he says as he holds her close. “I will always protect you.”
 I also want to add that I think Matt, Mello, Near, and L would be there to help each other protect the ones they love, no questions asked, and with their combined resources available, I can only imagine the things they could do.
I hope this is what you were looking for and I hope it made you feel better.
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theflowergirl · 7 years
I've been wanting to ask this of you for quite sometimes but never did. Can you recommend me some anime? I've been away from anime world for quite sometimes. I want to start watching anime again but I just don't know what to watch. I need to make a list of anime to check out later. Thanks Lily :)
I feel like I’ve been waiting for this question my whole life. Melodramatic queen.
I say this as I haven’t been keeping up with anime seasons since 2015, but I’m still an anime fan so let’s go for a few recs!
Akatsuki no Yona / Yona of the Dawn
I’m starting with this one because I noticed you mean to start it so I’ll just convince you to go for it, lol. Yona is a good transition for someone who has been watching mostly kdrama/cdrama because the scenario is very reminiscent of Korea and the magic aspects can appeal to wuxia fans.
The plot? Oh, the sageuk feels. Sheltered princess Yona’s best friend/first love murders her father to become King, and Yona is forced to flee the palace to save her own life. Together with her other childhood friend and guardian, Son Hak, Yona sets out to find allies who can help her reclaim her throne - and the dragons from legend who will pledge their lives to her.
It’s wonderful to watch Yona grow. She doesn’t know much of anything, of the world, of battle, but she adapts, and boy, does she adapt.
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Natsume Yuujinchou
Natsume is basically my life. At this point in time, Natsume has gathered 6 seasons and if you think that would have lessened its quality, you’d be wrong. It’s still just as touching, universal and magnificent as it was 9 years ago.
High school student Natsume Takashi can see spirits. This has ruined his life since he was a child because everyone is afraid of him, and without parents, Natsume goes back and forth between relatives who don’t want the hassle of raising such a problematic child. Natsume discovers his grandmother, Natsume Reiko, had the same powers as he did and went around making contracts with spirits and collecting their names in a single book called the Yuujinchou - the Book of Friends. He also releases a powerful spirit called Madara - who usually hides in the form of a fat cat.
What makes Natsume so different from all other “boy can see spirits” anime is that it’s very… soft. Natsume could have been a hateful, traumatized child but he’s kind. He will always stop to help, he will always smile, no matter how painfulk it is for him to do so. It is no exaggeration to say I’ve cried in every episode because, well, I have. It shows so many different human emotions, so many connections, lost love, lost friendships, and relationships that can also never be broken. It’s beautiful and poingnant and you will not regret the hours spent on it.
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Tiger & Bunny
This is the point where my anime friends, if they see this list, will be laughing loudly and saying, “Yep, that’s Lily, all right”. Because I was obnoxiously loud about T&B in 2011 and I’m still loud about it now.
Do you like super-heroes? Are you tired of anime set in high school? Do you want to see characters struggling to find the essence of what makes them what they are, to find what they truly want to be? Do you like stories of revenge, of trauma, of manipulation, of betrayal? T&B has got your back.
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In a world where being a super-hero is a job and some humans called NEXT have developed powers, our veteran protagonist, Kotetsu Kaburagi aka Wild Tiger, in order to cover up for his multiple fuck-ups, is forced to form the first ever super-hero duo with newcomer Barnaby Brooks Jr. The worst thing? Barnaby has the same NEXT powers as Kotetsu - the Hundred Power, a power-up that makes enhances all their abilities a hundred-fold for the span of 5 minutes. Can Kotetsu and Barnaby learn to work together? Can Barnaby discover the truth behind his parents’ murder?
T&B is exciting with great characters and a breath of fresh air for anime fans that have been long tired of being fed the same tropes. So go watch it and join me in my cry for a second season!
Akagami no Shirayukihime
So, let’s say you’re a fairy tale fan. What if I told you Snow White is a herbalist who flees her country to escape the unwanted attention of a spoiled prince, only to fall in the graces of a better, handsome, kind and brave prince who offers her a place in his own country, where she can hone her abilities and use them for good?
That’s the premise of Akagami no Shirayukihime, or Snow White With The Red Hair. If you’re a fan of romance, this is a huge treat. Not only is Shirayuki an icon - telling princes off, doing her own thing, refusing to accept bullshit, but Zen Wisteria, her prince, is so dreamy, exactly the kind of prince you’ve ever wanted to meet. The sweet development of their relationship and Shirayuki’s ascension inside the court is a treat to see, and every character grows inside your heart. This is a must watch.
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This is growing huge so I’ll just drop some titles for your consideration now lmao. I stan every single one of them 💕
Aoi Hana (girls loving girls, in the most realistic, human way)
Barakamon (conceited adult makes a huge mistake and is thrown off to live in an island and repent; there, he befriends all the islanders and, especialy, the children)
Chihayafuru (hitting cards off the floor is a sport, and it will make you cry. Trust me on this.)
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (discover the almost lost art of rakugo, an entertaining form of story-telling, and the lives that have been touched by it)
Gourmet Girl Graffiti (cute girls bonding over food. I’m especially targeting @justonehappyvictory)
Croisée in a Foreign Labyrinth (cute Japanese girl in France!)
Kids on the Slope (highschool kids learning to deal with loneliness through jazz)
Lovely Complex (tall girl falls for short boy and they’re the most idiots ever, send help)
Maria Watches Over Us, or, as it’s popularly known, Maria-sama Ga Miteru (not as gay as you’d expect, beautiful bonding between girls)
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun (you’d think the most popular shoujo author is a woman… but it’s a high school boy who barely displays any emotion?? Gender roles reversed at every corner! Absolutely hilarious)
My Love Story!! (big guys who look threatening but are sweethearts can love the cutest girls, why not?)
NANA (two girls with the same name meet and share one of the most profound relationships. Do you want to cry? I cry.)
Nodame Cantabile (anime! jdrama! kdrama! enjoy the musical dorks in every media possible!)
Princess Tutu (the fairy tale that will change your life)
Tamako Market (adorable girls and a talking bird being silly in a big market)
The Perfect Insider (a good thriller anime that is so hard to find)
Your Lie in April (yup, this one will make you cry too)
…I think that helps? I DID NOT GET CARRIED AWAY………
( ˘ ³˘)♥
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Me again. You may also be interested in the piece "Societea Encounter" from Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs. I looked at the MIDI file from the game, and the MIDI incorrectly has it in 4/4. It is in fact very odd time indeed. Here's the way I plotted it out: 0:01-04 -- 1/4, 3/4, two of 4/4, 5/5 | 0:04-23 -- twenty bars of 4/4 | 0:23-26 -- three bars of 9/8 | 0:26-31 -- 5/8, two of 6/8, 7/8, 6/8, two of 7/8 | 0:31-38 -- two bars of 9/8, four of 4/4, 7/8 | piece loops to the 3/4 bar. Yours, Terry.
(Link for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiU-2d_DO_4 )
Thanks for the suggestion BUT this actually doesn’t have any odd time in it at all. I can see how it sounds like it’s mixed meter if you’re paying attention to certain instruments, but it’s mostly just different groupings either within the boundaries of 4/4 or over-the-barline 4/4.
The first 28 seconds is all 3+3+2 grouped 4/4 for 20 bars like you said. Then at :28 it becomes 3+3+3+3+4, which is another pretty common 4/4 pattern, even if that pattern crosses the span of two different 4/4 bars every time (so I can see why you’d have interpreted it as odd time). :37 technically fits that pattern but is probably felt more like “6+6+4″ (aka slow 3+3+2)
(note, the timestamps for what I THINK are the sections you meant are a bit different in the one I linked so hopefully it’s even the right song and I’m not just making a huge ass of myself haha…to be honest I’m not entirely sure how you got what you did so hopefully I really did look up the right song).
Hopefully you can follow how that makes sense, the key is really to not get thrown off by the rhythmic groupings that take longer than the space of a single bar, because they add up to 2 bars of 4/4 every time, but if you pay attention to the drums/accents it’s actually pretty simple.
Also as a note, even though in this case it’s just because the track is in 4/4, a lot of ripped MIDIs / conversions from things like DS games will show up written as 4/4 in the file, even if they’re clearly not. For example the entire selection of main-line Pokemon game MIDI rips and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series MIDI rips are written in 4/4 entirely even though there’s TONS of music across all of those games with plenty of odd time. In some cases, even stuff that makes more sense to think of as ¾ or 6/8 is written as 4/4 with triplets, lol, probably because that’s just how the composers wrote it in whatever software they used for convenience (as that can be more convenient sometimes depending on circumstances).
Time signature data basically doesn’t tend to get transferred between formats like that, or even may just not have been written into the file (since it’s not necessary for playback, it will sound exactly the same whether it’s written in or not) even if tempo data does get transferred.
HOPEFULLY that didn’t come across as condescending haha, thanks for suggesting it anyways, I read all of my asks even if I don’t respond to a lot of them right away. This blog is technically a sideblog and I don’t want to respond to posts privately because it forces it to show up as responded to by my main blog, which I’d rather not show up…and I don’t want to spoil people by publicly responding to suggestions that I at that point will be actually planning on posting later, maybe I should just respond to this stuff through the messenger).
So anyways always feel free to suggest stuff that you think might be in odd time even if you’re not sure (I guess you noticed I already took one of your suggestions you asked me before without saying anything haha)
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