#spoiled for secret lab dungeons unfortunately
letsplayballet · 1 year
I mean it's no p5s osaka, but naoto's dungeon is pretty sick
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divinerot · 5 years
i   think   that   might   be   lysithea   avery   ;   last   time   i   saw   her   was   in   the   slytherin   common   room   .   i   heard   she   works   as   an   unspeakable   in   the   death   chamber   now   .   the   twenty   -   one   year   old   pure   -   blood   apparently   looks   a   lot   like   courtney   eaton   ,   though   i   have   no   idea   who   that   is   .   some   say   she   can   be   compelling   and   shrewd   .   although   ,   i   have   heard   she   can   also   be   haughty   and   impious   .   i   have   no   idea   what   side   she’s   on   ,   but   if   i   had   to   guess   ,   i   would   say   death   eaters   .
hi   i’m   bailey   &   a   lot   of   this   is   kind   of   open   -   ended   bc   i   don’t   wanna   lock   myself   in   too   much   /   i   am   also   just   a   forgetful   dumb   of   ass   ,   bt   !!   jhgfndjdjnhf   i   .   i   tried   .   it’s   3am   ,   i’m   tired   .   ..   i   started   drafting   some   replies   &   such   ,   bt   unfortunately   i   don’t   think   i’m   gonna   get   to   them   until   later   on   simply   bc   my   eyes   are   fighting   me   to   stay   open   .
TW  :   death   mention   .
light   is   not   good   ,   badass   bookworm   ,   dark   action   girl   ,   family   honor   ,   the   proud   elite   ,   it   amused   me   ,   sadist   ,   mad   scientist   ,   putting   on   my   thinking   cap   ,   kids   are   cruel   /   teens   are   monsters   .
one   of   the   prestigious   sacred   twenty   -   eight   ,   the   avery’s   have   been   renowned   for   many   generations   .   the   current   head   of   family   ,   claudien   ,   is   a   potioneer   ,   but   most   notably   spent   his   own   school   days   at   hogwarts   following   around   tom   riddle   —   correction   :   the   dark   lord   ,   voldemort   —   as   ‘   inner   circle   ’   ,   later   becoming   one   of   the   first   knights   of   walpurgis   /   future   death   eaters   .
born   the   thirtieth   of   april   ,   lysithea’s   father   was   disappointed   she   was   not   his   long   awaited   heir   .   and   unfortunately   ,   the   delivery   was   so   much   strain   for   her   mother’s   body   that   she   ended   up   passing   .   despite   being   initially   unwanted   by   her   remaining   parent   ,   lysithea   grew   up   well   enough   ;   treated   like   any   other   child   in   their   society   ,   spoiled   and   rotten   .   eventually   claudien   remarried   a   few   years   after   –   he   had   high   hopes   his   second   wife   would   bear   him   sons   .   however   those   wishes   fell   flat   as   three   more   daughters   cried   out   year   after   year   ,   forcing   themselves   into   the   world   ,   into   this   family   .
no   one   quite   knows   when   the   shift   in   ideology   happened   ,   but   claudien   decided   if   he   could   not   have   what   he   wanted   in   a   son   ,   he   would   forge   and   make   up   for   in   a   daughter   .   being   the   eldest   ,   lysithea   became   his   target   .
perhaps   she   couldn’t   traditionally   carry   on   the   family   name   ,   but   she   could   prove   a   useful   tool   .   a   baby-face   smeared   with   blood   ,   the   false   purity   of   her   white   dresses   contrasted   against   the   black   everyone   else   wore   .   with   her   signature   silk   ribbons   ,   lysithea   became   a   terror   ;   undoubtedly   a   sight   to   tremble   before   .   under   rosy   cheeks   and   coy   grins   ,   a   vicious   and   unyielding   nature   bloomed   .   cruelty   came   eerily   natural   to   her   ,   so   much   it   even   unnerved   her   step   -   mother   ,   creating   dichotomy   between   her   and   her   half   -   sisters   .   it   was   a   chaos   born   from   boredom   and   a   grandiose   sense   of   self   -   entitlement   .   all   because   she   could   .   all   because   her   father   nurtured   her   to   flash   sharp   teeth   after   luring   victims   into   a   sense   of   security   .   she   was   raised   in   his   image   ,   a   nightmarish   testament   to   all   his   iniquity   .
perfection   ,   superiority   ,   consistency   :   three   main   points   to   her   father’s   philosophy   .   ones   she   memorized   as   she   watched   him   intently   in   his   private   potions   lab   ,   impressionable   dark   eyes   following   his   every   move   .   when   lysithea   turned   eight   ,   claudien   took   a   deeper   interest   in   guiding   her   to   what   it   really   meant   to   be   part   of   the   family   :   dark   arts   .   she   was   excited   ,   quickly   becoming   eager   for   more   to   learn   .   and   ,   all   things   considered   ,   it   could   have   been   worse   .   never   once   did   claudien   raise   his   wand   to   his   daughter   ,   as   he   didn’t   need   to   .   lysithea   was   always   so   willing   ,   so   wanting   –   ready   to   do   as   instructed   ,   no   matter   the   cost   .   from   a   young   age   ,   she   wanted   his   approval   and   praise   ,   but   most   of   all   she   wanted   his   knowledge   .
slytherin   !   within   moments   of   touching   her   wicked   little   head   ,   the   hat   bellowed   out   her   sorting   .   there   was   no   surprise   ,   most   of   her   family   had   been   clad   green   and   silver   as   well   .   only   a   momentary   falter   to   consider   ravenclaw   for   the   young   avery   ,   but   it   was   unmatched   how   she   would   thrive   with   the   serpents   .
she   was   either   too   exuberant   ,   her   harsh   laughter   directed   at   another’s   misfortune   ,   or   she   was   too   silent   ,   not   speaking   to   anyone   for   days   at   a   time   .   however   pranks   and   jokes   turned   more   severe   ,   and   her   casual   cruelty   was   something   that   placed   many   on   edge   .   some   might’ve   said   it   was   a   blessing   when   she   withdrew   herself   ,   others   would’ve   said   it   didn’t   matter   .
although   horrid   personality   coupled   with   a   pretty   face   aside   ,   she   was   an   excellent   student   .   not   even   the   staff   who   disliked   her   the   most   could   deny   that   .   she   did   above   and   beyond   work   in   many   subjects   .   a   downfall   ,   however   ,   would   sheepishly   be   her   disdain   of   written   work   .   she   could   talk   about   it   flawlessly   and   she   could   execute   it   perfectly   ,   showing   a   spell   or   potion   in   full   action   .   but   on   parchment   ,   she   certainly   left   something   to   be   desired   —   much   to   her   biting   chagrin   .   while   written   tests   ,   quizzes   ,   and   exams   were   not   her   friend   ,   she   refused   to   give   up   .   she   would   just   need   to   get   better   .
lysithea   often   turned   towards   one   of   her   favorite   subjects   for   chaos   inducing   entertainment   :   potions   .   they’re   only   semi   -   poisonous   ,   she’d   say   with   a   scoff   ,   like   being   nonlethal   canceled   it   out   .   it’s   only   putting   them   to   sleep   ,   she’d   say   with   a   shrug   ,   as   if   it   makes   it   justifiable   .   there   was   an   empty   classroom   in   the   dungeons   ,   presumably   an   older   potion   -   mixing   room   .   if   her   roommates   became   too   bothersome   ,   she   would   find   herself   there   to   brew   in   secret   .   between   advanced   potions   and   alchemy   studies   ,   lysithea   picked   up   an   interest   in   creating   new   things   —   but   they   were   selfishly   made   for   her   sole   benefit   to   torment   her   peers   .   some   habits   die   hard   ,   some   habits   don’t   die   at   all   .   she   was   merely   following   in   her   father’s   footsteps   with   unethical   experimentation   ,   only   on   a   more   junior   scale   unbeknownst   to   her   .   she   wouldn’t   know   the   full   extent   of   anything   until   after   her   graduation   .   one   could   have   also   found   her   searching   the   forbidden   forest   if   they   were   fast   enough   ;   unofficial   ingredients   for   unofficial   brews   came   at   some   risk   after   all   .
really   this   whole   thing   has   been   tl;dr   she’s   really   just   a   sadistic   gremlin   thanks   to   her   father   ig   ,   but   truthfully   she   would’ve   turned   out   awful   even   without   his   influence   .
upon   graduation   she   received   a   dark   mark   ,   much   to   the   pride   of   claudien   .
works   as   an   unspeakable   in   the   death   chamber   ,   although   often   helps   her   father   with   potions   on   off   days   /   when   it   comes   to   experimentation   for   lord   voldemort   .
her   wand   is   blackthorn   wood   ,   wyvern   skin   core   ,   hard   ,   9.5   inches   ;   a   family   heirloom   of   sorts   ,   tracing   all   the   way   back   to   her   great   -   great   -   great   -   great   grandfather   .   she’s   the   first   witch   out   of   a   long   line   of   wizards   to   use   it   .
in   her   seventh   year   at   hogwarts   ,   her   class   list   was   :   advanced   potions   ,   charms   ,   transfiguration   ,   dada   ,   alchemy   ,   and   ghoul   studies   .   she   was   also   a   participant   in   slug   club   and   potions   club   since   fourth   /   fifth   year   .
her   patronus   is   nonexistent   ,   as   her   true   dark   affiliation   prevents   her   from   casting   the   spell   .   however   if   she   was   able   ,   it   would   take   shape   of   a   fox   .
her   astrology   core   four   are   as   follows   :   taurus   sun   ,   capricorn   moon   ,   gemini   ascendant   ,   aquarius   midheaven   .
due   to   her   mother   passing   during   /   after   childbirth   ,   lysithea   could   see   thestrals   before   any   activities   ,   illicit   or   otherwise   ,   had   her   bear   witness   to   death   .
prefers   tea   to   coffee   and   has   a   secret   sweet   tooth   .
moral   alignment   is   somewhere   between   chaotic   neutral   and   neutral   evil   .
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