#quinn plays p4g
letsplayballet · 1 year
me whole game: oh my god I love yumi, I don't think anyone will top this
ai: I put everything I have into being pretty so someone would finally love me, but everyone still hates me because my looks are my only positive feature
me: no... my weakness (proving someone wrong (with Love))!!!
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letsplayballet · 1 year
*writes 4 sentences on my resume* yeah that's enough work back to naoto
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letsplayballet · 1 year
if yukiko's social link ends with her deciding that she doesn't actually hate the inn that much and wants to run it, I'm filling this junes food court with hornets
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letsplayballet · 1 year
can't play more p4g until I get my laptop back (bc I'm too lazy to unplug my capture card) but in the meantime, I'd like to inform everyone that Rio did nothing wrong
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letsplayballet · 1 year
naoto: it's really upsetting to me that I'm constantly mocked and belittled by people around me for something I'm very passionate about, just because of my age
naoto's grandpa, apparently: but where's your childish whimsy??
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letsplayballet · 1 year
*mashing through dialogue* anyway trans rights
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letsplayballet · 1 year
I mean it's no p5s osaka, but naoto's dungeon is pretty sick
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letsplayballet · 1 year
more p4g thoughts while i try to convince myself that afternoon nap is the mind killer (don't worry about the person trapped in the tv rn, they're fine, everything's fine)
not to start at the end, but:
man i thought the game was really pushing for you to be dating yukiko but wooooooooo boy did they ramp it up for rise
i hope over the course of her social link we get to see more of her aside from the weird hero worship crush she gets on just the main character even tho a whole group of ppl go in to save her... anyway..........
i hadn't met kanji fully last time so i want to be absolutely clear here: he's perfect and i love him
like i've liked chie, but kanji has just grabbed me, he's the world's most perfect boy and i want only good things for him always
he rides a bike! he makes elaborate handmade toys! he threatens people who have known him his whole life with redecorating! flawless, no notes
good things for kanji does mean kicking yosuke into the river, but that's fine, i'm fine with that
i know he's a huge fandom favorite (and also lual likes him, sorry i'm gonna dunk on your boy) but i'm just. waiting for when yosuke is anything? anything at all?
all he does is antagonize chie and/or kanji, complain about work, and ask mc about porn and sex. i've heard his rank 7 is "great" but his rank 5 was Terrible and his rank 6 was nothing! he doesn't deserve a "great" rank 7 there's nothing there to build from!!!!! why
also, i'm kind of upset that there's so little to yukiko? she's probably the only teammate that i like better in the group, bc then she gets a personality (even if it's mostly just being clueless and having a kind of strange sense of humor, it's something and it's fun)
still fucking FURIOUS that her social link ends with her wanting to stay in inaba and run the inn after all, bc i really don't think it's true. she's felt guilty the whole link about leaving, and she gets mad when the producer mocks her and her mother, and it feels like they're trying to conflate that with her actually wanting it when she's expressed multiple times that she doesn't!! that's what her whole fucking shadow was about!!!!!!!!!
............... anyway
side characters! aside from kanji, i prefer a lot of the side characters to my teammates, which makes me feel like i'm doing the persona wrong frankly
yumi is Wonderful (the guide i'm following for 100% has not had me spending time with her lately and i Miss her) and nanako is a perfect angel
i'm also really liking naoki! kinda wish he was on our team instead of yosuke, saki's death meant more to him and everyone in town are huge assholes to him bc of it, he deserves friends and the ability to kick ass
Ai is also really interesting! i don't know her all that well yet but i'm looking forward to learning more
hmm what else..........
rise's dungeon had fucking Fantastic music
(don't ask my opinions about the rest of the music in the game)
alright i've put off playing long enough, let's go maybe rescue Creepy Kid Who Hit On Yukiko Once (if he has a name i refuse to learn it, he makes me Uncomfortable)
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letsplayballet · 1 year
............ why can't I have Naoki on my team instead of yosuke
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letsplayballet · 1 year
gonna make a longer post within the next few days but if you wanted a quick update on p4g: World's Most Perfect Boy Kanji Tatsumi is at it again (being wonderful)
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letsplayballet · 1 year
kanji: admits that he's a huge asshole loner out of fear of being rejected
me, crying: haha, that's not relatable! don't be ridiculous! don't look at me
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letsplayballet · 1 year
alright when were y'all motherfuckers gonna tell me that p4g has My Best Friend Nozuchi
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letsplayballet · 1 year
think all the ppl who would care about this have already heard my thoughts in the discord, but it's tradition at this point so. p4g thoughts (up through about-to-start the second dungeon)!:
starting off with a full confession of i have not been letting myself have high expectations for this game? p5 was extremely up my alley in terms of aesthetics/music/themes, and i could tell long before i really considered getting into it that p4 was not going to hit that same chord of yes-good-but-also that has made me obsess over p5 for the last 5 years. it would be unfair to compare it to p5 (they're different games with different stories and different goals) so i've been really trying to go into it with an open mind and appreciate it on it's own merits!
that being said... i was def right and while i've been enjoying the game (for the most part) it hasn't caught me the same way, and i keep finding myself thinking "where the fuck are my kids" lol
i am getting more and more into it the further i play tho! played for nearly 10 hours yesterday and was already more invested by the end of the day than the beginning, so i'm hoping that continues
mentioned this in another post but as much as i hate the "best friend (who is a perv and an asshole but we treat it like it's funny and likable)" archetype, yosuke is so far more tolerable than ryuji. he's been weird about yukiko, and an ass to chie, and i can tell he's gonna be weird about kanji, but he's at least focused on and dedicated to solving the case instead of being a huge glory hound, and occasionally has any self-awareness whatsoever
i really like chie tho! hate the weird focus in her confidant social link so far about "am i girly enough? :(" but she's very sweet and funny and crits a lot
haven't spent a lot of time with yukiko but i have a hunch i'll enjoy her fine
as much as these kids are starting to grow on me, they def shine... solo, which is unfortunate. all of the team "banter" so far that isn't directly about the case is chie and yosuke seeming to really hate each other, which uh. sucks. i want friends, please tell me they become friends.
also frustrating is the mid-00s gender essentialism and homophobia, which is becoming Prominent as we get into kanji's part of the story
p5 def had its moments (looking directly at you shinjuku gays) (and at ryuji) (and at the beach scenes) but Fuck
anyway. side characters! love em.
nanako is precious and i would kill and die for her
i also really love yumi!! her rank 3 was Rough and i loved it. i'm going to try to wait on romancing decisions but she's an early lead (if she's even allowed? no idea what options are available here tbh)
sorry dojima but acab, you don't deserve the hierophant
the combat is quite a bit simpler than p5, but also way simpler than nocturne, just in very different ways. it's still smt/persona combat, so i still love it, but i miss the complexity from p5r specifically (tho appreciate the more streamlined nature compared to nocturne, especially given the fewer quality of life mechanics)
all in all, general fewer quality of life mechanics, which is annoying but expected so it's not really detracting from my enjoyment
still having fun! hope to keep having fun
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letsplayballet · 1 year
do I go back and grind and lose 5 in-game days of progress so that I can fuse a persona for Marie, or do I give up on the guide and 100% and just do what the fuck ever
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letsplayballet · 10 months
I love p3. I love p3!!!! It's my favorite persona game!!!!!!! If femc was getting the reload treatment it would be my favorite game bar none for all time!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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letsplayballet · 10 months
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and they say romance is dead
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