mishapen-dear · 9 months
oh im gonna be SO annoying about bbh in a minute. i keep saying the same thing over and over again but his character is too fucking complex motherfucker is like:
"i'm a demon who is 11,000 years old and i refuse to acknowledge that im a demon nor that i do bad things (like steal furniture) but i will help people every chance i get despite saying im going to stop doing that and i am going to devote my life to protecting these fragile little eggs even though i know im going to lose them one day because i love them too much (and i know i can do that and it will one day be okay, because i have an immortal diamond to keep me company even if he isn't here now). when my friend throws himself beneath the spokewheel of the federation i will be there, bitter about my loss, but i will not start a revolution until he proves he deserves one. i will do what i can to safeguard his system against corruption because i am afraid the federation will use him to hurt us. i know he doesn't want to hurt us. he keeps hurting me. he is isolated by our distrust in him and he is still working hard to try to be a good person in an inherently corrupt system that cannot be fixed so i will build him a statue. i will not kill him when he takes a picture of me in the presidential chair (that was almost mine) and puts it on his wall and calls me 'employee of the month.' i didn't do all of that work for the federation i did it for him like i do it for others because they are my friends. i will exhaust every option i have to build a reason to NOT start a revolution. to not kill him. because i have to say that i tried. i feel like i have made so many compromises. i have held myself back to try to find reason. i will still remove his access to my base. when the island turns against me and he locks me in a cage for a crime i did not commit, i will remove everyone's access (except for my family the french and my family the eggs). i am having fun. when the eggs appear the next day with cracks and dirty shells i will worry, but i know they're strong. they'll be okay. (when i find my son's secret lab and his unethical experiments that cause him harm i will be proud because he has done what i do. he has helped. i want him to be safe but we are never safe and i trust him more than anyone else. i know now, and i can help him be safe.) when the eggs go missing i will be silent. i will look for them, and i will destroy for them, and i will bargain for them, and i will cry for them, and i will not accept their loss. when my friend who is president who once built a safehouse that saved my eggs' lives is finally damaged by the federation (like i knew he would be when he became president) and he starts to hurt people by pushing the same treatment onto them i will not be surprised. i will be surprised when he tries to marry me. i will not blame him (much) when he tries to kill me. our children are missing. he is forced to pretend that his is not. i wish i could too. i will not tell him yes or no because i need an open avenue to manipulate him (because to save him i will have to manipulate him). i will not marry him because he is out of his mind. i have said marriage is overrated. i have also said that i want to live with him in a house with our kids and my skeppy. when he tells me that he wants to be happy with me i will still say 'aw' because it is the most genuine thing he has said to me and i miss my friend. i will still try to kill him. i fail to kill him with someone else's plan. i don't place a block to lock him in place. i hesitate. it doesn't matter if it's on purpose because the next plan works. i will reveal an item that could destroy me to my closest allies (and tubbo) because it will let us save him. we save him. when he kills himself 18 times over i back away from the explosion in surprise and then step close again. while i have grieved i have thrown myself into mines. it doesn't matter. i am numb and want to feel something. everything has lost colour. we save him.
i visit federation workers and ask them about my eggs and they do not tell me anything. i know they are lying. i visit the graveyard to talk to my lost eggs. i have lost all of the eggs. i do not know how to save them. i lay in the mud. it rains and rain signifies the monster has returned to kill my children but my children are not here and so i do not care. when i go home i will become so angry and i will go down to my basement (which i have locked like my friend locked the entrance to his greatest fantasy. we are so alike and our delusions are different. he child was real; here is the secret to finding my children) where i have locked a federation worker away. i will not wash away the blood stains.
i am also part-time grim reaper and i only ever dress up in robes to make people drink more water."
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realitysperception · 2 years
Aight, @cuppajj my friend Spector_author has been devouring your Shattered Glass Lost Light stuff and wrote her own bit for it using her own ship of OC's. 2000 words.
She's very happy and hopes you like it.
“Captain, S.O.S signal.”
Tarmac and Jester paused their screaming argument, their comms mech didn’t speak often. Tarmac tried to smack his co-captain as he walked away, but she dodged with a hiss. The argument was about their shared custody of leadership on the Fastest Dark, Tarmac was the captain of the crew but Jester heavily financed most of their journeys, Jester wanted to lead but Tarmac had the loyalty of the crew. It was stalemate, and besides, they both enjoyed the screaming matches.
“On screen.” He ordered Tickertape. The comms officer nodded mutely and pressed a few buttons.
An audio recording started playing as a view of a floating ship appeared. No one paid attention to the audio, it was standard ‘help us, save us’ with corrupted interference and a few bits of screaming in the background. Tarmac had heard it before. The ship was where the attention was held, you could tell what credits the owners had from the ship.
The ship itself was not in good condition, old pre-war design, the hull had visible marks of damage and several of the window of the ship were missing or broken. A flush of pride went through him, his ship wasn’t like that, he didn’t even have to ask Scaler their engineer to keep the Fastest Dark in peak condition. Mechs looked at his ship and thought ‘dangerous credits’ and that was how he wanted it.
Tarmac studied the ship.
It was big, yeah, but he didn’t see much else worth seeing on the ship… or worth selling. Those fuel quills on the back looked old and dried out.
“Ignore it. They don’t have anything we want. Set a course for-”
“I know that ship!” Tarmac made a face as he was cut off. Spokewheel his second in command, sat up from his console. Usually the Praxian never paid attention to anything going on, preferring to go through his hoard of knowledge and blackmail in his internal databanks. Now he was sitting on the edge of his seat, adjusting his glass to star at the screen.
He pointed excitedly, his doorwings slapping the back of his chair. “That’s the Lost Light, gone missing vorns ago after takeoff. It held the last Prime, several Autobots officers, and two of Cybertrons greatest minds, including a weapons developer!” His optics shone. “There must be a fortune of equipment inside there! So much to catalogue and appraise!”
Tarmac narrowed his optics and looked at the derelict ship in a new -heh- light. “A fortune….”
Spokewheel looked at him out of the corner of his optics, a grin twisted his face. He knew how to speak to Tarmacs sense. “…A dangerous fortune.” He added.
Tarmacs spark leaped. Perfect.
“Another bad idea! Great!”
Tarmac turned to stare at his co-captain. She had a smile like a soured energon ration on, tapping her claws against a console in a rhythm she designed to sound irritating. Jester knew she was annoying and pushed it as far as she could. Tarmac watched those claws tap- tap- tap- and was tempted to rip them off.
…But Claxon had just told him very meekly they were running low on supplies. Costly supplies.
Tarmac ran the budgeting on the Fastest Dark and the medical account was saved by Spokewheel cutting in with a remark. In a falsely soothing voice, he said. “It’s alright Captain, I wouldn’t expect the dirt like her to understand the concept of money.”
Jester jumped on the remark like a photovoltaic cat pouncing on a glitchmouse. “And this dirt seems to have more credit than everyone on this ship combined. Funny how that works. What’s it like being poor? “
Spokewheel growled.
“I could have Phonos rip off your arms.”
“Ooo kinky.” Jester sneered. “Claxon’ll fix it for me.”
Spokewheel fanned his wings out. “And what if I ask him not too?”
“The bleeding spark medic Claxon say no? It’s a compulsion. And all that practice means he can fix anyone and anything. Pile of spare parts becomes a scanners," Jester laughed mockingly. "No way he won't fix me.”
“QUIET! SHUT UP YOU TWO!” Tarmac bellowed. The pair shut up, their sniping back and forth gave him a helm ache on a good orn. Tarmac ruffled his plating and said in a quieter voice. “Tickertape, hail the ship.”
Tickertape didn’t move, staring blankly ahead. “Already done.”
“Good.” He sat tall in his chair. “Lost Light, this is Tarmac, captain of the Fastest Dark answering your distress call. We are thirty klicks out. Acknowledge.”
The speakers crackled, the one on the left wasn’t working at all since Phonos had thrown Tickertape at it. Tarmac sent an urgent comm to their engineer and repair bot. He waited and sent an emergency one too. Finally, the message crackled through.
A strong voice started talking through the speakers. Sounded like a pushover, Tarmac noted, he could use that later. The voice said. “Hello? Fastest Dark this is the Lost Light, we are in need of assistance please.”
“We know, and we are on our way.”
Credit signs danced in Tarmacs vision, but he could distantly see the frame of Scaler the engineer walking onto the bridge. They slid under the console in front of him and started fiddling with the wiring. Tarmac started tallying up how many credit signs he could use on a spreadsheet.
The Lost Light spoke through the comm again, this time from two speakers “Thank you Captain Tarmac… Do you have a medic on board? We have wounded… They needed attention urgently.”
Tarmac swallowed the urge to snap they shouldn’t have gotten injured in the first place and instead nodded.
“It’s audio dumbaft.” Scaler muttered from under the console. Jester snickered.
The armrest under Tarmacs grip cracked. He could hurt the minibot later when he caught them, slippery glitch was good at hiding. Tarmac reset his vox, forcing calm through it. “We are perfectly able to lend you our medic Lost Light, just have a shuttle bay open and we can help…” ….relieve of your lives and valuables, he thought after.
“I look forward to seeing you onboard… Lost Light out.”
The crackle of the speakers cut off as the call ended.
Tarmac spun in his seat and started talking. “Loot the ship: main priority. They don’t need a medic; they need a blaster shot to the face. Claxon can stay in the medbay, he’ll be thrilled to have injuries to fix later, the rest of you prepare for a boarding party-”
The room froze. Tarmac turned slowly to look at Scaler, the minibot tended to stay out of his command, focusing on fixing the ship, minding their own business. Now they were staring at the view screen with the outside view of the Lost Light still displayed. This was new and Tarmac did not like it. “No?” He said.
The sound of the engines changed pitch as the whole ship changed course.
“Scaler.” Tarmac said in a warning tone.
“The windows are wrong for that ship design, the engines are the wrong alignment, the ship is wrong.” Scaler had their fists clenched. “They can’t- I have to get to the engine room. I need to do -things.”
“No you don- SCALER!”
Tarmac lunged as the floor opened beneath the mini, his servos passed through the space Scaler had been a microsecond before, disappearing through the hatch in the floor. The hatch closed again as Tarmac crashed heavily into it, sending sparks flying and putting long scrapes into his paint. He seethed. The little glitch would pay for that!
“Fastest Dark? Your heading has changed. We need that medic!” The comm call crackled through the speakers. The voice sounded worried.
Tarmac was going to answer civilly, not snap out curses and swears, he was. He ended up cursing anyway as the ship as whole lurched to the side. It was gratifying to see Jester fall over the top of the console and lad on awkwardly on her side, cursing just as much as he was. A sound echoed through the hallways of the ship, a deep groan like massive amounts of metal shifting.
To make matters worse the Fastest Darks intercom system screeched to life.
The comm speaker crackled in silence for moment. “…Can’t have them? I need a medic, my captain is hurt.”
The intercom crackled back. “NO! YOU CAN’T HAVE HIM! HE’S MINE! THEY’RE ALL MINE!”
What in Primus’s name was going on? Spokewheel was unconscious on the floor, tickertape was sitting like a lump in his chair, Jester was trying to stand up. He should do something. Tarmac lurched to his feet and was knocked back into his chair.
The voice from the Lost light was getting angrier. “I NEED your medic.”
“NO!” “Yes! I insist.” “NO!” “Yes! He’s needed!”
There was a crunch as Jester sunk her claws into the captain’s chair, the ship hadn’t stopped lurching and bucking, like it was trying to shake a space barnacle off. Tarmac twisted to look at his co-captain, she looked annoyed, it brought a bit of glee to his ember to see the pinched look. She jerked her helm at the bridge speakers.
“Does your thick helm have an idea what’s going on?”
The argument between the comm speakers and the intercom was still going on, reaching deafening sound levels.
“NO!” “Please!” “I SAID NO! THEY’RE MINE!” “I’m warning you. I need that medic! My captain-” “I DON’T CARE! NO!”
“No,” He growled. “but I’m going to find out.”
In between lurches he strode towards the bridge door, fighting for balance, only to have to the doors slam shut in his face. The biggest lurch yet jolted the ship, Tarmac yelled as pain erupted from his nose as he landed on his face. He groaned, looking up. He was going to kill someone for this!
“By the thirteen!”
“What the fuck!”
“Oh Primus.” Tarmac muttered himself.
On the view screen the Lost Light had changed and grown much, much bigger. Even before the ship had transformed the Lost Light had dwarfed Tarmacs ship. Now a huge face and torso stood in front of the Fastest Dark, it looked so large it blocked out parts of the light from the local sun.
The comm speakers crackled. “I warned you. I need your medic.”
The ship lurched again and a deep sound reverberated through the walls, vibrating and shaking every component. A huge hand partially covered the view screen, cupping it like it was protecting the glass. “AND I SAID FUCK. NO.”
Tarmac gaped. He-he-he never gave permission! This was his ship! How dare it transform without his go ahead? This was insubordi- *CLONG!* The ship lurched and he smacked his helm off a console. Blearily he pulled himself up the lean against the captain chair.
Through the gaps between the digits, he could the Lost Light frown, arm outstretched like it had tried to grab them. “You’re young. You’ll learn one day.”
“That’s too bad. I tried to be nice.”
Tarmac braced as the Lost Light reached again, this time he could see the thrusters ignite at the very bottom of their massive peds. They weren’t going to survive this.
The sound of the Fastest Darks engine rose to fever pitch. His vision warped as the universe stretched. The ship had jumped, hit hyperspace to a random location. Reality lurched as it did it again… and again.. and again.. and again.. bouncing around the galaxys at random, ziggging and zagging repeatedly. Around the tenth jump Tarmac passed out, the strain on his systems too much. The last thing he heard was the intercom repeating over and over again like a sparkling babbling words. “MINE, THEY’RE MINE, CAN’T LET THE SCARY SHIP HAVE THEM, MINE, THEY’RE MINE, CAN’T LET THE SCARY SHIP HAVE THEM MINE, THEY’RE MINE, CAN’T LET THE SCARY SHIP HAVE THEM MINE, THEY’RE MINE, CAN’T LET THE SCARY SHIP HAVE THEM, MINE-”
Spector notes: Love the idea of another shipformer coming across the Lost Light and instantly recognizing what/who the Lost Light is. I wanted to write a semi fight scene but the perspective is wrong for it and the Lost Light really is A LOT bigger than my ship.
Also, I'd love to post this on AO3, do you have an account I can gift the fic to? Your art is lovely by the way.
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boxermetal · 5 years
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These Kineo spoke wheels sure are purdy on the R1200R we upgraded! This bike looks so much better with all the plastic taken off, 7" LED headlight, custom Boxer Metal seat pan, etc.! ••••• We just finished up this light custom R1200R "City Bike" another take on Boxer Metal Urban Scramblers. Upgraded to navigate the streets & hills of the San Fransisco. More photos & info to coming soon! In the meantime check out some of the products we put on it! ••••• #bmwmotorcycle #bmwmotorradusa #bmwmotorrad #bmw #custombmw #urbanscrambler #citybike #R1200R #customR1200R #boxermetalbuilt #boxermetal #tublesswheels #kineo #spokewheels #spokewheelconversion 📸 @rebecca.canterbury https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVT8sPBkAK/?igshid=1cn2jco8xi0df
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carbonbeamwheels · 4 years
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29er/700c XC or grave or CX 5 spoke wheels 27mm tubeless lefty 2.0 and XDR 12S rear wheels only 1520g/1 pair #mtbbike #mtbcarbon #spokewheels #carbonbeamwheels https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-7IsDFrRK/?igshid=5oi3keb3yfk
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forenyu-blog · 5 years
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#roaddiscbrakes #carbondiscwheel #chinacarbonwheels #chinesecarbonwheels #bikewheel #carbonwheelset #rodascarbono #discwheels #discwheel #spokewheels https://www.instagram.com/p/B1oADj9F9j2/?igshid=xbb1geva9ci
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airflashmls · 5 years
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AirFlashMLS.com https://bit.ly/2HYmZc0 Sell your Car Parts Here For Free! Free Classified ADS Make Money$$$$$$$$$ Regular ADS Auction ADS Also Buy Now Ads with Paypal Available #carpartsforsale #truespoke #classic #spokes #lowrider #bombs #bombita #impala #ratrod #rockabilly #spokerims #spokewheels #chevy #buick #chevrolet #impalass #lowriding #classiccars #temecula #lowriderparts #rjscaliclassics #timingchain #autoparts #cleveland #saturnion #carparts #timingchainkit #impalapartsforsale #airflashmls #forsale (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0yQppFg_ks/?igshid=1kr6s4jfl8bue
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fahrstahl · 7 years
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HOT ROD classics 🛠🏁 #oldskool #hotrod #spokewheels #raceflag #style #brownie #rusticstyle #car #kustom #ratrod #hillbilly #carstagram #hotrodding #carmeet #carshow #rustisnotacrime #badass #carporn #carphotography #iphonephotography #fahrstahl
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#suzuki #gs1000 #caferacergram #caferacer #mellow #stainlesssteel #titanium #bestoftheday #spokewheels #suzukicaferacer #motorcycleworld (hier: Friedrichshafen)
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cyclingguruindia · 2 years
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There are many types of wheels in a bicycle such as mag wheels, alloy wheels and spoke wheels. In this blog post, we are going to see what are mag wheels on a bike and the difference between alloy wheels and spoke wheels.
Read here: https://cyclingguru.in/what-are-mag-wheels-on-a-bike/
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rankxerox · 6 years
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robert0094Who said her back looks fat? She’s looking amazing from all the angles. __________________
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realitysperception · 2 years
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Eyyyy finally got around to posting this. Ref sheets for Spector_authors characters Spokewheel of Praxus and Phonos of Proximax. Both pretty fun to draw.
The AO3 link below:
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bikeraholic · 6 years
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#Repost @ridewrightwheels ・・・ #throwbackthursday to this wild #RoadKing put together by @fbombbaggers! ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ▶️ Follow @bikeraholic ◀️ ▶️ Follow @raul.blendz ◀️ ▶️ Follow @thespotbarbershop ◀️ ______________________________ www.facebook.com/BikerAholic www.Twitter.com/BikerAholic _______________________________ 📸 Tag your pics and videos with ▶️ @bikeraholic #bikeraholic ◀️ for a chance to be featured. ✌🏻️🏍 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #30 #steplip #fatdaddy #fat50 #spokewheels #madeinamerica #ridewrightwheels #ridewright #notwrong #alltypesofharleys #throttlelife #live2ride #BikePorn #rideordie #harleydavidsonmotorcycles #livetoride #harley #harelyforlife #motorcycle
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wahidadnan · 7 years
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Ajit Mitra aligns the front wheel of my Xingfu XF125 cafebike. I met him in 1991 when I bought my first mountain bicycle and he was one of the best bicycle mechanics in Chittagong. I kept visiting him frequently with my bicycle till I learnt almost everything about fixing a bicycle...but something I never could and still can't fix...like the realigning the spoke wheels. I came to his shop after so many years...this time riding a motorbike, not a bicycle...he looked at him...couldn't recognize me but later did. I watched him tensioning the spokes with his skills and I know I never can have his immaculate hands...he is more than 70 years old now. . . #mechanic #spokewheel #spoke #motorcycle #motorbike #everydaymechanic #caferacer #caferacerlovers #motopassionato #racetothecafe #caferaceroftheday #universalbikers #caferacersofinstagram #caferacer55 #caferacertv #caferacerspirit #caferacerclub #caferacers #motocustom #themotoblogs #motorcycle #motorbike #twowheels #caferacergram #caferacerxxx #caferacerbangladesh #caferacerdream #caferacerlovers #lets_ride_cafe_racers #ridejournal #streetcaferacers (at Chawkbazar, Chittagong)
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carbonbeamwheels · 4 years
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27mm wide tubeless 700c road V brake and disc brake 3 spoke wheels #carbonbeamwheels #tt #track #spokewheels https://www.instagram.com/p/B9bpqRel7ZE/?igshid=1j3xzx1ehfbkh
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raenwheels · 5 years
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🚀MOЩНЫЙ MERCEDES GLC AMG 63 на двусоставной американской ковке 305FORGED UF2110P ————————————————————— ⚙ Размеры: 20x10 | 20x11 ⠀ ♻По вопросам подбора, цены, сотрудничества: ☎️8(800)775-12-16 🔁What’sApp 📞 8981-953-26-86 📪[email protected] 🌏www.raenwheels.ru 🏢195027, Санкт-Петербург, Большеохтинский пр.35/к1 ⠀ ⤵️Подпишись на канал Telegram или YouTube 📣https://t.me/raentuning 🎬https://www.youtube.com/user/wearenonsense ⠀ #колесныедиски #колеса #диски #автотюнинг #truefitment #wheelporn #concavewheels #кованыедиски #разборныедиски #mercedeswheels #дискимерседес #forgedwheels #rims #3piecewheels  #2piecewheels  #spokewheels #автодиски #купитьдиски #дискиспб #дискимосква #купитьдискивспб #wheels #mercedesclubrussia #mercedesclub #clubmercedes #мерседесклуб #tuningmercedes #mercedesspb #glc63 #mercedesglcmer_amg_official https://www.instagram.com/p/B260EtSgBDI/?igshid=gv2dkaz2eshq
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slickcustoms · 5 years
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Jerry came by for a new #21” #spokewheel upgrade on his 1990 #harleydavidson #FLH. For an almost 30 year old bike, looks pretty damn good we think. Took a few modifications to make it work and Jerry was completely satisfied 💯 (at Slick Customs) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3YDaGZhOpQ/?igshid=crjixkuuagbx
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