pktearsoftazmily · 9 months
// @spoocys-glade-of-dreams
It's been a long time since their escape from Eden. Now, they were located far from Eden, much further away where they had a better chance of hiding safely without anybody trying to take any of them away for who they were. Lucas' friends had successfully escaped too with their families, meaning the blond teen had his friends alongside him throughout this journey. It felt nice to the boy, to have such a great support circle around him. He'd never have to be alone again.
Which is one of the reasons why he's glad to be by his friends during this time. He, along with Ness and Ninten, had finally caught up to a cult who has been causing trouble in the neighbourhood; the Happy Happyism. Ness had a few run ins himself, warning them to stop causing trouble or he'll do something about them.
Guess what happened? They refused. So, now Ness is dealing with it. Like he said he would. Of course, his friends wanted to help. The three of these boys were brothers at this point, very close knitted. Such close friends.
Peeping over a wall, they see a couple of the cult members talking, noting their blue outfits that gave them away immediately. Ness smirks.
"Bingo. The bastards thought they could get away. I told you they hang out here."
Lucas hums, frowning. "You were right. At least we alerted my parents of the right place, then."
"That's right. They caused trouble for your folks too, so I can understand them wanting to get even." Ness responds to the blond, nodding.
Speaking of Lucas' family, they should be here any moment. Right?
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pktearsoftazmily · 11 months
Time passed differently when you were held in a cell for some of your life. Sometimes it was slow, then fast other times. For normal regular folk who lived in the city, thing were normal, apart from the usual living costs, housing issues, so on. However, for certain hybrids, like a certain blond, life was hell. Eden very much favoured the rich, but it held hatred towards the hybrids.
This was something Lucas was quick to discover. He had seen what they were capable of doing before his own eyes, going as far as to burning down his old village, leaving him the only survivor of an extinct peaceful village. From the age of seven, Lucas had witnessed how evil Eden could be. They had murdered his entire family, his friends, everything he had ever loved. All because he was a dragonic hybrid.
Honestly, he couldn't wait to get out of this hellhole. The teenager wanted to run away as far as he could, never look back at this horrible city, or its people. So, when the alarms beeped loudly, with the cell doors suddenly opening, Lucas blinks, but he takes the chance, not risking a single moment to leave an opportunity of escaping to a safer haven.
Leaving the cells area, the boy is quick to hear loud shouting, with many heavy footsteps, the sounds of the sirens continuing their tune. No, something was up. Eden never had their security down. Not like this.
Something was up. Had he fallen into a trap? Well, either way, it was Eden's big mistake to release him. Now, they were going to see what a dragon can do. But first, to stay hidden, watch the guards, see where they were going.
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This was Lucas' only chance. Fail this chance, and it's gone.
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pktearsoftazmily · 11 months
It had been a while since Lucas had seen Demona. The lack of news left him wondering if she's doing alright, or if they had been a step closer to helping her with her inner turmoil. The very thought of Demona being alone, or if something bad happening to her, had not settled well with the psychic, so today, Lucas decides he's going to check on her.
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Travelling through the swirling magical portal, the teen travels to where Ales is at, in the hopes of finding where she might be. Though, if anybody knew, it'd be Raymesis, her brother.
After getting lost a couple of times, the boy does make it to Ales', knocking on the door to check on Demona. His adoptive parents were busy lately, so he had decided to take this on his own back.
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pktearsoftazmily · 7 months
// @spoocys-glade-of-dreams
After the fiasco of keeping the cartridges away from the enemy resistance group, Umbra had been through a heap of emotions internally. From seeing Murfy face to face again, all the way to Rayman protecting her from death when she had been asking for the enemy to carry it out. Umbra still cannot understand why Rayman would do such a thing despite having been nothing but a mere ally at his side. The woman failed to understand why he'd risk everything for the sake of her.
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find an answer to this conclusion. She sighs, pressing a palm to her temple as she closes her eyes. The best thing she could do is to talk to him, try to figure out where they both stood in terms of their partnership. Though, she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel something for the limbless man.
Either way, Rayman had nothing to lose by losing her. Not really. He could easily replace her. So, why is he showing compassion towards her? It takes quite a bit of mental strength to get up from her seat to go to Rayman, doing what she can to find the man.
She does find him, eventually, though when she does find him? She is frozen on the spot. Umbra is unusually nervous, starting to avoid any kind of eye contact with the other. But, she tries to speak. She had to. She needs to know the truth from Rayman over his actions. Otherwise, it'll eat at her, get the better of her if she doesn't find out the truth.
"I-- Urm, I've come-- You see-- Sigh, I'm making myself look like an idiot, aren't I? Forgive me. It's just that I've been meaning to talk to you. Is all. Nothing bad. I swear to you. But, if you're busy, I can come back later. No worries."
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pktearsoftazmily · 10 months
As Rayman starts to get anxious over his daughter, Lucas chuckled softly to himself, asking his dad to stay still for a moment. Once the limbless hero had done so, the boy travels behind him, reaching into the back of his hoodie to lift up his little sister into his hands gently without trying to disturb her. Then, he walks back into view, revealing her in his hands with a grin.
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"Here she is. Looks like she fell asleep, too. Must've been worn out already."
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pktearsoftazmily · 11 months
To see Rayman trying to help brought relief to the brown dog. Boney approaches his companion, sitting by his side before laying down, ready to assist at any point. Lucas, meanwhile, is holding onto Rayman with choked sobs, the rocking stopping but the tears remained.
His chest felt heavy. It felt suffocating. A mixture of emotions within himself spiralled, but it's mainly sorrow, sorrow for how his brother should've been there with them, with him, not six feet in the ground. Not dead. It hurts to see the world moving on without him, to never hear his name spoken by anybody else than him, for anyone to remember him. Lucas didn't want to forget, he couldn't forget. The only thing Lucas had left of Claus is the overwhelming pain of grief.
Thanks to Rayman's comfort, Lucas' screams die down. Eventually, he's in a sobbing mess, trying to stop the tears but is unable to, apologising profusely for waking him up, for making such noise, for being a burden to them all. He whispers how Claus would've handled things better, how he'd have been the better brother to adopt, the one people would've loved more.
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pktearsoftazmily · 9 months
// x
The voice call is accepted. The Masked Man's identity remains hidden from the public eye as the call begins, the young man adjusting himself in his seat as he got comfortable. He's through to Murfy.
"Ah, we meet again. My message arrived safely it appeared. I am glad. My boss asked me kindly to check on you all. He is busy at this moment of time, you see. So, how are you? You handling things alright on your end?"
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pktearsoftazmily · 1 year
An eyebrow rose. A good start, as long as he wasn't here to fight, then it'd be fine for him to be here. Wait, he didn't want Rayman to know anything about this? Lucas could be useful to Raymesis? Lucas lifts his head from his chin, laying both arms against the bottom of the window with a surprised stare, showing he was listening carefully.
Then, the truth is finally revealed to the boy; this was about helping Demona. Lucas blinks again, his expression changing to concern. He's no longer annoyed, or surprised at Raymesis.
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"Me? I can help? H-- How? What exactly did you have in mind, which involves me?"
By all means, he'd want to help, but Lucas isn't sure how. Oh no, does this Rayman was going to be angry Raymesis asked him?
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pktearsoftazmily · 1 year
Seeing their smiles made Lucas smile more, chuckling as he continued using his PSI to create the soft snow from his hands. Thankfully, it wasn't deep snow, but enough for them to enjoy. They were so adorable, he wasn't sure who's parents they were, but he hoped they didn't mind--
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Oh. Oh no. Frozen on the spot, Lucas' snow stopped immediately, slowly looking over to see who had spotted him. Oh Gods, what if they hadn't wanted him to approach?
"Ah! I-I, urm, y-you see--!"
As quickly as the snow stopped, the boy closed his hands, stepping backwards.
"I-I swear I brought no h-harm to them! I-I was just-- Th-they looked-- I-I'm so sorry!"
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pktearsoftazmily · 4 months
The psychic arrives at the time he had been given to come. This time, instead of being just himself, Claus is with him, who has yet to meet Lucas' adoptive family properly as he had always been busy to spend time with the magical family. However, the older twin brother is going to make time for them today, putting everything else on hold. He owes it to his little brother to meet the very adoptive parents who have been giving him a safe place to go whenever things got bad.
Oh, and because he wants to meet the "coolest" parents in the world. Ness' words. That guy always held such respect for the limbless couple, often praising them for how they help to raise Lucas in such a positive, loving way that the blond has been noticeably in better spirits since they had came into their lives.
Lucas knocks on the door, being the polite, sweet boy that he is known for. Claus whispers to this brother that he's a little nervous to meet the family, to which Lucas says everything will be fine, how they are literally the most chill family to new people.
When the door is opened, Lucas has a wide grin on his face, showing happiness.
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"I'm home! I brought Claus this time, too."
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pktearsoftazmily · 10 days
Even when being invited into the house, Claus is much too excited to enter, instead jumping around as tears formed in his eyes. It's clear he had some news alright, and it seemed to be good news.
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"No, no, no, no! You have to come with me! Now! Lucas is in the medical wing back at the base! We've found him after so long, you have to believe me, uncle!"
Claus, though being the mischievous twin, would never lie about his brother, especially when it came to something extremely serious as this. Goodness, just the way the redhead is acting alone is enough to indicate the boy had been telling the truth, if one knew him well.
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pktearsoftazmily · 23 days
{Sent on behalf of @spoocys-glade-of-dreams for the check in prompts}
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"Let me cook for you at least."
((He makin' Lucas an Omelette.))
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"But-- I--" there's no use in trying to convince his dad to not do it, is there? Rayman's not going to give up, he's as stubborn as the boy is. Lucas realises this, sighing softly but smiles with gratitude, grateful this limbless man is family. Even if not by blood, their connection ran deep, their bond unbreakable.
Lucas laughs, shrugging his shoulders. "Alright dad, thank you. But, I'm helping, okay? It's the least I could for you for making me something to eat."
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pktearsoftazmily · 5 months
((From @spoocys-glade-of-dreams)) Beyond the Grave {For Game/Canon Rayman}
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"Oh, aren't you...?"
She's sure of it. Khione is absolutely sure she's correct. Being long gone from the mortal plane, but she remains watching over her small family. So, when she gets to finally meet the very man who's took it upon himself to adopt the blond boy who really needed some good in his life, Khione is overwhelmed emotionally. However, she is calm, collected, not to frighten the limbless man. It's not every day the woman gets to meet a hero.
If there's something she, and Lucas have in common, it's the eyes. Her voice is also soft spoken, much like the boy's. Were they related? What is she talking about?
Khione realises she's being rude. A bashful apology comes. "Ahem, forgive me, young man. You do not know of me, but I know of you. Do not be alarmed, for I am not going to harm you. It's so wonderful to meet a kind-hearted young man such as yourself face to face. Your family are proud of you. I can tell. They all love you. Never forget that."
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pktearsoftazmily · 6 months
// @spoocys-glade-of-dreams
When he turned fourteen, he had started to plan out his future, list the things he wanted to do in his life. However, being held in a watery prison for money wasn't on his list of things he wished for. Had to love how they scooped him up from his other merfolk, leaving him to be in the mercy of these strange, robotic pirates. Each passing second, he grew to hate the captain of them all.
The captain's wife, however? Well, the merboy didn't mind her at all. In fact, she had been rather friendly company! Lucas felt relief whenever she'd come, giving her a conversation for her to enjoy. Though, he had voiced many times that he'd much rather be out of here, to be free once more.
Now, he's being sold. If Lucas had his own way, he'd have been out of here by now. Despite being powerless against the pirate army, the merboy would still be rude to the rest of them. Even when being threatened, he wouldn't back down. If any potential buyers showed up, he'd even play up for them, make them question whether he'd be a good purchase.
If they really want the money so badly, they'd have to work for it. Lucas ain't going to make it easy for the army because they forced him to. If they won't return him home, then fine, he'll just continue to be a stubborn little brat.
Today, in fact, he's purposely waiting for the captain to come in so that he can be rude again. If it's the captain's wife, Lucas will be kind to her. Anyone else? The same treatment as the captain.
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Strange. It's quiet today. Almost too quiet. Is something up?
"No one's come down yet. It's morning, so what's the change of routine? Awh, is the captain gone? Psh, that'd be great. Hopefully, he's long gone from this land."
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pktearsoftazmily · 3 months
{And of course Game/Canon Rayman sent on behalf of @spoocys-glade-of-dreams}
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"no matter what, you can always count on me."
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A hug is given to the limbless man. Whenever he is in the presence of his dad, Lucas knows everything is going to be alright. Rayman brought such a positive aura whenever he went, at least, to Lucas, anyway. The blond feels immediately safe whenever Rayman is around.
"You can count on me too, dad. Whenever you need help, you can bet I'll be right there. All you have to do is say. We're a team, after all!"
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pktearsoftazmily · 3 months
{From Ramon sent on behalf of @spoocys-glade-of-dreams}
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"I like this little family we've created."
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"Me too," the boy agrees, smiling brightly. "I like our family as well. In fact, I love our family. Despite our differences, all of our backstories, we managed to form such a close family. A trusted family, one that is built on how much we trust each other. Eden might have hurt us, but they've only made us stronger. Ain't that right, dad?"
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