sacherali · 4 months
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Wing-it commission for @spookyvalentine of their Shepard, Mercy 💛✨
Commissions Price List & TOS
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zet-sway · 2 years
Today on great things we talk about on discord:
What if every Mass Effect villain had a hoverboard like Saren?
The reapers enticing humanity to join their side by offering free hoverboards
Kai Leng car chase with hoverboard
Shepard's clone on a hoverboard: "lmao I'm you but cooler"
The Illusive Man's chair lifting off like a hoverboard
Husks on hoverboards
Geth platforms as hoverboards
A collector rides by on a hoverboard: "I know you feel this"
Marauder Shields intercepting Shepard at the beam with a hoverbaord
Donnel Udina on a hoverboard
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xoshepard · 3 months
And 33, 35, 37 and 39 for Orion!!
oooh thank you!!! i love your shepards and your art by the way!!! <33
33. What skills do they have that are a surprise to the people around them?
he enjoys sketching buildings/cityscapes, especially when he gets to visit the citadel or other species' homeworlds. he was a spacer, so even earth is fascinating to him. it always surprises people to see how detailed and accurate his drawings are.
35. Which companions have they lost? How do they cope with it?
i assume this means in canon i.e. virmire/suicide mission? he chose kaidan on virmire because of rank, but he takes ash's loss extremely hard because he feels like he robbed her of her chance to redeem her family. he struggles with her death for a long time, because he knows the pressure of being part of an alliance family.
37. Got any bad habits?
haven't thought much about this but i'm thinking avoidant behavior and a past history of nail-biting dskjfhsdjk
39. Do they keep around any sentimental items?
not at first but after the sr-1 gets destroyed he keeps his old dog tags to keep him connected to the alliance while he works with cerberus (he was a sole survivor so me2 is like rock bottom for him) and to remind him that just because he's survived some scrapes with death, it doesn't mean he always will
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18. Who’s the dream team? Which companions does Shepard fight best with and why?
for audrey, people that can get up into the fray while she hangs back and snipes/gives orders are the best. she usually takes one biotic and one high-damage squadmate, so like wrex and liara would have been a good team for her in me1
28. What about hyperfixations? What’s the topic that will get Shepard rolling no matter the person or place
hyperfixations: when she gets starts on a jewelry/sculpting project she can get very consumed by it. when she gets materials for tinkering she tends to keep to her cabin until she's made something. for the second part, she doesn't laugh a lot unless she's comfortable with the people around, but on the other hand it's really easy to make her laugh if she is comfortable with you. she likes her squadmates' senses of humor.
38. Does Shepard do any activities with the companions and crew during downtime?
it depends. she's more introverted, but she tries to organize gatherings so that her team can do teambuilding and she understands how important it is for the squad and crew to see her face and interact directly with her. it does make her tired, though, so she needs to decompress after
48. What abilities do they rely on the most in a fight?
she relies heavily on her sniper rifle and tactical cloak
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5. How well does Shepard know their crew? Not just the companions, but the folks making up the Normandy
she knows everyone pretty well bc she's personable and outgoing. some people take a while to warm up to her because of her history and she's very unrefined, especially for an officer, but most people eventually see that she's loyal and cares about them, even if they don't always agree with her demeanor or choices
15. What colors does Shepard prefer for their armor?
black and red, classic
25. How emotionally articulate is your Shepard? Do they emote well?
evanna is not the great at expressing emotions that aren't anger or joy. anything more complex than those two will usually see them at the bar
35. Which companions have they lost? How do they cope with it?
they sacrificed kaidan on virmire, but at the end of the day that sacrifice is kinda overshadowed by her history on earth, where she was forced to kill her own teammates. she carries kaidan's death with her, but she doesn't really blame herself so much as she wishes it didn't have to be that way and kinda like. blames fate/god/the universe.
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lavampira · 1 year
12, 22, 32 and 42 from the fifty shep asks!
[50 questions for commander shepard]
thank you !! 🖤
12. answered here!
22. skipping this one for now since I’m not near endgame yet; I know it’s a food question but I feel like it depends on knowing more about what’s in store LMAO
32. what do they do when they have hit their limit angry, just incandescent with rage?
it kinda depends on what the source of the anger is (and it’s a little insinuated in this one shot I wrote) but often very aggressive, very uncontrolled physical anger. hits and kicks inanimate objects, or unleashes on a punching bag, or needs a no-holds-barred sparring match to get it all out.
42. favorite weapon?
SHOTGUN. and specifically the scimitar - it fires and reloads quick, but still tears through everything with the right mods.
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commander-krios · 2 years
Charlie: 9, 14, and 26
Aurora: 6, 19, and 37
Daniel: 1, 27, and 48!
Thank you so much for the ask! I really appreciate it.
Charley Shepard
9. What type of fighter is your shepard? Do they fight with honor, or do they fight dirty?
Charley is definitely the type to fight dirty. She's a soldier, built like a brickhouse, and will punch you if she runs out of bullets. She's fought krogan hand to hand before, both winning and losing depending on the situation, and has absolutely no fear of death. She uses her weapons the most, but has noooo problem getting dirty if it means she wins.
14. Any good at flirting?
Nope. She doesn't really get flirting. Just say what you mean and get it over with. That way, no one is confused or gets crossed signals. She wants to know if you're in or not. Everything else is a waste of time.
26. Does your Shepard have a romance? Who are they, and what drew Shep to them?
Yes, she has two technically. The first was Thane in ME2. She fell for him without really realizing it at. He was there, he was calm in the moment she was a storm and he just understood her in a way that no one else did.
The second is Kasumi, which happens during ME3. Kasumi joins her and Thane's relationship (until Thane passes and they become a pair). Kasumi is so much different than both her and Thane in a way that neither of them realized they needed. She's fun, quirky, and keeps them on their toes and it makes for a fun threesome.
Aurora Shepard
6. Initial reaction to EDI? Does it change?
Answered here
19. Are there any companions your Shepard just absolutely cannot vibe with or relate to?
Hmmm, while she and Garrus become friends later on in the series, she isn't a fan of how he handles people, particularly as a C-Sec officer. She finds him unprofessional and thinks he should reconsider being a Spectre because with the way he reacts to people, he could very well turn into a bad person who does things that hurt others just to get his job done. And that's never ok.
That also brings up her issues with Samara. The Justicars are, to her understanding, people who are allowed to hunt and kill people instead of bringing them to justice and making them atone. Aurora doesn't like the philosophy of, kill first and regret later, and she tries to understand Samara (because yes, Morinth is dangerous, but is death really the answer?) and she might be naïve when it comes to the galaxy, but Aurora has a soft heart and wants to help people.
37. Got any bad habits?
Not really? I guess it can be pretty annoying to smell her tea all of the time, she always has a cup of tea with her. (she doesn't drink coffee) but I can't see how that would be a bad habit. Might need to think more about this.
Daniel Shepard
1. Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?
Answered here
27. Do they have any pet peeves?
People. Things people do. Like talking, and breathing. xD In all seriousness, he dislikes micro-management which is a common thing in the military, interruptions (whether by people or other outside influences), people who stand in his circle or otherwise touch him without permission, public displays of affection (they make him uncomfortable).
48. What abilities do they rely on the most in a fight?
He hates to use his biotics, it's part of the reason he was forced into the Alliance, so he avoids it as much as possible. Of course, that's not always good and it gets him into trouble. BUT he's a huge tech nerd and will use his omnitool for everything. Overload, neural shock, sabotage etc. If he has to use biotics, he usually goes for anything to keep people away, like throw or lift.
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
8,16, 24, 36 and +1 from the first fifty shep questions if you’re still takin em!
8. What is their reaction to the Alchera mission? And after?
God so much trauma. She broke down crying when she found Pressly's datapad. I like to think Joker was monitoring her while she was down there and turned off her audio feed so no one would hear her sobbing.
Afterwards, well. She doesn't bring it up to anyone unless they bring it up first. So far, that list includes just Joker, Tali, Thane, Miranda, and Ashley.
16. Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety?
I think she used to be a smoker, but quit a little after joining the Alliance. She only broke once, just after the Normandy was grounded on the Citadel by Udina. Joker found her smoking in the airlock and chewed her out for it.
Once she got a brand spankin' new set of lungs courtesy of Cerberus, she was determined to never touch a cigarette again. It helped that her new body didn't remember the addiction, so it was easier to stay away.
24. Who does Shepard turn to for advice? For comfort? Who do they like to gossip with?
If she can't reach out to Anderson, she'll reach out to Dr. Chakwas, at least as far as life advice goes. She tried going to Samara, once, but asari advice is just so... not for humans lol.
For comfort, that honor would go to either Thane or Ashley, who both know her well enough to know what to say to make her feel better.
And gossip is 100% Kasumi's territory, though she'll let Kenneth and Gabby join in, too. Zaaed sometimes joins in, too, though his brand of gossip is significantly more vulgar.
36. Do they like to style their hair, wear makeup and jewelry? How do they feel about getting dressed up?
Oh, she loves it. Well - not the hair and makeup part. She has no idea how to do that stuff, so she'll usually leave her hair untouched and just put on some lip balm, maybe eyeshadow. If an event is really fancy, she needs someone else to do her makeup. For that, she'd turn to Miranda for help.
But she loves wearing dressing up - she grew up in an environment where she had three shirts and maybe two pants, and one pair of very worn-down shoes. I'd say half her salary goes towards her wardrobe lol.
+1: what does Shepard smell like?
On any regular day, probably engine oil, metal, and some kind of generic shampoo/bodywash. For perfumes, she likes fruity scents like pear or apple.
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8, 12, 29 and +1 for the shep questions please!
8. What is their reaction to the Alchera mission? And after?
Initially? Adrian's reaction is 'ignore it'. There's so many more things to worry about, after all, so much to do, the sense of haste to stop the Collectors and all. No, she's totally not kind of terrified of confronting the fact that she died there (and besides, she'd already been kind of emotionally/mentally half dead since Akuze, in her words). But when they hit a bit of a lull (i.e. 'personally I hc there's a solid chunk of time they're trying to scout out leads on the Reaper IFF where it's just kind of nothing so that's where a lot of the side missions fit in')... she's convinced to do it, if only for her old crew.
It's strangely peaceful, in the end. It's a beautiful world, and she's glad for the chance to find the missing tags to send back to the crew's families/next of kin, especially since (she thought at the time) it seemed hers didn't make it. There's no tears, no... intense emotions, really? Just cold and quiet and calm; even for a while once she returns to the Normandy. It takes some time before she discusses it with anyone, too.
I think it's the tipping point to ending the whole fatalistic streak Adrian had going to some degree since even the first game - not all at once, of course, and there's a lot of 'two steps forward, one step back'. But holding your old helmet in your hands, on what was essentially your grave for a short time... 'really forced to confront your mortality/Ship of Thesus-esque nature so hard you experience the human equivalent to integer overflow' isn't an approved, recognized, or even good method of self-improvement, but it does something!
12. Does Shepard have any nicknames? What do they think of em?
A few, aside from the canon ones: (fine with all of those, though 'siha' has a bit of a rough patch at one point...)
Addy, from her parents when she was little - and yes, they do still use it on occasion; she's only a tiny bit mortified when one of them uses it within earshot of a crewmate.
Briefly picked up 'Tech' in college, as the designated 'fix it' guy among her friends. That one dropped off once they went their separate ways, never felt too strongly either way.
Only half counts since they never repeated, but: an increasingly sickening array of pet names from Kaiden during the SR-1 days (Mistaken observation that led to good-natured faux dating and a war to see how far it could go before Adrian finally cut comms mid-conversation. 'Mon biquet' was the... 'winner', on the grounds of 'I can tolerate a lot of things, Kaiden, but not invoking French'). She's... very glad none of those come up again.
29. How active is Shepard? Are they hitting the gym, playing sports, or do they prefer quieter downtime?
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Loves swimming and used to do it competitively, but that one's kind of dropped off over the years; she defaults to running laps or biotics practice now; anything to fully engage the body. Even her 'quiet' downtime is usually spent buried in work, though. It's a long while before she can handle downtime without moving or having something else to occupy her mind - but it does happen, eventually.
(+1: what does Shepard smell like?)
Goes for sea salt or rain scents whenever possible, plus general biotic electric or ozone scent - but, any active combat periods will inevitably include some combination of metal, dirt, blood, and occasionally singed flesh/hair (because someone keeps zapping themselves while fiddling with electronics they're not supposed to).
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badkittyknits · 2 years
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WIP ...Work in progress ...input was for an adult size throw...we're getting g there measuring today at approximately 59 inches....shooting for 90. Wednesday/Enid Wednesday Window Throw #badkittyknits #12pointstar #wednesdayaddams #wednesday #wednesdayvibes #wednesdaymotivation #wednesdaynetflix #WednesdayWisdom #enidsinclair #enidwednesday #Enid #WednesdayWindow #witchywoman #witchy #spookyvibes #spooky #spookyvalentine #witchaesthetic #witchythings #witchyvibes #witchyways #theaddamsfamily #oddities #craftywitch #craftybitch #oddities #odditiesanddelights #moderncrochet #addams #makersgonnamake (at Wednesday) https://www.instagram.com/p/CplHfN9uEqh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caitlinmccarthyart · 2 years
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Happy Valentines Day! 🎃💌🎃 #caitlinmccarthyart #valloween #spookyvalentine #vintagehalloween #creepycute #gothichome #gothichomedecor #darkdecor #darkart #gothicart https://www.instagram.com/p/Coqsb-TLTfB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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foofyschmoofer · 2 years
1, 19 and 27 from first fifty shep questions if you’re doing em!
1. Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?
Basically... Bex was in a bar fight instigated by the then-current leader of the 10th Street Reds, who blamed her for his father and brother's deaths (though they were both killed by Vido Santiago a decade earlier). Supposedly one of the Reds was an undercover cop, who ended up in a coma. So not only did she have the Reds gunning for her, but Vido, as well as at least some of the London police force. The father of one of Bex's friends from BAaT, at the time a major in the Alliance, pulled strings to allow her to enlist (helped by the fact she's a biotic, obviously). And it was the lesser of evils, though she'd sworn since she was a child she'd never have anything to do with the Alliance.
As for regrets, surprisingly, not many. By the time she got out of boot camp, she decided she wanted to see how far she could get. And well, now many years later, she's married to Hackett so....
19. Are there any companions your Shepard just absolutely cannot vibe with or relate to?
None so far, really. It took her a bit to warm up to Ashley and Garrus, but she's great friends with both now. Also Liara. But again, they got past that.
I think she may not jive with Samara and Thane at first, especially Thane because the whole "left his kid" thing will bring back painful memories of her own childhood. But she'll likely work past it.
She absolutely cannot abide Miranda, but as she's not with Cerberus, they won't be on the same ship together, ever, and will probably only interact maybe one other time.
27. Do they have any pet peeves?
So so so so many. She's basically a walking list of pet peeves. (Do i know what any of them are? Only one: parents who don't let their kids have autonomy, within reason, over their hair and clothing choices)
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fayem666 · 2 years
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Spooky valentine 😍😍👻👻💀
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fellweather · 2 months
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commission of mercy shepard for @spookyvalentine!
commission info here
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tyulezhik · 26 days
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Commission for @spookyvalentine ✨🤠
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messydiabolical · 1 year
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Happy lovey smoochy requests, all in one edition! Lots of Mass effect loving (and one sneaky star wars). Thank you to @bluerose5 @angstyastro @stormikins @jtownnn @spookyvalentine @jadevakarian @yellingaboutmasseffect Aritier and Kiba for entrusting me with your Sheps/headcanons <3 A couple notes: Tali design based on requesters headcanons and my interpretation of those. (I haven't actually made my own headcanon yet- maybe one day!) Bottom right are both Shepards! metaverse baybeee
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angstyastro · 9 months
wip game
rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @bluerose5 thank you! <3 So I have a lot of wips that I may have already posted like snippets of them before but I'll post the full sketches here since most of the time they're just cropped versions :3 this has been both mass effect and baldur's gate :3c
Garrus like one peach
Breathless vakarios
Polite Insult
strip game vakarios
shakarios secrets
hello darling (bg3)
Girlfriends fshali
vakarios lap
shepard sits on thanes lap
tavstarion naughty lap
chubby gale
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Anyone can join!! and no pressure for yall who dont wanna join in :)
Tagging: @innepttia/ @hirasuki / @spookyvalentine/ @zet-sway/ @lunehowls
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commander-krios · 2 years
Pls if you ever want to talk about charley and kasumi know that I am a riveted audience
Oh I have a bunch of writing prompts to get through with them so there will be lots more content soon. Hopefully, as long as my brain lets me write
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