#sports lessons for kids nyc
bee-in-motion · 1 month
Bee In Motion – Sports lessons provider for Kids in NYC
Sports lessons provided by Bee In Motion aid in increasing the fitness levels of kids and teens, as well as elevating their athletic skills. We offer one-on-one training to kids to boost their confidence levels in a specific sport. All of our private lessons rendered are such that it is fun, effective, and designed to cater to your child’s individual needs. Our lessons are customized to range from one specific sport to multiple sports. Some of the popular sports in which we offer training are lacrosse, basketball, swimming, soccer, and football. Bee In Motion offers the best sports lessons for kids in NYC. https://www.beeinmotion.com/private-sport-lessons
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aryxchse · 5 months
perseus jackson headcanon's because he lives in my head rent free since middle school.
a/n: wrote whatever camed to my mind
- sally probably send him to judo when he was a kid but he failed and cried nonstop
- he loves math?? idk but if he could learn easly he would be master at it
- class clown
- the popular sports kid that everyone hates at first
- never choked on his spit
- once he did breath underwater as a kid but thought he forgot how to choke
- casually makes the best jokes and doesn't even laugh when someone else does
- he got the sarcasm genes from his mother (duh)
- he secretly dreams a happy life with his dad and mom by his side at the olympus
- likes to play with hairs. you'd be casually sitting at the campfire and he'd start to play with your hair out of boredom
- couldn't tie shoes until he was 12
- everyone thinks he's a converse boy but i think he's a nike boy. and he hates converse because you just can't get them out easly and it overwhelms him
- also doesn't like to wear jeans because he thinks it's blocking his movements
- he likes baggy sweatpants
- has the best perfume's ever
- totally an old money boy but he just wears his camp shirt with basketball shorts (adam sandler??)
- swiftie but hides it
- james potter in an alternative universe
- the biggest nyc lover, he thinks he is the nyc at this point
- a good singer?? he does say that his singing would cause an avalanche but he is a good singer trust me
- and plays a guitar because he also took guitar lessons
- good at gymnastics
- if he gets bored he stands on his hands and walks like that casually
- most of his scars come from him trying some fancy sword moves
- he get's really annoying if he wants to
- anyways he has my heart
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ninesdb · 4 months
Olympian Bucky AU
Okay, a few people said they would love to hear more about my AU, so here we go! @btwxsixesandsevens @realmamabear79 @milady-elessar
Ill start with saying that i did archery as a teenager, but i had a bare horse bow. So it was just 1 piece and didn't have any sights or stabalisers or whatever. I did have my lessons with people that did have those, so i do know a little about it, and all the other technical stuff is from the 'net. So if you know more about (recurve) archery than i do, please let me in on all the insider knowledge!
For those not familiar with archery, this is a recurve bow. Its the one used at the olympics.
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And here is a picture with all the technical terms that i will use from time to time:
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The compound bow is from my research the most common in the USA (it has a lot of power and is good for hunting), its also allowed on the paralympics. Bucky will be using the recurve tho.
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Now to my ideas:
Bucky was born in Shelbyville, Indiana in 1987. The oldest of four, Rebecca (1989), Ruth (1991) and Esther (1999).
While they live there he just did some boring sports popular in the USA. Kinda switching between things if thats a thing over there, but none really stick.
Then they move to NYC in 1999 when Bucky was 12 years old because of his parents' work. One of his new classmates in NYC did archery and Bucky was invited to tag along to a class once.
And for the first time in his life he actually loved a sport. He loved the silence and accuracy that it required. He also loved that it was an ididivual sport so he wasnt dependent on a teams skill. Just his own.
So he asked his parents if he could join too who after some doubt allowed him to start. They didnt have a lot of money to spare, but he could use a bow from the club and the lessons didnt cost too much. It did help that Rebecca waw more into art and drawing so her hobby was pretty cheap. Bucky is extatic that he can start and he goes to lessons every week and practised his technique and strength whenever he could. He didn’t have money for his own bow and the first competitions he actually used one of the club’s bows that he always used during the lessons. He actually came second out of many kids on his first competition.
Meanwhile he was doing small jobs in the neighbourhood to earn enough money to buy himself a decent bow with sight and stabilisers. It cost him 400 USD to buy it all, because secondhand left handed bows were hard to come by so he had to buy it new, and it wasn’t the best quality, but it was so worth it. He could actually practise everything even better at home even without a target to actually practise at in their apartment.
When he started going to competitions more frequently it was often his coach driving him, because of his parents busy schedule and the fact that there were three little sisters at home too.
At 14, Bucky already competed at the national youth championships. By now he’d been able to upgrade his bow to a better and heavier bow (draw strength) and also a bigger one because his pull length had increased a lot with how much taller he’d gotten over the last few years.
But now i have an appointment so be back later with more!
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povofjustme · 1 year
A New Start - Obie Bergman imagine {OC} GGReboot
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Title: A new start
Pairing: Obie Bergman x Black Reader
Author's Note: I don’t know where this is going but hope you like. I didn’t read this through because I wanted to post it
Full Name: Charlotte Jean
Nickname: CJ, Char, Jeans, Lotts
Birthday: August 23, 2005 - 17
Born: New York
Occupation(s): Student, Dancer, Model, Actor
Residence: Upper East Side
Instagram: @CharlotteJeans (300k follower)
Family: Nicolas Jean (father) Jasmine Jean (mother) Frances Jean (Twin Brother)
Romance: Obie Bergman (boyfriend)
Friends: Max Wolfe (best friend) Audrey Hope, Aki Menzie, Luna La, Zoya Lott
Enemies: Julien Calloway (frenemy)
——————————————————————————————This story is about Charlotte
- Charlotte grow up as a dancer
- Her mom and dad wanted there kids to grow up being big
- So when they kids both could walk and talk they got them right in
- Char learned a lot to the point where her name was big in the dancing world. To ballroom, ballet, contemporary, hip hop, tap to jazz and ice skating when she had time
- And there for her twin brother, music and sports
- When she was ten years old, her family had moved to france
- 7 years later, they moved back to NY, but there family had a big name to live up too
- But at the same time, she kept herself to who she truly was. She was a loving person who will buy anyone before her own.
- Since then, she loves to give back to people and animals. Will go out to the protest and talk to the people
- Moving back to new york after the summer of her sophomore year. She met up with her old time best friend ‘Max Wolfes’
- The Wolves and The Jeans were very close friends
- Godien Wolfes is the twins' godfather, so Max and The Twin grow up together. The trio
- So when the twin came back to the upper east side, they knew who to go to.
- The first day there, all eyes on them, but CJ went straight to the table up first to call out Max’s name.
- He saw he and gave her a big hug
“Hey I want you to meet my beautiful things here Charlotte, Charlotte Jeans and Frances Jeans”
“It CJ, call me CJ”
Introducing them to the group, and one person couldn't keep - their eyes off of her.
“And this is Obie”
- Then the bell was ringing and max took you in his hands to take
- Later on, the group knew a lot about CJ, but it was more of Fracces things
- They were all on the stares when Monet asked her
“Hey CJ, when going out tonight for a little get together, we knew Frances in. How about you?”
“Sorry guys, but am volunteering and the NYC animal shelter tonight-”
“Wait tonight at 8” Obie asked
“Yes, actionaly” CJ said laughing it off
“Am was actually looking at that the other night, maybe we could go together?”
“Sure why not”
- That night, they got to know each other very well, Yes Obie that she was just like any other new york girl but he was liking her for then he thought
- After that night of feeding food to the animals and cleaning them and more, they became closer
- Obie would do anything to hang out with her
- They sometimes walked to school together and have study “Date”
- At school they would eat together and just become friends
- He would even show up at Max house when he knew she was going to be over there
- Frances help him out as will
- After a long study “date”, Obie asked her on a real date
- They would go out to more events which catch the media's attentions in a good way and bad
- CJ posted pictures of them and events (with obie permission) her fans thought it was cute but Julies and GG fans didn't like it so much
- They were cute couple
- Obie met CJ parents and loved him
- CJ met Obie mom, She said she loves her already
- They would go to big events together
- Obie would take her to different places in NY
- CJ would give him dance lesson and when it came to any of her dance competitions, he would be there sitting next her family with a handful of flowers
- Sometimes they would have study dates at each others house but Obie likes it better over her because it feels more like home
- They did everything together, and it made them seem like they were in love
- Since she was around Obie more, she was around Aki and Audrey and Max more. Frances would be around alot, made the self a little group
- Around new york, Obie invited you and your brother to the Quaint weekend house
- The whole weekend, Obie and CJ shared the same room
- When the twins walked in, everyone was just getting there
- It was a fun and relaxing
- Everyone got along and had fun, Frances was flirting with Luna and Obie had you mostly to himself
- Julien felt some way but wanted him to be happy. But not with you
- CJ helped around the house, had the grow make cookies and spend time together, Obie was falling more and more in love
- And on new year, they were each other new year kiss
- After that, everyone loved them. Obie was happy
- GG would post things on IG
*It pictures of CJ and Obie*
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Well Well Well, It looks like there's a new couple in town. @Charlotte Jeans and @Obie Bregaens have been hitting off pretty well. Them out on the town helping others and dogs. Let's see where this goes. Charlotte or should I say CJ is the new girl and all around famous dancers with big money to her money. Lets see if Obie will love Julien or CJ? Tell me who you're rooting for?
#Team Julien s or #Team CJ
- CJ didn't really care but it seem to get to Julies head
- Julien was upset that Obie was getting over her and with CJ now
- So she did what she did best, try to break you down
- Julien, Monet ended up finding something and sent it to GG to hurt CJ
- Found out the CJ and Frances are adopted twins
- When GG posted it, It really didn't hurt the twins. Just hated it now that people knew their business more then the should
- Julien didn't like how CJ reacted so she wanted to hurt her more
- But what the found out was not about CJ, but about her twin
- Frances was a Drug addict
- Once GG posted it, know saw the twins for over 3 to 4 weeks
- CJ and Frances were close, not like Grace closes but they were best friends
- Once France was ready to come back to school, So was CJ.
- And CJ had a bad feeling about the group, had a feeling that someone was out for her
“On look who made it back” Monets
“What is that supposed to mean” CJ questioned
“CJ, it meant nothing, after all we just wanted to-” Julien couldn't even finish it all when they all got a ding on there phone
- It was post from GG about all the people who sent thing to GG
- The first things CJ saw was a sent in dm from Julien and Monet about CJ and Her twin
“You sent this about my brother?”
“I- I-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” At this point everyone was looking at everyone in the group.
- Know one CJ this mad before. She was always the loving and smiling person
“You sent that in for what? First the adopted and then my brother's addictions. You have to be out of your fucking mind. You have no respect for know but yourself, and it shows”
- Julien couldn't say anything
“This is about Obie” Max spock up
“About a fucking boy, Really!” Getting in Julien face
“ You are a disgusting fucking person”
- CJ walked away pushing the crowd away, Frances, Max, Aki, Audrey and Obie right behind her
Part 2?
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cosplayinamerica · 1 year
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Writer : Amy Densham
Whether your kids live in rural Iowa or downtown NYC. If they have cosplaying parents or only they just learned about Halloween. Astrid and Leah bring that excited, welcoming, Con energy to their student’s computer screens all over the world.
The platform is Outschool. It’s been around since 2015 and started as a go-to for homeschoolers. During the  COVID-19 pandemic, Outschool grew beyond homeschooling. It became a place for learning and socializing whether you homeschool or not. Now serving over 1 million learners in 195 countries, Outschool has thousands of classes for ages 3 - 18. Learn about dinosaurs from a paleontologist. C# coding from a game developer. Or cosplay from an expert seamstress and a professional actress.
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Astrid Turner, bubbly and all smiles, remembers standing in line at a Con: “The cosplay community is one of the most supportive and wonderful communities out there. When I cosplay, it’s not attention on me. It’s attention for something we share. We already know we like the same things. The craftsmanship, the idea that you’re there together, dressed up, having an experience together.”
Astrid teaches Cosplay Costume Design and Creation Workshops and anything else costume-related (just send her a request). She can pleat a skirt, put a bodice in, and bring kids out of their shells with ease. Part of her class includes real-world skills like comparison shopping; if you’re asking mom to buy it, you need to have a plan.
What does Astrid hope her students walk away with from taking her class ? Ask about her experience teaching online classese.
With a classroom maximum of 5, Astrid gives personalized attention to all of her students. Some enroll with a  clear costume vision. Others just love Anime. Either way, Astrid helps them follow their own creativity and make it a reality.
Do they need a sketch? No problem. Does the fabric need to be washable? She knows just the thing. And costumes are just the beginning. Her eyes light up when she talks about intuitive, introverted students growing and connecting as the weeks go by. Someone who barely spoke in their first class is now the first one to share their progress and welcome a new student. They find their people and their voice.
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Leah Johnson, artful and confident, talks about her experience at Cons: “It feels like everyone is a family. They want to welcome you in. It’s an excitement of sharing. Always. Of what they’ve made, what they’ve done, other cons that they’ve gone to, and people they’ve met. Everyone there wants to inspire each other.”
Leah teaches Special FX, Halloween, and Cosplay Makeup or one-on-one classes by request. Some of her students want to become professional makeup artists. Some want to scare their grandmas with fake wounds. In both situations, Leah is raring to go! And so is her washable Mehron Practice Makeup Head - currently sporting terrifying clown makeup from her last class.
Every class is unique. Some learners pop in with full, top-of-the-line makeup kits and some join with leftovers from the makeup wearer in their house. Part of the fun for Leah and her students is figuring out how to create looks with what you’ve got. It’s a great life lesson too. Sometimes you’ll need a specific product but sometimes you just need to be resourceful. Leah playfully refers to it as preparing for the zombie apocalypse when you won’t have all the tools. Her personality beams through the screen as she uses her makeup head to show makeup techniques, up close, and with student-requested variations. For Leah, the online part wasn’t her favorite. There’s an unquantifiable distance when you’re interacting online. You aren’t in the same space. It’s not the same as in person. But she makes that work too. And it’s a small inconvenience compared to the big benefit: bringing creative, accepting spaces to students wherever they are in the world.
Every class is unique. Some learners pop in with full, top-of-the-line makeup kits and some join with leftovers from the makeup wearer in their house. Part of the fun for Leah and her students is figuring out how to create looks with what you’ve got. It’s a great life lesson too. Sometimes you’ll need a specific product but sometimes you just need to be resourceful. Leah playfully refers to it as preparing for the zombie apocalypse when you won’t have all the tools. Her personality beams through the screen as she uses her makeup head to show makeup techniques, up close, and with student-requested variations. For Leah, the online part wasn’t her favorite. There’s an unquantifiable distance when you’re interacting online. You aren’t in the same space. It’s not the same as in person. But she makes that work too. And it’s a small inconvenience compared to the big benefit: bringing creative, accepting spaces to students wherever they are in the world.
Astrid and Leah both grew up loving costumes but they didn’t find out about cosplay until much later. In each of their separate hometowns, they were that kid in full costume at the grocery store. Or decked out like crazy on Halloween. Sound familiar?
Astrid remembers her first Ren Faire: “My first costume was a disaster but I was so proud of it! Ever since then, I knew I wanted to make costumes.” Growing up in a rural area outside LA, she always wanted to go to the San Diego Comic-Con but she didn’t have anyone to go with and didn’t want to go by herself. None of her friends were cosplayers - a term she didn’t even know existed.
She taught herself to sew, learning by creating more and more complex projects. Elaborate Elizabethan gowns with striking details for the next faire.
As she grew older, Atrid took a detour, exploring other career paths but she came back to sewing when her kids were small. Making clothes and costumes for them brought back that magic. And the internet showed her there was a whole community out there. No longer the only cosplayer in town, she dove in head first.
Now Astrid and her 3 kids (ages 13, 10, and 7) attend Cons every chance they get. In full costume, of course. She enters competitions in the handmade category and, though she’s modest, has taken home more than one win. In middle school, Astrid was big into theatre, Shakespeare, and creating Renaissance costumes.
An actor, director, voiceover artist, and singer, Leah cosplays characters from Arwen to Cruella De Vil to Mary Poppins. She teaches makeup and cosplay on Outschool but does both professionally for film, theatre, and events. To name a few, she designed costumes for the TV show Kookville and a stage production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. She even did makeup and created costumes for the movie Demon Squad, which you can find in Season 13 of Mystery Science Theatre 3000. She believes that cosplay isn’t just about expressing yourself, it’s about developing yourself and creating a full aesthetic. Beyond that, she wants her students to know, they can make a career out of their creative passions. And she’ll help them do it.
Leah talks about her first Ren Faire experience: “It felt awesome because I was trying to be intentional about creating a costume for me. Not for a play. Not for someone else based on their vision. It was my vision. It was what I wanted to do.”
You feel different in your cosplay. The persona, the confidence. It can be hard to describe but Astrid and Leah teach toward that feeling in every class.
Specializing in Elizabethan and Italian Renaissance costumes, Astrid also cosplays Collei from Gensin Impact and loves growing her skills in the anime genre. She even runs a social club on Outschool where Genshin fans can hang out virtually and game together.
Astrid beams: “A lot of kids and adults choose a character and they try to match that persona. It’s a little bit of safety. I’ve had people scream ‘OH MY GOD ITS COLLEI’ and run over to me. Under normal circumstances that wouldn’t happen. But at Cons, it’s so exciting. It’s amazing to connect with other people through that persona.”
*** Leah, with her cosplay weapon collection behind her: “You feel more confident in your character’s costume. It’s a projection of your best self. A lot of work, your imagination, and your brain is now projected on the outside. People can see that part of you that they can’t see in any other situation.”
Leading by example, Leah shows her students that they can make their creative passions into careers. She beams when she talks about a student getting confident enough to make an Actor Instagram account. Or doing professional-level wedding makeup for their entire family.
Teaching online from Arkansas since 2018, Astrid volunteered for the first-ever Outschool Cosplay Convention in 2021. Now called GameCon, the 2-day event featured presentations at different times of day for different timezones. Sessions about costume design, makeup, theatre performance, and more. And, most exciting of all, the costume showcase. Every kid got a chance in the spotlight to show off their creations. Astrid, laughs now: “I burst into tears when I logged off. It was such a rush of emotions. I found my people! I wish I had this when I was a kid.”
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fanfic-inator795 · 2 years
The Future is Saved... So what does it hold for the Hamato-Jitsu fam now?
Here are my thoughts/headcanons:
Raph - The Greatest Hero New York’s Ever Known! Yes, Raph is still very much the Red Angel of Preventing Harm (though he may or may not change up his superhero outfit). Although there are no more huge threats to face for the most part, Raph is the only one of the fam who does the hero thing full-time, keeping the streets of NYC safe and helping out the little guy.
Outside of heroics, however, when he’s not on patrol, training or spending time with his fam, Raph is down in the Hidden City, helping out at (or possibly even being the head of) an orphanage, since I feel like Raph would want a job working with kids, helping them build confidence and feel safe ^v^
Leo - The World’s Greatest Ninja! While he - like most of his fam - only a part-time hero, Leo still puts his ninjutsu and strategic skills to good use whenever an old villain or a new threat rears its head. While Raph may have the reputation amongst NYC’s criminals of being hard-hitting and ever-determined, Leo has the reputation of being the one you never see coming. I could also see him being a Battle Nexus Champ if the Nexus ever became less deadly and more sport-like.
Leo also uses his status as a ninja master to be a true sensei and teach young students martial arts at his own dojo, having discovered a love for teaching and even training after gaining more confidence (GENUINE confidence, not cockiness or ego) in himself and his abilities/skills. Like Raph, he really just wants to help other kids so they don’t have to go through the same mistakes and harsh lessons he did as a kid.
Donnie - World Renowned Genius. Donnie’s future is the one that changes the least from the apocalypse version. Whether he’s making Kraang-destroying weapons or gadgets that improve humanity, he’s eventually able to create his Don-Tech company. He, naturally, becomes less of an edge-lord as he grows older (though he does still have a teeny bit of an ego) and just wants to use his tech to genuinely improve life and help people. 
I also wanna bring back his love for botany that got cut from the series - I imagine he spends his weekends either holding himself up in his greenhouse (even he needs a break from tech sometimes) or reading various books at the Mystic Library.
Mikey - The Mystic Warrior/Ambassador and one of the BEST creatives around! With no Kraang to fight, Mikey’s quest for peace takes more of a diplomatic approach where he tries to act as an ambassador for both NYC and the Hidden City in the hopes of reuniting the two realms. Thankfully, his impressively strong mystic abilities and hero status + his kind heart have earned him a TON of respect from the Yokai. 
Mikey also sometimes trains with Draxum, both to continue honing his mystic skills in case of emergencies and to spend time with his creator/Dad #2. When he’s not training, he’s cooking at Run of the Mill (though he still hopes to open his own restaurant eventually when he’s not so busy) or submitting new art pieces to various museums (he’s already sold several pieces). I also imagine him traveling the country/world whenever he’s craving new inspiration.
April - Top Reporter and Newscaster at Channel 6. Of course April accomplishes her journalism dreams! She even ends up getting a couple Pulitzer's eventually, being someone who’s known for being determined and unafraid when it comes to finding the root of a story. She’s also married with a wife (whether it’s Sunita, Cassandra or someone else, you decide) and possibly has a couple kids. Definitely has a cat and/or a dog, at least.
Splinter - Proud Dad till the very end. While he doesn’t die on the battlefield in this future, instead passing away previously in his sleep, I feel like he still dies when the Turtles are relatively young - likely their early 30s, mid-30s if they’re lucky. Prior to that, he encouraged his kids and supported each of their dreams and careers, being there for all their big moments - and STILL being there in a way, watching them from the spirit realm alongside the other Hamato ancestors.
Aaaand those are my thoughts! Let me know what you guys think and if you have any future headcanons for the boys + April and Splints.
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genyukandojo · 7 months
The Surge of Martial Arts Among Kids: Fostering Discipline, Confidence, and Physical Fitness
In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in the popularity of martial arts among children. This trend reflects a shift in parental preferences towards activities that not only keep kids physically active but also contribute to their holistic development. From traditional disciplines like karate and taekwondo to more contemporary forms like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the rise of Martial Arts NYC Adults among kids is transforming the landscape of youth sports and extracurricular activities.
Physical Fitness and Well-being:
Martial arts offer a comprehensive approach to physical fitness, encompassing strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. The structured training sessions involve a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises, contributing to the overall well-being of children. Engaging in martial arts from a young age establishes a foundation for a healthy and active lifestyle.
Discipline and Focus:
Central to the practice of martial arts is the cultivation of discipline and focus. Kids participating in martial arts programs learn the importance of following instructions, adhering to a set curriculum, and practicing techniques consistently. These lessons extend beyond the dojo or training facility, positively influencing behavior, academic performance, and everyday tasks.
Building Confidence and Self-esteem:
Martial arts instill a sense of confidence and self-esteem in children as they progress through their training. Achieving belts or ranks, mastering new techniques, and participating in competitions contribute to a child's sense of accomplishment. This newfound confidence often transcends into other aspects of their lives, fostering a positive self-image and resilience.
Respect and Courtesy:
Traditional martial arts emphasize respect and courtesy as integral components of training. Children learn to show respect to their instructors, fellow students, and the art itself. The structured hierarchy within martial arts schools promotes a culture of mutual respect, teaching kids the value of treating others with courtesy and consideration.
Conflict Resolution and Self-control:
Martial arts emphasize the importance of self-control and conflict resolution. Through controlled sparring and simulated combat scenarios, children learn how to manage their emotions, make strategic decisions under pressure, and resolve conflicts peacefully. These skills have practical applications in school, social interactions, and later in life.
Cultural Appreciation:
Many forms of martial arts have deep cultural roots, originating from various regions around the world. Participation in martial arts introduces children to different cultures and traditions, fostering a sense of global awareness and appreciation. This exposure broadens their perspectives and encourages cultural sensitivity.
Anti-bullying and Self-defense Skills:
Martial arts equip children with practical self-defense skills, empowering them to protect themselves if the need arises. Additionally, the values instilled in martial arts training often include a strong stance against bullying. Many programs emphasize the responsible use of martial arts knowledge, promoting a culture of non-violence and empathy.
Social Interaction and Teamwork:
Martial arts classes provide a unique social setting where children interact with peers who share similar interests. Working together in drills, sparring, and team activities fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. These social interactions contribute to the development of valuable interpersonal skills.
Adaptability and Perseverance:
Learning martial arts requires adaptability and perseverance. Children encounter challenges, setbacks, and the need to learn new techniques. Facing and overcoming these obstacles instills a sense of resilience and perseverance, traits that are beneficial not only in martial arts but also in various aspects of life.
Fun and Enjoyment:
Perhaps one of the most significant reasons for the increase in martial arts participation among kids is the element of fun. Many martial arts programs incorporate engaging and enjoyable activities, making the learning process exciting for children. The combination of physical activity, skill development, and enjoyment makes martial arts a compelling choice for parents and kids alike.
The surge of martial arts among kids signifies a shift in the way parents approach the extracurricular activities of their children. Beyond the physical benefits, martial arts contribute to the holistic development of children, fostering qualities such as discipline, confidence, respect, and teamwork. As more parents recognize the profound impact of martial arts on their children's lives, the trend is likely to continue, shaping a generation that embodies the principles of martial arts both inside and outside the dojo.
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beeinmotionnyc · 2 years
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Looking for the multi-sport training for kids in NYC? Bee In Motion’s customize multi-sport training for kids NYC will very effectively for your child. In this lesson our main aim is to help your kid’s progress. Please call us today at (516) 680-8497
Website :- https://beeinmotion.com/private-sport-lessons/
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riopolh · 2 years
Brooklyn 99 tell me why
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#Brooklyn 99 tell me why full#
#Brooklyn 99 tell me why series#
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#Brooklyn 99 tell me why series#
You may book up to a series of 6 private lessons. You can only book up to 6 lessons at one time and they are scheduled by session. Private swim lessons allow the instructor to focus solely on the needs of their student. So, every friendly member of our team will know you. We are gymnasts, boxers, nutritionists, muay thai fighters, yogis, NCAA athletes and, most importantly, members of the Williamsburg-Greenpoint community. It's a unique, comprehensive blend of decades-long, multi-disciplinary training of our coaches. is not a gym, boot camp, or cross fit facility. Brooklyn SportsClub Friend to the community at Brooklyn Sports Club Brooklyn, New York, United States 128 connections. We’re happy to answer your questions and schedule a tour so you can see for yourself how our gym is different. Let’s talk! Call us at 718.514.6440 or complete and submit the form below. Locations throughout the New York area offering standard gym access, personal training, group classes, state of the art equipment, babysitting, kids programs and much more. You can also go direct to playnsa to search and register for tournaments. Save Atlanta SummerFest: Biz/Artist Exhibit, Showcase and Film Screening to your collection. November 25th-27th, 2022 at Oval/Acord/SLC - Salt Lake City, UT December 9th-11th, 2022 at SportOne Parkview Icehouse - Fort Wayne, IN December 16th-18th, 2022 at Riverside Ice Arena - Belvidere, IL. Our Aquatics staff are fully-certified and offer a range of programs for Beginner to Advanced. and it’s fun! Our Brooklyn Heights club offers a 40-foot pool that is lifeguard-supervised and completely equipped with training and safety equipment. Swimming is one of the best sports for overall exercise, conditioning, and improving stamina. The official Brooklyn Athletic Facility page for the New York University Violets. This year they tell us after 4 months that we have to. Each year this pool has closed down for months saying the pool has to be checked out and fixed. Categories About us Consumer FAQ Business FAQ. Now, let’s get to those audiobooks! We’ve got seven books already available for your listening pleasure, as well as three books to watch for later this year.Brooklyn Sports Club Reviews, Complaints & Contacts | Complaints Board. So if you’re hesitant to give audiobooks a try, I highly recommend starting with a book written and narrated by a celebrity you admire. But I’ve also gained more interest in audiobooks from listening to celebrity narrators, and I’ve gotten into plenty of other audiobooks as well. Celebrity memoirs were my gateway into audiobooks because it’s easier for me to focus on a familiar voice, and they’re still the most likely to keep me listening. I often find my attention straying while listening to audiobooks and then have to rewind to figure out what I missed. I love audiobooks, but I also have a short attention span and limited listening skills (sorry, I’m a Gemini). Once you listen to these new and upcoming celebrity audiobooks narrated by the author, you might just find yourself hooked. Hearing a celebrity tell their story in their own words can have an entirely different impact from reading the words on paper. There’s something uniquely wonderful about listening to an author narrate their own audiobook - especially if that author is a celebrity you already know and love.
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Private Sports Lessons for Kids
Private Sports Lessons for Kids are ideal way to boost self-confidence and self-esteem. Bee in Motion Classes help students of all ages develop physical skills and abilities. Call now at (516) 680-8497
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akari-hope · 3 years
lgbtq+ anime for pride month
decided to make this for anyone looking for new recommendations, or anyone who’s wanted to get into anime but doesn’t know where to start! all recs will include a summary, genres, applicable representation, and how accessible it is to people brand new to anime, as well as any major content warnings.
(a quick disclaimer for those new to anime - some series on here will NOT have explicit rep, but rather be heavily coded or have implied queer themes. however, these are included generally because the implication is strong enough to treat it as text, or because the series has been generally accepted as queer. i’ll be sure to clarify whether something is canon or coded in each entry.)
ouran high school host club (comedy, romance) summary: haruhi fujioka is an honor student on scholarship at the prestigious ouran academy, who’s only looking for a quiet place to study when he runs into the notorious host club. in his frantic attempt to leave, he accidentally breaks a vase valued at 8 million yen. club leader tamaki suou has an idea for how he can pay them back - working for the host club. rep: crossdressing/drag are staples of this series, nothing explicitly stated but there are definite themes of gender identity exploration, and the show doesn’t shy away from homosexual themes or ideas accessibility: newcomer friendly! the english dub of this series is notably good. content warnings: some 2000s-era language in regards to gay/trans people that may be seen as offensive today, one scene that implies intent of sexual assault (while there is no actual assault and it is quickly played off, it may still be upsetting to some viewers)
yuri!!! on ice (sports) summary: yuri katsuki is a professional figure skater, recovering from a crushing defeat at the grand prix final. he returns to his family home to debate what he plans to do for next season. he goes to the local ice rink to clear his mind, and shows his old friend there something he’s been practicing - his idol victor nikiforov’s latest world-winning routine. unbeknownst to yuri, he’s being filmed. the video goes viral, and before he knows it victor is standing right in front of him, offering to be his coach. rep: canon mlm romance accessibility: newcomer friendly! content warnings: a few scenes that briefly display anxiety/panic attack-like symptoms
given (drama, romance) summary: one day on his way to his favorite napping spot in school, ritsuka uenoyama finds a boy, mafuyu satou, dozing in his spot, clutching onto a guitar with rusted, broken strings. uenoyama wakes him up, berating him for not taking better care of his instrument. mafuyu, noticing his knowledge of the instrument, begs uenoyama to repair it and teach him to play. uenoyama initially refuses, but mafuyu is persistent, even following uenoyama to band practice. it’s not until uenoyama hears mafuyu sing that he changes his tune, offering lessons if he joins the band as their singer. rep: canon mlm romance accessibility: newcomer friendly! content warnings: discussions of grief and loss additional note: given also has a movie sequel, which has a scene involving sexual assault.
sweet blue flowers / aoi hana (romance, slice of life) summary: fumi manjoume and akira okudaira were best friends in elementary school, until fumi moved away. now in high school, fumi is back and attending the same school as akira once again. their relationship isn’t the same now, though. the two must navigate the new trials of high school while trying to revive their waning friendship. rep: canon wlw romance accessibility: newcomer friendly!
bloom into you / yagate kimi ni naru (drama, romance) summary: yuu koito has always dreamed of the sort of soft, heart-fluttering love in shoujo manga. when a boy finally confesses to her though she feels...empty. she begins to wonder if she only understands love conceptually, but cannot feel it. yuu is still mulling over how to respond to her suitor when she witnesses the student council president, touko nanami, turn down a love confession of her own. she decides to approach touko for advice, but then the unexepected happens - touko confesses to yuu. rep: canon wlw romance accessibility: newcomer friendly! content warnings: some mild sexual content, depictions of homophobia
stars align / hoshiai no sora (drama) summary: toma shinjou is desperate to recruit new members to the boys’ soft tennis club, which is on the verge of being disbanded due to poor performance. maki katsuragi, the new transfer student, immediately catches his interest due to his quick reflexes. toma persuades maki to join, and maki’s skill quickly becomes driving momentum for the entire team. through their shared sport, the boys of the soft tennis club explore their own capabilities and hardships as they navigate life. rep: canon nonbinary character, discussions of gender identity and sexuality accessibility: some prior knowledge of anime tropes and themes is desirable, but not necessary content warnings: discussions and depictions of abuse, bullying, and violence
mahou shoujo madoka magica (fantasy, psychological drama) summary: madoka kaname and sayaka miki are good friends, regular middle school girls with regular lives. one day, the mysterious homura akemi transfers into their class, and strange happenings begin occuring. they meet a strange cat-like creature known as kyuubey, injured and on the run from homura. as thanks for saving its life, kyuubey offers them a reward - he’ll grant any wish they desire, and in return they’ll become magical girls with the power to help others. homura, despite being a magical girl herself, discourages them, saying everything is not as it seems. rep: sapphic themes and implied romantic feelings accessibility: some prior knowledge of anime tropes and themes is desirable content warnings: blood, violence, major character death, unreality, grief additional note: madoka magica has 3 movie sequels, with a 4th on the way. while the first two are merely recaps of the series, the 3rd, rebellion, is a continuation of the story.
no. 6 (sci-fi, drama) summary: the world has been ravaged by war - the last safe haven of mankind lies in six walled-off city-states. shion is an elite resident of one such city-state, no. 6, given priority housing and treatment due to his exceptional abilities. one night, a fugitive by the name of nezumi sneaks into shion’s room, and threatens to kill him. despite knowing he’s a fugitive, shion instead tends to his wounds and shelters him for the night. when his transgression is discovered by the authorities, shion and his mother lose their elite status, and are relocated. now just a regular citizen, shion begins to discover a new side to the city he’s called home. years after their first meeting, he reunites with nezumi once more - their meeting putting in motion a series of events that will unveil the secrets of no. 6. rep: canon mlm romance, trans/nonbinary coded character accessibility: some prior knowledge of anime tropes and themes is desirable, but not necessary content warnings: blood, violence, major character death, body horror, insects (bees)
seraph of the end / owari no seraph (supernatural, action) summary: a virus ravages the human race, infecting and killing everyone above the age of 13. their food source now threatened, vampires come out of the shadows to take the remaining humans captive. the children of the hyakuya orphanage are among the survivors. yuuichirou detests the vampires, and is determined to escape. mikaela has hatched a plan to do just that. the hyakuya kids make their way to the exit of the vampire city, only to be ambushed by a vampire noble. yuuichirou is the only one to escape. he’s found by the japanese imperial demon army, who say they’ll use him against the vampires. believing the rest of the children dead, yuuichirou joins immediately, determined to seek revenge against the monsters who killed his only family. rep: implied romantic feelings between two men (in the manga the anime is based on this is canon, and the localization team views the relationship as romantic) accessibility: some prior knowledge of anime tropes and themes is desirable, but not necessary content warnings: blood, violence, death, body horror, unreality
banana fish (action, crime drama) summary: ash lynx is a runaway on the streets of nyc, taken in and raised by the godfather of the mafia, dino golzine. now the leader of his own gang, he begins investigating “banana fish” - the only two words his brother will speak after returning from the iraq war. ash meets his friend skip at a bar, where he’s shunichi ibe and eiji okumura, japanese photographers covering american gangs. however, their conversation is cut short, as dino’s men storm the bar and kidnap skip and eiji. ash sets out to rescue them and continue his investigation. rep: canon mlm romance accessibility: some prior knowledge of anime tropes and themes is desirable, but not necessary content warnings: blood, violence, major character death, drugs, homophobia, pedophilia, sexual assault, rape
wonder egg priority (fantasy, psychological drama) summary: after the suicide of koito nagase, ai ohto is left to grapple with reality without her best friend. under instructions of a mysterious entity, she purchases a wonder egg. ai breaks the egg in the world that materializes in her sleep, and is tasked with saving people. under the belief that she’ll be able to save koito, ai embarks on a journey where she must recognize the relationship between other people’s demons and her own. rep: canon trans characters, sapphic themes accessibility: some prior knowledge of anime tropes and themes is desirable content warnings: blood, violence, death, suicide, self-harm, transphobia, fatphobia, bullying, abuse, pedophilia, sexual assault, rape additional note: wonder egg priority has a special airing on june 30th, 2021, meant to wrap up the original series - as of writing this post, the series is technically incomplete.
flip flappers (fantasy, sci-fi) summary: cocona is an average middle schooler liing with her grandmother, no clear goals in mind for the future. she meets an odd girl, papika, who inites her to join the organization “flip flap”. cocona finds herself dragged along by papika into the world of pure illusion, a mysterious alternate dimension where papika searches for crystal shards. as cocona and papika explore pure illusion, they awaken to the power within the crystals, transforming into magical girls. they must learn to work together in order to unravel the mysteries of pure illusion, and their pasts. rep: sapphic themes and exploration of sexuality accessibility: some prior knowledge of anime tropes and themes is desirable content warnings: mild violence, unreality, mild sexual themes and nudity
noir (action, drama) summary: parisian assassin-for-hire mireille bouquet receives a strange email from kirika yuumara, a japanese student, who invites her to make “a pilgrimage to the past”. mireille makes to dismiss the email as nonsense, until it starts playing a song she recognizes from her youth. when the two meet in person, they’re ambushed by gun-wielding men. to mireille’s surprise, kirika is able to fend for herself - even more surprising, kirika has no memory of how she has such skills. the two of them team up to unravel the mysteries of their pasts, operating under the codename “noir”. rep: canon lesbian characters accessibility: some prior knowledge of anime tropes and themes is desirable, but not necessary content warnings: violence, death, implied rape and csa (not shown)
revolutionary girl utena / shoujo kakumei utena (fantasy, psychological drama) summary: after an encounter with a prince who comforted her after the death of her parents, utena tenjou is given a rose-crest ring, and a promise that they’ll meet again someday. however, utena has now committed to becoming a prince herself! after witnessing the abuse of fellow classmate anthy himemiya, utena is drawn into a dangerous game. duelists with rings matching her own battle for the ownership of anthy - the “rose bride”. utena decides she must free anthy from this fate. rep: canon sapphic characters, implied romance (in the movie sequel, this becomes canon) accessibility: prior knowledge of anime tropes and themes is necessary to fully enjoy this anime content warnings: unreality, violence, abuse, homophobia, pedophilia, incest, sexual assault, rape (for a comprehensive, spoiler-free breakdown of all potentially disturbing content, click here) additional note: the movie sequel, adolescence of utena, gives more explicit canon romance than the original series. however, the original series is considered an absolute classic must-watch for sapphics.
if anyone has questions about any series on here, feel free to ask! any other recommendations, feel free to tack on! (please include a summary, rep, accessibility, and any content warnings!)
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bee-in-motion · 1 month
Enhance Skills and Build Confidence of your Kids with Sports Lessons in NYC
If you’re a parent living in New York City and looking for fun activities for your kids to keep them engaged, you’ve reached the right place. In this article, we’ve discussed fantastic ways to introduce your little one to the joy of physical activity. We’re also going to discuss how you can help them develop essential skills that will be helpful for them throughout their lives. Such skills include teamwork, coordination, and confidence. Let’s explore a few popular sports programs for kids.
Soccer Lessons for Kids
Soccer is one of the most popular sports worldwide, and Sports Lessons for Kids NYC offers plenty of opportunities for kids to learn and play the beautiful game. Soccer lessons for kids typically focus on teaching basic skills such as dribbling, passing, and shooting in a fun and supportive environment. These lessons not only help children improve their physical fitness but also promote teamwork and communication skills as they learn to work together with their teammates towards a common goal.
Basketball Lessons for kids
Basketball is another favorite among kids, with many parks and recreation centers offering basketball lessons for children of all ages and skill levels. These lessons teach fundamental basketball skills such as dribbling, shooting, and defense, while also emphasizing the importance of sportsmanship and fair play. Basketball lessons provide a great opportunity for kids to stay active, make new friends, and develop confidence both on and off the court.
Tennis Lessons for Kids
Tennis is a sport that offers numerous benefits for kids, including improved hand-eye coordination, agility, and cardiovascular fitness. Many tennis clubs and community centers in New York offer tennis lessons specifically designed for children, with instructors who specialize in working with young players. These Sports Lessons for Kids NYC typically cover basic techniques such as forehand and backhand strokes, as well as the rules and etiquette of the game. Tennis lessons provide a fun and challenging way for kids to stay active while learning a lifelong sport.
Benefits of Sports Lessons for Kids
Participating in sports lessons offers a wide range of benefits for children beyond just physical fitness. Regular participation in sports helps kids develop important life skills such as discipline, resilience, and goal-setting. Sports also provide opportunities for children to learn how to handle both success and failure gracefully, building their confidence and self-esteem in the process. Additionally, sports lessons for kids promote socialization and teamwork, teaching children how to communicate effectively and collaborate with others towards a common objective.
In conclusion, sports lessons for kids in NYC are a fantastic way to keep children active, healthy, and engaged. Whether it's soccer, basketball, tennis, bike riding, or any other sport, participating in organized lessons helps children develop essential physical, mental, and social skills that will benefit them both on and off the field. So why wait? Enroll your child in a sports program today and watch them thrive as they discover the joy of playing sports!
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moragmacintosh · 2 years
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Not everyone can say they’ve been to the Big Apple, but  Morag MacIntosh, a 35 year-old ciswoman has lived in Upper East Side, Manhattan for five years. This is the city of dreams and she knows it, because they came to NYC to be Editor-in-chief at The New York Times. Living in the city means they meet all kinds of people, but everyone always seems to think they look like Erin Richards. They even got away with free cab fare once because of it!
BIRTHNAME: Morag MacIntosh
DOB: April 1st 1986 (35)
ORIGIN: Edinburgh, Scotland
RESIDENCE: Upper East Side, Manhattan
OCCUPATION: Editor-in-chief at The New York Times
FAMILY: Barnabus MacIntosh (father, 70)
Greer MacIntosh (mother, 65)
Aisling MacIntosh (sister, 45)
Malcolm MacIntosh (brother, 35)
Mhairi MacIntosh (sister, 27)
POSITIVE TRAITS: resilient, determined, intuitive
NEGATIVE TRAITS: manipulative, blunt, narcissistic
FAVOURITE SONG: Will claim it’s Mozart’s Exsultate, jubilate, K. 165 but in reality it’s Woman by Kesha
tw: murder, alcoholism
ambition and power have always been pillars that held the macintosh family above their peers. from the moment she was born, morag was conditioned for greatness.
although the firstborn twin, that ceased to mean anything until she reached her teenage years. her father was a traditional man, upset his eldest child wasn't a boy and pinning a great deal of hope on morag's brother from the moment he was born. as they grew, it started to become apparent that his son had not inherited the aggressively masculine thirst for ambition like his father. malcolm often preferred spending his time in creative pursuits. his short-lived sporting career wasn't even enough to appease him.
morag became the compromise. from a young age it was clear that she was much closer aligned with what her father expected in her brother. she knew how to charm a room and talk her way out of anything. she hated other kids, but often used them to get exactly what she wanted. although the family business was law, there was certain deals that were best kept behind closed doors. clients that her father shouldn't have been offering advice to that she would soften up with a smile and a story before they spoke to him. she wasn't in on the ploy, but she learned that appealing to people's better nature earned her what she wanted. whether that was extra pocket money or getting to stay up past her bed time or the chance to fire the nanny, it didn't matter. manipulation was a fine art and she intended to perfect it.
as she grew up, the scams became more fun. as she understood what these kind of men wanted, she learned the true power that her smile and a few well-worded questions. that wasn't to say her relationship with her father was much better than her siblings - he was a temperamental man that didn't like people and liked scotch just a little too much -  but it was still better.
when she and her brother were twelve years old, they were sent to boarding school in switzerland. morag hated it immediately. it wasn't the routine or the actual education - she was smart, she liked the challenge - but rather it was the other people. having to share a room with two other girls was the greatest strife of her life... which said a lot about the kind of life she was used to.
it was towards the end of her schooling that the cracks begin to show. her sister was an attorney with a family of her own, on track to continue doing exactly what was expected of her, but the mere thought turned mo's stomach. she had never liked the thought of doing something she wasn't passionate about for the rest of her life. especially putting in so much genuine hard work for little to no reward. her long-desired ballet career had fizzled out when her father suddenly decided she should no longer get lessons whilst he was in one of his moods. what she had always liked doing... was solving mysteries. or rather, creating mysteries and then pretending to solve them for attention.
it was only natural that that would manifest into a career in journalism, right?
everybody loves a well-written lie.
journalistic integrity was never her goal. after completing her undergraduate degree in paris, she moved on to columbia university to broaden her portfolio. all the while, she wrote articles on a broad spectrum of topics. however, fashion and crime were her greatest interests. the real breakthrough came after the murder of a renowned designer that was written off as natural causes. mo didn't believe it, the pieces didn't add up. and thus was born the now infamous article and glorious piece of investigative journalism - how to design your own death. the relatively poor title choice would haunt her for the rest of her career, but it was something that earned her enough renown to fly through her internship years and gain a steady footing in the world of journalism.
employees (NYT and household staff) (3/?)
siblings (1/3)
enemies (0/?)
friends (alleged) (0/?)
flings (0/?)
enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers to... (0/1)
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ploughwomen2 · 3 years
Brand new York Singles: Guide for Dating in New York
2, 2012 april Looking to impress a night out together ny City? Whether you’re brand new in town or a life-long New Yorker, here are a few fun date some ideas to consider within the ny. Dating in New York: Walk!
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Ditch the car. New York has got the most mass that is extensive in the country. Explore the very pedestrian-friendly city on foot, by bike, take a cab or ride the subway. Wander through the evening’s chosen borough — The Village is a superb spot you wouldn’t notice just driving through if you love bistros, jazz clubs, and great art — and discover hole-in-the-wall gems. Dating in Nyc: Regarding The Rooftops Nyc City has some of this best high-rises on the planet. Take your date to new heights and dine over the city streets. Whenever the weather’s beautiful, the Met opens its romantic rooftop garden café on Friday and Saturday evenings. It’s a great first-date spot for sipping cocktails while you swoon over the view. The Bookmarks Lounge is a yard rooftop during the Library Hotel with great views of Midtown Manhattan, both Top for the Strand and 230 Fifth offer prime views of the Empire State Building, and ‘70s-inspired Jimmy at The James resort hands over a 360-degree view of Soho. In the event that you want a little activity in your rooftop adventures, check out City Ice Pavillion, Queens’ only rooftop rink. Dating in Ny: The Big Green An outdoor date in New York City should be an obvious one with over 28,000 acres of municipal parkland. Central Park, the world-famous 883-acre park Manhattan is the many visited park in the nation and for valid reason: Ice rinks, the Central Park Zoo, the Central Park Conservatory Garden, Belvedere Castle, Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre, and the historic Carousel all call it home. Get for a stroll, have a picnic, splurge on a carriage trip, or pull out your rollerblades for an enjoyable, affordable date that celebrates your beautiful city. Some other green spaces worth visiting: Prospect Park in Brooklyn, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens, nyc Botanical Gardens in the Bronx, and Washington Square Park in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. Dating in Ny: Fun, Fun, Fun Dating in New York City doesn’t need certainly to be severe. Enjoy some flirty/competitive laser label at NYC Paintball in Queens. Play ping-pong at SPiN. Revisit childhood board that is favorite while ingesting adult beverages at East Village’s Common Ground. The Whiskey Brooklyn has a great game space, complete with arcade games, photo foosball and booth. Cheer on your team — seven screens follow most major league sports — while you challenge your date at Shuffleboard. Embrace your internal preschooler whenever you meet up for drinks, and drink on Momofuku Milk Bar’s addicting “Cereal Milk.” (To complement: try the “Compost Cookie.”) Laugh the night away at Greenwich Village’s famous Comedy Cellar. You might also catch a shock performance by a comedy legend. (Chris Rock and Aziz Ansari have been proven to show up unannounced.) If you prefer your fun— that is cheap free — you’re in luck: Complimentary plays and performances that are musical to Summerstage in Central Park every summer. Magnet Theater offers intro that is free Improv classes. BAFcaf in Brooklyn hosts free jazz/world/R&B that is live weekend. And you’ll find The After Party, a free Broadway-inspired open mike, in the basement of Laurie Beechman Theater in Midtown every Friday. Dating in Nyc: Get Cultured It’s been called “the cultural capital of the world.” New York City is a world-class contender in art, cuisine, opera, theater, music, museums, fashion, literature, and independent film. There’s no shortage of museums to go to, music to enjoy, or fashion to covet. Enigma’s mystery that is outdoor will just take you on a walking tour of historic Brooklyn Heights. And Sleep No More will draw you in as a member of its masked, moving audience. Get inspired by contemporary art at the MoMa — there’s always a exhibit that is new lining up for — or visit the former mansion of steel magnate Henry Clay Frick in the Upper East Side to ooh and aah over the Frick Collection, an impressive compilation of paintings and sculptures by some of Europe’s best artists. Dating in Brand New York: Learn This has been claimed that you learn something new every day. Make your date an educational one and take a class together. Foodies can make their pizza at Pizza a Casa Pizza School, perfect French macarons at Mille-Feuille Bakery Cafe’s workshop, or — if you’re comfortable with each other and planning that is you’re #31, maybe not Date # 1 — concoct a sensual meal for 2 courtesy of Appetite for Seduction. Chocoholics, try your hand at making chocolate at JoMart Chocolates. Artsy folks will appreciate Paint Along, a two-hour paint class that lets you drink — it’s BYOB — while you create. Graffiti artist Jesse Edwards offers an class that is introductory graffiti art, tagging and lettering. And at Mud, perspiration and Tears, you can reenact that scene that is infamous Ghost while you make your own pottery. If you’d rather be an action hero than Patrick Swayze, just take your date to Westside Rifle & Pistol where you’ll uncover to shoot .22 caliber rifles together. Dating in Ny: Stylish Keep things casual — and bet-a-beer worthy — by deciding on a stylish date. Cheer on the Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets, Rangers, Knicks, or Red Bulls either during the game or at a sports bar. If you prefer sports live, but would additionally rather save yourself your hard earned money, check out some minor hockey. The Brooklyn Aces tickets that are a fraction of the Rangers’. If you would rather be active than watch others, you can perfect your swing at Chelsea Piers’ heated driving range, hone your competitive Skee-Ball skills at Full Circle Bar (the national home of Brewskee-Ball), rent a rowboat at the Loeb Boathouse in Central Park, embrace your inner Robin Hood at Pro Line Archery Lanes, or spend the entire evening at Brooklyn Bowl, where you can bowl, dine and dance at a single venue. Dating in New York: Touristy Simply because you call New York home doesn’t mean that you can’t be a tourist in your own backyard. Channel the ending that is romantic of in Seattle — spoiler alert! — and meet your date at the very top of this Empire State Building. Where haven’t you been? Ice skate at Rockefeller Center, or ride the Wonder Wheel on Coney Island. Be a young kid again at FAO Schwartz. Attend the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade (or the Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village) day. Line up for Broadway rush seats. Get an education that is international the United Nations Headquarters. Enjoy cheap drinks on the (free!) Staten Island ferry as you check out the nation’s most statue that is famous. Celebrate your city as visitors do. Dating in New York: Old-School Living in the past? Arrange a retro date. Brand new York was considered a center for jazz within the ‘40s, and still remains a hot spot for live jazz every night of the week. Check out tiny jazz wine and joint bar Louis 649 in the East Village, or Cleopatra’s Needle on the Upper West Side. Take swing dance lessons at Dance Manhattan Studios, then head to Raines Law Room, Death + Company, or Apothéke, all modern-day speakeasies. Cobble Hill’s Clover Club feels as though it belongs in the 1920s, along with its walls that are paneled retro cocktails and jazz criteria and ballads serenading clients every Wednesday evening. Skip a couple decades and walk into The Astor Room, a supper that is‘40s-themes, complete with live jazz piano and cocktails named for Hollywood legends. McSorley’s Old Ale House is the oldest tavern that is irish the city, dating back to the mid-1800s. The floors are covered in sawdust, and the faded American flag hanging through the entryway has only 48 stars. Order a beer — dark or light are your only options — and sit back when the bartender slams the half pints down on your slightly table that is sticky. There’s only one rule here: Be good or be gone. Dating in New York: Movie Night Want to catch a movie? Your city is the world leader in independent film production; so for a memorable night out, choose for something only a little less commercial. If you’re still searching for that perfect retro night out, Williamsburg’s one-screen Spectacle Theater frequently screens silent films, accompanied by live music. You’ll find rare films and cult classics here, too. In the spring, the Tribeca Film Festival takes over Lower Manhattan. Catch a screening that includes a Q&A with your favorite director and try to predict which flicks will become award-season darlings later in the year. The retro Brooklyn Heights Cinema showcases independent, international and films that are art-house. As an added draw, they have a cappuccino bar — and offer their specialty that is in-house coke! At the Film Forum is New York’s just autonomous nonprofit cinema. The cinema that is three-screen works by emerging filmmakers, international art movies, US classics, and retrospectives. Here you’ll find films that other theaters would take a chance n’t on. At Nitehawk Cinema, the go-to date of dinner and a movie is combined into a delicious (and boozy, if you so choose) movie-going experience. Enjoy tableside food and beverage service — nightly specials are concocted to complement your movie choice — as you watch independent films and favorites that are cult. Find out more about New York Singles! DATING IDEASMEET SINGLESNEW YORK
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Globe, October 5
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Jeffrey Epstein’s assistant Sarah Kellen Vickers’ shocking deposition and why Ghislaine Maxwell is terrified of her testimony 
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- Anne Heche laughing, Serena Williams on the court at the U.S. Open, Justin Theroux cleans up after his dog in NYC 
Page 3: Josh Duhamel in a sling, A.J. McLean bald and wearing a mask and sporting a nasty scalp scar, Julianne Hough drinking in Studio City 
Page 4: Fox News’ popular pundit Andrew Napolitano who is a former New Jersey Superior Court judge is accused in a civil suit of forcing a male defendant to give him oral sex in exchange for a light sentence, David Bowie lured Tina Turner into a steamy tryst by dancing naked in front of her wearing one of her wigs and mimicking her singing Rolling on the River in 1985
Page 5: Furious mom of eight Kate Gosselin is determined to win back custody of son Collin after the teen sparked a child abuse furor by publicly claiming his raging dad Jon Gosselin kicked him for denting their car, Kelly Clarkson is keeping her lips zipped about her heart-shattering divorce from Brandon Blackstock so their young kids won’t be wounded by an ugly public fight 
Page 6: TV’s queen of mean Ellen DeGeneres isn’t just despised by her staff and crew she’s also hated by her housekeepers who she treats like dirt
Page 7: Accused sex fiend Prince Andrew is a disgrace and the monarchy is erasing him from official family photos and banning him from all major events -- tarred by his dozen-year friendship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and charges he bedded one of the billionaire’s teen sex slaves Andrew was just eliminated from his father Prince Philip’s 100th birthday celebration set for June 10
Page 8: Glee star Naya Rivera didn’t have to die -- the 33-year-old actress drowned on a boating trip with her son and her death was ruled an accidental drowning but a renowned forensic pathologist says the tragedy could have been prevented because she had vertigo and it may have triggered a panic attack as she struggled to get back in the boat -- if she had been wearing a life jacket she’d probably still be alive 
Page 10: Former president Jimmy Carter has come clean about Willie Nelson getting high on the White House roof with his son Chip, Lisa Marie Presley reveals she divorced Michael Jackson after he pressured her to have a baby -- Michael already had his dermatologist’s assistant Debbie Rowe lined up to be his baby mama and he sucker-punched Lisa Marie with an ultimatum have my child or Debbie would do it
Page 11: Tiger Woods’ worst nightmare is coming true as ex-galpal Rachel Uchitel is finally dishing the dirt on their steamy affair that destroyed his marriage and put his golf career in a tailspin -- Rachel is in talks to join The Real Housewives of New York City and finally wants to set the record straight 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Miles Teller wearing his mask wrong and wearing two caps (picture), Candace Cameron Bure barked back at fan backlash blasting the wholesome TV star for posting a cheeky snap of husband Valeri Bure cupping his famous wife’s breast, Jessica Alba sobbed like a baby after discovering her 12-year-old daughter Honor is taller than she is, Zac Efron apparently has a thing for brunette beauties named Vanessa -- having once famously romancing his High School Musical co-star Vanessa Hudgens he’s now head over heels for a 25-year-old Aussie waitress named Vanessa Valladares, Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady is done with cold weather forever -- after spending two decades with the New England Patriots Tom has really warmed up to Florida’s balmy year-round weather and his new team but his daughter Vivian doesn’t like it hot all the time 
Page 13: Britt Ekland (picture), Jason Sudeikis at the beach (picture), Selma Blair’s hair has grown back after chemo treatment for MS (picture) 
Page 14: Reese Witherspoon lives in a newly renovated multimillion-dollar Nashville mansion but it’s her closet that’s a priceless showstopper because she turned a massive walk-in closet into a museum with wardrobe treasures from her iconic gigs like Legally Blonde and Walk the Line as well as lavish gowns and accessories she’s donned on the red carpet, Selena Gomez’s gourmet kitchen got too hot for the culinary novice to handle so she got herself an HBO show she shoots at home called Selena + Chef where the star invites renowned chefs to give her cooking lessons via remote video, Fashion Verdict -- Joy Bauer 7/10, Katherine Waterston 4/10, Nathalie Emmanuel 3/10, Vanessa Kirby 10/10, Maya Hawke 2/10 
Page 16: Jane Fonda’s great regret was skipping some Sexual Healing from singer Marvin Gaye who was gaga over her, Bar Refaeli barely escaped jail after being convicted of cheating her native Israel out of a fortune in taxes but she did get nine months of community service plus a $1.5 million fine and was ordered to pay back taxes on $7.5 million in earnings
Page 17: Chris Evans was red-faced after accidentally posting fully nude social media selfies showing the Captain American hunk standing stiffly at attention
Page 18: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Liam Neeson, Jay Leno has a new gig hosting the iconic game show You Bet Your Life, drama-plagued Denise Richards won’t be returning to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills after a stormy two-season stint on the show 
Page 20: True Crime 
Page 24: Cover Story -- Murdered pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell is shaking in her prison cell terrified the billionaire pervert’s former personal assistant Sarah Kellen Vickers will rat her out to the federal prosecutors who’ve charged her with sex crimes -- the feds could get a slam-dunk case against Ghislaine by making a deal for Sarah to squawk but so far she’s not talking 
Page 26: Health Report 
Page 30: Hoda Kotb is moving fast to have baby No. 3 with fiance Joel Schiffman at age 56 -- the two are in seventh heaven raising her adopted daughters Haley and Hope and want to add a boy to their brood 
Page 38: Real Life 
Page 44: Straight Talk -- in a desperate bid to get attention and return to relevance forgotten celebrity Paris Hilton has joined the crusade to help Britney Spears gain control over her $59 million fortune 
Page 45: Caitlyn Jenner is feeling smug about Keeping Up With the Kardashians ending its run after 14 years on TV but she’s upsetting her reality star relatives by reveling in their misery plus Caitlyn who appeared on the E! show for several seasons as Kris Jenner’s husband Bruce believes things would have been different had they not iced her out of the series 
Page 47: Hollywood Flashback -- John Candy in 1989′s Uncle Buck, Bizarre But True 
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deepbluexsea · 3 years
Task #1
Basic Information
Full Name: Jonathan Scott James-Michaels.
Nickname(s): Johnny, John, Jay (Briel only). D.A. James-Michaels.
Age: 47 years young.
Date of Birth: May 10, 1973.
Hometown: Manhattan, New York.
Current Location: Yep, you guessed it – Manhattan, New York.
Gender: Male.
Pronouns: Johnny goes by he/him pronouns only.
Sexual Orientation: Mostly gay. He has been attracted to women in the past, but it has been extremely rare.
Occupation: District Attorney of New York County, N.Y.
Living Arrangements: Johnny lives with Briel in the home they bought and renovated together in 2010.
Language(s) Spoken: English (native), French (proficient), Spanish (intermediate).
Accent: Typically, Johnny doesn’t have a very strong accent; as an attorney of 22 years, he has worked on having skilled vocal control. He also had voice lessons as a kid. However, when he’s not paying attention, not at work, or gets really into an argument, his accent is clearly NYC metropolitan. 
Physical Appearance
Hair Color: Dirty blonde/light brown.
Eye Color: Blue, very blue.
Height: 6′1″.
Build: Johnny usually maintains a fairly athletic and somewhat muscular physique.
Tattoos: Two. 1) A drunken “accident” in college that he now hides. Only Briel has ever gotten to see it. 2) His husband’s initials over his heart. 
Piercings: None. Never. And none in the future.
Clothing Style: Johnny is almost always found in a suit due to his profession. If he doesn’t have court, he’ll wear slacks and a button-up or a sweater. On his off days, he’s mostly business casual. At home, he dresses as most guys do (e.g., a t-shirt and jeans).
Favorite Accessories: His watch and his wedding ring.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Undeniably, Johnny’s eyes are hard to miss. People comment on his teeth/smile. Mainly, he’s noticed for the way he commands a room.
Physical Conditions: None. Johnny’s physical health is good. He wears contact lenses and has a couple scars, but that’s it.
Mental Health Conditions: Alcohol Abuse Disorder - in remission.
Allergies: Some mild seasonal allergies, but nothing severe.
Sleeping Habits: Johnny typically goes to bed at or before 10:00 PM and wakes up around 5:30 AM (much to Gabriel’s chagrin). On the weekends, he’s a little more lax. One thing everybody knows about Johnny is that he can sleep anywhere, and will fall asleep when/wherever he feels the urge.
Eating Habits: Mostly healthy/balanced. He sticks to lean meats, veggies, etc., although he isn’t obsessed. Food just isn’t on his mind a lot. Johnny will often forget to eat if someone doesn’t feed him.
Exercise Habits: He enjoys running, boxing, and weightlifting a few times a week.
Addictions: None anymore, thankfully. He will smoke a cigar every now and again, but it’s far from an addiction.
Drug Use: In college, he experimented with psychedelics, molly, and weed. It didn’t stick.
Alcohol Use: Once or twice a year now that he is sober. One drink + water.
Label: It’s literally impossible to pick just one, right??? The Competitor (attorney + personality), The Advocate, The Liberator, and The Reformer (attorney), and The Thinker (personality). Different ones at different times, and sometimes a combination. 
Positive Traits: Intelligent, caring, hardworking, methodical, clean/organized, passionate.
Negative Traits: Competitive, stubborn, argumentative, blunt, relentless.
Goals/Desires: Taking an extended vacation on the boat. Seeing the aurora borealis. Raising/watching his kids grow successfully. Retiring and spending more of life with his husband. Seeing justice prevail more often than not.
Fears: Losing his family. Heights.
Hobbies: Watching the New York Yankees, taking care of and going out on his boat, playing with his pets + kids, cooking, reading, singing, traveling, taking Gabriel out.
Habits: Running his hands through his hair, chewing on pens, drinking when stressed (past).
Season/Weather: Fall. Not too hot, not too cold.
Color: Probably blue. Maybe green.
Music Genre: Rock, singer-songwriter, classical.
Movie: Legally Blonde? He doesn’t watch a lot of movies because he doesn’t really have time, but when he does, he falls asleep during at least half of them.
Sport: Baseball, but he will also watch football.
Beverage: Coffee at all times of the day.
Food: Sushi? Pizza? Steak? Not picky.
Animal: Dogs. Definitely dogs.
Father: Geoffrey Warren Michaels – former Wall Street analyst (deceased since June 2020).
Mother: Virginia Lorraine Matthews – former private practice attorney; current co-owner of Matthews & Wyatt, LLC. She resides at 305 West End Assisted Living Facility and is 87 years of age (although still sharp as a tack).
Sibling(s): None; a spoiled only child.
Children: Juliet Michaels (biological daughter), Andrew James (stepson), Constance James (stepdaughter), Arabella James-Michaels (adopted daughter, step-granddaughter via Constance).
Pet(s): Four dogs, two cats, a rabbit, a donkey, and an alpaca. The last two live at Gabriel’s place from when they were separated in 2018.
Other Important People: Sam Wilder – best friend. Joan Lourd (deceased; best friend for many years). His staff at the D.A.’s office. Gabriel’s friends and coworkers are also often a big part of his life (Nicola, Kale, Kid, Abby, etc.). 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus – smart, ambitious, stubborn, hardworking, inflexible, reliable, pleasure-seeking, resilient, blunt.
MBTI: ENTJ – The Commander. While Johnny wavers between introverted and extroverted, this personality type fits him best. “People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority. Commanders can be dominant and relentless. They are true powerhouses. They cultivate an image of being larger than life – and often enough, they are.” Strengths: strategic, efficient, strong-willed, inspiring. Weaknesses: stubborn, impatient, ruthless.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw – intelligence, knowledge, curiosity, creativity, and wit.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral: The Judge – law, tradition, order, organization, reliable, honorable. However, Johnny would not fit with the weaknesses; he is very appreciative of diversity and freedom.
Primary Vice: Pride – excessive belief in one’s own abilities; also known as Vanity.
Primary Virtue: Diligence – no matter what stands in their way, one with this virtue will accomplish their goals + stay true to their core beliefs. 
Element: Earth – real, methodical, physical, bull-headed. Though Johnny has characteristics of Fire (natural leader, dynamic) and Air (clever, free-thinking), and he has wished to garner more Water characteristics, Earth fits him best.
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