#spring equinox you cannot come soon enough
aastraeus · 7 months
i miss summer - i miss seeing the sun in the sky past midnight, the air a gentle breeze, the birds in the trees outside my bedroom window still singing their songs because the summers in norway have no nights - for a moment the sun will set, dip her feet into the ocean briefly, only to shake her beautiful golden head and rise again, radiant in all her light
i miss summer. in the winter the night is endless
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pocketramblr · 4 years
Ok in an attempt to exorcise the part of my brain thinking about doing a full rewrite of the Labyrinth au, I'm just going to tell you all everything about it right here instead
- four courts, according to the seasons. The Moraine Monarch rules Spring, the Seelie Ruiri is over Summer, the Goblin King over Autumn, and the Unseelie Emperor over Winter
- as transitional courts, Spring and Autumn rulers are actually always born human. The Moraine each claim a changeling for their Heir, and the Goblin King was the first wish-away
- though different sorts of fae make up the rulers of each, there are every type in each kingdom- from pixies to goblins to elves to dragons.
- All Hallows Eve marks the most chaotic night as far as fae in the human realm go- the solstices and equinoxes have a lot too, but more limited to one group at a time. Not so for this free for all. That means that this is the worst night possible to make a wish-away: while the Goblin King has claim over all of them, this is the one night that another may grab a wish-away first, and depending on who grabs them it can be rather difficult to get them back
- Izuku was a human boy until he met, befriended, and then was taken by Toshinori, the current Moraine Monarch and a changeling himself. Yo Shindo was left in his place. Inko has noticed her son growing more confident as he grows older, but doesn't think anything else is off. Izuku uses "Deku" as a common name to not give away his, and is the Heir of Spring.
- The Ruiri of Summer is Grandpa Yakuza himself. Chisaki is a Ri Buiden (lesser king, if you will), and the most notable thing he's done is attempt to snatch Shoto when he was wished away (and failed), and then kidnapped Eri, at the time the only known Spring Unicorn. Izuku and a few others had to get him back, and Chisaki's power was reduced in his court, the Ruiri giving Mirio some of his ceremonial powers instead.
- Hawks is the Goblin King, the first child to be wished away. The only one that's never had an Heir, his court has always been at a disadvantage to the others, so as charitable as he is for someone who's been in fairy for so long, he's got some personal motivation in getting all of the Todorokis so he can finally be at equal stance with the other courts and not rely on Spring so much.
- Tomura is the newest court leader, the Emperor of Winter who sits on the throne and bones of the former one he was raised by before usurping. The last Emperor took him from Spring after an insult from former queen Nana. He's a quarter human, initially, but being majority fae means he's fine to sit on the throne. Even if it gives him... Slight confidence issues.
- Enji has dragon and elven blood. Rei has selkie and witch. Of their children, only Shoto has an affinity for all four abilities. Natsuo only has witch, Fuyumi only selkie, and Touya only dragon. This matters little in the human world, but does attract fae and gives them the supernaturally bad luck of wishing-aways always happening on All Hallows.
- Touya, wished-away first, was intercepted by the former Emperor. His burns are a result of this, and he's held together by iron piercings that he had to himself to free himself of any influence by the Emperor or any other fae. They're his best and only defense when his offensive dragon fire fails.
- Shoto, wished-away second, was almost taken by Chisaki but as Hawks learned and was watching more closely this time, he snatched him back before anything worse than one minor burn was dealt. Shoto grew most quickly of the siblings, about fourteen years worth in the span of two human ones. He's more amiable to Hawks and more aware of the full scope of his plans, but he's also rather irreverent and not actually close to him, preferring to wander and spend time with his own friends.
- Natsuo, the third wish-away. Also the one Hawks intends to name Heir, though as Hawks has functional immortality, he does so planning that the lad will never rule, unlike the Moraine. Honestly the most happy about being in Fairy, and the one told the most about the plan.
- Fuyumi, a selkie born without a sealskin. As such, as soon as she interacted with magic it became possible that something would become her "skin" in that if taken, she'd be forced to physically follow and wouldn't be able to access any magic without it. Hawks suspects that her siblings might have become her skin and that she would be compelled to enter the Labyrinth anyway, but isn't actually sure. He doesn't care since his plan works either way.
- Touya- going by Dabi since he's been burned enough to know fae rules by now- is told by Hawks that Fuyumi is there to try to retrieve her brother, right before the All Hallows where they're planning on bringing Rei to Fairy. He assumes that she's here for Shoto and the his job (he, regrettably, Owes Hawks even beyond being beholden to him as a wish-away) is to stall her until. On learning that this isn't the case, he sorta freaks out just a little. A lot. He isn't happy, ok. He isn't happy that she wished-away Natsuo, and the fact that she wasn't there for Shoto ruined some of the perception he had that of course people came for the perfect mix but not him. Both of them having been 'forgetten' is something that required a paradigm shift.
- This is further complicated after he tricks Fuyumi into eating a drugged apple and watches her dream- one that includes all three of her brothers, and now he has to accept that she didn't come for the other two not because they were forgetten but because Natsuo was literally the only one she could. Then he gets sus of Hawks for that, and wakes her mostly because he wants to get to the King quickly and demand an answer.
- enter Shoto, who both gives them exposition faster about the plan, and also slows them down because Fuyumi cannot be allowed to see Natsuo until the time ends and she has a million questions for him about how on earth he's not a two year old.
- there are a few minor subplots about Shoto preparing to help Rei pass over via a mirror in her bathroom in the hospital, about Mitsuki being a mother still looking for her wish-away after years in the Labyrinth, about Tomura having pixie spies, about Izuku being annoyed that as changelings he and Toshinori can't go back over to the human land when everyone else does, and about Hitoshi needing something from Hawks so he offers his silvertongue services at stalling Fuyumi once Dabi flips out and leaves temporarily.
- other characters: Toga is an Unseelie pixie who got her wing privileges revoked after annoying Tomura but will likely get them back, Aizawa is a Cat Sidhe, Tenya an elf, Ochako a Seelie pixie. The first Moraine Monarch, First, was a human changeling. AfO was the one exchanged for him, and he was rather unhappy to come back to Fairy to find that the minor human he replaced and had been chosen for the throne, so he decided he should have a crown just like his "brother." Or rather, bigger than his brother's.
- I'm also toying with the idea that, as someone born human, Hawks can actually "dial up or down" how human or fae he is at any moment, to the point of being able to lie and resist iron, though at those times he's unable to access any magic and monitor his kingdom so he really tries not to go that far but to keep a good balance. Unsure but yeah the rest is fun.
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all-that-jazz-93 · 3 years
American Dragon Timeline
I’ve been trying for a while now to figure out the timeline of this show, because it makes no sense in the order that Disney Channel originally aired the episodes. It also makes no sense in the episode list on Jeff Goode’s website, which he claims to be the proper chronology of events.
I had to come up with a few convoluted headcanons to make this work, but I think I’ve finally pieced together a coherent timeline (note that for a lot of the filler episodes, it doesn’t actually matter that much when they take place, I was just trying to stick as close to Jeff Goode’s chronology as possible.)
September 2004
Old School Training
It’s implied in this episode that Jake got his dragon powers very recently. They don’t say how recently, but given how new the whole thing is to him, I’d say it’s probably only been about a week or two.
Here’s where we come up against our first issue with canon. In The Legend of Dragon Tooth, Jake says he got his dragon powers when he turned 13, and in Shapeshifter, he says he’s a Pisces, which means his birthday would be in late February, or March. There’s no way the timeline makes sense if that’s the case, so my headcanon is that Jake is just like…really bad at astrology, and he somehow confused Pisces with another star sign.
We also have the issue of how far behind he seems to be in school (he’s 14 in early season 2, but still in 7th grade). So, two more headcanons to explain that. Number one, Jake’s birthday is actually sometime in early September, so he missed the cutoff to go to kindergarten when he was 5, and had to wait until he was 6, placing him a year behind (some places don’t allow kids to start kindergarten if they turn 5 after September 1st. I knew a boy in my old youth group who was almost a year older than everyone else in our grade, because he had an October birthday). Number two, at some point in elementary school, Jake was held back a grade. So the first episode takes place shortly after Jake’s 13th birthday, at the beginning of his sixth grade year.
Since Trixie and Spud are supposed to be the same age as him, that would mean they must’ve both been held back at some point as well (that especially makes sense for Spud—anyone who’s purposely failed as many tests as he has would almost definitely have to repeat a grade).
This would also make Rose younger than them. She’s very bright, and she seems like a good student, so it’s unlikely she was ever held back. But we don’t want her to be too much younger than them, so I’ll headcanon that she also has a birthday in early September, making her a year younger than Jake. If that’s the case, she’d be 12 in season one, and 13/14 in season 2.
Adventures in Trollsitting/Fu Dog Takes a Walk
The dogcatcher says that it’s September.
 September/October 2004
Shapeshifter Dragon Breath The Legend of Dragon Tooth The Talented Mr. Long Professor Rotwood’s Thesis Act 4, Scene 15 The Long Weekend Body Guard Duty Dragon Summit
This episode has to take place after Shapeshifter, Dragon Breath, and Professor Rotwood’s Thesis, since the Dragon Council makes references back to Jake’s actions in all of those episodes. It also has to take place before The Halloween Bash, which places it sometime in September or October.
 October 2004
The Halloween Bash
Jeff Goode’s website lists this episode as taking place between Ski Trip and The Hunted, but there’s no way that’s possible, because Ski Trip takes place close to Valentine’s Day, and The Hunted takes place during the Equinox (they don’t specify which Equinox, but it would have to be the one in September; it’s the only way the timeline makes any sense, even with the generous liberties I’m taking with these headcanons). So The Halloween Bash has to take place before Ski Trip. No one in this episode makes any reference to knowing Rose’s identity, so it works out just fine.
 February 2005
The Ski Trip
Valentine’s Day was actually on a Monday in 2005, so presumably this episode takes place the weekend of February 11-13.
 March 2005
The Egg/The Heist
Easter was on March 27 in 2005. This is how I know The Hunted takes place during the Autumnal Equinox; Rose was still in the city during Easter weekend, a week after the Vernal Equinox.
Eye of the Beholder Ring Around the Dragon Jake Takes the Cake
 May 2005
Fu and Tell/Flight of the Unicorn
Flight of the Unicorn takes place on Memorial Day, which was May 30th that year
 May/June (or September) 2005
Keeping Shop
Hong Kong Nights
I know Jeff Goode’s website says this is the last episode of season one, but I absolutely cannot accept any episode besides The Hunted as the season finale, so I’m just gonna recognize that the council has made a decision, but elect to ignore it.
 September 2005
The Hunted
The Autumnal Equinox in 2005 was on September 22
 Late November/Early December 2005
Half Baked
Jake says it’s been three months since Rose left. It couldn’t be exactly three months, because that would place this episode in late December, and school would be out for the holidays. So presumably it’s late November or early December, and Jake is rounding up when he says three months.
The Academy
This one would pretty much have to take place very soon after Half Baked, like within a week or two.
 Late December 2005
This episode establishes that 88 and 89 are in the city working as apprentices to the Huntsman, so it has to take place before the Christmas episode, which they also appear in.
Hairy Christmas
January/February 2006
(Most of these don’t actually have to take place in January or February, aside from Dreamscape and Fool’s Gold. The rest could be pretty much any time during Jake’s 7th grade year. I’m just trying to stick to Jeff Goode’s chronology, and keep at least some of the episodes in the order he listed.)
Hero of the Hourglass Bring It On Family Business Something Fishy This Way Comes The Doppelganger Gang Dreamscape Fool's Gold
 February 2006
The Love Cruise
They never explicitly say it’s Valentine’s Day, but the whole concept of the Love Cruise seems like something a school would do for Valentine’s Day. Also adds an extra layer of heartbreak, because it means Jake and Rose’s breakup happened on the one-year anniversary of Jake finding out Rose was Huntsgirl. Ouch. February has not been kind to Jake.
On the other hand, I’d prefer to headcanon that Jake and Rose got to spend the whole summer together before their breakup, going on dream dates every night and not having to set their alarms for school in the morning (can we just let them be happy for a little while? PLEASE?!?!?!?), so maybe the Love Cruise wasn’t on Valentine’s Day, and instead was just some random school event at the beginning of their 8th grade year.
 May 2006
Feeding Frenzy
They spend three days visiting Jake’s family, so it’s either Memorial Day weekend, spring break, or summertime. Most likely Memorial Day or spring break, since Jake says in this episode that he’s been the American Dragon for a year and a half.
 May/June 2006
A Befuddled Mind The Rotwood Files Haley Gone Wild Switcheroo
This one takes place after The Love Cruise, because Jake and Rose’s recent breakup is a minor plot point, so it only takes place at this point if we headcanon Love Cruise taking place in February.
Young At Heart
I know this is supposed to be a later episode, but going by this timeline, Jake would be 15 for most of his 8th grade year, and in this episode Jake, Trixie, and Spud talk about being 14, so it has to take place during 7th grade
 Summer between 7th and 8th grade
A Ghost Story
 Late September/Early October 2006
I never went to public school (I was unfortunately homeschooled), but it’s my understanding that middle schools don’t do Homecoming. So my headcanon is that it was actually just a junior high prom or something, but a few students on the planning committee approached Sun Park and begged her to let them model it after the Homecoming dances at their older siblings’ high schools. Sun was delighted by their enthusiasm, so of course she agreed.
 Any time during their 8th grade year
Supernatural Tuesday Siren Says Shaggy Frog Nobody's Fu Game On Bite Father, Bite Son Magic Enemy #1
 February 2007
Year of the Jake
Chinese New Year was on February 18th in 2007
 March 2007
Furious Jealousy
Trixie and Spud put together a Daylight Savings themed school event, so this episode takes place either in October of 06 or March of 07. We’ll go with March because it’s closer to the end of the series.
 June 2007
Being Human
Haley and Gramps both say in this episode that Jake is 14, but he would actually be 15 by this point (even if my whole timeline is wrong and he actually is a Pisces, he still would’ve had his 15th birthday already). Presumably the writers just weren’t paying close enough attention to their established timeline, but the in-universe explanation is…sometimes family members forget your age; my best friend keeps saying her youngest sister is 15, when in fact her sister is turning 17 this year. Sometimes you lose track.
 Summer after 8th grade
The Hong Kong Longs
Presumably this episode takes place around July or August, which means Jake and his friends would be almost 16 by this point (and Rose would be almost 15, assuming my headcanon about her being a year younger than them is accurate).
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allycryz · 4 years
Apodyopis for Nerys and Thancred? (Or for Nerys and Haurche if that fits better for you)
Set during the Astral Era quests, probably some time between Ramuh and Leviathan
PG-13 for sexual thoughts/implications and an implied foursome; brief food mention
WoL x Thancred
It takes the better part of an hour to end up perched on Ahtstahl's lap with Greinswyf seated beside them.
Contrary to rumor, being Warrior of Light does not lead to a flood of eager would-be lovers. It leads to some, she won’t lie. But most respond with deference, caution, careful handling. As if at any point someone else will notice and they shall be in trouble.
What helps is that she knows these two somewhat. They have all worked together on settlement construction efforts, trapping creatures for meat and parts, being invited to the same revels in the pub. There is the easy familiarity of those who have seen each other often without deeper intimacy, save appreciative glances between her and the couple.
Nerys now leans against Ahtstahl's broad chest, watching the circle of dancers about the aetheryte. A breeze whispers cold into her bare arms, causing the fine hairs to stand up on end. The combined warmth of her companions helps some against the chill.
It isn't correct to call it unseasonal for a Spring Festival. The last calamity changed Mor Dhona to where it’s possible to experience all the climates in a single day.
Ahtstahl runs the backs of his large sage-colored hands over her arms. “And where is your coat, Warrior of Light?” His tone is light, caressing around the syllables of the title.
“What need have I of a coat?” She asks, smirking. “With two such fine companions to keep me warm.”
Greinswyf laughs, low and throaty. She gathers the end of one of the pink ribbons streaming from Nerys’ flower crown, wrapping it about her index finger. “Smoothly done.”
The merriment produces her own chuckle. “I thought so. I haven’t lost my touch?”
“Not as far as I can tell. Though I would be convinced if you buy the next round of mulled wine…”
“Absolutely not,” says Ahtstahl, his voice rumbling through his chest and into Nerys. “Don’t let her guilt you, Nerys-”
“Damn.” The Roegadyn woman grins at them both. “You two shall not let me have any fun.”
“-because,” he continues as if his partner hasn’t interjected. “I plan on her buying us breakfast.”
They all break into laughter. Three pairs of hands slide upon each other, finding palms and skin to fit against.  Nothing too indiscreet, as they sit on one of the benches dragged out in front of The Seventh Heaven. Not that the dancers or onlookers pay them much mind. The glances her way are more likely to be curiosity about the Slayer of Primals than anything else.
A pleasing, scandalous thrill goes through her all the same as Grienswyf rubs a gentle circle into her knee.
“Do you two dance?” She asks. “Not that I am inclined to get up any time soon.”
“Only to welcome the King,” Ahtstahl says. One of his hands wanders to smooth against her hip over the fluttery linen dress she bought for the occasion. The warmth of his palm is steady and strong against the layers of pink fabric and white petticoats
“...Beg pardon?” Nerys glances about the gathered crowd, at the mingling throng up near the markets. Most decked in their best clothes with crowns of flowers or leaves upon their heads. A fine assortment of shining faces but no King among them. As the only King I know is Moogle Mog XII, surely they don’t mean…
“The King of Spring,” says Greinswyf. “They pick someone every year to usher in the season and lead us all in dance. And if he, she, or they pick you as their first dance partner; your year shall be a blessed one.”
“Oh.” ‘Tis not at all like the equinox festivities in the Shroud, given to somber offerings during the day and a raucous bacchanal during the night. There is no figurehead or even a singular master of ceremonies.
There is a masked committee of twelve Gridanians who watch over the festivities. They ensure no ill comes to anyone celebrating as the frenzy of liquor and dance reaches its zenith. Usually they are Wood Wallers or high-ranking Lancer’s Guild members.
“Who is it this year?”
“We find out together. I had my money on your Minfilia, but I see that is not to be.” Greinswyf gestures to one of the stalls set-up along the walkway between aetheryte and market. Minfilia–resplendent in an artfully draped blue gown and matching blooms in her hair–peruses the wares. Beside her, Papalymo speaks with emphatic hand gestures. He wears his usual mode of dress, but she can just make out a red flower pinned to his collar.
Between duties, she had been somewhat aware of the residents descending upon the wilds for the last moon. Bringing back as many flowers as they could find. Demand fast outpaced supply, though.
Her own carnations and lilacs are from the Weaver’s Guild, created in Ul’dah before arriving here. She has Yda to thank for it, one day rousing everyone at dawn to stumble to the market and make their reservations. Not really understanding what was happening, Nerys had gone along for the chance to buy some pretty. 
Hm. Perhaps it’s her? I haven’t seen her all day.
“There’s so much activity,” says Nerys. “I cannot tell yet who is missing and not just out of view near Rowena’s.”
“And the King has a court, to keep people guessing. Money rides on it, of course.”
Soon as the words leave Greinswyf, the musicians ease their song to an end. The dancing slows with it, the concentric circles of linked hands shifting into a teeming mass. From her vantage point, Nerys sees the pan flute player set down his instrument. Up he stands, picking up a large, curling ram’s horn. It gleams in the sunlight, ivy twined about it.
He raises it to his lips. What emerges are notes so clear and strong and loud, they ring out across the settlement. A hush settles over the crowds. The only sounds, the horn and the steps of festival-goers answering the summons; descending from the upper markets to join the rest.
“There,” Ahtstahl says, nudging her chin to look at the North Silvertear entrance.
A procession marches in, the crowds parting to give space and everyone else a better view. Nerys hears snatches of conversation as eight attendants lead the way. The court then, their presence ruining several bets placed on the King’s identity. Both Yda and Hoary Boulder are among them (she in scarlet and white, he in black and gold), their linked hands swinging merrily. 
Two yellow Chocobos enter, bridles festooned with ribbon and ivy. Behind them, they pull a cart upon which is a magnificently carved chair. It looks like it was hewn directly from an ancient tree, the branches of its back reaching into the heavens. And upon it-
“Knew it,” says Ahtstahl.
Thancred lounges upon the chair, one leg thrown over an arm. An elegant crown of bare twigs and verdant ivy perches upon his white hair, an apt combination representing the meeting of winter and spring. As they near the aetheryte, he sits up and gets to his feet in front of the throne.
Nerys has seen Thancred naked a dozen times now. She saw him so yesterday. She has near memorized every ilm of his body. And yet. And yet.
Unlike the loose clothes he favors, his emerald tunic conforms to the line of his chest and nips in at the waist. The high collar brushes the ends of his hair and opens enough to show off throat and collarbone. He turns and the umber trousers could better be called a second skin for the way they fit him, showing off the pert curve of his rump and the muscles of his thighs. The fawn-colored boots cannot mold to his calves but they do whatever the closest thing is.
Her mouth goes dry. She cannot look away. Cannot do anything but imagine sliding her hands between the tight fit of cloth and abdomen. Peeling down those trousers and baring the curve of hip, pressing her mouth against it.
“You as well?” Ahtstahl murmurs. “The way that man attracts all eligible persons is downright uncanny.”
“You are one to talk,” says Greinswyf. 
“I did not say it was a bad thing.”
Nerys is somewhat aware of the world moving around her, of three hands clasping her waist and keeping her balance. Only when her feet touch the ground, does she realise her companions have stood and brought her up with them.
Thancred’s gaze turns, catching her just as she loses herself again in the tantalizing skin over his pulse. His smirk turns knowing, and he winks. She shall never hear the end of this. (If he promises to wear this outfit often and let her imagine doing all sorts of things to him in it...he may tease her for the rest of time.)
“Go,” Ahtstahl touches her shoulder. “See if you might claim a dance.”
She turns to them, mortified. “I’m not about to drop the two of you.”
“And you shan’t.” Greinswyf leans in to kiss her cheek. “Should you not make it back, we shall have you for breakfast some other time. I promise.” 
Nerys walks towards the cart, guilt lingering. But their smiles are so encouraging and she does not doubt their sincerity and...yes, she does want to dance with the King. This King with his insouciant smirk and arrogant lift to his chin. This King who looks at her now in a way that says of course I shall be rewarded with a dance from you. Such is my due.
He jumps down from the cart and strides towards her. She fixes her resolute gaze on the blinding beauty of his visage rather than the temptations below his chin. She must look too determined because his shoulders shake with barely suppressed laughter.
“Your majesty,” she says, curtsying before him. Her skirts and petticoats swish about her knees.
“Fair warrior,” he purrs, extending a hand. “Will you usher in spring with me?”
“I am honored.” She takes his hand and he pulls her close, his other arm curling about her waist. It is the cue the musicians need and there is a scramble as pairs and groups form, trying to make room for each other while also watching the King and his partner.
It is all a bit chaotic, more teeming mass than field of dancers. For a long while they hover confined to one spot, her close against him, The velveteen of his tunic soft against her arm. Nerys recognizes the song, that the musicians are tripling the verse’s length. Likely aware that no one shall be ready to dance before the song’s usual end.
“Well,” Thancred says, looking up at her. “You have not told me how well I look.”
Nerys clears her throat. “Green suits you, and the crown is quite nice. I think you make a handsome King.”
His brown eyes dance. “Somehow that does not match the molten heat of your gaze when you first beheld me. Tell me, what was your initial reaction?”
“I have not seen you in clothes so well tailored before.” If he is going to tease her, she will tease back. One cannot be bullied, even when speaking to royalty. “My compliments to your weaver.”
Space opens at last, allowing his highness to begin the dance in earnest, as is his duty. They whirl around the aetheryte, him leading her in a complicated figure she did not know herself capable of. There is an art to guiding your partner when they are unfamiliar with the steps. Whoever taught him should be proud.
He spins her away and catches her again, hands about her waist and sliding north and his knees bending just so. She follows his cue and hops straight upward, helping him lift her twirling into the air. Down she comes, wrapping her arms about his shoulders.
“Are my clothes why,” he says, touching her cheek to tilt her face down while he rises up on tiptoe. “You were imagining all sorts of wicked things when you saw me? Don’t deny it. All this time, I only needed to wear such garments to stir such naughty thoughts.” 
“I wasn’t-I didn’t-” She sputters. Drops her voice to a whisper “I have told you far naughtier things. I have done far naughtier things-”
“I know.” He kisses her cheek and spins her again. Catches her again. “But never so publicly. I rather like it.”
Nerys laughs, shaking her head. “His majesty is wicked. But I find I don’t mind, even when he tries to fluster me in public.”
“Your highness is glad.” The music, stretched out as long as possible, winds down. Thancred bends over her hand, kissing the air above it. Drops his voice. “My duties call me away. Wickedly, I like the idea of leaving you in suspense.”
“Cruel, cruel king.” And he is not far off, because she would like to pull him into some dark corner or into their rooms to pay private homage to his royal beauty. That she cannot is maddening. “What shall I do?”
He steps back and bows. “You still have your eyes and imagination. I hope this helps.”
The King of Spring walks away in such a manner that brings attention to legs and rump, molded so perfectly by his clothing. She is not the only appreciative glance. Ahtstahl is correct: it truly is uncanny how easily he can attract all and sundry.
The trick is, deciding just how she will pay him back.
The door is unlocked when she returns, arms full of a morning feast fit for an army. She finds Ahtstahl and Grienswyf in their kitchen, blearily watching a kettle boil. Neither have dressed beyond pants. 
It's a lovely sight.
"I recognize those bags," Ahtstahl says, gesturing. The blue paper bags are streaked with grease and she quickly places them upon the table. Yael’s foodstuffs cost double anyone else’s and require waiting in a long line. But it has always, always been worth it.
Grienswyf sets to work pulling the crimped pastries bursting with egg and cheese from the bags and putting them on plates. As the aromas flood the kitchen, she moans aloud in delight.
"Now that, dear Grienswyf, is a sound I shall never tire of..."
Thancred steps out of the bedroom, hair damp from a shower. He has redonned his royal garments and they are just as delectable now as they were yesterday. Perhaps moreso. Until last evening, he did not have bite marks decorating his throat and clavicle.
The sight of them is near enough to reawaken her desires, even after the night’s exertions.
Thancred smirks. "Poor Nerys, running errands to satiate our hunger while she looks at us ravenous."
"I can scarce believe it," Ahtstahl says, wandering over to Thancred. Rubbing his hip. The Hyur man leans into the touch. "After all the ways she had you screaming last night, Thancred, and still ready to go."
"One must give the king his due," Nerys says, unable to keep from smirking. Very aware of Greinswyf herding her towards the others. "Wait, won't the food get cold?"
"Let it get cold," says Thancred. "You danced with me, you are meant to have a blessed year. We must start it off right." 
Far be it from me to defy a king, she thinks, submitting to his will as he tugs her down to his mouth. 
Breakfast can wait.
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Packless Monsters
TITLE: Packless Monsters CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 24/? AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you’re a werewolf who ends up in the company of Loki in the Avenger’s tower after saving Pepper’s life RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 click here
    There was a soft knock on Loki’s bedroom door that woke you from your dreams of Asgard. You reached automatically under Loki’s pillow for one of the daggers he kept scattered around everywhere. Between his daggers and Nat’s guns, the entire tower was an armory. Loki chuckled and kissed your hair. “Easy, darling. Let me see who it is before you decide to kill them,” he told you, still chuckling softly. He climbed out of the bed and you rolled over to watch, though your eyes were only open a crack, so the person at the door wouldn’t tell that you were awake. You would be the surprise attack, backup for Loki if he needed it.
    “Brother, is Lady Y/N with you? She is not in her room.” Thor’s voice sounded worried.
    “Yes, she’s here. I finally got her calmed down. Go away,” Loki’s voice was pleasant, despite his order to go away.
    “Has she told you any more of what happened tonight?”
    “No. Now go away before you wake her,” Loki replied, sounding like he was enjoying his game of telling Thor to go away.
    “We saw the footage, Jarvis was able to see through the magic and record what happened. You cannot be considering marrying her, Brother. You have just met her,” Thor’s voice was still worried and concerned.
    “‘Were there more time before graduation, I might entertain that option,’” Loki recited your words, mulling them over. He must have either forgotten you were awake or thought you’d fallen back asleep. You blatantly eavesdropped on them since he made that mistake and wasn’t guarding his words. “Something she said when Joshua mentioned there was a way for her to get the pack to leave her alone,” Loki explained to Thor quickly. “She knew. Dammit. She knew that was an option. Yes, I would marry her Brother, in a heartbeat, and not just to keep her safe,”
    “You actually care for her,” Thor sounded shocked. “By Odin’s beard, you actually love her,”
    “Of course I do, witless oaf,” Loki grumbled. “Did you think this just a dalliance? I’m not like you. Have you ever known me to have a dalliance? And before you mention time again, might I remind you that you fell in love with your mortal over, what, a weekend? And my love is not mortal,” he sighed and actually opened up further. Thor must have been glaring or something to get Loki to be open about his feelings. “I would marry her tomorrow if I could, but that-” what he called Jareth wasn’t in English, but the elegance and emotion behind the swear was impressive. “-was right about one thing. She will not accept the proposal unless she believes it is entirely for love. After his words tonight, I fear it will be a very long time indeed to rebuild the trust he destroyed enough for her to ever accept it… Even my silver tongue is unlikely to have a chance to make that happen before May. So we will have to come up with another way,”
    “Besides, Brother, you would have to bring her home to get Mother’s approval,” Thor teased.
    “I am a grown man,” Loki growled.
    “You are a Prince of Asgard, and it would sadden Mother to not meet the woman you wish to wed. Besides, she will love the little wolf who can keep you on your toes and can somehow get even you to relax your formal, stoic demeanor. Mother will be glad to see you so happy. I must admit that I am surprised that wolf has survived the night,”
    Loki growled. “He would not have, save that my lady wishes to fight her own battles. I cannot deny her the right to prove to herself that she is capable,” he sighed in frustration. “All I can do is offer my help and love and hope my stubborn darling will accept our aid. If we push her too hard she will run from us too. And unless I can break the spell of silence, it will be neigh impossible to get to… what was my lady’s term of endearment for him?”
    “I believe the term was ‘asshat’,” Thor replied proudly. Your ears were as traumatized as Cap’s to hear that word come out of Thor’s mouth.
    “Ah, yes, that was it. So I will bide my time and come up with a plan. That is what I do after all,” Loki replied with a malicious edge to his words.
    “Do try to keep the bloodshed to a minimum. It is so tedious explaining to Mother how you feel so many deserve to die,”
    “It will only be those who deserve it, Brother,”
    “Yes. That is exactly what I am afraid of,”
    It was time to remind them of your presence. They were getting unhelpfully off track. “Loki?” you asked softly, feigning waking to find the bed without a Loki in it. You looked toward the door to the boys and climbed out of the bed. You went to the door and ducked under Loki’s arm so it was around you and wrapping your arms around his waist, sleepily laying your head on his chest. Loki kissed the top of your head automatically. It said a lot that the gesture had become automatic.
    “Sorry, love. Thor was worried and came to check on you. Your family was worried,” he added softly, a reminder that the entire team of misfits had adopted you as family. You smiled and kissed his cheek, then turned your attention to Thor.
    “Hi, Thor,” you said with a small smile.
    “Lady Wolf, I’m glad you are feeling better,” Thor told you warmly, smiling at how adorable you were with his brother.
    Loki kissed the top of your head again. “Go back to bed, love. I’ll be there in a moment, as soon as I get rid of my idiot brother,”
    “Is the rest of the team still up?” you asked Thor as you both ignored Loki calling him an idiot.
    “Yes. They would like to see you if you’re up to it,” Thor replied.
    “And hound you for information,” Loki added sourly. You kissed his cheek again.
    “Hush, love. They deserve answers too,” you told him softly, warmly. He huffed, but stopped complaining and let you drag him past the threshold and into the hall.
    The entire team was waiting downstairs in their pajamas. You smiled at the team unwinding from the extravagant party by drinking hot chocolate together in the living room in their pajamas. It was adorably unexpected. They all raised their mugs to the three of you in greeting as you joined them. Your mugs were already waiting at your usual places. You smiled at your coffee mug with the silhouette of a wolf on it howling at the moon.
    “I think that was the most exciting party since the first one we brought Reindeer Games to,” Tony commented jovially.
    “There were robots attacking last year’s,” Nat countered.
    “That doesn’t beat Reindeer Games turning into a woman halfway through the party so the women at the party would stop throwing themselves at him,” Tony quipped back. You raised an eyebrow at Loki who flushed at the reminder.
    “Shapeshifter,” he explained with a shrug. “And it didn’t help. They were even more intrigued if that were possible,” he grumbled, making you laugh.
    “I think the werewolf battle wins the most entertaining,” Clint commented. “Also you two are terrifying when you fight together. You should not be that terrifying while you hold hands during battle… it’s too adorable to be that terrifying. Remind me to never get on your collective bad side.” You and Loki both inclined your heads in an identical manner, accepting the praise.
    “Cap, before we begin the inquisition-” you started, knowing that it was coming. “J, can you pull up the lunar calendar? Please let me know what the date is the for the last new moon before the spring equinox,”
    “It is March 5th, miss,”
    “And the next full moon from then?”
    “March 20th, miss. The day of the equinox,”
    “Thanks, Jarvis,” you replied. You turned to Cap. “I’m going to be completely unavailable for missions of an kind, including emergencies and backup, from March 5th through the 20th. I can’t tell you why. I swear I would, but there are certain orders that even I have to obey,” you told him.
    He thought over your words. “Will you still be in the tower? Or going out of town or something?”
    “I’ll be here. At least that’s the plan,”
    “I’ll make sure you’re off duty. Let us know if you need any help or anything for…whatever it is,” Cap said kindly.
    Tony glared. “You’re not going to demand she tell us?”
    Cap shook his head. “Just because you can’t help pushing and prodding a mystery, doesn’t mean we’re all that bad. She said she can’t. She’d tell us if she could. It would do no good to upset her by asking questions she can’t answer. We’ll deal with whatever it is when it comes. If you don’t push and prod and make her uncomfortable and scared, she might give us hints to help her, or ask for help,”
    Tony still grumbled, but let the question drop. “So that was the wolf you were supposed to marry?”
    “I have recently been informed that the correct term for that male is ‘asshat’,” Loki informed Stark with a smirk while Cap looked scandalized at the language.
    Tony roared in laughter. “About time you two learned how to curse properly,”
    “That was the asshat who tried to force himself on me and the reason I left the pack…” you answered softly.
    “Real charmer that one,” Nat replied dryly. “Want me to kill him?” she offered casually.
    You shook your head. “You can’t get past the silence to get to him. I need to come up with a diplomatic way to deal with the pack,” you added before the rest of them started jumping to murder.
    “What is the silence?” Clint asked. He hadn’t been there for the last explanation, so you explained it and the five year rule for everyone.
    “But if you got married?” Tony pressed.
    “Then I’d be off limits to all of the wolves. It’s ancient pack law to keep the fighting over the females to a minimum. The rule still applies even if I marry a human…or Asgardian,” you nodded at Thor before he could ask, refusing to look at Loki when you answered the unasked question. “But that’s not an option,” you explained quickly. “Not before graduation. I refuse to tie anyone to what would at best be the equivalent of a green card wedding,”
    “So, are you going to finally tell us what Winter’s Moon is?” Tony teased.
    “NO!” you and Loki both exclaimed at the same time, with more volume that truly necessary.
    “Does he know?” Tony demanded, gesturing at Loki.
    “Pieces,” Loki finally said after a long hesitation.
    “I can’t tell any of you, even him. Ancient, ancient werewolf law. It’s one of the biggest secrets of the wolves. Like I said, there are orders that even I’m bound to, and the consequences for breaking them hurt,”
    “But-,” Tony gestured to Loki again.
    “He’s observant, looking for the clues, and asking smart questions,” you explained quickly. Loki looked pleased with your assessment and defense of him.
    “Would it hurt you if he tells us what he’s learned?” Cap asked. You shook your head, then laid it on Loki’s shoulder. It was late and you’d already been through enough emotions. Cap gave Loki a ‘well, tell us’ look.
    Loki paused carefully, then finally said. “The only thing I know for certain is that whatever it is will take place between March 5th and the 20th. As for the rest, I have my suspicions. I will not share them without confirmation, as it is not my secret and I refuse to risk harming my lady with speculation about her secrets,” he finally said. You had a strong feeling that his suspicions were accurate, especially since he refused to share them with the others.
    You kissed his cheek. “Thank you,” you whispered.
    “I love you, little wolf, I’m not about to hurt you. You’ll tell us what you can, and we’ll get through this together,” he replied. He kissed you, then in a brave move for him, pulled you from your spot next to him, to curl in his lap, his arms contently around you as you laid your head on his shoulder. 
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Tremble (3/3)
“I’m started questioning for what you had your studio for and bought it with such a fortune if you’re pretty much splattered on the floor of my house almost every day like this.”
Kibum kicked his leg on the way to drop himself on his favorite couch. He has lots of paperwork on his hands, round glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose.
“There’s no food there.”
“Delivery reached that area too. And that studio is literally two hundred meters away from a sushi restaurant!”
Never during his career Kibum sold a place without doing a research of the pro-cons from the neighborhood. Taemin stirred and moved to Kibum’s kitchen to prove him that he’s there only for food. But the words came out from him later said differently.
“It’s just lonely over there. Woke up there, worked there, then spent the whole evening editing pictures or sketching some concept for the next photo session. I feel trapped.”
“Wasn’t that the exact reason why you wanted that building at the first place? To save time not to drive back and forth from your apartment and work place?”
“Hah,” he gulped the strawberry’s milk he found in one shot, must be Gwiboon’s, he thought “I never knew it would be that lonely. Guess it’s just a stupid ambition I had to show the world that I’m finally here, at the very top of my career in such young age, after so many objections I faced in the past?”
Kibum torn his eyes from the paper before him, “Honey, your ambition is not stupid. Everyone has a dream and it worth to fight for even if merely a simple one.”
“So you don’t mind if I stop by your place anytime?”
He shrugged, “You’re my only friend, Tae, if I kicked out the last person who can deal my stubbornness, then who’d stay to take care of me on the days I decided to weep?”
“Lots of people want to take care of you but you pushed them away and whose fault is that? You can just literally point your finger and those men and women would voluntarily crawl toward you!”
“Stop it right there or I’d really kick you out of my house. We started with your issue how come you dodged the bullet so easily?”
“Trying to be a secret lover and you'd have thousand tricks to not get caught in an awkward situation.”
“Wow. That’s huge coming from you. Leave him then, and go find another one! You deserve so much better!”
“You sound like Jinki just now. So annoying.”
“Ah. Talking about that friend of yours, is he still pestering you asking for my number?”
“Nope. He stopped about a week ago. I thought it was because he already got your number somehow from other place.”
“I would attack you first if that happened, knowing you’re the only human chain linking us. He might just get tired.”
“Hmm, that would be possible. He tried to get you but you are more slippery than eel, so yeah.”
“Did you just compare me to a water creature?!”
This time is Taemin’s turn to shrug, “What else should I compare you? Jinki was there hot skin and flesh and you just washed him hard with your cold treatment with a simple sentence ‘I need to call my daughter’? Weren’t you just being sneaky?”
“You don’t know how it feels to be me at that time, Lee Taemin.”
Kibum and Soyu were best friends back in college. Both are free spirited and love to run against the world circling around them. One day they met during lunch break, two years after they graduated and already worked and were climbing into steady career. Soyu blurted out that she wanted to have baby. Kibum was jokingly suggesting her to go to the sperm bank and get the donor. What he didn’t expect was she suddenly asked him to be the donor instead since she already knew him and claimed that Kibum has everything she needed for the good qualities for the baby.
He was dumbfounded for a while but then without hesitation, he agreed to the request. The following months, they went to the hospital and learned about all the procedure and got it done on their fourth visit. Soyu said she would raise the baby by herself, she didn’t ask anything from Kibum besides to be present on the labor for the moral support.
However, Kibum couldn’t find him detaching from them. He loved Soyu and their daughter. He stood by their side the whole time and when Gwiboon turned two, there was nothing on the way stopping Kibum to ask her to marry him. Soyu herself, didn’t find anything to turn the request down as she loved him as well.
Their wedding day was the cutest, it was a simple ceremony, with the closest family and friends, with little Gwiboon waked her mother down the aisle. Taemin spent four of his precious roll films to capture the moment and proudly said up until these days that those were one of his best works so far.
The marriage was their beautiful sanctuary for the three of them. It was actually pleasing, physically, mentally, sexually. Until one day, they realized they loved each other not more than best friends. The fight came more often, the buried dreams reappeared to the surface, and they blamed each other more easily than worked out the obstacles together.
Kibum stopped trying and Soyu stopped caring. Being a wife was never been her dream and Kibum started to get scare with the idea of him only forcing his dream to have a family to someone he cared the most who had a very different goal in life. He still loved her as best friend, as his daughter’s mother, but she cannot fill the hole gapping inside Kibum’s heart.
He turned his priority to Gwiboon and Gwiboon only. Moreover after their decision to end the getting unhealthy marriage. He focused his mind and devoted his time for the soon to turn six years old girl. The smile of the love of his life was enough to mend the wound he has. It was hard a little bit when the court gave the custody of the girl to Soyu. But they talked about it and Soyu job’s in Paris turned out requires her to travel more often so secretly, since a month ago, they’re preparing all the paperwork for the kid to be able to move back with her father and started her school here instead in Paris.
Then came Jinki, out of nowhere, confiscated Kibum’s mind with his blinding smile, putting him in the middle of the scale with Gwiboon and him in each side. He needs him to concentrate with his life and Gwiboon’s at this very moment. But he cannot lie to himself that he wants Jinki to be part of it. It’s super silly and ridiculous, he thought, how can a man ruin his composure just with a kiss? How can he be lured just with something that looked like a remedy for his lust? 
“No. I wouldn’t know. But don’t be scared. Who knows he might be the answer of everything?”
“I’m currently not asking, I don’t need an answer.”
“Kim Kibum, you know what I mean.”
“Then tell me. Tell me how you sit down an innocent little girl and said that her father already has someone he likes and that person is not a woman like her mother but a very handsome and charming chef she met at the supermarket instead? How you can tell your own daughter that you’re bisexual?”
Jinki’s driving his truck back to the city after traveled east to get some goodies for his new recipe. He rolled down the window and poked his elbow out, enjoying the breeze blowing his side, gently reminds him that spring’s finally here.
Ah, spring.
He almost forgot that he hates spring. It was spring when Donghae dropped the bomb in the middle of heartfelt reunited dinner, asking him to stop seeing each other, after three weeks of break since their biggest fight ever. Having his expectation already high in the air when he called Jinki telling him that he missed him and wanted to meet, of course the question was a perfect jab on his chest.
Jinki remembered how he was stammering asking the reason why and apologizing to Donghae continuously for forcing his ambition to actually start a family together with him. However, behind his tears he could see how Donghae didn’t budge at all and stayed stern, indicating that was his final request to Jinki.
He said he loved Jinki but the relationship getting harder because Donghae thought at that point, they supposed to already know each other by heart but he still found the needs to try and try harder to please or at least understand Jinki.
Jinki knew it was bullshit but he couldn’t do anything. He’s exhausted to force himself and chase Donghae who kept insisting running to the directions pole apart with him. Donghae was his first and longest serious relationship. The empty space he left swallowed him hard. Jonghyun had to nurse him the whole next month after the breakup to prevent Jinki harming himself. He even took a break from the restaurant to heal himself before realized that the more he became busier, the faster he would forget the man he used to dream to have a family with.
When the packed-restaurant’s schedule didn’t help, the news of Donghae’s engagement that reached him three months after the dreadful evening did. The pain slowly became hatred. And when the hatred piled up in each corner of his mind, he had the urge to wash it off with alcohol and series of one night stand. Once the person he spent the night with left, the pain started to grow back and his only escape is repeating the same pattern again and again.
Months and years passed by, and he doesn’t care about spring anymore. It was back to be just a season until Kibum and his sinful lips dragged him into the new cycle of sleepless night. Never in life after Donghae he waited for something. He was done waiting. It was dreading and disappointing. But here he is, expecting his phone to ring and show him unknown number with that cheery voice entailed behind if he picked it up.
We burned and we bled We try to forget But the memories left Are still haunting The walls that we built From bottles and pills We swallow until We're not talking
He turned up the volume of his stereo when the new song from the radio started playing. Blasting the music helped him back then, might as well give it another try this time. 
I I am a man on fire You A violent desire What a dangerous night to fall in love Don't know why we still hide what we've become Do you want to cross the line? We're running out of time A dangerous night to fall in love
Jinki slammed the steer wheel. The possibility meeting a new person after Donghae was never passed his mind. Let alone developing a crush to them. Call it miracle, but Kibum did flick the switch inside him so easily, forcing him to forget whatever he believed about soulmate and stuff before.
He wished he was in a fairy-tale where he everything can just have magically have happy ending at the finish line. The hope though, just evaporated to the thin air when he faced the reality laid before him. Kibum is a father and Jinki understands very well that blood is thicker than anything. If he couldn’t compete with a woman from another rich family to marry his high school sweetheart, how on earth he would be able to win the heart of a man who already gave his life to the cutest girl he ever met?
Started a stranger A lover in danger The edge of a knife The face of an angel The heart of a ghost Was it a dream? He was stranger. Kibum was stranger. Jinki thought the latter would prefer that way. Three weeks into the spring and Jinki’s about to believe that way. He slowed the speed of his truck when he arrived to the neighborhood of his restaurant. If people said everyone would have the one that got away, maybe for him, Kibum is that one.
Jinki jumped off and slammed the door, unaware, or choosing to ignore his surrounding, he doesn’t care that the sound startled some people who shared the small street next to his kitchen back door. He unloads one by one, the wooden cart carried the fresh ingredient he acquired this morning. Usually, Jinki only did the buying in the beginning of the week. He went on Friday morning just because he couldn’t sleep well these past three days and Jonghyun suggested him to take some air and go check the farm knowing that his best friend loves it so much.
Jonghyun was right, Jinki hates to admit but that man is always right. Though it doesn’t completely cure him, at least he feels all the burden tad lighter. Strangely, the weather is warmer today, making him nonchalantly rolled his oversized white t-shirt sleeves up his shoulder causing two women walking by almost tripped their own heels.
He chortled, smirk’s evident in his face knowing he still got it after beaten up quite hard by the reality.
“If you told me before you have that cute mole on your bicep, I wouldn’t have waited until spring.”
How unreal it is, hearing the voice he could only imagined these past days. Holy shit, he couldn’t breathe, he actually kept his promise. Kim Kibum’s standing there, at the sidewalk across where Jinki parked his truck, looking more astonishing now when he’s under the sun instead of moonlight. The pair of bow lips curved beautifully, speeding up Jinki’s heartbeat with the sight.
“Well, someone forgot to tell me he has some kind mole fetish last time we met, I guess.”
Now that he saw Kibum giggling and walking closer to the side of the street where he is, only Jinki can start believe his own eyes. The pink tint is crystal clear adorning his cheeks, prominently shading the fine sculpted bones underneath. If before he said Kibum was already beautiful, this time Jinki honestly doesn’t know how the man who stepped closer to his side manages to be even more mesmerizing.
“Did I keep you waiting for too long?”
“Since it’s 21st century already, I was expecting a phone call. Or at least text message. This.. this is something beyond any scenario I ever think about.”
“I don’t do anything mainstream,” Kibum ran his hand toward Jinki’s forehead to wipe the sweat that makes his bangs stuck on it and the tingling grazing his fingertips are still the same, “So you think about me a lot?”
“More than I was planning to if I may say.”
“Good. Because I would be very disappointed if you said any different.”
“It was very flattering, but I’m actually the one who has the right to be disappointed.”
“How could so?”
“Spring started three weeks ago yet you only appeared today when I’m putting the ugliest outfit out of any day?”
Kibum looked at Jinki, he wears his plain white shirt with old washed jeans, blue plaid shirt tied around his waist with old converse covering his feet, he then burst into huge laughter that ringing like a Sanctus to Jinki’s ears, “Seriously, I would jump you right away with this outfit if we’re not surrounded by two grannies over there and group of kids exploring the neighborhood near my car.”
With that, Jinki’s sold. He slid his hand over Kibum’s waist and captured the pink flesh under his nose he’s been longing. As if it was automatically, Kibum wrapped his hands on the nape of Jinki’s neck, pressing their mouths as close as possible.
All the anxiety clouding Jinki’s mind slowly wiped out with every bites Kibum left on his lower lip. Their tongue tied to each other, trying to match the shape of imaginary puzzle they kept in it and lock it forever.
“So this is it?”
They rest their forehead to each other’s, nose brushing lightly, and Kibum hands secure Jinki’s face by his cheeks, hesitantly detached their lips just because they realized they still are human who needs some air to proceed.
“I kept my promise, didn’t I?”
“Appreciate that a lot,” Jinki pecked Kibum’s lips quickly making the other blushed once again, “Worth the wait.”
“Then.. care to continue where we left before?”
“I finished working tonight by ten.”
Kibum pouted immediately and Jinki couldn’t help to laugh, “What about fifteen minutes quickie in my car?”
“Honey, I’m afraid if it’s involving me you need at least one hour.”
“It takes that long to get it up?”
“No, it takes that long to get it down.”
Kibum whined, chewing his inner cheek, “Great, now I need to buy iron trunks to restrain myself until ten.”
Jinki cracks on the spot and deep kissing Kibum once again, doesn’t even care his lips already slightly swollen after his moves.
“You would look godly good in it, I bet.”
“I leave it in your imagination.”
“Damn, now I need to buy those trunks as well!” Kibum threw his head back laughing at the curse, Jinki didn’t miss a chance mouthing the adam apples on the his exposed neck, “My place or your place?”
“Mine. My daughter’s staying at her Nana’s house.”  
“Fine with that. But what would be my guarantee that you’re not going to vanish after this?”
Kibum found Jinki being possessively anxious cute. He pulled out his phone and pressed some number, “Let’s have some fun.”
He put it in the speakerphone mode. Jinki still has no idea until someone shrieked from the other line.
“You better have a fuckin’ good reason disturbing me during my work.”
“Lovely to hear you scream. Can you do me a favor?”
“Can you give me Jinki’s number?”
They can hear Taemin choked so hard, both need to suppress the laughter that almost spoiled the fun.
“Can I give you what? Did you take some drug? Did you crash into some—oh, dear Lord! Are you okay?! You’re not in an accident, are you?!”
“Chill, Lee Taemin.. I just think, since Gwiboon will stay at my Mom’s place until weekend.. Why not inviting him you know.. to fool around and maybe have some sexy time.. who knows?”
“Shit! Kim Kibum! As much as I want you to stop pushing away people around you, doesn’t mean you can being a cheap jerk like this! Jinki’s my friend and if you’re going to hurt him even a millimeter, I won’t allow it with all my might bec—“
Kibum nudged Jinki’s sides and he took the clue so well.
“Taem, just give him my number. I don’t think I can hold it anymore since Kibum learned a new move with his tongue and I want it somewhere else.”
“Wait. Who is th—WHAT THE HECK! LEE JINKI?!”
“You’re right. You have the best bed in the world,” Kibum mumbled, cheek pressed to Jinki’s chest, his arm secured on Jinki’s naked waist.
“It’s just because it has me on it,” he said sleepily, his palm tracing Kibum’s back. He can’t get enough touching his smooth skin.
“Oh, aren’t you cocky?”
“Of course I am.. I have a really good one down there.”
Kibum slapped his tummy affectionately, “You’re by far, the most perverted person I’ve ever been with.”
“Should I be happy or should I be sad?”
Instead of answering, Kibum lifted his limb and start peppering Jinki’s navel with the kiss, going straight up passing his chest and collar bones before finally devouring his plump lips.
“I still wonder sometimes how could I betrayed myself and made you wait more than I intended.”
“I was this close to sell my goodies since you seemed uninterested.”
“Hmm,” Kibum slipped his hand under the blanket and rubbing his length just like the way Jinki likes it, “You’d get lots of money with this size, though.”
“Are you willing to trade it?”
“After almost every night have it? Not a chance,” he pecked his nose, making Jinki beamed into huge grin. He lowered his hand to Kibum’s ass and when he grabbed handful of the flesh, the latter voluntarily pressed himself closer to his side.
“You’re so beautiful, Jinki.”
“You’re more beautiful.”
“That I know.”
Jinki chuckled before he pulled Kibum’s chin closer to catch his lips, marking the bow lips as his, again and again.
“I want you to meet someone.”
“Who is that?”
“My daughter,” Kibum smiled nervously, and Jinki caressed his cheeks to ease his mind, letting him know that he’s completely find with the fact that Kibum is a father.
“I don’t know if you know this, but I sort of have met your girl before.”
“I know, she told me. And that brat never stops whining to me ever since she wanted to meet his Mr. Handsome Prince again. She even cut your face from that article in the magazine and put it on her wardrobe. I never imagined before that I need to compete with my own daughter.”
Jinki smiles remembered the sudden nickname he got after helping her with her yoghurt.
“If I need to confess, I was very worried before how you would still give me chance if your entire being already own by that little girl.”
“Well, that kid is already an obstacle in such a young age. I wonder what she would grow up into.”
“She already has your look, at the first place.”
“Even her mother complained she has no trace at all on her.”
They talked about Kibum and Soyu situation since their second date. Jinki’s very mature handling it all but Kibum still worried to death he brought more than burden to Jinki with his baggage. On the other hand, Jinki already came up clear with Kibum that even though they started everything slowly, he’d take every step seriously and wished he would try as hard as Jinki.
“Let her be, she still has a very long way to go.”
“You sure you never had kid before?”
“You think I’d be still chasing you if I already had a daughter?”
The shocking expressions on Kibum’s face giving a wave of laughter once again to Jinki. He’s one that hid his feeling very personal to himself, it’s still fascinating for him to see Kibum just put everything up on his face.
“Just kidding, Honey.. So, when do you want me to stop by your house?”
“Err, tomorrow?”
“Is nine too early for her?”
Kibum kissed him again excitedly, “She woke up at five and nags at me to make her pancake.”
It will be hard to explain to her about their relationship but Kibum wants to dismiss at least one of his worry by getting them familiar to each other first. What happened after, he’ll let the future Kibum deal with it.
“Ah. So she likes pancake? Then tell them her Handsome Prince will make her ones.”
“Stop making me jealous already,” Kibum pouted cutely and Jinki needs to control himself not to turn their position and ruined that mouth again.
“Do you want me to prove myself again?”
“Well, I know you’re tired, but can we have another one before we go for lunch?”
“Are you a machine or what? Trying to destroy my ass, huh?”
Truthfully, Kibum’s been waiting for those words came out his lips. But play hard to get once in a while won’t hurt.
“It’s because you kept me waiting for too long!”
“Why you kept bringing that up? I already admitted it was a mistake!”
“Because that stupid trick wasted my time. Wasted our time. I need to catch up the amount of sex we should have had if we hit it off right away.”
“God, Jinki!”
“You’re such a dork, you know that?”
“I don’t mind.. You like me anyway.”
“Jonghyun would complain once we exited that door.”
“Let’s just say this is me getting revenge. Hundred days I spent sleeping with my earphones plugged and woke up with the sore in both ears because Jonghyun and Minho were beyond what you can call loud.”
Kibum ducked his head and lapped Jinki’s collar bone painstakingly slow. When he raised his head up, a mischievous smirk spreads all over his face.
“So what are you waiting for?”
Jinki’s never been so aroused in such early morning.
“Mr. Handsome Prince!!!”
“Gwiboon be careful!”
She’s too excited she has no time to listen to her father and just ran to Jinki’s open arms. Once she’s in his reach, he wrapped her so tight and swept her from the ground.
Kibum secretly rubbing his back, afraid to upset the little girl if he just sprung and kissed him, “I thought today was supposed to be our date.”
That’s how they planned it one week ago. But the last minute, Jinki texted him to bring Gwiboon as well to join their lunch.
“This is a date,” Jinki whispered in between rambles the little girl kept making since the first second she saw him.
They headed to the table Jinki already reserved, this time as well, Gwiboon refused to sit next to Kibum as well and glued to Jinki. Even when the waiter came to take their order, she only listen to Jinki’s suggestion, completely ignore Kibum’s offer.
“Oh here we go again,” Kibum rolled his eyes but Gwiboon’s busy telling Jinki about how her week’s going, “Ya! Kim Gwiboon. Aren’t you too young to make me jealous? I’m your father!”
“I know, Daddy,” she spat her respond very fast before turned her head back to Jinki, “Nana said, I need to eat carrot but it tastes weird.”
“Look at you, the exact carbon copy of your Daddy.”
“That’s what Nana said!” she screeched enthusiastically , “What is carbon copy, anyway?”
“It means, you’re exactly like me, Honey.”
Her eyes rounded to a pair of crystal ball, “Really?! I looked like Daddy? I’m cool like Daddy?!”
“Gwiboon, Honey.. You’re waaayyy cooler and more beautiful than me.”
“Nooo, Daddy is more beautiful,” she turned into a ball of glee, eyes almost swallowed by her puffy cheeks.
“Now that I agree,” Jinki winked and pleased with the bashful smile arose on the other man’s face.
“So, Mr. Handsome Prince, why are we here today?”
Gwiboon folded her arms together in front of her buffed chest, “Daddy! That’s my nickname!”
“I can’t call him Mr. Handsome Prince?”
“So what should I call him?”
“I don’t know.”
Jinki saw the gap for him to slide in, “Can Daddy call me ‘Honey’ then?”
Kibum almost choked to death, how dare he say such things? Quickly he wiped his mouth and glance to the little girl who’s now knitted her brows together and pursed her lips, put her best effort to concentrate as if it’s a sudden death question, not even aware that her father’s nervously waiting for the next thing spilled out from her mouth.
“Umm, okay, he can. As long as he’s not calling you Mr. Handsome Prince.”
Both men relieved in unison, however, Jinki hasn’t convinced yet. He’s about to ask further but their food came, he had to wait after the waiter the waiter finished serving all their order and left.
“Kim Gwiboon, do you know why we are here?” Jinki’s back to his initial talk.
“To eat lunch?” she answered innocently, leaving Kibum shaking his head, still amused with everything she managed to compose with that little copy of his own bow lips.
“Besides that?”
“Umm, no? Is it Mr. Handsome Prince birthday?”
“No, it’s not my birthday,” he fixed the uneven bangs on her forehead, “We have lunch today, because I need Gwiboon’s permission.”
“My permission?”
Questioning looks not only washed over her face, but also Kibum’s who’s totally clueless where this conversation heading to.
“Yes. I want to ask Gwiboon, can I be your Daddy’s boyfriend?”
Kibum doesn’t know where Jinki found such gut to bring this up. At the moment he’s torn to the idea of runaway and kick Jinki’s ball under the table. Strangely, Gwiboon doesn’t seem to be bothered at all. He hoped Jinki would turn his way so he could ask some explanation or at least moral support because the little girl might explode to the fact that he’s dating her idol.
Far from anyone expectation, she quietly scoped the cream pasta in front of her and nods slowly while savoring her lunch.
“Aren’t you already?”
Kibum’s eyes almost escaped his skull. His heart beats rapidly and he can feel blood rushing all over his head. Gwiboon continues telling some random stories on what happened to her during her stay at her grandmother’s house and about their puppies who’s getting smarter day by day, while eyes focusing on her favorite pasta dish, her little hand struggle to handle the weight of each strand of the fettuccine, but refused the help from Jinki, proving to the world once again that she’s the daughter of Kim Kibum.
Contented with the rhetorical question, Jinki’s finally lifted his head to Kibum who’s about to shoot hundreds curses and questions. Before he’s able to open his mouth, Jinki stretched his hand across the table, with the palm facing the air, inviting Kibum to reach it.
No need more words, he took one deep breath, and wrapped Jinki’s hand in his. Their eyes talking silently, making a beautiful melody only they could listen to.
To Kibum, out of all the times their eyes caught each other’s smile, Jinki beams the brightest today. His heart trembled once again, remind him to the first night their world clashed together. And with that, Kibum knows, he entrusted his heart in the right hand.
corrected a bit from the initial post in my AFF, typo wise only, so didn’t change anything. written in an alternate universe where people can love anyone they want and show it to the world as they pleased because love is beautiful. happy pride month! :)
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tonguetiedmag · 6 years
Lit: The Indigo Bible
Pt 1: Creation Myths
In her essay “Holy Water,” Joan Didion describes the Western trend of backyard-pools as “a trapping of affluence” whether that affluence is real or fake or entirely gone from the picture. The water is the same as the Chateau Marmont pool except for the skin-surface residue that comes off; some people think it adds character. The water excludes use for showering, irrigating crops or drinking and includes “a kind of hedonistic attention to the body”.  
Much like Didion was obsessed with the distribution of water in dusty California, I am obsessed with its blues. There is an acknowledgment of the unreal during the ritual of swimming and recreation. Of pure love too, more on that later. Floating is a tradition modified with the advent of the public swimming pool mimicking of an endless game played by the gods. I would become friends with girls in elementary school because of their backyard pools. The combination of light and water and floating between the two. I’ve been drawn, since I was very young, to be under the surface of this.
Here is something that does not matter:
My zodiac-sun-sign is Pisces, the fish. I was born on a day before the spring equinox in March when everything starts to melt. My birthstone is aquamarine. On the Chinese zodiac, the year I was born in the year of water. The exact day, the water-dragon.
The fact that hotel pools are unlike any other color but exactly the same as every other six-foot deep hotel pool makes you feel as if you are nowhere and everywhere at once. To kids, it doesn’t matter the context of the pool, as long as it’s there, for since forever culture has stated that the privately owned pool epitomizes vacation. Imagine a 200-foot deep hotel pool. That’d be weird, huh.
Most of all, blues are seductive. A condensation of atmosphere, sometimes an absorbance of pollution. Most blues, the sky/the water/blue-jay feathers/Morpho butterfly/peacock/sapphire are not blue. They are structural blue, a tiny manipulation of light, form, and depth. When I scoop it up the sun drains all color from it, too shallow to be seen. The blue comes from the parts the light cannot reach.
And it is everywhere at once like a spirit. Lakes and rivers are evaporated and recycled into an endless cycle; the early mist on the lilacs may have once been Jim Morrison's bathwater that was once muddy with vomit, heroin and the sound of the stereo.
One July afternoon in Manhattan I was sitting on a windowsill. Across the street, there are these ugly glass paneled apartment buildings on the corner of 62nd that block the sky. I noticed something behind the glass. The late afternoon sun was soft, light enough to go through the window instead of bouncing off it and I saw a deep pool of indigo. I watched the swimmer, an old man who could just as likely have been my own self, my dead best friend or a god of love in that moment. The body pulled himself out on the ladder and took the indigo with him, dripping water sliding between the real and the unreal.
You could even believe that there is an ecosystem of blue, specifically indigo, that floats in and out of consciousness. Indigo, I believe, is an omen, an echo from another place or time. A place or time where dragons are alive, a place where it is likely that you will be struck by lightning, or any other extraordinary circumstance which smart people tell you not to be afraid of. Look twice and indigo will disappear. So believe in what you see.
Now that the truest blue has come and trusted me with its extravagance, I notice her everywhere in hopes that it will come back.
But any other blue is like, purple. Looked at much better through rose tinted glasses.
Nostalgia is a false sense of security
Pt 2: Sea Of Love
An old Spanish-speaking tailor in the East Village makes a satin slip-gown upon request. The woman, rather a girl, down in the city for writing internships and such, references the color of motel-signs on the Coney Island boardwalk. She tells him to hem the dress an inch smaller at the waist, an inch smaller than her regular size on account of a new diet. More like rent is expensive enough. While the city can practically live on promises of vitality, the currency is a woman's bones poking out from the flesh on her shoulders.
The dress is, in and of itself, a no-tell motel, a discretion of beauty that will spin itself into her lover’s hair and grow with time, the smell of his house sticks to it, her hair is bleached and dead, memories fall past her shoulders. Like a crack baby predisposed to a comedown, she wishes for the Earth's womb and the myth of consciousness born out of the water.
Being blue must mean I am perfectly, delicately yours, reflecting just your light
The blues do not say please and thank you, but I do
Eventually, I took the dress off as we fucked
I keep having nightmares that everyone who compliments my eyes will steal them from me someday with a melon baller or some shit she says, disturbed by the 7/11 cashier’s sentiment that you have the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen
Ava’s eyes are the gaudy color of peacock feathers. Her mother had the same eyes. Her mother was beautiful in high school.
I tell Ava that the blue cannot be stolen from her eyes because it does not exist in the first place. The only way to steal blue would be to steal the intricate skeleton of the eye itself. Or stop the light.
Blue is the world's favorite color.
Imagine dreaming of an entirely new color and then forgetting it. A state hospital patient put his hands on the Indigo Bible; he swears he has seen the heavens in the form of indigo.
The color of hotel pools is my only proof of life after death.
Let’s say after 20 years of hoping he finally lets indigo leave his memory as a real thing. It is probably someone else's now.
Until it comes back. You saw it in the storm clouds before rain or reflected in an Egyptian scarab. Perhaps you knew the impermanence of the indigo sky, that the blue storm clouds were only a warning that the sky would soon be black. The dense clouds ooze like cotton balls absorbing the blood of a wound and soon they would drip. In the dark, you could imagine that the raindrops still reflected indigo.
If you were a machine you could look at the gradual descent of the sky into black and try and find the exact moment where indigo was created or position yourself and the sun and the Egyptian jewel so indigo would be reflected like those blue jay feathers but the speed of light is fast and to experience indigo you must believe in the accident of a sunset.
Indigo could not be isolated on Earth. Indigo was the color of heaven.
Indigo was brought by some Pilgrim Ghost returning a piece of himself.
The landscape fades into blue in the distance
Scientist’s Conclusion: since Indigo is impossible you decide to feel Midnight Black and Overexposed Sky Blue in hopes that one day, you’ll be satisfied only by your belief in indigo and vague, exaggerated memories. You must wear that Sheila-Della dresses as protection, and move in with a lover.
Indigo is the color of nonbelievers. For those who have no patience in waiting for calm. Blue does not exist in our world, it exists liminally in promises and a question of life after death. It’s pretty ironic huh, that we live on a blue planet.
by; Christina Piccione
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dat-town · 7 years
Waiting for spring to come
A sequel to Waiting for autumn to pass, it probably makes more sense if you read that one first.
Characters: autumn spirit!Young K & spring spirit!You
Setting: fantasy au
Genre: angsty fluff
Summary: The wind of change is in the air. Is it good? Is it bad? You are not sure but spring and autumn has never been so close before.
Words: 2.2k
For those you liked the original drabble, I hope you will enjoy this one too! ♥
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Seasons are a part of the cycle of nature. Eternal, ongoing, always unseen. Seasons are sassy, it’s a known fact. Sometimes summers are cold and winters don't have snow at all. Sometimes they are unpredictable but never like this.
"We have to wake up Spring," the spirit of winter rasps fussily as soon as she leaves the doorstep behind. Her presence itself is a blinding brightness with her beautiful silver locks, ice blue eyes and pale skin. She’s like white frost flowers on windows, pioneers of the cold season creeping into the hearts of humans. A sight to behold.
Younghyun slowly looks up from his so-called throne that’s just one of the four around the round, gilded table in the meeting room designed for their trimestrial encounters. There are never more than two of them present but they all have a chair assigned just for them, bearing their marks and symbols, made by a tree so uniquely theirs. It’s a reminder that no matter what, the four of them rule together in this area and when one goes down, another one comes up.
Now, the chilly September wind being the messenger, it’s Younghyun’s turn. The smell of sweet rain and pumpkin pies is already in the air, the leaves are losing their green colour and the flowers are leaving their colourful petals on the dead ground. He’s in the prime of his life, stronger than ever just like he’s supposed to be in the beginning of the autumn season that took everybody by storm after the days of summer officially ran out.
"Why? What's happening?" he asks confused, brows furrowed but can’t help his heart that’s beating furiously of the thought of you. Of better days of spring and flower crowns withering away under your careful gaze and soft smile.
He harshly grabs onto his wooden chair made out of oak tree and overgrown by grape leaves. Normally, he should be discussing important matters with the winter spirit who just woke up and sent Summer into sleep. He should definitely not talk about such blatant nonsense like waking up another season before their time. There's still three more lunar months until you are supposed to be up and Tingyan knows this very well too. Then what the hell is she talking about?
"Don't you feel it? The change?" she quirks an eyebrow at him and even though she usually hides her feelings pretty well, Younghyun can tell she’s pissed, probably thinking about how she ended up with such fools around her.
Of course, he feels the change, the weather getting warmer and more chaotic each year, but he has been sensing this for decades now and he got used to the uneasiness.
“But the rules...” he’s mumbling, hanging onto the only thing he believed to be as certain as writings set in stone.
"The rules change, too. Taeyang can’t fall asleep,” the winter spirit explains and a sun-kissed boy with wide smile steps into the meeting room on cue. “Before, when this idiot accidently touched me, icebergs melt. Now? Flowers bloom from ice.”
“Hey, folks, I’m here too and I take full offense for that degrading comment,” Taeyang snickers like he always does with Tingyan.
Winter and summer are total opposites and their spirits’ personalities are quite different too, so maybe that’s why they never really got along. They didn’t even need to due to the fact they only met twice a year. But now that both of them are up and Summer really doesn’t look sleepy at all, it makes Younghyun mull over the odds of impossible in fear. Their job was to keep the balance. Does that mean they failed?
Yet, here he is recklessly hoping that it means that he can see you soon.
“But how is this possible?” he furrows his brows, fingers twitching as he gulps down his nervousness.
“Ask Mother Earth,” the winter spirit shrugs while Taeyang shoots finger guns at him instead of answering the question.
“Come on, Autumn, bring Spring into the party! You have to be the one to wake her up, otherwise it would confuse her a lot and we don't want any more unnecessary changes or do we?” he raises an eyebrow clearly as a joke. However, Tingyan doesn’t appreciate his funny side and smacks him on the arm that makes him let out a yelp.
Younghyun doesn’t pay attention to their dispute, he’s too immersed in the thought of meeting you so early. Such an unexpected turn of events! He steps towards the direction of your suite almost blindly, pulled by invisible strings and a magnetic power stronger than gravity.
The golden doorknob is cold under his touch and he’s shivering even though he’s not capable of feeling neither warm, nor cold. At least, not in that sense humans feel them; it’s more like an emotion for him, something stirring deep in his heart. His breath hitches as the door opens so easily and the immerse dose of flower scent is already suffocating him. He chokes on his own saliva but it doesn’t break his determination as he marches towards your baldachin bed thoroughly hinted with fresh flower petals. Where in the midst of roses, lilies, jasmines and even more exotic kinds Younghyun doesn’t even recognize, there’s you, the prettiest flower of all.
You are like an angel sleeping in your rosy coloured dress with your long, dark hair sprawled on the white sheets. You have flowers among your locks, like always, and this time they are midnight blue forget-me-nots. Like he could ever forget you! Your heart-shaped face and glossy lips are imprinted in his mind making him crave something he shouldn’t. Because there’s a bridgeless abyss between something you simply won’t have and can’t have. Still, it’s not about owning, about such filial want for physical things but also the longing for a life in which you are with him and not only for one day. But forever.
What can he do though? Autumn and spring is half a year apart, yet you are here, so close, so mesmerizingly beautiful and peaceful while he’s choking on the pollens that are scratching his throat. He absolutely adores this irreplaceable sweetness of yours but the realm of Spring is killing him. He has to act soon or else, his recklessness will be his undoing for being here too long.
He sits down on the edge of your soft bed, the mattress dampening under him as he can’t take his eyes off of you. He’s certain of how he feels, how pathetically autumn is in love with spring, yet he never dares to act on those feelings. Not even when he has seen the same yearning in your eyes because he would hate himself to bring chaos down onto the two of you.
Maybe it’s the change in the air or maybe it’s something completely different but now he feels daring, desperate enough to lean closer until he cannot process anything else but your light breaths on his face and the flutters of your eyelashes. Without further delay, he dives in and presses his lips gently onto your forehead. But as if you burnt him, he pulls back almost immediately, wiping his still tingling mouth with the back of his hands not believing what he just did. Silly, silly deity, has nobody taught you that this mundane thing called love is such a dangerous thing to do?
A heartbeat later, when you blink once, twice and then slowly open your eyes drowsily, he’s there with the softest smile despite being terrified of the possible consequences of his own actions.
“Hey...” he greets you and no matter the centuries that went by, you still get flustered by the way he looks at you so fondly.
“Is it time already?” you ask suddenly wide awake and sitting up in your bed hastily. Did you sleep in? Why did he come into your room when he always waits outside for you?
“Well, about that…” Younghyun gulps and his gaze drops somewhere between your bodies on the flower-made bed. When he looks up, his eyes are autumn days you dreamed about, the warm but windy ones when you wish somebody would hold your hand. But the boy next to you doesn’t do that, no, he rather brushes a stray lock out of your eyes and tucks it behind your ear carefully not to touch your skin. “Everybody is required to be at this year’s autumnal equinox.”
You can only gape at him in awe. This has never happened before.
“What… what does it mean?”
“We are not sure.”
Nobody is. The Seasons’s Council is more crowded this year than ever before and of course, a lot louder too. You stay close to Younghyun as the spirits from all over the globe arrive and start discussing the issue at hand. You don’t understand much of it but you are fascinated by all the new faces you see.
“Is she a rain season? I have never seen one before,” you point at a girl whose hair is like waves and she moves so fluidly as if she was made of slippery water.
“Yeah, she is from the East,” Younghyun nods and introduces you to some other spirits he knows from other areas where only two season spirits exists. You find the monsoon seasons particularly funny so you enjoy yourself despite the seriousness of the situation. Thought, it’s mostly because your beloved autumn spirit is by your side. He’s the calm river in a thundery forest and whenever you feel him getting closer signalled by that dizziness that rushes over you, you are reminded that everything will be okay.
Even if the meeting goes by fruitless and the seasons leave even more fidgety than before, you don’t mind it. Not if it means you can stay and watch autumn unfold in front of your eyes, if you can spend more time with the spirit who stole your heart from bits to bits over the last millennium.
“What happens now?” you speak up when the two of you step out to the balcony of the building. You don’t have to say your fears out loud explicitly for Younghyun to understand what you mean by that: what if you die like humans?
“Now we are here to see every season until we can,” he reassures you with your favourite kind of smile, that genuine one that warms and melts your insides. It takes your breath for a moment and you don’t have any more self-restraint to keep yourself from asking what you’ve wanted to since he woke you up.
“Do you think I can touch you without causing havoc?”
“I- Maybe,” the forever young man blurts out nervous like a teenager in love, clearly taken aback by your direct question but he doesn’t move an inch when you lift your hand to his face.
You hesitate. You’re afraid you will wake up from this dream if you touch him, or you might ruin him just like how spring conquers winter every year. The what ifs horrify you and Younghyun sees your wobbliness in your eyes and shaky fingers. So he gently takes your hand slotting his fingers between yours as he presses your palm flatly on his cheek.
Wow. You let out a relieved sigh.
“You are warm,” you whisper being lost for words. It’s not his ageless face or the touch itself, but the warmth that’s coming from the heart and feels like home.
“You fault,” the spirit of the current season says cheekily and you chuckle in embarrassment. Why is he so cheesy?
“Liar,” you shake your head in disbelief and step back. You need a breather because your lungs are on fire and you’re sure it’s because of the incompatibility between your seasons’ nature. It would be dangerous to prolong the moment more. So you turn towards the jaw-dropping scenery and smile tenderly at no one in particular. “I can’t believe I can see autumn. It’s beautiful.”
Younghyun’s breath hitches as he watches you marvelling at the colours he created and just like an artist presenting his masterpiece, he can’t help but feel proud that you like his work. Oh how he wished so many times you were there to see the beauty of fall.
“I have always known though. I saw it in your eyes,” you keep rambling, confessing in your own innocent way but oh boy, he knows you too well to let it slip through his fingers like that.
“So is it spring I see in your eyes?” he looks straight in your eyes with a look so serious you don’t know what to expect but still, your heart is beating rapidly like the clopping of wild horses on the run.
“I don’t know. What do you see?”
“Something I would be willing to bloom and wither for.”
It’s the softest kiss, a silent I love you and a promise. It takes your breath away and your heart skips a beat as he kisses you shortly. You both know it won’t be easy but you believe it’s worth it, especially because for the first time since forever you are waiting for spring to come with him by your side.
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peacefulheartfarm · 3 years
Spring Growth on the Homestead
So much going on with spring births on the homestead. And abandoned lamb was the immediate task to take care of today. A quick trip to town to get supplies and now I’m late getting to this podcast. That’s what it’s all about on the homestead. I have so much to share with you today and most of it is so much fun!!
I want to take a minute and say welcome to all the new listeners and welcome back to the veteran homestead-loving regulars who stop by the FarmCast for every episode. I appreciate you all so much. I’m so excited to share with you what’s going on at the homestead this week. As I said there is a lot of it and all relates to spring births.
Our Virginia Homestead Life Updates
Before getting to that abandoned lamb, let’s start with the garden and the birthing of new plants.
Spring Garden
If you are new to gardening perhaps you are not familiar with the terms spring garden, summer garden, and fall garden. Spring is the time of year to plant crops that thrive in cool weather. Some can thrive in the heat, like maybe potatoes. But most spring garden plants require cool temperatures. Things like lettuce and spinach will simply give up and go to seed if it gets too hot. Other things like root crops will just not grow in the heat. Their growth stalls and there is nothing to do for it but try again in the fall when the weather cools off again.
This spring we are planting two kinds of peas, snap peas and shelling peas. Shelling peas are those green peas that you buy frozen or canned. Snap peas are best for salads and such. They are eaten pod and all, though they can be shelled as well. But the pods are sweet and crisp.
I’m not going to plant potatoes this spring although Scott did dig up the potatoes that we had left in the ground over the winter. They were just starting to sprout and grow again. Really, we should have had them out of the ground a week or so ago before they sprouted. Fortunately, there are not tons of them. We will be able to eat them before they get soft. In the normal course of planting, I would have planted some of them for a new crop. I have enough potatoes and will forgo them this spring. Perhaps in the fall.
I have yellow, red and white onion sets to plant. Onions make bulbs according to the amount of light they need. There are short season, mid-season and long season varieties. Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and other northern states can grow those long season varieties. During the height of summer, the hours of daylight are significantly higher than we get in Southern Virginia. And farther south from us, only the short season varieties will grow. The farther south you get, the more equal the day and night hours become. While far in the northern States like Alaska, they have sunlight nearly 24 hours at the height of summer. Of course, it is dark for nearly 24 hours in the winter also.
Strange place, Alaska. I was there twice. Once near the spring equinox and the days and nights were fairly equal. But the second time I was there in July, just past the summer solstice. The sun was still up at midnight. It dipped below the horizon for about 3 hours and then daylight began to show once again. It happened in Germany also. I was there in August and it was daylight past 11:00 pm and the sun was back up long before I got up in the morning.
So that’s the story of onions. The rest of the garden will get planted in May. That will be the green beans, herbs and crowder peas.
The 500 strawberry roots are all planted and looking great. Leaves are visible on almost all of them. The beds look fantastic. Scott did a great job there. That bank of strawberries will also have four sections of culinary herbs. I already have a good stand of thyme and oregano. Inside I have started more rosemary as it didn’t do so well last year and I just let it go over the winter. It can survive the winter but needs protection. It did so poorly that I just decided to start over this year. And just today I got some garden sage seeds to fill in that fourth section in between the strawberries.
The blueberries and blackberries are leafing out. The blueberries will bloom soon and we will have berries around the first or second week of June. The blackberries will be ready in mid-July.
On to the cows.
Cows and Calves
Last time I talked with you, we had one calf. Now we have three. Rosie, our new Jersey heifer gave birth to Princess. Then Cloud gave birth to Winston. And finally, Claire gave to birth to a, yet unnamed, bull calf. No one has had any trouble so far, knock on wood. Butter and Violet have a bit of time to go before giving birth, Late May and early June respectively.
Now to the fun part of the cow story. Rosie, though she is her first calf, was giving about 2 ½ gallons of milk per day. We were estimating in the beginning because Princess was getting her share so we guessed about how much she was drinking. We were getting about a gallon and a half in the beginning and guessed Princess was getting about a gallon a day. Well, it didn’t take long and we were getting a gallon a day – and then a few days later, a half-gallon or even less. Princess was getting it all.
At this point, we would normally separate momma and baby and control the amount of milk baby is getting. Calves need about a gallon or so of milk to grow strongly. Certainly not two gallons. But they will drink everything they can if you let them. Take a beef cow for instance. Those calves are never going to get more than a gallon or so a day because that is all momma is going to make. But the dairy cows make lots and lots of milk and the calves simply don’t need that much. So what were we to do.
We came up with a very good plan. During this time when the milk volume we were getting was diminishing rapidly, Cloud had given birth. We cannot milk Cloud anymore. About mid-season last year, something spooked her and she began kicking the milking inflations off. Then she began kicking more and Scott got quite a few bruises and even a really badly sprained thumb from her kicks. We had to stop milking her. We thought we might try again this year if she perhaps had calmed down a bit. No luck there. We had her walking into the stanchion before she even gave birth, just getting her used to coming in and getting a little treat. They all get this training. It makes it easy to work with them for just about any vet treatment. Anyway, she got startled again by something and started kicking and we weren’t even trying to touch her udders. That answered that question. Cloud would not be milked this year either.
This is also a dilemma on a homestead. Every animal needs to have a purpose. Her purpose was to have a calf every year and to be milked. Now half of her purpose was eliminated. That means she has become more of a cost than a benefit. And even though we love all of our milk cows, we simply cannot afford to have any of them as pets. They must cover their own expenses at the very least. And of course, we really need them to provide some income. Otherwise, we are using our precious time to maintain a cow that is not giving much in return.
This year, she got a reprieve. We figured out how she could pull her own weight. She could become a nurse cow. Separating a calf from mom is normally a loud experience for three days. However, we separated Princess from Rosie and began grafting her onto Cloud. Princess was happy with the arrangement. Rosie was not. She still moos at Princess all the time. Princess ignores her and has since the second day.
A cow will sometimes easily take on another calf. In fact, we have had issues in the past with calves nursing on any cow in the area. Our Normande cows are pretty willing to let anyone nurse. Cloud was not quite so willing as Claire and Buttercup, but we were confident she would eventually accept Princess as her own.
We put Princess in with Cloud and Winston. And we had them separate from the rest of the crew for the exact reason I just described. We didn’t want Winston browsing around and finding milk beyond Cloud. Anyway, each day we bring all three up to the milking shed. Cloud goes in the stanchion and her head is locked in. She can still see who is back there nursing and the first day, she kicked Princess off repeatedly. Princess is quite resourceful and persistent. She was hungry after all. It didn’t take long for her to figure out how to position herself so that Cloud could not reach her with her kicking. She would get almost right up underneath Cloud with her butt close up next to Cloud’s front legs and her body nearly underneath Cloud’s belly. Cloud is locked in the stanchion and can’t walk away. The first two days, Princess was voracious in nursing. We were relieved and confident that she would be fine. She was filling her belly at least once a day. The third day or fourth day, Princess did not persistently try to nurse. In fact, she was rather disinterested in nursing at all. That told us that she was getting at least some nursing in earlier in the day.
As of yesterday, I did not see Cloud even push her away. At all. Princess was getting some milk with persistence in previous days. Now she is nursing whenever she wants. It’s a done deal. Cloud now has two calves. And we now have that full two and a half gallons of milk.
A yesterday and today’s bonus is that Rosie all of a sudden started producing even more milk. We believe it is the warmer weather. She now gives us over three gallons every day. That is fantastic for a first year Jersey cow of her size. Remember, she is still quite small in stature.
I can’t wait to see how Butter does this year. We are expecting in excess of five gallons a day from her as she is now a seasoned Jersey cow. Butter is as tall as any of the Normandes. She looked like a mini cow when we first got her, but she is definitely full grown now.
That’s it for the cow stories. Now on to the quail.
Quail Babies
Just a brief tale here. We had 68 eggs in the incubator. There were 40 of those eggs that hatched. We lost three babies in the first day or so and now have 37 quail babies in the brooder. They are about 10 days old now and have nearly all of their feathers. In about 8 days, they will be fully feathered and strong enough to go out on their own.
We will do our semi-annual deep cleaning of all of the quail cages just before we turn them out into the grow out cages. The breeder cages also get a deep cleaning during this time. We will sterilize and treat the cages for mites. They will all get fresh new sand in which to take baths and the automatic watering system will be started up again. The automatic waterers don’t work well in winter as the lines and water cups freeze over. Instead, I take fresh water out to the birds every day from late fall to late spring.
So, the cycle of birds is in motion. I’ll keep you updated on each new batch of cute quail chicks.
Sheep and Lambs
The biggest spring birth story is the lambs. It would have been nice to have a 100% success rate like we achieved last year, but alas, we knew it was not likely. Lambs are delicate animals in the beginning.
The first ewe’s lamb was born without a hitch. He is strong and healthy. The second ewe, not so much. She had a big beautiful boy and a very, very tiny girl. The girl was born an hour or so later and we suspect that she was in the birth canal too long and was oxygen deprived. She passed within a couple of hours. She was never able to get up.
We only have four ewes giving birth this year and I thought perhaps that would be the only issue. Unfortunately, that was not the case. This story has a better ending. I had to rush into town to get colostrum for an abandoned lamb. In all of our 11 years of raising sheep and lambs, this was the first abandoned lamb that we had. Well, Lambert was close to being abandoned. That was two years ago. He was small and one of three. The other two were getting all the milk and we ended up bottle feeding him.
Today’s spring birth of lambs was, again, twins. But the ewe never touched the second lamb. Right after milking this morning I went out to check on the ewe because I could tell she had given birth. I had looked out the window and I could see the one up and running around. He was already dry. But she was laying down and straining again, so I thought another was on the way. And perhaps she was having an issue as the other was already standing up quite strongly and dried off. I feared a repeat of the previous situation where the lamb was damaged in the long birthing process. Nope, not this time. When I got out there the lamb was born and was actually standing up. She was significantly smaller than her brother, but still quite strong. She was as wet as she could be and still standing strong. I could tell that mom had not licked her at all. Who knows why it happens? But it does happen. Mom just rejects one of the lambs, usually the second or third one. As I said, we have had lots of issues with lambing but this was first time we had experienced the complete abandoning of a lamb. I tried rubbing the birthing fluid that was still on the new one onto the older one. Perhaps I could fool mom into accepting both as hers. No luck. She simply ignored the other lamb.
What to do? What to do? We quickly put all three in a smaller enclosure. We tied up mom and put baby girl underneath her and showed her where to nurse. While this little girl was strong, she seemed to have no clue as to how to nurse. Finding the correct location was no issue, but latching on was not going well. We fiddled with her for about an hour before giving up and deciding that we were just not going to be able to get her to nurse. And even if we did, mom was going to push her away, or walk away and leave her behind. She had already done that. When I first arrived, she took her boy and moved away from me. I brought the girl up to the boy and laid them together. Mom approached as a I walked away. She sniffed and licked the boy and completely ignored the girl. Then she walked away again with her boy in tow, abandoning the girl.
So, what happens when a lamb is abandoned? Well, we have to get colostrum into her within 24 hours. If you ladies out there have children you know what I mean when I say colostrum. Or if you have your own homestead you will know what I’m talking about here. For those of you still considering and learning, colostrum, not milk, is created for about three days or so. In sheep it contains lots of protein and a higher amount of fat than other species. The fat is important for lambs. The other really, really important part of colostrum is it contains the antibodies for common ruminant diseases. Lambs, kids, and calves can survive without it, but their chances of getting sick and dying due to lack of the antibodies to fight the infection is very, very high. All newly birthed ruminant animals need that colostrum for survival. On top of that, the ability to absorb the antibodies declines quickly after 24 hours. Therefore, it is imperative that the newborns get that colostrum immediately.
Once we made the decision to bottle feed the new lamb, we now needed the supplies. We have never really kept lamb colostrum on hand since we reduced our flock to a half dozen ewes. We picked the best moms and we’ve never had an abandoned lamb, as I said. I was aware that this stuff can be hard to come by for lambs. All kinds of calf colostrum which will do in a pinch. But the lambs really need the extra fat. That means I had to get on the phone and find some ASAP. The closest Tractor Supply that had some was an hour away. No problem, put everything else on hold, get in the car and make the trip.
I got back with the goods, fixed up a bottle for her and she drank it down in a couple of minutes. She is a really strong lamb and I think she will do fine. The other thing I needed to find was lamb milk replacer. Again, this formula needs to be made for lambs. The fat content of ewe’s milk is very high compared to cows or even goats. Fortunately, the Tractor Supply store that had the colostrum also had the lamb milk replacer. Phew. I got it all done. I feel pretty good about this little girl’s chances of survival. It was as flurry of activity, but that’s pretty normal for homestead life in the spring.
There is one more ewe still to give birth. Praying all goes well for her.
Final Thoughts
That’s about all I have time for in this podcast. It’s time to go bring up Cloud and make sure once again that Princess is being fed properly and we need to give Cloud some calorie treats daily as she needs to supply milk for two calves. I’ll feed and water the baby quail and get another bottle of colostrum ready for the ewe lamb. She will get fed at least three times a day for a few days. Then it will drop to twice a day for at least two months.
It’s all in a days work on the homestead.
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Thank you so much for stopping by the homestead and until next time, may God fill your life with grace and peace.
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bohememe · 4 years
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🍂 Navigating the Winds of Change 🍂 . There’s a lot I wish to share with you guys out of the sheer reason alone, that soon enough the time will no longer be right, + to be honest with you, I’d rather you hear it from me, personally than a friend of a friend. I’m going to be updating you guys on a few life altering, seismic shifts that have happened over the last few months + I’ll be sharing them over the course of 3 Fall Equinox Self-Portraits because after all, this is how I best express myself. Let’s get on with it then. Update #003: 🚌🏔🗺 Because of the update mentioned in the first image from this series (visit @the.wolf.wandress to refresh yourself), I have found that the phrase “when God closes a door, he opens 3 more” is not only accurate af, it’s also extremely relevant for me in this time. Earlier this month after our decision, I was offered a job as Creative Assistant, as well as finding an amazing apartment in the mountains of Manitou Springs, Colorado, where I will be moving in less than a week (from writing this). This entire time of packing and getting ready to move has been a real hustle, but having the view of the Garden of the Gods out my new bedroom window is a great motivator. I have the best brother in the world and he will be making the 3-4 day drive with me to help me move while my back continues to mend. I’m a whirlwind of emotion throughout this process. I’m learning a lot about what I’m built of, and I have to be real with you- sometimes it takes moments like this to come along and remind you of your ability to adapt and survive another day. Maybe we don’t like to be reminded of that, but it’s necessary for growth. It can’t be avoided. I feel as though everything has moved so fast this year, my head is left spinning, but I’m still standing. My warrior spirit cannot be devoured. I’ll embrace this season of death and rebirth. Thank you, Great Spirit, for the lessons you’ve taught me in my journey so far. So I on that note, I guess I’ll take questions. View all updates over on the other images in the series. Visit my profile, @the.wolf.wandress to view all three. 003//003. (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFxA9TJB3M6/?igshid=1te75np3h8xfx
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ittf24 · 6 years
シェルダンナイドルニュース 18/06/28
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シェルダンナイドルニュース Update for June 26, 2018
  現在、闇は、その土地の膨大な額の富のをあきらめています。その結果、あなたの世界の主要な政府はすべて破産しているか、破産に近い状態にあります。この事実が公開された場合に起こるパニックと激怒を回避するために、この事実は現在のルイズ(Louise「名高い戦士」の女性形)を維持し、回避するために隠されています。あなたのグローバル社会の本当の富は、ゴールドバック通貨( gold-backed currencies 金に裏つけられた通貨)を基盤としたグローバル・リセットが現れた場合にのみ現れます。この現実は、公に公開されるべきところに近づいています。これらの発表が行われると、新しい一連の暫定政権が明らかになるでしょう。今、これらの出来事のすべてが起こるように、慎重な交渉が結論づけられています。同盟は今や権力の位置にあり、この難しい移行をできるだけ円滑に進めるために必要なことは何でもしています。時代が到来する瞬間は、私たち全員がこの惑星とその表面の人口、最も奇跡的な贈り物を授けるためにすぐに到着するでしょう。   この魔法の瞬間を待っているので、私たちの仲間は開示シナリオの次のステップを実行しています。その1つは、公開後の最初の放送に関係します。私たちのコミュニケーションチームはあなたに伝える予定のものを改訂しています。あなたのいとこ、アガルダ人があなたに適切に紹介されることが不可欠です。彼らは、あなたの本当の起源とあなたの本当の歴史について教えてくれるよう提案します。この知識は、あなたが教えた知識とは非常に異なっています。また、招待された皆さんと共有したいさまざまな技術を公開する予定です。このアジェンダは、最初のあなたとのやりとりの初歩的な部分にすぎません。   (皆さんは)最近の何を展開するかを示す鍵を多く保持している強力な夏至のエネルギーに浸っています。文字通り、銀河の目はあなたの上にあります!天国は、光が勝利するように、無数の必要な変更が明示される準備が整っていることを私たちは保証します!これは、あなたが完全な意識の非常に危機に追い込まれる新しいエネルギーを確立するための動きにおいて、開かれた一斉射撃を構成します。非常に精神的な性質を持つ多くの存在が、あなたの世界で最初に接触し、それに従うための条件を作り出すために一緒になっています。我々は、計画を加速し、この重要な重要な動きの始めが天の望みに従って成功することを保証するために、私たちの技術的優位性を活用しています。   ナマステ!私たちはあなたの次元上昇したマスターです。先週、北半球の夏至と惑星の南半球の冬至で予定されていた(銀河の中心にある)グレートセンタラルサンからの新しい周波数を迎えました。6月の夏至に伴うエネルギーは、人類の光システムへのアップグレードをもたらしています。春分満期に植えられた種子が今開花してます。これらの新しい周波数は変化の強力な触媒です。あなた自身とあなたの周りの人々、政府と金融業界、そして惑星自身の変化を目の当たりにして感謝します。   ガイア(地球)を取り囲むエネルギーには、私たちの銀河系全体が含まれています。金星の雰囲気は冷たいです。火星の気候も気候変動を経験しており、テラフォーム(人類の住める星に改造すること 「惑星地球化計画」とも言われる) になり始めています。水面に小さな池が浮上しています。木星が知られている赤い点は消えてしまいました。土星の輪は、より精巧に織り交ぜた意識の輪であることが証明されています。このような私たちの銀河(に起きる)変化は、意識の上昇によって引き起こされます。まとめると、私たちは周波数スパイラル(螺旋)を5次元に上げています。   明らかに、あなたのために全く位新しい世界を誕生させるために、多くのことが展開されています。親愛なる人たちにこのプロセスに参加することをお勧めします。最近の変革への取り組みは、お互いに助け合う義務があるところに達しています。あなた方一人一人は、銀河系の人間に変身する方法についての知識を持っています。これを互いに共有してください。これらの話題を自由かつ公然と話し合うことができる安全な環境を作りましょう。この情報がテレビから出てくるのを聞くのは一つのことですが、あなたが知っている人から出てくる愛と思いやりでそれを聞くことは全く別です。個人的なタッチに代わるものはありません。この祝福された完全な意識への移行が神の魔法で満たされるのは我々の希望するところです!これは約13000年前に始まった神聖な仕事です。今、私たちは天国を皆さんに戻すために必要なことを何でもしています。   今日、私たちは地球の周りに何が現れているかを伝え続けました。繁栄と調和の時代が形成されています。したがって、これは移行の時です。この新しい一連の現実の勝利のために働き、新しい精神的年齢に備えるために、いつまでも気をつけて準備してください。知ってください、数え切れないほどの供給と終わりのない天国の繁栄が本当にあなたのものであることを。ですからそうなります!セルマートガジュン!セルマート・ジャ!(Sirian for Be One!そして喜びに!) このアップデートをより少ないページで印刷するには:ここをクリック
Dratzo! Let us begin. Much is being readied for a significant coming event. This ever-changing orb upon which we gaze is a world where the dark pursues its diabolical schemes with little success. We cannot emphasize enough that the demise of the cabal is closer than most of you might believe. The recently formed Alliance, in company with our earth allies, is at the ready to spring a carefully-set trap that will lead to arrests of some of the cabal's upper-echelon personnel. The arrest plan is designed to keep the public informed as a way to limit chaos. As we have mentioned before, their "tried and true" ways of keeping the citizens of Earth in bondage no longer work. Because the dark appears unable to alter their modus operandi, their tricks to obstruct the Divine Plan continue to expose them for the scoundrels they are. Meanwhile, the masses are awakening. Globally, citizens are beginning to rise up, demanding transparency and Truth.
  At present, the dark is being forced to give up vast sums of its earthly wealth. Consequently, all the major governments on your world are either bankrupt or nearly bankrupt. This fact is being hidden to maintain the current ruse and avoid arousing the panic and outrage that would ensue if this fact were made public. The true wealth of your global societies will appear only when a global reset manifests, founded on gold-backed currencies. This reality is nearing a point where it is to be revealed to the public. Once these announcements are made, they will also reveal a new series of interim governments. Right now, sensitive negotiations are concluding to permit all of these events to happen. The Alliance is now in a position of power and is doing whatever is required to make this difficult transition run as smoothly as possible. The epochal moment is soon to arrive for all of us to bestow upon this planet, and its surface population, a most miraculous gift.   As we await this magic moment, our fleet personnel are carrying out the next steps in our disclosure scenario, one of which concerns our first post-disclosure broadcasts. Our communications team is revising what we intend to convey to you. It is essential for your cousins, the Agarthans, to be properly introduced to you. They propose to teach you about your true origins and your true history. This knowledge is very different from that which you have been taught. We also intend to display the various technologies we wish to share with you. This agenda is merely the first part of our initial interaction with you.   You are basking in the energies of the recent powerful Summer Solstice, which holds many keys to what is to unfold. Literally, the eyes of the galaxy are upon you! Heaven assures us that countless necessary changes are being prepared to manifest, to allow the Light to emerge Victorious! This will constitute the opening salvo in the move to establish the new energies that are to propel you to the very brink of full consciousness. Many Beings of a highly spiritual nature have joined together on your world to create the conditions for first contact and all that is to follow. We are using our technological advantage to accelerate the plan and ensure that this pivotal opening move succeeds according to Heaven's wishes.   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters. Last week, we welcomed the new frequencies from the Great Central Sun scheduled for the summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere and winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere of the planet. The energies that accompany June's Solstice are bringing an upgrade to your human and Light systems. The seeds planted at the Spring Equinox will now bloom. These new frequencies are a potent catalyst for change. Offer gratitude as you witness changes in yourself, and the people around you, in government and the financial industry, and in the planet herself.   The energies enveloping Gaia also encompass our entire Milky Way galaxy. The atmosphere of Venus is cooling. That of Mars is also experiencing climate change and is beginning to terra-form: small ponds of water are springing up on her surface. The red spot for which Jupiter is known has disappeared. Saturn's rings are proving to be a more elaborately interwoven web of consciousness. Changes to our galaxy such as these are caused by a rise in consciousness. Collectively, we are ascending the frequency spiral to the 5th dimension.   Clearly, much is unfolding to birth an entirely new world for you. We encourage you, dear ones, to participate in this process. Recent steps taken toward transformation have reached the point where you are obliged to come together to help one another. Each of you possesses knowledge of how you are to morph into galactic humans. Share this with each other. Create a safe environment in which you can discuss these subjects freely and openly. It is one thing to hear this information issuing from a television set, but quite another to hear it with the Love and caring that emanates from someone you know. There is no substitute for the personal touch. It is our intention that this blessed transition to full consciousness be filled with the magic of the Divine! This is a sacred task that began nearly 13 millennia ago. Now we are doing whatever is required to bring Heaven back to each one of you.   Today, we continued to inform you about what is manifesting around your globe. An age of prosperity and harmony is forming. This, therefore, is a time of transition. Be patient and ever ready to work for the triumph of this new series of realities and prepare for a new spiritual age. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) To print this update formatted for fewer pages: Click here
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