cocopudu · 3 months
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new ref sheet for my main ponysona, sprinkle bug :3c
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cheerioss · 5 years
i got really bored so here's a little sprinklebug to sprinkle up your day !! :)
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edit: heyyy still reallt surprised to find notes going up for this post and im reallllly grateful for them !! :)) if u dont know i have a gummy chat one here too so please give him some love!!
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workingmansdead · 11 years
sprinklebug replied to your post: breakfastqueen replied to you...
omg i agree 100% i was so excited to read it and it was just awful. but so many people love it so i guess maybe you would too.
I don't really love it or anything I just sort of relate to it but in a way I'm not happy about
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cheerioss · 4 years
A Merry Sprinkle Christmas
it’s christmas!! and of course i had to write something about a sprinkle-loving human :) presenting a lil very long fic of my sprinklebug au!! im overseas now so my laptop is miles away and i cant add the cut so ://
“3...2...1... IT’S CHRISTMAS!”
Marinette squealed as the clocked that ticked away on the living room wall proudly displayed 12 o’ clock. There were sparkles in her eyes as she tried to decided which gift to open first while she scurried to the christmas tree from her place on the couch, making Tom and Sabine chuckle. It was always a Dupain-Cheng tradition to open a gift at midnight every christmas, and this year was no exception.
Their home had sprigs of mistletoe sprinkled (yes this is intentional :> ) around with the scent of fresh hot chocolate filling the air. Stocking hung along the pretend fireplace aka the window, custom made by one (1) aspiring fashion designer of course. The kitchen was filled with food, drinks and ingredients for the upcoming christmas party happening in less than 18 hours. (Marinette was shamelessly counting down.) The tree was the centre of attention though, bringing twinkles into the house- courtesy of the fairy lights wrapped around it. Ornaments, each unique with a story behind them, was carefully placed on some of the branches of the tree, the collection constantly growing. There was no star though, as they don’t see the need for one. Tom joked that Marinette was their star what with all the commissions she’d received from Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale. (“Dad, no! I’m not a star!”) Marinette once tried to add sprinkles to it but they all just fell to the floor which formed a pile of sprinkles around the base of the tree that made her sad.
Marinette was a whole new level of Christmas. She was decked out in her oversized self-knitted sweater with hand-sewn sprinkles decorating it and a cat pun right in the middle. (Gummy Chat would be proud of the cat pun part) Her christmas hat was lined with fake fluffy fur and a big, fluffier pom pom at the tip, decorated with-surprise!- even more hand-sewn sprinkles. Warm fuzzy socks were on her feet, in christmas’ colours, made to look like elf shoes with again, sprinkles made of thread. Almost covered by her hat were mistletoe sprigs pinned to the hair ties that held her hair in pigtails, a huge contrast against her black hair. Tiny bells jingled away on her wrists and ankles, making sounds wherever the sprinkle-obsessed girl went.
“Hang on Marinette. We have some new ornaments to add to the tree this year,” Sabine called out to her daughter, effectively halting the jingly movements. Another tradition in the Dupain-Cheng household, putting up new ornaments if they have any new ones to introduce to their myriad of not-so-new ones. The petite woman pulled out a blob from a box on the table. How did I miss that? Marinette thought as she finally caught sight of the red cardboard cube.
“This,” she gestured to the animal shaped piece, “is to commemorate Paris’ heroes for all they’ve done for us. Sprinklebug and Gummy Chat may not know this but I think they deserve to be celebrated with our other memories on the tree considering their contributions and everything that happened this year with the akumas.” She then put it up on an empty spot on the tree. It was a black cat with a ladybug on its nose. Marinette tried to keep her tears hidden, surprised and touched at the same time. At least one of them knows, Mum.
“There’s a second one, but it’s one of your presents and it can wait till tomorrow if you choose to open another present first.”
Any thoughts of which present to pick went out the girl’s mind, scrambling to figure out which box it is in. Tom laughed at his daughter with fondness before locating it for her, booming with much more laughter as a mass of sprinkles launched for it. 5 seconds of paper tearing and a lid thrown aside later...
*Gasp* “SPRINKLES! A sprinkle shaker! I’ve looked forever for one of these and you’ve finally found one! THANKS MUM AND DAD!”
Operation: Prepare for Christmas Party was almost complete by the 1 hour left mark, so Sabine told Marinette to go and prepare all her gifts and get ready for the party using the remaining time. (She knows how serious that human takes these tasks.) Marinette already triple checked everything the day before and planned her outfit, so all she was left with was hair and makeup which only takes 15 minutes. This means that she was able to sneak out the skylight as her super-secret-alter-ego to meet up with her partner as scheduled. Tikki was interrupted from admiring her present from Marinette, a mini sprinkle-themed dress, but she didn’t mind. Gift in hand, Sprinklebug soared across her city before finding the cat themed hero lounging around on the Eiffel Tower, whistling a christmas tune. He opened an eye at the sound of her landing, a grin taking over his features.
“Merry christmas, sprinkle-boo!” Chat said as a greeting, Sprinklebug returning it in a sing-song voice and a hug. The feline boy kept his eyes on the item his lady brought with her, curiosity definitely triggered. This made Sprinklebug giggle and give in to his silent request, taking hers from the centre of the roof when her friend’s tail pointed in that direction. They opened their presents together, too eager to wait another moment of say another word.
“Omg it’s sprinkles shakers with fancy sprinkles! I’ve been meaning to paint on some for fun and this is perfect! But... isn’t this an expensive brand? Chat-“
“Nuh-uh, no can do madame. I insist and you can’t say no. Also you gave me like 3 different things I should’ve gotten you more!”
They went back and forth for a bit before they burst into giggles, ending whatever “argument” they had. Chat then asked about the ornament that she had given him.
“Ornaments are sort of my family tradition, so i thought I’d make you one. Cat’s and gummy worms and a small pun too. It’s one of a kind.”
Tears swarmed in Chat’s eyes, threatening to fall. He needs to hurry home soon so that he can cry and swoon in pure bliss. He picked up golden thread when pushing away his hat so that he won’t accidentally get it wet. Inspecting it, his saw the name of his princess. Sprinklebug cursed herself mentally for not setting aside of her habit of signing articles of fashion with golden thread.
“Oh, that. I couldn’t knit myself so I commissioned Marinette to create this hat. I’m sure you’re familiar? But please don’t go asking her who I am as I did it via super suit. And before I forget, inside the bag with gummy worms is plagg’s cheese and tiny hat. Wish him merry christmas for me please.” My, what a mouthful you idiot!
“Ah, okay. Please do that same for me with Tikki. And thanks for reminding me, give her one of the shakers. It’s indicated with a little tag.”
They did a little more talking, ultimately bringing the topic back to how Sprinklebug gave Gummy Chat way more things which were also cooler and that he should have gotten more to balance it out.
“It’s really alright, minou. Seeing you smile and enjoying your present is way bigger than all the presents I gave you combined.” A warm smile was directed at Chat.
“Awwww is m’lady finally falling for my smile?” He was being a jokester and he knew it.
“You wish.”
They then parted ways at half past 5, Sprinklebug to prepare for a party and Gummy Chat to soon head over to said party. Not that either of them knew.
Sidenote: Adrien did cry and swoon in bliss for about 20 minutes once home though. Plagg just munched on the edible part of his present and asking him to stop producing “eye-pee” and check for everything before heading to pigtails’ party already.
so there it is! i wanted to write about the christmas party but it’s kinda long so maybe a part 2?? but i also kinda wanna just leave it as a oneshot. hmm decisions decisions... but i hope you liked this thing that i wrote and merry christmas!!
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cheerioss · 5 years
man wasnt expecting sprinklebug to get so much love so here's a gummy chat too !! (i think i'll just stick with that name for now. or maybe gummy noir but i still want chat in there ://)
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i know it's a bit messy i was using my fingers :) and i think that's how sour gummy worms look like?? i didnt goggle it
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cheerioss · 5 years
proposal: sprinklebug and gummy chat
so saw this post by @lenoreofraven and honestly im hungry
and also the idea of mari being obsessed with sprinkles since young is stuck in my head now.
omigosh imagine: sprinklebug. her spots look kinda like sprinkles. has a mini sprinkle shower when calling lucky charm (she looks forward to doing that) she thinks sprinkles are blessings, gifts from the heavens
once got a sprinkle sprinkler for a lucky charm and *GASP* "OHMYGOODNESS IT'S SPRINKLES!!" of course she goes around throwing them like confetti before calling miraculous cure
ohno now im imagining adrien aka chat being in love with sour gummy worms "dont worry m'lady you are still number 1" he has a gummy worm for a tail. i repeat, a sour gummy worm tail!! (he totally ignores everyone who says it looks terrible -- swinging it around for dramatized effect, but he still changed it to a cola flavoured looking one anyways)
oh his bell is gummy too (the fact it still rings kinda weirds him out)
chat bonbon (wanted gummy in french but couldnt find it ://), your local saviour!! "oh look it's sweet and sour, a match made in heaven"
yes im gonna need to draw it out someday, when life is not in the way :) (omg that rhymed holy cats)
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cheerioss · 5 years
little day in sprinklebug au
so i got this idea where every wednesday it's cream puff day in the tom and sabine bakery (i really love cream puffs please dont @ me for this)
-they are mini sized and regular sized (altho the 'miniz' as they call them are much more popular)
-a few different flavours every week--mix and match
-once there was a limited edition cheese flavoured one. (marinette doesnt know how it tastes like but tikki says it's cream cheese and it's good after she snuck some)
-plagg begged adrien to go and get him some ("GET ALL THE MINI ONES-- DON'T LEAVE ANY BEHIND!!")
-so adrien does so a little "illegally" as he isn't allowed this many sweets so he just bought them and stashed them in the limo after bribing the gorilla to help him secretly bring it up to his room
-plagg loves 'em so much when chat comes by next time he has a cute lil dollop of cream cheese on his hair
-adrien snuck some passion fruit ones in ("wow wat a coinkidink totally didn't make this specially for u with a dash of sprinkles hehehehehe...he" -marinette)
-and so marinette thinks adrien is obsessed with cheese and brings him some of that cream cheese cream puffs all the time
-but he does insist on the passion fruit ones if she would be so kind becuz those actual are his favourite-- "but the cheese is great i don't really LOVE them"
-they sort of make cream cheese regular now since adrien loves them to bits and his fans realising this also LOVES them to bits. plagg just happy that cream cheese cream puffs are here to stay (even if he has to wait till every wednesday or whenever marinette comes by to school with some)
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cheerioss · 5 years
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it's my first time participating in inktober and it's not my best work and im late too woops. but im not gonna do all the days just once in a while cuz im busy and there's even an accompanying story below (sorry my laptop's woozy so i can't add the cut from there)
Sprinklebug wondered around Paris, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. She had been patrolling all evening and was heading towards the Eiffel Tower where she would meet her partner and kiss each other goodnight.
You would think that she would grow out of her sprinkle obsession in her twenties. Nope, and her boyfriend never stopped loving his sour gummy worms either.
She landed onto the top of the famous monument with ease, almost falling over when she saw the display in front of her. Sprinkles littered the ground, along with sprinkle-decorated roses, everywhere. Her chaton was standing in the middle of the scene with a bouquet of rainbow roses in his arms, his adoring look warmed by the surrounding fairy lights.
"Chaton? What's the occasion today? First the amazing dinner at that fancy restaurant and now this?"
"Can't a cat show his Sprinklebug how much he loves her?" And there's the smirk.
"Hmm, I don't know, maybe?"
He handed her the beautiful bouquet and his face lit up in realisation.
"Oh, I forgot something," he pulled out a sprinkle shaker and proceeded to sprinkle-up the roses. "There, much better."
Sprinklebug giggled, placing the beautiful bouquet behind her on the beam of the tip of the Eiffel Tower. She spun back around fully preparing to give her Gummy Chat his reward, when she saw him kneeling on one knee. She gasped as she caught sight of the black box in his hand, which would have camouflaged well if not for the little sprinkles on it. It's not real sprinkles she notes, meaning it will be stuck there forever and ever.
"Marinette, My Lady, Bugaboo, Princess, Sprinklebug Dupain-Cheng, you have been the sweetest thing to happen to me. My sour life has never been so blessed with so many sprinkles, and you make my heart turn to gummy every single time. So please, tell me Mari, will you marry me?"
He then opened the box, and inside was a diamond ring with tiny gemstone sprinkles on it.
"I got it customed, so now it will be sprinkled forever!"
Tears running down her face, her heart just positively aching in bliss, she nodded her head, and she could see his shoulders relax. He must have actually been nervous. He slipped the ring onto her finger with a kiss to the knuckles, a murmured "My royal sprinkleness" escaping his lips.
They had a lot of cleaning up to do, sure. But for now Sprinklebug remained cuddled up to her fiancé, his gummy worm tail wrapped around her waist, simply enjoying the moment. Oh, and after she finishes up that shaker of course.
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cheerioss · 5 years
adventures of sprinklebug and chat (still need a name!!)
original post here
here's wat happens when kwami swap happens. really wish i could digital draw rn cuz dkdkskdksk
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cheerioss · 5 years
day 7: enchanted
sool i got busy and found a bit of time to ink the drawing (welp i messed it up on the left side dont mind it hehe)
but story's below!!
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Marinette wandered along the quiet halls of Le Grand Paris, seeking peace and quiet. Alya had been trying to get Adrien and her together yet again, clearly not feeling the awkwardness between them. They've been like this for a week, and couldn't bring themselves to address the gigantic elephant lingering around them everywhere they go. But for now, she needed to clear her head, move away from the music and the people.
It had been a charity ball, and Chloe was forced to invite her classmates by her father. At least that's what she said. Marinette knew she was attempting to be nicer to everyone but covering it up. Don't tell her she was caught sneaking chocolates into Rose's locker the other day after she accidentally hurt the latter's feelings, and her favourite kind too.
The girl was too absorbed in her musings that she didn't even notice herself bump into someone and then caught by the waist by said someone. Only when she looked up and saw emerald eyes did she finally register it in her brain.
"Eek! Sorry, I didn't even realise I bumped into you."
"It's okay, Marinette. As long as you're alright."
They continued staring at each other, until someone, or some kwami, cleared his throat.
"Alrighty kiddos, it's time you clear out the tension, I can't even enjoy my cheese with it being so unbearable."
"Plagg! But he's right, Marinette and Adrien. You have to resolve whatever is going on and now is great time to do it."
They knew it too. Who'll start the conversation though?
They both chuckled, apologising and asking the other to go first.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for freaking that night. It was just info overload."
"I'm sorry too. I just needed to wrap my head around the fact that the love of my life and my sweet classmate is one sprinkle-loving human."
"Oh, please. You're obsessed with sour gummy worms. How can you be so super sweet?"
He merely winked. Secret.
Hold on... Did he say...
"Love of your life? You're not kidding right? Please say no 'cause my heart can't take it."
"No bugaboo. My heart beats for you. And only you, Sprinklebug."
She didn't know what possessed her just then, but she kissed him. A little quick one, but still a kiss.
"Omigosh, I'm so sorr-"
He kissed her again.
1 kiss, 2 kisses, 3, they kept exchanging sweet pecks. She tasted of strawberry lip balm, he of that passion fruit macaron he inhaled earlier.
They promised to finish the conversation later, but for now they just enjoyed each other's presence and final being one whole. At some point music travelled up from the ballroom below the balcony behind them, and Adrien led the two of them into a slow dance, a pure look of adoration on his lovesick face.
They stayed in that corridor, holding each other, swaying side to side. Their kwamis were having a dance of their own in the air above.
10 minutes later...
"Sprinkles on your beautiful gown? How did I just notice this?"
"Of course there is. What did you expect, you gummy-worm-loving cat? Don't think I didn't notice the gummy worms in your pockets"
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cheerioss · 5 years
i can imagine sprinklebug going berserk in the ladybug episode cuz mayura got the sprinkles wrong
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cheerioss · 5 years
just finished the draft for inktober day 7 and pheww isit alotta work
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pretty sure i can't finish this today becuz of all the details here. not even sure if i can start with the ink part .-. (why did u have to add the background me??)
also gotta figure out wut to do with adrien's eyes cuz im not satisfied with it. also not to mention all the sprinkles cuz this is still sprinklebug au after all :///
wow i forgot plagg's eyes too look at that :)
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cheerioss · 5 years
got a teeny bit of free time so i just did some sketch up drafts of some sprinklebug wallpapers that im planning on making *inserts tiny sneak peek hehe*
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it's most likely gonna be in this sketchy lineless style i have going on?? just like this post and might do background if im up for it (sprinklebug intro here if u dk wat's sprinklebug au)
if there's any suggestions for these im more than happy to look through and maybe try it out so suggest away if u want :)) (im only gonna be able to work on these during free time or 2 months later cuz of life stuff ://)
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cheerioss · 5 years
inktober day 4: freeze
im not sure if i have time tomorrow, and i really wanted to do this day becuz of this idea and thus im doing it a day early!! (so there's no colour for today sorry :// but it's still sprinklebug and gummy chat)
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now u must be wondering: what is happening here?? but trust me, there's a story behind this (again, no cut, sorry!!)
Sprinklebug and Gummy Chat were fighting Hawkmoth's newest villian: Freezernator. Now, this is literally just a knockoff of Frozer. Hawkmoth is running outta ideas so he decided to... get inspiration.
Our favourite sprinkle lover was not having the best day. Running out of sprinkles, commissions piling up like crazy on top of school, she was stressed. More than that actually, but I don't have the word for it.
Chat noticed this of course. Her head was not in the game, narrowly missing the freeze rays too many times to be comfortable for him. Hence, he made the decision to kill two birds with one stone, protect and loosen her up a little.
The next time a ray comes by, he immediately jumped in front of her, taking the hit. Sprinklebug's eyes widened as she noticed the stray freeze ray and a blur of black.
She quickly walked around him and opened her eyes once the light was gone to find... Gummy Chat posing in a "paint me like one of your French girls" position. She fell to the floor in laughter.
She really didn't want to, there's was an akuma on the loose after all! She had to be serious! But she couldn't not laugh at the ridiculousness that was her partner. She was thankful for her kitty trying to help her destress. She's ready to face Freezernator again!
Chat looked at his lady and grinned internally. He did it! But he was really cold in the block of ice. So he tried to use telepathy to tell Sprinklebug, Hey! I'm freezing! Please get me out of here so that we can get our ice power-ups!
That only happened 5 minutes later. A miracle that the akuma never found them, really.
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cheerioss · 5 years
corn, mazes, and- umm... was that supposed to happen??
omygoooood im so very late for halloween. but hey, better late than never right?? hehe im totally right :> this is yet another adventure of sprinklebug and gummy chat so prepare for sprinkles!! hehe
reposting cuz idk it was super weird for me.
Corn mazes were fun. You find your way around tall rows of corn to the other end with your friends after some trick or treating. Sometimes there’s a scavenger hunt with the biggest stack of candies as the reward, or mini games and puzzles to solve, all while meeting dead end and spooky monsters who try to steal your candy. Paris had one set up every year, and this time was no exception.
It had the same spooky craziness that all corn mazes had for halloween; the mayor went all out this year especially. This halloween, however, the heroes had been invited to partake in the scaring of maze navigators. And they wholeheartedly accepted because, what is halloween with the same old boring scares with nothing interesting like their favourite heroes attempt to steal your sweets? They wanna have fun anyway.
Hawkmoth seemed to have agreed, as there was no akuma floating around that night. Yet. A hero must still be on the lookout. Villians never give then a break, even if it is for halloween.
Gummy Chat was there first, dressed as Tuxedo Mask, or the cat version anyway. He had the super suit on, so all he could do was wear a cape, a top hat with holes for his cat ears, and a white mask over his black one. His eyes still remained green and cat-like as ever, not like he could do anything about it. He did try to add a bowtie, but the bell was there, which made it pointless. He was fond of that bell though, and figred it would make his outfit more original.
The hero was pacing by the entrance of the maze when he saw Sprinklebug arriving. Sprinklebug, who was currently wearing a big sprinkle shaker as her costume. Like no seriously, she just had on a giant bottle that said “RADIOACTIVE SPRINKLES”. She also covered her hair in sprinkles, the pastel specks in stark contrast to her black hair.
“Uhhh… Sprinklebug? Did you run out of ideas?”
“Hey kitty. And no, I didn’t run out of ideas. I’m SPRINKLES!” She wiggled in delight, sprinkles falling out of the sprinkle shakers that were in her hands which Chat didn’t notice either. She then got a good look and Chat’s costume and then asked, “Who are you wearing right now though?”
“Did you forget? I told you just last week that I was coming as Tuxedo Mask! Or should I say… Catxedo Mask? Get it? Cuz I’m a cat?”
One blink, two, three. And then…
“Catxedo? Really? That makes no sense and shows how much of a weeb you are!”
“Hey! I took forever to come up with that!”
“Uh-huh. Sure.”
The banter went on until the person-in-charge of the maze spotted them. (hehe pun totoally not intended) He– well they think he was the guy from the ice rink– went over the rules and how they go about managing the maze, as well as safety precautions. And then they were left to roam the maze to plan out their positions and stuff before the first maze navigators arrived. They then decided they will pop up at random places to increase the scare factor.
Time to have some fun.
Sprinklebug and Gummy Chat were having the time of their lives. They’ve managed to catch many off guard, the kids loving it and begging for a picture taken with Paris’ beloved heroes. Previous akuma victims came to give their thanks yet again, returned with “We’re just doing our job to keep Paris safe.” Sprinklebug squealed over the little ones who dressed as her, gushing over the sprinkles on their cute little heads.
They tried to solve the riddles they found. Sprinklebug thinks Chat’s answers are ridiculous, but when he gets them right she claims to have known all along. They still made no sense though. Got to know the nice popcorn lady, who gave them a genorous amount of cinnamon sugar popcorn as thanks for their protection everyday.
Even their classmates came to the maze, Alya practically begging for an interview. The others just stare in awe. (Woah duuuuuude! Marinette and Adrien are missing out on so much!) No one noticed the super duo momentarily tensing, and their nervous chuckles are taken to be just humble embarassment.
Everyone was happy, no dark evil butterflies are fluttering, and everything was good.
That was until some popcorn came raining down on everyone. Accompanied with screams that just harmonised with the maniacal laughter of a figure floating in the sky. Ah, sprinkles, and here they thought Hawkmoth loved halloween enough to leave it alone.
“Sprinklebug, Gummy Noir, where are you? Hand over your miraculous NOW!”
It brings them relief that they need not hide to transform. Chat can finally live out his dreams of doing the cape thing and being all cool with his top hat. Sprinklebug was worried about her sprinkle costume getting ruined and it’s hard to fight in it, so she’s gotta find another way.
Chat went ahead first. “The name’s Gummy Chat, but since Gummy Noir has a nice ring to it I juuuuust might consider forgiving you for that.” His cape billowing in the wind while he stood tall with his staff held out in front of him, touching the ground and in both hands.
He only got popcorn thrown in his face as a reply.
The villian, Popcorn Lady as she called herself, didn’t seem to be doing anything much other than talking about how her popcorn is the best, so Sprinklebug simply wrapped her yoyo string around the popcorn tart, that was popping popcorn kernels like mad when Popcorn Lady threw them in. She tugged it into the nearby corn, giving the machine a whole ton if corn to pop. Not that she noticed.
Then a quick snap of the popcorn scooper (it was obvious where the akuma was) while Chat was carrying out distracting duty and the akuma was purified. No lucky charm or cataclysm needed! Gee, Hawkmoth must have been lazy or out of creativity juice today. That was the lamest akuma yet! the sprinkled heroine thought. The purple fog disappeared to reveal the popcorn lady from earlier right as the popcorn machine burst open in an extemely humongous explosion of popcorn.
Everyone popped their head out of the mountain of popcorn. They were super confused about what just occured. Kim was apparently swimming around in it, not caring in the slightest.
“Oh, deary me, I’m sorry! I was pretty upset about someone insulting my popcorn.”
“It’s okay, Mrs. Blaise. We can’t help but feel upset when an insult gets thrown our way sometimes,” Sprinklebug reassured her with a smile, tone slowly becoming cheery. “But lile I always say we should just have some sprinkles and move on! Also is this supposed to happen?” She gestured to the popcorn around them with her head. Chat shrugged to the best of his ability.
“Huh. I’m not sure if Miraculous Sprinklebug is gonna work on this big mess here since I don’t have a lucky charm, but before that… you know what this needs?”
“Oh no… Here we go again…” came the muffled groan of Gummy Chat.
“SPRINKLES! Radioactive sprinkles everywhere to brainwash everyone and make them my minions!” She then proceeded to throw her sprinkles around the pile of popcorn they were stuck in, her best evil laugh filling the air as she tried to look as evil as possible. But if you ask anyone, she just looks more adorable then anything.
Best. Halloween. Ever. Even if the akuma was one of the worst Hawkmoth has come up with. (Chat still says Mr. Pigeon was the worst.)
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