#chat bonbon
fallofthecelestial · 9 months
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charbles · 9 months
A HC of mine: Therapist Bon-bon
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this is actually incredibly canon in funland, this is very real
ft my ratbastard child Funtime foxy
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parker-d-bloodrose · 9 months
Last reblog;
I once picked up one of my boyfriend's cats and sang to her in my bad French. To my knowledge I am the only one who speaks French around this cat.
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metamelonisle · 2 years
i want to hold all the little cookies..
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pimppetscompany · 1 year
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Haribo a été Pimpé ! Vous aussi comme @titoune7783 faites vous offrir un portrait de votre animal de compagnie sur www.rudyem.fr Créer par Rudyem Graphiste Animalier chez Pimppets Company #candyland #pimp #graphisme #portrait #cadeau #haribo #cat #gift #graphiste #chat #graphism #montage #rudyem #animaux #animals #candy #bonbon #ringmaster #monsieurloyal #chamallows #marshmallows #maisonbonbon #catphotography #catsofinstagram #catlife #ragdollsofinstagram #ragdollcat #catoftheday #instacat #candyhouse https://www.instagram.com/p/CnHxgAHNLzc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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c-nstantine · 2 months
to be a muse
Description: Benedict meets a fascinating young woman
Word Count: 0.9K
Warnings: I think I made Benedict a bit of a himbo but that's okay. the reader is still black and even though she's charlotte's daughter, I made it so she's any skin tone which lowkey makes sense given how wild genetics work
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Benedict stared at the painfully blank canvas of his family's drawing room. Hyacinth's and Gregory's laughter could be heard running about in the family's home. Kate and Anthony were doing god knows what, honestly, he felt like he was going to throw up from the love that came from the both of them.
"Brother, I fear I'm in a rut," Benedict announced while plopping himself down in between Colin and Eloise. He reached over and stole one of Eloise's bonbons.
"I beg your pardon," Colin said as he jolted awake from Benedict's sudden appearance.
"Nothing, and I mean nothing, has inspired me. Idle hands," He waved his hands in the air for extra effort.
"You are out of inspiration and you woke me up to tell me this," Colin tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes but nothing was working as Benedict yapped on and on about art.
"Yes," Benedict shrugged.
"Have you tried going to the museum? I hear there is a new exhibit. It might spark something for you," Eloise just wanted to eat her bonbons in peace.
"That's why you are my favorite, " He ruffled her hair before dashing off to find his coat before heading to the museum.
He stood in front of a painting for what felt like hours. It seemed like he was waiting for something to come to him, his inspiration. Footsteps shuffled around him, yet, Benedict remained unmoved.
"I find his work to capture the inquisitive nature of who he paints," A melodic voice came from behind him. He turned a saw a woman around his age with the most beautiful features. Delectable lips, and round cheeks, and her skin looked like it was kissed by the gods themselves. The most gorgeous shade of brown, he had ever seen.
"You do? That is a refreshing perspective. My family thinks them all to be faces on a canvas," He probably should have addressed her more formally but for now he was happy to have someone share interests with him.
"They are but they are also so much more. Each brush stroke is an attempt to capture a moment. No matter how imperfect it may be," She looked at him with a small smile playing on her lips. His eyes lingered there a little long before dragging down the rest of her body. She did not have the clothing of a commoner. She must be a lady, he thought to himself.
"Are you a painter?" He asked.
"I am talentless in art, I'm afraid but that doesn't stop me from enjoying it. And what about you?" She shook her head and he noticed the bouncy curls that fell from her scalp. He was becoming more and more entranced by the moment.
"I dabble. I am not great enough for a museum. My siblings believe it to be my hobby," He admitted rather shyly.
"Yet. You are not great enough for a museum, yet. Mister?" She asked for his name.
"Bridgerton. Benedict Bridgerton," Benedict gave her a small smile as he introduced himself. She chuckled slightly.
"It has been wonderful chatting with you, Mr. Bridgerton, but I fear I may have to leave." She looked disappointed that their conversation had come to an end. Benedict looked up at the painting and began to speak.
"What is your name so I may fin-" He looked down and she was gone. She had disappeared into the crowd before he could finish his statement. He pushed to the entrance of the museum but there was nothing.
"All of this happened and you did not catch the lady's name?" Colin asked as he and Benedict made their way away from the mothers who all wanted their daughters paired with a Bridgerton.
"She was perfect. I only entertained Mother's idea of me coming to the ball tonight in hopes of seeing her," Benedict said while adjusting his waistcoat and smiling at some of the season's eligible debutantes but none of them were her.
"And if she's not here?" Colin asked, his eyebrows squinted and a bit concerned by the potential answer.
"I will simply cease," He deadpanned.
"Cease what?"
"To exist," Benedict said and watched as more and more people arrived at the ball. Even the Queen was in attendance, but someone far more interesting trailed behind her. 
"Stop hitting me. Mother, he's hitting me," Colin said as Benedict repeatedly tapped his brother's shoulder. Benedict's eyes were wide as they trailed the woman he met in the museum. 
"That's her. That's the woman," Benedict said watching her gracefully walk across the room. She was dressed in the finest silks and her curls that were wild and free earlier were pinned back.
"Well, that cannot be," His mother started. Her son could not have been talking about her. That would have been impossible. 
"What are you talking about? She is right there. Even more beautiful than when I saw her last," He noted her appearance before quickly bowing in the presence of Queen Charlotte. Sure, the family had her favor, but even they knew their place.
"Bridgertons, I do not think I have introduced my daughter. Princess Y/N, she takes after me in beauty of course," The Bridgertons turned and then bowed in front of the Princess who looked mortified.
"It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintances," She spoke softly as her gaze held Benedict's. He understood why she dashed away. The scandal of an unmarried princess wandering the museum alone. Especially, considering how long the two of them spoke together.
"A pleasure indeed," He would see her again. He had to find his muse.
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Taglist: @flyestvenustrap@megamindsecretlair@blxckdesire @prettyvintageafternoon@lilbanas@certifiedloverwoman@melissa-ashe @hoyoooo @blckbarbiedoll idk if you guys wanna be here for this because it's a bit diff from my usual content but just let me know!!
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changisworld · 4 months
Three ISN'T a crowd
Summary;When your bisexual best friend of 14 years tells you one random night that his long term boyfriend has a crush on you & offers you a chance to let out the sexual frustration you have been telling him about.. on his boyfriend…
Word count:7,184
18+, MDNI!! smut warnings under the cut
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
Any reblogs & comments are deeply appreciated<3
main masterlist here
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SMUT WARNINGS: Threesome threesome THREESOME, mxm, PIV, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, some praise, B R E E D I N G kink, some slapping, light choking, oral (f & m receive) spit play, anal play (m receive), tit play,pet names,finger sucking, use of sex toys, mention of light system,slight dacryphilia??, overstimulation, marking, pinching, manhandling Reader & Jeongin are a tiiinnyyy bit nervous at first but it doesn't last long.,
OTHER WARNINGS: All participants have drank alcohol but are sober enough to concent, Slight mention of sexuality confusion but it's extremely brief, kinda fluffy ending
**this isn't proofread & i'm really not sure if i like this, this is my second time EVER writing a 3some so if it's all over the place i'm sorry, i tried my best</3**
You are currently sitting in your best friend & his boyfriends apartment, talking about the past weekend & the club the three went to, chatting away to your best friend, Seungmin as you both eat the random scraps of snacks from their cupboards, trying to clear it out before they go food shopping in the next few days.
"It sucked to be honest, didn't even get laid! I swear minnie if i don't get anything soon ima go insane." You yell slightly, giggling as you take another chip & dipping it in the basically empty jar of salsa then eating it, legs still dangling off the ledge of the counter top as you're sat on it, Seungmin leaning his arm against the same counter you're sitting on. "Cmon y/n don't be so ridiculous, you would have been laid ages ago if you didn't turn away every single person with legs as soon as they approached you. You never know, if you actually gave someone a chance, you could be in a relationship right now, ya never know.. look at me & innie for example, i didn't even think it was capable for me to date until he came along, gave him a chance & now look at us, maybe you're just not into guys at all anymore y/nnnn" He says, not even looking at you as he finishes the bag of bonbons he has been chewing on, his lips & tongue now slightly stained blue. "Nah trust me, i know i'm still into guys, i just get bad vibes off other guys for one reason or another! The only guys i actually trust is you & Jeongin, not even kidding." You sigh, rolling your eyes at the fact Seungmin has eaten the things you wanted.
Seungmin gave you a smile which you have to hold back a laugh at, unable to miss his blue stained teeth & lips. "I'd like to think you trust me, you've known me for 14 years & Jeongin for close to 5.. if you're wanting to get laid that badly, i'm sure innie wouldn't turn it down." he says nonchalantly, grabbing the empty packets & throwing them away. He comes back to where he was standing before & you playfully kick him. "Don't even say shit like that minnie, it's not a laughing matter! Why the hell would i sleep with your boyfriend?" you chuckle, not even taking it into thought, after all, Seungmin has said stupid shit like this before. "I'm not kidding! me n you both know that man has a small crush on you, i'm not delusional enough to pretend i don't see it! Me & him have spoken about it before & everything, trust me, he would." Seungmin chirps, acting as if this is just mundane conversation. "What do you mean 'spoke about it'? you're both crazy, not even just you!" you whine, getting a bit serious, you can't tell if Seungmin is actually kidding anymore. "Well I mean if you really wanna know, I simply brought up the fact that man stares at you as if he wants to jump your bones & he got all shy so I took that as an answer, I started prying a bit more & me & Jeongin haven't been with a woman in so long, he admitted to me that he missed the feeling & we were kinda discussing having a threesome, just haven't found anyone yet, we both know Jeongin gets a bit shy, took me & him around 7 months to fully have sex, he was so shy, it's cute to be honest.We wanna try it since, ya know, could have lost my touch or something, im so used to guys now. Tea?" He hums out after letting a small laugh out, turning the kettle on & taking his favourite buggs bunny cup out of the cupboard & grabbing your cat paw cup & holding it by the handle, raising his eyebrows to wait for your answer.
"Eh yeah, two sugars ad usual please.. anyways, what do you expect me to say to that?" You say, grabbing the mini box the teabags are held in & handing him two, your mind racing. "Well, not to make you feel pressured obviously, but if you want sex that badly, Innie would be interested, only thing is, he would want me there no doubt, We are just all helping each other to be honest, Me n Innie want to experiment with a threesome & you want sex, win win!" he cheers, handing you your cup of tea. You take it, still looking at your friend in front of you, not even knowing what to think. "Yeah you're right in that sense.. but like.. wouldn't that be awkward? I mean, for us n then also Jeongin, what would even happen after..?" You don't look straight at Seungmin anymore, getting a bit embarrassed. "Well y/n, we were eachothers first kiss & you took my virginity all that time ago, so It wouldn't be anything we haven't seen before, Hey, no pressure, genuinely, it was just a suggestion, don't stress it, your hair will turn white." he jokes, taking a sip of tea, studying your expressions. He knows how you react to things & he also knows if you didn't want to do something, you would straight up say no, he realises you only need reassurance. "You can say no, y/nnie, if you're worried about the fact me & Jeongin are together, don't be. Me n him have spoken a lot about sexual stuff & suggestions, I wouldn't have even mentioned anything if me or him was unsure, we both want to experience it, even if it's not with you. If you wanna do it, just say it, if you don't wanna do it, just say it, we can pretend this conversation never happened, we've spoken about wayyyy weirder shit before, if you would even consider this conversation weird." You can feel his eyes burning into you, despite you staring tight into your cup of tea, suddenly acting as if it's the most exciting & interesting thing in existence.
"I'll think about it, kinda just a lot to take in, you know? anyways, there's this show I wanted to start, let's watch it before Jeongin gets home from work, that guy is theee loudest person on earth stomping around the house." you laugh, getting off the counter. "Is it that stupid vampire show? I've been putting that of for a reason! 8 whole seasons is too much but fine, we can start, if it gets boring though we are switching & watching masterchef." He grumbles, slowly waddling into the livingroom with you, turning on netflix.
It has been a week since your & Seungmins conversation & 4 days since you have last seen him & Jeongin & you have just came down from the orgasm that felt more than underwhelming. You grumble as you throw your vibrator to the side of you & you stare at the ceiling. You begin thinking back to the conversation you had with Seungmin again & you mumble the words 'fuck it' before you're picking up your phone & tapping on Seungmins contact & clicking call. "This better be important y/n, me n Innie are.. doing something." you feel the nerves bubbling up in your stomach but then hear the backround noise coming from the other end of the phone.. "Hey! are you seriously watching vampire diaries without me?" you whine, eyebrows furrowed. "It got good okay! Jeongin wanted to see what was going on & we accidentally started binging it! anyways, why did you call so late?" he speaks, hearing Jeongins laugh in the backround which makes you smile a bit. "ah yeah, right.. about our conversation last week, when are.. you n Jeongin free? I, I wanna do it now that i think about it." you say, subconsciously beginning to nibble at your lip from the nerves. You hear the TV pause & you hear rustling. "Say that again y/n, did i hear you right.?" You know he heard you right, he's just doing it to let Jeongin hear. "Don't embarrass me! Is tomorrow alright..?", you can swear your breath gets caught in your chest, eyes staring at the screen. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about y/n, if you're wanting us to both fuck you, you can't get all shy just saying it, especially over a phone call." Seungmin says, you can practically see the smirk on his face. "Tomorrows fine y/n, come for 8pm, anyways, we are on a cliffhanger so ima hang up, also, stop breathing so damn heavy, people could think you were jerking off a minute ago" Your cheeks go bright red as strawberries at this & you hear Jeongin & Seugmin laugh at his joke. "shut up minnie, but uh yeah that's fine, see you both tomorrow." You hang up & let out a sigh, hands shaking slightly.
You're currently parked in the parking lot of Jeongin & Seungmins apartment building, taking deep breaths. You have no idea why you're so nervous.. You take one last deep breath before grabbing your bag & throwing open the car door & you quickly step out before you have any time to second guess yourself. You walk up the stairs slower than usual, trying to convince yourself you're not stalling & that it's not even a big deal. 'What the hell am i even doing' 'y/n just chill the fuck out, it's not a big deal' & 'once i'm there it'll be fine.' are thoughts that keep popping back into your head & before you even realise, you're at their door & you knock on it. After around 20 seconds, Jeongin answers the door, which for some reason takes you aback, even though it's also his apartment.
"Hey y/n, come in, Seungmin is in the lounge area" He says, giving you his pretty white smile as you step into the house. You cant help but notice the loose grey sweatpants & the plain white crewneck shirt, hugging hi arms & chest perfectly. "Thank you innie, i brought wine by the way, I didn't really know eh, what to bring." you chuckle a bit nervously, pulling the still cold wine out of your bag which he gladly accepts. "aww, so kind of you, you really didn't need to, glad it's only one bottle so you don't have the option of getting drunk & vomiting on our couch & rug again" he laughs & you groan as you smack him playfully before taking your shoes & jacket off & going into the livingroom & unsurprisingly see Seungmin laying on the L shaped couch. "Hiya stranger" you say, moving to the front of the couch & shoving his legs off the cushion so you have space to sit, making him grumble. "Hello not so stranger" he smiles back, turning himself so he is now laying his head in your lap instead, his legs now in the place his head was. A minute later Jeongin comes back into the room with the wine & three glasses.
"ooo y/n is feeling generous today, my second bottle of wine ever given to me from you" Seungmin says, helping Jeongin open the bottle & pour their glasses. "I'm guessing you want a glass too y/nnie?" Jeongin says, looking at you, eyes struggling to leave the tight tank top & basketball shorts you're wearing, he notices you're not wearing a bra. "yeah, please, just one though, we all know how i get when i'm wine drunk." you giggle as you take the glass of wont he just finished pouring for you. You all sit & talk about random things & eventually finish the bottle of wine. You are sat next to Seungmin & Jeongin is next to Seungmin & as the wine is kicking in for you all, the tension begins getting thicker. As you are all talking, Seungmin takes your hands & starts playing with the rings on it while he caresses it, his eye contact looking & feeling more different than usual.
"You've got such cool rings, forgot to tell you that y/n." Jeongin says, watching the way his boyfriends rubbing & playing with your smooth hands with his veiny ones. "thank you Innie, you don't wear rings often do you? don' remember seeing you with them, your hands are ho-nice though, love the veins on them." you say, butterflies in your stomach again as you take Jeongins hand & let your fingers graze over his veins which give him goosebumps. "Innie lets switch places hm?" Seungmin says, already practically picking Jeongin onto his lap & then putting Jeongin into his boyfriends seat as Seungmin takes Jeongins old spot.
Your cheeks go red instantly as Jeongins does too, his heartbeat racing in his chest. Seungmin sits all the way back to watch what is happening as you & Jeongin look into each others eyes, both too shy to make a move, not knowing where to touch. Seungmin sits back up & puts his hand on his boyfriends thigh, caressing it. "Why are you both so shy hm? baby, you've wanted this for so long, don't let it go to waste." Seungmin kisses his cheek & you begin watching the way his hand is moving on his thigh, making you notice the slight tent in his sweatpants now. "Anyone having any second thoughts?" Seungmin questions in a soft tone but you both shake your head as a no instantly & He hums at this.
Seungmin stands up to now sit on the other side of you, you now being in between the both of them. "Why not you lie down y/n, hm?" Seungmin says softly, moving the hair out of your face, not breaking eye contact. You nod a yes response & move yourself so you're now lying in the corner of the L shaped couch, your legs now on top of Jeongins lap, a bit far apart. You look up at Jeongin & he begins stroking your legs with his hand which makes you let out a satisfied hum, your senses a bit muddled up due to the alcohol. Before your brain tells you anything differently, you tug slightly on Seungmins hoodie & pull it towards you & he takes this as you nonverbally telling him to kiss you, so he does. He leans down & your lips lock, the kiss being quite soft. There's no tongue or teeth involved, if it wasn't your best friend you're currently kissing, you may think it's really romantic.
You both pull away from the kiss at the same time & look into each others eyes & he kisses the tip of your nose, making you both smile. "Definitely improved from the last time we kissed i can't lie." He chuckles, sitting back up & looking back at his boyfriend. "Why not you come take my place baby? her lips taste good, you'll love it." Jeongin doesn't need to be told twice before he is switching places again with Seungmin, His face now almost level with your own. Seungmin begins kissing your thighs as Jeongin leand down. "This still okay with you?" he whispers to you, finger twirling your hair "of course, we all agreed to it." you whisper back, smiling at eachother. Jeongin finally lets his lips touch yours, kissing you. Jeongin kisses completely different to Seungmin, his lips move differently & his kiss is a bit stronger, but you don't complain. His hand leaves your hair & trails down & lets his fingers trail down your jawline & your neck, letting his fingers wrap around it slightly which makes you subconsciously buck your hips. Your hands end up in his hair & you begin playing with it a little as he suckles on your bottom lip which makes not you.. but makes him groan.
You both break the kiss & just look at eachother for a moment before looking back at Seungmin, realising he has now taken off his hoodie & his face looks a bit red, clearly flustered. "You both have no idea how hot you both look, holy fuck. Wanna go to the bedroom, you two?" He asks, already knowing the answer. You & Jeongin both end up following Seungmin to their shared bedroom & Jeongin kicks the door closed behind you all. Not even a second later they are both back on you, Seungmin at your front kissing your lips as his hands find their way to your waist, holding it tightly, at the same time Jeongin is now kissing your neck & his hands are trailing themselves down your back & landing on your ass, caressing it as he leaves a few reddish teeth marks from where he is nibbling on your neck & shoulders. You let out quiet noises into Seungmins lips as you let your own hands bury themselves under his shirt, coming into contact with his abs & you can't help but tease him by letting your nails graze over them, making him twitch. "Go lie on the bed for us, mkay?" Jeongin mumbles in your ear before kissing your earlobe. Seungmin breaks the kiss to allow you to move.
You sit on the edge of the bed as Seungmin comes & lays behind you, your back now against his chest as Jeongin comes & crouches down in frontt of you, taking your hands & looking at you, noticing your swollen reddened lips. "Before anything else happens y/n, what are you into & do you have any hard no's? What about safe words?" You think for a second, not ignoring the hands playing with your shirt straps, pinging them against your skin, watching the way your skin is getting a bit red from the contact. "I can handle quite a lot Innie, my only 'no' is anal, i've just not done that before & that's quite a big thing, we can just all do the colour system instead of an exact safe word." Jeongin nods his head at your response. "Just so you know y/n, Innie can get a bit mean, despite him being a switch, mkay? Is there anything you don't want us to say?" Seungmin says softly, playing with your hair. You shake your head as a response, fingers caressing Jeongins hands as he is still looking at you with a slight smirk. "Ah okay, so you want us to just treat you the way you deserve? Fucking your best friend of so long & his long term boyfriend hm? So whoreish, don't you think Innie?" Seungmin teases, his fingers pinching your collarbones, making you jolt lightly, you blush at his words & you move your head to the side, trying to hide away but Jeongin is quick to pull you back to look at him by the cheeks. "I could have swore Minnie said on the phone call to not be embarrassed hm? can't even listen to instructions? He hisses. "Go lie down on the bed, Minnie hunny, help me choose some things to use on y/n." Jeongin says & before you can even fully sit up, Seungmin is already standing up & walking over to their bedside table.
You sit in the middle of the bed & you look over to what they are both taking out of the drawer & that's when you notice a small, red vibrator in Jeongins hand & you feel the butterflies in not just your stomach but also in your chest. Seungmin comes & takes his old position behind you as Jeongin crawls up the bed & his stomach is against yours as he looks down at your shirt, then back at you. "Don't you think we should take this off, hmm?" He questions, seduction in his voice making you almost melt as his fingers toy with the hem of your shirt. "Yes, please, take it off Innie.." You rush out, hands fidgeting on his arms, not knowing where to lay them. "already begging for my boyfriend, hmm? didn't take long now did it? so desperate." Seungmin says so calmly, you would believe he was simply speaking about what he had for breakfast the way he is saying it so casually, the only giveaway he is affected by it is the boner you can now feel pressed onto your lower back.
Jeongin smirks at his boyfriends words before he finally feels the need to take off your shirt & is glad he wasn't mistaken when he thought you weren't wearing a bra. Your nipples perk up & pebble as the cold air hits them, making you suck in a breath at the coldness. Jeongin looks up at Seungmin then back at you before he gathers a glob of spit & lets it fall onto your nipple, making you whine & your back arches on instinct. "Ooo, y/nnie likes that, don't you? Can i have a taste?" He asks "yes, yes please Innie, please" you say, giving him a convincing smile, which works. He leans down & takes the nipple he just spat on into his mouth & begins swirling his tongue around it as Seungmins fingers reach down to pinch the other nipple as his other arm lands on his boyfriends head & begins slightly tugging on his hair, making Jeongins moans mix into your own. Seungmin leans down to your ear & whispers "My Innie likes a bit of pain y/n, don't be scared to pinch him n pull his hair mkay? He might even give you a few slaps, that okay?" he asks, fingers not giving up on your nipple, making it more sensitive, you swallow & open your eyes so you're looking at your bestfriend from below & you nod at him, making Seungmin smile.
Jeongins tongue gives up on your nipple finally before he blows cold air on it, making you hiss from the sensation before he switches to your other nipple & repeating the same motions. Seungmin moves his fingers as Jeongin begins nibbling & suckling & he puts his middle & Index finger up to your lips & they part, allowing them access. You decide to put on a mini show for Seungmin by taking both his fingers all the way to the knuckles as you make eye contact. That is short lived, however as you feel your shorts being pulled down, leaving you in just your white panties. "you know, me n Innie were wondering what colour panties we thought you'd wear, I guessed white so I win, that means i'm allowed to taste you first, isn't that right babe?" He says, Jeongin unsuctions himself from your now raw nipple to look at you both. "don't make me jealous Minnieee" He grumbles before sitting back on his knees.
Seungmin moves so he is no longer behind you & lays your head against the pillows as he moves to the spot he wants to be, in between your legs. He plays with the outline of your panties & your hips buck on instinct. "Stop teasing minnie, just touch me!" You whine but Jeongin, who has now moved so he is standing at the side of you, pinches your tit, hard enough to make you hiss but not enough to cause genuine pain. "Don't speak to my boyfriend like that you whore, are you forgetting he's my boyfriend hm? you get what you're given, shut up & don't demand." He hisses at you while taking off his shirt to reveal his stunning frame, which makes your mouth drool. You are busy admiring Jeongins abs & also the hard on that isn't being given any justice from his sweatpants as you can almost see every single detail of his cock from how much it's pressed against them. You reach out & begin pawing at his sweatpants which he allows you to do but you freeze as the kisses that were on your thighs have now moved & being given to your covered cunt which makes you gasp & your head spins to look back at Seungmin who is looking right back at you, lips giving pecks all over your covered pussy.
Jeongin pulls your hair slightly to pull your attention back to him too "You're being given a tiny bit of attention & now you're letting me go without? cmonn, gimme some attention too." Jeongin says, slightly whiny in his tone & you smirk at him before finally pawing his waistband of his sweatpants down & he finishes the job by taking them completely off, leaving him in just his underwear & your jaw drops. Even though it's still covered, you can tell he is huge. Just from estimating, it looks around 7 inches & thick, it makes your mouth water. "wanna taste it, please Innie, lemme taste" you say, biting your lip slightly as you begin palming him over his underwear, which makes his dick twitch. He looks back down at his lover & sees that he is now beginning to pull your panties to the side so he decides to give you what you want by pulling his underwear down, finally freeing his cock, already red & angry at the tip & wet with precum.
He begins tapping his cock along your cheeks & tongue as you stick it out which makes him chuckle at the sight, precum making contact with your skin which turns him on even more. You giggle as he does this & you put your hand on top of us that's on his hard cock & guide it to your mouth. "Someone's eager aren't they? As much as i'd like to see you beg some more bunny, minnie is right in saying i've been wanting this for far too long." He helps guide his cock into your mouth & you begin running your tongue across his leaky tip, his cock twitching at the sensation.
As you are sucking & licking on his boyfriends tip, he blows some cold air on your slightly swollen clit & then licks a long, slow strip from your hole all the way up to your clit before swirling his tongue in small circles making your hips buck & lift off the mattress but he is quick to hold you down. Without breaking contact, Seungmin grabs the small vibrator & holds it up to your clit, making Jeongins cock slip out your mouth to moan & your eyes squeeze up before Jeongin is putting his cock right back into where he wants it. You hum around his cock, sending vibrations throughout his body which makes him feel dizzy from the pleasure & you remember what Seungmin had told you about Jeongin liking pain so you take it upon himself to let your hand leave his actual dick & trail down to his balls & you begin caressing them before giving them small, quick pinches which makes Jeongins low groans turn into a higher pitched hiss. You do it a few times before he pulls out of your mouth. "Don't wanna cum just yet darling, want to taste & feel you first." He pumps himself slowly, trying to catch his breath while looking at you, admiring how dirty you look, spit all over your chin & mouth, the hair around it soaked with it.
Jeongin makes you open your mouth by pulling on your bottom jaw slightly & then letting a glob of spit fall into your mouth & you whine, feeling your orgasm approaching due to Seungmins talented tongue & also the vibrator doing wonders. The vibrator is still on your clit while Seungmin is tongue fucking you, your wetness dripping all down his face & onto the sheets beneath you. You are trying to grind your cunt against his face but he is still holding you down so you can do nothing but take it. All of a sudden Jeongin spreads your legs even further & makes you hold them by the inside of your knees & he settles himself next to his lover & then takes over where the vibrator just was, nibbling & harshly sucking on your clit, letting it get impossibly wetter by letting every drop of spit drip down onto your pussy, making it almost impossible for their tongues to even taste you without sliding off. "So fucking sweet, taste so good y/n, could be here forever." Seungmin huffs out, breathless. He leans back in & starts licking your cunt again, helping Innie but also, ends up licking Jeongin. Their tongues keep running over each others & they whine even more at this, Seungmin humping against the duvet as he does so which makes you whine & moan even more, turning you on more than you thought possible just imagining the sight, unable to actually look down at the view since you feel so fucked out.
Jeongin slips two fingers into you & your breath stutters again & you can now freely grind your hips & lift them off the bed since Seungmin has stopped holding onto them & has instead got onto his knees right behind Jeongin & uses his hands, still a bit wet with your juices as he spreads his cheeks & spits onto Jeongins hole. Jeongin jumps slightly at the coldness but doesn't stop devouring you, who is now clenching around his fingers, whining & whimpering at his tongue. "g-gna cum, h-holy fucking g-god, how are you both s-s-o good at this full th-threesome thi-fuck! c-cummin" you squeal as your legs go tense & you lock Jeongins head in between your thighs as your orgasm flushes over you, your eyes scrunching shut as you feel your eyes rolling into the back of your skull. Jeongin stops licking but instead gives gentle kisses to your clit as his fingers slow.
Jeongin has began to start grinding against his boyfriends tongue, letting out whines you didn't think he was actually capable of as Seungmins tongue working its way inside his hole, tasting him, enjoying every second & stretching him slightly in such a familiar way. A minute later Seungmin worms a finger into his hole & Jeongin whimpers at the intrusion. He removes his tongue as his finger begins doing the work & he leans over, his chest against Jeongins back& pulls Jeongins face to face him as much as possible before kissing him, letting him taste himself & then lets Jeongin catch his breath & looks down to admires your swollen cunt. "I heard when a woman is pregnant, their pussy gets bigger & more sensitive, wouldn't you like that Innie? Look how swollen & juicy y/ns cunt is now, how good we made it look." Seungmin says cheekily, kissing Jeongins cheek before pulling his finger out & walking back over to you.
"You look so beautiful all fucked out, a slut like you can take a bit more though, can't you hmm?Ah, to answer your statement by the way, we are good at threesomes because it's not our first one, silly." Seungmin asks you, rubbing his palm over your nipples as you feel Jeongin squishing your pussy lips together, making you flinch from the feeling. "w-who else- holy f-fuck my brain just is'n't working"you chuckle, brain still a bit cloudy. "Wan' fuck you, want y-your cock" you say in a slow & hushed tone, you finally coming back to earth after your orgasm. Jeongin giggles from in-between your legs & gives your cunt a slap before moving himself so he is on the other side of you, across from Seungmin. "You sure? We never use condoms so we forgot to buy some, did you bring any, bunny? we're both clean, we got tested last time we invited someone, a random one night stand." Jeongin speaks, admiring the thin layer of sweat in his boyfriends hair & face & also how reddened your nipples are.
"I- i thought i was the first, but uh, im still on birth control & i'm clean, d-don't want a condom, feels better raw." You bat your eyelashes at both of them, playing with Seungmins short drawstrings, surprised on how he is actually still fully clothed after all this time. "No bunny, you're not the first person, but you're the first person we've actually invited, the rest were just one night stands, we actally have feelings about you, it's different." Jeongin says as he leans over you to pull off his boyfriends shirt, revealing the body he loves so much, Seungmin then takes it apon himself to wiggle his shorts off too, leaving him in just his underwear which he kicks off a minute later, springing out his also huge dick, around 6 inches & on the thicker side too but has a curve pointing upwards, leaving you completely nude & also Innie completely nude since he discarded the rest of his clothes ages ago, your mouth watering due to how close you are to the two hottest guys you know are now naked next to you, their cocks inches away from your lips.
"So anyways, you don't mind about us going in raw? you are that desperate to feel not one but the two of us? You really have no shame, want the risk of a baby hmm? turns you on , does it y/nnie?" Seungmin questions, leaning over to pump his boyfriends leaky cock as your hand reaches up to jerk Seungmin off, making him bite his lip. You nod at his words, giving a look full of lust at them both before you suddenly sit up & you straddle Jeongin, reaching back out to grab Seungmins cock again but he stops you & manhandles you off him again so you are now on your hands & knees, pussy facing Jeongin as he gets up onto his knees. "You fine with this position babe? Don't really know why we bother to ask seeing since you'll just take whatever we choose to give since that's all you've done since we closed the damn door." Seungmin says as he positions himself in front of you, his cock not far from your lips as he pulls & grabs the base of his cock tightly. "Don't care what position, just fill me up, please, dying for it." You hush out, wiggling your ass to try entice Jeongin to put his cock where you need it the most but he instead, gives it a few spanks, cock twitching at the reddening cheeks.
"Open up hunny, i feel as if ima explode if i've gotta let my cock be dry for more than one second." He taps his cock against your lips & you open your lips happily, allowing his heavy tip to now rest on your tongue as you start giving it kisses & swirling your tongue along the underside of his tip, making him whine. Jeongin sees his boyfriends reactions & can't hold himself back anymore & he finally pushes himself inside you, slowly enough so you can adjust but he doesn't face much resistance due to how wet they have made you. You let out a whine & your eyes scrunch shut as you feel Jeongin bottom out inside you & Jeongin lets out a short whine, throwing his head back to the ceiling which is one of Seungmins favourite sights.
Jeongin grabs onto your hips & holds onto them tight enough to leave bruises as he starts to speed up his thrusts. "Fuck, you're so tight y/n, n-not gonna last long, s-so good." He groans out, watching the way your wetness has completely coated his cock & has left a shine. He slithers a hand down to your swollen clit & begins rubbing it which makes you jolt, right into Seungmins dick, taking way more of him in your mouth which makes him groan. He begins stroking your hair as you start challenging yourself & keep slurping & hollowing your cheeks until you can't fit any more of him in your mouth & you keep bobbing your head & moaning, letting the vibrations shoot through his cock. "g-gonna cum, jagi, kiss me p-p-please." Jeongin whines, sounding so needy, sweat making his skin shiny. Seungmin smirks at him but doesn't say anything but instead grabs him by the hair & yanks him forward before Seungmin himself leans forward, causing your mouth to be even more impossibly full as he slowly bucks his hips, letting you spit all over yourself, the bed & also his pelvis & thighs as Jeongin fucks into you a bit slower, holding himself back & rubbing your clit faster, feeling the way you're clenching around him.
Jeongin lets out a squeal as his hair is pulled but it's short lived as his lips clash against his boyfriends, fitting together perfectly. The kiss is full of drool & tongues, teeth clashing together as they both moan into each others mouths. They both pull away & Seungmin pulls his cock out your mouth & you instantly start coughing & gasping as spit is dripping absolutely everywhere. "g-gona cum Innie, c-cum in me fill me p-pulease" you beg, eyes rolling back as you grab onto Seungmins legs, the fuzzy, hot feeling finally bubbling over inside you & your legs start shaking again as you almost collapse but Seungmin holds onto your arms. "fuck, g'na cum in you y/n, gonna make you so full, swollen belly filled with our children hmm? gonna have swollen tits too huh? so leaky for u-us" He lets out another whine before you feel his cum fill you up, making you let out a breathless whimper as Jeongin basically squeals, his balls finally emptying.
"Did so well y/nnie, can you handle me too hm? don't want my angels cum dripping out of you, we need to make sure it sticks now, don't we?" Seungmin says as Jeongin pulls out of you & moving to the edge of the bed, giving you both space. Seungmin manhandles you so you're now laying on your back & you help by pulling your legs up so they are out of the way. "What's your colour, y/n? you look absolutely finished." Seungmin chuckles, caressing your thighs as he waits for your reply. "g-green, just want you too minnie, please" you rasp, voice now dry & a bit sore from all the noise you've been making. Seungmin gives you a short hum before lining himself up & then pushing inside at long last.
"Wow baby, you really did fill her up, it's coating my cock already, you were right innie, fuck y/n you're so tight." he breathes out, looking over to his boyfriend who has now moved back down to you & is now jiggling your tits in his hands, biting his bottom lip while looking up at his boyfriend, smirking at eachother. Seungmin starts an insane pace & you can't let out anything other than choked groans as you feel him all the way in your belly. Jeongin kisses, nibbles & sucks marks all over your tits as you have your hand weaved through his hair, eyes closed. "F-fuck min' too-too deep holy fuck, s-slow down, too sensitive" you request but Jeongin is quick to silence your request by kissing you, this time with tongue, as his hand slithers up to your neck & squeezes just enough to make you whine. "You can take it hunny, just gotta make sure i've fucked Jeongins cum into you properly, we both know that. F-fuck, you would look so hot pregnant baby, need to see it." He grunts out, his hands laying themselves on your stomach & pinching it every so often as he admires it.
Jeongin breaks the kiss when you have both sucked all the breath out of each other before he returns to you tits again, pushing them together to smother his face in them, tickling you slightly. You let out a quiet chuckle at the feeling as you begin grabbing at the duvet beneath you, your knuckles turning white as your pussy is being pounded non stop. "Just wanna drink milk outta these, can't wait for you to let me do it." Jeongin mumbles from in between your tits, mostly to himself as he takes a nipple into his mouth again, letting out a groan at the taste of you. "Jus-want your babies, both of your b-babies, c-cum in me please min" you whine out, begging him. Seungmins cock twitches inside you & you feel it, his hips falter as he feels his orgasm finally approaching. "don' need to tell me twice, gonna fill you u-up, definitely gonna stick won't it? Gonna be so full with your babies, body will be s-so hot for us, only us hmm?" He reaches down to play with your engorged button which makes you yelp & that along with his dirty talk & Jeongins tongue, you cum instantly, screaming as it hits you for the third time that night & your eyes can't help but begin crying from the overstimulation. You cream his cock & as you clench around him, Seungmin looks down & the second he sees the white cream at his base, he lets out his seed inside you, letting out a raspy moan as he stops his movements.
You all catch your breath for a minute, not sharing any words with one another. Jeongin kisses your cheeks softly & strokes your hair as Seungmin pulls out. Seungmin kisses your stomach before mumbling a 'be right back' & he leaves the room. Jeongin helps move you so you're lying on the pillows as he keeps cuddling you, letting you melt into him. Seungmin comes back with two bottles of water & a warm damp towel along with the bag you brought with you & without saying anything, he gives Jeongin the water bottles & he opens one & helps feed you water as Seungmin parts your legs just enough to wipe your raw pussy with the towel to help clean it, the sensation making you twitch. "You did so well y/n, thank you for doing this with us, so good to us." Jeongin says softly, kissing your forehead. Seungmin gives the towel to Jeongin & wipes the sweat off his forehead with it before throwing it aside. "y/nnie, i brought your bag through in case there anything you want or need from it, you can also stay here if you like, we can sleep in the living room or-" "don't be silly minnie, we can just share the bed, all of us. Just wanna cuddle & sleep. But i want a bath first." Seungmin hums & smiles. "I'll go run us a bath then, i know you have almost no choice but sit tight mkay?" He jokes before leaving. You stroke Jeongins hair & you both sit in silence for a while comfortably until you hear a small snore, you look at Jeongins face & you chuckle & kiss his nose as you now know he's fallen asleep.
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vulpixisananimal · 1 month
(You gently close the door to Sifs room and lean back on the wall next to it. Change, what a morning.)
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(You rub your temple. Alright, alright, analyse and compartmentalise, Siffrin, no, Loop, had told you a lot and you had to relay it to the others. Are they all going to take it well? You couldn't exactly keep it secret.)
(Oh boy. . .)
(You walked down to the where Nille and Odile were sitting for breakfast. Nille waved good morning.) "Hey big guy, how's Siffrin doing?"
"Oh, bad." (You sigh and sit down.) "Where do I even start."
"Never a good sign." (Odile comments from behind her book.)
"W-well, right now they're resting up. They have craft exhaustion and are pretty hungry. I was going to grab them some food."
"I got it!" (Nille stood up and scooped up some of breakfast.) "Not surprised, time crafts s'pposed to be impossible for a reason."
"Even one loop should kill them, really." (Odile adds.)
"Ah, well, about that." (You rub your neck.) "When everyone's back there's a lot to explain."
"Ominous, I'll be quick then." (Nille runs off with the food.)
(You pick at your own breakfast, quesadillas, just like Loop said. You took a bite, tasty!)
(You think while you eat; how many times had they eaten this breakfast? Well, if you had the same thing for breakfast over and over you might go crazy! And it's even made the exact same way every time.)
". . . Isabeau." (Odile starts.) "Did you get to ask?"
"Hrk-" (You choke a little, Crab!! You forgot!!) "N-no, I didn't. T-there was uh, something a bit more important going on."
"It sounded intense." (Back to her book.) "Argument?"
"Not really. . ." (You rub your shoulder.) "I-I'll, I'll ask them out another time! When things have calmed down."
(Nille returns to you and Odile chatting.) "They're out like a stone, don't think I've ever seen someone so sleepy."
"That sounds like Sif!"
"I doubt anything short of the King coming back would wake them up."
"Knock on wood." (Nille replies, nocking on the wood table as she sat down.)
". . . What?" (Odile looks up, confused.)
"Knock on wood! It's an old tradition to stop you from jinxing yourself. And I don't exactly want the King to come back."
"Ah I see." (Book down, researcher mode.) "Where does that tradition come from? Is it Vaugardian?"
"I don't think so," (She thought for a second.) "Actually, I got no idea where I got it from. Maybe I got it from someone in Bambouche."
"Could be one of those 'Sif things.'" (You comment.)
"Ah yes, the 'Sif things'" (Odile continues.) "I would not be surprised if this was another 'Siffrin thing', with how many little traditions seem to be tied to it."
"Like that thing they told Boniface to do? On their birthday?" (Nille asks.)
(Odile nods.) "Exactly so. Now let's pause this conversation before we get headaches, shall we?"
(You nod, right. It was always a pain to talk about 'Sif things' as you all had come to call it. Island talk. Wish craft. Rituals and- ow. Alright message recieved, back to casual non-island conversation.)
"Hmm. . . Is it tradition research?" (Nille asks after a second.)
"No, wrong." (Odile shakes her head, back to the book.)
"You'll get it sometime Nille!" (You say encouragingly.)
"How long did it take you again?"
"It took me a few months, and Sif figured it out durring the loops sooooo. ."
"I'll try and do it quicker then." (She rolls her eyes.)
(At long last Mirabelle and Bonnie joined in from doing their morning routine and took a seat. The casual chatter continued as you all finished breakfast.)
". . . Where's 'Frin?" (Bonnie asks.)
"He's resting up, I guess that loop yesterday really took it outta them." (Nille ruffles Bonbons hair.) "Was too busy saving our lil' scoundril."
"Ah, right, about that." (You clear your throat.) "Former saviors of Vaugarde I, Isabeau, am calling a very serious no jokes meeting into order!"
(Odile let out a half-laugh.) "Good start."
"Oh Madame! That's no way to act durring such a serious meeting!" (Mirabelle replies in a poshy accent.)
"Quite so! For we are only the most serious of serious!" (You continue, before breaking out into a laigh.)
"A real comedy duo you two are." (Nille says, leaning back.) "So, what's the deal big guy?"
"Right!" (Alright, here goes, gotta tell em everything. Now, just like Sif does. You breathe in, and out.) "Well, for one, Siffrin isn't Siffrin right now. Remember the conversation yesterday? Well they're Loop right now, not Sif. Just, as a start."
"Alright. . ?" (Odile responds as if prompting you to continue.)
"But! The, uh, the real issue is that." (Ohboy.) "They've aparently been looping through today, with this being the, 8th or 9th time."
"Oh gems. . ."
"Well that explains the exhaustion."
"Yeah," (You rub your shoulder.) "Last loop was aparently really bad, and they had a whole breakdown- oh Change I forgot to ask for details."
"W-we can ask them later! Once they're up." (Mirabelle looked nervous.) "Did they tell you a-anything though?"
"Oh they did! Uh. . ." (You tap your chin.) "Right, so, an old friend of mine, Ramos, who used to go by a different name I think- A-anyway! They've aparently been using mind craft on people, strong mind craft. It got Mirabelle in trouble for kidnapping Bonnie, and they changed my memory."
"I- I wouldn't do that!! Why would they-"
"I-I know! I know it sounds bad and uh. . ." (Oooooh boy.) "Aparently last loop they tried confronting Ramos, and they turned into a sadness and we had to fight. Nille got hurt pretty bad, but we won."
". . . But?"
"I, they didn't tell me, but, aparently something bad happened to Ramos."
". . ."
". . ."
". . . What in the world could have been bad enough to go back again?" (Odile muses.)
"I, I don't want to think about it." (You shudder. Oh Ramos. . . You remember them, you would hang out sometimes, train together, and you'd help them out sometimes with exams. They had some troubles, but they were alright! They were a good person!)
"So. . . So what do we do?" (Mira asks.)
"Well. . ." (You think for a moment. Loop seemed so. . . Distressed. Desperate. Sad. All of that. You'd seen it all before when Siffrin walked up to you at the Favor tree, they looked so distant then. . . You couldn't let that happen again.) "We should get training just like we used to!"
"Not you Boniface." (Nille replies.) "You're still a kid."
". . . Pétronille, I mean no disrespect, but I'm fairly certain Boniface is a stronger fighter than you are at this point." (Odiele counters.)
"HEY!!! I'm PLENTY tough!!!"
"Haha!! 'Dile called me stronger!!"
"Oh I'll show YOU strong ya lil-"
"A-alright! M-maybe save that or another time since, since we still need to figure out everything a-and-" (Mirabelle tries breaking them up. Her look of worry doing the trick instantly.)
"Ok, ok. But if Boniface is gonna fight I better be there."
"As long as it's on the backlines as well." (You respond.) "Dive in when there's an opening just like we used to do."
"Sounds like a plan."
"I do wonder though, how much, well, how much will it matter?" (Mira was pondering.) "If this isn't the last Loop, then, we would have done all this for nothing, and, w-well."
"I had a theory on that." (Odile adjusted her glasses, oh you loved this part.) "Siffrin said they started each loop waking up from their nap. Yesterday, Siffrin also looped back to waking up from their sleep, and I'm assuming todays loop started with them waking up too." (She tapped her chin.) "There's a good chance taking a proper sleep is linked to making a "checkpoint" of sorts."
"But what about the clock tower? Sif said we always had a sleepover there before going to the house." (You ask.)
"Hmm, good point." (she thought it over, then snapped her fingers.) "Ah! Didn't you plan to tell Siffrin your grand confession durring the sleepover?"
"M-m'dame!" (You hold up your hands deffencievly.) "What does that have to do with this?"
"You chickened out, duh." (Bonnie chimes in, smugly.) "I can already see you trying to talk to 'frin when everyones trying to sleep. Then holding off till after the King."
"O-oh..." (You try to sink into the floor. That, that would be something you do, yeah.)
"As easy to see through as a plane glass window." (Nille shakes her head.)
"L-lets move on-"
"Yes yes, so, my theory is that when Siffrin wakes up it'll be a new point they'll loop back to." (Odile stands up and stretches her back.) "Which means that anything we do before they wake up will do wonders for future loops."
"Oh!!! That's great!!!" (Mirabelle jumps up too, a new spring in her step.) "I'll get my sword! Oh it'll probably be dull by now too, oh! And I need to brush up on my combative crafts!!"
"And don't forget the-"
"I don't think I could ever forget the carrot method."
"CRAB!!" (Bonnie jumps up in a panic.) "I've been using those spare tonics for cooking!!!"
"Language, but a good point. I'll help ya look for more." (Nille gets up too.)
(Phew.) "I'm glad we figured all that out." (You stood up, and strike a big heroic pose.) "Siffrin, Loop, they're gonna get out of today! And we're gonna help them do it!!"
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writing-in-the-impala · 8 months
Secret Smokes (Part 4)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, teacher-student relationship (but like it’s all legal chill), SLOWburn we’re in for a long ride
Word Count: 3307
A/N: I know I always say I love you all, but I am blown away by all your support on each chapter. Comments are appreciated I love hearing your thoughts, it helps guide me in what direction to take the story! Anyway get ready we're starting to get a bit angsty in this chapter....
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 4, Next Chapter
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Over the weekend you and the twins did manage to go to Hogsmeade you didn't really need anything for your prank but it was nice to get out of Hogwarts for a bit. You walked around and browsed the shops, making a stop at Honeydukes for some tiny black pepper imps, fragile sugar-spun quills and exploding bonbons. The twins assured you all of this would be useful for future pranks. Before heading back to the castle Fred suggested a quick stop at the Three Broom Sticks and all of you thought it was a great idea. You sat down at a corner table that you loved as it gave you a view of the whole place, you could gossip about all the people there especially teachers. After ordering your drinks you saw a familiar face walk in "Guys looks it's Lupin with the library lady." Fred mentioned.
"Irma Pince?" You questioned maybe slightly too loudly as you watched them walk in, at this moment Lupin's eyes met yours and he gave you a gentle, distant, smile to acknowledge your presence. He held the door for her like a gentleman, pulled the chair out for her before sitting down, very old fashioned you thought. Your eyes didn't leave them until George began to speak again.
"Do you think they're on a date?" George asked.
"Surely not." You answered too quickly.
"What if they know about our prank." You whispered.
"Even if they did why would they out of all people meet here just them to discuss it." George questioned you.
"Maybe Lupin found out and he wants to warn her." You tried to think of any reason apart form a date why he would bring her here.
"Find out from who? There's no chance. It's definitely a date." Fred stated.
"Y/N is just jealous." George stated.
"Who doesn't have the hots for Lupin? We're all jealous." Fred said jokingly.
Your eyes were glued to the pair as Lupin ordered a drink for the two of them, your eyes once again met his and you immediately diverted your gaze to the glass in front of you. "I think we should make the prank bigger." You blurted out.
"Now you're talking. What are you thinking?" Fred asked.
"I don't know, we hex the whole library somehow make everyone who entered there regret it." You didn't know where this sudden hate and anger towards the library came from but the twins enjoyed scheming and you began devising a plan to make it a better, bigger prank. You kept gazing towards Lupin throughout the conversation watching his interaction, he seemed happy, they spent the whole time chatting or maybe discussing. He was dressed more casually then usual, in a shirt and sweater over it but he didn't looks like he dressed up just like he wanted to be more comfortable, you hated yourself for analysing him so much but you struggled to look away. When you were leaving you didn't notice him looking at you the same way and thinking the same thoughts about you.
The weekend ended a bit too quickly and you were back to sitting in classrooms all day waiting for the day to finish, you nearly forgot about your extra DADA lesson in the afternoon but Lupin sent you an owl during breakfast with a reminder. You made your way to his class after a very boring positions lesson with conflicted feelings, you didn't want to do extra lessons but at least it was with him. You knocked on the door gently and heard a soft "come in" from inside. All the desks were already moved against the wall leaving a large open space, Lupin was sitting at his desk at the front of the room grading some papers it seemed he greeted you with a warm smile. "Glad to see you didn't bail Miss L/N."
"I would've forgotten if it wasn't for your owl if I'm being honest." You admitted.
"How was your weekend?" Lupin asked politely. "Uneventful, it went by quicker than expected. Yours?" Lupin sorted the stack of papers he had putting it to the side. "Mine was pleasant, I had a meeting with Irma Pince I'm trying to get more muggle books introduced into the library taking, inspiration from you actually, I think not only will it help muggle born students feel more at home I think it'll be good for everyone to have some diversity." Great so you caused them to have a date, you thought to yourself.... Or maybe it wasn't a date at all just a professional meeting. "And how's that going?" You asked. "Horribly, she's a stubborn old woman stuck in her ways. But I think with a little more convincing I might succeed. We'll see." He said honestly.
"So how does this work? Do you give me spells to practice I do them and then that's it?" You wanted to change the topic. "I thought we'd focus on your weaknesses," Lupin stood up and walked in front of the desk leaning on it. His tie was loose and the top two buttons of his shirt were undone. "I am aware that the practical side is a weakness of yours now two core thing I want to cover with you before Christmas is your Patronus charm and your defensive spells, starting with the latter." 
Lupin began by turning on the record player with music he then began teaching you the hand movements and starting to talk to you about posture and how you should be acting during casting these spells, at moments he got quite close to you even once holding your arm from behind to help you figure out the movement, the feeling of his chest pressed against your back and his arm on your hand send shivers through you making you feel a bit hot and bothered. By the end of your hour with Lupin you wanted to stay in the room keep going because you were enjoying yourself and the fun dynamic. He was gentle and helpful and really cared about helping you. He expressed that these spells aren't just for your exams but rather to protect you navigating the wizarding world. After the hour was up you thanked Lupin for the lesson and left the room with a quick "see you later."
After dinner you headed straight for the bridge to meet Lupin, he wasn't there when you arrived and you began to think he won't show today but he did walking up with his hand in his trouser pockets and a soft look on his face. "You know Y/N you don't have to come here to meet me everyday especially after I've just forced you to spend some of your evening with my in my classroom." He stood next to you leaning over the side but looking at you, not lighting a cigarette. "You make it sound like it's torture to spend time with you profesor." He laughed at your comment. "Besides this isn't like spending time with a teacher this is Lupin not the same guy who teaches DADA." You continued. "How so? What's the big difference?" He pushed.
"Well this guy encourages bad behaviour, he's a good laugh, he encouraged me to actually care about school." You began. "That last one sounds like something a teacher would do." Lupin interrupted.
"That's true, but it's different. Can I tell you something honestly?" You asked vulnerable and Lupin gave you a go on nod. "I see you, as in you who I meet right here as someone I can trust and call a good friend. I feel like your someone I can really trust in, don't get me wrong I have friends but I feel like you understand me in a different way, you understand everything I struggled with over the last few years at Hogwarts the isolation, the-"
"Y/N..." Lupin interrupted. "Sorry I got a bit too deep, I probably shouldn't have said anything." You said in embarrassment. "No Y/N, I appreciate every word. And I appreciate your honesty, if we're both being honest right now I agree completely. It's my first time teaching here and it's weird all my old teachers are now my colleagues and now I'm the old guy do you know how soul crushing that is? I felt so alone moving here all my friends have turned into people I can only see on weekends as I'm stuck on school grounds. But you were someone who decided to speak to me like a human not like a profesor or like a past student and it was so refreshing. Although I don't think I've ever smoked this much in my life." He laughed to himself. "We're both losers." You replied laughing. "What are your friends like?" You asked honestly. Lupin began telling you about Harry's parents and about Sirius Black and how they were school friends and now they're the most important people in his life. He talked openly about missing them but knowing that working at Hogwarts had given him opportunities he wouldn't have had anywhere else. Around 10pm Lupin checked his watch and realised he's kept you up with his stories past curfew, this was the moment you realised you had a prank to pull so you said goodbye to Lupin and made your way back to see the twins.
The twins were both sitting in the common room on one of the sofas as soon as you walked in they both jumped up. "We've been waiting for you." They said in unison. "You need to stop flirting with boys all night we have work to do Y/N." Fred stated. "Everything is ready we've got Harry's invisibility cloak we just need the map." George reached his arm out and you handed him the map. Around midnight you set off towards the library, once you were inside it was completely empty it was pretty cool to be there in the middle of the night, you straight away began jinxing the books it took a while to do all of them but thinking of new ways you can jinx each book made it a little bit more fun. You were maybe making a bit too much noise as you noticed on the map Filch was walking towards you. The three of you quickly jumped under the cloak of invisibility and went left the library, Filch ran past you and went into the library "Students out of bed." He shouted as he ran into the library but then he saw no one you wanted to laugh but you kept silent as you began to walk back to the Gryffindor dorm rooms. You heard Filch's voice complaining out loud behind you approaching you as your turned the corner, you were moving very slowly as you were trying to stay completely covered as you walked down the corridor. "What's wrong Filch?" You heard a familiar voice coming towards you from the opposite direction.
"Students out of bed profesor, they're hiding in the library." Filch said standing right next to you. Now Lupin was standing so close that if you breathed to loudly you were sure he'd hear. The three of you froze the twins shut their eyes probably to avoid laughing you stood there watching. "Now Filch why would students sneak around at this time of night to go to the library?" Lupin asked amused, it felt like he could see right through the cloak of invisibility.
"I could hear their voices." Filch replied.
"Okay." He looked right where you were standing almost making eye contact with you. "Let go check Filch come on." He said and they walked away from you and you felt like you could finally breathe, you ah the twins practically ran back to the dorm as sons as they were out of sight. When you returned, you began laughing about how you nearly got caught thankful that you didn't.
The next day at lunchtime is when the announcement came about your prank profesor McGonagall was the one to break the news "it has come to our attention that last night a group of students decided to jinx the library, now if anyone knows any information about this we urge you to come forwards..." she began her speech. Throughout the whole speech it felt like Lupin was staring at you and the twins. "Do you think he knows?" You asked them on your way out the hall.
"How could he?" George began. "We were under the cloak the whole time there's no way." Fred finished. You went on with your day and luckily no one knew it was you and the twins who pulled off the prank, every teacher would remind the class after the lesson that the library is closed and to come forward with any information during your DADA lesson you felt like Lupin was acting a bit different you didn't know if your conversation with him last night caused it or if he knew about the prank. During his own speech about how the library is closed it felt like his eyes were glued to you, you were confident he knew somehow. That evening he didn't show up to the bridge, you checked a marauders map and he wasn't in Hogwarts at all you felt wrong checking the map but you wanted to know if he went to the bridge after you left.
The next day after your lessons you had your DADA extra session, you went to the class like last time and just as before when you entered the tables were all moved to the side of the classroom. Lupin was sitting behind his desk as before and looked up to you to greet you "Good afternoon Y/N." He simply said.
"Afternoon Professor." You replied he was wearing his shirt properly buttoned up and his tie all the way up a lot more profesional looking than last time. "Today we'll be working on counter-jinxes as I believe you've already mastered jinxes let's see if you can counter them." He stated pulling out a pile of books onto the table, books from the library... "Luckily we have a lot of jinxed books that some students gracefully prepared for us." He handed you the pile of books. "So you want me to remove the jinxes this feels more like detention than tutoring." You felt annoyed at how he was treating you suddenly. "Why would you get detention unless you were the one who jinxed these books, no I don't want you to remove those jinxes I want you to open the books and use a counter jinx to protect yourself from whatever the books have to offer."
"But how am I meant to do that? I don't even know what will come out of them." You were scared of some of the things that the twins may have made the books do. "That's the point, that's the challenge." Lupin said. "You're not making this easy when I have no idea what to do, all I know is how to remove the jinx all together." You stayed in annoyance. He took a book, opened it and preformed a counter-jinx. "See that easy, now imagine you're in the library and you open a book a jinx comes out how do you defend yourself." He hands you a book and you look at it, it's one that you had jinxed so you knew what to expect and knew what spell to preform. Lupin seemed shocked at how well you did he probably wanted you to fail. "Not many people can think of a specific counter jinx before seeing what the book is jinxed with you know." He said simply. "I'm a faster learner." You replied and Lupin handed you a book on Herbology. "Very well, again." This one you didn't know the jinx so you opened the book slowly but you still didn't manage to use the correct counter jinx and you got completely covered in dirt and leaves. Lupin couldn't hold in his laugh at your state and you laughed along with him. "Okay now the first thing you need to know about counter jinxes-"
"Hold on you just wanted me to get jinxed before you began to teach me?" You questioned. "If you're going to jinx a book at least be able to protect yourself from it." He winked at you after saying it. "I didn't jinx this book." You began to wipe all the dirt off your face and Lupin handed you a tissue. "No but you jinxed that one." He pointed to the first book you opened. "You can't possibly know that."
"All I want to know is why Y/N? Because the way I see it is I tell you I'm trying to get muggle books into the library and that very night you and the Weasley twins go in and jinx every single book. No don't deny it, I was already sure that I sensed you there, and with how you knew what was in that book you provided it. Now believe me I appreciate the commitment to getting every, single, book. However I was doing something to try and help you and instead you decided to completely jeopardise it. If Pince ever finds out you were part of the efforts there will never be a muggle book allowed in the school even less so the library do you understand?" You had never seen Lupin so annoyed.
"Profesor, I'm sorry. I truly am, I don't know if it'll make you feel any better but this had nothing to do with you or Pince. I didn't even consider how this would affect you we just thought it would be funny and a great first prank of the year. We had this planned before, when we saw you in the pub with Pince we thought you had somehow found out and you were warning her and then we decided you couldn't know and that you guys are on a date" Lupin nearly chocked on the cup of tea he was drinking when you said the last part. "Me and her? On a date? Look I've made some odd romantic choices in life but I have some level of standards. Thank you for your apology Y/N, I may have taken it a bit personally especially after our conversation on Monday night, now let's begin before we spend the whole hour talking. So to perform a counter jinx..." There was no more mention of your prank and no more mention of anything personal profesor Lupin mode was on and he was back into teaching you still shared a few moments of laughing and a few jokes especially when you were victim to jinxed books but apart from that it was purely professional. When the lesson finished Lupin informed you that he is cancelling Fridays session as he will be away over the next few days he apologised and you simply replied with, "so no smokes on the bridge?" His facial expression became soft and he gave you a smile. "Unfortunately you'll have to wait until I'm back dear." He winked and then looked mortified with his own words as he opened the door for you it was as if he said that last word by accident he quickly continued with. "Have a lovely rest of the evening Y/N." and that was the last time you saw him for a few days, it was because of the full moon. You had already figured out after the first few months that whenever the full moon was approaching he wouldn't come to the bridge and then after the full moon he would get Snape to cover his lessons. You should've known straight away when he said he sensed you it meant he could smell you or even hear you from a distance that's why he knew that it was you hidden under the cloak of invisibility.
NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
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k-looking-glass-house · 4 months
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Rook Hunt french list of endearment nicknames
As the french I am maybe that would interest some people about your dear "Le chasseur de l'amour" vocabulary!! I will not ....translate those nicknames (I mean you can still ask me of course) as there are not equivalent one sometimes!! I would say just feel and vibe if some catch your mind~ I tried to classify them by their meaning You don't have to be in a romantic relationship for using those one (blame the french behavior as we are said to be flirty around the world....)
(gn)= gender neutral
(m)= male
(f)= female
Obviously you don't have to follow any gender orientation, it's just that french vocabulary have different names for gender (beside the world itself being male or female..)! Some words are gender specified but can also be used as gender neutral on some occasions!!
Let's go:
ma biche (f)/ bichette (f)/ mon biquet (m)/ mon bichon(m)
[ma poule (f/gn)/ mon poulet (m)]/ poulette (f)/ mon poussin (gn)/ poussinou (gn)
mon chat (gn TW: don't use the female word for cat (chatte) as it turns out to be vulgar here, just to let you know)/ mon chaton (gn)/ mon minet (m)
doudouce (gn/f)/ doudou (gn/m)/ dididou (gn)/ ma douce (f/gn)/ [ma dulcinée (f)/ mon dulciné (m)]
mon amour (gn)/ mon coeur (gn)/ mon petit coeur de beurre (gn)/ mamour gn)/ ma moitié (gn)
mon canard (gn/m)/ mon canari (gn)/ ma caille (gn/f)/ mon caneton (gn)
mon lapin (gn)/ lapinou (gn)/ 'pinou (gn)
chouchou (gn)/ mon chou (gn/m)/ choupette (f/gn)/ choupinette (f)
ma puce (gn/f)/ pupuce (f/gn)
mon sucre d'orge (gn), mon biscuit (gn), ma tagada (gn), mon nounours (gn)/ mon bonbon (gn)/ ma craquotte (gn)/ ma sucrette (f/gn)/ mon macaron (gn)
mon bijou (gn/f)/ ma perle (gn/f)/ mon trésor (gn)/ mon rayon de soleil (gn)/ lumière de ma vie (gn)
ma vie (gn..... this one...omg this one is used by the youngster here.... it makes them feel so deep....so adult ha ha)
[mon joli (m)/ ma jolie (f)]/ ma beauté (f/gn)
mon bouchon (gn)/ mon roudoudou (gn/m)/ mon bisounours (gn)
loulou (gn/m)
[mon chéri (m)/ ma chérie (f)]
ma muse (f/gn)/ [ma princesse (f)/ mon prince (m)]/ [mon bien-aimé (m)/ ma bien-aimée (f)]
ma colombe (f/n)/ ma tourterelle (f/gn)/ ma gazelle (f)
ma pomme d'amour (gn) SPECIAL POMEFIORE ONE for this one ha ha or reinette (f)
bébé (gn)/ bibou (gn)/ mon ange (gn)
[ma brune (f)/ mon brun (m)]/ beauté fatale (gn/f)/ nenette (f)
poupoune (f)/ poupo(u)nette (f)
chipie (f)/ ma loute (f/gn)/ [pitchou (m/gn)/ pichounette (f)]
pépette (f)/ poupette (f)/ pipou (m)
bout de chou (-> bout d'chou) (gn)/ mon trogon d'amour (m/gn)
mon étoile (gn)/ ma grenouille (gn)/ mon soleil (gn)/ ma crevette (gn: Literally shrimp)/ mon arc-en-ciel (gn)
And so many more... just ask me if you want some explanation on some! Or even more ha ha
Also for more cuteness and love you can add before:
mon petit (for male vocabulary french word not gender (yes...it's weird or hard for non french speaker))
ma petite (for female vocabulary word not gender)
Or ptit or 'tit (the cutest way to show your love and friendship with someone or when you're speaking to children)
Mon 'tit chat
Petit bout de chou
Ma petite chipie -> verryyyy similar somehow to little trickster...well close enough for female gender oriented! It would be "fripon" for male gender oriented.
And you? In your native language?
I actually love to use "darling" with people I love around me!!
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strangeandhollow · 5 months
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Side Characters
Marc/Nathaniel: Became official one year ago. Run a comic series together.
Mylene/Ivan: Nature-loving couple. Together for about three and a half years.
Kim/Ondine: Together for 2 years (officially). Not much to say really.
Fun Facts:
Sabrina: Sort of still getting used to life without Chloe’s puppeteering. Occasionally falls back into old habits but thankfully is always firm about not allowing Chloe to manipulate her (Chloe is like a toxic ex trying to get her back). Sabrina does not entertain it but hasn't blocked Chloe because she’s low-key amused by it. Gives Zoé ideas to tease Chloe with.
Alix: Our AroAce resident, hangs out with Sabrina. Kinda a troll. Gives Sabrina ideas to give to Zoé to tease Chloe with. (Sabrina filters a lot of the more crazy or cruel ideas).
Marc: Zoé’s bff. Tried to wingman for her once but failed. Not very active on social media but Zoé is working very hard to change that.
Nathaniel: Artist for his and Marc’s comics. Absolutely obsessed with making Marc blush. Works alongside Zoé to get Marc out of their shell.
Mylene: Nature activist, more or less here for filler.
Ivan: Same as Mylene.
Cerise: Totally just some rando. Definitely not important to any plot. Has a strange distaste for Ladybug.
Max: Smart boy. Occasionally joins Marionette for game night (definitely not trying to find a way to beat her one day).
Kim: Likes to screw with people. Doesn't know why Chat Noir doesn't like him.
Ondine: Think Bonbon from sister location.
Nathalie 🤝 Ondine doing pubic relations for the boy they love
Previous / Next (Part one)
Update on Ivan because I put guitarist instead of drummer 🤦‍♀️
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charbles · 9 months
A HC of mine: Bon-bon and Bonnet have legs now but before they got their legs, they had to either be in a wheelchair or carried around.
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this is as close to getting his body back as bon bon in the funland au is ever going to get and honestly that might be a good thing
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reflingthefox · 11 months
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So @bonbon-lover and I happened to basically challenge each other to draw Cub in a sundress because Cub is cute and we both like imagining things about him. So, here we are!
Bon's corresponding art is here cause they're not leaving unnoticed: https://www.tumblr.com/bonbon-lover/725163463252557824/i-was-chatting-with-my-friend-reflingthefox-and?source=share
...you know what, I need to draw more.
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aimlesspixel · 1 month
Part 2 of my in stars and time continuation fic
Read part one here if you're interested.
You're floating, in a sea of lightless space, stars of pure darkless dotting your surroundings. You're not alone here you can feel it you're not sure where but you know it's not harmful, maybe it'll show itself if you wait. It's quite peaceful here amid the sky, ripples begin to flutter across the lightless sea around you making the stars shift and constellations dance it all seems so close here yet so far. The stars darken as you hear something call out to you and…
"Hey… Hey. HEY, cmon stupid frin! Breakfast's ready we're gonna finish it all without you if you don't get the crab up." "Now now Bonbon you've made plenty for everyone and I'm sure Sif will be up in a moment." "Fine! I'll put peppers in it instead hehehe." "Now that's a credible threat, you better get up soon Siffrin."
You open your eyes to see Bonnie peering down at you… that's weird you could've sworn you were sleeping in your tent but the area above you distinctly lacks such an implement. Oh well you will yourself up and move to grab a plate. Just as Odile said there is a enough food for everyone. A good start to another day of travel if you do say so yourself I mean you're up before the sun finished rising! You'll get plenty of time to travel like this.
Odile seing you've finished your slightly spicy breakfast calls you over "Siffrin a moment please I would like to get this over with before we're done cleaning up."
You nod at her in acknowledgement and walk over. She and Mirabelle are in charge of making sure you're not overexerting yourself after the whole almost ending the world buisness. It's a bit embaressing but you don't want to worry them or get worse so you let them give you a check up.
Mirabelle looks you over while Odile takes your tempature and consults a transcription of a medical book she's gotten from the house's infrimary. Isabeau and Bonnie look at the process with slightly worried expressions.
Odile - "Well as far as I can tell you're not any worse for wear so I think the pace we've been keeping will be fine for now. Any objections Mirabelle?" Mirabelle - "I can't see anythng wrong but just to make sure you're feeling up to it right Siffrin?"
You feel alright even despite the weird sleeping spot maybe a little sleepy still but nothing serious. "Yesterdays pace is fine." Isa and Bonnies faces ease up and they get back to making sure you haven't forgotten anything.
Odile - "Alright just remember keep the crafts to a minimum whenever possible you don't want to overextend and knock yourself out or something."
She doesn't have to remind you. You still feel drained in a more intangible way than usual and can tell you probably couldn't manage too many crafts without a break, best to avoid any wildlife then. The path is well walked making it easy to follow the darkless leaking through the trees as you walk along the path your family alongside you it's nice, It'll probably become routine again soon enough but while it's nostalgic again you relish in it. Mirabelle and Odile are discussing books of some kind maybe it's part of their book club they mentioned… oh wait have they mentioned that this time? You're not sure. Does it matter? You're glad they can discuss it regardless. Isa and Bonnie walk alongside you chatting with you as you travel. It's nice.
It only takes a few days to reach your first stop. You could tell you were getting close when the path changed to a stone road. You'll just be staying here a day but it's nice to see time flowing here again. The Defenders at the edge of town greet you all as you enter and you see some kids running around the town.
Isabeau - "We really did it huh? It's still a little hard to believe but…" Yeah. The atmosphere is so much better now that people who fled are returning and the ones who were frozen have begun to move once more. You recognize some of them from Dormont most of the refugees who fled there left ahead of you all to reunite with their loved ones and homes.
Some of the kids from Dormont and some you don't recognize run up to you all.
"Look! Look! It's Mirabelle! She's the one who kicked the king's crabbing butt!" "Yea It's thanks to them that everyone's moving again!"
One of the kids in particular gets starry eyed at this and runs up to Mira.
"Oh! You're the reason mom and dad are moving again! Thank you thank you thank you!!!"
They jump up and down a bit before Bonnie calls out "Hey it wasn't just Mira we all went into the house and kicked that Kings crabbing butt!" The kids gasp and look at everyone beside Mira including you.
"Whoaaaaa. So you went in to kick his butt too?" The kid asks expectantly at Bonnie. "Of course." They say standing proudly.
Mirabelle - "It's true we all worked together to save Vaugaurd." She looks at you "Maybe a little too hard for some of us." You look away.
The kids chatter around you for a bit before Odile intervines "We know you're all excited to see us but we need to find that Inn so we can rent a room for the night."
"Oh sorry." The kids turn and run off, the starry eyed one looks back one last time before going "Thank you again!" and they run off.
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bonbon-lover · 11 months
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I was chatting with my friend (@reflingthefox) and we decided that we should both draw Cub in a summer dress because he deserves to have nice things like pretty dresses
Overall I’m really pleased at how it came out and I hope I can draw more of him
Edit: this is their wonderful drawing of Cub
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Guess I'll wrap things up in town and head to the re-sleepover.
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Okay, last time I was here, I weirded out this child. This time, I'm gonna TRY. HARDER.
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Jackpot. Children love puns about their favorite thing. Now this small child of no clear importance thinks I'm cool.
That is very important to me.
I don't know why.
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Nyeh heh heh heh heh! I have discovered the cheat code to being popular with kids. It's frogs. The cheat code is frogs.
Now if only I could extend that popularity to adults.
And my teammates.
And now. We have. THE FLOWER. Aggggggggh the flower. So much pressure. Hmm. Maybe I can bribe Bonbon into not hating me.
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Because I'm trying to improve our team's cohesion and the friction that exists between you and me is basically our only interpersonal conflict. Consider this an olive branch.
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and call this one "Mission Failed" since I'm pretty sure I just made things awkward and weird. There might not be a way to bury the hatchet with this kid. They're under a lot of stress.
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I just want to know who keeps breaking the bread. I was specifically watching for it and it still crept up on me. I blinked for one second - Well, okay, I had a brief chat with my Lemonfriend about ignoring all of you but that's beside the point - and then there was just this hideous CRACK and the bread was ripped in half.
How!? WHEN!? WHO!?
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You could just tell me now and then I'll know it so when I die and you've un-told it to me I can spare you the embarrassment of telling me.
Then again maybe we should keep it on the down-low to avoid making my Lemonfriend jealous. I'm sure they're listening in on every word we say. They're clingy and stalkerish like that.
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Wow. We're back here again already. In my defense, I DID check for traps. I very briefly skimmed each pillar so I'm pretty sure there has to be some sort of complex--
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Well. Okay then.
I now realize that the cause of my death was, in fact, that I suck at my job. Cool.
I would make a remark here about "going to crawl under a rock and die" but the boulder has a sense for ironic timing so it's best not to chance it. Let's just flick this stupid switch and move on.
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Done. Mistake unmade. No longer have I died a clown. DO YOU HEAR THAT, LEMONFRIEND!? I HAVE SUCCESSFULLY NOT DIED.
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BOOM, nothing to worry about now. It should be smooth sailing from here. Let's go commit regicide with extreme prejudice.
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Cutlery is an interesting subject matter, actually. There's a lot of differentiation in individual sizes, shapes, and compositions of individual cutlery that contribute to a variety of different meal experiences. Even chopsticks come in many different forms.
But this would fall under the category of etiquette. I'm not quite sure if Madame Odile's field of expertise falls into that wheelhouse. Though I could see it....
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Hey, give me some credit. You know how hard it is to cheat gratuitously under four different sets of watchful eyes?
You call it cheating. I call it speed practice. That's the kind of manual dexterity that lets me throw signs so fast.
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Well that's fucking dangerous. THANKS FOR JUST BRINGING IT UP NOW, BONNIE. What if I slipped on that?
What... if I slipped on that....
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Zero hesitation. FOR SCIENCE!
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Okay. We have proven that my lemon drop powers will still bring me back in time even if I'm frozen in time. This is a very useful piece of information to establish, so it's good to get that out of the way before we meet the King while the risk is still....
...while the risk is still....
Oh. Wait. That could have been really bad for me. If that didn't work then--
LET'S NOT THINK ABOUT THAT HAHAHA I'm sure my Lemonfriend wouldn't have left me strander there. It's fine. The important thing is that I now know my ability to loop is immutable even by time.
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This is what PROGRESS looks like. >:D
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