#spy x family season 2 op
xxscarletxrosexx · 7 months
SpyxFamily Season 2 OP is finally here! Also, my attention kept honing in on the teapot & teacups, so here's an analysis.
(Possible spoiler ahead--you've been warned!)
What I've noticed is that the teapot is only held by Twilight, who I see is the leader of the family, and he's solely the only one pouring the teapot. We've already established in season 1 that the teacups are symbolic of the characters' bond/identity in the Forger Family and closeness with one another. So, each time the family is seen holding teacups, it's a Forger family moment (if that makes sense). The way I perceive the teapot is that it's Operation Strix.
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SS1: In the beginning, Twilight is seen as very cautious and protective of the teapot (he even puts it under a sleeve to keep it warm -- furthering my understanding that he has control/is very protective of it).
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SS2: It isn't until the car scene that we see the teapot again w/ Twilight. This time along with Anya and Yor's teacups. Everyone's cups are filled with the same beverage which could represent their ties as the Forger's. Twilight's crazy driving represents him driving the wheel of his mission. The turbulence in his driving along with his teacup and teapot moving could represent his control of his spy life (the car), control of Operation Strix (teapot), and control as Loid Forger (teacup).
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SS3: When Loid pours the teapot and we see water, I perceive it as Twilight/Loid probably experiencing failures (despite how cute and upbeat this design and seen is). This is b/c the tea inside the teapot has been washed away by water. We also notice that Anya is holding her cup and it's not being poured into. So it may also be a sign of discord in the Forger family. Also, I love that the Forgers "drowned" which represents drowning in their respective missions/problems in their involvement in the mission or with each other.
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SS4: We have a clear view of all members of the Forger's with their teapot and teacups. Twilight/Loid is missing his teacup here. I may be stretching a bit, but my analysis of this scene is that regardless of having his teacup (Loid Forger), he doesn't forget his role to care for Anya. We also notice that Yor's cup is empty, and yet both she and Twilight prioritize saving Anya. As a result, I see this as the family still working together even if they're not on the same page with each other--not being on the same page represented by the absence of tea in their cups.
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SS5: Twilight has redeemed himself as evidenced by the piping hot teapot, and he also has his teacup too along with Yor and Anya. I also like they used airplanes here b/c it could also have a symbolic meaning that, together, they're figuratively on top of the world.
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SS6: Twilight is now more relaxed when pouring the content of the tea (Operation Strix) out to Anya because he can now trust that his family (Yor, specifically) will have his back.
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SS7: When Yor sips the tea, I see more of a symbiotic relationship going on here. When Yor is seen drinking her tea, Anya is happy. I see this as "papa is trusting mama" from Anya's perspective, and of course, she just wants her parents to be happy (and possibly in love with each other). And when Anya is happy, Operation Strix goes well (recall that Anya's emotions easily influence Twilight).
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SS8: Same thing is happening here. Twilight pours tea for Anya but Yor catches it, which is a lovely transition that this will be a Yor-centered season (aka Cruise Arc).
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SS9 & SS10: Harmony / being on the same page together / united as a family from henceforth regardless of their crazy adventures (shown with them upside down) together.
TLDR; I love this teacup/teapot engagement with the Forger family because it essentially summarizes the Forger's relationship with one another from S1. This is such a good OP b/c whatever ep is shown will show the growth in their relationship w/ each other.
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connoisseursdecomfort · 7 months
Kura Kura - Ado: A tentative translation
(Question 大胆に演じて) Question. To interpret it boldly.
(Question 他愛のない人生) Question. A boring life.*
(Question 背反と安寧) Question. The betrayal and the peace.
(Question, what? x x x x x) Question. What-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta
[Verse 1]
真っ二つだね世界は The world has two faces.
隠したそれぞれの正義は With their own justices hidden within.
拮抗するがらんどう Fighting against the hollowness
ダマになり重なって The two sides are often jumbled up and overlap with each other.
(Two-sided, two-face)
[Verse 2]
常識・劣勢・裏の裏** Common sense. Inferiority. The opposite side of the opposite side.
最後も最期も関係ない When things end, and when lives end, it’s none of my business.
間一髪がスタンダード Hanging by a thread is our standard routine.
どうにかしてきたんだ At the end there always will be a solution.
狂ったストーリー 全てが決まってたように This crazy story. As if everything is fated.
のべつ幕無しに異常事態 Non-stop anomalies
大抵わけもない Always happen without reasons.
正しい間違いが不安定で*** Hesitating between what is right and what is wrong
裏返しの本音が溜まってゆく Words contradicting to my feelings keep piling up.
消化する術がないことも Even if I can’t find a way to digest them
気付かずに立ち向かうの? Will I deal with them by ignoring them?
悲しくなどないけど こんなんじゃまだ Even if I’m not sad, if I continue doing that,
100% は分からない There’s a 100% chance that I won’t understand.
もう不安など消してしまえたら良いと願って望んで憂い I could only bitterly hope that the uneasiness would disappear.
そのカーテンが翻ったなら If I draw the curtains
って理想と現実揺らぐんだ My goals and the reality would also vacillate.
クラクラ Oh the dizziness.
[Verse 3]
身一つで生き抜いた I have survived on my own.
土砂降りに固まる不平不満 My dejections cluster in this heavy downpour.
逆行する世界も This retrograding world
たまに味方となって Would sometimes side with us too
(Two-sided, two-face)
[Verse 4]
正義で正義に抗うの? Do we fight justice with justice?
サイコロ振っても平行線**** Even if we roll a dice we might never reach consensus.
どうして? Why?
なんで世界はドラマみたいにうまくいかないのだろう Why can’t things go smoothly, just as they always do in TV dramas?
(Question 大胆に演じて) Question. To interpret it boldly.
冴えないジョークで笑えたあの頃のように Just like back then when we could still laugh at the lame jokes
特別はいつも目の前にある Things that are special to us are always here before us.
大抵わけもない日常 In this everyday life that has always been nonsensical.
寂しい言葉がフラッシュバックしてる My mind keeps replaying the words of loneliness
泣いてしまえたら楽だったかな It will be easier if I could just cry.
どっち付かずで嫌になるな Indecisiveness is annoying.
守りたいものは何? What is it that you want to protect?
知らないことばっかだ こんなんじゃまだ There are so many things I don’t know. If I continue to be like this,
1% にも満たない I wouldn’t even be able to reach 1% of this.
って悩んで学んで繰り返し It’s a repetition of worrying and learning.
少しずつ見えてきた未来 And gradually I can see the future clearer and clearer.
正しい間違いが不安定で*** Hesitating between what is right and what is wrong
裏返しの本音が溜まってゆく Words contradicting to my feelings keep piling up.
消化する術がないことも Even if I can’t find a way to digest them
気付かずに立ち向かうの? Will I deal with them by ignoring them?
悲しくなどないけど こんなんじゃまだ Even if I’m not sad, if I continue doing that,
100% は分からない There’s a 100% chance that I won’t understand.
もう不安など消してしまえたら良いと願って望んで憂い I could only bitterly hope that the uneasiness would disappear.
そのカーテンが翻ったなら If I draw the curtains
って理想と現実揺らぐんだ My goals and the reality would also vacillate.
クラクラ Oh the dizziness.
(Question 大胆に演じて) Question. To interpret it boldly.
(Question 他愛のない人生) Question. A boring life.*
(Question 背反と安寧) Question. The betrayal and the peace.
(Question, what? x x x x x) Question. What-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta
The lyrics are from here.
*a life without care/consideration/love/interest in others
**裏の裏 can also be translated as the inside of the inside/ the interior of the interior.
***不安定 the state of being unstable
****平行線 parallel lines. It could also mean a situation in which no one could come to an agreement: 互いの主張‧意見などがどこまでいっても妥協点の見いだせない状態をいう。「交渉は—のままだった」
The translation is also based on these two translations (1, 2).
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skialdi · 6 months
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Kura kura
I wish, I hope and I beg to get rid of all these sorrows~
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origami-teacup · 2 years
me rn
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desiredblud · 7 months
This is all I got 😪 (it’s not, I have another thing)
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copdog1234 · 7 months
Man I sure wish I could enjoy the sxf s2 op, but it physically flashbanged me cause I have some photosensitivity issues.
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hyperfixated-unicorn · 7 months
I love how the new SxF S2 opening is so unserious because the story itself is unserious af. Just look at those silly walks lol
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whateversawesome · 7 months
Spy x Family Season 2 OP!
Here it is!! That song is awesome 😎
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cinnamon-guardian · 2 years
Next time I see Loid “For The Mission” Forger act like Yor and Anya aren’t his real family I will throw hands I swear to God—
This man has the gall to say that like 90% of this new OP isn’t taken straight from his point of view. He really sees Yor and Anya like this and still goes “Yep. Totally for the mission, guys.”
I love Loid, but the next time he says it, I’m going to literally crawl into the show and slap the shit out of him. Get it together, Loid!!
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eastinsenpai · 2 years
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Yor Forger GIFS
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makorragal-312 · 2 years
The new SxF OP/ED low-key slap...
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immanime · 7 months
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Spy x Family Season 2 OP
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usernanami · 7 months
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Spy x Family: Season 2 - OP: Ado 「クラクラ」 / KURA KURA
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yumeka-sxf · 7 months
Spy x Family season 2 Opening
New season 2 opening just dropped! Screenshots and video link below.
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This scene where there's chaos going on outside but Loid eventually just closes the curtain. Subtle message that family is more important!
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Bond and Anya in the rearview mirror!
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They're both holding onto Anya~
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I want someone to look at me the way Loid looks at his wife drinking tea while standing on an airplane~
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I love the tea motif throughout the whole OP~ So much energy in the animation too. Also interesting that no other character besides the Forgers are featured in it.
Since the OP is on the silly side, I'm thinking the ED will be on the serious side...we'll see!
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piracytheorist · 7 months
Spy x Family Season 2 OP details! (pt 2 - Tea Time)
Part 1 here
Tea is being prepared! (while the music turns a little softer, too)
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I find it SO FUNNY that Twilight just… passes over Bond instead of around him. And he's wearing socks!
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Please notice how the airplane seems to be flying BACKWARDS. Compare it to the above picture.
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Then it turns into arcade game pixels as Loid puts the tray down. A detail showing that family and love is the way to peace?
Also, here it's Yor who was reading the newspaper while Loid prepared their tea and snacks. Cool detail!
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For no reason at all Loid just passes over Bond again. He's finding a bit of kid in himself, methinks.
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As @yumeka-sxf pointed out, Loid sees the mess going outside the window, then closes the curtain like "Nope. Family time."
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Tea time is important!
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No listen! There's something really interesting about this whole tea thing. The tea could represent peaceful family time. We see the Forgers try to get some tea throughout the second half of the opening, but they're just struggling with fast cars, overflowing ships (!!) and apparently, planes for free fall.
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And yes I have theoryTM about what this represents. Loid tries to pour Anya some tea (aka give her quality family time) but the plane they're flying on (the circumstances under which they're living) doesn't allow the normal way, but Yor offers an alternative.
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Once again, they're trying to keep things normal, but Yor happily takes the alternative route.
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(look at Bond here lol)
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They're a peculiar, out of the ordinary family, but they goddamn ARE a family! They will have their quality family tea time no matter what!
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The beginning is now repeated with the Tea Motif, with the characters appearing one by one again.
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And we end with the Forgers holding a flower each, while white doves (?) fly around them.
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I wish I knew the meaning behind those flowers (aside from the yellow rose that Bond holds, which represents friendship and warmth) but the white doves are very much a symbol for peace!
Overall, an interesting opening with some really cute details and meanings behind it all!
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formulaorange · 7 months
2023 Fall Anime
This is honestly a loaded season full of new shows based on relatively new manga. Lots to look forward to
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Spy x Family - Season 2 One of the most fun SJ series that have come out in a while. Season 1 was killer, high hopes for season 2.
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Goblin Slayer 2 I didn't realize they were even making a second season. This was such a killer series. I'm really hoping they don't fall into the many mid-tier fantasy tropes out there in anime right now. I thought the appeal of the show was really Goblin Slayer himself and less about the lackeys along the way. So we'll see how it goes.
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Frieren: Beyond Journey's End This is definitely one of my highly anticipated series. It's about an elf who was part of the Hero's party and her life after he dies. (Since elves live longer) Definitely a darker take on fantasy but has some really solid fantasy and adventure vibes.
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Rising of the Shield Hero - Season 3 Season 2 was pretty disappointing and slow. While this looks like it'll be more fast paced, it does look like a tournament arc of sorts. I know some aren't a fan of that kind of arc, but honestly I think it's exactly what this series needs to pick things up again. We'll see.
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The Faraway Paladin - Season 2 This was legitimately one of my favourite fantasy series. I thought it was really well written and didn't rush things like other series. I'm looking forward to this season.
Sequels/Continuations: Eminence in Shadow - Season 2 killer series with an anti-hero main character. Definitely worth checking out. After-School Hanako-Kun Hanako-kun spin off Dr. Stone Season 3 - Part 2 One of the best novel concept series with nothing else in it's genre to compare to. Definitely didn't drop the ball on the recent seasons and still worth watching. Dead Mount Death Play - Part 2 One that I didn't particularly enjoy, but has a decent sized manga following. Tokyo Revengers - Tenjiku Arc The continuation of the series. Might be just me but it feels like the series fell off after the first season. The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent - Season 2 A more mature take on fantasy isekai that just started to get into romance at the end of last season. A solid combo of shoujo genres. The Ancient Magus' Bride - Season 2 Part 2 One that I haven't had a change to check out yet but have only heard good things about. Hypnosismic - Season 2 a weirdly addictive musical/rap series. Unique characters and honestly solid rap battles. One I'll be enjoying. -- Related - Paradox Live - Music battle with what looks to be the same style of animation and solid character design. Definitely worth looking at if you're a fan of Hypmic. The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse A sequel of SDS. Looks like it could be a fun watch for the fans of the series. New:
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Shangri La Frontier A new manga fantasy series. This may be a horrible way to describe but it is what it is - a new age SAO- full dive fantasy game. A gamer who only plays shit games, gets into a new massively popular MMORPG and is op. One that I'm excited for because it ticks all the fantasy game boxes I like.
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Undead Unluck A relatively new manga series that gained a lot of traction in the last year or two. A gory action comedy that's super chaotic and a lot of fun.
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Shy Brand new hero manga series about a shy girl and her anxieties and struggles going into the hero world who grows and gains confidence as she becomes a better hero.
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Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions This is a manga series that I have kept forgetting the name of so never got a chance to read but all the covers for the manga look phenomenal. Likely the anime doesn't do him justice but it is what it is. Essentially sherlock in anime form. A PI with issues and the wholesome police detective work together to solve crime. Other New Series: Green - Fantasy Pink - Romance Red - Action Purple - Drama The Kingdoms of Ruins A world where witches were hunted down by humans as science surpassed magic. A kid who was raised by a witch swears revenge on mankind. This honestly looks solid. The animations are very cool looking and the mc seems to be an anti-hero. Will be looking at this one. Under Ninja A well known manga series about modern ninjas. Definitely a unique series for this season. The Apothecary Diaries A historical medical mystery show. I've heard the name before and I've also only heard good things. Will be worth a watch. A Girl & Her Guard Dog The granddaughter of a crime syndicate goes to highschool out of town and the current young boss lies his way into the same school. Would be cute romance if it weren't for the fact she's 15 and he's 26.. Butareba - The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig What the title says. A girl finds him and the story goes from there. I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness The usual light novel title. Honestly, doesn't seem as yikes as I initially thought, might just be harmless breaking the rules kinda thing. Could be fun, also a Capybara that strikes fear into people's hearts. My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer Looks like a wholesome series where an adventurer finds a baby, raises it and she becomes so strong she's busy working all the time. Just a cute father daughter relationship in a fantasy setting about her wanting to come take time to see him but being caught up in OP fantasy battles. Ragna Crimson Dragons vs Humanity - a human and a dragon team up to destroy all the dragons. Action fantasy series. Berserk of Gluttony I honestly added this because I thought it was hilarious. Looks like a combo of knock offs - the Gluttony skill from Tensura (reincarnated as a slime) and the mc being called Fate with the main girl who looks exactly like Sabre. I'll be skipping but its' here so you know.
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