#sqex pets
guiding-key · 2 months
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Have you ever wanted more merch for, say, your pets and when you say yes, how much? Because Square Enix has announced SQEX Pets with a collab with mystery-embodied-as-a-man himself, Testuya Nomura.
Coming soon will be "leashes, bandanas, and clothing inspired by characters and worldviews, as well as items that can be enjoyed as interior decorations, such as large scratchers and beds."
Destiny Island cat tower? In my dreams. Perhaps not for very long 😍
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kh13 · 2 months
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Square Enix launches new brand SQEX PETS featuring pet goods based on Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, & Dragon Quest!
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oveliagirlhaditright · 2 months
Okay, this Square Enix pets line is cute:
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lunarsilkscreen · 2 months
Gaming Sucks These Days
I know, I know, what a cliche thing to say.
I want to enjoy mobile gaming, and there's some hidden gems I can't bring myself to play because they feel like every other rogue-lite, freemium, gacha-enabled, starter pack pushing, resource management simulator out there.
Which, I get; devs gotta make their money somehow. But seriously? This is the best gaming has to offer at the indie level these days?
The are clones of the same 5 games on every different store and streaming service. Not wordle-scapes with friends, freemium sonic infini-runner nonsense.
"I like infinite runners though" you may be saying.
You don't know any better. The good parts of the game are drowned out by the excessive use of the worst elements.
Actually, on second thought. I think you know exactly what I mean.
Mobile gaming serves as the entry point for gamers these days, And the only thing I'm seeing are old indie titles from a decade ago. And Genshi Honkai Railpact. (And Raid Shadow whatever's.)
Terrabound valley. Issac. Hearthstone. Diablo.
And I enjoy them I do.
But what the 🦆 ppl?
I couldn't even enjoy The mobile Nier. A gacha game with the same elements as every other SQEX gacha game. Non-transferable too, despite being hosted in the same ecosystem.
What a missed opportunity for cross-promotion.
Which, the reason I couldn't enjoy it, is *because* it was a gacha game targeted at younger gamers. It's one of my absolute pet-peeves.
The game itself was a simple story-book style RPG. And it was absolutely well made. A way to teach youngsters about the harsh realities of life in a digestible way.
AND STILL. The game exemplifies that reality with it's gacha system.
Again; I know that's just how mobile devs operate and make money. AND YET. it's really bad guys. Like so bad.
My expectation is that the AAA publishers actually lead the way in encouraging a better way to engage audiences and make money. To raise the bar.
{is my expectation to high?}
Don't get me wrong; many games offer ways to get plenty of what you can purchase in game for free. Provided you're skilled enough.
Or happen upon a free-holiday, or promotional week.
Most games however advertise their in game purchases every few steps. In order to entice gamers to spend money immediately.
Others include grind-walls, and play limits. Not to limit young player play time. Since a lot of these games are AFK games, that is; they play themselves while you multitask. Similar to how boomers listen to TV in the background while doing chores.
And many of the rewards aren't more story, or fun gameplay, but anime fight scene fish tank.
There has to be a better way, there just had to. :/
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thecloudstan · 2 months
omfg SQEX released a line of pet toys and clothes and there’s a Buster Sword chew toy, help 😭😭😭 this is marketing directly to me at the molecular level
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aceshadowstar · 2 months
SQEX Pets Merchandise Includes Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts https://www.siliconera.com/square-enix-reveals-new-merchandise-line-for-pets-final-fantasy-kingdom-hearts/
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gonagaiworld · 2 months
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Square Enix ha annunciato una linea di prodotti per animali domestici di Final Fantasy e Kingdom Hearts Tetsuya Nomura ha disegnato i loghi di ciascuna gamma di SQEX Pets. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/square-enix-ha-annunciato-una-linea-di-prodotti-per-animali-domestici-di-final-fantasy-e-kingdom-hearts/?feed_id=444106&_unique_id=660fa3ed7ab1a #SQEXPets #SquareEnix #TetsuyaNomura
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miqo-tales · 4 years
5.3some: part 1
Was it worth it? Lets see.
Spoilers lay beneath, of course.
SQEX not wasting any time bombarding you with cute with Riqi-Tio, huh?
Apothecary lady certainly has the right idea, giving an aspiring Warrior of Light a fetch quest.
Also, here start the chemist job theories.
OK, 1) why do the Scions need to give a fancy name to every room in their HQ? 2) WHY IS THIS PLACE SO DARK?
I’m glad somebody remembered Y’shtola.
Eldibus presents: Final Fantasy 14 Abridged
“Last time we fought I was the victor.” Oh not you too. I kicked your ass, man. You just happen to be fucking immortal and I got a raging headache due to everyone’s pet catboy.
This bit with the constellation stones is a bit weird. I have to assume Hythlodaeus was leaving them for us?
Nice, the falling stars are still around if you port to other zones. Seems the ominous music only plays in Eulmore and Crystarium though.
Doing the Dwarf crafting quests while the sky is falling is hilarious.
I... assume we’re not actually killing these summoned people. Based on what Elidibus says, I suppose they’re sort of shades of those heroes.
I love how even the in-game characters aren’t buying the writer’s desperate attempts to say “no, no, no, oh no, the Exarch isn’t going to die!” 
People keep saying there’s no time and then spend time prattling on.
I feel a bit slighted that this battle with Elidibus is doing the same “cool summoning sequence of 7 other people” that they did at the end of 5.0.
Alrighty, and he’s dead.
OK, show of hands, how many people ever noticed a graveyard next to the Journey's Head Inn?
Wow, Runar, you poor bastard. (Also, hats off to the artist that drew fan art of this exact scene like a fucking year ago? What a prophet.)
Maybe we should have color coded these soul crystals so I knew who's who.
Alrighty, and he’s back.
Wow, guy hanging out with Zenos turned out to not even remotely be who I thought they might. Also he’s... suddenly a completely different personality? Well, whatever.
The Heroes' Gauntlet
Not much to it, honestly. Nice music, feels like the mobs hit rather hard though.
Also I had a hell of a time getting initial aggro on them. I dunno if my timing was off or what.
I wonder if we’ll get any backstory to second boss. I mean, people will obsess about her regardless, but there seems to be something to her.
Final boss has some neat mechanics.
The Seat of Sacrifice
Geez, that action event is harsh. I started taking a sip of my drink when it came up cause I was expecting the usual lazy button tapping, then I’m slamming it down cause suddenly I’m at 25% left on the bar.
Actually needing to use tank LB3 in a battle? There’s a rarity. I was waiting for the usual thing you beat up to stop the big attack. Wasn’t even remotely expecting to need LB3.
I was really expecting more from the ice and fire mechanics. I hope the EX is a bit more interesting.
Honestly this patch doesn’t really hit too many high notes with me in regards to the MSQ. It’s partially cause, honestly, I don’t care that much about the Exarch / G’raha. I vaguely recall finding him annoying back in 2.x, so him coming back was mostly just “oh hey neat callback”. Additionally, in my version of this story, S’era is not this familiar with G’raha. She wasn’t the Warrior of Light, so she never went to the Crystal Tower and never met him. So most of the interaction your character has with the Exarch is quite different for S’era in my head.
It’s also sort of an odd thing to me that the Exarch kind of... forces himself onto himself? Like, that’s not really G’raha Tia anymore, right? It’s the Exarch. No amount of adorable hand-wringing and ear moving changes that it’s a 100+ year old man with a shit ton of baggage in his younger body. Feel free to find that cute if you want, I think of it as pretty weird.
The other reason this doesn’t land too well is because of Elidibus, the flat stale bread villain of FFXIV. Could he have been interesting? Sure. Is he? In the last hour of the content he’s part of, sure. The rest? Bland, boring, unimportant. Elidibus spends most of 2.x just being a bad guy that dresses differently than the others and who is slightly more polite. Then in 3.x he’s just sorta there at times in the background. In 4.x he’s just Zenos. And in 5.x he shows up at the last minute and asks for his close up. He’s the mover and shaker in the background of so many plots, but he’s only still in the background. Where was all this emotion that he’s now showing in 5.3? He wasn’t even like this in 5.2!
I like FFXIV’s story, don’t get me wrong. 5.0 was really, really good. But 5.1 - 5.3 has sorta struggled to move me because it’s been too busy teasing the Exarch’s death and dancing around every single sub-plot concerning the Ascians, the Ancients, the Fourteenth, and your character. Not to mention Zenos and how he’s somehow connected as well. And I’m just worried that a lot of that will never really be explored now. All the Ascians that it concerned are dead, and the new one clearly doesn’t care about any of it.
All of that said, I’d also like to say this. It is.. astonishing how good the dev team has gotten at character animations at this point. The scene back in Revenant’s Toll with the dev team joking about Alisaie not getting a new look was amazing in terms of how the characters moved and their expressions. I really look forward to more of that.
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petitepistol · 4 years
About the mun! Fill this out and tag a few people you’d like to get to know better!
Name: redacted floral name
Nickname: alpaca
Preferred pronouns: she/her
Age range: late twenties-ish
Favorite animal: alpacas (no shit)
Pets?: cats (two of them)
How long have you been in this fandom?: since like 2002...i can still remember when advent children got delayed like three times...it was a portent of things to come regarding SQEX being terrible at sticking to development timelines
Tattoos/piercings: none
Star sign: aries
Why did you choose this specific character/s?: so starting out i was a yuffie fan because i was a kid so of course i would gravitate to a fellow youth type character (who also made supplementary appearances in kingdom hearts giving me a lot of material to daydream about)...at some point i realized spies were really fucking cool (probably because of emma peel and james bond) and before crisis became a thing and by then i was a teenager and gravitated really hard to elena who was a “talented amateur” high schooler who was going to grow up to be involved in corporate espionage...so basically from about age fourteen until now? losing my mind over elena
tagged by: stole it
tagging: steal it
bonus: my first exposure to ffvii was reading a brady games walkthrough in early elementary school that belonged to my best friends older brother...i was fascinated by vincent being a turk because i assumed that he was from the real world country turkey and his character design actually looked kind of like what i imagined somebody from a fantasy middle eastern version of turkey would wear, but was incredibly confused because the rest of the turks? they just looked like fbi agents...it would be several years until i figured out that the turks werent actually turkish
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