petitepistol · 8 months
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ooc; Look at her. Please, just...look at her, my longed-for wife!! Seeing more of her in a week than in the previous fifteen years...ah, if I died right now, it'd be okay!
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petitepistol · 1 year
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petitepistol · 2 years
She’s back, but barely.
Honestly, Elena didn’t know if she loved long-term missions or hated them. On the one hand, she could be a whole different person when she was away from HQ for months. Have an almost normal little life, aside from the punctuation of gunfire. It’s nice, to become absorbed in another routine, one that wasn’t truly hers. But then, when it’s all said and done and she’s back in the office, there was this miserable grogginess. Like waking up from a dream.
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petitepistol · 3 years
How old was Elena when her mother passed away, and what was their relationship like?
She was only around three when her mother died, so it's hard to say if their relationship was much different than that of any caring parent and young child. Her sister likely has clearer memories of what exactly made their mother so beloved. At the time Elena wasn't yet in school, so she did spend most of her day-to-day clinging to her mother's side. What she does remember is a pastiche of what a mother should be, overlaid by the flutter and wow of singing along with mama to the radio in the back of a car while running errands. Right up until the very end of their time together.
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petitepistol · 4 years
thank you to the anon who sent me all those nice inbox questions! but it might be a bit before they get answered
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petitepistol · 4 years
OOPS! I decided to try twitter and then disappeared for over a month, sorry. Wound up enjoying the change of pace (and still am) but I’ve still got outgoing drafts to do over here. I’m going to try and relax a little and stifle my neurotic tendencies to get those going again. Although, I think I’m realizing I’m more of a quality over quantity type of roleplayer? Not that my writing is quality, but that I have the most fun when playing against a writer who I have a quality connection with and can bounce ideas off of while out of character. So I’m going to try and work harder to cultivate the relationships I have with existing partners and be less closed off and anxious about sharing my thoughts.
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petitepistol · 4 years
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petitepistol · 4 years
here are some things that elena has recently revealed to me regarding aspects of her character
-gets bored easily, a true prodigy in the sense that if things aren't enough of a challenge she'll be prone to fits of ennui complete with a total loss of interest in the task at hand (canon evidence is the whole trailing a terrorist cell for a few hours and then fucking off in BC and her intermittent flakiness throughout OG)
-moderately touched starved, when she switched from firearms to cqc during academy there was a moment where she was like "this feels good" in the same way most people would feel about touch (canon evidence is blatant conjecture based on her family dynamic and case of shinra where she hugs tseng)
-has daddy issues, which probably carries over to her taste in male romantic partners as evidenced by the way she prefers emotionally distant older men (canon evidence is her father cited as being didactically curt to his daughters and her admiration for tseng on the basis of professionalism)
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petitepistol · 4 years
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petitepistol · 4 years
Elena doesn't really suffer from alcohol based hangovers. You'd think this would be a blessing, given the Turk tendency to get absolutely shitfaced as often as possible, but the truth is the scales of suffering even out with a different curse because...any kind of restorative item gives her a hangover. Ironic, since the job involves getting the living crap kicked out of themselves and that might be part of what drives the cabal to drink in the first place.
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petitepistol · 4 years
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turks elena
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petitepistol · 4 years
"Come dance with me."
It's nice to be with someone she could feasibly dance cheek to cheek with, as Elena was not a tall woman but her tastes ran leggy. With men that could be a problem, but Fang? Fang's frame was perfect. Strong and shapely with enough height to force the blonde onto her toes but not so towering that being forced to crane her neck down would give the brunette spinal strain. Ideal for either an intimate slow dance in the kitchen or something gleefully uptempo in a venue past midnight.
The only thing they lacked for sympatico was...
"Ah, sorry!" Elena could see the wince of Fang's eyebrows, a charming contrast with the still present smile. "Stepped on your toes again, didn't I?"
She brushed her lips against Fang's jaw in a silent swear that when the tempo picked up again, Elena would let her partner lead her properly.
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petitepistol · 4 years
Work hard all day long You must take a rest Really want to cry 'Cause your older
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petitepistol · 4 years
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sharp objects, gillian flynn.
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petitepistol · 4 years
decided im gonna give twitter a try again for a slightly more relaxed pace and shorter form writing
if we are mutuals here and you have a twitter account for your portrayal i would love to follow you! and if you are interested in vice versa...
also working on a carrd now lol
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petitepistol · 4 years
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The office worker who fights
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petitepistol · 4 years
where does your power lie?
the blood
oh it courses through you. your power is never outside of your periphery. it is always there, rushing and freezing and boiling. your strength is in how well you know yourself, and your abilities. you are acutely aware of your energy, and what bleeds you.
tagged: @madamdirectcr tagging: you
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