#squall and rinoa are one of my favorite final fantasy ships you can’t do this to me
sailforvalinor · 1 year
Exhibit A: Leon’s design in KH includes red wings on the back of his jacket that look like the wings on the back of Rinoa’s duster
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Exhibit B: this excerpt from Leon’s official wiki page:
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Exhibit C: this interview with Nomura after KH1:
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Exhibit D: this scene in KH2, in which Leon receives a letter with a familiar symbol:
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Conclusion: I don’t know, but I sure am concerned—it’s been 20 years I need CLOSURE, Nomura
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hartofbalamb · 4 years
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Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME: HMR (sorry, you guys get the tag)
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I can’t stick my tongue out. I am literally tongue tied (ankyloglossia)
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Raw tomatoes
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: the Fast and the Furious movies. 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Nothing  😏
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: I’ve had good experiences with both, but currently seriously committed. 
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I don’t think I would, honestly. Even the bad things that have happened have shaped me in a lot of ways I wouldn’t replace. 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Sometimes — not overly, but I do like physical contact from time to time. 
12. FAVORITE BOOK: Oof, that’s hard. “Call Me By Your Name” left an impression that I recall most recently. 
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: Squall x Rinoa (FFVIII), Emma Swan x Captain Hook (OUaT), Xena x Gabrielle (Xena Warrior Princess), Superman x Wonder Woman (DC), Garrus Vakarian x Calibrations (Mass Effect)
15. PIE OR CAKE: Pie
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Henry Cavill
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert with some slight extroverted tendencies 
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Yes. I hate jumpscares so fucking bad guys, please don’t ever do that shit. 
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: So fucking many. Final Fantasy everything, Mass Effect, Stardew Valley, World of Warcraft, Diablo III, Pokemon, the list continues. 
23. DREAM JOB: a character concept designer for WETA
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Be a full time student for a while — I love learning. 
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: Hnn... Snarf from Thundercats. 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: I’m still kind of a part of these fandoms, but not super actively / I have mostly inactive blogs there: Once Upon a Time, Riverdale, Harry Potter, Song of Ice and Fire
TAGGED BY: @ofgunblade​
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this stuff?
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grimoire-of-geekery · 4 years
Ask 001- Final Fantasy (single fave game or the franchise as a whole, your choice)
001 | Final Fantasy (going with the whole franchise)
Favorite character: Edea Kramer/Ultimecia.  Arguably, because I love Sorceress Edea, that means I really love Ultimecia, because we don’t even see Edea really after she gives up her powers.  And I do love Ulti (not to be confused with Ulty, whom I also love), but she gets even less screentime than Edea, and I feel like everyone misrepresents her.  Sympathy for the witch, I guess.
Least Favorite character: FUGGIN’ RINOA.  They could have made a badass main character, someone with a real story and a real personality and real emotions.  Instead they made an insipid beard for the two obviously gay dudes in the story, just so they could pretend nobody’s gay.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Seifer/Sorceress!Squall, Locke/Celes (the only canon relationship I care about), Edgar/Setzer, Zack/Cloud/Aerith/Tifa, Irvine/Zell.  Canon relationships are mostly boring or terrible.
Character I find most attractive: Gladio.  Panty explosion, not even gonna lie.
Character I would marry: Um... None of the characters in the various games are guys I would want to end up married to.  Except maybe Zell.  He’s sweet, and he’d fit in with the rest of us just fine.
Character I would be best friends with: I’d love to be friends with most of the girls from VI, but my favorite character I’d love to be friends with is Ultimecia.  I think she needs a friend, and I like her.
a random thought:  How tf does Cait Sith even function as a playable character outside of FFVII?  Literally, the mechanics are confusing.
An unpopular opinion: You mean besides all of my hatred of Rinoa, and my firmly-held belief that VII was an overrated title and other RPGs released around the same time like Suikoden and Wild ARMs were superior games by several orders of magnitude?  Ok.  MINIGAMES ARE FUCKING STUPID.  Fuck you, Triple Triad.  Fuck you, chocobo racing.  And FUCK YOU LIGHTNING DODGING.  If you can’t beat the game relatively easily without doing the minigames, then they need to be really easy and fun to play, or your game is stupid and you’re stupid*.
My Canon OTP: Locke/Celes are the only canon pairing I am okay with, in all the Final Fantasy games I’ve played.  I also like Cecil and Rosa, but I never played that game, I only like the “afterstory” that showed up in Secret of Evermore.
My Non-canon OTP: Seifer/Squall.  Obviously.  They are clearly boyfriends, they clearly still love each other, they clearly still have chemistry, and they also obviously are trying to reconcile, so just LET THEM DATE ALREADY.
Most Badass Character: Lulu!  She plays with dolls, and her opponents die.  Her outfit is solely responsible for Hot Topic’s shift away from goth attire to geek merchandise.  She has zero patience for anyone’s bullshit.
Most Epic Villain: Kefka Palazzo.  My second favorite character in the entire franchise.  I like him better than the Joker, and I think he’s a better villain than any they’ve come up with for the entire franchise.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Squall/Rinoa.  Rinoa needs an entire real story and a new personality that doesn’t look like it was cribbed from the cutting-room floor when they were designing Bella Swan.  Squall is basically the emo version of Link from Legend of Zelda, with a handful of notecards in his back pocket with badly scribbled dialogue advice from Cloud and Vincent.  He needs a hot boyfriend who loves the hell out of him and bullies him out of his mood-swings, and Rinoa deserves a friendship that passes the Bechdel test at the very least.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): RI-NO-A.  Really all the VIII characters.  They all need personality upgrades.
Favourite Friendship: Relm and Interceptor.  :D  Or possibly Gau and Sabin and Cyan.
Character I most identify with: Ultimecia.  Obviously.
Character I wish I could be:  A sorceress from VIII.  Literally, I just want to be a sorceress.  Probably I’d end up as Relm though.  We share a birthday.
*Disclaimer: Rune doesn’t necessarily think anyone is stupid just because they worked on a game that ended up with semi-mandatory overcomplicated minigames.  They might have been in a coma for a while and missed the opportunity to murder whoever thought up that idea.
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megamog · 5 years
final fantasy, for the series/fandom thing?
I am slightly astonished you didn’t ask FE but I’m good with FF haha.  
the first character i ever fell in love with:
 It’d have to be Yuna.  X-2 was the first FF game I played.  I played X-2 and X in the wrong order but haha went back for more games after, Yuna has always stuck with me.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: 
I’ve honestly sat and looked at this for ages and am not getting anywhere.  Cid Highwing I guess? 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: 
I’m having a hard time with this one too but Wakka/Lulu I don’t hate it but just kinda eh.
my ultimate favorite character™: 
…Kain, which is not ‘surprising’. 
prettiest character: 
Fang.  She was how I realized I was Bi.  It was so obvious and I never realized until Fang shoved it in my face and made it impossible to ignore.  Thank you Fang. 
my most hated character: 
my OTP: 
Rydia/Edge, Tidus/Yuna, Celes/Locke, Laguna/Raine.  I’ll probably kick myself later for forgetting some.
my NOTP: 
I really don’t get Squall/Rinoa to be honest.  Or the whole fight over Cloud/Tifa or Cloud/Aerith.  
favorite episode game: 
This is really hard haha and it changes a lot depending on what I’ve recently played but I’m gonna say VI.  It does not get enough credit for being a fantastic game, with an amazing female lead, an incredible story, wonderful characters and great music.  X/X-2, IV, VIII, XIII, V, Dissidia 012 get honourable mentions.
saddest death: 
Shalua in Dirge of Cerberus that one still hurts.  (or Raine, she deserved better.  I could say Tidus but he doesn’t necessarily die so…)
favorite season: 
I’m gonna do a spin off game for this I guess, I love the Dissidia games.  
least favorite season: 
can I say FF XV even if I didn’t play it? :3 No?  My next least favourite is a toss up between I and VII (unpopular opinion I know).
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: 
Rinoa maybe??
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: 
Does Irvine count for this?  I can’t think of anyone else haha I’m so sorry Irvine, I do adore you.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: 
Terra did nothing wrong in her life ever.  (or Zell honestly, poor boy doesn’t get enough love.)
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: 
I’m not sure I really have one of these.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: 
Lightning/Fang, Aerith/Tifa, this sounds like a crazy crack ship but hear me out on Faris/Fang it would be damn good.  
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queenmercurys · 6 years
hey love :') ALL the odd numbers for the ff asks??
NOTE: I realize now that this said all the ODD numbers, but me being an idiot, I just read “all numbers” and went for it. oh, well. here’s answers no one asked for :P and the ones you asked for, thanks, ems ;))
this is why you’re the greatest friend in the entire world ;D okay, here we go!! i’m gonna skip the ones i already got asked, but there’s still plenty to do ;P thank you so, so much, I love you!
2. Least favorite game?
well, out of the ones i’ve played, i’m gonna have to go with type-0, at least for now. it’s pretty good, i like the story, but the gameplay is crazy hard (and this is coming from someone who has played final fantasy since she was 8) and i’m not like crazy in love with any of the characters. they’re all good, but there’s not that thing that i have with basically every other final fantasy. but i’ve not finished it yet, it has plenty of time to change my mind!
3. Which games have you played?
i have played vii, viii, ix, x, x-2, xii, xiii, xiii-2, lightning returns, xv, world of final fantasy, type-0 and dissidia nt. however, i would like to note that i’ve watched crisis core so many times that i have basically played that, too. and i would, if i had a psp. anyway, i recently bought vi, so i’ll be playing that next, and then going backwards. the only ones i am not actively trying to play are xi and xiv. i’m not into multiplayers. but anyway, i also know the stories of the dissidia games, and i know the stories from i to vi, so nothing is really unfamiliar to me. it’s an amazing franchise and i love it.
4. Most underrated game?
i have to say x-2. it gets so much hate and for no reason whatsoever. it’s such a joyous, beautiful game with wonderful characters, the best turn-based gameplay and surprisingly fun minigames and sidequests. i stan x-2 100%.
5. Most overrated game?
if i were less biased, i’d say vii, but i’m not perfect, so i’m gonna go with my other pick: vi. i am sure it’s absolutely wonderful, and everything seems great based on what i have heard, read and watched. however, the fact that the cast is literally cramped with 20 million different characters throws me off a tiny bit. i can’t see it being that easy to give good character development to all of them, and i guess that hasn’t happened. but yeah, i honestly can’t say much before actually playing it. but i suppose part of the praise is largely due to nostalgia - as it is with vii, too. 
6. Favorite protagonist?
that would be my perfect darling, cloud strife.
7. Favorite antagonist?
this was a bit of a tough one, but i’m gonna go with ardyn izunia. 
12. Best looking male?
cloud strife for sure. he’s really, really handsome, okay.
14. Character you would most like to marry?
well, this may come as a shocker, but cloud strife.
15. Character you hate the most?
i appreciate him for everything that he is, i think he’s a totally epic villain, but after everything he’s done to cloud, to aerith and to everyone else, i am definitely gonna have to go with sephiroth. but he is iconic and the franchise wouldn’t be the same without him.
16. Which game had the best cast of characters?
even though it’s not my favorite game, i’m gonna go with vii. it has such a large, engaging multiverse to itself that it’s had a lot of time to develop the characters and make them more interesting and fleshed out. and i love so many of them so much. like my darling cloud, or sunshine boy zack, or aerith, or tifa, vincent, yuffie, cid etc etc. i think the cast of characters is really awesome. but that’s not to say i don’t love the other casts, because i do, very much so.
17. Which game was the saddest?
crisis core. what made it worst was knowing from the start that zack was going to die, and then living through it all, seeing how happy he was. watching him fall in love with aerith, befriend cloud, and even hang out with sephiroth and genesis. it’s so heartbreaking watching that boy try so hard, and then eventually die protecting his best friend a few miles away from his goal. it’s really not fair, and watching the ending always breaks me. that’s not even counting the pain that cloud had to go through in crisis core, but if i take that into consideration, it just strengthens my argument: crisis core is definitely the saddest game.
18. Which game was the funniest?
x-2. i know it’s a bit cliche and maybe even a bit cringe, but i love every bit of it. it’s pure joy, and watching yuna be happy and carefree even for a bit warms my heart. and personally, what i think makes it even better is that the game also has so many heartbreaking, sad moments. it balances itself out very nicely.
19. Which game had the best love story?
i am definitely gonna go with x. the story of yuna and tidus is well fleshed out, it’s romantic, it’s tragic, it’s sweet and above all (because i love this aspect in couples) it’s angsty as fuck, and that is exactly what i want from any fictional couple. they are a big part of why i love x as much as i do.
21. Which game would you sooner die before doing the above ^?
since i picked x-2 for the game i’d like to insert myself into, i am gonna go with… xiii for the game i would not like to be in. the world is gorgeous, but the divide between the people of cocoon and the people of pulse, and the dictatorship-like way the world is ruled, yeah, no thank you. besides, i could never replace lightning, i have literally none of her good qualities.
22. Which game’s world would you most like to live in?
this was really hard for me to pick, but i think i would actually go with the world in viii. it’s a world that has technology (which, as a child of the 90′s, i do need), and it still has many fantasy elements to it, not to mention some really, really gorgeous locations, like fisherman’s horizon, balamb town etc. 
23. Which specific location (e.g. Besaid Island) would you most like to live in?
if we’re going with specific locations, i think i would like to live in tenebrae from xv. it seems like such a gorgeous, peaceful place, i think i would be very happy there.
24. What’s your favorite job/class? Is this the same class you would want to be if you entered a class-based Final Fantasy game, or would you rather be a different one? If so, which one?
my favorite class is probably summoner, but i also have a fondness for the white magic, the black mage and the knight/any other variation of that job class. i think i would probably be a white mage myself.
25. What is your favorite ability?
summoning is always something i find very useful, obviously, but i also like noctis’ warp strike in xv. using weapons with abilities like stone strike is also really satisfying in x, too.
26. Favorite boss fight?
i really love the final boss battle against ardyn in xv. the main reason for this is because in the fight, ardyn doesn’t have an elaborate second form (tho i don’t mind those either), it’s literally just two men fighting each other. and the end, how ardyn loses because he can’t summon up the sword of the father, i think that’s really meaningful and i’ve always liked it a lot.
28. Your favorite spell?
well, i sure have grown very fond of curaga over the years, but in terms of something that i just consider really cool… i’ve always liked holy quite a bit, not really sure why.
29. Favorite summon?
the knights of the round from vii. other than that, probably shiva. i also really like alexander and bahamut.
30. Least favorite battle/boss fight?
i am not a huge fan of the fight against cid raines in xiii. i don’t know why, but that fight took me forever, and multiple tries. just… nope.
31. Do you have any theories or headcanons you swear by (e.g. Rinoa as Sorceress)?
i used to swear by the “squall is dead” theory just because it seemed super interesting, but nah, i love squall too much. he ain’t dead. i think the theory i am very fond of is that vii and x are connected. the theory that the kid shinra in x-2 eventually started developing a technology that would eventually lead to the shinra company in vii. it’s grim, but it’s entirely possible. 
32. Are there any fanon theories/headcanons you just can’t believe?
i mean, there are a lot of weird ones that i don’t buy into, but i guess one that i don’t believe is that cloud actually killed aerith (aka he killed her by drowning her because sephiroth’s sword didn’t actually kill her, but paralyzed her instead, or something). i am pretty sure he checked if she was breathing, give him some credit. 
34. Which canon couple do you think is most likely to break up sometime after the credits roll?
umm… well, considering that they weren’t really even together, ever, i guess it doesn’t qualify, but i’m gonna say cloud and tifa. i just don’t see how it would work, romantically. i get that there are feelings there, but actually as a functioning couple? idk about that. everyone can think what they want, though, what do i know? my second pick would probably be snow and serah. i find them very cute, but that’s another ship where i can’t see how they would actually work in everyday life.
36. And your least favorite non-canon couple?
please don’t throw cloud and sephiroth at me, i really can’t. i have literally nothing against m/m ships, my favorite non-canon ship is strifehart. i just don’t ship these two and i think cloud deserves soooooo much better. again, just my opinion though. 
37. What do you think makes a game a “quintessential” Final Fantasy game? (In other words… some people say the new games don’t feel like Final Fantasy games to them. What FEELS like a Final Fantasy game, to you?)
well, since my first final fantasy was x, i might not be the best one to answer this because my first one wasn’t one of the “classics”, really, but… to me, they all feel like final fantasy. the games don’t have to all be same, nor should they be. but for the sake of the question (which is a very interesting question btw), i think that there needs to be a big bad, and a group of mismatched, troubled heroes who do what they can to defeat that big bad. that’s literally all i need from a final fantasy game for it to feel like a final fantasy. plus, at least one engaging character who i can root for.
38. What things did/would bother you when/if they were put in the games (i.e. what things DON’T belong in Final Fantasy games)?
nothing’s bothered me much yet, but i guess what i don’t really care about are those weird collabs, like xv + assassin’s creed or something. i get why they do it, but ehh. i think those rather “pointless” dlc additions are just that: pointless. i am, however, on board useful and important dlc additions, like story additions or new fighting arenas, like with dissidia nt.
39. What is your favorite prequel or sequel?
my favorite prequel is definitely crisis core, and my favorite sequel is x-2 (does advent children count? if it does, then ac, too). 
40. Square-Enix hands over the reins to you, to make a prequel or sequel for any game of your choice, even ones that already have those things. What do you make?
first i make a sequel to vii to see what happened to cloud after advent children, then i make x-3, and then i make a sequel to viii. it absolutely doesn’t need a sequel, but i want it in glorious hd.
42. Worst character design?
no one looks bad, to me anyway, but i guess some characters are pretty weird, like cloud of darkness’ design for dissidia nt. i get that she didn’t really have any clothes on in the original, either, but that crap must be very impractical in battle.
43. What is your favorite weapon?
cloud’s buster sword, and cloud’s fusion sword.
44. What cutscene do you wish you could cut out of any of the games?
the date scene with iris and noctis in xv. why did they do that???
45. What creature do you most wish was real? (Chocobo’s, moogles, etc.)
oh, moogles would be so adorable. so would moombas.
46. Best soundtrack?
i think all the soundtracks are freaking fantastic, final fantasy music is the best music ever created, but i am gonna go with final fantasy xv. my close second pick would be final fantasy viii.
47. Favorite overworld song?
the one from viii, just because it brings back memories of me wandering around for hours, grinding for magic spells and items.
48. Which game had the best opening cutscene?
they are all freaking amazing, honestly. like honestly, all the games are so beautiful and perfect in this aspect, but i guess if i have to choose… probably x. the destruction of zanarkand is pretty powerful stuff, especially for an opening cutscene.
49. Which game had the best ending?
i’ve always said this, and i will always say it: final fantasy x-2. it’s called the perfect ending for a reason. and yes, i mean the ending where tidus comes back and he and yuna are reunited. 
51. Favorite non-vocal song?
somnus and somnus ultima from xv. honestly the most gorgeous song i have ever heard in my life.
52. Favorite limit break/overdrive/trance/you-get-the-picture mode and/or ability?
cloud’s omnislash for sure. can’t wait to see that in the remake.
53. Are there any plot-holes or questions you have about any of the games that you wish would be resolved?
nothing that bugs me too much. i guess the one that bothers me the most is that, why was ultimecia’s summon called griever?? has anyone ever explained this? if ultimecia isn’t rinoa, then why?? it worries me. i don’t know why, but it worries me.
54. What scene had the most impact on you?
there are plenty, but here is the top 5: yuna and tidus’ goodbye at the end of x, aerith and zack saying their final farewells to cloud in ac, noctis calling the kings of lucis to help him bring back the dawn and they all proceed to kill him in xv, luna and noctis getting married in the afterlife in xv and that scene at the end of viii when rinoa is pointing to the sky, we think she’s alone and then she turns and squall’s there, smiling for the first time in the entire game. okay, no, i’m cheating. also the ending of crisis core, for sure. 
55. Which game did you play first, and when (how old were you, etc.)?
i played final fantasy x when i was around 8 or 9. i got introduced to it by my friend’s sister. we watched her play for days and weeks until i finally asked my dad if i could have the game, too. and i got it, and i loved it. i still do. what a game. 
57. What game that has yet to be released are you most looking forward to?
*laughs nervously* final fantasy vii remake. square… please? 
58. What do you think of the Final Fantasy fandom in general? Do you think it is a good one? Any complaints?
oh, i think it’s a very good one! i’m not one to get too involved in fandoms anyway, so if there is bad blood, i don’t know about it. but everyone i’ve met has been super friendly, very talented and just genuinely wonderful. no complaints :) ok, maybe one. it doesn’t matter if you ship clerith, zerith, cloti or whatever you want. everyone can ship in peace. it’s all good.
59. Do you have any favorite works of art or fanfiction that you always go back to, and/or basically accept as canon?
i have no shame in admitting that i basically consider it as canon (tho this goes into the kh story, too) that squall and cloud are basically the fathers of roxas and sora, and they’re the best, happiest family ever. i go back to a lot of strifehart fanfiction, and plenty of awesome fanarts i’ve seen.
60. If you got the chance to work at Square Enix making Final Fantasy games, at any job, regardless of your skill set (they offer you paid training), what would you most like to work on or do?
hmm, i think i would like to be a character designer, but i would also really, really love to be involved in the story creation and writing, too. maybe i could do both?
thanks so much again, hon, you’re the greatest and i had the best time answering these :D talking about final fantasy makes me so happy! love you
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sephinova · 6 years
Tag Game
Tagged by: @nalofentanyl thank you! I’m sorry it took so long for me to do this, I wanted to choose another fandom in place of FFVIII but my brain kept refusing to choose something else considering there are lots of fandoms that I love.  ^^’
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, and Xenogears
I’m tagging: I won’t be tagging anyone this time but if anyone wants to do this consider yourselves tagged.
First character you loved:
Aerith, Squall, Fei
The character you never expected to love so much:
Sephiroth - When I first started liking Sephiroth back when I was 11 years old I thought it was a phase and I would get over him within a matter of weeks because when I was little I really hated him for killing Aerith and not to mention I had a black and white view on villains. But my love for him grew so much that he’s become my most favorite male character of all time.
Ultimecia - I love how mysterious Ultimecia is, I really want to know her story like how she became a sorceress and what led her down the dark path to wanting to compress time. Her quotes during the final battle about time not waiting and that it escapes everyone suggests to me that she may have suffered a huge loss in her past. I’d love it if Square Enix made an FFVIII sequel about Ultimecia.
Miang - Miang seemed like a minor antagonist that was supporting Ramsus at first but she turned out to be behind ALMOST EVERYTHING that happens in XG! She was behind the scenes manipulating people and events in order to resurrect Deus, I think she’s very interesting and in my opinion one of Square Soft/Enix’s best antagonists. 
The character you relate to the most:
Cloud - Like Cloud, when I was a child I struggled to make friends with other children and longed to be accepted by others. Also, I tend to blame myself for things whether they be my fault or not and that I feel I’m no good to anyone.
Squall - I completely relate to Squall in that I know what it feels like to have someone whom I loved very much leave my life, as well as being so scared to lose the people I love and care about, being left all alone and worrying about what others think of me.
Fei - I relate to Fei in that I have this feeling of not belonging and wanting to be needed by others (I do have a very loving immediate family but for me, it comes down to not feeling like I belong anywhere outside of family).
Sorry for getting personal about these reasons...
The character you’d slap:
Hojo - I’d do A LOT more than just slap him... I’ve never ever liked Hojo, I’ve always found him extremely annoying and I’m not a fan of mad scientists (though there are the very occasional exceptions). Even though I couldn’t/can’t stand Hojo I used to ship him with a ‘certain character’ back in my early to mid-teens, it used to frustrate me because how could I ship him with one of my favorite characters!? I don’t ship him with that character anymore but I still think that ship has potential.
Seifer - I’ve never been that keen on Seifer ever since I first played FFVIII when I was a child, his attitude rubs me up the wrong way for some reason. I don’t dislike him nowhere near as much as I used to though.
Bishop Stone - Like Hojo, I’d do more than just slap him. I can’t stand corrupt religious characters like Stone... I can’t real people like that even more so... Stone murdered Billy’s and Primera’s mother by sending out Wels to their house leaving the two young children to fend for themselves and what made it even worse was that he manipulated Billy by befriending him and convinced him into joining the Ethos. I hate that Stone was also aware that some members of the Ethos were abusing children and he did nothing about it.
Three favorite characters in order of preference:
Sephiroth, Aerith, Jenova
Squall, Rinoa, Laguna
Elhaym, Fei, Billy
Character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Hammer - I thought Hammer was a cool character at first as he wanted to help Fei and the rest of the group (he also has one of my many favorite XG quotes: ‘’Master, sir, did you just see my MAD SKILLZ!?’’) until he betrays them by wanting to bring Elly back to Krelian and killing Elly’s mother as she protected her daughter all because Krelian promised him power. I can understand why Hammer betrayed the group but even still what he did was extremely selfish.
Character you did not like at first but do now:
Sephiroth - This’s kind of adding more to the ‘The character you never expected to love so much’ question. The reasons why I started liking Sephiroth was because I understood him a lot more and why he became a villain... he had been lied and used all his life and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. I knew Sephiroth’s backstory before I was 11 but I wasn’t willing to be sympathetic towards him because of the hatred I used to have for him. I think he’s a very interesting and complex character.
Rinoa - I used to be extremely jealous of Rinoa back when I was 10 to 11 years old because I had a huge crush on Squall. But when I completed FFVIII for the first time back in 2003 and saw the ending where Squall smiles at Rinoa, seeing Squall’s beautiful smile made all my jealousy of Rinoa disappear because I finally understood how much he loves her and vice versa. Now Rinoa is my second most favorite FFVIII character.
Ramsus - At first I couldn’t understand why Ramsus had this obsessive hatred for Fei as he always felt the need to fight him in order to feel superior. But as XG progressed it was revealed why Ramsus hated Fei so much and I felt really sorry for him. Ramsus deserves billions of hugs and all the love in the world.
Three OTP’s:
Cloud/Aerith, Vincent/Lucrecia, Sephiroth/Jenova
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farfromdaylight · 6 years
4, 5, 22, 24, 29, 31, 34, 36, 41, and 56 for the FF meme
BUCKLE IN FOLKS, THIS IS GONNA GET LONG. thank you for asking me so many! i’m home sick and snowed in and i’ve already watched two bad movies today, you’re sparing me from watching a third 😉
anyway, let’s roll into it!
4. Most underrated game? 
before the zodiac age i would have said ff12, but thankfully many more people now recognize it for the work of genius it is. the plot isn’t perfect (especially the denouement) but it is easily the most immersed i have ever felt playing a final fantasy game. add the replay value of the zodiac versions and it’s no wonder it’s my favorite game ever.
but, like i said, it’s nowhere near as underrated as it was. so instead i’m going to say final fantasy tactics. fft is often overlooked since it’s not a “main series” game, but it has one of the deepest plots in the entire franchise, and its characters go through a ton of growth. i recently read an article that highlights the themes of the first chapter, and it only gets better from there.
5. Most overrated game?
ff7. like, it’s one of my favorite games of all time. i’ve written more ff7 fic than all other fic combined. but even i get weary of how much attention it gets over other games in the franchise. i still love it to pieces, but can we all just chill a little.
22. Which game’s world would you most like to live in? 
this is a tough one. i love a lot of the worlds conceptually, but that doesn’t mean i’d want to live in them. i think i’m gonna have to go with some variant of ff13′s world, because it’s the most modern. (though cocoon has this bad habit of falling out of the sky… i suppose i could live in academia. or, hell, the post-LR world.)
24. What’s your favorite job/class? Is this the same class you would want to be if you entered a class-based Final Fantasy game, or would you rather be a different one? If so, which one? 
blue mage! there are a couple reasons for this: my first ff was tactics advance, which has the BEST blue mage outfit. so already that made it appealing. it was also the class i played in airborne brigade, because again, HOW CUTE IS THIS.
aesthetics aside, the whole concept of blue magic is absolutely fascinating to me. so you’re telling me that you can learn spells from monsters, and they’re often some of the best spells in the entire game? sign me up, man. plus, blue mages get a wide selection of spells – they can typically heal, buff/debuff, cause status ailments, and do a ton of damage. it’s like a jack of all trades in mage form, and you can only learn spells through experience.
if i was actually in a game though i’d probably want to be a healer. or a summoner. so, yuna. speaking of…
29. Favorite summon? 
bahamut! i mean, come on, it’s a dragon. everyone loves dragons. it’s a shame i’ll probably never publish the sequel to dragonchaser, because i got really deep into my thoughts on bahamut lore in that fic. ah, well.
honorable mentions: diabolos, alexander, odin, leviathan, phoenix, hades, etc, etc, etc… i really love the summons, they’re all really cool.
31. Do you have any theories or headcanons you swear by (e.g. Rinoa as Sorceress)? 
this is so hard to think of off the top of my head. also this question clearly meant to say rinoa = ultimecia and fell short, lmao. i don’t personally subscribe to that one, though i appreciate it, much like i appreciate the squall’s dead theory.
i dunno, i’m sure i have a bunch of ff7 ones, but nothing is immediately jumping to mind. my old fics are making me think of cid, so here’s one about him: there’s no way he hasn’t been affected by mako to some degree. maybe it’s overexposure to the engines in the rocket, maybe it’s something else.
why, you ask? because he can jump an impossible distance for a normal human being.
but larissa, you say, he’s a dragoon. dragoons can jump. that’s just a final fantasy thing. and you’re right, of course. but in-universe, there is no logical explanation for what he can do. in the world of ff7, people cannot jump that high unless they’ve been scientifically altered or otherwise exposed to mako. reference: the entire canon.
also he can summon a dragon out of literally nowhere to come heal him. how is that even possible. god now i wish i hadn’t abandoned dragonchaser’s sequel, i was gonna go into all of this in so much depth. oh well.
34. Which canon couple do you think is most likely to break up sometime after the credits roll? 
“larissa don’t you ship–” don’t care. squall/rinoa.
here’s why: they’re teenagers. they form a very strong bond over the course of the game, but it’s one borne from a very stressful situation. not exactly the best foundation. to make matters worse they come from very different worlds, and when all the dust settles it’s not a transition that would be easy for either of them.
so yeah, i see one or more breakups in their future. but that doesn’t mean i think their relationship is doomed. on the contrary, i think breaking up would probably help them realize how much they do want to be together, even if it is hard.
36. And your least favorite non-canon couple? 
what, i can only pick one? because i have a whole list. :”|
top though is probably yuffie/vincent. i shouldn’t need to explain why. it literally does not matter what he looks like, he is three times her age. (i don’t read yuffie as straight anyway :”|)
the other big notp for me is the crisis core five-way or however many it is. i can’t even begin to wrap my head around how wildly out of character it is. the only pairing i like in that combination is cloud/zack (and maybe cloud/genesis, but certainly not cc era, because what); every other pairing is a big nope for me. sigh.
41. Which character has the best outfit? 
lighting’s default garb (equilibrium) in lightning returns. easily my favorite outfit in the entire series. red and black is one of my favorite combos to begin with and it just looks gorgeous.
runner-up: yuna in ffx. there’s nothing i don’t love about it.
56. Do you own any merchandise?
looks over at shelf filled with figures
no, not really.
actually i recently completed my lightning collection! aside from one extremely expensive and difficult to find figure, i now have every currently released lightning figure. i blame this entirely on mfc. at the beginning of last year i just had the LR play arts, and the next thing i knew…….. :’) no regrets though. i smile every time i look at my army of lightnings.
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rinoaheartillyy · 7 years
I'm here to talk about FFVIII and what a great game it is. Who is your favorite character? What pair(s) do you ship? What would be your reaction to a remake?
i’m so sorry i haven’t replied to this earlier!!!! i went on holiday and totally forgot to reply to everything i’ve been sent in like the last month lmaoanyways - hi!! nice to meet you fellow viii friend, thank you sooo much for asking me this because all i ever wanna do is talk about final fantasy and you’re totally right, viii is a great game and not enough people give it a chance!
myyy fav character is rinoa (does my url give it away?) in fact i’ve wanted to be rinoa since i started watching my brother play viii which was when i was about six years old. i’m still certain that one day i’ll wake up as her okay but seriously there are so many people who hate her for no good reason like yea, she needs saving a few times but that’s why i love her so much… not everyone’s a superhero, she’s so REAL and honestly i wish i had the same outlook on life as she does, she’s so positive and omg i could go on about her forever, she’s my angel
of course i ship squinoa, the original otp, the otp to end all otps, the one true otp. it’s not just about rinoa helping squall to let people in, not many people realise that squall helps rinoa too, he shows her the reality of war and helps her to keep her feet on the ground - they balance each other out and i love that so much
laguna x raine - i mean… they’re so perfect, why does square have to make us suffer??? 
the most important ship.. zell x hotdogs **MEANT 2 BE**
apart from that, i don’t have any other ships tbh. the idea of quistis x seifer intrigues me and selphie looks cute in irvine’s cowboy hat so there’s that… tbh this leads into my feelings about a remake because i would personally love to see these characters more. the story is very much about squinoa and i feel like we don’t really get much of a chance to explore the other characters and their stories and thoughts and feelings. don’t get me wrong, there are things like selphie’s past in trabia and how they all were together in the orphanage but i want more dammit!! i’d love if they did episodes for each of the characters like they’ve done with ffxv, i’m just greedy and want as much viii as i can get! on the other hand, i’m afraid that a remake would ruin viii, sometimes things are just best left alone and a remake may take away from the good old nostalgia. i would love to see squall in glorious hd tho… i’m very much on the fence about a remake i’m sorry i can’t give you a definitive answer lmao
what about you anon? you can ramble at me about viii all you like, i will never get bored ^^
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