#squee everytime
thelastpuppyboygirl · 3 months
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i might as well post this design i usually draw him as bc i wanted to try and make a more accurate space suit for the time. (it might not be accurate at all but idrc bc it looks cool)
i drew this a while ago but its still one of my favs of him (other than the one i drew of him cooking omelettes :3)
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winnertpot · 1 year
Btw when you see me freaking it in the tags just know Im freaking out irl too I am Not exaggrating
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I'm very open about the fact that atlantis is my favourite stargate, however I absolutely adore how unapologetically cuddly sg1 is. tired while imprisoned by aliens? cuddles. trapped on a glacier? cuddles. crying because one of your team/family members is missing? big squishy hug. your buddy Daniel is on a really bad withdrawal from the goa'uld sarcophagus? cuddles. it's been a long mission and you're just glad to be home? you guessed it - cuddles. it makes me squee everytime because they don't even hesitate, they just kinda melt into each other's arms. and it's not just the "love interests" either (although Carter and o'neill's pining does give me life) Daniel and teal'c often join the cuddle piles if they're there. and I'm sure once he's more comfortable with the team Jonas will join the cuddle piles (or maybe he already has and im not pulling up any examples, I've barely finished season 6 so please no spoilers)
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haro-hawayu · 11 months
CCS: Clear Card Ch. 75
Waaa I’m so behind!! Was away for vacation for a few days and finally had time to catch up with everything!! The latest chapter can be found on CLAMP-net’s YouTube Channel. As always, do check out @meimi-haneoka's post on the latest chapter for any EN-JPN translation differences!!
Links for previous chapter reactions can be found here.
It’s the Dream Staff ~ I guess even with all the rewriting that’s been done, not EVERYTHING will get covered up.
Tomoyo-chan coming in with all the tech! Love it!
I love the love and effort that Tomoyo puts in to her outfits for them TuT it’s like all her wishes of Sakura (and Syaoran) to return safely go into every stitch, fabric, and machinery that makes up their battle gear.
Syaoran with wings growing out of his back was always a thing of dreams/fanfic, and my heart just squees and melts everytime seeing it being canon.
Wow, EN ver including “Momo-san” with the honorific! Nice!
Yayy Flight~ welcome back!!
I love that everyone’s all gathered here (including Eriol and Kaho via video call).
Akiho~~ everything will be alright!!
Syaoran’s so cutee ahhhh!!!
I love that they’re having this moment to themselves!!
Sakura growing so wise with her words---I love it!!
Touya-niichan TuT SO SWEET GAHHH. Excuse me bc I’m actually feeling VERY emotional & teary-eyed over this moment because this is Akiho receiving affection/comfort from a “family” member. Can Kinomotos really adopt her anyway after all this over?? PLEASE??
LOLLL OMGSH they are hearing this!! I LOVE THEIR REACTIONS OMGSH XD I bet Tomoyo is like in full happy land for Sakura and will 100% have this video recording saved somewhere!!
ASDFJLK: Syaoran using the rashinban is so freaking cool!! I love seeing Syaoran use magic!! IT LOOKS 100x more epic with this outfit! The wings! The sword! Gah! ><
Wow, the moon was fake!
Sakura with Sword is very cool too! Guess it can’t just be Syaoran looking cool using a sword XD
Powerful magician Sakura is amazing. Powerful magician Sakura with confidence, purpose and strengthened will is even more amazing!!
Omgsh, Kaito is that you, or is that dragon like... the last boss? Some other guardian guarding you???
Oh man. This chapter was just... so much. So many great things though. I absolutely love seeing Sakura being confident and having a focus/purpose. Of course, for most of the series, Sakura was just lost/confused about what’s going on (with the cards, the dreams, etc) and many times she was wavering in what to do, even now, there’s still a lot of unknowns ahead of her, but she’s so very different now, and I love seeing this. Seeing Syaoran by her side just makes my heart so full of happiness!!
I think the part that surprised me the most was when Touya comforted Akiho. Like, it’s a very him thing to do, but I think Akiho just really needs to experience something like this?!! Since the beginning?!! And seeing this very moment was just... so nice TuT She never had all these friends and family around her to give her that kind of comfort. Sure, Kaito was there, but it’s not like he would have really done anything (cuz he’d always hold himself back) and it’s not like Momo could’ve done anything either without giving herself away. I’m just so happy for Akiho to experience this! I just can’t wait for the Kinomotos to adopt her (please!!!) and for Kaito to return, and Akiho can continue to receive all the love, support and affection from her beloved people who are by her side!
Also, is the Dragon really Kaito after all?? In a sleeping form? Or idk?? A manifestation of his magic? The Associations?? I hope next chapter will finally answer this question!
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asimp4bee · 7 months
Hasn’t Bee heard that snitches get stitches!
Oh definitely.
He's learned that the hard way when Mea purposely left behind a squeaky toy somewhere in his interior while he was in his alt mode and so everytime he moved, the little 'SQUEE' from the toy could be heard for days until he begrudgingly begged Mea to remove it from his interior lmao
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lunargrapejuice · 1 month
I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much because how you portray Sephiroth is how I have imagined his character. The last story? fa;dlskfj;alkjsflkasdjflk; I've been squeeing and kicking my legs, the pining is delicious!
hi lovely 🥺🩷 i can’t even express how happy this makes me to hear jdkfkflfl !! 🩷 ive been worried about my sane seph characterization but i really do see him as such a good man n a gentleman & also completely madly in love with you & im over the moon it goes with how you see him too!🥰🩷🩷🩷
thank you so much for reading them & for being so sweet, everytime i see you in the notes of my seph fics it makes me smile 🥹🥰🩷💕
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inconsistentracoon · 9 months
The hardest part about trying to draw Sora is I have to stop and squee everytime I look at a reference pic because HE'S SO GOSH DARN ADORABLE 😭
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fruit-kick · 10 months
i love how everytime yatora and yotasuke talk to each other, yotasuke always has that disgusted, grumpy look on his face and yatora's just like :D (happy face emoticon) [SQUEE]
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daenystheedreamer · 2 months
hi! i just wanted to say that i (finally) have been getting into bjork using the flowchart you posted a while ago. right now i'm still getting to know post, and my favourites so far are army of me and isobel :) i can't wait to check out her other albums, she's been going for so long and i'm glad she has so much music out there to appreciate
IM SO HAPPY OMG i let this ask languish a bit im sorry its cos everytime i tjhought of it id go squee!!! im so happy u liked it, if you liked army of me and isobel i think you'll def like homogenic theyre quite musically cohesive <3<3 i hope your journey is beautiful mwah mwah
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thefoundationproject · 2 months
Re Read Wholly Unprofessional again.
First of all never getting over Bacara and Rex. I Love Love. It's so funny because Rex we expect to be So Much, but when Bacara RESPONDS!? Truly two idiots in love lol. Thinking about them all giggly smiley composing their love letters to eachother Tactical Insight Reports For The Benefit Of The GAR 🫡. Bly helping Rex because that's his baby brother and Bly is a romantic at heart. Feel like Aayla would agree.
Kot to Cody and Doom and Fox and all the others who have to witness it all though. Tbf Cody did it to himself soo.
Also Ow at Forwards Someone Hug Them 💔
Second of all LMAO Ponds is going through IT
Priority Response
Ponds: I don’t quite remember ASKING YOUR OPINION Commander Bacara.
Priority Response
Neyo: The IMPORTANT question here is: where can I get myself a hot little Captain sidearm to impress with my kill count. I’m asking for me.
Priority Response
Ponds: Excuse me, what.
Vod'ika Defilers and Vod'ika Defiler Enablers Oh My!
The relazation for Ponds that Cody KNEW! 17 KNEW! NEYO KNEW!Traitors all! Ponds' Less Favorite Vode List getting crowded. At this point I see him going down the list of all the people who could've known putting a little :( Just for future refrence.... Casually asking some CC like hey weren't you on the same ARC training range....?
Lol at Neyos What? x 5. He fully short circuited. He Was Kidding Rex! It Was A JOKE REX! How dare you call him out?
Imagine Vaughn starts messaging him, sparkle, sunshine and all. And Everytime Neyo is trying! so! hard! to be Cool Suave Spy. And Everytime Vaughn gets him all spluttering blushing kicking feet.
And he's like "This time I'll catch him off guard HE won't know what to with HIMSELF". Writing The Perfect Message only for Vaughn to answer in .2 seconds with something that has Neyo screaming into his pillow. How does he do it?!
Vaughn sitting there watching the Neyo is writing... begin and stop endlessly. Grinning like a fool so excited to talk to him about anything and everything and nothing but Neyo is so careful and feeling emotion(s), so he needs timeee. So Vaughn waits with anticipation. Turns out they're talking about the newest change to some obscure tiny blaster part or something lol. But The Subtext Potential....
(Wasn't one of the like three canon things about Neyo that he and Bacara worked on some speeder tactics or something? Imagine Vaughn compliments those and gives feedback. Neyo is so impressed but oh no feelings catching!?!)
Sorry for The Wall but it's such a ride every time i read your fics again, it's like it's the first time! Always something new to appreciate. Thank you❤️
Hello!!! Thank you very kindly! Everyone expects Rex to be a shebs about things but no one expects it from Bacara. So no one suspects it coming and Bacara can just roll up and drop the shebsiest moment and stroll away. That first moment when one sees a message and realizes 'oh this isn't JUST am update' .... my heart, it's exploded. I squee for them. So very much.
Bly is not the brother that would hide a body for you. Bly would supervise the body hiding and tell you what you're doing wrong that wpuld get you caught, because the best way to learn is by doing it yourself. A+ brothering, in my opinion. He’s also naturally ride or die. Because Rex IS still his baby brother. Also 2.0 .... it's really funny watching "Cody is typing" and imaging how that annoyed eye twitch of his is going. Very entertaining.
At some point in the future, the very distant future, long after even the most paranoid have stopped anticipating it, Ponds will attack. And everyone will RUE THIS DAY. Including Wolffe who by necessity will just have to be caught in the splash damage. Ponds feels bad, really he does, just so dreadfully awful, but he couldn't risk the others being alerted. So some Wolffes had to be collateral damage and that was just a sacrifice Ponds was willing to make. As for getting Neyo, well Fox is already In Too Deep in the Edee prank war, it would be incredibly simple for Ponds to hide his plots behind Fox's misdeeds. Ponds knows how to play the excruciatingly long game but then he hits everyone all at once. He's sitting in his observation room surrounded by screens, cackling while Fox finally understands the true depth of Ponds' deviousness. Truly terrifying.
I imagine that at this point Rex at least somewhat knows Neyo. Well enough to say 'MY TIME HAS COME'. I'm entirely sure he's been plotting how to socialize/distract the in-law and all of a sudden the perfectest opportunity presented itself. And what is Torrent if not opportunistic? Vaughn is starlight and sunshine and whiskers on kittens and it's endlessly amusing to me to throw him at Neyo and say "catch". 🤣
Thank you so very much!!!!!
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beevean · 9 months
isaactor hecula isaacula for the bingo? for fun, trevor/grant too
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The divorsties 🥰
I got in an Isaactor mood again after picking up my old WIP, which is funny because the chapter I'm working on is mostly Hector bashing Isaac like the bitter ex that he is :P but yeah. They have a relationship. Not sure what kind of relationship, but they definitely have one. I wish at least one of the prequels fed me more than the smallest of breadcrumbs.
... I'm just weak for that "we're fundamentally incompatible and we are toxic for each other and we are using each other for our deepest selfish needs and yet we are so close that we're part of each other and I can't imagine my life without you" thing that is rotating in my head. Then you add the divorce, and you have a beautiful mess <3
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"It's not my OTP," I say, as I squee fangirl-style everytime I see someone fall in hell with me, or even better draw fanart/talk about it. I may be in denial :P
Anyway, yadda yadda, it's abusive, it's gross, it's Problematic™, it hits those very nice tropes that make my brain rot faster than fruit in summer (age gap, abuse of power imbalance, mentor/protégé, manipulation...), IMO it enriches Hector's character arc of finding freedom and agency in the human world, I am utterly fascinated by how Dracula's feelings for Hector are described in Japanese, it's Lenector done right.
(I was about to tick "it would never work in canon but", just to get that bingo, but I can't lie. After all, it's canon and I have proof :P although I admit there is a lot of heavylifting to do here since we know very little of what Hector thought of Dracula pre-betrayal)
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The mirror opposite of Hecula. Isaac adores his Lord and would nullify himself for him, and Dracula is, at best, only mildly amused to have a dog at his beck and call, but won't grant him the Special Treatment that Isaac craves :P I still rotate in my head various possibilities on what Dracula does to Isaac, from completely ignoring him, to only feeding on him but pretty much for necessity, to also using him as a toy but without any sort of fondness, just a way to manipulate him and keeping him happy and compliant.
Sidenote, I find somewhat amusing that Isaac is "merely" Dracula's loyal servant in canon, as in one that simply didn't even think of betraying his Lord, but it's just so, so easy to imagine him as being utterly, selflessly devoted to the point of self-destruction. It's because of the collar and tattoos. Because Isaac has a fantastic character design that tells you everything you need to know about him without anyone explaining it to you. (and personally, I've always loved his line "if you have a good weapon, you use it, don't you?", which just. says a lot about him. my broken boy <3)
And second sidenote, I honestly wonder why any combination of Dracula/Hector/Isaac seems to be so unpopular, even back in the day when people were far less picky regarding ships :\ (N!Isaactor is quite popular, but I haven't found anything for N!Isaacula and N!Hecula. The latter sucks so I understand, but idk, are people really afraid of some good lord/servant ship even when positive like in the former's case?)
Gravor (?)
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I see them as fire-forged besties (or "besties" 😏), but I can absolutely see the romantic appeal! Also their relationship is underrated in general because Grant is underrated in general :(
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isthatyoularry · 2 years
Everytime I see the notification from ao3 I squee a bit (a lot).
You're the bestest ❤
love youuuuu!
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frienderbee · 1 year
Everytime I smile at someone I'm making that little squee noise mlp characters make in my head
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makeshiftraven · 1 year
bro i’ve been following ur artworks for a while (specifically lumiworth) and like bless you and thanks for existing??? U make me squee everytime i see ur art 🥲
awww!!! oh thank you so much that's so kind! i'm so glad you like my art!
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howabhwmwn · 1 year
like have you ever looked at someone and thought "oh... there you are. you are so important and everytime i see you i go squee and my little heart gets so much bigger? "
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thoumpingground · 4 months
So I'm not really a cat person, but my friend is, so everytime I see cat content on my dash I send it to her, and I've entered this vicious cycle we're Tumblr keeps showing me cats cause I interact with them and on the one hand l love seeing my friend squee about the cats but on the other I don't want my dash to be *just* cats.
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