#squishy McGrath
swallowedabug · 7 years
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raolet · 7 years
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ickymonuch · 3 years
Haven’t watched the first half of season 6 yet because I want to wait until it’s completely finished but from what I’ve seen and read..I’m pretty sure I know what happened..
Supergirl season 6 doesn’t have Kara Danvers in it..but bits of Supergirl
Lena gets her hair braided
Everything from season 1-5 doesn’t mean anything anymore, “Crisis” which is a generic sweep under the rug (don’t get me wrong I love a good flashpoint) but it kind of rewrites 5 seasons
Lena got her hair braided.. and it’s the best thing to happen to the universe
Brainy and Dreamer are adorable..
... But Lena’s braids tho
Crisis rewriting major, amazing events
Lena(Katie McGrath) is turning heads
William is still important.. for some reason
Did y’all mention Soft and Squishy Lena with her braided hair?
Brainy’s bat tricks
Does that about sum it up so far?
Ooh yeah! Y’all stared to ship Lena with Alex because Lena would fall in love with any Danvers girl
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sango-blep · 6 years
Soooo I like this girl that looks like the love child of Katie McGrath and Rose McGowan on her Charmed days. She’s beautiful, looks soft and squishy, she likes going to cafés and is in love with the color pink. She tends to play/fix her hair while she speaks. She’s very lively. She’s also a nerd about to become a medical student, BUT she lives far away AND there’s a high probability she’s straight. I don’t want to ask her because I’m a mess and I don’t want to scare her away. 😔
OKAY. She’s a nerd. That’s a good start.
You should ask her if she like...knows who Katie Mcgrath or is or if she watches TV shows like supergirl or the 100, Wynonna Earp or whatever else gay shit is on right now. or if she likes cartoons like Korra.Look for the hiiiints.
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clevercrumbish · 6 years
For the game : Yuri on Ice!!!, VLD and Supergirl
I did Yuri On Ice in the last post
VLD: Three kids find out a space cadet from their space cadet school is back from being abducted in space also a dropout is here? They go back to space inside a robot lion and find out there are four more robot lions that they gotta fit together like robot lion lego into a giant robot human to fight evil aliens who MIGHT have replaced space cadet? Anyway they’re assisted by some aliens with annoying accents and one of the boys is actually a girl also how very dare you, kill yourself.Supergirl: Supergirl is older than Superman? But she was in cryo longer so now she’s younger? Or maybe it was all the lightspeed. Anyway she has her own city to protect now and sometimes her cousin comes to visit but mostly he doesn’t and there’s a Luthor here but it’s Lana Luthor and apparently she’s not evil like her brother? I mean she’s played by Katie McGrath so I don’t know that it’s a particularly salient point as if you’re not going to try for at least an initial dinner date with Katie McGrath just cause she’s a little bit evil.Anyway if you’re insistent on making Supergirl tragically heterosexual, as they apparently are, that’s ok we still have options. There’s, uh... Jimmy? I think? I’m blanking on the name but you know who I’m talking about, Jimmy Supermansbestfriend, the boy photographer, only here he’s an adult who works for the same...fashion...house? as Supergirl’s alter-ego Kara (Kara has a boss who shouts at her a lot but it’s never entirely clear what she’s being shouted at for). Jimmy’s a nice boy. Alternatively, we have Fuckboy McTiresomeDeceitPlot who is not a nice boy but is an alien, which is apparently important. At some point it’s revealed he’s not the right kind of alien though: we thought he was a kryptonian but actually even though he has hyphenated phonemes in his name like Kara and her cousin he’s actually the king of planet slavery. He spends his time expressing his valiant desire to protect Supergirl, which is condescending and stupid because he is a squishy wasteman and she can deflect bullets with her eyelids.David Harewood’s here, playing a character I believe is secretly the Martian Manhunter and is probably very likeable because let’s be real why else would you cast David Harewood even that villain he played in Doctor Who was just a bit buffoonish. As I understand it most of the show itself actually involves Supergirl flying around and doing Supergirl things like encountering forgotten Superman villains from the 60s and racing against time to remove bombs from trains, coupled with Kara having to juggle her time and appear vaguely incompetent at tasks like babysitting her Boss’ kid so that nobody figures out she’s Supergirl. I mean maybe in her city people are a bit brighter but your cousin manages with a pair of glasses Kara you could probably gear down a bit.
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lookgoodformula · 4 years
Saturday Surfing, Dec. 7th, 2019
What skin tone do you suppose this bronzed Hello Kitty charm is according to MAC? I want to say she looks like an NC42, but I’m kind of biased that way. 😉
Happy Caturday, señorita!
Wow, it just occurred to me that the Christmas countdown is officially ON. It’s getting close! El Hub and I mentioned getting our tree this weekend, so I think we’re going to do that.
This will be Rosie’s first Christmas with us, and I’m not sure how she’ll react to having a conifer smack dab in the middle of the living room. Will she attack it from afar and climb the trunk? Will she stealthily tip it over while my back is turned? I guess we’ll find out!
You know how it is with cats… It’s always an adventure. 😼
On that note…
May the fierce be with you, because Pat McGrath’s releasing a new Star Wars-themed LE makeup collection. 😃
These squishy kitty paw makeup brushes are purr-fect for cat ladies who love ‘ze face paint.
Did you know that there are two classifications of wrinkles — static and dynamic?
Continue reading "Saturday Surfing, Dec. 7th, 2019" on Makeup and Beauty Blog.
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stennnn06 · 7 years
Your poor friend. Mine hated Mon-el and shipped Supercorp before even watching the second season. However she was not prepared for the "always in control CEO" to become a squishy mess that cries a lot (nobody was, really but it made us love Lena all the more). But I wanna know what happens next, because even with a heads up I remember the barrage of text I would get. So I can only imagine your friend.
hahahahahha i am VERY excited to see how her perspective shifts. like i said, she’s out of touch with all things fandom, and only recently finished s1. i have been drooling over katie mcgrath to her since s2 first aired, but other than that, she really has no context, and i didn’t tell her anything besides ‘you’ll love lena luthor’. she didn’t know about mon-el, and didn’t even know about sanvers. its going to be such a journey watching her discover it all without any outside fandom influence hahahhahaha. i could tell she’s already gotten to ep 3 with lena being a softy on the couch with her plumerias, so i will absolutely keep posting as it evolves further and we gain another lena luthor stan
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saywhhaaa · 7 years
I think it's absolutely ridiculous and extremely cruel that the 2x15 promo photos include Katie McGrath but then not show us a full profile
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wantedinwilshire · 6 years
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*✧.:°░。➰ ( QUEEN AMARYLLIS ), our ( KATIE MCGRATH ) is looking for their ( CHILDREN ). you do not need to contact the mun before applying. ( open/filled ) ➰。░°:.✧*
amaryllis has a few children. the eldest her adoptive son ( 0/1 ), then a set of twins ( ½ ), then another child ( 1/1 ), a daughter ( 0/1 ), an adoptive son ( 1/1 ) and her youngest daughter ( 1/1 ). amaryllis and her children are very close, and she’s very protective over them. other than her youngest they’re all considerably old and so their ages are in fact unknown. all of her children have three names; the names she gives them ( please contact me about these ), their seelie names and their mundane names. the last two names they choose for themselves. faceclaims: katherine macnamara, olivia holt, harry styles, zendaya, reese king, bridget satterlee, maggie lindemann or any fc. age range: ( physically) 22 - 28. species: seelie/half seelie unless adopted.  
( for more information, contact squishy here. )
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