#srry if this is weird my tummy hurts
the best flavor of bingjiu is bingge preserving shen qingqiu's corpse after he dies and obsessively replacing the limbs that start rotting with either the limbs of his wives or growing new limbs from whatever the fuck flowers exist in pidw
bonus points if he talks to the corpse of sqq as if he's still alive and dresses him up in the finest robes
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rene-darling · 2 years
overstimming virgin xiao w a handjob !! he’s crying n whining cuz it feels so good <33
OVERSTIMMING- virgin xiao with a hand job♡︎
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This all feels so new to xiao! His tummy starts feeling weird the more you rub his pink tip "ah!- i-it feels w-weird! M-my tummy feels wei-..rd..n-no stOP" you can't help but be amused at his little antics.."oh your tummy feels weird..haha don't worry about it my dear alatus"
"N-no~ don't call me th-thaT" he couldn't help sounding so whiny while getting pleasured like this for the first time!
He's getting closer and closer you can feel it in the way his hips starts slightly shaking while he bucks into your hand
"I-IT feels weirder- Ah!" He came undone on the spot when you spat on his cute Lil dick ropes of pearly white liquid shot out of his coak coating your hand and his stomach white
You knew adepti bodies work differently from humans but you were sure none of your past partners have ever come this much before in one go!
Thinking about this you almost forgot about the fact that he came...without permission- now this was xiao's first time getting a hand job so you weren't really mad about that...you just wanted a reason for what you did next.
Thick Blobs of his cum coated his dick making it a lot easier than before to rub his dick "wh-what no..!no!no!no s-stoP" xiao whined louder than before, he wasn't expecting your attack on his dick so he did have enough time to prepare himself..not fair!
You rubbed his poor swollen dick in a fast pace "alatus. You know you have to ask permission to cum. Right, how are you gonna be my good boy if you can't even follow some simple rules huh."
"N-no NO i-... I'm your good boyy s-saY I'm your go- od boy!" Xiao was your good boy! He couldn't bear hearing that he wasn't! After a few seconds, you started hearing soft sniffles From your xiao which for some reason turned you on even more so you started pressing harder and rubbing faster
Because of the onslot on his little dick xiao couldn't stop the tears from flowing from his puffy eyes..
Those some turned into even bigger blobs of tears as he was getting even closer! "Pl-pleASe..tell m-me 'hic' i-im your go- go...good boy..right?..righs..ri-" you couldn't make out much of the sentence only bits and pieces..and of course him begging you to call him your good boy
"Xiao, ..alatus,,my good boy"
With just that one line his back arched even higher as he started full on sobbing and crying!..soon he came undone once more.. This time with much more force! If you didn't know any better you would have assumed that some of his cum reached the ceiling you knew adepti had different bodily functions but archons did he arrive!
You could hear his ragged breath,,almost making you feel bad for what you were about to say.."xiao. We're gonna keep doing this until you learn how to ask for permission"
You were sure any guests under or above you wouldn't be able to sleep at tonight with xiaos loud crying.
After Xiao comes back to his senses he ignores you the whole day!..why? Because of you his ass hurts everytime he tries to slay demons! Or even sit!!
𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊-𝒕𝒊𝒑 «if you make him some almond tofu he'll let you fuck him againᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ»
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
Tales of the side of the road: Day #1)
You're an overworked, sleep deprived, tired barista at a pretty strange coffee shop. You don't really complain, since the payment is good and you have a lot of free time, with the shop being pretty much empty and customers walking in only once in a while. The place is big, well equipped, somehow there's wifi, and you love doing what you do even if sometimes you wish you could go home. You could say the building is placed in the middle of nowhere, in a road connecting two barely populated and pretty hidden towns. The only other building anywhere in a few miles is the convenience store, an old and beaten up OxxO across the street, the cashier doesn't speak much though.
The owner is a bit... how to say it? Cryptic, to put it slightly, but that doesn't bother you at all, you barely see them, and now that you think of it perhaps the only time you spoke to them is when you were hired.
You've seen your fair share of weird stuff in three years of working here, and you even made friends with the local cult, although with a rocky start when they tried to sacrifice you to their deity. It turned out for the best, since you gained regulars that always came in with the freshest gossip. And yes, you may have gotten a small curse because of the first encounter, but hey, being occasionally possessed by a dark goddess do come handy when one of the diverse side effects is super strength and you have to lift heavy boxes of ingredients for the drinks. Because, let me tell you, the drinks you make are not regular stuff.
You specialize in a very complex form of beverages, with basic color code names, but with a flawless, delicious, magnificent taste. At least to those who are meant for.
You see, customers here are very unique, and many have tried to eat you several times before you made it clear that you were not on the menu. They learned to not underestimate your skills manouvering a broom.
Anyway, today is a specially slow day. Not even Gary —a cultist of the highest ranks, who loves his double shot 'blue' coffee— has passed by yet and you can't help but wonder what or who held him back. Though your inquiry doesn't last long, when you hear voices outside and the approach of hurried steps.
It's almost nightfall and it starts to get chilly when you get ready for yet another endless night shift. You find it odd that other people aside from Gary would swing by the shop at this hour, but well, it is your job to serve them after all, and so you tighten your apron and ready your notepad.
Like i've said before you've seen a lot of not so ordinary stuff, and when an uncommonly tall —and absolutely gorgeous— lady along with three younger, shorter women wearing at least 10 layers of cozy clothes walk in you're absolutely unfazed and instead welcome them with the brightest smile you can muster.
"Hi! Welcome to Itsy Bitchy Spider, home of the best coffee in all 24 miles around. What can i get for you today?" You say, bringing the women's attention to you.
The tall lady seems a little thrown off by your warm welcoming. Or by the weird name of the franchise, or perhaps because she wasn't expecting a fragile-looking human to be behind the counter, who knows, but she usher one of the younger girls —a brunette one, who wears a creepy but charming smile peeking from under a thick scarf— towards the counter and clears her throat. "Hello, yes, my daughter got into a little bit of a situation earlier and she has to clean herself up. We're on our way to a very important meeting and she has to be presentable."
It's only now when you notice that said daughter has bloodied clothes, and when she lifts her head you can see that there's blood dripping from her chin too. But again, not the weirdest.
"Sure ma'am," You say with a smile, wich has her giving you a curious look. "the bathroom is on that black door over there." You point and the girl goes on her way, almost skipping. Kind of adorable, you think, like a small child would be, except much older and dangerous. "So, is the cult holding a meeting? That'd explain why Gary hasn't come by." You say casually. The woman is about to answer when another uh, you suppose is a daughter too, suddenly points at the pastries countertop.
"What's that?" A redhead girl asks. She looks excited and genuinely curious about a colorful piece of a cake. You don't make them, and honestly you don't want to know what's in them, but you know they're suitable for any kind of customer that walks in, so you pull out a piece and arrange it on a plate, decorating it with red syrup, the red syrup.
"Try it, it's on the house." You wink at her while sliding the plate towards her and she looks at you like you just handed her a priceless jewel.
"Really?" She says, but is more a formality since she's already pulling the plate closer. "Look Bela! Look what i got!"
"No, Daniela you shouldn't eat that. Your tummy will hurt, you know this." The tall lady says as she grabs the plate and pull it out of Daniela's grasp, which is easy given her height. "We're sorry, but we can't take this. We have a very strict diet." She hands the plate back to you.
You smile and gently take the plate away, aware of the sad puppy eyes the redhead is giving you. You discreetly, almost as if it wasn't your intention, you put the plate within her reach and keep talking. You pretend not to notice when the girl sneakily grabs the plate and runs back to her sister to share her prize.
"Ma'am, i assure you it is perfectly safe. You're not from around here, are you? Well, let me get you acquainted with the place." Not wasting any time you quickly prepare a concoction of 'red' coffee and top it with regular whipped cream while the lady's gaze is fixed on every move. "Here, try this."
"Try what?" The dark haired girl has returned from the bathroom all freshened up and looks curiously to the tall glass you slide on the counter. "Oooh, that looks nice!"
"It is nice. It's one of the house's specials. We call it 'red coffee' though it's up to you discover if you like it."
"Cassandra, i don't think we should..." The lady seems hesitant, but when you rise the glass as close as you can to her face and she takes a whiff you can clearly see her pupils dilate. "What... is that?" She asks, breathless, as if she's just found something she craved for so long and didn't even know it.
You smirk, knowing that you guessed correctly about what would work on her. "Why don't you take a sip and find out?"
"Mother, i think you should give it a try." The blonde girl, the one who hadn't said a word since she first entered says. You notice that there's some cake frosting right on the corner of her smiling lips.
"Perhaps i should listen to you, Bela. Let's see, shall we?" The mother takes the glass from your hand, tiny in comparasion to hers, and she guides the brim of the cup to her red lips. She cautiously takes a sip and as soon as the liquid touches her tongue and she tastes, the drink is downed in seconds.
"So, what's the veredict? You like it?" You say as you put the lid on the last of another three cups of the same drink that you finished making while the cup on the lady's hand was being emptied, ready to hand over to the girls.
"It's exquisite..." She says, and you can see the awe on her face. "How?"
"Well, that's a secret, isn't it? You can come by whenever you like, we're open all day, every day." You look behind the four women and spot a grumpy looking man wearing sunglasses and a hat just outside in the parking lot. Odd when there's no sunlight to protect his eyes from, but you don't judge. "Looks like someone is looking for you." You point past them to the guy.
And sure enough:
"Alcina! Where the fuck are you? Miranda is waiting for us, we're late!"
The annoyed expression on the lady's —Alcina, now you know— face almost make you laugh, but you don't want to be disrespectful and instead you just cough a little. "Looks like we have to part ways." She says, putting the glass on the counter delicately. Her eyes are glued to your own and you can see fire in them. "For now."
The lady turns around and walks away with determination and elegance in her stride and behind her the daughters follow with the grace of young gazelles. One of them, the blonde girl turns her head enough to see you over her shoulder and waves goodbye. You wave back.
"Have a safe trip!" You say. Much, much later you'll call this 'day one', when Alcina first entered your life, but for now:
Alcina... The name feels sweet like honey in your mouth and you smile. You can't wait to see her again.
@thejennystuttle here it is the first one i finished. I got carried away, srry. Hope u like it?
If you love my work, buy me a coffee?
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