#srsly these collabs are giving me life THANK YOU EVERYONE
dustybones · 9 months
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the collabs continue! @smallcanofworms came to me with this adorable idea and i just couldn’t help myself
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youngnari · 5 years
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Hello my beloved 🐰 anon!! 
This is coming from me, long overdue! I wanted to say how sorry I am on not participating too well and frequently in the project. I didn’t expect my whole schedule to crash, but that should never be an excuse! 
So, I decided to make this entire missions into an extra one *I hope*. Thank you for being my anon, always so sweet, hyper and adoring!!! I simply couldn’t get enough on how much joy I got when your first message pops in my asks, and throughout the entire project I seriously have a lot of fun!! 
And i hope you have fun also, this is for you. 
From me, Nari! 🌻
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#Mission 1 - Welcome to My Blog, Anonie!
My handwriting is considered small, to the point I can blind people. This is a small welcome note for you, to officially welcome you to my blog! 
“Hello anon! It’s me, Nari!
We lived quite some timezone here, but I am glad we can still hit it all off! Thank you for being one of the sweetest anon, you are sincerely adorable! Here is one small gift from me to officially welcome you to my blog - Enjoy! Much Love!
-From Nari”
“Who Got Your Back?”
I always had always started stanning idols way before or since they debut, such examples are from EXO, IKon, Seventeen, and NCT are also no exception. I knew NCT since they weren’t even NCT aka smrookies, and Hansol was my bias *I love him, UGH*. I never got into them too hardcore when they debuted, but I remember that Taeyong is my v first bias. I was so into EXO and IKon that time too invest much time on NCT. But then Cherry Bomb rolls in, Johnny became my man. It did not end there, Lucas snatched my wig in Boss and I was already questioning everything, including my loyalty. 
You might know the whole type I have in my bias, and yes I stan mostly rappers. BUT! Yes, But! Touch came and that was the first time my eyes were opened by Doyoung. And this bunny did nothing, HE HASN’T EVEN OPEN HIS MOUTH TO SING - HE SMILED... he smiled and now I am forever his, loyal.
My blog on the other end, I met a lot of amazing people when I started the blog and even when I was still thinking of making youngnari happened.
From @softtm who radiates the whole crackhead energy, @zhengtongue my forever mom, @hyukcieee forever sister hypeman and my love, and @dimplyjae who is my ult girl crush *did I mention I stalked her to the point her blog did encourage me making an NCT blog??*. But there is also @gemihyuck whom I met throughout my journey as a NCT blog or an IP blog, murdered me with her masterpiece, crackhead conversation, to me making her soft by confessing my love to her smh. @dahyunmingyu who is my angst queen, literally loving me with her angsty writings and her love to encourage me to stan Skz and hyping my life oh wow woman.
There are a lot of my mutuals who played a big role who are now a part of my life, a part on how I still want to make a new blog and maintain, to continue writing. So... This is getting too sappy sksksksk!!! 
But yea, Love you all!!! 
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#Mission 2  - Playlist Tag
Wish You Were Gay by Billie Eilish
I remembered the last time I heard this was when I fought with my ex. I always thought the song is good and pretty relatable. Somehow during that time, when this suddenly and randomly played in shuffled, I cried hard. I cried the entire night and seriously felt worthless the next day, but it was the song to which gave me the encouragement to really think about my rl that time. Without knowing or srsly blinded by love, I realised I was caught in a toxic relationship - and ended it
I’m So Tired... by Lauv, Troye Sivan
I love Troye and Lauv, that’s it. When they decided to collab and release this song, you could bet I ham myself to listen to it repeatedly for 3 days straight. 
Fallin’ All In You by Shawn Mendes
This is just a reminder on how sweet falling in love can be. I always appreciate how mellow and calming the vibe is.
Sucker by Jonas Brothers 
2019 is saved by Jonas Brothers okay, there that’s it! I will forever replay this like there is no tomorrow and I do not regret it! Yes, I love the whole Happiness Begins album! Sucker tho, forever a bae.
Idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish
I used to not like this song, it was a reminder towards me that I had to live with flaws. I always hated myself, badly. When I decided to listen to the song again, it gave me a realisation that I was the one dragging myself down - not the people around me. Yea, it’s quite shitty but Billie can do things to my emotions.
Real Friends by Camila Cabello
This was a hard reminder for me, on how people who comes into your life doesn’t always stay. Some hurt you, slam you hard, use you to oblivion, make you feel worthless, a lot of stuff. And in the end, you still have to act you’re fine and smile to everyone
Bite by Troye Sivan
Troye is forever my baby and yes, this song!! I like the way he sang here, and how the whole song vibe can go either settling to unsettling. It’s like a nursery rhymes when I first heard it, my top list!
IRONY by Jeong Sewoon
I... decided to flung in some Sewoon
Only Human by Jonas Brothers 
Another one of my love from Happiness Begins album!!
Don’t Need Your Love by NCT Dream
I bloody cried when I listened to this on the plane. I didn’t even realise that the song was already released. So the moment I played the whole playlist for NCT and listened to them, I lost it. They grown so much but they will always forever be our babies!!
What a Heavenly Way to Die by Troye Sivan 
I just... like it, I really don’t know how to explain why I like this song tbh
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#Mission 3 - A Match Made in Heaven
This took more than enough elimination from my NCT bio list, and I put all the calculation and equation from... idk, my imagination????? 
But yes! After all the contemplation and scenarios playing in my mind, I decided to ship you with the one and only
Na Jaemin
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I feel that you and Jaemin might go well to one another. I had a small assumption that you might be a shy person on the first meeting and Jaemin too, but he will probably be the one to break the ice. From there, you realised he has his way to charm people and ease them into a conversation.
Just imagine - late night drive, netflix night under your fluffy comforters, his lame jokes and flirts, cuddling up, takeouts from McDonalds and late night talk about EVERYTHING. Be playful with one another!!
Other than that, I think Jaemin will be a good soulmate. Since he seems to be very understanding and will put respect when you tell him about your boundaries. And he would do his best to give you life advice, comfort when you’re sad, or just some playful conversations!!
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kkaitstudies · 6 years
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let’s be real: university tips & advice by kkaitstudies
hi there! i’m going to be trying something new i’ll be calling “let’s be real with kkaitstudies” in which i give you some tips & advice based on my own personal experiences. i am not a perfect student. i’d prepare for things only for to have them unravel, change courses, or i’d simply lose motivation. so let’s get into it.
the campus bookstore shouldn’t be your first stop. welcome to the world in which you have to buy your own textbooks - but you don’t need to buy it at full price! check amazon, second hand book stores, and look for online PDFs if that’s smth you’re into. some unis have “free/for sale” or “textbook exchange” groups on FB. buying textbooks second-hand from upper years has saved me soooo much money
avoid taking classes before 10am. the ppl don’t lie when they say 8ams suck. if you have the ability to choose your class times, choose sections that start at 10am or later bc waking up early after a long night of studying or doing assignments is not fun.
ratemyprof will be your saviour. nothing ruins a subject more than a bad prof. i’ve had my share of amazing profs (you will srsly rave abt them for the rest of your uni career) and not-so-amazing profs. checking out reviews on ratemyprofessor. just look up your uni then professor and read all those reviews. these anons mention the course code, if textbook is needed, if they’d take it again, and their own comments. most classes i chose by prof ended up being the ones i’d talk nonstop about.
check out all the sick resources your school has!!! i seriously cannot stress this enough, bc i’m a fool that really only started doing this in 3rd year and with only 1 year left, i regret not doing this earlier. newsflash: parts of your tuition pay for all the amazing services available to you. your school may have a gym/pool for students, career centres, access to study/collab rooms, cafeterias, centres and safe spaces for members of marginalized communities, student mentorship, therapy dogs, STUDENT GROUPS AND COURSE UNIONS!!, etc. take some time in between classes to check them out. watch some sports games! apply for scholarships that are available to you!
the first semester is an adjustment period, and every semester following will teach you something new abt yourself. the transition from high school to university for me was in nooooo way smooth. especially as a commuter student, i had to adjust the routines i had around my home and school life. i had to learn how to make friends again. in third yr i learned that the way i had been doing notes since first year didn’t actually work for me. going into fourth year, i’m getting over my fear of the campus gym, and will actually start budgeting bc i spend waaaay too much money on food on campus. you’re always learning! don’t be afraid to explore new things and experiment bc everyone’s doing it too.
and to finish it off (for now), it’s okay to question your major, change it, take more than four years, take gap years, or drop out altogether. don’t see this piece of advice much, huh? that’s the thing - there’s a huge stigma around doing anything outside of sticking to the same major for the designated around of time. but why? so much can change from the second you walk off that stage at high school graduation. you can enter your major thinking it’s what you wanted to do, take some classes, and realize that you’re unhappy; that it’s not what you expected or wanted. and that’s okay. your feelings of uncertainty are valid. so many ppl that i know have changed majors, decided they’re doing an extra year, or dropped out of uni. if this is you, talk to more ppl abt it - esp others in this position. when ppl tell me abt their change of plans, i swear i can actually see the weight lifted off of their shoulders. your major should not be a burden. also lbr is it really worth it to be unhappy studying smth u don’t want to AND be like….$15k+ in debt for the sake of pleasing other people?
this post is getting long, so i will leave it at that for now. i’m sure there’ll be ppl that disagree with some things (and also critique me for my casual writing style haha) but let’s talk abt it! this let’s be real series is MEANT to hit you with my own and other’s realities. let me know what you guys think abt the series, and make some suggestions for more content i should post. thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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thestudyfeels · 7 years
january’18 botm results!
hello everyone! the last month has been crazy for me. what from prepping for pre-finals giving those pre-finals, christmas and the excitement of the new year, it’s been absolutely insane. but honestly, i couldn't think of any other grand finale to ending 2017! i’m looking at you, 2018. bring it on, that's all i say! but now presenting, our two winners for the month of january! <3
what i like about her blog: i honestly love your blog, sarah! i truly appreciate that you update your project column from time to time to keep it new and fresh. also gotta love the smol links box giving quick access to your blog. and oh boy, your theme (which has amazing color codes btw) is super easy to navigate, which makes it amazing! i also love the quality of your posts and im going to stop here before i begin a full fledged ramble about how cool ur blog is.
what i like about her blog: ok srsly do u even want me to ramble about nidhi, i could go on for years altogether. i!! lov!! nidhi!! so!! much!! since i know her personally, i can truthfully vote for nidhi being the kindest, nicest, most beautiful human bean on this planet. she’ll pull u up when u are down, and i am honestly so grateful to have such a person in my life. her blog obviously is freaking awesome, her blog is super organized with links, i love her humor (lmao) and her advice posts give me life. ily <3
and in case you forgot, here are the awards!
a spot on my blog’s front page for the whole month
promos whenever u want for the month (just message me!)
a follow back, if i’m not following already
a mood board/long playlist (let me know which one!)
we can totally collab on posts and be friends :^)
thanks to everyone who participated! it was fun looking through all of your blogs! i have legit so pleased with some of the new year designs/masterposts you people had created! (and if i sound like a granny lmao, it’s bc i am one) next month, i’m doing smth different for the botm thing, (hint, it’s a conquer challenge) so keep ur eye open for it! here’s to an amazing year ahead of us! peace! <3
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