#gib has great ideas
dustybones · 5 months
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the collabs continue! @smallcanofworms came to me with this adorable idea and i just couldn’t help myself
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evilminji · 7 months
:O !!! Wait a second... GHOST DINOSAURS!!!
They died. There are ghost animals. You CAN NOT tell me getting fuckin nuked from space by a GIANT rock that blasted you and everything you've ever known into near instantaneous oblivion, wouldn't leave some Unfinished Business and a shit ton of Ectoplasm.
BILLIONS of things died all at once.
Did most move on? Probably. We're any of them sentient? We have no idea! Maybe! Unlikely, but maybe! Still a MASSIVE, countries wide, molten earth lined, crater of instant death. World shaking and history making. Death in the blink of an eye.
If you're lucky.
But! I hear the arguments now. That was one event. The X or Y dinosaur lived before that! What I'm interested in came AFTER! Good points! But not RELAVENT!!! Because you know what ELSE that giant fuck-off meteor is good for? Aside for Death(tm)?
Makes for some damn good documentaries. Exciting graphics and neato visual effects. Ooooh~ look at our dramatic recreation! The cute baby animals, unsuspecting of their Doomed Fate~! Tense music! And now, a world from our advertisers!
You know who LIKES Space Documentaries? Danny. He's all ABOUT that Science Channel. Granted, they've been pulling more and more of these mid-tear "aliens built the pyramids" and "look at these swords!" Shows... but! Still! He grew up on this channel! He doesn't WANT to give up on it!
And, yeah, this is... kinda hammy... but it's still watchable!
He's enjoying the live tweeting from paleontologists who are ROASTING the thing to a lovely golden brown. Has choked on his noodles like three times already. It's great! But now? They are arguing over what the dinosaurs actually looked like again... and??
And, look, maybe it's the good mood and boredom. Maybe it's having the house to himself. Maybe it's his parents finally encouraging him to use his "ghostiness" for SCIENCE(tm)(!) the other day. Could even be his bad idea impulse acting up again, buuuuut.....
Nothing? Is STOPPING him? From finding out? He DOES have Zone compatible cameras. And can probably back trace where they should-ish be? He can find out. The colors might be off, but it's a starting point? Right? And heck, he's pretty sure inverse coloration in standard unless someone's shape-shifting, so he'd just have to inverse it AGAIN to get an approximately correct coloration for them!
....eh, as long as he leaves a "not exact, this was the best I could get" note, it should be fine.
Road Trip time! Better call Dani and see if she wants to ride a few giant mammals and some lizards!
(Needless to say? Some researchers get VERY exciting emails. And only accept they are POSSIBLE, because this is a DC crossover. So there is aliens and magic regularly popping up in their field of expertise, so WHY NOT? Just the other day, a whole ass TOWN that has been wiped out... got UN-wiped out! 23 years later! It's made headlines. Weird shit happens.
So gib. Release to them the Dinosaurs, mystery email man. Fork them over before they begin biting. You think this corduroy jacket means they won't hunt you down? HA! You know NOTHING of academics! WHERE ARE THE EXTINCT ANIMALS? Where are you hiding them!?!?)
@the-witchhunter @hypewinter @nerdpoe @ailithnight @hdgnj @mutable-manifestation
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
Out of our main cast of people who do you think should become the ruler? (/2)
(Sorry just wanted to elaborate)
I'm going to use this ask as an opportunity to evaluate the HotD characters individually, since I suspect this is what you crazy cats want anyway! You can read my general thoughts on the matter here (Part I)
What we need to keep in mind with thought exercises like this is that, for people who are down the line of succession to become King/Queen, many other members of their family need to die, so that might leave them in a much more traumatized state and directly affect their ruling abilities. Furthermore, as a result of GRRM not understanding how children work, a lot of these characters are very young and haven't had a chance to prove themselves as a potential candidate, so there is simply not enough information.
I will say this, though - legal debates over Aegon's and Rhaenyra's claim can be conducted until kingdom come, but it doesn't change the fact that Aegon is the option that leads to the least amount of bloodshed. Rhaenyra's rule will always be threatened by her trueborn brothers. Aegon's rule would never be threatened by Rhaenyra's, because no one IRL would actually believe Rhaenyra has a better claim.
During the Anarchy, Stephen fought Matilda for years over the crown and he had less of a claim than Aegon. This notion that the greens are "usurping" the throne is absurd. It is not misogynistic to recognize Aegon's superior claim; it is borne out of the absence of codifying absolute primogeniture within a feudalistic patriarchal system that functions based on common law.
Alas, here we go.
Aegon II - I have spoken about this before in my House Hightower post, but I suspect that Aegon is the type of laissez-faire King that would allow his councilors to administer the realm without having to haggle too much. As long as his councilors are competent and Aegon doesn't do anything too outrageous, I don't see why this arrangement couldn't work.
Aegon as a political actor doesn't matter here, since he seems disinterested in ruling in the first place, his role is ceremonial and he exists just as a vessel to inhabit kinghood temporarily. His Small Council only needs him breathing, so they can leech out sovereignty from him. If/when Aegon dies from cirrhosis or an STD, a regency can be established for Prince Jaehaerys.
If we want to consider Aegon as an active political actor, we have to account for the fact that he doesn't really get a lot opportunity to decide for himself. We have no idea what Aegon's policies would be, whether he'd "levy a tax on the sale of new wool" or not. We only see King Aegon in war conditions and under extreme duress caused by his injuries.
That being said, he exhibits some traits we can take into consideration. One cannot deny Aegon is brave: he fights his own battles on the frontlines. He exhibits tremendous levels of grit, determination and ambition: he simply refuses to die despite his debilitating injuries (if he sets his mind on something, he will not give up until that task is completed). He tricks Rhaenyra out of Dragonstone - he somehow manages to convince several smallfolk to defect to his side and help hide him. Later on, he takes over the entire island with minimal casualties - he can inspire people to believe in him or at least has enough car saleman skills or the gib of the gab.
He allows his enemies to bend the knee and spares them (more than can be said for Rhaenyra). He wants to kill/castrate/send Aegon III to the Wall and behead Baela, but his councilors talk him out of it. Aegon is not without cruelty, but he is not without humanity either. He hates and he loves with equal fervor.
He is not the most merciful King at the end of the war, at his worst, in great pain and having suffered many losses. But his actions are not so dissimilar to something Robert or Stannis or Tywin might have done in his place. He refuses milk of the poppy so it won't cloud his mind, such as it remains. Aegon is the poster child for wasted potential.
Aemond - Another post on Aemond as King. A post on how Aemond could become King. With him it's important to keep in mind which version of the character we're talking about and at which point in time. Aemond in the books comes off as a cackling psychopath who is not exactly king material, regardless of how entertaining he is. However, the maesters writing down the histories do not give us a look inside his mind. We're not going to get a novel with Aemond's POV, so we have to see how his characterization evolves in the show. As we've seen so far, there are many directions you can take with a character like him.
Yes, Aemond will put House Strong to the sword. But so does Tywin Lannister eradicate the Houses Reyne and Tarbeck. Yes, he will ravage the Riverlands, but so does Tywin. Yet the general consensus of the people in-universe is that Tywin is a competent administrator of the Realm. Even Stannis waxes poetic about him at one point. What's important here is to establish whether Aemond's trauma will make him veer towards the Joffrey side of the spectrum or would it be more in line with the advice Tywin gives his grandson?
"Joffrey, when your enemies defy you, you must serve them steel and fire. When they go to their knees, however, you must help them back to their feet. Elsewise no man will ever bend the knee to you."
Daeron - I've spoken a little bit about Daeron here. I don't see why Daeron wouldn't be a decent king if given the chance, but the same question applies to him: would Daeron remain his charming, popular self after suffering so many losses?
Helaena - The line of succession is as follows: Aegon -> Jaehaerys -> Maelor -> Jaehaera -> Aemond -> Daeron -> Helaena. In order for Helaena to become Queen Regnant, it means that all her family, sans Alicent and Otto, need to die. I don't think she (or anyone) could possible handle this. She removes herself from the story for this very reason. If we are to consider her potential ruling abilities in a vacuum, she is known to be so popular with the smallfolk that they storm the Dragonpit because they are alarmed at her fate. That must speak to her charity work or at least good PR skills. She seems to be a generally well-liked person.
I've spoken before about how Rhaenyra disqualifies herself from queenship in the second part of this post.
I've also touched upon why Daemon is a menace here. In addition, I would argue that Daemon is also simply incompetent. He is assigned various portfolios within the Small Council and he fails at his job every time. His stint as head of the Gold Cloaks is a terror regime.
I'm also going to disqualify Rhaenyra's bastard children as well, since their rule will inevitably turn into a succession crisis, if we are not to compromise on the internal logic established in Fire & Blood and in the main series. That being said, if Jace wants to take the throne by conquest (not by appealing to the law), he's going to be threatened in his rule by his trueborn half-brothers and/or their descendants. For Black supporters peddling this loving family narrative that Aegon/Viserys would never dream doing such a thing to their beloved bastard brothers, I kindly direct their attention to the story of Daeron II Targaryen and Daemon Blackfyre.
Aegon III was (understandably) a broken, depressed man that appeared aloof and cold to others (he is "not remembered fondly"), but his reign seems to have been pretty decent, all things considered, with nothing egregious happening. I would suggest that Aegon III is a depressed and repressed iteration of Aegon II, what with him locking himself in his room to "brood for days". It is said that his brother, Viserys II, was the one truly responsible for managing the affairs of the Realm.
Nevertheless, Aegon III and Viserys II produced such disaster children between them that it really effed up the realm for quite a long time afterwards. What I truly gawk at is their utter failure as parents, a fault that, when monarch, has institutional reverberations. Their treatment of Naerys, for example, is baffling.
Neither Aegon III or Viserys II recognized Rhaenyra as Queen. Aegon III became King as Aegon II's heir and was quickly married to Jaehaera to unite the two rival claimants. When his nephew Baelor the Blessed died, Viserys II passed over the claims of his nieces, further invalidating his mother's own legal argument. Even by Andal law, Daena was ahead of him in line to the throne. Viserys' own son Aegon IV is considered one of the worst kings in Targaryen history. Make of that what you will.
After the war, there is this interesting discussion about who should succeed Aegon III - Baela or Rhaena. They both lead an active life in King's Landing for a time and become very popular with the people, even meeting with envoys and visiting lords. As the eldest, Baela has the better claim, but the regents dislike that she is mischievous and willful and prefer Rhaena instead.
Baela befriends a variety of people from all walks of life in KL and has an adventurous, free spirit. She seems open-minded and enterprising and I wonder if that would reflect in her social policies. However, she would have had a better chance at being named Aegon's heir had she not ran away to marry Alyn Velaryon. The regents do not consider him royal consort material and turn to Rhaena as an option. The legality of this is questionable, but Baela loses the support of the lords by refusing to compromise. Perhaps the regents think they can pick the more malleable Rhaena, should anything happen to Aegon III, since Baela would be unlikely to contest her sister.
Out of the two, Rhaena appears to be more diplomatic and conciliatory. She marries a Hightower and ends up having 6 daughters. She hatches one of the last surviving dragons, Morning. It is not known what happens to Morning exactly, but she does not have a very long life for a dragon. I will say that the image of Rhaena as Queen with her pink dragon passing her throne onto her Hightower daughter is a pretty charming one. Perhaps this could have been the opportunity to codify absolute primogeniture or at least provide a strong, legal precedent within Westerosi common law for a regnant Queen. And we would have been spared the catastrophe of the Daeon I to Aegon IV pipeline.
Rhaena is also the last possible claimant. For her to become Queen, the Dance of the Dragons needs to happen, literally every other claimant in front of her (her family members) needs to die and Baela has to cede her the throne. The question of female inheritance has the possibility to be settled, but for a steep price.
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hankwritten · 7 months
A Tavern Named Keep [5/6]
Demoman-centric Modern AU
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
In a small uni-town in New Mexico, DeGroot Keep serves liquor and succor to an eclectic yet loyal group of patrons, and has for many years. The Keep owes its success to its equally colorful owner, who always seems to know what you need—whether that be a stiff beer or a word of advice. But, between setting up his patrons or sifting through his friends’ problems, will Tavish remember to take care of himself?
“Now! If you turn your pathetic civilian eyeballs that have never witnessed the horrors of war to your right, you will see the nesting grounds of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken.”
Those actually paying attention to Jane’s tour as he guides their overlarge hiking group through the wilds of Valles Caldera National Preserve rotate their binoculars as indicated. This group includes Miss Pauling, (her tongue sticking out of her mouth as she scribbles furiously in her newly purchased Billious Hale’s Field Guide to North American Birds, and How To Break the Spine of Every One!) Mikhail, (two wrist straps hack-jobbed together in order to hold his disposable camera in place), and, surprisingly enough, Scout, (practicing how fast she can capture each specimen in her sketchbook before they fly away. Already she has six birds, two burrowing rodents, and one ‘yeti’ (at Ranger Doe’s suggestion.))
“Tympanuchus pallidicinctus is a fearsome foe to meet in its natural habitat,” Jane goes on. Every time he speaks, the various bits and bobs of navigational equipment dangling from his neck jingle; the compass clatters into the magnifying glass, which swings into the pocketknife, which knocks the binoculars, so on and so forth. Hearing even Jane’s famously robust voice over it all is a struggle. “The caldera is their hunting ground. They climb to dizzying altitudes in order to locate prey up to eight times their size, then dispatch them quickly by dropping objects of significant weight. When it reaches terminal velocity, the pathetic maggot-sucker is turned into gibs on impact!”
“Object of significant weight,” Mick, a significant amount of woodsman’s supplies strapped to his back as well, repeats suspiciously. “Like what?”
“A rock! Or perhaps even a coconut!”
“A coconut? What would a bloody coconut be doing in the middle of the bloody desert?”
“This is not a desert, it is an elevated watershed meadowland! And maybe the coconut rolled here!”
This debate never makes it to Pauling, who remarks cheerily as the two squabble on, “this really was a good idea, getting us all out of Teufort for a bit. I pretty much never get to go anywhere with nature. Or fresh air. Or sunlight.”
Before Tavish can comment, Scout is already pouncing like a Lesser Prairie-Chicken on an unfortunate bobcat.
“Yeah yeah, me too,” she says. “Just like, never get out you know. Never any grass where I was growing up except the abandoned square where my brothers and I would play baseball, and now I’m too busy with school but hey! We’re out here now ain’t we? And look, I got a little bird book too. Except I’m drawing in mine instead ‘a writing, I don’t got the way with words you do, but isn’t it cool we match?”
Scout holds up her sketchbook with blithe expectancy.
Such blithe expectancy, there really is no possible way Pauling can respond with anything approaching the same level of zeal. “Yeah, Scout,” she says. “Really cool. Super awesome that we both…own books.”
This lukewarm response does not, in fact, curtail Scout’s enthusiasm. “It is, yeah. Books are great, huh? For like, carrying around, and, uh-”
“Thanks for suggesting this, Tavish,” Pauling says quickly and altogether too loudly. “Now that Helen only has me working forty hours a week, it’s crazy how much free time I have, but I probably would have spent it all glued to your bar if you hadn’t said something.”
“Tavern,” Tavish corrects. “And true, I think everyone here lacks a chance to stretch their legs every now and again. Though I cannae claim this trip was entirely with ulterior motive.”
He glances back.
Lollygagging behind the rest of the pack, Crue and Dell are at it again, bitching something fierce about the way Dell parked his truck. Or maybe they’ve moved on to something different by now:  whether it’s pronounced pecan or pecan, is light a wave or a particle, if bears shit in the woods or not. Although Crue has slipped comfortably into the Keep’s social structure for the most part (accepted as long as he’s helping Scout through her transition and he doesn’t have the balls to insult one of Tavish’s drinks again) there’s still one critical rub.
That rub being Dell Conagher.
What the hell is Dell’s problem Tavish can’t figure, and good Lord he’s tried. Usually the man’s about as mellow as a hog in a mud puddle, but something about the pompous stranger just drives him crazy, picking fights that even Jane wouldn’t have thought of, (and picking fights is that man’s personal pastime.) When asked, all Dell would supply is, “hell I don’t know DeGroot. He’s a snake is what he is. It just gets under my skin.” Crue is no better, always jumping at any opening Dell gives him, as though he’s got a pent up backlog of critiques and is just waiting for an outlet.  Acutally, now that Tavish thinks about it, that might not even be an exaggeration. He’s certainly less critical of everything than when he first came to Teufort, save for their dear engineer.
Tavish had fallen to his default assumption about these sorts of interpersonal relationships, and (rather optimistically ) contrived a situation where Crue and Dell might be able to work out their differences. A little time out of town to see the more palatable sides of one another.
“At the confessional: was trying to see if I could set Dell and Crue up together,” Tavish says. “Thought they might make up if they made out, bit of fresh air to jog the hormones.”
“What?” Scout gags, whatever she’d been trying to commiserate with Pauling quickly forgotten. “Actually, no, no don’t answer that. I’m out, freaking gross man.”
With a fading mumble of ‘yuck. yuck.’, she swiftly departs, her poorly fastened sleeping bag swaying as she peels to the front of the pack. The vanguard consists of Mick, Ludwig, and Pyro, (who immediately shows their girlfriend the cool bug they just found), but it’s clear that Mundy is the true spearhead of the operation. Despite their residents ranger running commentary on the various flora and fauna of the reserve, (currently informing Mikhail how pre-agricultural societies in the valley used obsidian tools since all their rocket launchers were lost in a volcanic event), Mick has been the one navigating the group down various hiking trails, now leading their post-lunch return to the camp ground.
“You really think you can hook Crue and Dell up?” Pauling asks.
“Nah, that’s a bust. I think they honestly just hate each other.”
But, since the bartender playing cupid is apparently still novel for some people, her question catches Mikhail’s attention. He asks, “DeGroot is now matchmaker?”
“He certainly tries,” Jane barks, annoyance at least in part for the theft of his audience. “But we all need to face the facts that that man is not as smooth operator as he claims to be; he couldn’t pin a tail to a donkey, let alone people who have legitimate unresolved sexual tension together. I told him not every pair of bickering canucks secretly want to swap spit, but he did not listen!”
“Canucks?” Pauling asks, baffled.
“Canadians Miss Pauling! The both of them!”
“I’ll be honest Jane, most of the time I can see where you’re coming from, or at the very least the other side of the canyon you jumped to get there but…Canadians?”
“Yes!” Jane slams a fist into his open hand. “Conagher lacks true American volatility! All attempts to construct complex machinery should spontaneously combust at least six times before bringing them onto the field. Obviously he’s a Canadian spy, sent here to assassinate our president, the man who wields the great American sword the Mayflower which he drew from the Liberty Bell on the morning of his sixteenth birthday!”
“…And Crue?”
“They speak French in Canada, don’t they.”
Despite the fact that he was rather brutally just called on his failures as a Casanova, Tavish can’t help but chuckle. “Ah, that’s a good one.”
“A good one?” Mikhail repeats doubtfully.
“Aye,” Tavish smiles fondly. “Ah, listen to this one. Hey! Jane!”
“What?” Jane snaps, putting down the binoculars.
“I can never keep track o’ American politics. Who is the president, again?”
Jane snorts. “Damn stupid question, private! It’s Lyndon B. Johnson, god rest his soul.”
And thusly, he returns to scouring the meadow. His two closest travelling companions exchange silent grievances, while the third keeps pace merrily.
“…He doesn’t really think Johnson is still president, does he?” Pauling ventures to ask.
“I’m surprised you’re concerned about that, when he’s also fully aware that Johnson is dead,” Tavish says pleasantly.
The bubble of cheer is short lived. While they’ve been debating Canadian-ness and monitoring black-footed ferrets, Mick has been grinding his teeth to near audible degrees, growing increasingly irate as he leads them back to the campground. Each fork in the trail comes with several minutes of indecision, the whole party stalling as he glares furiously at the map in his hands. His breaking point comes in the form of Scout asking, “hey, we getting a move on this century, chucklenuts?”
“We’d already be back by now if he hadn’t ruined my bloody map!”
Mick whirls on Jane with the tensile strength of a slingshot. Jane, ever difficult to read with his hat pulled down, hardly reacts. He cocks his head, and eyes the half-crumpled map being shoved in his direction.
“The brochures they give you down at the front are crap,” he says, not a drop of defensiveness in his voice. “I made some corrections.”
“You vandalized it is what you did,” Mick growls. “Fucking took it out of my pocket while my back was turned, you knew you were sabotaging us you sneaky ratbag.”
“Oi!” Tavish cuts in, stepping toward Mick. “Let’s not have any of that. A vandalized map is one thing, but accusing Jane of trying to sabotage us is another.”
“Exactly!” Jane barks. “You should be thanking me, Bilbo. I put no less than twelve agreeable shortcuts through the preserve, ones that would have us setting up our tents this very minute if you had taken them!”
“It’s scribbles to nowhere! I can’t even see the actual trail anymore under all the markings,” Mick snaps. “Half of it isn’t even a path, just a shitty drawing of a raccoon.”
Before Jane can reply, tight lips dawning on reproach, Dell and Crue finally catch up, no doubt shocked that another argument could dare to overshadow their own.
“What the hell’s gotten into ya’ll?” Dell says, quickly noting the stances Jane and Mick have found themselves in, the rest of the party gathered around like sports spectators.
“That map again no doubt,” Crue says airily. His general demeanor shows he’s just about at the end of his rope and also probably dying for a cigarette. “The bushman is convinced our feral simpleton here has been trying to impair our return to civilization. Personally, I think even that is beyond him.”
Jane’s face hardens. “You have been spreading lies and slander, gossiping about me to the Canadian of all people?”
“Oh don’t get self righteous on me you piker,” Mick spits. “If you didn’t do it on purpose, then you did it because you’re an idiot, which is even worse. To hell with this.” The map lands on the ground with a softer plap than the drama of the situation demands. “I can find my own way back.”
“You are not properly qualified to traverse this valley, not without a guide,” Jane says. “You will get lost, and a lost civilian is not something I cannot allow! It goes against my ranger’s oath.”
“There is no bloody ranger’s oath!” Mick throws up his hands. “And I’ve spent months in the outback with nothing but a rifle, a waterskin, and the clothes on my back. I know how to handle myself in the wilderness, and I’m better off without following your lunacy into a sinkhole.”
“Ridiculous! All the sinkholes are on the north side of the preserve.”
“And the offer goes to the rest of you,” Mick continues. “If you’d rather get back to the road before night falls instead of camping in the middle of the mountains.”
The assembled shook themselves at being addressed, as though having forgotten that they were breathing entities with a stake in this.
“How dare you!” Jane blusters. “I have worked at this park for twenty-four years! No one knows these woods better than I do.”
“And yet one of your ‘shortcuts’ does lead directly into the lake,” Ludwig says thoughtfully, having picked up the discarded map. To Mick, “you’re sure you know the way back from here?”
“Positive,” Mick says without hesitation. “And you’ve heard the bullshit he’s been spouting all day. You can’t trust that he has a better handle on geography than he does on anything else.”
“The bushman has a point,” Crue says, as though the outcome matters not at all, as though Jane’s not gone frozen while the rest of the party debates among themselves. “If there is an expert in surviving barely civilized conditions, it is he.”
“As much as I hate to agree with Crue on this,” Dell says, and Tavish would punch the air in vindication if it were under literally any other circumstances, “it ain’t healthy to sleep in places where any ‘ole critter wandering these parts might stumble across ya. Personally, I’d like to do all that we can to get to the designated camping area.”
One by one, the votes come in, the protests are half hearted at best, and Jane no longer moves. He just stands there, any emotion stripped from him as he calcifies under something worse than humiliation.
Alright. This is terrible. Tavish can still salvage this.
He claps his hands together, all big smiles, and says, “so we’ll be splitting the party then, eh? No worries, we’ll both take our separate ways, and then meet all back at the campsite tonight. Sound good?”
No one agrees at first, wary of the sudden change in tone.
Tavish doesn’t let the awkward silence linger. He pats Jane warmly on the shoulder. “Looks like it’s just you and me, lad.”
Whatever frozen state Jane had found himself in, he breaks out of it, staring wide-eyed at Tavish. “You…?”
“You sure you don’t want to come with us, pally?” Scout asks, in all the tact being Scout will allow. When Pauling elbows her, she mutters, “oof.”
“Nah, I’m good,” Tavish says through false cheer. “No one knows Valles better than Ranger Doe here. I trust him more than anyone.”
The subtle dig is not lost on Mick who, as the two parties split and the far larger one trickles back down the way they came, glances at Jane and mutters something about ‘mental sickness’ under his breath. Tavish is glad he mutters it. If he’d said it aloud, Tavish would have broken his nose on principle.
Another hand comes to touch Tavish’s, but when he glances over, the words Jane obviously wants to say don’t come out.
“Let’s go,” Tavish supplies instead. “The sooner we get a move on, the sooner we meet up with them, aye?”
Jane nods. Jane then takes them on a journey.
Tavish hasn’t been home in years, and either the highlands weren’t as tumultuous as this or he’s gotten severely out of shape in his old age. He soon understands Mick’s anxiety, for while he’d thought night was still several hours away, the light disappears quickly as they hike, sweat on the back of his neck cooling as the shadows stretch.
They keep walking.
It seems they’ll go one direction, then the next, they double back again to the point where they may as well be going in a circle. At first Tavish tries to keep track of where north is, but it's hopeless when they get to the more thickly wooded part of the hills. Yet they keep walking, and Tavish worries about their friends, and Jane takes them on a winding expedition that no man would think to keep imprisoned on a map.
And then they arrive at the campground.
There’s only a few other spots taken, one of which is Mick’s van. None of the pitched tents belong to the Keep’s constituents. The last of the sun’s light disappears down the gap in the trees where the road cleaves them in two.
“…They’re not here,” Jane says.
Tavish can see that perfectly well, but he says, “aye. Must have taken a longer way than we did.”
Jan straightens. “We should go look for them.”
“Ach, they’ll be fine,” Tavish says, waving an errant hand at the woods. “They have the camping equipment. As long as they were canny enough to start setting up when they realized they weren’t getting back in time, they’ll live.”
This statement hangs awhile as crickets chirp in the hearty bluegrass planted by the registration office. In dawning realization, Jane says, “we don’t have the camping equipment.”
“Aye?” Tavish thought that was fairly if A then B.
Jane’s face screws up with something, but whatever it is escapes from his body before forming. “Come on. We can stay at my place for the night.”
There’s no chance to acquiesce, for Jane is off, and Tavish has to power walk to not be left behind. Before true dark comes the desaturation, the draining color from the little off-road passage tucked behind the roaring utility boxes, turning the world grayscale until night is sure of itself. The staff-only road winds up the hills slightly, hidden away so no campers stumble across it, and at the end is the ranger residencies, a handful of stationary trailer homes nestled modestly against the greenery. Long grass caresses against the tin walls of Jane’s home as he unlocks the door.
“The ‘ole cardboard Tetris?” Tavish asks of the abode’s interior. When Jane grunts in confusion, he elaborates, “what’s with all the boxes?”
“Oh. Just reorganizing.” 
Jane’s hand lies flat on the fridge door, staring at something pinned there by tiny tequila-shaped magnets. (Jane isn’t the only one with a penchant for themed Smissmas gifts.) 
Tavish is still puzzling over the crated possessions when he hears him ask, “why didn’t you go with the others?”
When Tavish glances over his shoulder Jane is staring right back at him. Tavish blinks. “Er…why…would I?”
“If I’d gotten us lost, we would have been stranded out there.”
“I suppose, yeah. But seems unlikely, doesn’t it?”
Jane stares at him a half moment longer before turning away. “You put too much faith in me.”
“Is putting faith in my friends another thing I shouldn’t do now? Along with the cardinal sin of ‘helping people’?” Jane doesn’t respond, and Tavish sighs. “Lad, everyone else ditched because they’re a bunch of easily distracted ninnies who followed the newest piper that came to town; but why on Earth would I leave you?”
Jane swallows silently. It’s hard to tell in the dark, but it looks like he closes his eyes.
Half bitterly, Tavish says, “I know I’m not supposed to ask you if anything’s wrong or whatever, but if something’s happened that makes you think we’re not on the same team, you’d tell me, aye?”
The paper under Jane’s hand comes off the fridge with a clatter, and he stuffs it in his pocket. The only thing he says is, “I’ll get you a spare pillow.”
Tavish lies on the couch that night—the sounds of pure, unadulterated nature outside so different from the pitiful attempts of urbanization of Teufort—and hopes their friends are doing okay out there.
You can put a soldier in the middle of a middling national park, but you can’t take the soldier out of the man. No time is that more apparent than at 5am, when Tavish awakens to the sound of a showerhead turning on. He pulls the loaned pillow over his head and attempts to go back to sleep, but this is comically fruitless, as no more than twenty minutes later the flagpole ceremony commences and a bugle blares through the rangers’ residences. Tavish emerges from the trailer bleary-eyed, and is too numb with sleep to do anything but watch Jane hoist the scrap of color notch by notch above the still unconscious roofs. No doubt the occupied ones have owners that are used to this by now, or at the very least are wise enough to spring for some earplugs.
One of the doors slams open to the clamorous denunciation of, “Doe!”
The man (who by the slightly larger size of his accommodations and the fact he’s taken on the burden of dealing with Jane, is probably the warden), storms across the yard with a pink bathrobe pulled tight around his shoulders.
“Fool!” the hollering, nearly as bad as the bugle itself, continues. “Cease! Cease at once, how many times have I told you to get rid of that screeching contraption from the pits of hell?”
“This month? Eleven.” Jane scratches behind his ear. “And I will tell you the same thing I have told you each of those eleven times: this is our duty as Rangers of the National Park Service! It says right in the handbook to honor the flag every morning.”
“That does not! Include! The trumpet!”
The warden is in the later stages of completely wasting away, his gaunt face losing a year with every minute in Jane’s company. He rubs his incredibly tired eyes with the hand not holding together his robe.
“Fah! This is your last warning, Doe. If I catch you playing that thing one more time, it. Will. Be. Your. Doom!” The warden spins on his (now dust covered) slippers and stalks back into his trailer.
“I will not bow to your threats, wizard!” Jane calls after the slamming door. “You cannot crush true American spirit! Not even with pink slips!”
“Wizard?” Tavish hums, suppressing a yawn.
“Yup,” Jane says. “No proof yet, but as soon as I do the forestry board will have him out of here like that.” He snaps his fingers.
Tavish nods. “One less thing to worry about, then. Ready to go rescue our friends?”
“…The friends who ditched us and followed some urine-drinking civilian to the middle of nowhere?”
Tavish thinks about that for a moment. “Hm. Breakfast first?”
“Yeah. That.”
When they finally catch up with the missing chunk of their party, it is two hours and several rounds of bacon later. All things considered, it could have been much worse; Mick’s navigation might have led them to the other side of the volcanic lip, or down to the wrong stretch of highway. As it is, the group had gotten close, but not close enough, and they’d set up camp only a moderate hike up the Redando trail.
Tavish and Jane arrive to a campsite slowly deflating. That fact that every half-minute, someone shoots Mick a dirty look is unmissable.
“I take it you lot didn’t have a pleasant night,” Tavish asks of the nearest wayward soul.
Mikhail grunts, and sullenly goes back to stuffing his tent in its bag.
Pyro, at least, is happy to see them. They bound up and cheerfully sign, “<this sucked! I’m sorry Jane, I promise to believe you the next time you tell me about Most Shrews.>”
Most Shrews? Tavish mouths silently.
“The venomous and completely shredded cousin to the Least Shrew,” Jane explains. To Pyro, he signs, “<apology accepted, Smokey. We all have to learn by falling on our asses every now and then.>”
“Can say that again,” Tavish remarks, looking around. Nearly every face is drooping and sleep deprived, and they didn’t have their eardrums shattered at five this morning. “Was it really that bad?”
“It was cold,” Pauling says as she walks up, tugging at a fashionable sweater that looks very new and very much like her au courant partner bought it for her. “And after everyone paired up, it was only Crue and Dell left, and they were not happy about it. They were arguing all night. Or at least I think they were. Mick snores really loudly.” If it were possible for her to slouch even more, she would.
“…Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen either of them around.”
Tavish takes another look. There are Ludwig and Mikhail packing up the cooking supplies, Scout spinning in circles trying to scratch a bug bite on her back, Mick shunned to the corner where he’s distinctly Not Looking at the new arrivals; but no Fortier or Conagher.
“I’m going to go check in on them,” Tavish excuses himself.
So it’s only Tavish there when the tent entrance is unzipped, a lone bartender who peaks his head in and sees…There’s really no way around it. He sees the pair of mortal enemies cuddling.
Crue’s teeth are chattering in his sleep, and it’s all clearly intentional because the two sleeping bags have been zipped together so Dell can wrap his arms around the leaner man. Even as Tavish stands there, gawking, the morning chill from the open tent flap blows in and Dell groggily opens his eyes. It takes approximately four seconds for him to become awake, realize he has a shivering Crue pressed to his chest, and notice that Tavish is standing over them both with the most I told you so expression a human face can manage.
“Aw hell,” he swears.
“Sorry to bother you,” Tavish says, putting his hands up in surrender, a motion that does not neutralize all other signs of smugness. “Just delivering the wakeup call.”
“I swear it ain’t what it looks like,” Dell tries, then reconsiders. “Damn it. Shouldn’t even bother. You’re all full of it now, ain’t you?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tavish takes a step out of the tent. Now that Crue has begun to stir, he says, “I’ll sooth the other’s worries. But swing by the Keep when we get back to civilization; I have a new drink I’d love you to try. As a way to say congratulations.” He winks, and lets the flap fall closed, ignoring the curses that follow him out as he leaves Dell to deal with whatever Crue’s personality is like in the morning.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @sardonic-the-writer.
Want one? Here’s more info 🦋🌈  
𝐏𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐧
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒘! Both chaotic and enthusiastic, you two would live a life of adventure and fun. He would feel odd not having you by his side, like a part of him is missing. Your souls are somehow entwined, like two sides of the same coin, or thread knitted together. 
・His signature show of affection is running the back of his pointer finger down the slop of your nose. 
・Of course you share a cabin on the Black Pearl (when you ... have the Black Pearl). You like to decorate it, and Jack has just learnt to let you
・Whenever you get hurt, that’s the only time you’ll see Jack serious. He will literally tear the world apart just to find you. So when you’ve got a wound, he’ll go crazy on the person who did it
・Calls you ‘love’, ‘pet’, ‘twinkle toes,’ ‘pretty eyes’. He loves making things up on the spot
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Barracuda by Heart
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
・Chaotic Dumbass Duo / Similar Personalities 
・Always Hold Grudges (Jack) x Forgives Too Easily (You)
・Always Bringing Them Rocks They Think They Would Like (You) x Keeps The Rocks (Jack)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your loyalty, fun-loving attitude and love for freedom. He needs someone who understands his love for not only sailing, but piracy. It’s freedom, but also ... taking your life into your own hands. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Would be Gibbs, Ragetti and Pintel. Gibs would be great at understanding you, even when you don’t fully understand yourself. Ragetti and Pintel would be so entertaining that you’d like hanging out with them, even if they were your enemies at one point in time. 
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
To me you seem like a mix of Jack, Ragetti and Elizabeth. You have this chaotic, enthusiastic and curious energy about you. I love it! You’re seem so fun, but a tad unsure of yourself. Don’t ever feel like you’re too much for someone, you’re amazing!
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
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In this universe fantasy and fiction collide. Although the animals cannot talk, there are fantasy creatures that lie in this world. So your pet is a dolphin (an already incredibly smart creature) who will somehow find you no matter where you are. It’s incredible actually, and it utterly freaks Jack out. 
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐖𝐞 𝐃𝐨 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑵𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒓! I just think you two would have such chaotic energy - but like ... manic behaviour? You would be so fun together, and poor Guillermo, running after you two. At least you don’t make as much of a mess as Nandor. 
・Nandor is constantly humming or saying things underneath his breath, Sometimes you have no idea how he’s survived for so long because there is not an ounce of self preservation in him
・Going along with each other’s crazy ideas - Guillermo is the voice of reason, so you can be as insane as you want
・Nandor would buy you incredibly expensive jewellery, and find (more like make Guillermo find) first editions of your favourite books. He would literally make a library for you filled with every book there is (Guillermo ... builds the library)
・Loves your brain and is constantly asking you questions. He wants your opinion on everything; something that he hasn’t experienced with other lovers
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
I’m Kissing You by Des’ree
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
・Height Difference
・Pair of walking disasters who cannot function without the other 
・ Madly In Love (Nandor) x Ridiculously Oblivious (You) - when you first meet each other. 
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Menaces To Society
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
You let Nandor be ... Nandor. You don’t try to change him, to make him ‘better’. You’re happy being yourself with him. But also, you do make him a tad more self-aware (because he listens to you and only you). 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Nadja, she would do wonders for your confidence. But also indulge in your fantasies and chaos. Not once judging you for your choices. She would support you in anything as well. 
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix between Jenna and Nandor; able to have fun, but also still learning about the world and what it has to offer. You’re, I guess, learning your place in the world. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
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I just imagine you having pets that are so vicious and possessive of you but you’re kinda like a ray of sunshine? Like I can imagine someone coming to your house with Nandor, thinking they’re going to meet this absolutely terrifying vampire, and who has these goddamn hellhounds for pets. But then they meet you and you’re so ... full of life???
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏! She’s chaotic by nature, but also self-aware and very intelligent. I think she would hate you at first - or pretend to hate you. Your cheerful and energetic attitude would ‘annoy’ her. But you would grow on her, not even meaning to. 
・Will only share her inner feelings with you. Everyone sees this once angry woman, who was traumatised and tortured by the Capitol. But you see what’s underneath all that. 
・From enemies, to friends, to lovers. She found a safe place with you. 
・Her pet name for you is your last name. She used to say it in a mocking tone, but now she says it with love and affection in her tone. 
・Her love language is quality time and acts of service. She’s a bit hesitant with the whole physical touch thing - until she felt safe with you. Then she kisses you everyday and loves to cuddle (she loves being the little spoon but don’t tell anyone)
・Moving in together was a big step in your relationship; one that no one really saw coming. You live in a house that is nothing like the Capitol; it’s more of a cottage. One that is close enough to civilisation but far enough that you don’t have neighbours
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Style by Ryan Adams
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
・Hates Reading (Johanna) x Lives For Reading (You)
・Looks Like A Cinnamon Roll, Could Kill You (You) x Looks Like They Could Kill You, Is A Cinnamon Roll (Johanna)
・Teases Them (You) x About To End Them (Johanna)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Enemies to Lovers
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your excitement and hope for life. You might not think it, but you bring so much to Johanna’s life. She feels so ... wrong inside, but somehow you’re able to help her fix the puzzle inside her. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Finnick; he would absolutely love your energy. Your honesty, how forthright you are. He would seek you out when he’s having a hard day, just sitting with you and Johanna. Of course, she would make a snarky remark but you would always counteract it with something positive. 
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix between Finnick, Haymitch and Effie. You have this effervescent energy. So lively and at times, lawless. I see you as a person who doesn’t like rules (or the ‘rules’ that neurotypicals have created). You’re unique, joyful and ... so alive. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
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You found him one afternoon on your walks with Johanna (she hated going outside, but you made her everyday). It was on the start of her healing journey, and then you found a stray. This starving mutt who came to you so humbly. You couldn’t deny him. But ... him was actually a her, and she had a litter of pups that she showed you the next day. (You seem like the type of person who animals feel safe with). 
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Which guys from pokemon do you think would be the least likely to want kids, or be okay having an s/o that doesn't want to?
Buckle up this is gonna be one hell of a list, I’ll try to give a brief reason why it why not.
If you want a character that I missed lemme know.
Also my non binary ass saw ‘guys’ and went ‘ah yes, a neutral term.’
So some of the ladies are in here too.
Red - doesn’t want kids, he values his peace and quiet too much, and all his trips aren’t exactly safe for a child, his career and traveling would be put on hold for a kid, and that’s just not something he’d want.
Blue - wouldn’t mind either way, while not having a drive to have a kid, if it happens it happens and he’d be fine with it. Also completely fine with someone who doesn’t want kids.
Lance - wants at least one kid, he finds kids cute and wants to pass down the way of the clan of dragon masters.
Morty - he’s great with kids but doesn’t want one himself, he’s happy to be an cool uncle or brother to kids.
Norman - wouldn’t mind another.
Winona - wouldn’t ruin her career like that. She’s much too busy and is more focused on working.
Wallace - values his beauty sleep too much, and another one who’s busy. Sure he makes time for his partner, but a child requires much more attention than he can give.
Steven stone - has wanted a child but with his hectic life? And constantly being in the spot light? He doesn’t think it’s a good idea to thrust a child, who didn’t ask for this, into the spot light. He fine if his partner doesn’t want one either, he understands.
Archie - he’d be a fun dad, not actively trying for a kid but hey if it happens! But also chill if his partner doesn’t want one, he is a wanted criminal after all.
Matt - another fun dad, fun uncle, definitely wants kids and would be hurt if you didn’t.
Shelly - Absolutely not, she’s a cool aunt, absolutely loves spending time with Matt and Archie’s kid, but refuses to have any for herself. Would be upset if you wanted kids if anything.
Maxie - (ignore my headcanons rn) he doesn’t like babies or toddlers, he works best with older kids, therefore no.
Tabitha - wants kids and would try his best, but he’s kinda bummed if you don’t want kids, granted he gets it, again a criminal.
Courtney - like the villains before her, she doesn’t think she could take care of a kid properly with her situation, but also just doesn’t have a parental drive.
Volkner - he’d like to have a runt or two, though doesn’t complain if you don’t.
Flint - GIB CHILD. He’s a family man, definitely wants kids and doesn’t think a relationship will work if you don’t want any.
Cynthia - eh maybe, she probably hasn’t put much thought into it, like one doesn’t sound bad. Fine if you don’t want any
Cyrus - NO NO ABSOLUTELY NOT, if you want kids you’re shit out of luck, he refuses to ever have any.
Cheren - one kid please, he’d love to have a child to teach and love, he’d be disheartened if you didn’t want one, cause he really wants to have one.
Bianca - wants a large family! She’d love to have two or more! She’s got a few names in mind too!
Prof. Juniper - Mm I can see her being for either, want kids? Cool she’s fine with that, don’t want kids? Cool she’s fine with that.
Burgh - are his bug Pokémon not enough for you? Tragic.
Elesa - she’s good with kids and would like one, but doesn’t mind if you don’t, she’s a busy person after all, being a gym leader and a model, she understands.
Skyla - would like one! Please! She loves kids and would love to have one of her own.
Brycen - he’d like two, no particular reason why, but he’s a softie.
Drayden - doesn’t want any kids.
Grimsley - nope! He’s happy to be the child free uncle that brings dope gifts for holidays, but other than that no, he likes his freedom way too much.
Adler - another that wouldn’t mind having kids but can live without one.
Ingo - based entirely off his partner. He’s not one that falls in love easy, and falls out of love even harder, he wants you in his life permanently. He can be with someone who doesn’t want kids.
Emmet - he’s torn, on one hand kids! On the other all the problems/easily potential problems that come with that. Perfectly fine if you don’t want kids, that means more fun for you two!
Prof. Sycamore - loves kids, is great with kids, but is a coin toss away if he wants to have one or not.
Guzma/Plumeria - absolutely not, they aren’t stable enough for kids in anyway, and they already care for their grunts (which is questionable.)
Nanu - another no, please he’s old, he’s tired, he barely takes care of himself, what makes you think he’d be fit for a kid?
Molayne - he wouldn’t be hurt if you didn’t want a kid, and the relationship can still go on.
Milo - would like one!
Piers - he raised Marnie, he is parented out, please no.
Sonia - would absolutely want a few kids! Of course once she’s in a good spot in her career she’d love to start a family with you.
Nessa - one, but she’s not going to be upset of you don’t want any.
Kabu - isn’t against kids but he’s perfectly fine without any.
Melony - she’s already had a five, she’s tapped out. No more for her.
Raihan - wants at least one little dragon in training, more is also fine, but you not wanting any is cool too.
Leon - wants a big family, he’s a family man!
Everyone in legends Arceus all have had kids so none of them will be here.
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radley-writes · 2 years
Ten writeblrs you recommend, go!
Eeeee, good question! I went way over ten because I have 0 self control lmao
@gingerly-writing, obviously - her ideas are :chef's kiss: and I am crouched like a little gremlin in the corner of her discord with both hands held out for a finished manuscript to read. GIB ECO HEIST <3
@cwritesfiction - I love their style! Everything I've read of theirs has been super-fun! Come here for all your urban magic and fun contemporary dorkiness needs!
@byjillianmaria - I loooooooved There's Magic Between Us and have it on my faves shelf! And I had the privilege of beta-reading a different project by her feat. a certain two Greek gods that stayed on my mind for a very long time.
@brynwrites - Their concepts are so incredibly whacky and imaginative and cool. Their writing style is so vivid and descriptive, and I often feel like I'm watching a film in my mind's eye when reading their work!
@linkedsoul - Their Lunar New Love story is lovely, and their poetry is just. Soul-chewing. I don't know how else to describe it, but it tears open my chest in the best possible way!
@fluoresensitive - If you haven't read faer work, you really should. Faer writing made me feel things I have not felt before!
@lowslore - Great fun and I love their mind!!!
@bebewrites - Night Veil is such a cool idea and I want more!
@concerningwolves - Fascinating fantasy - plus they're just an all-round awesome person!
@toboldlywrite - Cyberpunk, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi goodness!
@avi-why - Rad queer concepts that catch a fistful of my heartstrings and pull.
@goose-books - Their writing is DELICIOUS, their concepts JUICY, and I will read literally anything they create.
@incandescent-creativity - Their comic sans WIP powerpoint idea is a gift to the community... as she is herself! I want FLOAT!!
@cactusprincewrites - I've been gobbling up his short stories recently! Go check them out!
@asablehart - Just some of the most beautiful, haunting dark gothic writing and art I've ever had the privilege of feasting my eyes on!
PLUS TOO MANY OTHERS TO ENNUMERATE <3 I haven't been huuuuugely active in the writing community on tumblr for a while - my shitty health turn plus the pandemic blues really nuked both my creativity and my socialising spoons. I'm slowly rebuilding, and trying to get to know a few more of the fresh faces in the community - so if you're not on this list but think you should be.... this is your call to shoot me an ask and tell me about your fave WIP ;)
P.S. - if I got anyone’s pronouns wrong, just lmk and I apologise!
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develation · 1 year
Hello! It's been a while, are you doing well?
I was looking back on some posts and got to your ask, and I've decided it's a good time to start delving into your series :D it looks very exciting haha
Also wow, I've been pretty dead for quite a while :")) I have so much I want to draw haha (and I maybe might have some ideas for Crink idk-) but yeah, just wanted to pop in for a bit!
Have a good day/night!
Yes hello! I'm doing great about my trip to purgatory xD
And yay! I hope you enjoy it! I might have to go back and edit everything with a fresh pair of eyes but I hope it has lived up to the hype <3.
Always up for some more Crink art, gibs PLZ.
And you too!
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Steam Community :: Guide :: Owedevil’s Mass Effect ANDROMEDA modding guide
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 I can see the hair mesh but the texture is just one big black, blocky blob. This happens when the texture is not applying to your mesh. Are you running the. This has happened to me once and I have no idea why, unfortunately the only fix was to reinstall the game. Are you using a. Try putting your texture higher in your load order. It might be conflicting with another mod. Using one of my hair mods? Using hair texture. Trying to replace the intro outfit? PCC file containing the mesh? Check that you actually overwrote the original file when you copied it over. Trying to mod an outfit? Unlock all the possible outfits in your closet using an edited coalesced file. The spec map for Casual Outfits is completely different from Armors, so it will always be shiny, especially the skin areas that are showing. Almost all CTD are caused by forgetting to run Tocbinupdater. Next, make sure you have all the DLC. If it keeps crashing, keep trying to launch the game — sometimes it takes me four or five attempts before the game actually launches successfully without crashing. No idea why, but persistence seems to make it work eventually. If it keeps crashing after a dozen tries to relaunch, you might just have to reinstall. When I try to open a save, it crashes or infinite loads You probably have an extra blank space somewhere in your Gibbed save file. It can help you pinpoint if the problem is the whole game or just an area of the game. Try reverting back to the original. Sometimes mod files happen to be the same size by some happy coincidence. You just need to resize your texture image. The number of mip maps depends on the image size. First, make sure there are no mod conflicts, e. Try downloading the dev build and using that instead. You can download mine here. My closet crashes when I get to a certain outfit My game sometimes crashes when I scroll all the way to the last outfit or last armor in the closet. My only solution is not to scroll all the way to the last outfit or armor, naturally. After the intro scene, it came back — same problem. Just full replaced. Great tip! So I have got the mods working but when I use the Toyger mod….. Shepard is missing her teeth XD. Any suggestions? Basically, none of this shit works right. Try a different hair mod or outfit, different problem. Reinstall game and try again, more problems. I give up. Help me please! I can not set the texture of hair. I do according to the instructions, the correct net, but the texture is not loading. Just one big black blob. The same thing happens with any other hair. If I understood correctly, in Gibbed SaveEdit we set the path for downloading texture. I think the problem with this. Maybe how else you can ask for hair texture? Is it possible to somehow fix it? Any fix? Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Search for:. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar.
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iheartgracie · 2 years
johnny kavanagh quotes in binding 13
“You made me sleep on the floor, Johnny! That was mean."
"Because you can't be trusted with nice things."
"Not even a bed?"
"Yes, Gerard, not even a bed."
"Yeah, well, I'm your best friend and you put me on the floor," he shot back with a huff. "The dog gets the foot of your bed and I get the fucking floor."
I arched a brow. "Are you saying that you want to sleep at the foot of my bed?"
Gibsie stared back at me for several seconds before snickering. "Yeah, okay, I have no idea where I was going with that."
"Neither do I, lad," I muttered with a shake of my head. "Neither do I.”
“He lost it, lad. Went batshit crazy. Broke off his lead and made for the bathroom. Took a dump in the tub."
"Like his owner," I quipped.
"My mother has never taken a shit in anyone's bathtub," Gibsie snarled.
"Not your Ma," I retorted. "You.”
“You don’t smell it because you're immune," Gibsie retorted. Turning to Joey, he said, "He lets the mutt sleep on his bed every night."
"Call my dog a mutt again and you'll be wearing that frying pan," Johnny warned.
“I had to fight the smile threatening to break free when Johnny stopped at the top of the staircase to scoop up Sookie and then proceeded to carry the huge, 80lb minimum Labrador down the stairs like she was a baby cradled in his arms.”
“I'm going to be there one day," Johnny stated, tilting his head in the direction of the telly. "One of these days that's going to be me, Shannon.”
“Well, resurrectionator is a word."
"No, it bleeding well isn’t." I shook my head, aggravated. "It's not phonetically or grammatically correct."
"Grammatically correct?" Gibsie balked at me. "Look at you, Mister Higher-Level English, thinking you know everything with your Great Gatsby and Shakespeare. Well, not this time." He tapped his temple. "This time, I'm the smart one."
"It's called basic comprehension, Mister Foundation-Level English, and I'm telling you now, that you are wrong.”
“Still, I would have liked to have been told about this when it happened."
"Well, now you know," he bit out. "It was an accident. I didn’t mean for it to happen, and I don’t go around clocking girls over the head for shits and giggles.”
“And your intentions, love," Mam replied.
"My intentions?" The fuck?
"I know it's early stages and what I'm about to talk to you about is a long way off for you both, but it's important that you know about it."
“About what?"
"About sex, love."
My mouth fell open. "Why are you not hearing me? Why isn’t anyone hearing me anymore?”
“All the homework in the world won't help you if you walk in there without studying."
Gibsie grinned. "I promise I'll get caught up over the Easter holidays, Dad."
"Don’t give me that Dad shite,”
“Don’t be a prude," Gibsie chuckled. "It's perfectly normal."
"Lube is normal," I agreed. "You, on the other hand, are not.”
“Outside Center – that's you, right?" I asked. "You're 13?"
Johnny nodded.
"Unlucky for some," I mused.
"Not for me," he shot back with a grin.”
“They fixed my dick, Gibs." With a great deal of effort, I managed to hold a thumb up and wave my hand around aimlessly. "Happy days."
"Woohoo," Gibsie cheered, catching ahold of my hand. "Best news I've heard all year." He squeezed my hand. "You know what that means, don’t ya?"
"Shifting jackets," I slurred.
"Exactly," Gibsie chuckled. "Soon as you're back on your feet, I'll have you out on the tiles."
"Boys," Mam chastised. "Gerard, don’t encourage him."
"You get it, Gibs, You get me.”
"You are worth so much more than rugby."
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Writeblr Intro
Okay! Hi....Call me Stray and this isn't working for me so...Give me a sec I will try this one more time.
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(yup just shout randomly...that works great..just great)
Stray Storyteller over here. Nice to meet you even if I don't know you (if you are an assassin, I need information about weapons and the best way to kill a person)
Was that start too cheesy? Maybe it was. IGNORE IT. (I am not good at this sort of intros)
*whispers* still learning
Discord Server For Teen Writers
Projects (with links ofc):
1. Defenders 2.Havenpoint 3. Stolen By Silence 4. Orphic Academy 5. Games of the Astute 6. Little bit of nonsense 7. Rebel (you wont be seeing more that small snippets of this WIP since I want to publish this) 8. The Playground (on the way) 9. And other random bits of writing Note: The tags are the name of the WIP.
Random Stuff About Me:
1. She/her 2. Bisexual mess 3. If you wanna talk to me, you will have to be the first one to reach out. I am too afraid of embarrassing myself most of the time but I have been trying to throw myself out lately. 4. Libra 5. Open to all tag games, asks, worldbuilding Wednesdays, blorbo blursday, storytelling Saturday, and tiny scene sunday. 6. Can't write a romance story even if my life depended on it 7. Exactly ten google docs with WIPs and one of them is for half formed WIPs. That singular one itself has 7 WIPs 8. Looking for dystopian, sci-fi, fantasy, ten year old assassins, school with creepy monsters, a cursed magical playground world? You have come to the right place my beautiful friend! 9. Too many ideas 10. Daydreamer 11. Trying to be adventurous in an adventureless world. 12. Um... cat gifs? 13. Poisons and weapons 14. Dreamcatchers? Gib them to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee (Gib the swords too) 15. bleh bleh blah (Dracula style) 16. Formulated exactly 7 different ways to assassinate my chemistry teacher and coming up with more 17. Obsession with nursery rhymes with a dark background or creepy meaning 18. Older sibling by six years. 19. I repeat myself a lot. 20. Overly honest...maybe a little too much. 21. Have you ever killed someone? 22. I draw...sometimes.
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 2 years
Okay but with all jokes aside I feel you on that note. While yeah, Im a hardcore found-family trope person I wouldn't say that Adeuce+The ramshackle duo are that since by putting that up it kinda seems disingenuous to what they are ig?? I dunno its just that to me the four of them are not like that because they are more than that IG??? Bc like yeah, Yuu will leave and the they might/will grow apart once the journey ends, neither of them could ever forget one another yknow what i mean????
FNDJFSK They give me so much emotion that they easily overwhelm me, ask me about any of them and I will take a long ass time to reply and thats on god jhdfsjdfh im so sorry for the incoherent bullshit you have to read jhdfhjdfhd anyways pls gib ur thoughts about Them in general pls They never get talked about as much as they deserve to be. Thank u for ur service in advance jhhsdajdsajd
I tear up thinking about the fact that Yuu will eventually return and just leave the twst behinfdduwb—
Like the emotional damage i give myself realizing that with Chap 6 being out, Grim's OB scare..... It's wrapping up and my chest hurts. I already know the amount of fanfic fix-it's about the Adeuyuu are going to be in abundance,,,,,
I'm already incurring emotional damages—
You know HxH where Gon and Killua become friends but that friendship ends up with Killua playing clean up and after Gon's recovery he admits that he wants to "restart" but still stay friends?
I think of Ace as Killua at the end of his journey if you catch my drift???
He's the realest and I'm tired of pretending he's not??? Especially when he punched Riddle for talking his shit about Yuu? Chefs kiss that boy might be sneaky as shit but he calls it like it is.
I think with Deuce there comes the problem of him kinda being a follower? What i mean by this is in every gang there's always a leader, and Yuu just so happens to be that leader—if you get what I mean—
Then his idea of model student always following the code and you see where things could go left—he's Killua cleaning up after Gon basically, yeah he can put his foot down but as long as Yuu remains neutral why would he?
He wasn't the one to strike Riddle, Ace was. Of course people could justify this by saying that Ace is more volatile (?) Or that Ace was high on emotion,
Yet, Deuce was the one who wanted to deliver a right hook until Crowley stated that he couldn't because the battle was a test of magic.
You catch my drift???
I genuinely believe that if Deuce was in the leader role he wouldn't take shit from Ace, Grim, or Yuu (because at 14 he was running a gang of 30+ members) however, with this new change and Yuu being the leader he's more reluctant— he'll make a passing comment but thats about it.
He's Trey but with a more violent side (Floyd if he was trying to be a better person) is what I mean.
I fuck with Grim heavy but I'd def fight him over a pack of noodles because he's a lil food thief— Grim's (and, by proxy Yuu) development is very slow compared to Adeuce, no one really challenges him on being "A Great Magician" which I think ties into NRC and the entire student body all, secretly, wanting to be revered as well its more of a matter of who's overt and who isn't, who has the skill and potential, and who doesn't.
You catch my drift?
I also believe that Grim is somewhat enabled by the cast (yes, he gets teased but thats about it) especially Yuu, since they always clean up after him— Ace even has a voiceline telling Yuu that Grim has gotten himself in trouble (with a student or teacher)
Him being separated from Yuu after harming them allows growth— beans day event, when Cater mentions that Malleus would bring too much attention Grim says that he should be mindful as well.
Yuu is def Gon in the sense that they have Deuce to clean up after them, but also Killua in the sense that they clean up after Grim (and Adeuce in Chap 3)
An interesting dynamic if you've watched HxH.
Which is why I love their dynamic and I want to see how they grow!!!!
Def the best show of friends in twst considering Trey and Riddle, Azul and the Leeches, and Rook and Vil—I'd even say they're the healthiest friendship in NRC and Sebek, Jack, and Epel gravitate to that.
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sevendeadlymorons · 3 years
An MC that loves history perhaps? (I’m a philoshy /history student) I’m foaming at the mouth at the idea of an ENTIRE YEAR OF LEARNING HISTORY I NEVER EVEN KNEW ABOUT then it turns into an orgy as the other anon requested
GDJSJSJSBDJS JKJK ABOUT THAT PART fbjdns your reaction was so funny why did I chuckle at it
Idk man that’s just so exciting to me - you don’t have to do all the brothers , whoever you feel like would have much a reaction? Idk man god I love you
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Nobody :
Me : I GiB yOu KiSs
Two queers of separate genders mutually simping over some sexy sins
I’ve been thinking this one over for a while now honestly, and for starters, I failed history so hard. I despise the subject lmao. Anyway, I thiiiink I’ll do Luci and Satan just because I can’t imagine the other brothers would care too much 🤣 I may do a few short ones for the other brothers, maybe...
LMAOOOO I love you too I gib you kith 😘
Brothers Reaction to MC Who Loves History
When he first heard you loved history, he knew you’d be pestering him about Devildom history as soon as you got the chance to
And that’s exactly what you did
You’d follow him around, asking these continuous questions about the Celestial War or how the Devildom came to be or just meaningless facts that nobody actually wants to know
He’s not used to anyone actually enjoying RAD either
You’d arrive to the history class like you just won the lottery, it honestly quite disturbing how passionate you are about it
But nonetheless, he’s glad you’re passing in that subject, unlike his brothers
He actually decided to answer your obnoxious questions one day and you turned out to be pretty good with the topic
Your face would light up every time he told you a new fact you didn’t know and he actually found it quite sweet and it made him smile
You were showing obvious attention in class to the point where you’d randomly tell him facts that he didn’t know
Sometimes, he felt It was like listening to Levi talk about anime, except for Devildom history
Though he doesn’t enjoy the constant headaches you give him, he does actually really enjoy having conversations with you about human world history
He finds it intriguing how there’s so much he didn’t know about your world and he honestly loves hearing about it
Hearing your little history facts throughout the day is his favourite thing now
Hearing that you liked history was actually quite exciting for him as he loves little intellectual conversations with others, but he can never do them with his brothers because they have no idea what he’s talking about 90% of the time
Turns out you know quite little about Devildom history, not that he’s surprised though
Takes it upon himself to teach you a bit of history before you start lessons on it
Loves the face you make when you hear something that interests you and can’t help but smile and chuckle at your sweet reaction
You always come to him after RAD to tell him about this fact you heard, and even if he already knew it, he’d smile and listen carefully as you talked about it like it was your favourite thing in the world
Adds on to your facts sometimes and watches your face twist into an even bigger smile at the extra information
He also comes straight to you whenever he learns a new history fact he read in a book or heard in RAD
He’ll even let you borrow some of his history books if you ask
After a while, he’ll start initiating certain topic on different things with you. He likes talking about the Celestial War, and since he wasn’t in it, it intrigues him and he always likes to learn more about it, so he learns with you
Likes studying with you just because you’re such an energetic and fun person to be around when it comes to history and he just needs that in his life
You two are genuinely such history nerds; his brothers have no clue what you two are on about almost all the time
Safe to say you two are a great pair
Can’t seem to understand you much honestly
He appreciates the study help but if you could slow down for a second; he has no idea what you’re going on about right now!
Regularly asks for homework help cuz he’s failing hard
Finds it kinda cool that you know so much though
Not one clue what you’re going on about
He’ll happily answer all your questions about Celestial War but anything else? Ask Lucifer.
He’s just trynna watch some anime and you’re telling him random history facts, stop already
Does appreciate your help with history though...
Finds it nice that you’re so passionate about something
Springs in little facts here and there to see your face light up
He knows a bit about Devildom history so he’ll happily tell you whatever you wanna hear~
You talk a lot about history, he’s not gonna lie, but he likes the sound of your voice
You sure do ask a lot of questions that he doesn’t understand...
He’s not exactly the best at history but he finds it nice how happy you get when he tells you something history related
Really likes studying with you because you always seem really cheerful
Tells you history about Devildom foods if he knows any, it always makes you happy, so he’s happy
He’s pretty good at history himself and honestly, he’s impressed with how much you’ve picked up
When he’s not sleeping, he’ll answer your little questions about history sometimes
Finds it interesting that you’re so passionate about Devildom history even though it wasn’t exactly the most exciting half the time
He’ll ask you about human world history in return for answering your questions. He also kinda likes seeing your smile when you blab on about it
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ofsavior · 3 years
ship bias list:
Note that this is not an entirely comprehensive list, because I’m always open to ideas (especially in the context of development). I’m a chemistry-based shipper, but if anyone needs a starting point these ships are ones that I have ideas for and would be interested in exploring.
All ships can be platonic or familial, but romantic ships will be specified.
P = Platonic ; R = Romantic ; F = Familial ; E = Enemies
Shouto & Momo  // P and/or R Bakugou & Momo  //  P and/or R Iida & Momo  //  P and/or R Denki & Momo  //  P and/or R Jirou & Momo  // P and/or R Kendou & Momo  //P and/or R Shinsou & Momo  // P and/or R Tokoyami & Momo  // P and/or R Any of the other Class A students  // P; potential for romance Any of the Class B students  // P; potential for romance Aizawa & Momo   // father figure Tamaki & Momo  // brother figure
Monoma & Any Class B characters or Bakugou for the lol’s  // mostly P Ochako & Monoma  // P and/or R Tsuyu & Monoma  // P and/or R Momo & Monoma  // P and/or R Shinsou & Monoma  // P and/or R Eri & Monoma  // sister figure
Tsurugi & Mikuni  // P and/or R Tsurugi & Yumikage  // P and/or R Tsurugi & Mahiru // F Tsurugi & literally anyone who makes him happy
Ophelia & Lawless  // R Licht & Lawless  // P and/or R open to ideas.
Bishamon & Kazuma // R, slowburn Bishamon & Yato // P and/or R; potential for Enemies Bishamon & Kofuku // P and/or R Bishamon & Older!Ebisu // P and/or R Bishamon & Younger!Ebisu // F
Nine & Twelve  // P and/or R Lisa & Twelve  // P and/or R Twelve has two hands... so both Nine and Lisa open to crossovers.
Avatar: the LA
Ty Lee/Azula  // P and/or R Jet/Azula  // Idk what this dynamic would be... but it would be interesting obviously open to all other dynamics too, but only Ty Lee for romance.
Fairy Tail
Mirajane & Erza  // P and/or R Mirajane &  Cana  // P and/or R Mirajane & Minerva  // P and/or R Mirajane  & Jenny  // P and/or R Mirajane & Juvia  // P and/or R Mirajane & Evergreen  // P and/or R Mirajane & Laxus  // P and/or R Mirajane & Gajeel // P and/or R Strauss siblings and Yukino family dynamics pls
Loke & Lucy  // P and/or R Loke & Gray  // P and/or R Loke & Cana  // P with potential for R Loke & Mira // P with potential for R Loke & Yukino // P Loke & Gray & Cana  // P and/or R
Erza & Jellal  // P and/or R Erza & Gray  // P and/or R ; possibly one-sided on Gray’s part Erza & Lucy  // P and/or R Erza & Laxus    // P and/or R Erza & Juvia  // P and/or R Erza  & Minerva  // P and/or R Erza & Gajeel // P, (maybe) R?, and potential for rivals Erza & Sting  // P ; big sis vibes; maybe one-sided on Sting’s end? Erza & Rogue  // P
Sting & Yukino  // P and/or R Sting & Rogue  // P and/or R Sting & Minerva  // P and/or R
Gray & Juvia  // P and/or R ; slightly picky with romance here Gray & Cana  // P and/or R Gray & Lucy  // P and/or R Gray & Wendy  // spare little sis???? Gray & Rogue  // P and/or R Gray & Jellal  // P and/or R ; one-sided on Gray’s part Gray & Sting  // P and/or R ; they would be a great buddy comedy Gray & Rufus  // partnership! partnership! Gray & Yukino  // P and/or R Gray & Minerva  // P and/or R ; he’d probably be into her but in a lowkey ‘too cool for this’ way Gray & Lyon  // gib brothers Gray & Ultear  // gib siblings Gray & Meredy  // P and/or R Gray & Laxus  // two bros sittin in a hottub -; would like to see them be closer
Edens Zero
Weisz & Rebecca // R and/or R Weisz & Shiki  // P and/or R Weisz & Hermit  // P and/or R Weisz & Laguna  // P and/or R Weisz & Homura  // P and/or R
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Kashima & Hori // R and/or P Kashima & Mikorin // R and/or P Kashima & Chiyo // R and/or P
K Project
Saruhiko & Misaki // P and/or Romantic Saruhiko & Hidaka // P and/or Romantic Saruhiko & Anna // P Saruhiko & Reisi // F
Izumo & Seri // P (rivalry) and/or R Izumo & Mikoto // P and/or R Izumo & Tatara // P (potential for R)
Keith & Lance  // P and/or R James & Lance  // P and/or R Allura & Lance  // P and/or R Pidge & Lance  // P and/or R
DC Comics
Kori & Jason // P and/or R Kori & Dick // P and/or R Kori & Victor // P and/or R Kori & Roy // P and/or R Kori & Rachel // F; potential for R if chemistry is there.
Roy & Donna // P and/or R (exes too) Roy & Jason // P and/or R Roy & Wally // P and/or R Roy & Dick // P and/or R Roy & Garther // P and/or potentially R Roy & Hal // F Roy & Dinah // F
Your Turn to Die
Joe & Sara // P and/or R Joe & Ryoko // P and/or R
Jayce & Viktor // P and/or R Jayce & Mel // P and/or R Jayce & Caitlyn // P and/or F
Caitlyn & Vi // P and/or R Caitlyn & Jinx // Enemies, potential to explore more
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rvmmm21 · 3 years
. six things vampires love about puppies .
[vampiremum!irene x puppy!wendy]
. . . . .
In Joohyun’s definitely unbiased opinion, Seungwan has too many habits that make her the cutest girl in the world. 
Here are just a few of her favourites:
Mornings aren’t the best, the vampiress especially can attest to that. But luckily, they have ‘Sunshine Time’ before school. Just as the gentle morning rays peep through the curtains, Joohyun dutifully rouses little puppy, peppering kisses over soft ears, feeling her actions prompt a string of tiny yawns, one big stretch, and the groggiest little mumble of “luv u mummie”. Joohyun’s heart sings at the sound of her title, and she tells her Wannie that she’ll never stop loving her too. They brush their teeth, but before they even think about getting ready for the big day of learning ahead, Joohyun’s bent forward with Seungwan’s both hands around her wrist as she toddles over to the window. 
She’s aimed for her favourite spot in the house, other than the play room, of course. It’s a homemade bed thing that Joohyun had crafted from an old duvet and some spare blankets. Joohyun thinks it kind of looks like a dog bed, but she only smiles when Seungwan gravitates towards it, knowing the penny will drop when little puppy is older. Within minutes, they’re in their routine position; Wannie snuggled into her blankies and the vampiress sitting right where the light draws the line into darkness. Joohyun’s knees hurt sometimes from the strain of how she’s sitting– staying in the dark but also reaching over as much as she can to give Seungwan the head pats she deserves (and whines if she doesn’t constantly get).
Because it’s still relatively early in the morning, Joohyun more often than not finds that Seungwan’s checked into Dreamland yet again. An adoring sigh leaves her as she detaches herself and lightly pads over to the wardrobe to get her uniform out while her snoozy puppy snores lightly in her puddle of sunshine.
They’ll pack lunch together.
. . . . . 
Seungwan’s sense of smell is vigorous, which is great because it’s also how she shows affection. Sometimes, Joohyun will find herself with a chestful of mopey puppy in the middle of the day while she’s doing whatever she’s doing. She presses her nose into Joohyun’s clothes, or even just her collarbone and takes lungfuls of her mummy’s scent. 
“What’s the matter, puppy?” she coos, gently tilting her sniffling Wannie away from her.
Seungwan’s too upset to talk. She wriggles, wanting to latch on again. But Joohyun won’t give in. Not yet.
She takes the tip of a velvet ear between her fingers, giving it a few soft rolls and watching erratic breathing calm down. Truthfully, there’s no need to even ask what the matter is. Those teary eyes can hide nothing from her.
So she resigns, letting Seungwan quietly cuddle into her front.
“It’s maths homework, isn’t it?”
There’s a small nod against her followed by heavy inhales. The vampiress whispers to her baby until the hiccups even out and Seungwan is sound asleep. They’ll work on those equations later on.
Joohyun swears if maths were a person, they’d rue the day they ever hurt her Wannie.
. . . . .
On a slightly more serious note, Joohyun has had to have some talks with her baby about self-assurance and dignity. It was on a walk one afternoon, and Seungwan had seen some other kids over by the swings.
“Swings! Push Wannie?”
Seungwan is always this excited about swings. Swingy Time gets her Wannie just as hyper as Swimmy Time. Joohyun holds her hand as they approach the swingset, ready to wait their turn. She looks down to see a tail held high, poking from underneath the seam of her puffy winter coat, something she learnt puppies do when they’re feeling friendly and happy.
That is, until Seungwan realises that, on second thought, she… didn’t really want to go on the swings after all.
As they near, the vampiress swallows a surprised gasp when Seungwan just… anchors herself to the ground. It takes her a while to figure it out, but when she observes closer, the problem shows itself larger than life. 
They’re not hybrids, just regular children.
A pang of heartache twists into her chest as she watches tiny hands move at the speed of light, furiously tucking her tail up and under her coat so it’s way out of sight before making grabs with outstretched arms at the baseball cap on Joohyun’s head.
She knows what Seungwan is doing, but she asks anyway, ready to teach her. “Why, baby?”
Guilty ears flip back and sadly droop down. Seungwan knows she’s been read, but she can’t help it! Those kids are going to run away if they see gross dog ears sticking out of her head!
“G-gib Wannie,” she pouts, quickly remembering her manners when Joohyun raises a brow down at her, “pl-please… mummie.”
“You’re hiding your ears, aren’t you?” The vampiress crouches. “Wan-ah, don’t do that. Don’t hide those cute ears and that happy tail. Mummy loves those so much.”
Seungwan is all but convinced. You may like it, mummie, but– ”when they see, they say Wannie’s weird.”
It’s time to be firm, and Joohyun holds a pouting puppy still. “Look at me, baby.”
Teary eyes meet hers.
“Those kids are not going to make fun of you. And if they do, then mummy won’t be happy with them. And you know what that means, right?”
Seungwan can’t hide her evil smirk. Extra brussel sprouts for their dinners.
“You’re not weird for having these,” she emphasises her point by smoothing a warm, chocolate ear and Seungwan’s eyes begin to close. She squeaks when Joohyun moves to untuck her tail from the base of her coat. “Or this.”
She’ll save the real talks about self-esteem and insecurities for when her puppy is older, but for now, Seungwan just needs to know that her mummy will have her back, come what may.
Hand in hand, they make their way over to the swings and the playing children. And aside from the initial blatant questioning about where she got those added features, Seungwan made a few new friends at the park that day.
(Joohyun was ever ready to pounce at the slightest hint of mean-spiritedness she felt– but she realised that it was just that no beating around the bush way that kids ask questions). 
. . . . .
Oh, oh, okay. So Seungwan is a nervous little puppy as much as she’s a friendly one, right? And Joohyun finds that hilarious and heart-wrenching all at once when she watches her pup trying to make new friends but can’t seem to find the right way to introduce herself. It takes all her cooperating brain cells to not either roll about laughing or scoop the little thing up and smother her in reassuring kisses when the ‘I’m Shy, It’z Me’ stance comes out. 
Ears pressed flat, eyes burrowed into the ground, tail stiffer than a wooden plank.
The other hybrid kid pokes unsure, searching sniffs at the air around her, clearly very interested in becoming friends.
Aigo, you need a boost, don’t you baby, Joohyun coos, coming up with her magic hands to help her relax. “Wannie, come on. Say hello.”
She gives her shivering puppy a few butt pats to ease the tension. “Aigo, Chaengie won't bite. Look, she’s curling her tail! She wants to play with you, Wannie!”
A coffee-coloured ear springs back up, curiously folding over as Seungwan cocks her head. Chaengie wants to play too? She quickly glances back up at her mummy, as if double-checking with her that that really was the case.
“Mhm,” the vampiress assures with a few more tail pats of encouragement. “What have we said about manners, Wan? What do we do when someone’s happy to see us?”
Seungwan pauses for a second, but eventually looks up with soft, shiny eyes, whispering, “wag tail, mummie.”
Joohyun thinks Seungwan’s innocence in situations like these is astounding, but she knows she’s got the right idea. She smiles and nods in affirmative praise. 
We show them we’re happy to see them too– 
– so yes, puppy, wag tail. 
“Good girl! Go on, you can do it.” Her comforting presence takes a flame to the frozen fluff, and it begins to swish back and forth. Tentatively at first, but then like a speedboat motor, a couple hours later when they’re frolicking in the park, playing tag and one hundred percent best friends now.
Joohyun and Jisoo watch from afar, wondering how those silly kids were ever so shy in front of each other in the first place.
. . . . .
If Joohyun has one complaint, it would be the misfortune of physical growth. The vampiress misses the times where her arm span alone was enough to wrap puppy in a burrito hug during movie nights or… whenever a set of curious eyes spied her mummy’s arms lacking in… well, her. Unfortunately nowadays it’s a bit harder to cocoon her baby like she used to so easily do, only because Seungwan’s sprouted a few inches skywards. But Seungwan doesn’t know that. She still thinks she’s as little as she was when her mummy had spooked her and taken her home that night. 
And Joohyun’d be damned if she ever changed that.
. . . . . 
Turns out that one way ticket to Nibble City was actually an All Seasons VIP Pass, because Seungwan is unstoppable.
Whenever she finds something she really, really loves, she does these little nibbles on them to show it. And it isn’t just limited to her dino-shaped butter biscuits or Pippin either. There are many things she loves! Mummy the most, of course. And then there are the inanimate objects.
As much as Joohyun doesn’t mind it, Wannie’s habit can prove to be a challenge. Especially when she finds the corners of pillowcases suspiciously frayed when she’s having guests over, or when she’s trying to stir Yerimie’s favourite kimchi soup, only to pick up the wooden ladle and find its handle all wet and indented with tiny teeth.
“Seung-Wan-ah!” she calls… in that tone.
That tone that soon has muffled, panicked thuds reverberating through the house as a little someone makes a break for her toy fort where she’ll be safe from the dragon’s wrath. 
She thinks she’s so slick until the dragon herself barges through that door, effortlessly bypassing all Seungwan’s meticulous booby traps and her blue blanket moat. Her castle, her safehold has just been ruined! All lines of defence defeated by the monster herself!
Her fort is under siege, so like any good ruler, Seungwan resorts to playing the deadest of dead. It’s never very effective though, because with just a few tickles, the dragon is able to conjure an innocent little puppy back to life.
“Yis, mummie?” she replies, giggling softly.
And then the dragon’s gone and her mummy is back all of a sudden.
Joohyun shakes her head at how easy it is for Seungwan to make her forget why she was mad in the first place.
. . . . .
There are so many more things to list, and the vampiress could go on for centuries about Seungwan’s endearing quirks.
So perhaps she will, but for now, it’s time for a dino-shaped butter biscuit and some cuddles.
See you soon!
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small note: this makes me think of you. when you see this, i hope you smile too.
an even smaller note: not proofread. i'll do that in a sec. but i missed them so much too! didn't expect to churn this out at this time but here we go.
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miss-bvnny · 3 years
Yet another fan tweaks up TLK 2 and TLG: The Squeakel.
Im bored and in a lil pain. time to jot down all my personal ideas/headcanons for how I'd polish up TLK 2 and TLG to fit with the first movie a bit better, and create something more cohesive since like only about 3 people on the TLK2 and TLG teams paid attention to the first movie. I've seen a lot of hedcanons and AUS and whatnot in my day so I've kinda got a good idea of what i like and what I think might work better. Veteran TLK creators please interact with me and gib feedeback on my sick tricks
Uhhh TW for abuse and cub death
So...while there's TECHNICALLY nothing I'd change about the first movie, as it's pretty much done and solid, I wanted to play with my ideas for Zira's backstory.
YES in my version it'd be a one-sided love, kinda like how DemiiDee on dA and Silver-Wolf-17/@mask-of-prime see it, Scar knew she was obsessed with him since the day she met him as a cub, and took advantage of that. After he became king, he wanted loyal lionesses just in case Sarabi, Nala, Sarafina and the others got wise and rebelled. Zira and her pride sisters were all starving, and he knew that. He welcomed them in, promising food and comfort in return for their loyalty. Zira didn't hesitate to agree, and Scar loved her blind adoration of him. He WOULD have liked it if someone like Sarafina was so blindly in love with him (Scar had a gross unrequited obsessive crush on Sarafina growing up, and he constantly held it against her after she chose to be with Nala's father Mega instead. This is another reason why he was so hard on the hunting parties. He used his position as king to get petty revenge on childhood bullies and the like). Scar decided Zira would be his queen but like...ONLY because Sarafina had already made her choice. Zira didn't care, and knew she'd make Scar proud and produce a lot of wonderful heirs for him, in order to repay him for ''all he'd done for her'' (A very thin and insincere ''all'' if you ask me). So, Zira gets pregnant with who will eventually be Nuka, but...Rafiki takes a look at her and sees she's very weak and will probably only have one cub. Oh well. Let's just hope this one son is a suitable heir in Scar's eyes.
Nuka's born. Weak, unfocused, and not at all what Scar wanted or was hoping for. He TRIES to teach Nuka and raise him as an Heir, but...it just doesn't work. Scar believes he was destined for greatness and for a prosperous, strong lineage. Nuka is none of those things, and it seems Zira will never be able to give him another heir (I KNOW the ''This woman can't have kids'' trope is icky but HOLD ON wait until you see where I'm going with this) Scar disowns Nuka and scolds Zira for disappointing him. Zira begs for his forgiveness, and swears on her life she'll find a way to make things worth Scar's while.
During this time, several of the male cubs who were born around the same time as Simba are being exiled. Scar doesn't want any males around to threaten overtaking him, and nips the problem in the bud before it ever becomes an issue. Many pride sister saw him doing this, and while they disagreed with it...it DID offer one bonus: Trustworthy males were leaving for better lands. They could take the new young cubs with them, since none of the sisters wanted their children to be raised in Scar's Pridelands.
Surprisingly, one of these lionesses trying to save her cubs...was Zira. Within the last few months, she'd...began to realize perhaps she was looking at Scar with rose-colored glasses. She was beginning to wonder if perhaps she was wrong to worship him the way she did. The thoughts were still kinda...new, and she wasn't sure what to do. But, during all her confusion, she DID happen to meet another male lion. Mpendwa, (Swahili for ''Honey'') was an old friend from her teenage years who was a wanderer by nature. Zira was VERY happy to see him again, after all these years. She met with him in secret, when Scar and the Hyenas weren't looking, and began to fall in love with him. REAL love. Mutual good love, where he loved her for who she was, and NOT what she could give him. Even Nuka seemed to like him, too! And...by some miracle, Zira and Mpendwa had a secret litter together! Four beautiful, healthy little cubs! It was perfect. SO perfect. Perhaps the problem had lain not in Zira, but in Scar the entire time. It served as more confirmation to Zira that...perhaps she was in the wrong to love him. Mpendwa asked her if she and their four cubs would come with him. Somewhere far and somewhere safe, where they could be happy together. Zira...was hesitant, afraid of disappointing Scar further, and even more afraid to leave her pride sisters behind. They were in this because of her, and...there were so many of them that it'd be impossible to get all of them out without Scar seeing something was up. Nevertheless, she knew she had to think about the future of her cubs, and NOT about Scar. She agreed, and plans were made for Zira and Nuka to meet Mpendwa at the border with her four cubs. In the dead of night, they'd leave using the rest of the evacuating males as a cover so they could make a clean getaway.
....Well...to make a very heartbreaking and gruesome story short...Scar knew about Mpendwa the entire time. And of course he saw Zira was pregnant. He overheard their plains to escape, and prepared accordingly. Mpendwa and three of Zira's cubs were killed as punishment for her disloyalty and attempt at mutiny. He lets her keep the youngest one alive as a reminder of her shortcomings, but ONLY if she'll swear her loyalty to him once more. With nothing else left to do, she swore her allegiance to him, and returned to the Pridelands with only Vitani and Nuka left of her family. In the coming days and months, Scar turns up the charm to further entice Zira, making sure she and Vitani are given the best of everything and taken care of, to ensure she feels terrible about what she did and she never acts out again. Sadly, it works, and Zira falls back in love with him, realizing SHE was the one in the wrong, and was an utter fool to betray Scar. Things are....steady for a while. Not bad, not good, but...steady for Zira and Scar. He of course ignores both cubs, and Zira has to reach out to him pleadingly if she wants to connect with him. Zira works as a willing mouthpiece to spout propaganda tot he rest of the pride, assuring then Scar is a GREAT king, their ONLY king, and that he will usher in a new golden age for them all. It pleases Scar and he is sure to...ever so slightly reciprocate his gratitude to her. If only to keep her totally convinced to stay with him. Zira can see he's...flaky and not too sure about her, and decides she MUST act fast to show him she is worthy.
She MUST somehow produce him a viable heir. And quickly. But with all the other males gone, there's not a whole lot of cubs being born. And her beloved Mpendwa is long dead. So...she has to figure something else out. One day, while hunting for Vitani and Nuka on her own, she runs across a skinny dark brown lone lioness taking a dead zebra somewhere. She tells Nuke and Vitani to wait, and begins to stalk this female, named Jibu (''Answer'') Jibu takes her kill to a secluded spot, and Zira notices she's having trouble catching her breath. It doesn't take Zira long to see...Jibu is pregnant. VERY pregnant, and close to giving birth. GIVING birth, actually! She's going into labor. Jibu cries out for mercy, knowing she is alone and there is no one around to help her. Zira, in a moment of maternal instinct and compassion, helps her. She, along with Nuka and Vitani, stay by Jubi's side as she gives birth to one little brown cub. Then, Zira gets...a really really REALLY terrible idea, just looking at the little cub. Calmly, she tells Vitani and Nuka that Jibu will need some water, and that they need to bring some back for her in some fresh moss. It's a big job, and the cubs are BOTH very willing to help. Vitani and Nuka leave on their big mission, and then Zira, Jibu, and the new cub are left alone.
Zira is quick about it. Merciful, even. By the time Nuka and Vitani get back, Jibu is dead. Zira sorrowfully tells the cubs that...the birthing process was simply too much for a weak and skinny loner like her, and that there was nothing at all that could have been done. Nuka asks what they're going to do with the cub, and Zira says she SUPPOSES they could take it back to the pride, as well as the zebra Jibu just killed. They return to the pridelands with food, and...Zira presents the cub to Scar. She tells him that his mother gave birth on the edge of the territory, before succumbing to her dehydration and fatigue. Scar looks the cub over, and is overjoyed. He declares THIS cub, this Kovu, WILL be his heir.
So, time passes, and before you know it, Simba returns. The TRUE Pridelanders rise up and reclaim their land. In the wake of his return, Zira's pride sisters see the error of their ways, and oppose the hyenas in battle. Scar is overthrown, and Simba takes his place as King. Zira is of course horrified, outraged, and...filled with a turmoil of emotions about it. Some part of her feels...free that Scar is gone, but the rest of her was so twisted by his words that she doesn't want to admit she's happy he's dead. She chokes those feelings down, trying to sit still and look pretty for Simba as he moves in. Nuka, Vitani, and little Kovu are doing well, and...as a mother that's all she should care about, really. But...deep down inside, there's a growing, growling, burning need for revenge in her soul.
As Kovu grows a little bigger and the pridelands heal more, Simba and Nala announce the birth of their OWN heir.....Kopa. Yep. Yes. That's right, I'm a Kopa theorist. Upsetting, I know. But like....it makes sense. Look at how overprotective and suffocating Simba was to Kiara in TLK 2. Almost like he'd dealt with tragedy in relation to a cub before, and vowed to never let it happen again. Huh. If YOU'RE reading this and you have no idea who Kopa is and the drama behind his very existence, first of all God I wish I was you, secondly, go here to learn what then entire TLK fandom is divided over:
Anyway, Kopa is begins to grow and learn as the next king of Pride Rock, good friends with Nuka and Vitani, and even their cute little brother Kovu. He's not...VERY old right now, but he'll grow and be able to play with them one day! Their mom, Zira, seems....a little upset about stuff. She always watches them from afar, never engages with the rest of the Pride, and doesn't seem to like Simba. Kopa, as a young kid determined to be a great king, takes a note to keep an eye on this. She might be really old, but she's part of his father's kingdom. Everyone else is happy and healthy, she should be too, right? Simba and Nala seem...worried about her as well. For different reasons, but yeah.
Ever the hunter and woman scorned, Zira has been...studying Kopa. He's young and naive, but...eager to learn and take over for his father. He's studious and intuitive, often finding trouble without meaning to, because he was trying to solve a problem or get involved in pride politics. Of course, all the other lions and creatures love him, and are eager to see him grow into a fine future king. There s NO doubt he's a jewel in his family's crown. But...he is still a cub. Zira remembers how devastated she was to lose Vitani's three siblings, and knows that Simba and Nala will be equally devastated if....something happens to Kopa. She knows exactly how she's going to avenge Scar now.
Simba and Nala were out on a little moonlight hunt together one night, like they enjoyed to do together. They were coming back to Pride Rock afterwards, only to hear a terrible commotion. Zazu rushed to meet them, telling of something terrible that had just happened: Zira tried to assassinate the young prince. Her pride sisters were now in arms against Sarabi and her pride sisters, trying to stop an attempted uprising. Simba and Nala quickly joined in to fight, Simba finding Zira with Kopa in her jaws. He stops her, and Timon and Pumbaa are quick to get Kopa to Rafiki for healing. Simba and Nala face off against Zira while she gives her side of the story. telling about how she's tired of being docile and pretending her heart isn't broken after Simba and Nala both took everything from her. Simba and Nala both see she's still...terribly twisted by Scar's words, trying to be patient but firm with her as they attempt to talk her down. She won't have it, and leaps at Simba, Nala gets involved, and they fight her off. Simba calls for her banishment, and she is thrown out of the Pridelands with the rest of her followers, and her three cubs.
During all of this, Rafiki is attending to Kopa and his injuries. They're...bad, but not fatal. With time, he'll be just fine. Zira left him blind in one eye, gave him a terribly ripped ear, nearly tore his tail off, and he's got a deep throat scar that will alter his voice quite a bit. With time he'll be alright physically, but...I'm not so sure about mentally. Kopa has...a LOT of PTSD over it. blaming himself for how he thought Zira was a friend he could help, wondering if he was stupid for never seeing her anger sooner. He begins to question his abilities as a future king. Yes, he's still young, and accidents happen, but...this event has left him a bit jaded all the same. Simba and Nala see it, and...want to do the best for their son. They can see the enthusiasm in his eyes to one day be king fading. It's devastating. And...while Simba isn't about to give up on him, he doesn't want to force Kopa into something he...clearly doesn't want to do anymore. On top of that...Simba fears Kopa may not be safe in the Pridelands anymore. Zira and her followers ARE in the Outlands, but...Zira is bold and full of hate. There's no telling what she could do next. After a lot of deliberation, meeting with Zazu, Nala, and Kopa...the king comes to a conclusion. He strips Kopa of his title as an heir, and sends him to live in the Oasis with Ma, Uncle Max, and the rest of Timon's family. He'll be safe and well-fed there, far away from Zira. It'll only be for a while, until the trouble with the outlanders settles down, and until Kopa is ready to return home. Kopa agrees to the idea whole-heartledy, and departs for the Oasis as soon as he's fit to travel. It's...painful and hard, but it's the best option for their son's mental health. Simba and Nala do visit often, and are glad to see it DOES seem to be working.
Okay. So Zira tried to kill Kopa in the name of Scar, got herself booted, and the origins of her three cubs have been dealt with. That's all the Zira/Scar and Kopa backstory stuff done and dealt with. I'm gonna cut it right here since this is gettin awful lengthy, and continue with TLK 2 and The Lion Guard in a part 2. Keep an eye out for that one.
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