#sry im just super heated about this apparently
purpleshadow-star · 1 year
Tbh, I really don't understand why Percy was so quick to turn on Nico in The Last Olympian. Like, Nico said multiple times that Hades just wanted to talk to Percy. He said that Hades wanted to see him before they tried the river, which means obviously Nico had no intentions of them staying with Hades for long. And he explicitly said that Hades just wanted to talk. I get being annoyed or even upset at being tricked into a surprise visit to Hades, but going as far as trying to attack Nico and calling him a traitor? As if Nico completely lied to him? As if Nico wasn't still (obviously) planning on helping him? Especially since Nico already seemed reluctant and guilty about his actions? I don't get that at all.
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Seriously, so unnecessary.
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And he was told, straight up, that Nico made Hades promise not to hurt him and that Nico genuinely wanted to help him.
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Percy isn't dumb! At this point, it should have been clear that Nico was tricked. Nico obviously didn't want Percy captured or hurt, yet Percy is still acting and thinking awfuly towards Nico, even when he literally shows up to help him escape.
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Honestly, I think Nico handled this much better than I would have. If I were Nico and Percy attacked me like that after it was clear that I was tricked, I would just threaten to leave Percy there. There is literally no other way to make it more clear that Nico didn't want to see Percy hurt. From the beginning, there was no doubt that Nico thought Percy would be safe, yet Percy still was acting like an irrational idiot and ignoring what everyone around him was telling him, for what? Just so he could feel justified in his anger towards Nico?
And then, after all that, he had the nerve to say that Nico owed him! After Nico broke him out and helped him become invincible!
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I get that Percy's fatal flaw is loyalty. It only takes one instance, one breech of that loyalty, for him to turn on people, but there was literally no instance where anyone could doubt that Nico wanted Percy safe. Literally, from the first moment it was revealed that Nico brought Percy to Hades in exchange for information about his past, it was clear that Nico thought Hades only wanted to talk to him. It was clear that Nico thought Percy wasn't in any danger. It was clear that Nico never wanted Percy to be hurt, imprisoned, or killed.
Sure, I'd get it if Percy was annoyed that Nico used him as a bargaining chip for information without warning him in advance, but Nico's loyalty to Percy was never in question, and Percy was literally told that several times by multiple people.
Percy just annoys me so much in this part. It annoyed me before, just based on memory, but I thought he was kind of justified in his mistrust of Nico since Nico did trick him. Now, after rereading it? No. Percy is definitely in the wrong here.
I don't ever want to hear another person say that Percy never treated Nico unfairly ever again. He totally overreacted to this situation. If Percy should have been mad at anyone, it should have been Hades (although Percy already had unjustifiable biases against Hades even before this, but that'll be another post). Hades is the one who tricked Nico into bringing him there, and he's the one who broke his promise. Hades is the one who locked him up. Nico went out of his way and defied his father in order to help Percy escape.
Is Nico right for tricking Percy to get more information about his past? No, of course not. Nico should have at least told Percy about what he planned to do. He might have been able to convince Percy to go along with it. But was Percy justified in his actions and thoughts towards Nico during and after this? Absolutely not.
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domesticangel · 5 years
2 4 8 13 14 18 22 29 33/34 36 37 40 41 44 48 55 69 76 80 82 94 95 98? Sorry if that's a lot sfhsghsh there were so many to choose from!! U can skip some if u want
SDFHSJKDL NAH DUDE UR SO FINE I APPRECIATE U GIVIN ME SO MANY TO ANSWER !!! 🤠🤙🏻 I’m gonna throw this under a cut just bc. I Talk A Lot
2. is your room messy or clean?
HHHHH i’d say its more on the messy side lmao like its not too awful bad but i am rly bad about having The Chair™ that i pile all my worldly possessions on
4. do you like your name? why?
ive honestly never rly liked it lmao emily was apparently like one of the most popular baby names for girls in ‘97 so from grade school through college ive always been one of like at least 2 or 3 emily’s in each class kjhkjhfkj thats why i mostly prefer to go by emmy
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?
i drive a 2002 ford taurus named tori and she’s my silver babby. she’s a very good car and i plaster her in as many bumper stickers as i can get my hands on
13. any siblings?
ye! one older brother. he’s like a cartoonishly stereotypical stoner but he’s chill so we get along
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
HMMM ive always thought colorado would be nice? i love mountains and i love cold weather and i feel like theres enough cities that id have an ok chance of getting a job in my field. somewhere in scandinavia might also be nice bc once again i like the cold and also ive heard their healthcare slaps
18. favorite tv show?
OOF idk if i could pick one fav but some I’m rly into and find myself rewatching a lot are scrubs, bojack horseman, its always sunny, archer, and dexter
22. do you go to the gym?
i do when I’m on campus just bc my school has a rly nice gym with a good running track but if I’m back home like over breaks and stuff ill just run outside. i sometimes go to the yoga/pilates classes my mom teachers at her local gym but thats about it
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?
HHHHH well. the main thing that came to mind was 3 years ago when i was driving and took a turn too fast and accidentally crashed into the front of a lady’s car….obv i didn’t mean to do it but i definitely was being reckless thinking i could make the turn. i totaled her car (i was driving a mustang at the time and those mfers are built like tanks so only our fender got dented but her entire front end was crushed) but luckily everyone was physically ok. i def learned my lesson about being a dumbass and also don’t fuck w rwd cars anymore lmao…even to this day thinking about how badly i couldve hurt her makes me shudder and i haven’t been in a wreck since
33. favorite actor?
idk if i can pick a fav but dfhjshgkjsdf i rly like samuel l. jackson, jason bateman, and paul rudd
34. favorite actress?
HHHHHHH i love so many actresses it’d probably be impossible to narrow it down but ive been rewatching ahs coven recently and it reminded me how much i love angela bassett and jessica lange 😩❤️
36. favorite movie?
kjghdsgjsk IM SRY IM PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE OF NARROWING ANYTHING DOWN TO ONE BUT,,, some of my consistent all times favs are the kill bill movies and the kingsman movies
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i dont tbh i did when i was a kid but i always abandon books halfway through whenever i try nowadays,, i think the last book i read was the kite runner and its definitely one of my favs. i also like p much all of toni morrison’s books but beloved was my fav of hers
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?
i think only twice??? once when i was RLY young for something i don’t even remember and again when i was still p young to get my tonsils out lmao
41. top 10 favorite songs
OOF ok favorites are so hard for me but some songs ive loved for a rly long time and always come back to are nightdrive with you (fear of tigers remix) by anoraak, countdown by beyonce, song of the sea by cake bake betty, surrender by cheap trick, bubbly by colbie caillat, ferrari by coyote kisses, that green gentleman by panic! at the disco, nightswimming by R.E.M., if it makes you happy by sheryl crow, and punk rock girl by the dead milkmen
44. what is your biggest fear?
JHDFKJLSHKJSGFK ok this is kinda morbid but like i have this specific fear of someone close to me dying and it depressing me so much that i like, am not able to finish school and pursue my career and i get like totally trapped as a result of grief that sustains itself by constantly reminding me that said dead person would be disappointed in me for quitting. Sweats Loudly
48. who is your role model?
prob my mom tbh which i know is. Cheesy but like. she’s been through so much shit and still came out the other end of it as this unconditionally compassionate and capable person and i just. thats what i wanna be
55. what is your dream job?
honestly this might sound sad but like? literally anything that doesn’t make me wanna die and pays well enough that i can pay my bills and have a little fun on the side?????? obv some kinda art career but as for what specifically I’m rly not picky tbh jfghjhf all i know is that id wanna work for a company as opposed to freelancing
69. do you play an instrument?
nope dkljhfsdjk im not musically talented in any way shape or form
76. what color looks best on you?
black or tie dye, no in between
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?
probably just like? super negative people. like people that go out of their way to find negativity and complain about other things or people and have no desire to look on the bright side or enjoy the little things. like chill dude. we’re all just here to have a good time
82. favorite ice cream flavor?
HMMM i rly love pecan praline ice cream !!!
94. favorite lyrics right now
i honestly rly like the chorus from help yourself by sad brad smith,, “I know you’ll help us when you’re feeling better, and we realize that it might not be for a long, long time, but we’re willing to wait on you, we believe in everything that you can do, if you could only lay down your mind”
it just. makes me Soft. it reminds me of the ppl in my life that believe in me unconditionally and are patient with me and how grateful i am to have them and all the people that i love and believe in too and. Yeah 😩❤️
95. summer or winter?
winter 100% i HATE heat and sweating plus like 90% of my wardrobe is cold weather clothes fdljhksjkdh
98. favorite month?
HMMM probably november? its usually like the transition from fall to winter so you get that really nice crisp fall weather that flows into the super cold hot cocoa weather that i loooooveee
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So, our next trip was to the Philadelphia City Archives! I originally took a ton of photos, but the really sweet & knowledgeable lady who worked there was in a bunch of them, and I don’t think it’s cool to post peoples’ photos on the interwebs without permission, so sry friends, but this is what I have without any faces!
When we visited, tbh, i wasn’t in the highest spirits considering we were morons and just walked 20 minutes in sweltering heat (wtf September???), but it all changed when we walked into this crazy, vault looking hidden gem in one of the Drexel buildings. First off, the super sweet lady who I mentioned above greeted us with such enthusiasm, which idk about y’all, but when someone loves where they work, it makes me 10 times more interested. So, alas, despite the super gross heat (SERIOUSLY), I was stoked to learn more about the Philly Archives!
Some of the most memorable things were that the archives has all these documents that i didnt even think to consider they had??? for example, the archive worker pulled out all these blueprints and crazy, beautiful designs for possible city buildings that don’t exist, (personally I rly liked the star building sry for those who have no idea what im even talking about) but were suggested; it made me think about all the insane plans that some people might have proposed, you know? Also, apparently a lot of the documents aren’t allowed to be photographed or put on line, like city hall blueprints for security reasons, and idk why but it kinda struck me as odd at first? I never really thought of people wanting to do harm to the mayor or people living in city hall or anything like that before, because I feel like its the president and the top government people who pass legislation that pisses people off the most and mayors and city workers like who we met before try and look out for the people and the community, so i guess it was kind of a reality check in a way if that makes sense? Especially with the kind of hateful environment that we have going around right now...That was a little off topic, but it was an interesting train of thought that the visit brought up for me.
Another interesting thing was the design/interior space. I actually started absent mindedly doodling thinking about the space and came up with this lil water color/acrylic thang. I was really interested in how, even though every single aisle looked the same: very monochromatic, kind of mechanical looking...tbh i hate saying it, but it was a depressing space just because im claustrophobic and everything was kind of cold looking...which very much so contrasted with all of the lovely, interesting info inside all of those boxes. It made me think of a person tbh. You can look at someone without really knowing them, make judgements about how they look and dress, but you have to really look to understand the whole package. In all honesty, I related a lot in an abstract, metaphorical way. I’m not complaining in any sense, but sometimes people who claim they’re super open minded make the harshest judgements. 
ANYWHOOOO sorry for the digression, but I started painting with these neutrals and blues and layering and starting to make this book-like appearance (I know there aren’t books in the photos but in my mind i was thinking about the individual documents that we were shown). I wanted the things on the shelves to stand out more than the washy-robotic looking color of the center aisle, and the bland-brown-background.I initially created a few heart-monitor like marks across the page, which then turned into the black lines in acrylic to represent the connection to human nature that I envisioned. OFC this isn’t anything near finished, but it was a quick sketch/material experiment that I wanted to include in my response. I think I’m gonna layer over the books with different browns, greys, and blues more, define the floor, and add different colors on top of the black heart monitor lines to symbolize the many different flavors of things that the Philly Archives hold. Also, i’ve started working with water color on different materials in my practice more, so I liked that my first instinct was to translate these thoughts through this new process. 
I’ve also noticed that a lot of the places that we go, i really notice the interior design/architecture. I was initially kind of worried coming to grad school after some time that I wouldve lost everything that i learned in undergrad, but its nice to be able to approach a place with my architecture background. I really like that as I go through different phases in life, instead of having the new part of my life replace something else, I kind of add it into my skill set. im not totally sure how this is related, but ive started thinking of this blog like an arts & process personal journal. I wanna keep documenting my thought process though this whole journey so maybe it’ll help me figure out my overall direction career wise? idk.
Thanks for reading all of this, well, i guess art diary at this point woo
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