queen-serena · 7 years
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SasuSaku Month Day 9: On Opposite Sides
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ikari-cat · 7 years
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SSmonth Day 9: On Opposite sides X
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fiyazas · 7 years
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Sasusaku month 2017
Day 9: On Opposite Sides.
‘‘Too close to call destiny, too far to call fate.’‘
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lavendersmiles · 7 years
I Will Be Here
SasuSaku Month 2017
Day 9: Opposite sides
Best read when I Will Be Here by Steven Curtis Chapman is playing in the background <3
FF Link :D 
"I love you, anata."
She smiled softly, the Uchiha matriarch's face was one of great content. Sasuke held her in his arms as her life slipped away. All his emotions came crashing down, and tears flowed freely from his face. She's gone. Uchiha Sakura is gone.
Dead, like his heart right now.
She will forever be remembered in the shinobi world as the greatest medic and a part of the legendary team 7.
To her friends, she is the loyal one who is willing to risk her life for her comrades.
To her family, she is the loving and caring mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother whose love is one of the foundations of the clan itself.
To Uchiha Sasuke, she is the light at the end of the tunnel… his spring… the love of his life… his one and only wife.
Konoha mourned for the loss of Uchiha Sakura and it took a while for the reality to sink in. Life continued – though a bit slowly to those dear to her. But ever since, Sasuke was never the same person again. What kept him going was the last conversation he shared with her, in the gardens under the tree they planted together.
"Anata… I think I have to leave soon."
He held her hand and placed it on his cheek. They gaze into each other's eyes, both with tears starting to fall. Sasuke couldn't say anything. Words left him again, his heart too hurt for his brain to function coherently.
"Remember our wedding vows, Sasuke-kun? We promised to be together… I believe death can't take us apart… since our feelings will forever be connected, ne?"
A nod was his reply, and he turned his head to kiss her palm on his cheek. "I… I don't know what I will do without you, Sakura."
She smiled at him, sweeter than ever. "I will be here with you Sasuke." She placed her other hand on his chest, right above his beating heart. "Right here, always and forever."
Sakura then placed her arms around his waist and placed a cheek on his chest. "Take care of everyone, okay? Take care of yourself also, anata."
A tear fell from Sasuke's eyes, and he didn't bother to wipe it away. "You're annoying, Sakura."
Both chuckled, nostalgia hitting them hard. He made her look at him, noticing the tears freely flowing down her cheeks. Lifting two fingers, he gently tapped her forehead, and gave her one of his smiles that was reserved for her – only for her.
"I'll see you soon."
Sakura smiled back at him and placed both palms on his cheeks. "Arigatou," he added.
"For what?"
"For everything."
The tears made it hard to see, but Sasuke saw with pure clarity the smile which brought the sunshine back into his cold, cruel life.
"I love you, anata."
Slowly, his health deteriorated. Everyone was afraid for him, but he wasn't. He greeted death like an old friend.
Uchiha Sasuke closed his eyes, a small smile forever immortalized on his face. Though the entire family mourned, they knew he is happy now. Everyone knew the two heads of the Uchiha clan couldn't be separated for too long.
They died on the same day, the same hour and minute – one year apart.
He looked around his new surroundings. Not far from him, someone was coming his way and made his heart leap with happiness. Twelve months may have passed, but he could never forget that hair the color of cherry blossoms and emerald eyes as fresh as spring that draw him in every single time.
He held out his hand, and she smiles as she took it with her own. They may have been on opposite sides of life for a year, but even that couldn't destroy the red string of fate that connects the two.
No matter what, they'll always end up together – loving each other forever.
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dezmari · 7 years
SasuSaku Month 2017 Day 9: On Opposites Sides
Sakura was being held in a cell out of countless others newly built in the bottom of the Hokage tower. It’s not a place she ever thought she would be, being held prisoner in her own village. But it wasn’t her village anymore.
Many of those she knew were being held in cells similar to her own… no, they were being held in much worse places awaiting much more severe punishment.
She had been caught in the hospital attempting to wake up Naruto from his long coma, she was turned in by her own colleagues. Those who feared their new Hokage more than they respected her. She shouldn’t blame them, it was called survival. Their punishment for turning a blind eye would have been much worse than hers for openly challenging his rule.
She could hear the door open and close at the end of the hall, could hear every step he took toward her cell until he made a stop. She hadn’t been made to wait long.
She didn’t want to look at him, but she knew how it went and he wouldn’t speak until she did. Better get it over with.
When her gaze met his, she was met with the man she had loved for more than half her life, the man who had betrayed them in the end. There were some days when she didn’t know which of those statements held more weight.
That day, the betrayal stung worse.
“Sakura.” He spoke her name with disappointment, she could almost hear the words he didn’t say. Here again?
She wasn’t afraid of him, she had already learned she could get away with much more than anyone else could. Whenever she went against his rule of rationing to save a patient she was let off with a curt but stern. Don’t do it again.
This time though, she was challenging his rule by trying to wake up Naruto from his coma. They both knew it was Naruto’s rightful place. He should kill her for that, he should have killed Naruto long ago. She held onto that and that’s how she knew he wasn’t all lost.
“You need to stop doing this, I can’t have you undermining my rule with your every action.” His words were tired, they’ve gone over this countless times. Any other day his words would have been met with silence, with her refusing to acknowledge him, that day she was feeling particularly biting.
“Then you’ll have to kill me.” It was yet another challenge.
“So this is the Sakura I’m met with today; the rebel, the fighter.” His expression was unreadable but his voice was amused. “I much prefer lover, the traitor to her own.” She didn’t flinch at his accusation, that day she was strong.
“Are you afraid to kill me? Afraid you won’t be able to come back from that?” She was baiting him.
“Don’t test me.” He threatened, half expecting her to back down. She didn’t.
There was a moment of silence between them, their gazes locked in a silent war neither of them were willing to lose.
“You know how to stop this.” It was a loaded statement. He could kill her or he could step down from power, neither of which he was willing to do.
“I will be back tomorrow.” He turned away leaving the unsaid part of his sentence hanging in the air, I hope you have a different answer by then. Sakura didn’t bait him then, she didn’t know if she could be strong the next day.
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thefacade-23 · 7 years
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SASUSAKUMONTH: DAY NINE Opposite Sides “Tadaima- Okaeri.”
This scene was my supposed version of the end of Sasu and Saku’s novels where Sasuke finally comes home. Haha. As usual, ignore the errors haha.
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kotokoharuno · 7 years
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sagara-megumi · 7 years
SasuSaku Month - Day 9: On Opposite Sides || [Fanfic] Playing Games
Title: Playing Games
Rating: K/G
Notes: Sorry for the new delay, I’m trying to catch up but this week I’ve been really busy. I hope to do it during the weekend. Let’s see... This one is quite light compared to the drama in prompt 8. Enjoy! ^^
Words: 2670
karuta: a Japanese game of cards. It’s very interesting to watch, so if you have time, you can check Youtube, there are plenty of videos
Akamon (Gate): one of the doors of the University of Tokyo (Todai). It’s really old and beautiful. here’s a link if you want to see it: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/whyutokyo/hongo_hi_007.html
tokonoma: a built-in recessed space in a Japanese style reception room, in which items for artistic appreciation are displayed.
tatami: traditional Japanese floor
Leaning on the door frame of the office, Uchiha Itachi smiled softly as he watched his little brother. Sasuke had some documents in his hand that he obviously had been revising and the smartphone on the other. And the smile that appeared on his face upon seeing whatever was on the screen was one he had not seen in a long time. He left it on the table again and typed something on his laptop, not realising he was there. However, Itachi could see that his shoulders were a bit more relaxed than some seconds before, and that he seemed to have renewed strength.
He had been admired at the dedication that Sasuke had demonstrated during the last weeks. Sometimes, he felt guilty about him inheriting everything in the clan: their hopes, their wealth and their patrimony. Sasuke would always be the second son, in his shadow since the moment of his birth and with a difficult position: he was not as important as Itachi so he was less valued, but also, he had to carry on his shoulders the responsibilities of the name and meet the expectations of everybody while being compared to his brilliant older brother. He had to give them his life without receiving the praises he deserved, just because it was his duty to the clan and the future head of the family.
He had been one of the few against arranging a marriage for him. Sasuke was only twenty-four and had been most of his life dedicated to his studies and the company, to please the elders. He still had so much to see and experience. Their mother thought the same, but they had been pressuring her till she had given in and had started to try to match her younger son to a fine young lady who could bring even more honour to the name of one of the oldest and most powerful families in the country. He had been glad when he had seen him reject one candidate after the other alleging stupid excuses. However, he did not know why, he had accepted the last one. And though thinking that finally the family had realised his plan and had compelled him to it, he had seen a new gleam in his Sasuke's eyes, one that told him that something was different regarding that girl. Had it been love at first? He doubted it. His brother was too rational to fall for someone just seeing a picture. But...
Sasuke lifted his face and saw his brother on the threshold, watching him, and frowned. It was one of Itachi's habits that irked him the most.
“You should have told me you were there.”
His older brother laughed lightly and walked into the office.
“I suppose so... But sometimes, I like to watch you.”
His only reply was an annoyed expression, and then, he went back to his report. The older man sat down on one of the big comfortable chairs opposite his brother. He crossed his legs and put his elbow on the armrest, leaning his chin on his hand. After a few seconds, Sasuke furrowed his brows and looked up again.
“What now?”
“Was that her?” Sasuke seemed puzzled for a moment, but then, he lifted an eyebrow, questioning him in silence. “You've just received a message.”
He regarded him with a neutral expression.
“How long have you been there?”
He pressed his lips, irritated. Itachi was one of the very few people that could get on his nerves since he was a child. Even though his first memories of them together were warm and happy, with Itachi watching protectively over him, as soon as he had reached an age where he wanted to be with boys of his age, he promised once and again to play with him but he never fulfilled it.
A mischievous glint sparked in Itachi's black eyes as he uncrossed his legs. Suddenly, in a swift movement, he leant over, picking up the smartphone before Sasuke could do anything.
“Brother, give it back” he had stood up and extended his hand, asking impatiently for the device.
“A university karuta exhibition tournament... Oh, and she's participating...” he gave him back his phone and smiled. “You should go.”
“I can't” Sasuke replied, putting his smartphone inside a drawer on his left, a much safer place, and trying to regain his composure as he sat down. “That day we have a meeting with AH Enterprise and a business lunch appointment with the manager from MK Industries.”
“You know, it's been a bit more than a month and a half since you two were introduced and you've only had one date...”
'Not even that' he thought, thinking about the call he had received before inviting her for lunch after the exhibition.
“Thank our 'dear' uncle for that.”
“When was the last time you saw her?”
Sasuke remembered the hotel where they had met by chance, the ill feelings, her hurt eyes... and a promise to take her to the restaurant they had not been able to go the last time. He still felt bad about the words he had said to her. Alone in his flat that night, he had realised that it was a miracle that they were still... 'something'. He had risked losing her for a stupid reason and even though it that situation had taught him one or two things, he knew that if he had the opportunity to go back in time, he would not do it again.
“A week ago, at the TY hotel by chance” Itachi tilted his head, puzzled. “When I went to the meeting with KT Investments. She was there, in the opening ceremony of a Medical Symposium.”
“Hum” at that moment, Itachi's phone started ringing and he looked at the screen, forgetting whatever he was going to say.
He stood up from the chair and made his way to the door of the office with a small smile to Sasuke. But before going away, he turned and pointed at him with a finger.
“Go. I'll talk to father about the lunch. Maybe you'll be able to skip it.”
. And Itachi always managed to have his way.
Sasuke stopped at the Akamon Gate and looked around, feeling out of place with his expensive suit and collected presence. Around him, people who clearly belonged to that place went in and out of the great door or chatted excitedly in small groups nearby. He looked at his watch. The tournament had started more than three hours ago, and he did not even know if she was still among the participants, or if it had already finished.
He went through the antique red door and looked around. The place was enormous, and he did not know where to start looking for the place she had told him when he had messaged her saying that there was a very small chance that he could go to see her. The best thing he could do was ask for directions, so he approached a group of students a few metres ahead.
“Excuse me” he called, and when they turned, the girl nearest him eyed him appreciatively and he felt the need to sigh tiredly. “Could you tell me where the karuta tournament is being held, please?”
Those words seemed to cool the girl's feelings, maybe thinking he had the taste of an old man. Another gave him directions, pointing at the end of the path he had ahead of him. With a light bow, he thanked them and went on his way.
“What a pity” he heard the woman say. “So hot and with such boring tastes...”
He rolled his eyes.
A few minutes later, he arrived at a small building where some students wearing credentials over their jackets were talking. He bought a ticket under their perplexed looks.
“Excuse me, but...” a young man told him. “... the tournament is almost in the final...”
“I suppose so” he replied. “I've just come to see someone.”
“I knew it” he heard one girl whisper to another. “He's taken... Lucky woman...”
He sighed. Did female students really study in that place?
He entered and left his shoes in a small locker. Taking his coat off, he went to the main room at the back, where the students had told him he could find the participants.
The sliding doors were open and he entered with utmost care to avoid disturbing the deep silence that there was in the place. He found a place to sit and kneeled there, watching the participants. It was easy to spot her since there were only four people in the centre of the room. Sakura was a few metres away from his position. She was wearing a pink kimono with small white flowers scattered along the sleeves and one shoulder, and a forest green hakama, and her hair tied in a bun at the top of her head.. Her posture was proud as she leant over her cards, ready to take them before her opponent. She had just a few left on her territory while the man opposite her had quite a lot yet. In a few minutes, she had won. The other game still lasted a bit more, and she waited patiently, with her hands on her lap, graceful like a statue.
Sasuke studied her serene profile. It was difficult not to admire her beauty. It was true that she was not an outstanding woman, like many entrepreneurs’ daughters, models and actresses who spend part of their time taking care of their physical assessments, but she possessed a unique charm in her soft features, eyes whose shade of green changed according to the light and her feelings, from the colour of the new leaves of a bamboo tree to that of the emeralds under the sunlight, and a natural elegance, noticeable in each gesture, that hid her strength of body and spirit. And those were only her visible qualities.
The final started after some minutes of rest for the two participants. Sakura and another woman took cards one after the other upon hearing the poems start being recited by the reader, probably a professor, with a characteristic singing voice. Both women moved around, picking up the cards that flew away with the speed of their touch, rearranging the cards once and again in their original position and adjusting their posture or their way of sitting during the fast game. In the end, Sakura lost for just one card. Even though she smiled and greeted the winner, he could see her disappointment in her pupils, especially when they fell on him. She seemed surprised to see him, most likely because he had insisted on the idea that he would not probably be able to go.
As soon as the ritual finished, she made him a gesture to wait for her and went to leave her second-place trophy, a commemorative plaque, with one of her club mates.
“Sasuke-kun!” she approached him, who had gone to stand near the door, and was leaning on one of the walls. “I'm glad that you could make it.”
“Thank my brother” he replied in a composed tone. “I had a lunch appointment, but in the end, Itachi convinced my father that both of them were more than enough to deal with the client.”
What he remained silent about, was the fact that Uchiha Fugaku had been convinced with a slightly different excuse. Itachi had argued that if he kept on neglecting Sakura, the possibilities of her marrying into the clan would be almost none. Not wanting to hear another long ranting about how his younger son was not able to fulfil his responsibilities, courtesy of the elders and the most traditional members of the family, he had agreed.
“I'll keep that in mind” she smiled softly, and both of them moved to the door. Most of the people who had been watching the tournament had already gone, there were just some participants and their relatives and the people responsible for cleaning the main room.
“I'm sorry that you came to see me lose,on” she said after a few seconds of silence, a bit embarrassed.
“But you won the previous game” he stopped and turned to her in a corridor that led to the hall and the shoe lockers.
“You were here?”
“For the final minutes only” he put his handinthe pockets of his trousers. “You're really good.”
“”But not enough, it seems. After my exams, I'll have to practise harder.
“You mean you didn't finish them yet? And you're here?” he asked a bit bewildered.
She smiled.
“I've been studying for a long time, so there is no problem. Also, we students need a break once in a while, don't you think?” she laced her fingers behind her. “I would go mad if I were studying for hours every day.”
He smirked lightly as he shook his head slowly. He should have expected  something like that.
She looked at the tatami room that they had left behind for a moment and then turned to him.
“Sasuke-kun, have you got any appointments or plans for the afternoon?” He looked at his watch.
“I have some matters to take care of, so I had thought to come back to the company when the tournamente finished. But I can spare some time... I can invite you to lunch, if you haven't had it yet.”
She shook her head.
“We had a lunch break after the second round...” her eyes sparkled with an slightly michievous glint. “I was thinking of something funnier.”
She took him by the arm and lead him along the corridor to a small room scarcely decorated. There were only a vase and a scroll in the tokonoma and a bookcase on the right side.
She let him go and went to the shelf, taking a dark box.
“How about a game of karuta?” he lifted an eyebrow, looking at her intently. “I suppose you have played before, right Sasuke-kun?”
“Yes,” he said putting a hand on his waist and shifting the weight of his body to one foot. “But only in New Year with my cousins and my brother.”
She smiled and took two cushions from a corner, putting them on the tatami; then, she kneeled on one of them and opened the box, revealing a set of slightly worn cards.
“You're not expecting me to play against you, aren't you?” she lifted her face to him. “It's obvious who's going to win, and I have my pride, you know...”
“Oh, come on, Sasuke-kun, don't be grouchy” she pursed her lips slightly, trying to contain her mirth. “It's going to be a friendly game, no more...”
“I'll even give you a five-second head start.”
He stared at her with half-closed eyes, as if she were mocking him.
“You're being too annoying today...” was his only response.
However, a moment later, he approached slowly and saw her take the second-part cards, leaving the others in the box and setting them aside. Then, she stood up again and went to the bookcase again to take a CD player.
“Our reader”, she said lifting it slightly.
He was not really convinced so he stayed  on his feet, watching her hands as they shuffled the cards. They were small, with thin fingers and really quick. Then, after she set them on the tatami again, he found her pleading eyes, and after a moment, with a defeated sigh, he left his coat on the floor and took off his jacket and his tie, putting them on top of it, and kneeled on the cushion, opposite her. She gave him the pile of cards.
“You chose.”
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majesticgeeks · 7 years
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sasusaku month day 9 
opposite sides
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