#ssp5 spoilers
ultimateinferno · 6 months
Hoid's Apprentices:
On the run from a Necromancer Star Fleet
Dragon exiled and trapped in her human form.
My man, you're 2 for 2 on apprentices who are all fucking boned situationally. What's wrong with your third and final apprentice?
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to-shards-you-say · 7 months
can't wait for ssp5's obligatory one line reference to future era nalthis that sends me into a death spiral
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off-brand-adorabbit · 6 months
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zibus · 6 months
Ssp5 spoilers
Also spoilers based on WoBs.
So Yolen still has (or had in the last 80 years) a fully functional society of some kind, seemingly focused on/lead by dragons. "Humans" were mentioned but so was the term "mortals." Probably then human means human species, but there are other races such as the Sho Del. Since the prologue is in doors, we dont get any idea of the current spread of fainlife. In my head I'd imagined if Yolen was still habitable (killing a god seems like something that might have massive sideffects), it was completely overcome by fain and so not many humans left. Given how many humans are mentioned, that seems to not be the case - unless Frost is specially protecting them or something.
Feel like there's a lot to chew on even in these very short readings.
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starling-illu · 6 months
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new child to adopt just dropped
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to-shards-you-say · 6 months
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to-shards-you-say · 6 months
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the dominant colour of the Light emitted by the Radiant's armour in the preview chapter has changed between revisions! it's now blue instead of violet... i don't yet know what this means, but it feels VERY deliberate
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zibus · 6 months
Ssp5 First Read Reaction. Here there be spoilers!
Oh shit, we're on Yolen!
This... this is a dragon! We're getting a full Cosmere dragon pov!
If her uncle is Frost... he sounds like Frost.
It rustng is. Oh storms. WHEN IS THIS BOOK SET?? Is this opening pre-Shattering?
"You can never be ruined" feels like its an important line for some reason.
Huh. What does the light have to do with it? Is the sun invested in some way? Like on Canticle? Was the Yolish sun important to Adonalsium?
Ooo... one of the shorts is in here as a flashback? Is it 6th or is it Silence? Those would be my guesses.
Its the 6th sequel! Freaking finally! Or at least half of it is.
Okay. Okay. So from the first draft we got a while ago - Dusk is planning to go into the Patji's perpendicularity and try and discover some way out of their predicament - caught between Scadrial and Roshar. I imagine the aviars and his time sailing are going to help him navigate the Cognative realm. So how is the prologue relevent? Will he meet Starling there or perhaps a modern day dragon pre-transformation? Gosh, imagine if you were a young dragon lost/trapped in the Cognative realm. My guess is the strange black sun there wouldnt have the same effect. Your body is ready to be reborn into something new but you're missing an important piece. That would be awful.
Well, lets see if this new version has any new clues.
A direct hint from the Radiant about the perpendicularity. Why did he mention it, I wonder? The implication has always been the aviar were the prime interest in First of the Sun.
Also, feeling more likely this fellow might be a servant of Odium. The bit about rising through the ranks through war feels kinda like how the Fused talk. Could concievably be Alethi, though.
Okay. Starling is the other main pov character. And she is trapped/exciled as a human. Due to Frost? Someone else?
I feel like my guess from above is going ro be surprisingly accurate, though not for the reasons I suspected. Also, does not seem that Starling is old enough for the prologue to be pre-Shattering.
Nazh jump scare.
...and he's dead. Rip, i guess.
Khriss is gonna be the engineer, isnt she?
Oh, its not. An Aetherbound. I figured with Nahz here she'd probably be around.
Awakened Metalminds as computers. I wanna see one.....
Xisis name drop.
Yeah, i was right. "You can never be ruined."
Is this also going to be our Silverlight story? I hope we at least get a glimpse.
Is Starling our 3rd Hoid apprentice? Thatd be intereating, eapecially if he "stole" her from Frost.
Ooo. Bird-human. New races, heck yeah.
Ooo. Hordeling doctor. All the alien crew is awesome. A shade, a dragon, a kenku, a bug hive-mind. Sounds like a little Star Trek story in the Cosmere.
Im definitely super excited. Ive been hankering for this story for a while. Dusk is definitely going to be meeting the crew of the Dynamic and learning just how big the Cosmere really is.
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