leona-florianova · 2 years
Zdá se, že "šarm" Petry a Zdeňka Černínových u lidí z Respektu respekt moc nevyvolal...
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absensia-archived · 1 year
It was becoming uncomfortably warm inside the kitchen, and it was only about to get worse. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of Charlotte's face and she let it trace its line down the curve of her cheek to the point of her chin. The effort she poured into keeping her hands as steady as possible, was matched only with the effort she made to slow her breathing. SURE, THEY WERE RUNNING OUT OF TIME, BUT THAT WAS HARDLY A REASON TO PANIC. Beside her, a wood - burning stove crackled on cheerily, indifferent to the woman's predicament. It'd been fed recently, so what did it have to be worried about? Certainly it did not have any reason to be hissing curse after curse. Not like her, who had a very good reason and now here was another! Fantastic.
" Alright! " Her voice rang out, loud and clear as a fucking dinner bell. Charlotte rose from her haunches and straightened onto her knees, the grooves of where the tiles dipped into a clean line of grout pressing painfully into her kneecaps. She regarded the mess of wires and gears from above. The wires seemed to spell out a message in a language she didn't read, but whatever it did say, she was sure it wasn't a fucking love letter. AND WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF HOTEL KITCHEN DIDN'T HAVE A WALK - IN COOLER? Briefly, Charlotte had considered picking up the bomb and making a run to the nearest elevator and sending it up where she knew the floors had been cleared, but then there was no telling what would happen if she so much as elevated or tilted the device the wrong way. It wasn't one of hers.
With one last quick glance at the now - dying flames inside the stove, she stood,( slowly! ), up from behind the kitchen island and sent her pocket knife skittering across the checkered floor. Without taking her eyes off the device on the ground, Charlotte reached back, pulled out the pistol she had pressed against her back, and tossed it at the soldier's feet. " Look, you --- " Charlotte stopped when she saw the soldier standing across the kitchen; eyes did a quick sweep of the area and of what little she could see past his shoulders into the corridor. A smile played across her lips as she returned her attention to the soldier, solid greys flickering from his head to his boots and back up again. " Oh, it's just you and me now! Where did all your buddies go? "
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moyokeansimblr · 1 year
Sim State University Dormie Pool
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And finally, the Sim State University dormies! All 50 SSU dormies, ready to be added to your dormie-less SSU!
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I gave everybody a cellphone and any information the wiki had on them such as LTWs and Interests if they had them. Names will be randomized when you add the pool but you can change them with simpe back to their originals.
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Secret Society members have the appropriate token, but I once again did not test to see if they actually are really members whoops. Also, I again may or may not have fixed Jess, Noelle, Sierra and Jihoon's broken faces.
Keep in mind they’re pictured here with my default skin and eyes.
To use the dormie pool, place the SSUD folder into either
C: > Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection > University Life > TSData > Res > NeighborhoodTemplate
or C: > Program Files (x86) > EA Games > The Sims 2 > The Sims 2 University > TSData > Res > NeighborhoodTemplate
or if you have your game installed somewhere else, so long as it winds up in the neighborhood template folder of your university EP.
After that, add it like a normal university. After you add it, you can delete it (provided it’s not the only unversity) and the dormies will stay. I feel like I explained that terribly so let me know if I’m not making sense 😂
✨ As with anything, I highly recommend adding it to a test hood before you add it to your main game. Don’t forget backups! 🙏I warned you! 💕
Sim State University Dormie Pool Download on Patreon (FREE)
But please consider becoming a patron if you want to show me support or make requests! ❤️🙏 Any support is extremely appreciated and really helps me out!
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jornaldebarueri · 5 months
Nesta quarta-feira, 1º de maio, é feriado nacional, o Dia do Trabalhador, que vai alterar o funcionamento de uma série de serviços. Por isso, é importante estar atento para não ser surpreendido. As agências bancárias estarão fechadas para atendimento ao público. Quem precisar acessar os serviços terá as opções de autoatendimento, como canais digitais e caixas eletrônicos. Quem tiver conta com data de vencimento em 1º de maio poderá fazer o pagamento no próximo dia útil. Em Barueri, conforme o Decreto Nº 9.890, nesse dia, o expediente e o atendimento nas repartições públicas municipais, inclusive nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBSs) e no Ganha Tempo, não serão realizados. O regresso acontecerá na quinta-feira (2). Já os prontos-socorros municipais, a Farmácia Municipal, a Secretaria de Segurança Urbana e Defesa Social (SSUDS), responsável pela Guarda Civil Municipal (GCM) e Defesa Civil, e a Secretaria de Mobilidade Urbana (Semurb), funcionarão normalmente. Parques e feiras funcionarão normalmente Para os que desejam aproveitar a natureza, os parques municipais estarão abertos. Confira os horários de funcionamento. Parque Municipal Dom José (Jardim Barueri): Seg-Sáb: 6h-21h / Dom e feriados: 6h-20h; Parque Recreativo Taddeo Cananeia (Parque Imperial): Todos os dias: 6h-18 e Parque Ecológico do Tietê / Barueri (Alphaville): Seg-Sex: 8h-17h / Sáb, Dom e feriados: 7h-17h. O serviço de adoção de animais domésticos acontece todos os dias no Cepad I das 9h às 16h, inclusive finais de semana e feriados. O endereço é rua Vera Cruz, 340, no Bairro dos Altos. Os telefones para contato são o (11) 4198-0819 e o 3164-9735 (WhatsApp). As feiras livres noturna e diurnas funcionarão normalmente.
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daisies-daydreams · 8 months
what kind of art do you make as you ssud that your also artist?
I haven’t done it in a while, but I also do digital illustrations. 🙂
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kondaba · 10 months
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⚠️ 次回予告! ⚠️
「Play Through Place 1」
「"Play Through Place" には、場所や環境を通じて遊ぶことを強調しています。このタイトルは、場所自体を遊びや探検の舞台と捉え、その場所を楽しみながら探索したり、活用したりするアイデアを示しています。場所そのものが遊び(=作品)の一部となるというコンセプトが含まれています。」
両日とも13:00~ / 17:00~ 
kondaba (金子仁司、石原菜々子)
TEAM 「Play Through Place 」
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circolotempolibero · 7 years
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📰Un'occasione unica e rara per ispirare le menti💡 apprendere nozioni storiche📚 geografiche🌇 economiche💰e scientifiche🔬grazie alla presenza di esperti studiosi🎓 provenienti da ogni Regione d’Italia ✈ 🔎Guardando al passato si possono trovare 🙌stimoli e🙏 riflessioni utili 👲per cambiare gli stili di vita 👳dando significati nuovi a una realtà moderna destinata a non lasciare il segno🚈 X Ⓜemorial Correale il ⏳17 e 18 marzo 2018, presso 🏨l’Hotel Parco a 🍷Gragnano. #italy #eventi #campania #sicilia #puglia #numismatica #rome #photography #instgram #instanews #news #naples #coin #numismatics #money #instamoment #monete #oldcoins #photographyeveryday #lazio #palermo #memorialcorreale #amepiaceilsud #catania #stories #photo #ssud #tagphotos #new_photocampania (presso Italy)
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swbl · 5 years
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ybohadi · 5 years
Dolphin Research Internship in Savannah, Georgia
Savannah State University Dolphin Sciences Laboratory (SSUDS lab) internships
The SSUDS lab is located adjacent to the marsh on the campus of Savannah State University in coastal Georgia and is led by Dr. Tara Cox. The SSUDS lab studies spatial ecology, conservation biology of long-lived marine vertebrates, marine and coastal policy and management, and human interactions with marine mammals. Current projects include: Human-interaction behaviors (particularly begging), stock structure and abundance estimates, catalog matching to other study areas in the SE USA, contaminant loads, and genetics of common bottlenose dolphins.
The SSUDS Lab selects volunteer interns during three seasons each year:
* Winter/Spring (positions January to May, applications due by October 1st);
* Summer (positions May to August, applications due by March 1st);
* Fall (positions August to December, applications due by June 1st).
Interns will support graduate research on common bottlenose dolphins living in the local waterways. There may be additional opportunities to help other marine science graduate students with diverse fieldwork.
The SSUDS lab is currently accepting applications for Spring 2020 interns.
There are 2 positions available. Application deadline is October 1st.
Dates: Jan 6 - May 29 (Start and end dates are flexible)
Location: Savannah State University in Savannah, Georgia
Time: Interns are expected to commit to ~30 hours per week, and time will be split between lab and field work. Dolphin surveys will be conducted 2 days per month, with additional surveys in May.
Lab duties: photo-identification, data entry and double checking
Field duties: assisting with small boat-based photo-identification surveys including sighting dolphins, recording data, photographing dorsal fins, and measuring environmental variables
Stranding response: although strandings are rare and unpredictable, you may be asked to help with data collection and necropsies
Class: Interns are welcome to sit in on the GIS course taught by Dr. Cox in the spring. Please note that hours spent in class do not count towards lab hours.
Extra Opportunities:
Local Volunteer Opportunities: Previous interns have taken advantage of their spare time to get involved with our network of marine science researchers in Georgia
1) Other SSU Marine Science Program Labs (field and lab research on shrimp, flatfish, oyster restoration, marine chemistry, etc.)
2) Tybee Island Marine Science Center (environmental education)
3) Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
4) GA DNR Non-game Division (cetacean, manatee, and sea turtle research)
* Minimum age of 18 years old
* Currently or recently enrolled in a college-level program in marine biology, biology, zoology, or related field
* Strong interest in marine mammals, the environment, and conservation
* Computer proficiency, especially MS Office; MS Access and ArcGIS experience a plus
* Excellent verbal communication skills, fluent in English
* Enthusiastic and dedicated, with strong interpersonal skills and ability to maintain a professional appearance and demeanor
* Strong sense of responsibility, work ethic, and attention to detail
* Works well in a team environment as well as individually
* Ability to work long days in the sun/heat/cold on a small boat
To apply please submit the following via email with the subject "SSUDS Internship" to [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>. All attached files must be named starting with your last name (e.g. Lastname-SSUDS_application_spring_2020.doc, Lastname-transcript). Please combine your application materials into 1-2 files.
* A cover letter describing why you are interested in this position, how the experience will help you meet your long-term goals, and your dates of availability.
* A resume (or curriculum vitae) describing your relevant training and experience.
* Current academic transcripts (unofficial are sufficient).
* Names and contact information for two references.
International applicants will be considered, but it is the responsibility of the applicant to acquire necessary visas and documentation
This position is unpaid, and interns are responsible for providing their own housing and transport to Savannah, GA. If accepted, we can provide contact information for possible shared housing opportunities with SSU students or other interns.
This is a great opportunity to work with scientists and graduate students in the field and lab while gaining experience with photo-identification and boat-based marine mammal surveys. Savannah State University offers a Master of Science in Marine Sciences; thus, successful interns may have future opportunities for graduate study in the SSUDS lab or other labs in the Marine Sciences Program. For more information about Marine Sciences at SSU please visit: https://www.savannahstate.edu/cost/mar-env-science/marine-science/index.shtml
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leona-florianova · 2 years
Miluju že ty satirické příspěvky nezmizely se zrušením toho instagramau..A díky různým článkům jako je tento, se o ně můžeme stále podělit...
Kauza Pi.Řiditelka, aneb jak si Černínová z ostudy ušila nejen kabát, ale i komplet královský plášť s hermelínem... fakt respekt.
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somensfw-blue · 3 years
Shhh no puppy bites. Am in good puppy mood, biting is not good. I smooch, smooch good. Or bad. I dunno but i think its good bc i ssud so nd uhh im in charge yup - 🐩
i was saying hey now to you saying not to be disappointed. and yes of course, you're in charge of the rules about puppy kisses
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 持木永大さんが運営するスペースssudで石フェスの企画展「石に灸」が開催されており、今日がクロージングの日だったので見にいきました。これまでssudではパフォーマンスをしたり展示を見たりしてきましたが、訪れるたびに改修工事が行われて、空間として洗練されてきています。今回の展示でも入口の看板を兼ねたブラウン管の下部が倉庫になり、ギャラリー運営に必要なものが収納されて展示空間が広くなっていました。  コロナで当初想定していた活動はなかなか実現が難しいかと思いますが、少しずつ歩みを進めて自分の領域を広げていく持木さんの姿勢に刺激を受けました。僕も頑張るよ〜
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doroburo · 3 years
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鉄鉢(石の鉢)。 詩人・写真家の辺口芳典さんが参加する石フェス2021用にと、拾った石を飾る為の台を作らせて頂きました。 自由にしてくれていいとの事で、辺口さんから出た「石の鉢」というワードから自分なりの鉢をイメージして製作しました。 写真は工場に落ちてた石を適当に拾って置いたのだけど、けっこういけます。 辺口さんがどんな石置いてるのか楽しみだ。 石フェスはもう始まってるようなので機会があればチェックよろしくです〜。 場所: SSUD 大阪市城東区古市3-23-23 日時: 9/2 - 9/13 #石フェス2021 #辺口芳典 #鉢 #石 #石鉢 #鉄鉢 #工場 #家具 #金物 #黒皮 #オーダーメイド #アイアン家具 #鉄 #PULL #稲嶺鉄工作室 #stone #pot #ironpot #funiture #interior #framework #handmade #iron #ordermade #inaminemetalworks #fujifilm #xe4 (Nishiku-jo, Konohana-ku) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTWpZbtFsAt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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seoinbiz · 3 years
New Post has been published on Банки и Финансы
New Post has been published on http://seoinbiz.com/dolgi-rossiyan-po-kreditam-nalichnymi-byut-rekordy-17-mln-ssud-za-iyul/
Долги россиян по кредитам наличными бьют рекорды — 1,7 млн ссуд за июль
В июле россияне в количественном выражении взяли в банках 1,7 млн кредитов наличными. Это рекорд с 2016 года и на треть больше, чем годом ранее.  Как сообщает пресс-служба Объеди
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ourbabcom · 3 years
Долги россиян по кредитам наличными бьют рекорды — 1,7 млн ссуд за июль
New Post has been published on http://seoinbiz.com/dolgi-rossiyan-po-kreditam-nalichnymi-byut-rekordy-17-mln-ssud-za-iyul/
Долги россиян по кредитам наличными бьют рекорды — 1,7 млн ссуд за июль
В июле россияне в количественном выражении взяли в банках 1,7 млн кредитов наличными. Это рекорд с 2016 года и на треть больше, чем годом ранее.  Как сообщает пресс-служба Объеди
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latinabiz · 3 years
La Pallavolo Minturno perde per 3 a 0 contro la Sud Pontino Pallavolo nel campionato Under 17 girone B
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Sorteggio - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Sorteggio - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Rosanna Grossi - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Palaborrelli - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Sud Pontino Pallavolo - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Sud Pontino Pallavolo - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Fine gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Gara - 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foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riscaldamento - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riscaldamento - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riconoscimento Sud Pontino - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riconoscimento Sud Pontino - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riconoscimento Sud Pontino - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riscaldamento - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riconoscimento Pallavolo Minturno - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riconoscimento Pallavolo Minturno - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riconoscimento Pallavolo Minturno - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riconoscimento Pallavolo Minturno - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riconoscimento Pallavolo Minturno - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riscaldamento - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riscaldamento - foto di Pietro Zangrillo Riscaldamento - foto di Pietro ZangrilloPallavolo Minturno - Sud Pontino Pallavolo Pallavolo Minturno: Iorio 1, Riccardelli 2, Pacera 10, Milo 4, Forte 3, Testa 7, Di Gennaro 6, Forcina (Capitano) 10, Del Prete 2, Semolino 4, Aversano 3, D'Elia (Libero), De Maio (Libero). Allenatore: Antonio Cortese Sud Pontino Pallavolo: Grossi Giulia 8, Grossi Rosanna 20, Scarpellino , Maggiacomo (Capitano) 13, Trabelli 1, Mastantuono 17, Parrotta 10, Orefice, Lombardi 6, Broccolieri. Allenatore: Roberto Ciufo Arbitro. Massimo Maggiacomo di Itri Parziali: 18 – 25, 15 – 25, 19 – 25 Una partita veramente a senso unico quella che ha visto contrapporsi per il campionato under 17 femminile, gioone B, del comitato provinciale di Latina la Pallavolo Minturno e la Sud Pontino Pallavolo. Seno unico in quanto che le azzurre formiane di coach Ciufo hanno dato il massimoi e anche delle buone giocate sia sotto rete che in battura – con una grande Rosanna Grossi che partita dopo partita migliora sempre di più – hanno avuto ragione contro le rosse minturnesi che, forse intimorite dalla forza delle loro avversarie, hanno espresso un gioco sicuramente non soddisfacente alle attese della vigilia. Sta di fatto che in questo girone a tre, le ragazze della Ssud Pontino Pallavolo hanno portato in cascina altri tre punti ed il 7 maggio ci sarà il ritorno con la Pallavolo Minturno, che si giocherà sempre la Palaborrelli per le note vicisdsditudine relative alla mancanza di impianti di gioco nella città di Formia. Read the full article
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