18. 10 worst anime you have watched & 23. unpopular character you love
bro i just knew you were going to ask about the worst ones
18. 10 worst anime you have watched 
this is a v hard question as i obviously only ever watch good anime. now if you asked about manga i would have trouble picking just 10. however. in random order.
danganronpa 3. also known as a sequel so terrible i couldn’t finish it even at height of my danganronpa phase. rushed. not consistent with established canon. throwing a shit ton of characters at you and expecting you to care about them from the get go. ugly. i ignore it most of the time and treat the few characs i like as someone’s ocs.
doujin work as it was boring and unfunny
neko neko fantssia for being the most boring anime about cats i’ve ever see. how do you fuck up a 20 min ova about cats.
sailor moon s movie. it had some good sides but they were woefully few. made even worse by the fact that, shockingly, i really enjoyed the manga version of it and read it countless times.
ayashi no ceres. oh my god. ayashi no ceres. i don’t know what i expected from something based on yu watase’s manga but it vastly surpassed all my expectations. tooya’s real identity is up there on my list of dumbest plot twists ever (spoiler: he’s a magical robe of an alien that got thrown into the sea and developed into a human with powers so that it could get reunited with its owner. did i mention he can grow knives from his arms?)
zetsuai. i was warned. i have heard, this is the worst of 80s melodramatic soap operas on speed, there are spidery bishounen, there is dramatic nonsense in absurd amounts. and i said, boy do i love melodrama! and boy can i ignore nonsense!
obviously, i would soon find out that i was a fool. i have no idea what actually happened, but the levels of drama and angst it reached would put a teenager who just discovered mcr and writes evangelion fanfiction to shame.
bleach for being bleach
and while we’re on it, naruto for being naruto
yuri on ice for being overrated and not nearly as good as people would like to believe. yes i am bitter. no i will not change it.
K for being a total mess and not even the fun kind.
as a bonus akagi for not having a sequel.
so yeah that’s about it, sorry, i know you were expecting more of the fun dumb kind of bad anime and all you got was. this. but i honestly have trouble watching even stuff i enjoy, so watching stuff i don’t enjoy is extra hard. also i thought about putting saint seiya here but i can’t do it in good conscience, as it is too dear to me even with all its pretty objective flaws.
23. unpopular character you love
my biggest problem with this is that i suddenly realized i don’t keep in touch with fandom enough to know who’s popular but
first thought? shigure from fruits basket. idk if he’s that unpopular, i know that people love making fun of him and calling him a piece of shit smelly dog or w/e, and maybe they’re being affectionate, but i don’t care. i love this fucker completely unironically. he’s manipulative and selfish and doesn’t get better. and i would take him over the entire cast of cinnamon rolls in a heartbeat. on the same note, akito. i know people hate her for being a pretty heartless villain for the most part, i love her for that exact reason and i openly admit i only read the very ending of fruits basket hoping to see something about her (sadly, there were only our pure precious kids).
but really, my tastes are pretty common for the most part, so
EDIT: i completely forgot about how many people hate suzaku, as for the most part i live in my own much better universe where suzaku is widely loved as he so rightly deserves. so, obviously, suzaku.
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