#st S5 theory
erikiara80 · 6 months
Someone noticed (here) that March 29, Billy's birthday, is also the day the Cali crew is back in Hawkins.
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So, I'm thinking. We see the name Billy as Max is reading the letter, but the name William when she is in the Vecna vision. That could just mean different timelines, or maybe it's also a hint that the theory that Will is in a Vecna vision at the end of S4 is correct (here)
Maybe on March 29 Vecna goes into William's mind and what he sees from the moment he touches his neck is a vision (everything else is real) The end credit song, Spellbound, is definitely an interesting choice...
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I would love it if S4 starts with a flashback of El in the lab, and ends with Will in a vision. Also, we know that S5 starts with a UD flashback, so:
4x01 -> lab flashback -> then El's letter, in which she lies about her life in Lenora
5x01 -> UD flashback -> then a vision, which is also a lie?
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What would Vecna show Will? Maybe the day at Rink-o-mania. But I think this would be different from El's letter. This time we would see the truth, twisted by Vecna, like the truth about Max wishing her brother to die. Maybe Vecna would tell Will that he is jealous, and that the reason he didn't help El is that, deep down, he wants her to suffer.
Well, Will is jealous, but that's normal. It doesn't mean that he's cruel or doesn't love his sister. We see that in the van scene and in 4x09.
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And how could Vecna show Will that he is jealous and wants to hurt his sister? Maybe by making him be the one who throws the milkshake on her dress.
Remember the BTS photo of Noah at Rink-o-mania in his 4x09 outfit? The boy behind him and Millie is the actor who plays Jake, or his double. Jake is the one who throws the milkshake on El's dress. Jake has a bowl cut and kinda resembles Will.
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So, maybe Noah was wearing his 4x09 here because this is the vision scene, and this time he's the one who humiliates El.
I could be wrong, but I think this would be a very interesting parallel with the beginning of S4. And a way to make Will more vulnerable
@chirpsythismorning @shippingfangirl013
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alcalystrasz · 6 months
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At the end of Eddie's campaign, they had to defeat Vecna and the 2 remaining players were Dustin and Erica. When Dustin went for his last chance, he misses the opportunity to kill Vecna when his dice hit the number 11. Eddie says "That's a MISS!" meaning he couldn't kill Vecna with that number.
11 = Eleven
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And then, at the same time, the basketball game of Lucas is being parallaled with the DnD game. While the timer is about to hit 0 and the game's over, Lucas makes the final move and wins, by wearing the number 8 on him.
8 = Kali
So is Kali the key to kill Vecna? Will El need Kali to kill him?
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redpusea · 7 months
The reason Vecna could target Vickie is because historically the Mind Flayer/Hive Mind feeds off fear and shame. How much fear and shame would a straight passing girl have about having a girl crush? Probably at least a little….
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edmufics · 1 month
S5 Theory Part Three
Here are my theories with all the info I have from The Dark Tower universe.
Disclaimer: Im not saying any of these are right, likely to happen, or that I necessarily even want them to happen. I just think that btwn learning ab TDT and rewatching stranger things, these are fun theories to consider!
*MENTIONS OF S5 BTS CONTENT AHEAD* I think S5 will come out on July 15th, 2025—the ninth anniversary! It will take place over the course of several months rather than a week or two like we have seen in the past. I think it will start in late summer, back-to-school time. I think we will see a lot more of Mr. Clark this season, and he will fill some of the scientist roles (along with new casting) we will be missing after S4's deaths. We will see a lot more flashbacks this season, either due to trying to keep Vecna out with positive memories or just reminiscing. Vecna will return to Hawkins lab at some point. Possibly a significant battle or it will be his lair. Vecna takes Holly, but I'm not sure he kills her (Like an 80% chance he does tho) I think with the increased army presence, we may see the kids lose the ability to see or visit Max (since she is a Venca victim). Nancy has a candy stripper/nurse outfit this season because they are trying to sneak in to see/save her in some way. I'm at about 60% on the chance of Kalli coming back. If she does, it will either help El train or help El defeat Vecna. Nancy detective journalist era, but she isn't going to leave for college. She would never just dip like that. Stobin or Nancy work at the radio station set we've seen. Hopper will either be stuck in hiding with El or in the army, but only as a means of gathering intel.
I think that people were not far off on the Kas theory. I think there will be a character that represents Kas, but it'll be Will. In S4 they talk about how Vecna doesn't kill his victims, he absorbs their abilities/souls. We also see that El can revive the dead (Max) in some way. That skill isn't practiced on her part, and we know Vecna is stronger than she is. I think Vecna kills Will and then revives him using memories like El did to Max, but only uses his darkest memories. These memories turn him against his friends, at which point he becomes Kas. Mike will be the key to getting Will back (since Mike is the heart). Mike will have to confront his romantic or platonic feelings for Will while reminding him of their good memories. This will lead to Will delivering the final blow to Vecna (like Kas) when he remembers.
I also think the idea of "Twinners" from The Talisman will come into play, but not quite in the same way. Instead of them all having Upside Down twins, I think Vecna will reanimate the corpses of his victims (since we've seen that the bodies are still in the Upside Down) and use these reanimated corpses to torture the MCs. Especially bc we know that it's all a hive mind so anyone killed by a part of Vecna's hive mind was technically killed by Vecna (depending on if thats how they wanna spin it). Specifically, I think Dustin will be either Vecna'd (but not killed) or have to see Eddie's reanimated corpse (fitting in with strange similarities between Eddie and Metallica's Eddie). Barb will return to torture Nancy, Bob returning for Joyce, etc.
In the Talisman universe, there is a plot where the person who opens the gate banishes himself to an alternate universe and closes the gate forever, forcing himself to leave behind everyone he loves. I think this is how El's story will end. She won't die but instead will have to stay in the Upside Down forever. In the end, we will see a crying Mike looking up and noticing the light above him glowing brightly, showing how he and El may continue communicating.
Characters I think could die:
Vicki (they loooove giving us a new character to fall in love with so they can brutally kill them that same season)
Steve (sacrificing himself for the Dustin, Robin, or Johnathan.) Holly (Maybe, it just seems too easy) Dr. Owens Vecna (Duh) Either Lucas or Max (I think Max may come back only to lose Lucas) Murray Ted Wheeler Wayne Munson (following Eddie's reanimated corpse into the upside down; I think that's how they reveal that Vecna reanimated the bodies)
Characters that I think are 100% going to survive: Mike Dustin (will try to be a hero like Eddie, but Steve will sacrifice himself to save Dustin (I think at the church)) Will Joyce Karen Wheeler
Anyone else, I'm not sure they are safe, but I also don't think they are going to die.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk!
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junoisthecoolest · 1 month
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so bylers canon ig
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skylarr96 · 2 months
I wholeheartedly think that max is just thriving as hard as she can in the upside-down while her body is in a coma lmao
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bylerera · 8 months
Wheeler sibilings scene ❤❤❤
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alternative s5 theory: Holly goes missing, Mike wants to go find her but the Party advises him not to until they have a solid plan for defeating Vecna. He sneaks out and gets Will to come with him (“we should be a team” from s4,) and they go to the Upside Down with no luck. They come back, everyone’s mad, Mike and El talk abt the Upside Down and Vecna and how worried Mike is (this is post breakup). El is trying to say she’s not mad at him for caring so much, and Mike talks abt how he always feels like he has to fix everything bc he’s scared of losing things and ppl he cared abt and him not being able to stop it. He brings up their relationship as an example, and that the reason Holly being missing is hitting him so hard (aside from being his sister) is that he felt like he doesn’t have to keep everything together himself after she commissioned the painting (bc it showed El still loved him, even if the painting would’ve been done before their fight). El says “what painting?” And Mike tells her abt the painting, where she reveals she didn’t commission anything. Mike confronts Will, where he says that friends don’t lie and that they can’t be a team if Will lies like that. Mike asks him why he’d lie like that and Will confesses and says “I know you’d never love me the same way. So the least I could do was make sure the relationship with the person you loved wasn’t ruined and that you would be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” Will walks away and they don’t talk for however long it takes until the Party goes to the barn. Robin sees smth is off between them (bc they can’t do the task they’ve been assigned to do) and so she talks with them in the barn. Then some stuff happens, they fight with Vecna, and Will gets fully possessed and trapped in the Upside Down. The rest of the Party escapes, and losing Will makes Mike both reflect on what Will rly means to him and he gets rly frantic abt saving him (the fear of losing things I mentioned earlier). Robin helps him realize that he lives Will and he confesses once they save him from Vecna. This won’t be the final battle in the series, but when the final battle is over, they get together officially (this is when the Byler kiss would happen).
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byler-is-endgame7 · 11 months
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frozenfrogz · 6 months
I’m on my hands and knees praying that byler gets murray’d and I know they will. So this is how I think it’ll go. Murray goes back to his house or bunker or whatever and the party and everyone else needs to tell him what’s going on. They can’t contact him so they need to go in person. (Idk why they can’t contact him but let a girl dream) They decide on sending Will and Mike to go because Will can explain the best to Murray because he can also feel Vecna/One/Henry and blah blah blah whatever. (And Mike is with him because why would he not be?) They get there Mike will ring the doorbell and Murray will say look at the camera. Mike will look at the doorbell and Will will look at the camera. (Like Johnathan and Nancy expect we all know it would be the Wheeler this time looking at the doorbell) They sit down tell him about it and Murray starts Murraying. He tells Mike that Mike and Els relationship is toxic and Mike doesn’t love El, he loves the idea of her. (Just like how it went for Johnathan and Nancy) After all that, Mike will be pacing in a room at night complaining to Will about what Murray said saying it wasn’t true and that it’s ridiculous he said it. Then, Will asks if Murray was right and if Mike actually loves El and not just the idea of her. Mike is at a loss for words and just stares at Will mouth open in shock at the question. Will then will continue and say the after Murray talked to them both he talked to Will separately saying he knows he loves Mike. Will tells Mike Murray was right and he does love him. There will be a moment of silence then Mike will sit next to Will on the bed. They stare into each others eyes then have a soft sweet kiss and because I don’t want them doing what Johnathan and Nancy did cause why would I they just cuddle the rest of the night.
I don’t exactly want the whole confession to be like this because I eat up the idea of them fighting then it becomes emotional and they confess. I still think they will be getting Murray’d but they will confess later on. Mike will just realize his feelings truly then. If the Murraying does go like Johnathan and Nancy’s and they confess by the end of it I think this is how it would go.
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erikiara80 · 6 months
Maybe other people have already pointed this out. Headphones? Like Max's? I don't think Will will get Vecna'd, no. Vecna doesn't need more gates. And maybe those aren't even Will's headphones.
But they made me think, if Vecna targets him for other reasons, his friends would probably tell him to do what Max did (only to realize that it doesn't work, because Will's connection to the UD is much deeper than they think) Also thinking about the Byler and Lumax parallels, and how protective Mike is going to be when the UD starts influencing Will. But this time, Mike is in grave danger, too. Poor Will
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alcalystrasz · 6 months
I know you've been waiting for it. So... Here's my first theory about Stranger Things 5 :
(No Spoilers, just a theory)
Theory n°1 : Vecna's crazy role this season.
Alright, I'd like to start first with a resume about the 4 lasts seasons. For the three firsts seasons it's kind of my thoughts because Vecna never really explained his role during these three seasons, so I'll try to make it logical.
Season 1 -> Will gets kidnapped into the Upside Down.
If we remember what Vecna said to Nancy in S4, he says he was a sensitive, lonely kid. He was good at drawing, and he always felt different. You know who's EXACTY like that? Yup, Will. So in my opinion, he kidnapped Will in the first place because he was like him. But why keeping him so long without killing him? Because Will's good at hiding? No. We learn in the book about him being in the Upside Down what actually happened to him. He said he tried multiple times to "kill himself" like getting the Demogorgons to eat him, but whenever they got the chance they turned back. So I think Vecna was controlling the Demogorgons in order to not kill Will. He maybe wanted to test him, or keep him here until he could be able to do something with him. Take over him, get inside his body, or other stuff... So then Will's finally saved, but it doesn't end for him.
Season 2 -> Will gets possessed by the Mind Flayer.
So this season, Vecna probably wanted to test Will more, or, this time, to take him in his side, since they have the same personality. So he got the Mind Flayer and sent it to possess Will. However, in the end, Joyce made it to remove the creature from his body. That, of course, made Vecna mad, especially when El closed the gate. But, fortunately for him, it wasn't the end.
Season 3 -> The Flesh Mind Flayer wants to kill Eleven.
Russians opened an other door, which is why he was able to control the Mind Flayer through the Upside Down. Cause if the gate is closed, no more control and the Mind Flayer "dies." Which is what happened at the end of season 3 by the way. But, why willing to Kill El, and not controlling more Mike now? Simple question. She's always changing his plans and that annoys him. So killing her off would be the best to get Will to join him in is...what? Army? Maybe. But she managed to destroy the Mind Flayer, once again, with everyone else this time. That is when Vecna got super mad and finally decided to go in the nature and kill some teenagers. Yeah, let's go Henry!
Season 4 -> Vecna wants to kill Eleven.
Sooooo.... So far, Vecna was not a good master to his puppets (got the ref?), so he decided to be the big master, without puppets this time. We learn in the late season, that the more he kills, the more he becomes stronger, so he's like "Yeah let's go kill, to be come stronger." Logic. So he went down to kill, but not nobody, random teens with past traumas who feel guilt. Chrissy, Fred, Patrick... then El went to fight him, and honestly watching this I was like "Bitch are you nuts he's stronger?" And he, in fact was. The only reason El managed to get out of those vines she was trapped in was with Mike's words (sort of). So she then finally beat the ass out of him and he, of course, got totally BURNED by the fruity three (rip Eddie). But then what? We see he got away with it, he's still alive, and we learn from Will's words (oh weird?) that he's still alive, he's hurt, but he's there. And he doesn't want to kill just El or her friends now, but everyone in Hawkins. So it isn't about saving them anymore but the whole town.
So, now considering all that. Here's finally my theory:
We know Vecna wanted to control or make Will join him in the first two season, and it was logic, cause they're alike, they're sensitive, lonely, they feel different from other people and they're good in arts. During these seasons, Vecna probably wanted to observe and understand Will's behavior in some circumstances. Like what if he gets into this world like Vecna got into? He's traumatized? Oh shit. Well how about his personality changes completely like Vecna. He's also traumatized? Well that's a bummer.
What I'm trying to say is that Will and Vecna are very connected even now. Before, with Will's presence in the Upside Down and true sight, but also now because he also and still feels him behind his neck, like before. He was trying to, small steps by small steps, leading him to join him. And that'd what I want to point out.
I think, Vecna will try to finally make Will join him. BUT, Will, of course, won't accept. So I imagine Vecna putting Will in a sort of transe state, like he did with his four other victims, and maybe show him some moments in his life, that shows how miserable and how sad his life is, and that he'll be way better and stronger if he came with him. But Will will refuse. Why? He may be sensitive, a little naive and sometimes stupid, let's be honest, he's not going to let Vecna take him, because there's one thing that'll make him stay: MIKE FUCKING WHEELER. So I imagine, then Vecna putting his big ass hand on his face and that'll make Will float, just like in season 4 with Max and the other kids. But instead of being killed (cause it's Will, like, bro, come on), he can take a piece of wood or I don't know what but something sharp that he finds. You didn't understand? Let me explain: I imagine this, happen at the exact same place it happened to Max, that's why I said a piece of wood. WHO CARES? SO THEN HE TAKES THAT, AND BOOM, in the eye of Vecna, his left eye to be precise. Why? Don't you remember what Eddie said in his DnD campagne? :
"He's not only missing his left arm, but his LEFT EYE!"
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So that's why I think Will could destroy his left eye, as a foreshadowing to what Eddie said (I mean why not?). Vecna would then be hurt again, and let Will go, but he could try to stop him, but not the same way as Max, nah that was too iconic, we need something more Byers, more Will... more William Byers... he could try to stop him by making him hear horrible things Mike told him, like in the rain fight of season 3, or the Rink O'Mania one... But he'd manage to finally get out of this, with the help of Mike's words also, cause I clearly see Mike talking to him. Maybe even a parallel, to what Will said while he had to get El out of Vecna's tentacles "You're the heart", but this time it is Jonathan Damn Byers who says it to Mike. Like, that'd be banger, just saying.
So what next? I already said he could try to take Will by his side, now what? Remember, in season 4 we learn the more he kills, the more he's strong. So I think, he'll try to get to kill all the characters we know, before killing whole Hawkins. Let me explain:
We know that everytime Vecna kills, he uses people's past trauma, in which they feel guilt. Who has past traumas with guilt? Yeah, almost everyone. So here's a quick resume and explanation of what could happen to almost all the characters.
-Nancy's targeted -> past trauma: Barbara's death -> saved by Steve or Jonathan. So why Steve or Jonathan? They're her two loves, be for real. However I see more Steve than Jonathan, but Jonathan could also be possible so it's between both.
-Jonathan's targeted -> past trauma: Will's disappearance in S1 -> saved by Steve. So why Steve? To show Jonathan that they're not enemies anymore, and that they could totally be friends. But it could also be Dustin, his bestfriend, or Robin, his girl bestfriend. But I have something else for Robin...
-Dustin's targeted -> past trauma: Eddie's death -> saved by Steve or Mike. Steve cause he's his bestfriend, but also why not Mike, because they both knew Eddie, and Mike could help him going through this because he also went through it.
-Lucas's targeted -> past trauma: Max's coma state/death -> saved by Erica. I say /death because we don't know if she will actually survive in season 5...
-Will's targeted -> past trauma: tons. Vecna wants him to join him -> saved by Mike.
So I have atleast 5 people that could be targets of Vecna, as for others... not sure what could happen to them. There's still: Steve, Joyce, Hopper, Murray (lol), Erica, Robin, Mike and Suzie (why not). I know Steve doesn't have past traumas he's feeling guilty for, but that's for another theory, along with Robin. Joyce, Murray and Hopper are adults, not sure they could be targetted. As for Erica and Suzie.... Erica doesn't feel guilty about anything, and she's younger so I think Vecna, has a small heart, and will let her live, and Suzie... it's Suzie... I mean... yeah, I think she's safe. However there are still characters we didn't talk about: Karen, Ted, Holly and the other family members of Lucas and Dustin. We know that the series really centered on the Byers and Wheeler family, but never on the Henderson's or Sinclair. So... there's a reason behind that. But it is for another theory.
So to resume, what is Vecna's crazy role this season? Well he's going to turn into a serial killer, trying to kill atleast 4 of our characters and make 1 try to join his army. But he's also going to do more, such as... destroying the Wheeler's house. I'm not kidding. After seeing a "spoiler" of ST5, that I know isn't real (it was clearly fake cause other stuff were like nonsense), I was like "yo it could be a great idea actually." So I imagined a really dramatic scene where, after his 5 tries, Vecna gets mad and tries to make fall the house of the Wheelers. Why? Maybe because everyone could reunite there and talk about a plan or something, when weird shit started to happen. Because it's a 2/3 years time jump, so the first episode is probably going to be them chilling in Hawkins and at the end, BOOM, Vecna's back bitch. And there he could have the opportunity to kill some people, but truth is... no one will die. They're all going to be saved, because they're all geniuses. But it could be a huge dramatic scene anyway. Or maybe if someone HAS to die, it'd be logic if it was either Karen, either Ted, or either Holl- nah just kidding. If one of the parents die, it could create a trauma for Mike, but that's for again, an other theory.
So what's next for Vecna? Honestly, if the Dragon we got foreshadowed since season 1 happens... I think Vecna's role won't be really interesting, so I keep my s5 vision without any Dragon. But I do see him trying to kill, so target, a lot of our characters...
That wasn't the best of my theories though. But, more theories soon, some better and cooler, but as for now, tell me what you think about this one, in the comments or as reblogs!
Thanks for reading all that by the way <3
...I probably am going to add more in this post, if I think about it, but I think I said everything I have to say...
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redpusea · 2 months
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GUYS why is no one talking about this? I think July 15th is an important day for Byler. What will they broadcast on this channel? Am I delusional or am I just paying attention
Can someone keep an eye out on this station if they are within reception
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edmufics · 1 month
Stranger Things Season 5
I'm about to pop off on a Stranger Things theory with you all; I hope someone finds interest in it because I've been hyper-fixating all day.
There will be spoilers for all of Stranger Things, so do not interact if you don't want to see any!
It's A LOT of info, I'll have to make separate posts, but they will all be under the first tag on this post!
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number1abbasupporter · 3 months
the will dying theory scares me so much and honestly any of them dying scares me they should just all live plssss
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littledarlingone · 1 year
Steddie and Byler are so closely tied in my mind.
Somebody plz tell me if I’m completely late to the party here but like…
As much as Mike hates the guy, him and Steve are fundamentally the same. Of course, Mike is much nerdier and prone to bullying than Steve ever was, but at their core, they’re both just rich kids who don’t know how to be their own person. They’re both following in their parents footsteps—the polos, the button ups, the khakis…the American dream with a house and kids—and a girl. A nice girl.
And honestly Mike’s distain for Steve is even more compelling to me. Mike sees himself in Steve and he hates it.
Will and Eddie are of course different too, as far as mannerisms and interests go. BUT they share the same core character archetype—the freak. Not to mention the creative streak and the DND and the queer coding (or in Wills case, just blatant queerness.)
I also feel it’s important to point out just how similar Will and Eddie’s disappearances actually are, and the way the public talks about them when they’re gone. Think about it.
So. They’re alike, so what?
Well, let’s break down what happened in S4.
Mike reunites with El and Will in Lenora, and tries to patch things up with El, but ends up spending all of his time with Will and reconciling their relationship instead.
And all the while? El is spending her time in the memories of the lab with 001.
THEN. ALLLLL the way back in Hawkins, Steve is unraveling Vecna’s curse with Nancy and Eddie, and shows signs of wanting Nancy back (which is completely out of the blue, right? How weird!) Except he ends up spending alllll of his time!!!! With!!! Eddie!!! TALKING about Nancy!! The SAME way that Mike and Will are talking about El! And it serves to reconcile each of their misconceptions of who the other was in high school, under a safety blanket of heteronormativity. It’s a direct parallel to the van scene!
(And don’t even get me started on the failures to say I love you in both Mileven and Stancy!!)
Also what else do we remember happening in Hawkins? Nancy being pulled by Henry (001) into the memories of the lab…where Eleven has been the entire season. El and Nancy are the only two people to walk in Vecna’s mindscape without being under his curse…and why? Why connect them? And not just now.
Why dress El up in Nancy’s old clothes?
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Why provide strikingly similar shots of them crawling out of the Upside Down?
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Why make them both the girl that no one believes?
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They are inherently tied (and tied with Joyce, but I seriously can’t get into that too this is getting so long) the way that Steve and Mike are, and Eddie and Will. It’s the love triangles, not just Steddie and Byler.
So now we’ve come to the last bit of this ramble, which is Eddie’s death.
There’s a lot of anxiety and controversy about what will happen between El, Mike and Will in S5, but we’ve already seen what is (supposedly) the older trios end—Eddie dies, and it ends because it cannot continue. There is no closure.
Wouldn’t it follow, then, that Will would die?
It’s scary, right? Eddie, much as we love him, was a fast-tracked version of what we have with Will. He was only a fraction and we got that upset. Imagine what losing Will would be like!
But here’s what I think. I think that Eddie dying—whether he remains dead or not—served as almost an extreme hypothetical. An ‘if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?’ Because Eddie jumped. Eddie chose his friends over himself. Eddie saw himself as a selfish coward, and decided that the only thing he was good for was helping others along. And it killed him.
And Will? He gave all of his love and work over to make El happy. Because he sees himself as a selfish coward, and decided that the only thing he’s good for is helping others along. Will jumped.
So yeah, Will could die. The self-sacrificing tendencies are there.
Except. Mike jumped off the cliff, too. Literally.
So. When two people are willing to die for each other, is it a weakness or a strength?
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