#st young men cosplay
scribeme · 5 months
"If... you find yourself often pitying someone who consistently hurts you or other people, and who actively campaigns for your sympathy, the chances are close to 100 percent that you are dealing with a sociopath". Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door.
“There are two types of bodyguard – one that is extremely risk aware and capable of operating without ever being seen and one that is an enormous man mountain,” says one anonymous fixer to the uber-wealthy. “Generally speaking, the enormous man-mountain people have very little in the way of secondary skills – they’re just there because the principal [the person being guarded] is a chump and wants to look important. That’s why you don’t see the Royals surrounded by enormous people.”
Complete article at:
'Inside the world of elite bodyguards: Who will protect the Duke of Sussex now?'
Lucy Denyer
Fri, 8 March 2024 at 6:53 pm GMT·9-min read
I noticed that there was a crowd of mostly young men with phones out to film her, crowded near the front.
She does not specify how she was getting these hateful messages. She did say messages. What the dumb woman means is she was scouring the Internet to read anything and everything about her, and making a big drama about anything said about her that was not profuse and false claims about how wonderful she is.
Now * 'has opened up about the 'hateful' messages she received while pregnant with Archie and Lilibet during SXSW festival.' She obviously doesn't realise what she's talking about. She spread messages of hate in her interview with Oprah.
She fancies herself as such a feminist and a supporter of women, yet she treated the Queen and Catherine abysmally. There is a dichotomy between her ideas and thinking and her behaviour and actions, which, it seems, she isn't even aware of, or else she just doesn't care. Her stance on feminism is just meaningless, banal and uninspiring.
This is MEgain & Sparry trying to show Netflix & investors that they are still ROYAL and INCLUDED. They both planned the summer St Paul's "event" and the golf tournament in WALES to cosplay being "royal" bc all their financial deals depend on the 2 of them slotting in with the royal "fanily." Both Sparry & Wife are coming to UK, no way they would show the world the invisibles who probably don't recognize the couple as "parents." Poor kids.
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ecosplay · 2 years
To the men that helped me out a severe depression
I doubt the celebs will read this; but thank you for getting me out of a severe depression of a 15 year relationship that broke (I am poly so it was just one girlfriend that I was with forever ;-;), and it broke so hard I wasn’t very ‘ERO’ if you catch my drift.
Joseph Quinn; you sexy british man. You gave me back my old 14 year old joys of looking at pics online again. I already loved british men since Daniel Radcliffe (after he was 15). Your American accent is incredible. Eddie Munson is a godsend to me and is now my comfort cosplay. You? In person I want to do that cheesy prom pose with you in my sfx makeup. Please come to WA State one day, you’d love our seafood and culture. I also have been to London and I want to go back, and now it would be to see your smiling face and get warm hugs. What do you need the most though? A damn BAFTA and happy ending. Do you see robot chicken? The eggroll skit.. so a BAFTA and an eggroll. :)
Joe Keery; you are one of the few american actors I look at and want to hug. I want to also do that cheesy prom pose, or whatever you want. After watching and taking a break from ST the best part was you and Robin. Soon I found your indie movies, and now this is where I am at today... typing this. I feel young again. Yes, your chest is distracting. So your is your hair, your eyes, and that big boyish grin that says everything is going to be okay. DJO is also great and reminds me of Pink Floyd, Pet Shop Boys, and hints of New Order. I love 80′s music, the rose tint never left my eyes though I am the same age range as you.
Thank you, both of you. You brough back my 14/15 year old happy self with hints of balance from my 30th birthday. The only difference is I write better smut than when I was that age.
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nancypullen · 3 years
Deeeeeep Breath
Has your heart been as heavy as mine?  The world is on fire, Putin is a mad man and there are elected officials in AMERICA cheering him on. Covid is still killing thousands but we’re supposed to act like it’s over. Inflation is hurting everyone, not just in the U.S. but around the world.  It’s a lot. I‘m reading too much news, following too many journalists on social media, and I feel like I have a lump in my throat all the time because I’m so sad for so many. There’s a healthy dose of anger mixed in for the obstructionists and those intent on performing political theater for their deplorable base.  What happened to common decency?  So, having said all of that - I have to add that I’m incredibly inspired by the people of Ukraine, especially the badass women.  There are grannies in trenches with weapons, there are mothers walking up to fully armed Russian soldiers and telling them, “Put these seeds in your pocket so at least sunflowers will grow when you die here.”  Villagers are gathering en masse to block roads and stop convoys of tanks.  Very young Russian soldiers are being captured, admitting they don’t know what they’re doing or why they’re in Ukraine, and they’re being allowed to call their mothers.  As always, power hungry old men with fragile egos are sending young men to their deaths.  I find it interesting that  the gun-loving, cosplaying “warriors” who have filled my social media feed in the past, the same sort that attacked our own capitol claiming that they were defending democracy, have sided with Putin.  I fight for democracy harder than they do. Russian news has been airing encouraging remarks from the likes of Tucker Carlson and Trump. The same people who crumple and scream “communism” when asked to wear a mask are cheering for an actual communist invasion of a democratic country. Turns out they’re not good people. Who knew? <eyeroll> BUT... That’s not what anyone visits this ol’ blog to read.  Just wanted you to know why I’ve been missing in action lately. I’ve been wrapped up in world events, prepping this house for sale, giving myself an ulcer about the move, and trying to shed the winter weight that slowly crept up.  I’m trying to get from fat to chubby.  My sweet Matthew turned 37 on the 22nd and I have to admit...I don’t think I’m going to lose the baby weight.  I’ve had a lot on my plate, figuratively and literally.  So yesterday I escaped to my desk and, you guessed it, made some earrings.  Kneading and mixing that clay is so therapeutic for me.  I made this batch yesterday and they’re shipping to my sister today. A little something for spring...
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A little something for St. Patty’s day...
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And some random stuff...something feminine and something bold, because aren’t we all a bit of both?
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Pardon my horrible presentation, but you should know that this is what it looks like when I’m trying to snap a picture.
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This ain’t a studio, folks. Doing something with my hands (besides eating) centers me and I needed that.   Let me tell you about something else that has helped settle my anxious heart - a wish journal.  A dear, dear friend told me about hers, explaining that you simply write down what you want from the universe with a please and a thank you, and basically set your intentions.  She said that she delighted in going back through hers and seeing how many of her wishes were fulfilled. Think about it, when you actually write down what it is you want, you can think of it as a wish, a prayer, a goal, a fantasy, whatever - and the odds are that it will stay in your mind and subconsciously you’ll make decisions that bring it closer. Those of you who know me know that I am not a religious person, but I do believe that there is more to this universe than any of us understand. How often do we actually ask for what we want?  Maybe it’s just me that hesitates to do that. I was taught to always put others before yourself, that it’s selfish to ask for what you want, etc. In fact, I have a very hard time actually voicing what I want, especially if I think it will put anyone out the least little bit.  But I no longer think it’s selfish to make a request for what you want from life.  I don’t think it’s selfish to say, “Hey Universe, I’ve put a ton of love and kindness and laughter into the world, perhaps we could balance the cosmic scales with this or that.”  I know that it has lifted my heart to write down what I want - everything from specifics for our move to Maryland to peace and safety in Ukraine. I have wished for the broken hearts of friends to heal, I’ve wished for good health for loved ones, and I’ve even wished for a surge of creative juices which I seem to have lost during the pandammit.  Sure, people will scoff (ask me if I care) but there’s something about the writing of the request that relieves the stress associated with the subject.  I’m not a person who often says I WANT anything, but there’s a lot of freedom in it.  It’s a shame that I turned 58 before learning that. Let me drive it home for you - there is nothing wrong with asking for what you want. There’s also nothing wrong with working hard to get what you want. Some things are beyond our control though, and we might just have to release that into the ether with a pretty please. When my friend told me about hers I immediately ordered a plain, sky blue (because the sky’s the limit, right?)  journal from Amazon.  When it arrived I painted the cover.  I’d recently sorted and tossed a number of my paintbrushes and didn’t have the fine tipped brush I needed for the job.  It’s a little clumsy, but you can tell it’s a dandelion.  Make a wish!
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Because I am who I am , I even added some glitter to it.  Wish requests should sparkle, right?   Right now I need all of the sparkle I can get. Anyone else feeling drab?  Because I’m still avoiding pretty much every place but the grocery store I’m in need of a hair cut.  My hair has gotten way too long for a woman my age.  It’s got a very 70′s Farrah vibe without the Farrah face or figure.  Not a good look.  So I made an appointment for one o’clock on Tuesday.  I’ll mask up and hope I don’t exit looking worse than when I entered.  Hmmm, maybe I’ll jot a little something in the ol’ wish journal.  Dear Universe, please have mercy on the brave stylist who has agreed to wade into battle and conquer my hair. May my tresses be subdued and project a joyful countenance, one that will minimize my deepening forehead wrinkles and the intense “What the hell is wrong with you people” lines that have developed between my eyebrows over the last two years. Thank you. Okay, that wish turned a little bitter toward the end.  I’ll need to rephrase.  Maybe just, I wish for a flattering haircut that is easy to maintain.   That’s probably enough nonsense from me today. I’ve got to run over to Sally Beauty for a curbside pickup.  My life is so glamorous that I received a “BoughtMilk” price gouging settlement of $18.90 and spent it on hair color for my roots.   It’s the circle of life.   I hope that you’re smack dab in the middle of a good day. In fact, that’s my heartfelt wish for you. I’ll write it down. Dear Universe, please shower the readers of my babble with love, security, joy, and plenty. They’re good people who deserve sweet lives. Thank you. Stay safe, stay well, make a wish! XOXO- Nancy
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the-romantic-lady · 3 years
Surprised to hear you like Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou, given that you're a fan of Richard, Duke of York. Isn't that a conflict of interest or something? Lol. What's your opinion on Elizabeth Woodville and the Woodville clan, Margaret Beaufort, Warwick and the Neville clan, and George, Duke of Clarence? (Basically what's your opinion on the rest of the players of the Wars of the Roses lol.)
Gosh, anon you are encouraging me!! I love that you care about my thoughts <3. Alright then, let's start.
I used to be very anti-Margaret of Anjou. Until I started to look at things from her perspective. York was dangerously popular with a lot of children and a formidable wife. Margaret must have felt insecure. Also, there is this theory that Margaret's mentor and confidant William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk was murdered under the order of the Duke of York. That must have been a tipping point. But I still think that York was the better ruler and person. I will get a lot of hate for this, but women in general were not suitable rulers for the Middle Ages. They were often driven by more personal ideals (Empress Matilda vs. Stephen is a great example and Margaret was no different). Ofc there were men like that too but women seemed to always be like that. As a woman, I understand and the later periods were more suitable for female leadership. York was a much better ruler. He was driven by the stability of the realm rather than his personal issues (he put his own son-in-law in prison and Margaret wouldn't even budge on her failure advisors). And her entitlement was mind-boggling. I love how messed up she was. And Henry...I just feel sorry for him. The Middle Ages also were not a time for artistic and kind kings lol.
Elizabeth Woodville and the Woodville Clan:
As I have said, I pretty much like everyone before 1485 lol. But Elizabeth Woodville was annoying af. That made her interesting but I can't get over how incredibly greedy she was. She was the daughter of a minor gentry and widow of a Lancastrian knight. Edward makes her queen and she abuses that power so much. She has problems with everyone. Warwick, George, Richard, any noble who didn't kiss her arse and even Edward. Queens were meant to level the mind of King. Edward III's queen famously saved French clergy by going on her knees to beg the King for mercy. Ofc that was a bit dramatic but many Queens did this. It was called the Queen's mercy or something like that. But boy was she a hell of a woman. Despite being raised in a pretty privileged household, she was shrewd and survived to the end. She could have learned a thing or two from Cecily Neville about how to put that strong personality to better use but regardless. Also, I love how she was shunned fron Henry Tudor's court when Richard welcomed her to his with open arms. I mean...karma. But all in all, I like her. Its as they say "well behaved women seldom make history". She had flaws (so did the everyone else!) but her character is interesting and admirable. And despite that shaved forehead, she is a gorgeous woman. So I get where Edward was coming from XD The other social climbing members Woodville..not so much. The shameless way that they tried to push themselves in and take hold of power when they had literally fought on the losing Lancastrian side is embarrassing and oh so disgusting. Like Warwick secured the throne for Edward and they were given precedence over him. I just...yeah. John Woodville legit married a 65 year old duchess (he was 19) for money and power. They were a hungry bunch and courting them was Edward IV's biggest mistake and towards the end of his life, I think he saw that.
Margaret Beaufort
I will keep this short since I don't know much about her but I dislike her. I understand that she went through a lot. Her father apparently suicided when she was 1 and that is traumatic. And back then suicide was mocked and disgraced. She ofc blamed the Duke of York....cause at this point why not? She ofc went through a really young and traumatic birth at 13. Her husband was gross and that's that. And we know that Edward kept her son exiled so she couldn't see him. But despite all this, I just don't like her? I suppose its the super impressive Plantagenet women who just make me look at the sleezy and dull Margaret with disdain. And she gives me real phony vibes. Like at times, she just seemed to cosplay Cecily Neville lol. When you see women like Cecily Neville and Margaret of Anjou taking charge in the way they did, Margaret and her deceptive ways are just cringe worthy.
The Earl of Warwick
This man. Just this man. The way that England seemed to revolve around his whims is amazing. He was a real Duke of York stan and so I have to appreciate him. But he was so fearless. Henry VI, Edward IV, Margaret of Anjou, you name it. He stood against them. The Duke of York seemed to be someone he admired but other than that, he fought for himself. He helped Edward take the crown and worked hard to keep Edward's throne. He was embarrassed with the whole secret marriage saga but still stuck by. But Edward clearly forgot who he owed his success too. The man escaped an assassination by Henry VI's men and saved his father and uncle from it. He actually took charge in the first Battle of St. Albans in 1455 because his rivals the Percys were mocking him. I just love him. Ngl, sometimes when I read about him, I just blush. A man if there ever was one. There were so many attempts at disgracing him. He was the Captain of Calais and in that role fought Medieval pirates! And he was ruthless at it. People loved him and he carried that popularity well. I should stop fangirling over a dead guy. I think I made it pretty clear that I love him XD.
Neville clan
I like them too. Warwick's father was pretty much York's best friend and I love him for it. They were also social climbers like the Woodvilles but so much better at it. They didn't have the entitlement that the Woodvilles did and managed their powers well. Cecily Neville was ofc a Neville and she is one of my favorites. One of my favorite thing about them is how courageous they were. Like all of them. Unfortunately, Anne and Isabel are both obscure figures. I wish we knew more about them. They were pushed around like prizes. Good on Richard for giving Anne a position to make her own decision. I feel bad for those girls. Although the York brothers were known to be good looking so lucky them?
George, Duke of Clarence
Ah, George. I love this man. If there was one son of York who inherited his father's glamour and charm, it was George. And I love that he stood up to his brother and sister-in-law. He was sometimes too problematic but I still love that! Glamourous and problematic. How can one not love the man? Although his betrayal of Edward is kind of sad considering that Edward really tried to be like a dad to his brothers. George took Edward's love for granted for too long. His breakdown after his wife's death is really sad too. Interestingly, this seems to be a pattern with the Plantagenet men. They all have breakdowns and downfalls after the death of their wives. Their women are so much stronger emotionally.
I know this was long! I hope you enjoyed the post :D. I would love to know your thoughts too and if you agree or disagree. Seriously, thank you for letting me talk about this. Nothing makes me happier than to discuss these people!
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ancano · 4 years
YoI Fanfic Recs
Okay so I just wanna share some love and show y’all some amazing fanfics that I have personally read and absolutely adored!! You’ll likely see repeated authors, either cuz I follow them on tumblr or cuz I’ll raid their uploads once I find one I really like. Also apparently I read a lot of A/B/O so if that isn’t your thing sorry hhhhhh
No particular order for these, just going down my bookmarks and history lists on ao3
Glitter & Gold by plisetskytrash and victurius (I just caught up with this one and oh my god I love it.) Summary - In a world where drugs, sex, and violence rule, Viktor Nikiforov is the king. As the Pakhan of the Russian Mafia (the Bratva) he is responsible for murder and mayhem across multiple continents and that’s just the way he likes it. The only problem is that a new leader has risen to power in America – known only as ‘JJ’ – and he starts to intrude on Viktor’s territory.Not only is that rude, it’s damn right unacceptable.So, Viktor sets out to find out as much about JJ as he can, including infiltrating the businesses he owns, such as The Kiss and Cry, a sleazy club that works as a front for an exclusive exotic omega strip club that only the richest and most powerful men can access. Naturally, Viktor has no trouble getting inside. Once he’s there, however, his plans are thrown out of the window when he spots a beautiful, young Japanese omega with chocolate-brown eyes and an ass to die for. There’s only one problem: Viktor swore he’d never mate an omega.Will Viktor manage to stay focused on his mission? Or will this omega break Viktor’s most important rule?
Eros and Agape by ImaTastyPorkCutletBowl and Spunky0ne (you’ll see a couple works from these guys in this list because they are *chef’s kiss* amazing) Summary - For as long as Victor can remember, Yakov and Lilia have protected him from being discovered to be an Omega by helping him to project as an Alpha. But at the Grand Prix Final banquet, he comes face to face with the man destined to be his husband.
NEXT LEVEL: Nights After Dreams by RipVanGabriel (this is a LONG one, I haven’t even gotten very far in it, but trust me it’s worth it) Summary -  The silver medal was hard fought and won, but now the stakes are higher than ever. Five gold medals loom on the horizon, but more importantly, the "life and love" within the gold rings. Yuri and Viktor's relationship grows as they get back on the competition road, and new complications rise with them. (Proper follow-up to the TV series; not AU, no crack ships, no weird shit.)
Wait! But, I’m not Yakuza! by ImaTastyPorkCutletBowl, SesshomaruFreak, and Spunky0ne (like I said, these guys, *chef’s kiss* I refuse to admit how many times I’ve reread the 2 chapters that are currently posted. I’m also the only person commenting on it last i checked which is a fucking shame, so y’all go comment on this amazing fic pls) Summary - The Katsuki family, except for the Hasetsu Katsukis, are the largest and most powerful Yakuza family in Japan, so it’s not surprising that poor Yuuri keeps getting mistaken for one of his distant relatives. On a trip to Russia with his father, Yuuri stumbles into a bar to avoid a group of rough looking punks, and he comes face to face with a beautiful, silver-haired exotic dancer. Things get crazy when Yuuri sees the lovely dancer being abused and steps in, only to get himself beaten into unconsciousness. He wakes in his hotel room and finds a note next to his bed…”Thank you for your kindness. I’m sorry those ruffians hurt you. It’s better you stay away. I don’t want anything else bad to happen to you. Vitya” He should go home. He should just forget the man, but Yuuri can’t help himself…Victuuri, intersex Victor, intersex pregnancy, lots of flustered Yuuri!
Love’s Requiem by Kashoku (gonna be honest, I don’t even ship Yuuri/Yuri, but I enjoy this fic) Summary -  If you had asked Yuuri in Barcelona if there was anything that could ever bring him down from the high of being with Viktor Nikiforov, he would have laughed. But when the living legend suffers a career ending injury, it brings new struggles to their relationship. Viktor begins to drown his sorrows, and Yuuri finds himself being pulled beneath the surface in a way he’s not sure he can survive.
you’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be by roserelease (this shit right here is my fucking bread and butter y’all. I can’t even express how much happiness and love this fic gives me) Summary - More than anything, Yuuri wants to impress his cosplay role model Viktor Nikiforov. But after a horrible start to a convention weekend, he panics and backs out at the last second to meet his idol. Normally this would be fine, except Yuuri discovers too late that there's a little Viktor related secret inside the con vlog his best friend filmed over the course of the weekend for him...It's fine, he thinks. Embarrassing, but not the end of the world. And it's not like Viktor himself will ever see the con vlog, so why worry?(Except then Viktor does.)
Paying For Poison by SaerenDPity (another one of my absolute faves that sadly only updates once every other blue moon but when it does update I feel overwhelmingly Blessed) Summary - "Skater Katsuki?" Yuuri's eyes widened as he nodded, and suddenly Viktor Nikiforov was clutching at his coat. He barely registered that his childhood hero knew his name, he couldn't think on that when Viktor's voice was on the edge of breaking. Desperation lined his every movement."Yes th-that's me. Um… Mr. Nikiforov… Do… do you need help?"Viktor shook his head violently and shoved his hand into Yuuri's pocket. Yuuri only had time to squeak before Viktor was backing away, breathing heavily. "Please… please buy me."…Years after Viktor Nikiforov suddenly disappeared from the public eye, he resurfaces at the Rostelecom Cup, desperate for help. And Yuuri simply cannot abandon the man who inspired almost every aspect of his life, and so, he makes the decision to do just as Viktor asks - buy his services as an omega for one night.
Drowning In Your Love by MysticLipstick (another rarely updated fic that I’m head over heels for. please feed me, I need MORE) Summary -  Victor Nikiforov has always gotten away with being a whore in college. Being the top athlete swimmer has gained him tons of attention, championships and girls. However, a cosmic encounter with Yuuri Katsuki has him questioning everything—including his sexuality. Yuuri’s shy nature and blatant disregard for Victor’s fame has Victor chasing him—something he’s never done, but Yuuri shuts him down. Completely.
November’s Secret by LanaBerry (I’ve reread this one about 5 times already tbh) Summary - Overwhelmed with anxiety and his fear of failing, Yuuri faces the issue of if he should continue skating. His best friend, Yuko, proposes a solution - if no one knows it's you, then it's less embarrassing, right? Yuuri begins to create a completely new disguise and persona.But it works a little too well.Before he knows it, Yuuri has become the biggest mystery of the skating world and everyone wants to know who he is. Especially Viktor Nikiforov, the idol he's been loosely basing his new persona on for years.
The ‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’ series by Reiya (recently finished rereading this one, always so fucking good) Summary - ‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’ A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
With What We Once Had by MagicalMirai (this one is just too cute tbh) Summary -  They called it quits, over a year and a half ago. But even though he should have been expecting it, Yuuri can’t help but feel suffocated when he bumps into Victor at the Grand Prix final, whilst holding his son. The son... he never told Victor about.
Nerve Endings by Phyona (this one is next on the “to reread” list) Summary -  When Yuuri moves in with Victor in St. Petersburg, they have to work through Yuuri's anxiety and Victor's secrets to find their balance.
Puppy Love by Phyona (another phyona fic and it’s just way too fucking cute tbh) Summary - When Yuuri gets turned into a dog, the last place he expects to end up is Victor Nikiforov's apartment. He learns quickly that the only thing worse than being his idol's pet, is watching him pine for someone else.Warning: Makkachin has recently passed away at the start of this story.
The Stars on his Cheeks by QueenWinterofLuna (this one was actually written for a prompt I personally requested and I absolutely adore it, even still) Summary -  A short drabble based on this Tumblr request from @napsushi: Can you write a fic where Yuuri discovers Victor has freckles and is just over the moon about it? This fandom needs more freckled Vitya.
This is all I can find and think of for now but if I remember more I’ll be sure to update it!!
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collectorscorner · 5 years
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clairen45 · 6 years
Red Re-Read: The Company of Wolves and the ST
This meta is long overdue. When I started my blog in January, I had a list of prospective articles I wanted to write about Kylo and Rey, or some themes that I was seeing suggested in the ST. On top of the list was Little Red Riding Hood, and I never even imagined going there without at the very least a honorable mention to Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber (1979) and the extended movie companion to 3 of these tales, Neil Jordan’s 1984 The Company of Wolves. Special request by @missnomerblr pushed me to finally complete the task. Also tagging our dear Reylo she-wolf extraordinaire, @ravenmaiden. The aesthetic and special effects left quite an impression on my mind as a child when the movie was released. Of course I was only allowed to watch it years later, and I didn’t get all the symbolism as a young girl, of course... but the idea that men with Frida Khalo eyebrows could turn into wolves, and that the wolf could get as seduced as the girl, were forever ingrained in my mind. How is it relevant to Star Wars, will you tell me? Ok, I will imagine that you didn’t catch any reference before, or read any meta on the sexual subtext of the movies,  but how could you miss the obvious red-themed campaign for the release of TLJ in theaters, with all the characters’ clothing dipped in red, and that little piece, very much unabashed about its reference:
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Daisy Ridley even joked at the time about her poster, calling it “Little Rey’d Riding Hood”. That’s a good one, Daisy.
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Officially, so many tales have been used by the Star Wars team to describe the ST. JJ compared Rey to Cinderella in his audio commentary to TFA. Sure, it’s a rags to riches story for Cinde-Rey-lla who is an orphan, undervalued and under-appreciated, and who maintains through her many hardships and trials a positive outlook on life and people, and a sunny character. Like your classic Disney princess who can talk to birds and mice, Rey understands every language. And if it’s not with a glass slipper that her prince identify her as his future bride, it is a blue lightsaber that does the trick. A saber, which like the slipper in Disney’s version, gets broken in the process right before the epilogue (part 3). Second reference: the characters were apparently coded as Goldilocks and the Bears during the shooting for TLJ. Again, that’s fair, because Rey, like Goldilocks, takes an adventurous stroll into the woods and ends up borrowing, like a cuckoo, things that don’t belong to her: a saber, a MF etc... She also trespasses onto Luke’s island, and then onto the Supremacy. And, like Goldilocks, in the positive versions, after a narrow brush with danger, she escapes barely unscathed with possibly a valuable life lesson. There is also Snow White, and the glass pod/ coffin that Rey uses to meet with her prince. I will add another element later, but I’ll hush for now. There is also the implicit Sleeping Beauty in the title The Force Awakens and the idea further developed in TLJ that Rey’s powers have been dormant ... until a prince awakened it... And then, there is Little Red Riding Hood.
This tale belongs to the cycle of educational tales about menstruation and loss of virginity. They are pretty easy to spot (intended pun): they are the ones with the color red encoded somewhere, with numbers that evoke the passing of time (12 fairies, 7 days, etc...), and also stories that require the heroine to lose a bit of blood: from the finger pricking of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White’s mom to the potential gore of Bluebeard and Little Red Riding Hood. And yes, usually menstruation and seduction go hand in hand pretty nicely. Because, traditionally, a woman who bleeds has just become fair game: she is desirable because able to bear children. So cycle of blood it is: menses, hymen, labor. What is fairly subtle, symbolic, and innocuous in cautionary tales aimed at children is brought to full light in Carter’s take on the classic tales aimed at adults. Her heroines, though, are given more obvious agency. More attention is given to the fact that it is also a time of budding sexuality for the heroines as well, a time when desire shifts from narcissim to the desire of the other. In tales, this otherness gets the extreme treatment: the object of desire is a monster, an animal, that normally becomes civilized by the end, so that desire fits conventional standards and doesn’t disrupt society. So the monster turns back into a prince when he can be salvaged (The Beast, the Frog), and he is killed when really too far gone (Bluebeard). I will also argue that, most of the time, the transformed one is actually the princess: though she doesn’t change physically, she has learned to accept her desires and stops seeing male desire and sexualty as monstruous. She has accepted the otherness, so she stops seeing him as a monster. She has changed psychologically. That being said, Carter was not the first one to bring a magnifying glass onto the implied sexuality in Little Red Riding Hood. It is implied for children, but has been very much understood as it was by adults... Think of Tex Avery’s wolf and Red for instance. What chance would have Wolfie against the very savvy and alluring vampish Red Hot Riding Hood? So the story of seduction has been going both ways for quite a long time, with Red being seduced or seducing the wolf... Then you have different outcomes, and frankly, writers and directors have done them all: girls gets devoured by wolf, girl gets devoured and rescued, girl barely escapes, girl outsmarts wolf,  girl kills wolf, wolf falls in love with girl, girl becomes a wolf, girl tames wolf... you name it.
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It was quite a bold choice in TLJ to have Rey in full Little Red Riding Hood Cosplay when so far the elements had been merely subtext in TFA. Red, so far, had been mostly coded as Kylo’s color. But as we get to find out more about him, the color seeps and bleeds, especially in TLJ, the litteral “core” (aka heart) of the ST, the middle chapter which is very much about Kylo’s exposed wounds (both figuratively and symbolically), culminating with Crait, the planet that seems to be bleeding every time you  but skim its surface. Remember also that “raw” was the keyword in the trailer, and defines Kylo: “raw untamed power”. Raw means what it means. Exposed flesh, scorched, flogged. I thought I had read somewhere that the throne room scene had been coded with Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf during shooting, but I have never been able to find the link through my research... Please, if you happen to know or remember that, just let me know. But back to the hood...
There has already been many metas on the importance of Kylo and Rey meeting in the woods. They could have met on Jakku, they were that close... But they didn’t. There’s the woods, but there’s also straying from the path. Red, like Goldilocks, is cautioned against that. Nothing bad will happen to little girls who stay on the straight and narrow. Possibly nothing at all wil ever happen to little girls who remain on the path... In most stories, though, straying a bit will be the good start for some journey... And indeed, Rey, given a clear path, “the first steps” on the famous Path of the Jedi, through her Force visions, refuses it. Rather than following the path, she runs away... straight into the woods... Where she meets her big bad Wolf. As in the original story, he starts out being more cunning than Red, and is able to get her where he wants her to be. Abduction in TFA. Long way to Granny’s house while he takes the short cut. Plotwise, there are also some common elements. Red carries a basket full of goodies that she is supposed to take to her sick grandmother. Her mother commissioned her to the task. It’s all female realm. The grandmother lives alone, far away, in a secluded place. The grandmother represents knowledge, and also fate for the little girl: one day she will be a mother, and then a grandmother. The wolf wants to get there and get it all: the girl, the goodies, and the grandma. By getting away with the grandmother, he also symbolically tampers with the girl’s future: aka, being seduced/bedded (and not married), she will never be a wise, old, respected lady one day. As for Rey, this is not too far off. Her basket of goodies is short round BB8 which holds information. Information that is of importance to Leia. And which can lead to an old, wise... Granny Luke? living alone in a far away, secluded place... And who in a way represents a potential future for Rey, being the Last Jedi. Kylo also wants to get there. So just as in the tale, there is a potential race towards Luke’s place. And by getting the girl, Kylo is also tampering with her future: dark Side or Light Side Rey?
3 tales deal more specifically with wolves in Carter’s The Bloody Chamber : “The Werewolf”, “The Company of Wolves”, and “Wolf Alice”. I am just going to undeline a few elements that can resonate with what we have seen in the ST so far.
“The Werewolf”: the little girl gets attacked on her way to see her grandmother. She defends herself and cuts off the forepaw of the wolf. The paw turns out into a human hand. When she finally gets to her grandmother she finds her really sick and feverish, and understands that the wolf was actually her grandmother. She kills her and takes her place in the house. For that one, I want to underline the idea that monsters can hide under familiar faces, or that something that was deemed monstrous can reveal a human side. Depending on what side you are looking at it. That was the point of the ST in the cross flashbacks that tell us about Luke and Kylo. The monster gets humanized, and we get to see something unattractive and upsetting about someone who had all our trust. I am not saying that Luke is a monster, but that he potentially could have done something monstrous, which it turns out he did, because this fleeting moment turned Ben into a monster. And on the other hand, Rey gets to see Ben the man under Kylo the monster. Special bonus to the Skywalker special in the Werewolf story: the cut off hand. And in the end, Rey is indeed the one in Luke’s stead.
“The Company of Wolves”:  different folk tales and folklore about wolves and werewolves...  I have underlined that one for you: “Before he can become a wolf, the lycanthrope strips stark naked. If you spy a naked man among the pines, you must run as if the Devil were after you”. It reminded me of half naked Kylo. And then the story of the girl.This description of the girl:
She stands and moves within the invisible pentacle of her own virginity. She is an unbroken egg; she is a sealed vessel; she has inside her a magic space the entrance of which is shut tight with a plug of membrane; she is a closed system; she does not know how to shiver. She has a knife and she is afraid of nothing.
Some of these images of virginity (and virginity consumated and broken) we have seen played out on the screen: from the veil covering the MF on Jakku, the eggs on Ahch-To, the curtains on the Supremacy, to the cave on Crait... In Carter’s story, the girl is not a little girl, she is described as a pubescent, or verge of pubescence, girl, barely formed. She meets a young man in the woods who holds a reamarkable object, “a compass”. It’s nature versus culture. He bets her a kiss that he can get to Grandma before she does. The girl will take her time, she wants to lose that one. In the meantime, the man does away with the grandmother, but not before stripping naked and showing his genitals (”His genitals, huge.Ah! huge!”). When the girl walks in, she is no fool. She understands fast enough. She starts by showing compassion to the lot of wolves howling in the cold night. Then she starts shedding her clothes she “took off her scarlet shawl, the colour of poppies, the colour of sacrifices, the colour of her menses, and since her fear did her no good, she ceased to be afraid”. As the man talks about eating her, she starts laughing: “she knew she was nobody’s meat”, and she joins him in bed. The last line sees her sleeping sound and sweet “in granny’s bed, between the paws of the tender wolf”. Which reminds me of Isaiah “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb” and the coming back of a Golden Age.
“Wolf Alice”. That one is about two awakenings. On the one hand we have a young girl who was suckled by wolves and is found by nuns. Desperate to fully civilize her, they deliver us to the house of The Duke, who is some kind of a monster. You think he is a vampire at first, since he has no reflection in the mirror , then some kind of monster feasting on corpses. But he turns out to be a werewold at the end of the story. So the two creatures are actually very much alike. There were a lot of elements there that reminded me of a particularly twisted AU Reylo, to be honest. To begin with, their circumstances: she is a nobody, without any family, barely a first name, and he is a Duke, with a castle and countless trinkets from the past. For instance, Alice’s description:
Like, the wild beasts, she lives without a future. She inhabits only the present tense, a fugue of the continuous, a world of sensual immediacy as without hope as it is without despair.
It could fit Rey on Jakku, marking down each day. She does not have any plans beyond today. She is caught in a stasis.The Duke is constantly described by his hunger: “huge, inconsolable, rapacious eyes. His eyes see only appetite. These eyes open to devour the world in which he sees, nowhere, a reflection of himself”. That also reminded me of Kylo’s need to cover his face and his body in TFA, as if he wanted to disappear. They never interact with each other. The castle is referred to as “the den where she and the Duke inhabited their separate solitudes”. Alice changes, though, as she discovers the passing of time through her menses, and her reflection in a mirror. The mirror scenes can also evoke Rey’s experience on Ahch-To... At first Alice is very happy about finding a girl in the mirror because she thinks she has made a friend, that she has a companion to share experiences with... After a while, she ends up understanding that this companion is “no more than a particularly ingenious variety of the shadow she cast on sunlit grass”. With this knowledge, she puts on a wedding dress that she found in the castle and starts roaming outside. Her wanderings take her to the graveyard where the Duke is having a feast, and where he is hunted by an angry mob who manages to wound him. That’s when Alice (in full bride attire) and him interact, and that seeing him in pain, she nurses him back to life.
Poor, wounded thing... locked half and half between such strange states, an aborted transformation, an incomplete mystery, now he lies writhing on his black bed in the room like a Mycenaean tomb, howls like a wolf with his foot in a trap or a woman in labour, and bleeds.
The whole beginning could have been written for Kylo. And the symbolism at the end is clear rebirth. As she gently licks his face. Where there was nothing in the mirror, gradually appears the face of the Duke under her ministrations:
the prey caught in its own fishing net, then in firmer yet still shadowed outline until at least as vivid as real life itself, as brought into being by her soft, moist, gentle tongue, finally, the face of the Duke.
It sure reads like some smutty AU fanfic... And not far from Rey’s own experiences and interactions with Kylo. Two solitudes that meet. The girl so hopeful to find what she wanted to see in a mirror and finally crying when she understands it was all a lie, a shadow, and not what she wanted. And who turns to another solitary person right afterward, who may be the only person in the world to understand what she goes through. A creature that is caught between two states. A monster tracked down and wounded, whose human face she is alone able to reveal.... Ummm...
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Though Neil Jordan’s adaptation of Carter’s tales is contemporary to other fairy 80′s classics such as Labyrinth, Legend, The Neverending Story  or Dark Crystal, that one was never aimed at children. In an article from Film Ireland, this movie is best described as
more influenced by filmmakers like Jean Cocteau (Beauty and the Beast) and 1970’s Parisian pornographic art movies that embedded fairy tales with a salacious twist. The result is a film drenched in sensuality, richer than chocolate cake, and sporting enough themes and allegory to keep film students occupied indefinitely.
Neil Jordan worked with Carter herself to write the script for this movie. And, interestingly, most of the crew for the movie came from the Star Wars movies... The story goes like this: in a house in the country, a young girl is sleeping in her bedroom, dreaming, and visibly upset. She has an elder sister who doesn’t like her, and parents who are at a loss about her behaviour. In her dreams, the girl imagines she is a peasant girl from an XVIIIth century village, plagued by wolf attacks. Her elder sister gets conveniently killed at the beginning of the story. The girl spends most of her time with her grandmother (Angela Lansbury), some kind of a witch/fairy godmother, who knits her a wonderful red coat, and who warns her about men and wolves. Most of the stories do come from Carter’s tales but are fleshed out. The girl, who doesn’t have a name in the original story, becomes Rosaleen. She also has a suitor in a village boy... But then one day she meets a strange man in the forest and then...
There are indeed many interesting parallels to draw between Jordan’s movie and what we have seen so far in the ST, as far as Rey’s journey is concerned. The Company of Wolves is supposed to be a journey after all, an experience, what Film Ireland superbly calls “ a timeless and psychedelic daydream/nightmare, undulating and shifting”, that is supposed to reflect a young girl’s fantasies and fears as she is on the cusp of womanhood. This is about transformation, and, as the girl is portrayed sleeping most of the movie until the end, about an awakening. Which is not too far off from what Rey is experiencing, albeit in a galaxy far far away, and in a totally different genre. But, it would not be smart to overlook the implications of the title for the first installment: The Force Awakens. We know, from Snoke and Kylo’s conversation in TFA, and from Rey’s conversation with Luke in TLJ, that it is not so much about the Force Awakening (did it ever sleep?); but about someone awakening within/to the Force. And who else but Rey has been awakened? “Something inside of me has always been there... But now it’s awake.  And I'm afraid. I don't know what it is or what to do with it. And I need help. “ Which could honestly be uttered by any teenage girl (granted, boys too) as she experiences puberty... The novelizations insist on Rey’s dreams and nightmares, something we unfortunately never got onscreen...
There are more parallels to draw between Rosaleen and Rey. Rey, like Rosaleen, is the girl with the rose. The wilted flower in her AT-AT was a subliminal call to the Beast’s magic rose in Disney. White roses, red roses, are not just emblems of love, they also represent female sexuality, and female blood.
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They both are fighters. Rosaleen carries a knife with her into the forest. And when her grandmother tells her a story that ends with a husband beating his wife, Rosaleen’s reaction evokes Rey: “I'd never let a man strike me!”. Her meeting with the wolf/man is also interesting to compare with Rey and Kylo. In Carter’s story, the man is described as a hunter, but in the movie he is turned into a rich man, a marquis. There is a class divide that did not exist in the short story. When she finally quizzes him about what he really is, whether he is a man or a wolf, his answer is that he doesn’t belong in one or another, that he belongs to both. Something that is further echoed by the Priest who finds the wolf girl and wonders whether she is “God’s Work” or the Devil’s, and finally decides it is better to show compassion to a suffering creature. Like Rey, Rosaleen ponders about the nature of her adversary, and decides first on hurting him: she shoots him after stealing his own gun (like someone we know who got somebody’s saber and struck thet somebody down). But then, when she sees him in pain and crying, she offers her compassion and realizes they are not so different. Her mother had warned her that there was also a beast in women’s hearts, so the ending shows Rosaleen turned into a wolf, apparently from her own free will. She chose to become the man’s companion. Much like our characters in TLJ who realize they are more connected than they thought, and Rey seeing Kylo differently.
I would like to offer further parallels in themes or scenes between the two movies:
Before meeting the wolf man, the girl has a suitor: a boy she met in her village. She is not romantically interested... and sees him more as a friend.
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Meeting in a snow forest, both armed
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Blood on the snow.... This classical Snow White reference is also a symbol for loss of virginity or first period... In both movies, the guys are the ones “bleeding” the snow... Can’t get more obvious than that...
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The “duel” involves a “red moon”... Before the girl gets inside Granny’s house, the moon turns red, and looks like an eye. Starkiller base has this reddish eye, and it explodes (turns red) after their fight...
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Both women wound the wolf... Rosaleen shoots at the wolf and wounds him in the shoulder. Rey cuts Kylo’s face and part of his chest.
High waisted pants...
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Do you like subtle phallic symbols? (Remember that in Carter’s short story, he was showing his huge genitals... Well, that’s the best they could do... LOL)
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And more of that...
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From hunter/prey dynamic:
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To real intimacy by the firelight, in “Granny’s House”... Luke is the “Granny” of the story...
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The compass... It is the object that the hunter shows the girl as a lure. Compass is a song in Rey’s spotify playlist, and we have seen a compass in Luke’s hut.
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The mirror, the eggs, and the nest.... The need to breed. Proof that it is all linked and that Ahch-To was indeed sex-ed class.
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A lot of points can be made between Luke and the grandmother. If, unlike Luke, the grandmother is more than willing to teach the girl, they both have magic skills. She turns out to be a (good) witch. The girl loves her grandmother and believes all her stories to be the truth, but her mother warns her at one point about the grandmother’s biased view of the world. Luke’s views also turn out to be partial, and the truth slightly twisted. During one of her strolls, the grandmother encounters a snake...
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Remember Luke on Dagobah?
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When the wolf faces the grandmother, he shows up with blood on his mouth, implying that he has “enjoyed” Rosaleen. The grandmother asks what he did with her. The wolf: “Nothing she didn’t want”. We find these two ideas first in the smut hut when Luke is shocked to discover that Rey has allowed herself to get this close to Kylo, and then when Kylo tells Luke that he will destroy Rey...  Also, if the wolf kills the grandmother, no blood is shed. When the wolf attacks the grandmother, she breaks as if she were a doll. She is thus a simulacrum: she was not a real person, she was the image of a person. Just like Kylo unable to kill Luke because he is just an image projected from across the galaxy. I think this is a very intriguing point. The point here is to shatter illusions, dreams, and fantasies. The girl in The Company of Wolves is sleeping next to a horror book called “The Shattered Dream”.
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Other possible parallel? The pack!
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The Snow White references and subversion. From this:
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To this:
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I was also interested in the little scene when the grandmother explains how the Devil meets a young man in the wolf and gives him the potion that turns him into a wolf. This reminded me of how Snoke ensnared and turned Kylo... Heck, for that matter, Snoke is even like a very grotesque Terence Stamp!
Oh, and the Hamlet scene...
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And yes, I can definitely see some parallelisms in the potential ending as well with Rey running away with Kylo... Look at this poster for the French DVD, which fuses the face of Rosaleen with the wolf and compare it with the TFA poster where Rey and Kylo merge their weapons (prelude to sex, right?) and complete each other, as well as the concept art in Art of The Last Jedi that merged their faces for Ahch-To:
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The point is not to say that the writers thought of this movie or this set of story to create the ST. Maybe they did, but that doesn’t really matter, anyways. The many similarities, in my view, are mainly due to the fact that both stories tap into similar themes. The coming of age of a girl, the fears and fantasies stemming from the desire for the other, the ambivalence between disgust and attraction about sexuality, the fear of losing oneself and one’s identity (the path, the compass, the metamorphosis). Again, this is a tale as old as time. Which is why it has so much appeal and resonates into our psyche. Maybe this will never be the main event for many people who will just enjoy the cool battles and special effects. Maybe it is this extra depth that irks the discontented fanboys, because, though they don’t fully see it, they still understand that something else is at play there... But this is why this movie will endure the test of time as a story. Themewise, it has universal SEX appeal.
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dennysinnoh · 6 years
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His cosplay is so accurate that he looks like the “Real Macaw”!
Chatot (in Japanese: ペラップ  “Perap”) is a NORMAL and FLYING dual-type, introduced in the Sinnoh Region (Gen 4: Diamond-Pearl-Platinum). It is the “Music Note” Pokémon.  Chatot does not evolve into any other Pokémon. (Source: Bulbapedia). There is not a “Mega-Evolution” form yet, however the bird can learn a Normal or Flying Z-move.
Chatot appears to us as a musical note combined with a chatty bird such as a parrot or parakeet. I tend to give this bird music or singer themed names.  My favorite name for (male) Chatot is “Gershwin” after the great American composer George Gershwin. Along those lines I also like to name them “Rhapsody” after Gershwin’s famous Rhapsody in Blue. I think that this name works well for female Chatot.
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Chatot is probably NOT for trainers like me who mostly play by the attack-attack-attack method. The bird is not all that strong. Chatot appeals to players who like to use “tricky” moves. Also, in games where there are double or triple battles, Chatot may be part of a tricky team.
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There must have been a lot of “chatter” on the island that day!
People who like Parrots, or have macaws or other exotic bird pets would identify with Chatot. Perhaps Jimmy Buffet fans a.k.a. “Parrot Heads” would enjoy this Pokémon. 
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An entire PC BOX of “Polly Wanna Crackers!”
When I was in high school, my teachers would always yell at girls who would not stop talking in class. They often used the name “Chatty Cathy“. The term also refers to the famous talking doll that were popular long ago with girls my age.  TheRealMacaw is a take on the American expression “The Real McCoy“:
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I also like these musical note related names. The St. Louis Blues NHL team has a great looking jersey with a blue note on them. “The Blue Note” is also the name of a famous New York jazz club. You might use CB Radio type names like “Breaker-One” or “Good Buddy”
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A great name for female Chatot is “Soprano” after the lady singers with the high vocal ranges. “Caruso” is after Enrico Caruso the famous opera singer. Some regard him as the greatest singer of all time. Speaking of singers, consider “Alvy Singer” after the character Woody Allen played in his best movie — Annie Hall.
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Twelve letters will allow you to use the name “SingSingSing” after the Louis Prima song made most famous by Benny Goodman. There was a noted New York State Prison named “Sing-Sing“. You would be singing the blues there.
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You kids are way too young to remember 900 Numbers. Way back in the 1980s when there was no Internet, late night TV commercials and seedy magazines used to advertise these various “chat lines” that lonely men could call. Basically, you could call up one of these numbers and a woman would talk dirty to you while you masturbate. Thank you Alexander Graham Bell. Get this – these phone calls would charge your credit card or phone provider $4.99 per MINUTE! I know, it is hard for you kids to believe, because there is so much free porn here in the future.
I know what you are thinking: “Denny you must have spent a fortune on 900 numbers when you were in your 20s.”  Ha. NO. I never ever would call one of those rip off chat lines. It might seem like a good idea at 3:00 in the morning after having a productive evening drinking beer … but NO. No way. I would rather have my money thank you.
The way I looked at it, there was absolutely nothing that one of these telephone Chat-thots could ever tell me that would be worth 5 bucks per minute. What … Stock tips? Lottery numbers?  Plenty of suckers must have wasted their money, because these chat number were big business all the way into the 1990s. Think about that … 5 bucks per minute. Now how many minutes would they need? … but I digress once more …
Here is some cute Chatot cosplay from cosplayer Lilacwire TWEET TWEET!
Here is more cute Chatot costume by Kiki @OrganizedChaos TWEET TWEET!
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That’s all for this week. When in the Sinnoh Region, please chat me up. Perhaps one could “chat up” a Thot at a bar?
Opera or Jazz? What is the name for your Sinnoh-Region Singer? Please comment!
Pokémon Nicknames: Chatot Chatot (in Japanese: ペラップ  “Perap”) is a NORMAL and FLYING dual-type, introduced in the Sinnoh Region (Gen 4: Diamond-Pearl-Platinum).
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xtruss · 2 years
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Jesse Forbes, 11, demonstrates his pistol spinning during the 2016 Vigilante Days festival in Tombstone, Arizona. The frontier town—made infamous by the shootout at the O.K. Corral in 1881—inspires visitors and locals to dress up in Old West garb.
Every Day Is A Wild West Costume Party In This Town
Historic reenactors, frontier architecture, and mock cowboy shootouts make a visit to Tombstone, Arizona, feel like time travel.
By Amanda Castleman | Photographs By Caitlin O'Hara | March 18, 2022
A woman in a bustled, Victorian-style dress pauses on Allen Street, the historic main drag of Tombstone, Arizona, site of the notorious gunfight at the O.K. Corral. A few seconds later, a man in an old-timey marshal’s outfit clanks by on the wooden plank sidewalk, spurs rattling. Tourists lift their smartphones and shoot the action.
Tombstone sits amid the grasslands and foothills of the Dragoon Mountains about 70 miles southeast of Tucson. Western false-front buildings line its six-block historic area where travelers can hop scarlet-colored horse-drawn stagecoaches to reach sights including the bawdy Birdcage Theater and Wyatt Earp’s Oriental Saloon, with its costumed cowboy show.
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(Victorian-era fashion show). Historic reenactors show off Victorian-style finery in the streets of Tombstone, Arizona.
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The scene draws fans of the Wild West, many of them dressed like it’s 1882, not 2022. Some days, up to 20 percent of the people in Tombstone’s historic zone are decked out in 19th-century-style clothing. Most of the frock coats and crinolines are worn by saloon bartenders or professional actors. But a sizable number of locals and visitors also get gussied up just for fun, inspired by the lore and livery of the Old West.
It’s not quite cosplay, which involves impersonating a specific character. Instead, it’s a kind of freeform historical reenactment—and everyone is invited.
Here’s how to experience Tombstone’s rough-and-tumble charm, and why it’s such a costume party.
From Gunfights To Tourist Sights
The freewheeling spirit of today’s Tombstone recalls its boom era, after an 1877 silver strike made it the fastest-growing city between St. Louis and San Francisco. It had the usual saloons and brothels, but it also possessed wealth and sophistication that fostered theaters, a debating club, and roller rinks where young Victorian couples canoodled on skates.
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(Cowboy actor pretends to be dead while children and adult tourists watch the performance). In this 1950 photo, an actor portraying a Wild West cowboy plays dead in historic Tombstone, Arizona. Photograph By Doreen Spooner, Keystone Features/Getty Images
Where money, power, and frontier justice collide, trouble often follows. The O.K. Corral conflict occurred during the bloodiest stretch of gunfights in Western history. Tombstone was made infamous by the 1881 shootout between cattle-rustling cowboys and profiteering lawmen, including the Earp brothers and John “Doc” Holliday. In less than a minute, three men died and one of the Wild West’s most potent legends was born.
The area’s fortunes changed in the early 20th century after the silver mines closed, when Tombstone seemed destined to become a ghost town. But during the tourism boom that followed World War II, Tombstone began to embrace its cowboy mythology, reopening saloons, museums, and creating other attractions. Many businesses were staffed with faux gamblers and saloon dancers in colorful (if not always authentic) costumes. Ever since, tourism has been the town’s biggest industry and employer.
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Members of the Tombstone Vigilantes reenact skits from the town's history. Mock gunfights take place regularly in Tombstone, Arizona, as part of festivals or at a replica of the O.K. Corral.
Enterprise and exuberance can create tension. The National Park Service
designated Tombstone’s downtown a national historic landmark in 1961, when it ranked among the nation’s best-preserved frontier communities. Just two years later, a parks inspector flagged “rampant huckstering” that was “rapidly ruining the integrity of this fine site.”
In the early 2000s, Tombstone almost lost its landmark status when the U.S. Department of the Interior called it out for historical inaccuracies. Business owners had distressed buildings to make them look older, labeled contemporary structures with 19th-century dates, and painted structures in inauthentic colors.
These days, tourists roll into Tombstone to see attractions including the circa-1878 Goodenough Silver Mine and the Boothill Graveyard (recreated after a stint as the town dump). History buffs gravitate to the Tombstone Courthouse State Historic Park, a red-brick Victorian edifice turned city museum.
A reconstruction of the O.K. Corral hosts three mock gunfights a day. Actors playing lawmen sport swooping mustaches and natty black dusters; the cowboy outlaws wear chaps and wide-brimmed hats.
Old West Dress Up
Tombstone two-steps between accurate historic interpretation (the courthouse’s replica gallows) and campy spins on the Wild West, such as a zipline where modern gunslingers shoot targets with laser pistols.
For many residents and tourists, appreciating the town’s past means putting on Old West-inspired costumes. On weekends, the unpaved pedestrian stretch of Allen Street can resemble a frontier fashion show.
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People dressed. up in victorian fashion. Members of local historic reenactor group the Vigilettes appear in a fashion show during a 2016 festival in Tombstone, Arizona.
“Playing at the West has been popular for nearly 140 years,” says Betsy Gaines Quammen, a historian and author of the upcoming book, True West: Sorting Realities on the Far Side of America. “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show drew huge audiences when it launched in 1883. I just think it’s important to understand that the idea of the ‘Wild West’ is based on a myth.”
Most of the reenactors tap into Western archetypes: cowboys, lawmen, prospectors, pioneer women. Retiree Cole Clayton, who moved to Tombstone to join its reenactment scene, often spends a full day walking around town impersonating a robber baron (string tie, ruffled shirt) or a grizzled gunslinger (leather vest, big hat). “It’s a fantasyland—people get dressed up every day,” he says. “I meet all the tourists, say ‘hi,’ then do it again the next day.”
Others, including Charles Hancock, reveal lesser-known parts of U.S. history. In his sackcloth coat, cavalry boots, and campaign hat, he interprets a Buffalo Soldier, a member of one of the Black military regiments organized in 1866, shortly after the Civil War. “We collect as much information as we can to tell the story of their accomplishments,” Hancock says.
Like Civil War enthusiasts on the U.S. East Coast, many of these reenactors go to great lengths to factually portray the past. Some craft their own costumes from period-accurate calicos or patterns taken from deconstructed antique garments. As Linda Penn, a reenactor and accomplished seamstress, says: “We try to go back in time and represent it as close as we can. We strive for authenticity.” Others suit up with replica Old West garb from stores including Spur Western Wear, Tombstone Antique Mall and Vintage Cowgirls of Tombstone.
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A group of Tombstone Reenactors wear clothing from the 1800s. Costumed reenactors can be seen daily in the streets of Tombstone, Arizona. They’re part of a flourishing, unpaid group of locals and visitors who love dressing up in Old West styles.
Often, what the enthusiasts wear looks nothing like a scene from Deadwood or Once Upon a Time in the West. “Dresses were never low-necked until after 5 p.m.,” says reenactor and milliner Sunny Quatchon (who favors bustled gowns and feathered hats herself). “During the day, even ladies of the night were buttoned up.”
Those lace-up corsets worn by some saloon employees or people posing at the town’s many old-time photo studios? They were never seen outside of the boudoir. Quatchon explains they went underneath women’s clothing, not on top, as we’ve grown accustomed to seeing in Hollywood Westerns.
Where To Spot Time Travelers
Some costumed time travelers stroll around Tombstone every day. But you’ll increase your chances of an encounter or photo op by visiting on the second or fourth Sunday of the month, when members of the Vigilletes and Vigilantes reenactor groups congregate along Allen Street. Folks in historic garb also turn out for annual events including Wyatt Earp Days in May and Helldorado Days in October.
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Tourists in costume stroll on Tombstone’s wood plank sidewalks.
Visitors can head to St. Paul’s Episcopal on any Sunday, when many parishioners attend the Gothic Revival adobe church in Wild West getups. Wyatt Earp helped to fund the 1882 structure with money he got from shaking down card dealers in his own saloon. Now on the National Register of Historic Places, it still has its original Belgian stained-glass windows and thick roof beams trundled down from the Chiricahua Mountains by oxcart. Behind it, a historic cottage holds a small exhibit on 19th-century women’s clothing.
On her regular weekend visits from nearby Tucson, Penn makes a point to attend the services at St. Paul’s. On a recent Sunday, she found herself amid 40 other worshippers in Victorian- or Edwardian-style attire. “It was a glorious experience,“ she says. “We obviously pretend to be in that timeframe. But when we were all together, it felt real to me.”
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theultimatefan · 6 years
Jones, Sayger, Lehner, Clark Among Top Creators At 2019 Wizard World St. Louis, April 5-7
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All-time great pioneer Arvell Jones (Marvel, D.C.), Stuart Sayger (“ROM,” “Micronauts”), Kurt Lehner (“Gargoyles,” “Marvel Action Hour”), Jeremy Clark ("Grimm Fairy Tales," "Day of the Dead") and Rick Burchett (“Batman Adventures,” “Superman Adventures”) are among the leading creators scheduled to populate Artist Alley at the seventh annual Wizard World St. Louis at America’s Center, April 5-7. The weekend will also feature many demonstrations and discussions at the Creative Stage, as well as 20+ Gateway City area creators.
Other notable artists and writers scheduled to appear include Ryan Kincaid (“Antoinette,” Upper Deck), Megan Withey (“Myths of Legend”), Trevor Mueller (“Albert the Alien,” “Reading with Pictures”), Ty Templeton (“Batman and Robin Adventures,” “Batman: The Gotham Adventures”), Jerry Pesce (PescEffects), Jim Mehsling (“Star Wars,” Topps) and more.
In addition to Burchett, other St. Louis area creators on hand include Arleana Holtzmann (fine artist), Virginia Kruta (chain maille artist), Angelika Huskamp (mosaics/mixed media), Ashley Harp (fine art), Christopher Wilson (illustrator/colorist), Dr. Secil Schodroski ("The Black Bonnet"), Lisa Pavia-Higel ("Geekery Girl"), Carlos Ruiz (Ink and Drink Comics), Laura Siadak ("Fallen Lights"), Matt Reedy (illustrator/graphic designer), Michael Hartmann (Disney, Cartoon Network) and Kaylee Hartmann, Judy Edwards (MoriaSilver), Jasna Kezic (Moxy Lane crafts), Nathaniel Jones (design), Angelina Fasano (PandaSquid), Nick Minor (Radiant Grey art), Samuel Bazdresch (oil paintings), Sam Richardson (Show Me Comics), Thomas Helton (Summit Stitch), Richard Coryell (Richard Thor Art), Jim Wilson ("Third Contact"), Michael Czerwonka (Wonka's Marker Art) and others.
Wizard World St. Louis will also include non-stop live entertainment, gaming, exclusive Q&A sessions with select celebrities and autographs/photo ops with with top stars such as Aquaman headliner Jason Momoa, Sean Astin (The Lord of the Rings, “Stranger Things 2”), Chris Kattan (“Saturday Night Live,” A Night at the Roxbury), the “Charmed” trio of Holly Marie Combs, Brian Krause and Drew Fuller, Daniel Cudmore (X-Men, Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2) and Thomas Ian Nicholas (Rookie of the Year, American Pie) and more, along with Wizard World’s Master of Ceremonies, Kato Kaelin.
Wizard World events bring together thousands of fans of all ages to celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, television, gaming, live entertainment, comics, sci-fi, graphic novels, toys, original art, collectibles, contests and more. The fourth event scheduled on the 2019 Wizard World calendar, St. Louis show hours are Friday, April 5, 4-9 p.m.; Saturday, April 6, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sunday, April 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Kids 10 and under are admitted free with paid adult.
Wizard World St. Louis is also the place for cosplay, with fans young and old showing off their best costumes throughout the event. Fans dressed as every imaginable character – and some never before dreamed – will roam the convention floor and participate in the famed Wizard World Costume Contest on Saturday evening.
For more on the 2019 Wizard World St. Louis, visit http://wizd.me/StLouisPR.
About Wizard Entertainment, Inc. (OTCBB: WIZD)
Wizard Entertainment, Inc. (www.wizardworld.com) produces comic, gaming and pop culture conventions across North America that celebrate the best in pop culture: movies, television, gaming, live entertainment, tech, comics, sci-fi, graphic novels, toys, original art, collectibles, contests and more. A first-class lineup of topical programming and entertainment takes place at each event, with celebrity Q&A's, comics-themed sessions, costume contests, movie screenings, evening parties and more. Wizard Entertainment has also teamed with Sony Pictures Entertainment to find the next generation of movies as well as to engage in a number of strategic initiatives. Additional initiatives may include an augmented touring schedule of Wizard World shows, fixed-site installations, curated e-commerce, and the production and distribution of content both in the U.S. and internationally. Fans can interact with Wizard Entertainment at www.wizardworld.com and on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other social media services.
The 2019 Wizard World convention schedule is available at: http://www.wizardworld.com/comiccon.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Manga the Week of 3/18/20
SEAN: It’s the week of St. Patrick’s Day, and yet the amount of Irish manga is thin on the ground.
Dark Horse has Mob Psycho 100 4, which I remain convinced must be 2000% better animated.
ASH: I’ve been enjoying the manga, but it sounds like I should check out the anime, too!
SEAN: J-Novel Club has two debuts. Bibliophile Princess (Mushikaburi-hime) is from Ichijinsha’s Iris Bunko line, and features a princess who spots her betrothed with another man, confirming the rumors she’s heard. But this is just the start of a VAST CONSPIRACY! I’ve heard good things about this.
ASH: That does sound like it could be good.
SEAN: The other debut is also a shoujo light novel, from Frontier Works’ ArianRose label. Can Someone Please Explain What’s Going On?! (Dareka Kono Joukyou wo Setsumei Shite Kudasai!) has our poor noble heroine signing a marriage contract to a rich noble man to save her family. Now she’s forced to level up in being a high-class fiancee. I’ve heard less good things about this, but will absolutely give it a shot.
They also have Arifureta Short Stories, which is what it says, and the long-awaited 9th volume of The Magic in This Other World Is Too Far Behind!.
Kodansha’s print debut is Something’s Wrong with Us (Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru), a josei series from Natsumi Ando, best known as the creator of Kitchen Princess. This runs in Be Love, though, so the audience is much older. A young woman is on a quest to become a sweets maker, but the owner of the company she starts with is the childhood friend who framed her mother for murder 15 years earlier. Um… well, that went somewhere unexpected.
MICHELLE: This creator also did Arisa, which might be seen as a sort of bridge between the two series you mentioned, since it did at least have some mystery elements. I’ll definitely check out Ando doing josei!
ASH: Me, too! Ando’s work always seems to have some unexpected turns (for better and worse), but I’ve enjoyed the creator’s past manga.
ANNA: Huh, I’m curious about this for sure.
MELINDA: Okay, wow. I’m in.
SEAN: Also in print: I’m Standing on a Million Lives 6, the 2nd Saint Young Men hardcover, That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime 12, and Witch Hat Atelier 5, which is the one Manga Bookshelf cares about.
MICHELLE: I really must get caught up on this.
ASH: I also care about Saint Young Men, but Witch Hat Atelier is just SO GOOD.
ANNA: It really is, I am stoked for a new volume of Witch Hat Atelier
SEAN: Digitally the debut is Kakushigoto: My Dad’s Secret Ambition, from the creator of Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei (of which Kodansha put out 14 of 30 volumes. Not that I’m bitter.), a story about a writer of a very popular but very raunchy manga series… which he absolutely does not want his young impressionable daughter finding out about at all. This runs in Monthly Shonen Magazine, and looks to be more realistic than either Zetsubou or Katteni Kaizo.
ASH: I’m intrigued (and hope it might get a print release at some point so I will actually read it).
MELINDA: I’m intrigued… but cautiously?
SEAN: Also out digitally: Cosplay Animal 11, Defying Kurosaki-kun 15, GE: Good Ending 3, I’ll Win You Over, Sempai! 2, MabuSasa 3, and My Boy in Blue 15.
One Peace gives us a 15th volume of The Rising of the Shield Hero. Fans of the series will be desperate for more of the main cast after their non-appearance in most of Isekai Quartet 2. Not that I’m smug.
No debuts from Seven Seas, but fear not, there is The Girl from the Other Side 8, New Game! 8, Saint Seiya Saintia Sho 9, and Wonderland 5.
MICHELLE: Yay for The Girl from the Other Side!
ASH: Yes, indeed!!
ANNA: Some good stuff coming out this week. I need to get caught up.
SEAN: Tokyopop has a debut with The Fox and the Little Tanuki (Kori Senman), a Mag Garden title from Comic Avarus, which stars a fox spirit who’s an ex-con! Out of God Jail, he has to prove he’s reformed by babysitting a tanuki. This looks cute.
And Tokyopop also has a 2nd Still Sick.
Vertical has Ajin 14.
Viz debuts Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku, a Shonen Jump + title that’s been on the SJ app and has an unbelievable amount of buzz. It’s set in Edo Japan, and features a ninja assassin and an executioner searching for the secret of immortality.
MICHELLE: I will probably check this out.
ASH: Same.
ANNA: Me too.
MELINDA: Agreed.
SEAN: Also out from Viz: 20th Century Boys Perfect Edition 7, BEASTARS 5, Levius/Est 3, and No Guns Life 4. Damn, Viz is grim this week.
ASH: I’ve already read all of 20th Century Boys, but I’ll be ready for more BEASTARS soon.
SEAN: Yen On gives us the 5th volume of The Isolator.
And on the manga end, there’s Delicious in Dungeon 8 (yay!) and Shibuya Goldfish 7 (ergh…).
ASH: I love Delicious in Dungeon so much.
SEAN: What manga is in your pot of gold?
By: Sean Gaffney
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lamcongliemme · 7 years
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lonocosplay · 8 years
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I've had a blast cosplaying these past few days
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collectorscorner · 4 years
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 7/22/20 Collectors Corner Parkville - HQ : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Baltimore County Guidelines. 1-410-668-3353. CC Parkville - NEW 2020 STORE HOURS, Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8 Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Harford County Guidelines. 1-410-838-1777. CC Bel Air -NEW 2020 STORE HOURS, Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner's No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland's Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 2 Super Cool & Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE - HEADQUARTERS 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 & CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com PUBLISHER/TITLE/PRICE ABLAZE Kidz #5 (Cover A Esdras Cristobal Gorillaz Album Parody Variant), $3.99 Kidz #5 (Cover B Marguerite Sauvage), $3.99 Kidz #5 (Cover C Jocelyn Joret), $3.99 ACTION LAB - DANGER ZONE Sweet Heart #2 (Of 5), $3.99 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Bad Reception #5, $3.99 Dark Ark Instinct (FCBD 2020 Edition), AR Man Who Effed Up Time #4, $3.99 Out Of The Blue The Complete Series HC, $29.99 AHOY COMICS Billionaire Island #3 (Of 4), $3.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie Giant Comics Jump TP, $9.99 World Of Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #100, $7.99 AWA STUDIOS Hotell #3 (Of 4), $3.99 Resistance #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Rahzzah), $3.99 Resistance #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Mike Deodato Jr.), $3.99 BOOM! STUDIOS Angel And Spike #12 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99 Angel And Spike #12 (Cover B Gleb Melkinov Monster Variant), $3.99 Angel And Spike #12 (Cover C Scott Buoncristiano), $3.99 Angel Legacy Edition Volume 2 GN, $29.99 Faithless II #1 (Of 6)(Kris Anka 2nd Printing Erotic Variant Cover), $3.99 Folklords TP, $17.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Beyond The Grid TP, $24.99 Power Rangers Ranger Slayer #1 (Cover A Dan Mora), $7.99 Power Rangers Ranger Slayer #1 (Cover B Goni Montes Foil Wraparound Variant), $8.99 Power Rangers Ranger Slayer #1 (Cover C Jen Bartel Spoiler Variant), $8.99 Power Rangers Ranger Slayer #1 (Cover D Dan Mora), AR Power Rangers Ranger Slayer #1 (Cover E Dan Mora Black & White Variant), AR Space Bear HC, $14.99 Wicked Things #3 (Cover A Max Sarin), $3.99 Wicked Things #3 (Cover B John Allison), $3.99 Wynd #1 (Of 5)(Jorge Corona 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Wynd #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Michael Dialynas), $4.99 Wynd #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Peach Momoko), AR COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1718, AR DAIKAIJU G-Fan #127, $7.95 DARK HORSE COMICS Blacksad The Collected Stories Volume 1 TP, $29.99 Hellsing Deluxe Edition Volume 1 HC, $49.99 Making Of The Umbrella Academy HC, $39.99 Tales From Harrow County Volume 1 Death's Choir TP, $17.99 DC COMICS Action Comics #1023 (Cover A John Romita Jr. & Klaus Janson), $3.99 Action Comics #1023 (Cover B Lucio Parillo), AR Amethyst #4 (Of 6), $3.99 Batgirl #47 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99 Batgirl #47 (Cover B Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson), AR Batman #95 (Cover A Jorge Jimenez), $3.99 Batman #95 (Cover B Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant), AR Batman #95 (Cover C Jorge Jimenez Joker Card Stock Variant), AR Batman Beyond #45 (Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99 Batman Beyond #45 (Cover B Francis Manapul), AR Batman Beyond Volume 7 First Flight TP, $16.99 Books Of Magic #21, $3.99 Detective Comics #1024 (Cover A Brad Walker & Andrew Hennessy), $3.99 Detective Comics #1024 (Cover B Lee Bermejo Card Stock Variant), AR Flash #758 (Cover A Rafa Sandoval & Jordi Tarragona), $3.99 Flash #758 (Cover B In-Hyuk Lee), AR Flash United They Fall TP, $17.99 Green Lantern Green Arrow Space Traveling Heroes HC, $49.99 House Of Mystery The Bronze Age Omnibus Volume 2 HC, $150.00 Joker Harley Criminal Sanity Secret Files #1 (Cover A David Mack), $5.99 Justice League Dark #24 (Cover A Yanick Paquette), $3.99 Justice League Dark #24 (Cover B John Giang), AR Last God #7, $4.99 Shazam #13 (Cover A Dale Eaglesham), $3.99 Shazam #13 (Cover B Julian Totino Tedesco Card Stock Variant), AR Wonder Woman Through The Years HC (July 15 per Diamond), $39.99 DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT George R.R. 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Su), $3.99 Transformers #21 (Cover C Philip Murphy), AR Usagi Yojimbo #10 (Cover A Stan Sakai), $3.99 IMAGE COMICS A Man Among Ye #1 (Francesca Fantini 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Adventureman #1 (Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Birthright #45, $3.99 Bliss #1 (Of 8), $3.99 Chu #1, $3.99 Death Or Glory #11 (Cover A Bengal), $3.99 Death Or Glory #11 (Cover B Tula Lotay), $3.99 Decorum #3 (Of 8)(Cover A Mike Huddleston), $3.99 Decorum #3 (Of 8)(Cover B Mike Huddleston), $3.99 Die #12 (Cover A Stephanie Hans), $3.99 Die #12 (Cover B Justine Frany), $3.99 East Of West Volume 10 TP, $16.99 Low #23 (Cover A Greg Tocchini), $3.99 Low #23 (Cover B Mahmud A. 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B. 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collectorscorner · 4 years
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 7/15/20
Collectors Corner Parkville - HQ : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Baltimore County Guidelines. 1-410-668-3353.
CC Parkville - NEW 2020 STORE HOURS, Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8
Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Harford County Guidelines. 1-410-838-1777.
CC Bel Air -NEW 2020 STORE HOURS, Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8
Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected]
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AWA STUDIOS Red Border #3 (Of 4), $3.99 Year Zero #3, $3.99
BLACK MASK COMICS Loud GN, $9.99 Space Riders Vortex Of Darkness #2, $3.99
BOOM! STUDIOS Adventure Time Princess Bubblegum TP, $9.99 Bill And Ted's Excellent Comic Book Archive TP, $24.99 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Hellmouth HC (Limited Edition), $24.99 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Hellmouth TP, $16.99 Faithless II #1 (Of 6)(Kris Anka 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Faithless II #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Maria Llovet), $3.99 Faithless II #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Tula Lotay Connecting Erotic Variant), $4.99 Faithless II #2 (Of 6)(Cover C TBD), AR Fence Rivals GN, $14.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #9 (Of 12)(Cover A Mona Finden), $3.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #9 (Of 12)(Cover B Kelly Matthews & Nichole Matthews), $3.99 Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #9 (Of 12)(Cover C TBD), AR Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Age Of Resistance #9 (Of 12)(Cover D TBD), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #51 (Cover A Jamal Campbell), $3.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #51 (Cover B Goni Montes Foil Wraparound Variant), $4.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #51 (Cover C Kris Anka), AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #51 (Cover D Jamal Campbell), AR Once And Future #9 (Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99 Power Rangers Ranger Slayer (FCBD 2020 Edition), AR Red Mother #6 (Cover A Jeremy Haun), $3.99 Red Mother #6 (Cover B Jeremy Haun Red Variant), AR Thief Among The Trees An Ember In The Ashes Volume 1 HC, $19.99
BROADSWORD COMICS Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose Volume 1 Origins TP (20th Anniversary Edition), $24.99
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1717, AR
DARK HORSE COMICS Empowered Omnibus Volume 1 TP, $34.99
DC COMICS Aquaman #61 (Cover A Robson Rocha), $3.99 Aquaman #61 (Cover B Tyler Kirkham), AR Batman Volume 13 City Of Bane Part Two HC (July 8 per Diamond), $24.99 Catwoman #23 (Cover A Sean Murphy), $3.99 Catwoman #23 (Cover B Woo-Cheol Lee), AR Daphne Byrne #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Sam Wolfe Connelly), $3.99 Daphne Byrne #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Kelley Jones), AR Dark Nights Death Metal #2 (Of 7)(Cover A Greg Capullo & Jonathan Glapion Card Stock Foil Variant), $4.99 Dark Nights Death Metal #2 (Of 7)(Cover B David Finch Aquaman Variant), AR Dark Nights Death Metal #2 (Of 7)(Cover C Jerome Opena Lobo Variant), AR Dark Nights Death Metal #2 (Of 7)(Cover D Stanley Artgerm Lau Harley Quinn Variant), AR Dark Nights Death Metal #2 (Of 7)(Cover E Doug Mahnke), AR Dark Nights Death Metal #2 (Of 7)(Cover F Greg Capullo & Jonathan Glapion Black And White Variant), AR DC Poster Portfolio Stanley Artgerm Lau Volume 2 TP, $24.99 DC Super Hero Girls Weird Science TP (July 8 per Diamond), $9.99 Dreaming Volume 3 One Magical Movement TP (July 8 per Diamond), $19.99 Green Lantern 80 Years Of The Emerald Knight HC, $29.99 Justice League #49 (Cover A Eddy Barrows & Eber Ferreira), $3.99 Justice League #49 (Cover B Nick Derington), AR Looney Tunes #255, $2.99 Metal Men #8 (Of 12)(Cover A Shane Davis), $3.99 Metal Men #8 (Of 12)(Cover B Steve Rude), AR Nightwing #72 (Cover A Travis Moore), $3.99 Nightwing #72 (Cover B Alan Quah), AR Preacher The 25th Anniversary Omnibus Volume 1 HC (August 4 per DC), $125.00 Strange Adventures #3 (Of 12)(Cover A Mitch Gerads), $4.99 Strange Adventures #3 (Of 12)(Cover B Evan Doc Shaner), AR Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #12 (Of 12)(Cover A Steve Lieber), $3.99 Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #12 (Of 12)(Cover B Ben Oliver), AR Teen Titans #43 (Cover A Bernard Chang), $3.99 Teen Titans #43 (Cover B Khary Randolph), AR Wonder Woman Her Greatest Victories TP (July 8 per Diamond), $12.99 Wonder Woman Through The Years HC (July 21 per DC), $39.99
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Bettie Page #1 (Cover A Jung-Geun Yoon), $3.99 Bettie Page #1 (Cover B Kano), $3.99 Bettie Page #1 (Cover C Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99 Bettie Page #1 (Cover D Riki Le Cotey Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Bettie Page #1 (Cover E Photo), $3.99 Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #5 (Cover A Lucio Parillo), $3.99 Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #5 (Cover B Alan Quah), $3.99 Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #5 (Cover C Ale Garza), $3.99 Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #5 (Cover D Kunkka), $3.99 Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #5 (Cover E Marghertia Sabattini Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #11 (Of 12)(Cover A Fay Dalton), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #11 (Of 12)(Cover B Robert Hack), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #11 (Of 12)(Cover C Laura Braga), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #11 (Of 12)(Cover D Dan Parent), $3.99 Red Sonja And Vampirella Meet Betty And Veronica #11 (Of 12)(Cover E Cat Staggs), $3.99 Sacred Six #1 (Cover A Jae Lee), $3.99 Sacred Six #1 (Cover B Jose Ladronn), $3.99 Sacred Six #1 (Cover C Lucio Parrillo), $3.99 Sacred Six #1 (Cover D Meghan Hetrick), $3.99 Vampirella #11 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99 Vampirella #11 (Cover B Guillem March), $3.99 Vampirella #11 (Cover C Fay Dalton), $3.99 Vampirella #11 (Cover D Ergun Gunduz), $3.99 Vampirella #11 (Cover E Lorraine Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Vampirella #30 (1973 Replica Edition), $6.99
HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE Heavy Metal #299 (Cover A Giovanni Maisto), $9.99
IDW PUBLISHING Complete Chester Gould's Dick Tracy Volume 28 1974-1976 HC, $44.99 Disney Comics And Stories #13 (Cover A Marco Mazzarello), $5.99 Grot The Story Of The Swamp City Grifters TP, $19.99 H.G. Wells' The Island Of Dr. Moreau HC, $24.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic (FCBD 2020 Edition), AR Snake Eyes Deadgame #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Rob Liefeld), $4.99 Snake Eyes Deadgame #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Rob Liefeld), $4.99 Snake Eyes Deadgame #1 (Of 6)(Cover C Rob Liefeld Ink Variant), AR Snake Eyes Deadgame #1 (Of 6)(Cover D Rob Liefeld), AR Star Trek Deep Space Nine Too Long A Sacrifice #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Ricardo Drumond), $3.99 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Too Long A Sacrifice #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Photo), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures #32 (Cover A Arianna Florean), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures #32 (Cover B David M. Buisan), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures #32 (Cover C Derek Charm), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #106 (Cover A Nelson Daniel), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #106 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #106 (Cover C Sophie Campbell), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin #1 Sampler, AR Transformers '84 Secrets And Lies #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Guido Guidi), $3.99 Transformers '84 Secrets And Lies #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Casey W. Coller), $3.99 Transformers '84 Secrets And Lies #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Nick Roche), AR Transformers '84 Secrets And Lies #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Geoff Senior), AR
IMAGE COMICS 20XX #5, $3.99 Die!Die!Die! #11, $3.99 Family Tree #7, $3.99 Gideon Falls #23 (Cover A Andrea Sorrentino & Dave Stewart), $3.99 Gideon Falls #23 (Cover B Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Image Giant-Sized Artist's Proof Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici #1, $19.99 Ludocrats #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Jeff Stokely), $3.99 Ludocrats #3 (Of 5)(Cover B David Lafuente), $3.99 Manifest Destiny Volume 7 Talpa Lumbricus And Lepus TP, $16.99 Moonshine #19, $3.99 Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici Volume 1 HC, $39.99 Old Guard Force Multiplied #5 (Of 5), $3.99 Savage Dragon #250 (Cover A Erik Larsen), $9.99 Savage Dragon #250 (Cover B Frank Cho), $9.99 Savage Dragon #250 (Cover C Rob Liefeld), $9.99 Savage Dragon #250 (Cover D Walter Simonson), $9.99 Savage Dragon #250 (Cover E Skottie Young), $9.99 Savage Dragon #250 (Cover F Blank Variant), $9.99 Savage Dragon #250 (Cover G Erik Larsen & Ryan Ottley), $9.99 Savage Dragon The Scourge Strikes TP (not verified by Diamond), $19.99
LION FORGE Rolled And Told Volume 2 HC, $49.99
LITTLE SHOPPE OF HORRORS Little Shoppe Of Horrors #44, $10.95
MARVEL COMICS 2020 iWolverine #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Juan Jose Ryp), $3.99 2020 iWolverine #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Mike Henderson), AR Amazing Spider-Man #44 (Cover A Carlos E. Gomez), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #44 (Cover B Tony S. Daniel Marvel Zombies Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #44 (Cover C Marvel Wednesday Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man Full Circle HC, $29.99 Astonishing X-Men Companion TP, $34.99 Avengers #34 (Cover A Matteo Scalera), $3.99 Avengers #34 (Cover B Marvel Wednesday Variant), AR Captain Marvel #17 (Cover A Pepe Larraz), $3.99 Captain Marvel #17 (Cover B Marvel Wednesday Variant), AR Conan Battle For The Serpent Crown #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Mahmud A. Asrar), $3.99 Conan Battle For The Serpent Crown #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Riccardo Federici), AR Conan Battle For The Serpent Crown #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Iban Coello), AR Conan Serpent War TP, $15.99 Death Of Wolverine Prelude Three Months To Die TP, $34.99 Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Jim Cheung), $5.99 Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Alexander Lozano Avengers Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover C Michael Cho Fantastic Four Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover D Tony S. Daniel Kree Skrull Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover E David Finch), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover F Jamie McKelvie), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover G Mahmud A. Asrar), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover H Ed McGuinness Launch Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover I Jim Cheung Premiere Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover J Mike Mignola Hidden Gem Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover K John Tyler Christopher 2-Pack Action Figure Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover L Blank Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover M Skrull Green Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover N TBD Secret Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover O Marvel Wednesday Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(Cover P Jim Cheung Back The Comeback Variant), AR Empyre #1 (Of 6)(In-Hyuk Lee 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $5.99 Fantastic Four #21 (Cover A Nick Bradshaw), $3.99 Fantastic Four #21 (Cover B Arthur Adams Marvel Zombies Variant), AR Fantastic Four #21 (Cover C Jorge Molina Empyre Variant), AR Fantastic Four #21 (Cover D Patrick Zircher Confrontation Variant), AR Fantastic Four #21 (Cover E Marvel Wednesday Variant), AR Giant-Size X-Men Magneto #1 (Cover A Ben Oliver), $4.99 Giant-Size X-Men Magneto #1 (Cover B Esad Ribic), AR Giant-Size X-Men Magneto #1 (Cover C Marvel Wednesday Variant), AR Guardians Of The Galaxy #4 (Cover A Ivan Shavrin), $3.99 Guardians Of The Galaxy #4 (Cover B Nico Suayan Marvel Zombies Variant), AR Guardians Of The Galaxy #4 (Cover C Marvel Wednesday Variant), AR Immortal Hulk #35 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #35 (Cover B Marvel Wednesday Variant), AR Ms. Marvel By Saladin Ahmed Volume 2 Stormranger TP, $17.99 Runaways Pride And Joy Marvel Select HC, $24.99 Spider-Woman #2 (Cover A Jung-Geun Yoon), $3.99 Spider-Woman #2 (Cover B Mike Hawthorne Villain Variant), AR Spider-Woman #2 (Cover C Jenny Frison), AR Spider-Woman #2 (Cover D Ben Oliver Marvel Zombies Variant), AR Spider-Woman #2 (Cover E Marvel Wednesday Variant), AR Strikeforce #8, $3.99 Uncanny X-Men Omnibus Volume 1 HC (New Printing)(Gil Kane Book Market Cover), $100.00 Uncanny X-Men Omnibus Volume 1 HC (New Printing)(Watson Direct Market Cover), $100.00 Venom #25 (Dave Rapoza 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $5.99 Venom #25 (Ryan Stegman 2nd Printing Wraparound Variant Cover), $5.99 Venom #26 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99 Venom #26 (Cover B Marvel Wednesday Variant), AR Venom #26 (Cover C Mark Bagley), AR X-Men #1 (FCBD 2020 Edition), AR
MARVEL PRESS Grow Up Ant-Man Board Book HC, $7.99 Unstoppable Wasp Novel Built On Hope HC, $17.99
ONI PRESS Rick And Morty Go To Hell #2 (Cover A Constanza Oroza), $3.99 Rick And Morty Go To Hell #2 (Cover B Dave Crosland), $3.99
RED 5 COMICS Dragon Whisperer #3, $3.95
RED 5 COMICS - STONEBOT Zero Day Threat #2, $3.95
SCOUT COMICS Electric Black Volume 1 TP, $17.99 It Eats What Feeds It #1, $3.99 Murder Hobo Beaten Broken And Buggered #1 (Cover A Jason Lynch), $3.99 Murder Hobo Beaten Broken And Buggered #1 (Cover B Jason Lynch), AR Wretches #6, $3.99
SOURCE POINT PRESS Boston Metaphysical Society TP, $19.99
STORM KING PRODUCTIONS Storm Kids Hyperbreed #4 (Of 5), $3.99
TWOMORROWS PUBLISHING All-Star Bundle, $35.95 DC Companion Duo Bundle, $34.95
VAULT COMICS Engineward #1 (Cover A Joe Eisma), $3.99 Engineward #1 (Cover B Nathan Gooden), $3.99 Engineward #1 (Cover C Jen Hickman), $3.99 Heist Or How To Steal A Planet #6, $3.99
VIZ MEDIA Snow White With The Red Hair Volume 7 GN, $9.99 Yo-Kai Watch Volume 14 GN, $9.99
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Van Helsing Vs The League Of Monsters #3 (Cover A Alejandro Barrionuevo), $3.99 Van Helsing Vs The League Of Monsters #3 (Cover B Igor Vitorino), $3.99 Van Helsing Vs The League Of Monsters #3 (Cover C John Royle), $3.99 Van Helsing Vs The League Of Monsters #3 (Cover D Harvey Tolibao), $3.99
TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES DC Multiverse Wave 2 Wonder Woman 7 Inch Scale Action Figure, AR DC Multiverse Wave 2 Wonder Woman Gold 7 Inch Scale Action Figure, AR DC Supergirl Returns Bishoujo Statue, AR Justice League Animated Aquaman Action Figure, AR Justice League Animated Batman Action Figure, AR Justice League Animated Green Lantern John Stewart Action Figure, AR Justice League Animated Hawkgirl Action Figure, AR Justice League Animated Martian Manhunter Action Figure, AR Justice League Animated Superman Action Figure, AR Justice League Animated The Flash Action Figure, AR Justice League Animated Wonder Woman Action Figure, AR Marvel Gallery Comic Emma Frost PVC Statue, AR
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 11/27/19 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner's No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% Off ALL Bagged & Boarded Comic Book Back Issues, Board Games, Graphic Novels, Manga & Special Orders. Plus Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland's Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 3 Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE HQ 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 11/27/19 AFTERSHOCK COMICS Dark Red #8, $$3.99 AHOY COMICS Second Coming #5 (of 6), $$3.99 AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY PRODUCTIONS Casper's Classic Christmas #1 (Cover A TBD), $$3.99 Casper's Classic Christmas #1 (Cover B Retro Animation Variant), $$9.99 Monster Men Soul Of The Beast #1 (Cover A Roy Allen Martinez), $$3.99 ARCANA STUDIO Go Fish HC, $$14.95 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie And Me Jumbo Comics Digest #23, $$7.99 Everything's Archie Volume 2 TP, $$10.99 BHP COMICS Killtopia Volume 2 GN, $$13.95 BLACK MASK COMICS Come Into Me Volume 1 TP, $$16.99 Snap Flash Hustle Volume 1 TP, $$14.99 Space Riders Vortex of Darkness #1, $$3.99 BLACKBOX COMICS Psycho List #4 (Of 6), $$3.99 BOOM! STUDIOS Angel #7 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $$3.99 Angel #7 (Cover B Jakub Rebelka Hellmouth Connecting Variant), $$3.99 Angel #7 (Cover C Scott Buoncristiano), $$3.99 Angel #7 (Cover D Jack T. Cole), $AR Folklords #1 (Of 5)(Jorge Corona 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Lumberjanes #68 (Cover A Kat Leyh), $$3.99 Lumberjanes #68 (Cover B Sas Milledge), $$3.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45 (Cover A Jamal Campbell), $$3.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45 (Cover B Goni Montes Foil Variant), $$4.99 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45 (Cover C Kris Anka Trading Card Variant), $AR Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45 (Cover D Dan Mora Story Variant), $AR Plate Tectonics An Illustrated Memoir HC, $$24.99 Rugrats Volume 1 The Last Token GN, $$14.99 Woods Yearbook Edition Volume 3 TP, $$29.99 BURLYMAN ENTERTAINMENT Doc Frankenstein The Post Modern Prometheus HC, $$34.99 Matrix Comics 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition HC (Kaare Andrews Pod Cover), $$39.99 Matrix Comics 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition HC (Kaare Andrews Trinity Cover), $$39.99 COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1693, $AR DARK HORSE COMICS Art Of Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order HC (Limited Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $$79.99 Avatar Tsu'tey's Path Volume 1 TP, $$19.99 Ether Volume 3 The Disappearance Of Violet Bell #3 (Of 5)(Cover A David Rubin), $$3.99 Ether Volume 3 The Disappearance Of Violet Bell #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Jill Thompson), $$3.99 Fight Club 3 #11 (Cover A David Mack), $$3.99 Fight Club 3 #11 (Cover B Eric Wilkerson), $$3.99 Invisible Kingdom #7, $$3.99 Machine Gun Wizards #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Christian Ward), $$3.99 Machine Gun Wizards #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Gabriel Hernandez Walta), $$3.99 Stranger Things Volume 2 SIX TP, $$17.99 Umbrella Academy Library Edition Volume 2 Dallas HC, $$39.99 Witchfinder Omnibus Volume 1 TP, $$34.99 Witchfinder The Reign Of Darkness #1 (Of 5), $$3.99 DC COMICS Action Comics #1017 (Cover A John Romita Jr. & Klaus Janson), $$3.99 Action Comics #1017 (Cover B Lucio Parillo Card Stock Variant), $AR Aquaman Sword Of Atlantis Volume 1 TP, $$39.99 Basketful Of Heads #2 (Of 7)(Cover A Reiko Murakami), $$3.99 Basketful Of Heads #2 (Of 7)(Cover B Clayton Crain Card Stock Variant), $AR Batgirl #41 (Cover A Dustin Nguyen), $$3.99 Batgirl #41 (Cover B Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson Card Stock Variant), $AR Batman And Robin By Peter J. Tomasi And Patrick Gleason Omnibus HC (New Printing), $$125.00 Batman Beyond #37 (Lee Weeks 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $$3.99 Batman Beyond #38 (Cover A Lee Weeks), $$3.99 Batman Beyond #38 (Cover B Francis Manapul), $AR Batman Creature Of The Night #4 (Of 4), $$5.99 Batman Giant #2, $$4.99 Batman Vs Ra's al Ghul #3 (Of 6), $$3.99 Books Of Magic #14, $$3.99 Booster Gold The Big Fall HC, $$39.99 DC Comics The Art Of Jim Lee Volume 1 HC, $$39.99 DC Previews #20 (December 2019), $AR Detective Comics #1016 (Cover A Doug Mahnke), $$3.99 Detective Comics #1016 (Cover B Kaare Andrews Card Stock Variant), $AR Dollar Comics Infinite Crisis #1, $$1.00 Flash #83 (Cover A Rafael Sandoval), $$3.99 Flash #83 (Cover B Guillem March), $AR Freedom Fighters #11 (Of 12), $$3.99 John Constantine Hellblazer #1 (Cover A John Paul Leon), $$3.99 John Constantine Hellblazer #1 (Cover B Charlie Adlard), $AR John Constantine Hellblazer #1 (Cover C Blank Variant), $AR Justice League Dark #17 (Cover A Stephen Segovia), $$3.99 Justice League Dark #17 (Cover B Clayton Crain), $AR Last God #2, $$4.99 Looney Tunes #252, $$2.99 Martian Manhunter #10 (Of 12)(Cover A Riley Rossmo), $$3.99 Martian Manhunter #10 (Of 12)(Cover B Joshua Middleton), $AR Red Hood Outlaw #40 (Cover A V Ken Marion), $$3.99 Red Hood Outlaw #40 (Cover B Philip Tan & Marc Deering), $AR Red Hood Outlaw Volume 2 Prince Of Gotham TP, $$16.99 Shazam #8 (Cover A Dale Eaglesham), $$3.99 Shazam #8 (Cover B Michael Cho), $AR Supergirl Annual #2, $$4.99 Swamp Thing Giant #2, $$4.99 Tales From The Dark Multiverse Infinite Crisis #1, $$5.99 Terrifics #22 (Cover A Stephen Byrne), $$3.99 Terrifics #22 (Cover B Riley Rossmo), $AR DIAL BOOKS I Am Amelia Earhart Young Reader HC (New Printing)(not verified by Diamond), $$15.99 I Am George Washington Young Reader HC (New Printing)(not verified by Diamond), $$15.99 I Am Helen Keller Young Reader HC (New Printing)(not verified by Diamond), $$15.99 I Am Jane Goodall Young Reader HC (New Printing)(not verified by Diamond), $$15.99 I Am Neil Armstrong Young Reader HC (New Printing)(not verified by Diamond), $$15.99 I Am Sacagawea Young Reader HC (New Printing)(not verified by Diamond), $$15.99 DIAMOND PUBLICATIONS Game Trade Magazine #238, $$3.99 Previews #375 (December 2019), $$3.99 DRAWN AND QUARTERLY Little Lulu Volume 1 Working Girl HC, $$29.95 DYNAMIC FORCES Detective Comics #1000 (Tom King Signed Edition), $AR Merry Marvel Christmas, $AR DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover A John Royle), $$3.99 Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover B Scott Chantler), $$3.99 Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover C David Williams), $$3.99 Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover D Pasquale Qualano), $$3.99 Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover E Photo), $$3.99 Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover F Photo Virgin Variant), $AR Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover G David Williams Black & White Variant), $AR Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover H John Royle Black & White Variant), $AR Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover I David Williams Virgin Variant), $AR Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover J Royle Virgin Variant), $AR Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover K John Royle Black & White Virgin Variant), $AR Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover L Scott Chantler Virgin Variant), $AR Bettie Page Unbound #6 (Cover M Pasquale Qualano Black & White Variant), $AR Black Terror #2 (Cover I Tyler Kirkham Virgin Variant), $AR Dawn Vampirella TP, $$19.99 KISS Zombies #1 (Cover M Arthur Suydam Virgin Variant), $AR KISS Zombies #1 (Cover N Stuart Sayger Virgin Variant), $AR Red Sonja #10 (Cover P Amanda Conner Virgin Variant), $AR Red Sonja #10 (Cover Q Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), $AR Red Sonja #11 (Cover I Cosplay Virgin Variant), $AR Red Sonja The Complete Gail Simone Omnibus HC, $$49.99 Red Sonja The Complete Gail Simone Omnibus HC (Gail Simone Signed Edition), $$75.00 Vampirella 50th Anniversary Poster Collection SC, $$24.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #2 (Cover M Lucio Parillo Virgin Variant), $AR Vengeance Of Vampirella #2 (Cover N Ben Oliver Virgin Variant), $AR FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Atom Bomb And Other Stories HC, $$35.00 Ditch Life HC, $AR EC Artist's Library Slipcase Volume 4, $$99.99 George Herriman Library Volume 1 Krazy And Ignatz 1916-1918 HC, $$35.00 FLOATING WORLD COMICS Is This Right Color To Prove I Don't Have A Shitty Life GN, $$15.00 GHOST SHIP Destiny Lovers Volume 1 GN, $$13.99 To Love Ru Volumes 17-18 GN, $$19.99 GRAPHIX Dog Man Volume 4 Dog Man And Cat Kid HC (With Dust Jacket), $$16.99 Dog Man Volume 5 Lord Of The Fleas HC (With Dust Jacket), $$16.99 Dog Man Volume 6 Brawl Of The Wild HC (With Dust Jacket), $$24.99 Dog Man Volume 7 For Whom The Ball Rolls HC (With Dust Jacket), $$24.99 HERMES PRESS Frank Thorne's Ribit HC, $$34.99 Johnny Hazard The Newspaper Dailies Volume 7 1954-1956 HC, $$50.00 Phantom The Complete Avon Novels Volume 11 The Swamp Rats SC, $$14.99 Phantom The Complete Avon Novels Volume 12 The Vampires And The Witch SC, $$14.99 Phantom The Complete Dailies Volume 17 1961-1962 HC, $$60.00 HERO TOMORROW COMICS Tap Dance Killer Volume 1 TP, $$19.99 IDW PUBLISHING Cobra Kai The Karate Kid Saga Continues #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Kagan McLeod), $$3.99 Cobra Kai The Karate Kid Saga Continues #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Photo), $$3.99 Cobra Kai The Karate Kid Saga Continues #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Nikos Koutsis), $AR Crow Hark The Herald #1 (Cover A Tim Seeley), $$4.99 Crow Hark The Herald #1 (Cover B Fei Chen), $AR Crow Hark The Herald #1 (Cover C Tim Seeley Black & White Variant), $AR From Hell Master Edition #8 (Of 10)(Cover A Eddie Campbell), $$7.99 Goosebumps Horrors Of The Witch House HC, $$12.99 Marvel Action Classics Ant-Man #1 (Cover A Clayton Henry), $$4.99 Matteo Volume 2 1917-1918 HC, $$19.99 My Little Pony Holiday Special 2019 (Cover A Andy Price), $$4.99 My Little Pony Holiday Special 2019 (Cover B Trish Forstner), $$4.99 My Little Pony Holiday Special 2019 (Cover C Valentina Pinto), $AR Sonic The Hedgehog #23 (Cover A Priscilla Tramontano), $$3.99 Sonic The Hedgehog #23 (Cover B Tracy Yardley), $$3.99 Sonic The Hedgehog #23 (Cover C Nathalie Fourdraine), $AR Star Trek Picard Countdown #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Michael Pangranzio), $$4.99 Star Trek Picard Countdown #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Photo Variant), $AR Star Trek Picard Countdown #1 (Of 3)(Cover C Sara Pitre-Durocher), $AR Star Wars Adventures #28 (Cover A Derek Charm), $$3.99 Star Wars Adventures #28 (Cover B Tony Fleecs), $$3.99 Star Wars Adventures #28 (Cover C Manuel Bracchi), $AR Transformers Galaxies #3 (Cover A Livio Ramondelli), $$3.99 Transformers Galaxies #3 (Cover B Winston Chan), $$3.99 Transformers Galaxies #3 (Cover C Angel Hernandez), $AR Uncle Scrooge #51 (Cover A Marco Mazzarello), $$4.99 Uncle Scrooge #51 (Cover B Giorgio Cavazzano), $AR Young Donald Duck Volume 1 TP, $$14.99 IMAGE COMICS Ascender #7, $$3.99 Criminal #10, $$3.99 Curse Words #25 (Cover A Ryan Browne), $$3.99 Curse Words #25 (Cover B Ryan Browne Interconnected Variant), $$3.99 Descender The Deluxe Edition Volume 2 HC, $$49.99 East Of West #44, $$3.99 Killadelphia #1 (Cover A Jason Shawn Alexander), $$3.99 Killadelphia #1 (Cover B Francesco Mattina Black Friday Variant), $AR Lazarus Risen #3, $$7.99 Postal Deliverance #5, $$3.99 Realm Volume 3 TP, $$16.99 Redneck Volume 4 Lone Star TP, $$16.99 Section Zero Volume 1 There Is No Section Zero TP, $$19.99 INSIGHT KIDS Star Wars Luke Skywalker And The Secrets Of The Jedi HC, $$24.99 IRON CIRCUS COMICS Lonesome Era GN, $$30.00 KODANSHA COMICS If I Could Reach You Volume 2 GN, $$12.99 Magic Knight Rayearth 25th Anniversary Box Set Volume 1, $$129.99 Tales Of Berseria Volume 1 GN, $$12.99 UQ Holder Volume 18 GN, $$10.99 LION FORGE Milo's World Volume 2 The Black Queen HC, $$19.99 Ogre Gods Volume 3 The Great Man HC, $$24.99 Orphans Volume 4 Winners And Losers GN, $$19.99 MAD CAVE STUDIOS Wolvenheart #2 (Of 6), $$3.99 MARVEL COMICS Adventures Of Spider-Man Radioactive TP, $$12.99 Avengers #27 (Cover A Ed McGuinness), $$3.99 Avengers #27 (Cover B Nick Bradshaw 2099 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