#st.van one shot
allmybiasneedtostop · 5 years
Sleepy Morning
Pairing: Reader x Geumhyuk Lee/St. Van
Group: VAV
Type: domestic fluff
A/N: this is from your pov. I have one of St. Van's pov if anyone is interested. First time actually finishing a one shot... 😅 Jagi and Jagiya are the same they mean sweetheart, honey, babe, ect.
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You get a text from Geumhyuk saying that he's staying at the studio till late working on a song. You text back that saying you'll set his things out and you will turn in early.
Normally you would stay up and wait for him. But this time you worked all week, including weekends, and did overtime at your company. Finally you are able to just crash.
You put a pillow and a light blanket on the couch along with his tee shirt and pj pants. On top of the pile you put a sticky note telling him that you left food out for him and to make sure to eat it. You go through your evening routine: eating, taking out the dogs, feeding the dogs, and shower. Too sleepy to care you put on one of your jagiya's tee shirts, grab your stuffed bear and clock out once your head hits your pillow.
You don't know how long you were sleeping. But you wake up to something hitting your head and your legs. More specifically two somethings.
"Get off the bed you dumb-dumbs" You feel your own dog, Sombra a black American Bully, trying to be a "little" spoon, and Geumhyuk's dog, Cash a Blue Sharpei, on your head. Annoyed, you just grumble and snuggle deeper into your stuffed bear.
Grumbling again you tell the dogs, "You guys have your own beds, go there"
The dogs are normally not allowed to get on the bed for reasons. One of them being that they get so happy they wag their tails in their sleep. The other is that it's summer and you don't want two more warm bodies in the bed.
"Well I guess I'm going back to the couch"
"Noooo jagiya!" You sit up to see your boyfriend smiling at you. Your shirtless boyfriend…
Trying to rub away the rest of the sleepiness you point out, "Why don't you have a shirt on?"
"Cause the woman with the cutest bedhead took it from me" he pulls you in to kiss your forehead.
"If it bothers you that much than give it back, I don't mind you shirtless."
"Shu-" at that time both of your stomachs grumble.
"Jagiya can we make pancakes first?"
"Sure jagi but after you're giving me my shirt back"
You get up and surprise him by poking his side. "No promises!"
The two of you run out of the room with pup-pups following. You and Geumhyuk start the weekend with smiles and pancakes.
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vav-official · 5 years
< VAV 3rd VAMPZ Proficiency Test>
The return of VAMPZ Proficiency Test!!! Are you curious about member’s result?!
It’s time to announce the result!!
Double Highest Score_1st Place!! (90%)
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Continuously becoming the 1st!!
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He was the last but become the 1st now!!!
Double 3rd Place (80%)
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Examinee’s Slate Number PRINCE ♥♥
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Double Last (70%)
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What happened to you, why are you getting the lowest score!!! T_T
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TMI *Too Much Information* St.Van got the lowest score, even he got full marks by just writing one answer.
Double Highest Score : 1st Place. LOU KIM HO SUNG (paper marked by Lee Geum Hyun)
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Double Highest Score : 1st Place. NOH YOON HO (paper marked by Prince ACE♥)
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Double 3rd Place. ACE (paper marked by Hee Jun)
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Double 3rd Place. PARK HEE JUN (paper marked by Lou)
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Double Last. CHOI CHOON HYUP(BARON) (paper marked by Ayno!)
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Double Last. ST.VAN (paper marked by BaRon!)
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This time, we will release more TMI of VAV!! Check all the O,X of the test paper!!!
St.Van is the leader. O
St.Van leaves trash in Ziu's bedroom. O
St.Van is allergic to cats. O
Lee Geum Hyuk’s eye is not big, so sometime I don’t know who is he looking at. O
St.Van give up diet and decided to enjoy all delicious food. X -> diet never stop
St.Van is the VAV member who can speak fluent Chinese just like native. O
St.Van always like to shake his body during video interview. O
When playing rock-paper-scissors, the percentage of St.Van
VAV member BaRon drinks 3L of water per day. O
BaRon is interested with real property and like to read. O
BaRon like to collect fans letter. O
Baron rolls his eyes a lot when he has been wearing lenses for a while X -> blink his eyes
Ayno like VANS. O
Ayno is VAV members with the longest neck. O
Ayno get a lot of skin treatment. X
Ayno can’t really remember fans’ name. O
Ayno is VAV members who don’t go to gym. O
Yoon Ho have 1 hours of massage every day . O
Ace eats a lot snacks recently. O
Ace always exercise before go to bed. O
Woo Young always gather his hand while say thank you to fans in VCAM. O
He like to hear people praise him as handsome boy. O
Woo Young Oppa talked to himself during fan sign event. X
Jang Woo Young bought a phone case at Fukuoka. O
VAV Woo Young have a nickname as Price, and he like looks into mirror. O
Woo Young promise to treat members BBQ but he haven’t. O
Prince Woo Young can’t drink coffee. O
Woo Young country national flower is red rose. O
Lou gave name to each side of his AirPods. O
Lou always prepare food for Ziu during broadcast promotion. X -> Not always
Ho Sung old picture is cute. X
Lou will have a bloating face if he got to bed late. O
Kim Ho Sung like being asked: “How’re your day?”. O
Lou collects alcohol from different countries in the his room. O
Lou’s height is above 190cm. X
Lou have obvious beard when he is barefaced. X
Ho Sung have double eye lid recently. O
Lou fixes his hair (bangs) every time he is filming himself or in a solo shot O
There’s always a head holder in Ziu’s room. O
Ziu always brings food with him when go to broadcast promotion. O
Ziu eats whiles sleeping O
Maknae is born in 1997. O
Park Hee Jun has a nice hand. O
Park Hee Jun grows his beard fast. O
Park Hee Jun wish to travel oversea alone. O
There’re 2 rappers in VAV. X -> 3 (Jacob, Lou, Ayno)
VAV average height is 180cm. O
VAV members looks more handsome during THRILLA KILLA promotion. O
Always all VAV members have 6 pax. O
All VAV members like US hamburgers. X
See you all in next behind story!!
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soulangel · 4 years
May I request a fluff one shot of you coming to dance practice with yours and St.Vans two year old to visit and bring them a home cooked meal as a good luck meal. The boys are too busy playing and spoiling their niece/nephew to sit long enough to eat.
Ahhhh sorry this took so long Love! And I hope you don’t mind but I made the child just a taaaad bit older for amusement’s sake 🥰
Anyway, here you go!
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fyvav · 7 years
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A very very rough translation of VAV fancafe’ 1st VAMPZ Proficiency Test (Pt. 1 of 2):
Test’s pic in HQ
(7~8) The next picture is a VAV group photo. Answer the question.
7. Which of the following is the youngest member and his birth year is correctly matched?
ㄱ . 1997. |   ㄱ . 1998. |  ㄹ. 1996. | ㄹ. 1997. |  ㅁ. 1996. 
8. Which of these members have recently covered Trojan's 'fools'?
1) ㄴ. | 2)  ㄷ. | 3) ㅁ. | 4) ㅂ. | 5) ㅅ.
9. Choose the VAV member who says the correct answer about the Paper Perfume.
1) Wooyoung: The photo on the front of the Paper Perfume is 'abc' album jacket photo? 2) Junghyeop: Right, and on the back is our caricature (not sure about ‘caricature’). 3) GeumHyuk: The perfume of the youngest (maknae) is ocean. 4) Hosung: No, my perfume is ocean. 5) Zhangpeng: There are 8 kinds of VAV perfume.
10. The following is a section of VAV - ABC (Middle of the Night) and its fanchant. Which of these is incorrect?
1) (나). | 2) (세인트반). | 3) (D). | 4) (Four). | 5) (함성)
11. Next, in the flower album jacket, VAV was paired (photographed) with flowers. Choose all the ones that are NOT right.
1) St.Van - Anemone. 2) Baron -  Lycoris squamigera. 3) Ziu - Gerbera. 4) Lou - Violet. 5) Jacob - Hydrangea.
12. Which of the following members has a sister?
ㄱ. Ziu. |  ㄴ. Lou. |  ㄷ. Jacob. | ㄹ. Aynyo. | ㅁ. Ace. | ㅂ. Baron. | ㅅ. St.Van
1)  ㄱ, ㄴ.   | 2) ㄱ, ㄹ. | 3) ㄱ, ㅂ. | 4)  ㄱ, ㄹ, ㅂ.  | 5) ㄱ.
13. Which of the following is NOT an individual skill of VAV members?
1) Ace - Paper tearing sound. 2. Ayno - Orangutan impersonation. 3. Lou - Lee SunKyun impersonation. 4. Ziu - Drinking 1,5L at once (one shot). 5. Jacob - Donald Duck impersonation.
14. What is the name of the VAV's new reality?
1) V Cam. | 2) V Attack. | 3) VitaTV. | 4) Vabbit. | 5) Barbican.
15. What is the official fanclub name of VAV?
1) VAMPZ. | 2) VAMPS. | 3) VAV. | 4) VAVA. | 5) VAVAMVA
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allmybiasneedtostop · 5 years
Dead Girl Walking
Pairing: Reader x St. Van
Type: Smut 18+ (but make it musical)
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: This is based on the musical Heathers and on the number Dead Girl Walking. Changing some names cause why not diversity. DON’T BREAK INTO ANYBODY’S ROOM TO FUCK THIS IS FICTION OK?! Also shits all over the place cause it is in the song...
Moodboard made by the lovely (😂😉) @lovely-kpopp-blog​
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It is closing onto midnight, yet you are outside thinking of what had happened at the party. The Heathers set up this plan to hurt Emma Martinez your friend. Sure she was chubby and has a weird obsession over Ray Patil, the star quarterback in school but she was still your friend. And Ray was a nice kid back in the day but now he along with the Heathers; Chan, Mckingly, and Smith, are part of the “it” crowd.** **
They dressed up a pig piňata as Emma and were going to have her wack it. You’ve been feeling guilty for helping with the plan, so you yanked the piňata out of the Heathers grasp and chuck it to the pool.
This did not please Heather Mckingly, and the Demon Queen put out that Monday morning that you were deleted from the “it” crowd.
Now you are walking around thinking of how you were going to either fix this or get away from it. You could change your name and go to Seattle, it is getting popular these days. But you don't have a car or a motorcycle for-
The only person who you know who has a motorcycle is Van, the new guy. (His real name is Geumhyuk Lee but most call him Van cause that's all he wears.) It might be all in your head but it seems like the both of you have some sort of connection. You might even say you may have a crush on him.
One time you were making a convenience store run for the Heathers. Things kept slipping and dropping. For how skinny they are you were surprised at the amount of snacks they wanted.
“Need any help?” You turned to see Van behind you giggling.
“Uh yeah sure” You quickly handed him a bag of chips, gum, and candy, hoping that you are able to suppress the blush that was trying to rise up to you cheeks. Even though he was dressed simply with a black tee, jeans, and a denim jacket he looked really good.
You guys talked while waiting in line. Now you know that his family is military and that's why he doesn't really get close to many people. Also he loves reading and beaches. Sadly you guys weren't anywhere near one.
You are just walking aimlessly when you see Van from a window stripping down. And man homeboy is RIPPED. Not only that but he has tattoos that just made you water. Well at least you can spend the next thirty hours getting freaky with him.
Seeing the light turn off, you climb the tree next to his room. Before Heathers can punch your clock, you snap off his window lock.
You crawl inside taking note on how bare his room is. Not that it was empty but that there isn't anything on the walls. There are clothes thrown around, books, some CDs and what not.
Sitting beside him on the bed you tap him awake.
"What are you doing in my room?!" Is the first thing he asks when he stirs.
You get on top of him legs on either side of him. "I'm sorry I woke you up. I decided that I should ride you till you can't anymore." With every few words you kiss his neck going down. "At the party Heather said I have to go." You kiss down his torso sucking here and there. "So now you are my last meal on death row." Licking your lips you see his tented boxers.
You pull them down to free his now hard dick. "Can I?"
"God yes please" You lick his shaft from base to tip earning a deep groan from him. Giving you a boost of confidence you wrap your lips around his tip. Getting used to having a dick in your mouth, you slowly took on more and more of it till you nose is touching the base.
Once you start bobbing your head you feel his hand grip your hair tight, making you even more turned on. You swirl your tongue around him.
"Oh fuck, you have no idea how many times I've imagined you doing exactly this." He pulls you off of him and starts making out with you. As Van is distracting you he rips your button down off. He takes off both your blazer and the shirt off. Even as you're grinding down on him he can feel how wet you are through your panties. Thinking about how he can't have you waiting, he makes quick work with your bra, skirt and underwear.
Taking you by surprise he flips you on your back and starts kissing down your now naked body. Once he reaches where you most want him to touch you the bastard starts teasing you. He kisses around your core. Van also bites and kisses your thighs. Seeing him between your legs is hot and all but you are starting to get antsy.
Out of nowhere you feel a finger penetrate you. His finger curls inside of you as your toes curl against the sheets. Van wraps his lips around your clit sucking hard. You arch your back and your hands entangled through his hair.
Van takes a look at you humming at the sight. Your head is thrown back, mouth agape, love bites forming all over your body. He only dreamed of having you withering like this. Now he's dream is coming true and it's so much better as a reality.
He adds another finger, feeling you clench around them gets him more turned on. He was about to wrap his hands around himself, when you pull him up.
Growling you tell him "Put it in me right now!"
You flip him over you that you're on top again before you could do anything else he stops you.
"Wait are you sure? I don't have condoms right now."
"Look Van, I'm horny, pissed, and on the pill. Now I'm pretty sure you know the drill, right?" With that you sink down on him, both of you moaning at the sensation.
Once you got used to the feeling of his cock inside of you, you start to grind against him. His hands gripping your sides helping you keep pace. "Remember how you told me you were numb?"
"I can't agree, to me Van, you're beautiful." You grab his face and kiss him.
Once you pull apart, with stars in his eyes, he asks, "Can I ask, how did you find my address?"
"Luck, I looked up to see you through the window."
After a bit of letting you ride him, he starts thrusting into you, causing you to yelp. He starts to thrust into you hard. Euphoria starts to coil inside of you with every thrust.
"Fuck me harder please. Make me forget everything."
"I will baby, I will." You didn't think possible but he went even harder. With one final thrust he sent you over the edge. You fall on to him trying to regain your breath.
"Wait Van you didn't came yet..."
"I will in a bit. And don't call me Van just say my name."
"Yeah just like that." He flips you on your back again. "Ready? Cause we're going all night if we can."
Even though you weren't you nodded yes. His thrust started slow and deep. Van's- no Geumhyuk's lips found yours. He took your hands and pin them in one of his. You arch into him. His lips move from your mouth to your neck, soft mews escape your lips.
"Geumhyuk please just don't hold back, I need it har-" the snap of his hips made you lose your train of thought. The biting and sucking, him marking you made your head swim. Every moan that reaches his ears encourages him to harder. Still sensitive from the first orgasm it did not take long for ecstasy to coil and burn inside of you again.
Before you came he pulls out and flips you on all fours. You couldn't complain about the emptiness, when he thrust into you again. From this position his dick feels different. Geumhyuk also is going harder and faster, making your eyes roll back in pleasure.
"Geu- Geumhyuk fuck, more give me more please! Pull my hair, slap me please!" Your hands grip on to the mattress.
"Damn babe I think you ripped my mattress, for that you'll. Have. To. Pay." He punctuated every word with a hard thrust making you tear up. His hand comes to your throat and pulls you up your upper back to his chest. His other hand reaches in between your legs. Needing something to hold you grab his wrist.
"Touch me there, right there Geumhyuk I, I'm gonna cum again"
"I'm gonna cum too"
He feels your body spasm and your pussy clench around him.
"Ssss ow!" Lost in the feeling you scratch his arms. Biting down on your neck, grunting, he comes inside of you.
He sees you fall on to his bed panting, sweat glistening from your body, and cum starting to seep out your cunt.
Geumhyuk gets up and grabs a box of tissues to help you clean up.
After clean up he asks you "So what happened at the big Homecoming party that brought you here?"
Snuggling up to him you answer "I'll tell you in the morning but right now I want to sleep, goodnight" you peck his cheek.
"Goodnight, angel"
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