#lee geumhyuk fanfic
emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
CEO Vampire St.Van au
Genre: supernatural, smut
Length: perhaps it will be short
Warnings/Kink(s): how does vampire sex work? Biting obviously uwu
You always wondered why Lee Geumhyuk acted so mysterious around everyone. His office was always dark during the day, his curtains were drawn and the lights were always off. He was always the last one to leave the building and the first to enter. He visits his employees through emails, never came out even to use the bathroom or during lunch break. 
The only photo of him you had to go by was the one in the lobby but that picture looks like it was taken when he was in his 20′s. He had to have been in his late 40′s by now. However everyone kept saying how handsome he was, both the females and the males. Did he just not age or was there something more. And why hadn’t you seen him yet?
It was 5 pm. Closing time, you were the last employee left and you had just finished gathering up your stuff and were putting your coat on when you heard a door open.
“Y/n” your head whipped to the direction of the sound and you saw the door to Geumhyuk’s office open a crack. “We need to talk.” You gulped and the slowly approached his office.
“Yes sir, is everything alright, I’m sorry I couldn’t get the last bits of paperwork finished my computer-” you cut yourself off as you enter the dark office. The temperature changed drastically making you wrap your coat tighter around you. You squinted in the dark and saw a figure at the desk. “Sir, do you want me to call for someone to fix the heat? It’s freezing in here.” As you spoke your saw your breath fog up in the dark.
“No,” the door behind you slammed shut sending a chill up your spine. You could’ve sworn he was just at his desk. You didn’t even hear his footsteps, how could he of moved so fast unless. You cut your thoughts off spinning around to face Geumhyuk. Something was off. Your heart was nearly thumping out of your chest.
“Y/n, I can call you that right? There’s something I need to tell you.” He really was cutting straight to the point. He avoided all your questions. The room was silent but if you didn’t breathe you could hear his footsteps slowly coming towards you. As he came forward you went backward. You were terrified at this point. You heard him chuckle as you met his desk. He had you trapped now.
“Geumhyuk what do you want?” You tried to put up a brave face but to be honest you were terrified. Geumhyuk has never asked to talk to his employees in his office and now all of a sudden he wants to talk to you? And the fact that it’s only the two of you in the building has you on edge.
“Are you afraid of me?” Geumhyuk asked. His tone seemed a little sad but it still sent another chill up your spine. “I can hear your heart beating.” At this comment your blood ran cold. You eyes widened in horror as the sliver of moonlight shinning through the curtains caught Geumhyuk’s smile. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. As needle like fangs appeared in Geumhyuk’s mouth you connected all your thoughts to the scary discovery.
“You’re a vampire.” You whispered. Geumhyuk swiped his tongue over his teeth and held it under his fang. Your thoughts were out of control right now and all you wanted to do right now was run. Your brain was screaming at you to run but your body was frozen.
Geumhyuk grabbed your wrists and pinned you down onto his desk. “Your heart is beating so fucking fast. You’re like my little field mouse waiting for me to sink my teeth into your flesh.” You mousely squeaked as the pressure on your wrists increased.
“Please, don’t hurt me.” You were done asking him what he wanted you just hoped if you begged enough he wouldn’t kill you. Geumhyuk chuckled and ghosted his lips over yours.
“I’ll try not to.” He said going in for a kiss, but his lips only grazed yours and before you could react his grip around you tightened and you felt that piercing pain of his fangs break the skin on your neck.
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Hello, this has been sitting in my drafts for idk two years and I decided to clear out my drafts. Some fanfics and ideas I trashed cause I will never write them and the rest I probably won’t write anymore of it so I’ll just post them. Since I don’t think I can continue to write this one I’ll post it as like a short lil cliff hanger story? Also it is spooky season so this is perfect.
I also still have the Bait fic that I do want to write for this year. I wrote so much last year that I tired myself out. We’ll see what happens this year but tbh I don’t think I’ll be writing any fanfics anymore, at least not for a while. Please enjoy these last couple bits. Also I edited the last bit for the cliff hanger effect. Also also I told someone that I would write something for them and I capped their username but I must’ve deleted it cause I can’t find it :( idek if this person is still on tumblr but I remember them saying they were looking forward to it and you might not even remember me but I’m really sorry it took so long. I do hope you find and like this lil piece :)
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allmybiasneedtostop · 5 years
Sleepy Morning
Pairing: Reader x Geumhyuk Lee/St. Van
Group: VAV
Type: domestic fluff
A/N: this is from your pov. I have one of St. Van's pov if anyone is interested. First time actually finishing a one shot... 😅 Jagi and Jagiya are the same they mean sweetheart, honey, babe, ect.
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You get a text from Geumhyuk saying that he's staying at the studio till late working on a song. You text back that saying you'll set his things out and you will turn in early.
Normally you would stay up and wait for him. But this time you worked all week, including weekends, and did overtime at your company. Finally you are able to just crash.
You put a pillow and a light blanket on the couch along with his tee shirt and pj pants. On top of the pile you put a sticky note telling him that you left food out for him and to make sure to eat it. You go through your evening routine: eating, taking out the dogs, feeding the dogs, and shower. Too sleepy to care you put on one of your jagiya's tee shirts, grab your stuffed bear and clock out once your head hits your pillow.
You don't know how long you were sleeping. But you wake up to something hitting your head and your legs. More specifically two somethings.
"Get off the bed you dumb-dumbs" You feel your own dog, Sombra a black American Bully, trying to be a "little" spoon, and Geumhyuk's dog, Cash a Blue Sharpei, on your head. Annoyed, you just grumble and snuggle deeper into your stuffed bear.
Grumbling again you tell the dogs, "You guys have your own beds, go there"
The dogs are normally not allowed to get on the bed for reasons. One of them being that they get so happy they wag their tails in their sleep. The other is that it's summer and you don't want two more warm bodies in the bed.
"Well I guess I'm going back to the couch"
"Noooo jagiya!" You sit up to see your boyfriend smiling at you. Your shirtless boyfriend…
Trying to rub away the rest of the sleepiness you point out, "Why don't you have a shirt on?"
"Cause the woman with the cutest bedhead took it from me" he pulls you in to kiss your forehead.
"If it bothers you that much than give it back, I don't mind you shirtless."
"Shu-" at that time both of your stomachs grumble.
"Jagiya can we make pancakes first?"
"Sure jagi but after you're giving me my shirt back"
You get up and surprise him by poking his side. "No promises!"
The two of you run out of the room with pup-pups following. You and Geumhyuk start the weekend with smiles and pancakes.
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monstaless · 4 years
VAV Reaction
To Y/N Sending Them a Dirty Text While They’re In A Meeting
Warnings: implied smut
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for a while because I struggled to think of anything for some of them.
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St. Van- He was trying to focus on the meeting, but he was really just ready to go home. It had been a long day and he’d promised you that he’d spend the evening with you. He glanced down at his phone as it vibrated and decided that maybe he should let you know that he was going to be late and if you wanted to postpone, he would understand. When he opened his phone and saw your message, he changed his mind. There was no way this could wait. You were laying on his bed in nothing but your underwear.
Y/N: I’ll be waiting for you when you get here. Don’t take too long or you’ll miss out on all the fun.
He was out the door as soon as the meeting was over.
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Baron - He smiled at the cute selfie that you’d sent him. You were pouty, wanting to know how much longer he was going to take. He was about to reply that he’d be on his way soon when he received your next message.
Y/N: I need you right now.
Y/N: If you get here soon, I’ll let you take pictures.
He looked up at everyone else. At this point, the meeting had basically ended, the guys were all just sitting around talking. They didn’t really need him anyway.
“Y/N, is waiting for me. I’m going home. I’ll see you later.”
He grabbed his things and ran out the door.
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Ace - Your message popped up on his screen as he was trying to show something to Baron. He cleared his throat and quickly swiped it away, apologizing. He’d only caught part of your message, but that didn’t mean Baron hadn’t seen more. When he’d returned to his seat, he opened his phone. The message was preceded by a screenshot of texts between you and your roommate where they were letting you know that they would be out for the night.
Y/N: I’m all alone. How about you come and keep me company in a bath?
Woo Young: I’m on my way, but you are in so much trouble when I get there.
Y/N: I’m counting on it.
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Ayno - He should’ve been paying attention in the meeting, but he couldn’t help it. He missed you. The conversation had started off innocent enough anyway. You were picking up groceries to make dinner for the night. Somewhere along the way, you’d picked up a cute apron that you were pretty excited to show him.
Yoon Ho: I’m gonna be a little later than I expected, but you can send me a picture. I’d like to see it.
You sent him a picture, but it wasn’t what he expected. You were in nothing but the apron. He almost spit out the water that he’d been in the process of drinking and when he looked up, everyone was staring at him.
“Sorry,” he muttered, clearing his throat. “There’s an emergency. I think that I should go.”
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Jacob - He’d initiated it honestly. It didn’t matter that there was a meeting going on. He should’ve been home a half hour ago and he wanted to make sure that you knew that his intentions for the evening hadn’t changed. He didn’t want you going anywhere. It didn’t matter how late he was going to be, he wouldn’t be too tired.
So when you sent him a picture of you waiting, mostly unclothed on his bed, he couldn’t stop himself from grinning.
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 Lou - He’d been trying to focus on the meeting, but his phone kept going off. He knew it was you and as the fourth message set his phone off, he decided maybe he should check the messages.
Y/N: I brought you dinner.
Y/N: I can’t wait until you get here.
Y/N: I put the food in the fridge. You can skip it and have me instead. 
You followed it up with a mirror selfie. You were in nothing but your underwear, one hand slipped teasingly under the waistband. Lou quickly locked his phone and glanced around to see if anyone had been looking. He apologized to everyone as he excused himself from the remainder of the meeting, using the excuse of not feeling that great.
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Ziu - Your relationship was still fairly new. New enough that Hee Jun hadn’t really talked to any of the other members about it yet. Lou was the only one who knew anything and he’d agreed that he wouldn’t say a word. But when you sent him him a picture of you, lying on your bed in a cute dress and asked him to come over for dinner and maybe a little more, he couldn’t think of a reasonable excuse that would get him out of the meeting fast enough. Maybe they’d be too surprised to get mad about him ditching the meeting midway through.
“My girlfriend is waiting on me and I should probably go,” he said suddenly, grabbing his things and running out the door before anyone had time to speak.
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kpoprunsmylifenow · 5 years
1 with vav st van💕
1.  “You never left my mind.”
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“You never left my mind.” He said as he wiped your tears. You hadn’t seen Geumhyuk since his company made him break up with you. He’d finally made it to the end of their dating ban. “I was so worried you were gonna move on.” He said.
“I could’ve never moved on from you.” You smiled tearfully at him. “I told you before that you were gonna be it for me.” You both laughed, his hug squeezing you tight.
“So does that mean you’ll be my girlfriend again?” He asked.
“Does that mean that you’ll eventually make me your wife?” You smiled as he kissed you hard,
“That’s the goal.”
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Little Moments
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St. Van/Lee Geumhyuk x Reader
Established relationship au
A/N It's fluff. Pure fluff. Self indulgent, fluffy fluff I am coughing up FUZZ rn. I'm sorry about this. No I'm not. This spiralled from that prompt generator.... so here it is.
Warnings: DISGUSTING AMOUNTS OF FLUFF I CANNOT EVEN TELL YOU. Small mention of difficulty conceiving.
“Careful!” You cried out through fits of giggles as Geumhyuk carried you bridal style through the doorway of your new home. It smelled of fresh paint and possibilities.  
His loud, beautiful laughter met your ears as he carried you down the small hallway , careful to avoid the doorway of your bedroom before placing you delicately among the linen sheets. 
“When would I ever drop you?” He asked with a pout, before attacking  your face with kisses.
All you could do was smile and press your lips sweetly to his when he reached that area of your face. 
“I never have,” He said solemnly, giving you a stern look to show he means business. “I never ever will. I’ll never let you down.”
“I know.” You responded, breathless with  bliss.
The love you felt was overwhelming. Exciting. Pure. You glanced at the ring on his large hand as he brushed your cheek, the new reality truly blinding in it’s joy. You wished for many years of moments like this.
 You wished for love.
"Two eggs."  You called out to Geumhyuk from your perch on the counter, peaking over the harry potter cookbook at his well defined back as he hunched over into the fridge to pull out armfuls of necessary ingredients.  
"Got it!" He called as he raised back to his full height,  you grabbed a few of the items from him and placed them beside you on the counter so he could unload the rest of his bounty without scattering them. He leaned into your space and placed a kiss into the top of your hair affectionately before blinding you with his radiant smile.  "Now what,  perfect?" 
You giggled at his slip up.
"I think you meant Prefect?"  You correct,  setting the themed book aside as he placed himself between your swinging legs by spreading your knees a little wider.  He shook his head, sending the front of his hair into his eyes, it cast a shadow that brought mischief.  You knew that look, and bit your lip waiting for his next move.  
"No. I said what I said. You're perfect for me, and I'll never waste a perfectly good opportunity to tell you." 
Your nose scrunched but you were as flattered as he knew you'd be, the way he teased you always filled your stomach  with butterflies, even a year into living the married life. (Even if he was sometimes messy and forgot to close the shower curtain so the water didn't get everywhere)
No matter what,  his laugh (common and loud, bouncing down the halls of your shared homel) was your favorite song,  and even on the days when you bickered,  you always ended it with hugs and tender kisses,  sheets pulled up around your waist with his arms reeling you in towards his body for comfort.
"I love you." is the only thing you can think to reply, too giddy to think of anything else.
His hands trail up your arms to land at the base of your neck on either side,  pulling you in to press a kiss to the tip of your nose.  "I love you." 
You managed to untangle yourself from his grasp, hopping down and begin the actual baking, which was going well enough until he turned the hand mixer on high and flour went flying out of the bowl and over both of you, coating your shirts. He was laughing as you squealed, scrunching  in on himself as you swatted him on the butt with the dish towel you were trying to wipe down with.  
"You're a mess!!" 
He shrugged, playful light in his eyes, "You are too."   He turned from the bowl, oh, but you knew that mischievous glint... He had better not…. 
"No…. No!!" You squeak, trying to escape before he- but he's too fast, his arms too damnably long, and he's caught you before you have gotten 5 steps away. You wiggle in his grasp, trying to escape, but he holds fast.  He spins you around and with the same laughter in his eyes  that usually echoes through the halls, he leans into you and rubs his - quite  flour coated- nose against yours,  he leans back and laughs, that full bodied laugh that makes the very seams of your heart full to bursting, your giggles begin before you can stop them.  Before you know it you've collapsed into his broad chest in full fits of laughter.  
When both of you've calmed enough he presses his  lips gently so, so achingly softly against your forehead, both cheeks and your lips in turn. "You're absolutely covered. " he says it with a fond smile, but the spark in his warm eyes begins to light, and you know his mind has begun to spiral to other activities.  "Let's get you cleaned up. Baking can wait. " his voice has dropped considerably and the last thing you see before he has slung you over one  heavily muscled shoulder is the glint of his teeth as the corner  of his mouth pulls up in a smirk. 
…. Maybe baking can wait. 
You gasp when his hand comes down playfully but none too gently on your bum. "Oh. I suppose I have gotten quite dirty." You tease, knowing without looking that he is smiling wider for it. 
"Good thing I like you that way." He mumbles with a bit of a grunt as he rounds the corner up  the stairs to your shared bathroom. You crossed your fingers  and put out your wish as you did every day. 
You wished for happiness. 
You wished for love, and tonight? You'd get it.
You sit on the floor of the bathroom with the pregnancy test dropping from your fingers. This is the 16th consecutive month that you've failed to have a positive one.  You're trying to keep hope but you look at Geumhyuk's face and see the same worry there. You've lost some hope again today. Tears from helplessness well in your eyes. Your lip quivers as he gently pulls you into his lap, leaning back against the tub with a heavy sigh. "We'll call the doctor. They have treatments. Our family is going to be beautiful, Y/N. Don't worry so much."
You want to agree, and in some ways you do, but in others you feel guilty. As though some part of you has brought this on you both. "It's me." You mumble as the tears fall, your voice too thick with emotion to come out normally. 
He shushes you, tucking your face into the soothing expanse of his neck, so soft and smelling so strongly of the comfort that he represents.  "You know there's nothing about this that is anyone's fault. You're feeling sad. You're feeling helpless. That's okay. You're allowed to feel things. But I won't let you feel guilty.  We'll figure it out together." He spoke into your hair, lips pressing against you over and over. "It's  sad now, but one day it'll be happy." 
Your heart lifted a barely significant amount. You squeezed your eyes tight and you wished. You ached and your soul cried and you wished against everything.
You wished for family. You wished for a family.
You wished for happiness. 
You wished for love.
"It's raining!!" Geumhyuk called from the doorway. "Come inside before you slip!"  
You laughed, bouncing barefoot in your garden, extending a hand to him you shook your head.  "NO! Come on!!  Stop being boring! Run with me!!!"  
 Your tee shirt clung to your skin and your hair was a total mess,  mud was sticking to your calves and shins, squishy between your toes, but he lived for the adventure you brought  him, the spontaneous spirit that drew you to him.  
Shaking his head, he relented and ran out into the warm summer rain,  letting the cool drops pelt him as he chased after your bouncing form, giggling when he almost slipped. 
"When I catch you, I'm going to-" he began, hooking the hem of your shirt as you barely evaded him.
"You'll what? You'll kiss me to death??"  
He stops running for a moment,  you turn, pausing to face him. His nose scrunches up in teasing and he nods firmly. 
"Probably yes. I feel so much love I have to give you or I'll explode. So get over here and get your kisses!!!" He extends his arms wide, waiting for you to comply, knowing that you'll never be able to resist.
Smiling warmly, you happily slipped into his grasp. There were kisses  but as he slid his hands around your waist and pulled you flush against him, there was also a soft swaying of your bodies. Tucking your head under his chin, he seemed to pull you into a dance, maybe...
He began humming softly, barely audible as the pouring rain bounced off you both. 
You recognized the song. Your wedding song. You nearly cried from how full your chest felt, every breath filling you with more of his warmth. 
"I love you. You're everything I ever wished for." You say as his song  continues. 
His hands rub circles into your back. You wished for more. You wished for happiness.  
You wished for love.
“Y/N?” Geumhyuk’s voice brought you out of your memories, he rounded the corner with his familiar smile, one hand outstretched to grab yours. You let him grasp it and pull you closer, tucking you into his embrace. He leaned down, resting his chin on your shoulder as he also took a long look at the room you were in. 
“Lots of great memories here, huh?” His voice was wistful, thick with the same fond memories that you had been living in only moments ago. 
“Amazing ones.” You respond, pulling back to look him in the eye and smile back. His hands slide from around your waist and settle on the swell of your stomach, still small, but warm and solid.
 "Yes, and from here on we'll only be making more and more good ones."
You can't help but join in, tucking yourself into his chest as you speak in that spot between his shoulder and neck.
"Hm. Yes you're right. And hard ones and confused ones.  Lots of mistakes . Late nights and sleep deprived arguments. But love. Lots of love." you lean back to catch his gaze, full of joy and an ocean of emotion, smiling so wide his nose crinkles. As though that ocean crashed down on him at once  he leaned down into your lips, pressing his to yours softly at first, then with just enough pressure to make you feel whole inside.  
The knock on the front door broke your moment, and you gazed back with one more sigh before turning off the lights. This next chapter was sure to be the best and scariest of your shared life, but it was worth it. 
"Hey Geu-" you were interrupted by him sweeping you up into his arms.  You began laughing and trying to wiggle down, but he just laughed  and touched your foreheads together. 
"I carried you over the threshold our first day here.  Let me do it on the way out too. It's only right."  He pressed his lips to your forehead and you agreed. 
As he did exactly that you glanced back and said a silent thank you to the small home you shared. All it's memories and its joy and it's  heartbreak and its love. You hoped  whoever got it next got to feel exactly the same. 
You wished for love. 
You hear Geumhyuk playing with your daughter, giggles from the playroom that remind you so of her father’s. You let your feet take you where you hear them, one hand stuck behind your back. 
“Mommy! Your daughter is laughing and runs toward you, wrapping chubby fingers around your free hand. Your husband is sat on the floor surrounded in mega blocks, toy cars and dolls. He has a tiara perched on top of his hair and a smile that reaches his eyes, sparkling with all the happiness you’d ever wished for. 
You have been blessed. All your wishes and more have come. 
“Princess Geumhyuk, you are quite lovely today. I come bearing news.”
He slides to his feet, capturing your daughter in one arm while he touches your face with the other. “Oh really? What news do you bring me, Ser Y/N?”
Your daughter is baby babbling and pulling on chunks of his hair but his smile is still so full and pure. You bring your hand from behind you, unclenching your fist so he can see the stick in it.
His eyes widen as they focus on the  two pink lines, mouth dropping open. 
“We weren’t even trying?” 
You shook your head, so happy you could positively explode.
His lips press to your forehead, to your daughters squishy cheek, and his eyes are shiny with tears of joy. 
He lifts you into his embrace and spins both of you as he sighs the happiest sigh.
You had wished for  happiness. For family and for joy. Most of all, you had wished for love.
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kpophours · 5 years
[2:35am] You awake when the mattress dips beside you and just seconds later, a pair of strong arms slides around your body, pulling you close to a warm, broad chest. Soft lips press against your exposed shoulder, making you shiver and finally open your eyes. Pale moonlight shines through the window, bathing the room in shadowy silver. You groan groggily, turning around and snuggling closer to Geumhyuk’s chest. „You’re late.“, you murmur against the soft cotton of his shirt and he hums apologetically. „I know. I’m sorry, baby.“ You just sigh, burying your face in his chest, eyes slowly closing again. His fingers draw little circles on your back, beginning to lull you back to sleep. „Goodnight, baby girl. I wish you nothing but the sweetest of dreams.“, your boyfriend whispers, leaving small kisses on your forehead, cheeks and nose. Finally, he presses his lips against yours, his warm breath fanning over your face. „I love you.“, he says quietly and you can’t help but smile, even though Morpheus is already pulling your mind back to darkness again. „I love you, too.“, you mumble back, voice soft and almost inaudible. The last thing you hear is Geumhyuk’s low chuckle and then, you’re already back in the land of dreams. 
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banipuppy · 5 years
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Another Life pt.3
Wanderlust. It fueled him to get out of bed in the morning and led him down paths to adventures and sleepless nights. He takes in a new city through the lens. His laughter warms the chilly air as he looks up, taking in spires and stained glass and the aura of you next to him. If he were alone maybe the ancient buildings, the strangeness of a foreign language would leave him feeling empty. He lines up the lens, the sun catches in your hair, he captures a moment.
St. Van | Baron | Ace | Ayno | Jacob | Lou | Ziu
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thatmpdblog · 6 years
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“Forgive me Father... for I have sinned.” 
The words left your lips like a breathless melody. The cold hardwood floor pressed firmly against your knees as you looked up at him from beneath your lashes. He stood towering over your kneeling form, his hands rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. The clothing clung to him tightly, giving hints of the toned body underneath the fabric. 
He chuckled darkly, a sinful grin on the lips of that which was seen as the epitome of sanctity. The sound sent a shiver of desire down to the deepest parts of your core. Your body ached to serve him. He reached forward, grasping your chin to keep your gaze tilted upwards. His tongue dragged over his lips, prompting a soft gasp from your own. 
How many times had you thought about all the ways he could use that tongue on you? How many lustful nighttime thoughts had lingered in your mind well into the day, while you sat on the pews of a sacred place, watching the very subject of your unholy thoughts preach about holy things. A pulse rang through your body as his lips parted and that smooth, all too familiar voice filled your ears.
“Confess to me, little one.”
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emeraldbabygirl · 3 years
VAV reaction to you falling in the shower
Ahoy gremlins and gentleman! (It’s a joke of course) it me! It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything VAV related and I was having a moment to process a thought and came up with this!
St.Van: you and Geumhyuk were getting with it in the shower and things got a little wild. Geumhyuk had you against the shower wall fucking into from behind. You were both moaning. Shower sex was something you to did a fair amount of times. Geumhyuk really enjoyed it and it was easy clean up after. His hands were on your hips digging into your skin as he came in you. When you pulled out and tried to turn you around to face him you lost your footing and slipped falling into him. “Are you ok precious?” He asked his hands gripping your arms to hold you up. Your heart definitely dropped to your stomach when you felt yourself fall, thank god Geumhyuk was there to catch you. “Y-yes I think so. Thank you Geummie.” “Maybe we should stop messing around in the shower huh?” You nodded agreeing with him.
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Lou: a week had gone by since you fell out of the shower actually. You slipped and went to grab to door but it opened and you fell pretty hard on the tile. You didn’t want to tell Hosung so you tried your best to keep it a secret. That was until he noticed you leaning over holding your side. “Princess are you okay, what’s wrong?” Hosung came over to you from the living room where you were leaning over by the kitchen counter. “Uh..just um..I fell. I tripped in the shower and fell out and umm. I think I hurt my ribs or something.” Hosung’s eyes got wide as he went to grip your chin firmly. “When did this happen?” You looked away feeling guilty. “Like a week ago..” you started to tear up. You felt horrible for not telling him right away. “Y/n why did you not tell me? You’ve been hiding this for a week. You know I want you to tell me things especially if you get hurt.” Hosung pulled his phone out of his pocket and started dialing. “I’m sorry I just didn’t think it was a big deal. What are you doing?” You asked. “I’m making a doctor appointment to get you checked out.” Hosung said. You heard the phone ring. You reached up to grab the phone out of his hand to stop him but a sharp pain dig into your side causing you to yelp. “Ok that’s it, we’re going to the emergency room right now. You could be seriously hurt how could you be so stupid.” Hosung quickly grabbed you a coat and the keys and off you went. You were in tears the entire way there continuously apologizing. “Princess I’m not mad I am disappointed, you could be hurt bad. Next time you fall anywhere you call for me. That’s what I’m here for.”
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Baron: you fell in the shower and must’ve passed out or something. When you came to you slowly got yourself up and very slowly got dressed. It was 7:30 by the time to got done and you checked your phone to see a few texts from your boyfriend and a missed call. You called him back and he picked up right away. “Y/n where are you? Why didn’t you answer me?” He sounded upset. “I’m sorry Chunghyeop, I fell in the shower and passed out. But I’m” “you fell?! He said the tone of his voice an octave higher sounding alarmed. “Are you okay baby I’m 15 minutes away I’ll be right there.” You sighed into the phone. “Sweetie I’m fine. I just have a bit of a headache is all I’ll be okay I promise.” It was silent for a bit and you could almost hear his shake his head. “No y/n you passed out I need to take care of you. I’ll be home as soon as I can take some pain pills and lay down and stay there til I come home okay?” His tone was calmer now and caring. It made you blush that he still went out of his way to take care of you. “I’ll be fine Chunghyeop.” “Please babe, let me take care of you. I’ll make you some soup or a bowl of rice and some hot tea okay? You need to take it easy for awhile. Let me do my job and take care of my baby okay? I’ll be home soon. Now go lay down.” And with that he hung up. You sighed to yourself and got under the covers. You must’ve fell asleep cause you heard Chunghyeop calling out to you. “Babe I’m sorry I was late there was a bit of a road problem, I had to take a detour. How are you feeling?” He asked bringing a kiss to your lips before cupping your cheek. You smiled at him. “Did you get some medicine?” When you said no Chunghyeop just shook his head. “Alright stay here, I’ll be back with some hot food and medicine okay. Don’t move.”
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Ziu: you went to take a bath while Heejun was playing video games. You had just finished and went to stand up to pull the plug but you lost your footing and fell backwards falling back into the water whacking your noggin on the shower wall. “Fuck!” You yelled loudly. Seconds later the door opens and Heejun pokes his head in. “Everything al- kitten are you alright?” He asked making his way towards you. There was a few puddles of water on the floor so Heejun threw some towels down. “I’m just fucking peachy.” You say trying to stand up but you got a bit dizzy and fell back down. “What happened?” He asked reaching under the water to pull the plug. “I slipped and about cracked my damn skull open is what happened.” You snapped back. You weren’t trying to sound like a bitch but boy did you hit the wall hard. “Looks like lack of adhesive ducks. I told you if you had a mat or adhesive ducks you wouldn’t fall but you didn’t listen.” Heejun said grabbing a towel. “It has nothing to do with damn ducks now please help me Heejun. I don’t think I can stand on my own.” You were frustrated with yourself and him and so you just started to cry. “Hey now, you’re okay. Come here kitten.” Heejun wrapped the towel around your body that was now shivering and helped you out of the tub. “You might have a concussion, do you feel nauseous? You’re definitely going to have a nasty lil bump.” Heejun gently kisses your cheek and helped walk you out of the bathroom. His arm was tightly wrapped around your waist holding you close you him. You felt dizzy again and leaned over. Heejun held you up and checked you. “Are you gonna throw up?” “No I just got dizzy again.” You said holding your head. Your vision was buzzing but you finally made it to the bedroom. Heejun put a towel on top of the pillow and set you on the bed. He put some pajama pants on you and manouvered one of his button ups on you. “Just rest but don’t fall asleep okay? I’ll be right here.”
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Jacob: you just stepped out of the tub and onto the bath towel set on the floor but you must’ve moved wrong or too fast cause you came crashing to the ground feeling immediate pain shoot down to your ankle. You cried out in pain tears forming on your waterline the icy prickly sensation in your nose. “J-Jacob! Jacob help!” You called out as loud and as clear as you could. You heard footsteps and the bathroom door swung open as Jacob entered. “Oh my god what happened are you hurt?” Jacob asked kneeling next to you. His hands cupped your face and wiped some of your tears. “Jacob, I fell and I think I twisted my ankle. Jacob it hurts.” You cried. Jacob looked at where your feet were and saw the bath towel twisted around your ankle. “Okay hey, I got you. You’ll be okay.” Jacob stood up and grabbed the towel from the bathroom counter and wrapped it around you. He then picked you up bridel style and carried you into the bedroom setting you down on the bed. “Does it hurt anywhere else?” He asked checking your face and arms before kneeling down to look at your ankle. You sniffled. “I don’t know just my ankle really hurts Jacob.” You sobbed. Jacob knew you had certain parts of your body that were more sensitive then others so he understood why you were crying so much when normally when you got hurt it was little to none. “Okay let’s get you dried and find something to wear and I’ll take you to the hospital. You’ll be alright, I’m right here and I’ll take care of you.” Jacob have you a gentle hug and kiss before finding you something to wear.
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ACE: you were in the shower singing obviously when you heard a knock. “Can I come in?” Wooyoung asked. “Yeah!” You shouted. “Sorry darling I just need to put these towels away before I start on dinner.” You hummed the same song you were singing while listening to the shuffling noises Wooyoung was making. “Hey babe?” You asked. “Yes darling? What’s up.” He said still in the cupboard. “Do you think we could go out to-ah!” Your question was cut short as you slipped falling to the shower floor. The door doing open and Wooyoung was there immediately to turn the water off. “Darling are you okay?” He asked wrapping his arms around you lifting you to your feet. Wooyoung was quite petite in size but he was stronger than an ox. “Uh, yeah. I think, just took a tumble I guess.” You started to blush feeling embarrassed. Wooyoung grabbed a towel and helped dry you off. You were on your feet so he assumed you didn’t hurt yourself. “I’m gonna feel all of this in the morning.” You said half laughing. Wooyoung chuckled too. “Yeah you might even get a few bruises. And they won’t be from me this time.”
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Ayno: you were sitting in the tub shaving your legs. When you finished you stood up to rinse the rest of your body off making sure to clean all the soap off but you didn’t see the slightly large drop of shampoo that was near the side of the tub so when you stepped on it you fell over the side of the tub and landed face first on the floor. It all happened so quickly you thought you died. Your chin hit pretty hard causing your teeth to grind against each other and you definitely felt the pain in your neck and your stomach as you hung over the side of the tub. “Y/n love are you okay? Oh my god!” An angel flew in to your bathroom and he looked just like your boyfriend Yoonho. Oh wait, it was your boyfriend Yoonho. Or was it? Your thoughts were all shook up. You couldn’t tell up from down and you sure as hell weren’t gonna try and move on your own. Your entire body hurt and you couldn’t tell if you broke anything. You felt the Yoonho angel lift you up with his strong arms and wrap your body up in a towel before setting you on the counter. He was such a pretty angel. And he looked exactly like your boyfriend it was crazy. Same platinum blonde hair, same gorgeous face and same caring eyes. You were definitely in heaven. But it was a bathroom. Your mind was swimming and you suddenly got this awful ringing in your ears. “I heard a loud thud from downstairs. How did you fall? Where does it hurt? Can you feel your legs and arms. Does your neck hurt, be careful we don’t know if you broke it. I should probably call an ambulance. Don’t move.” Angel Yoonho was panicking. You could hear it in his voice. Angels don’t panic. Man your jaw hurt like a bitch. You slowly wiggled your fingers and toes and you spoke slowly your teeth in pain as well as your chin and jaw. “A-angels..don’t..am I dead?” You slurred your words. Poor Yoonho had the most confusing look on his face. “Baby you had a real bad fall didn’t you?” His hands were very large, much larger than you remembered, he had to be an angel or a god of huge hands. Man you were totally loopy. Yoonho held your face gently in his and checked your body for bruises, scratches and anything that looked abnormal like if something was sticking out. “I am not an angel. I am your boyfriend Noh Yoonho and I’m calling a bus because you are not okay. Oh my poor baby.” Yoonho hugged you gently being careful not to move your neck. You could hear him sniffling and when he pulled back to look at you tears were streaming down his face. Angels don’t cry so you clearly came to the conclusion that it was indeed your boyfriend and you did indeed have a bad fall. Yoonho was scared you could tell. You slowly lifted your hand up to cup his face. He leaned into your hand and covered your hand in his. “I’m sorry. I-I don’t know what to do. I hope you’ll be okay. I’m never letting you bath alone again.” Yoonho said gently kissing your lips.
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Haha hello! So a couple things. I’m sorry all the others are way longer than St.Van’s oops. Uhhh I basically turned ACE into a sexy butler 👀 and I think I got a lil bit to soft with Ayno. He’s in the back of my mind crying. I miss him and ion what the hell is going on but I hope he’ll be okay I’m so ready to grab @excindrela and find our baby boy and give him the best hug ever Idk man I just. I’m worried about that kid. Anyway yes I stole your platinum blonde comment from demon Ayno and yes I am technically tagging you cause I want you to read this please? 🥺👉👈 also also the adhesive ducks I stole from The Big Bang Theory and if anyone is confused why you conked your mind prison on the shower wall despite being in a tub some tubs, Idk if they still make’em like this but like one of our bathrooms (our because communism) has a shower and a tub combo and so that’s what it is here. So if y’all confuzzled thar be your explanation ùwú! ALSO YES THE LOU GIF DONT FIT BUT LOOK AT HIM LOOK AT HIM HE IS BEAUTY HE IS GRACE PLEASE ROUND HOUSE KICK ME IN THE FACE with your lips, softly, cause I like you. And I saw a gif of big daddy geumhyuk’s smile and my heart went 💓💓💓 his smile is perfect and he’s so cute when he shows the natural human emotion of happiness 🥺 I FUCKING MISS HIM BITCH DONT TALK ME I ANGY
I have a confession to make: I’ve never seen any of these new gifs before. The last time I searched for gifs in the gif function nothing much showed up but there’s so many new gifs I’ve never seen before because Made for Two was the last mv I saw from VAV. No I have not seen the mv without Baron. Tbh I’ve been avoiding any and all VAV content like the fucking plague and it hurts. I miss them all I really do, I was so into them and I went through so much with them but I’m afraid that I’ll get too sad if I listen to them again. Poison really has me by my throat and if I listen if even get the song stuck in my head I might get real sad. Made for Two made me choke on my own tears and I’m just not ready to watch anything vav rn but god I really do miss them a lot. It feels like they disappeared of the face of the earth and a part of me went with them cause I don’t look at them the same way anymore and boy does that shit hurt right in my meow meow 😔 I wanted to make this a vav reaction because not only had it been awhile since I’ve written it even talked about the guys on my blog but I really truly miss them. There’s so many holes in my soul and one of them is waiting for them to come back. But I feel like the hole will stay a hole. :( man vav putting me in my feels at 7 in the am and they aren’t even doing anything.
I’ve just been doing other things and listening to and writing for other groups but I’ve written so much for vav in fact I started writing on here because of vav. Because there wasn’t a lot of anything for them here so I just stepped in. I’ve written a lot of vav stuff and my vav tag is heavy heavy but so is my heart man 🥺 idk I’m just. Like damn I’m really feeling the void this day and I miss everything about them. I miss when I would get so excited and find out new things about them and watch videos and I made that st.vsn blog because he shot to the top of my ult list. My entire being still belongs to that man. I just stopped talking about them altogether and all my thoughts were either in my mind prison or with @excindrela and I’m so fucking thankful for her and damn I’m really not tryna make this go south. Anyway I hope it was an okay reaction, it has been awhile since I’ve written a reaction. I was gonna do Great Guys but no great guys gifs and then I thought ATEEZ but my heart said “pour one out for each of them.” I hope it was okay and sorry about the fucking monolith of sadness :(
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
VAV smut blurb uwu
It’s actually the ‘Seniorita-Thrilla Killa-Give Me More-Poison Gangbang with VAV’ ff that I decided to write from this post
I’ll never figure out how to do urls like most people in tumblr do. Rip me. Anyway, here we go!
After a long night of begging to cum, crying, getting overstimulated, denied of cumming, getting your hole filled to brim and then finally getting that shaking, earth shattering orgasm you were laying on the bed; absolutely covered in sweat, tears and cum. Your pussy dripping with the cum that you couldn’t hold in, all fucked out for your daddies.
“Good job princess” Hosung said rubbing small circles on your thigh. At his gentle touch your body thought you were going for another round and jerked up, enough to let out another ear piercing orgasm. You gripped the sheets with one hand and Ziu’s hand with your other.
“She really is all fucked out isn’t she?” Ayno said in a low voice.
“She did wonderful.” Ziu says as he kisses your forehead. You give a small smile, your body still reacting to the gentle touch.
“I never knew she could hold so much cum in her,” Geumhyuk says watching your pussy leak with the boys’ and your mixed juices. “It’s beautiful.”
“Not to mention how many times she squirted towards the end,” Baron says beginning to clean you up with a towel, “you got three whole towels soaked.
“I told you those sex toys were top notch.” Hosung says. Ziu slowly lifts you up and rests you against his chest, moving your wet hair out of the way.
Geumhyuk starts to whine, “it’s not enough.” The boys look at him with slightly shocked expressions.
“Not enough?” Hosung says, “we fucked her pussy so good she’s still reacting. Have you ever seen so much cum leak from her pussy before? She’s totally fucked out.”
“I want to go for longer, I want to go til she can’t stop shaking, til she can’t even form a sentence. I wanna hear her whimper and moan under me. I wanna make her incapable of walking for a few days. I want to fuck her so hard the only name she remembers is mine. I want round 2.” Geumhyuk smirks as he leans over your body, wrapping his tongue around your now overly sensitive nipple.
“Hey, take it easy on her.” ACE says reaching for Geumhyuk. The boys watch as you react again, a whine fills the room.
“D-Daddy please. No more, I-”
“Y/n come on, just a little more? Please, give me more.”
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
Sugar Daddy St.Van au
I apologize for how long this one is. I got way too carried away for Geumhyuk. Can you blame me? That man’s a damn masterpiece
Glamour kink
Buys you expensive evening gowns and party dresses that show off your curves and are revealing
Takes you to parties and outings with other sugar daddies and sugar babies and makes you wear the revealing dresses
He know you will feel insecure about it so he tells you how sexy you look and shows you off in front of everybody
Pretends he’s looking for a sugar baby and flirts with you but get defensive when other sugar daddies make a move on you
During dinner he’ll ask you to take off your panties and hand them to him under the table
Always wraps his arm around your waist when you walk around
Likes to grab your ass or squeeze your breasts in front of others to make you nervous but he knows you secretly like it
Buys you new toys every time he comes back from a trip
His favorite gifts to give you are vibrating panties that he’ll make you wear on dates or just out in public
He likes to watch you try and control your squirming
He enjoys watching you struggle while ordering because you can’t control yourself
You own a wide variety of lingerie and teddies, he loves to buy you frilly robes and pearl necklaces or chokers to go with your lingerie
He always want you to show them off around the house
Sometimes he makes you leave the house in the sexiest pieces you own with nothing else but a long coat over you
His favorite punishment to give you consists of strapping you to a vibe while being tied up in bed and having it on the highest setting while he leaves for work
During a lunch break he’ll let his friends come over in groups or alone to mess with the speed and watch you cry and beg them to stop
When Geumhyuk finally comes home you are in a puddle of your own cum, the vibe back to the highest setting, crying your eyes out at the overstimulation, apologizing for being a naughty girl
He’ll stop the vibe, untie you and make you feel good by eating you out and leaving kisses all over your body
It’s all about you in those moments, making his princess feel like royalty
He loves when you giggle at his sweet words, “you did so well for daddy today” “Daddy loves hearing you whine and whimper under him” and “you make daddy so hard princess”
He compliments every part of your body and loves when you blush
As a gentleman he rides you out on your orgasm, cupping your face and staying in you until you come back down to Earth
He’ll slide out of you slowly so he doesn’t spook you with the feeling of emptiness
He’ll clean you up and cuddle you under the sheets resting your head on his chest and continue to say how good you did and that he’ll buy you gifts in the morning
He’ll rub the small of your back or hold your head, kissing it gently while intertwining his fingers in yours
He continues to whisper things to you, saying he loves you and thanking you for being his
After punishment that don’t take so much energy out of you, he’ll draw you a bubble bath and light some candles and you’ll enjoy wine together. He’ll get in the tub and scrub and scrub your back while planting kisses down your neck and nibbling your earlobes
Likes to surprise you by inviting his friends over for some fun
Isn’t afraid to discipline you around his friends and sometimes let’s them discipline you instead
He loves watching you get red in the face and shy as his friends give you spankings or tell you that you’ve been a bad girl
Makes you crawl on all fours to him with your head held high and your ass up. He’ll tug on your leash if you stop
Kisses your forehead when you’re a good girl
Head pats
Sweet kisses and cuddles
Sometimes let’s his friends watch during your sexual punishments; letting them use your different toys on you and sharing ideas that Geumhyuk hadn’t thought of
You’re kind of all their sugar babies, whenever you’re good Geumhyuk will let you play with his friends and if you’re bad he’ll let his friends punish you as long at he gets to watch because he enjoys watching your expressions at every gentle or rough touch
Gives his friends matching, colored panties and bullet vibrators and let’s you know which days to wear which color so his friends can have fun with you too
His friends are as protective over you as he is
His friends buy you gifts as well but nothing Geumhyuk wouldn’t approve of
If Geumhyuk ever has to go on long trips he trusts his friends in taking care of you
When Geumhyuk goes on these long trips you misbehave and talk back as well as tease the other boys because you know they’re only confident in giving you punishments when Geumhyuk his around.
Y/n, you can’t do this,” Chunghyeop says as you pull his cock out of his pants and start stroking it.
“I can do what I want because Daddy isn’t here. I’m gonna have fun with all of you tonight.” You giggle.
“Geumhyuk told you to behave” ACE says. He flinches as you reach other to palm at his growing bulge. “You’re gonna g-get it when Geumhyuk gets back”
You always get what you want around his friends
But when Geumhyuk gets back he’ll punish you well, maybe he’ll even punish his friends and ask you to help
Of course everyone knows the safe word and when you use it his friends stop, kiss you on the forehead and leave while Geumhyuk comforts you and tells you how good you did
Buys you cute outfits too and loves to watch movies with you cradled in his lap
Melts whenever you use your little voice
Spoils you when you use your cute voice. He knows he shouldn’t but he melts for your cute side and wants to keep you happy
Surprises you with trips to the amusement park where he buys you big cookies and new stuffies
Likes it when there’s a thunder storm because that means he can wrap you in a blanket and holds you against his chest while whispering sweet things to you as you slowly fall asleep
Loves to run his hand through your hair
Loves when you straddle him during make out sessions and intertwine your hands together
Always drives with a hand on the wheel and a hand on your thigh
Car sex
Loves to hear you moan as he fingers you while driving. Which is dangerous, which is why he only does it every once in a while or when there’s lots of traffic. He loves when you get embarrassed when he does it because he knows you’re afraid of people seeing and that makes it even more hot for him
Always makes you suck his fingers after. You like to suck his fingers at random times too
Takes you out to strip clubs because he loves to watch your reaction to the dancers, you love watching them too and are surprised at how they move
You ask Geumhyuk to sign you up for pole dancing classes so you can dance for him
At first he doesn’t like the idea cause that means he can’t watch your reaction but eventually allows it because he knows he’ll get to watch you alone. A personal dance, just for him
Strip teases
Loves it when you surprise him with ribbon lingerie
Is more than just your sugar daddy, you two are in love
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This turned out longer than I wanted it to be oops. Also I don’t see how any of my Sugar Daddy aus are sugar daddy enough but I tried.
I just really wanna be Geumhyuk’s item. I want nothing more than to be around his arm and show off the outfits he buys for me. I wanna be Daddy’s runway model. aNYWAY, I might post some more short smut stuff I’ve been working on tonight or I might post more edits.
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kpophours · 5 years
Undead Savior
➵ VAV: (vampire) St. Van x fem. reader / one shot, vampire AU / angst, fluff
➵ warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of blood
➵ word count: 4.1k
➵ series: Baron, Ayno, St. Van, Ziu, Lou, Ace
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Bringing you with him was not what St. Van had planned at all.
But letting you bleed to death hadn’t been an option either.
So here you are now, laying on the fluffy bed in St. Van’s guest room, ghostly pale but at least still alive.
He doesn’t know when you’ll wake up – it could take a few hours, but also only minutes, depending on how fast your body will be able to spread the vampire blood St. Van has given you. Given the right dosage, it should be able to heal you rather quickly – but if you should die with his blood still in your system…
Well, then he has just sired a new vampire.
And he definitely does not need a freshly born vampire at his side right now, not when he only just managed to get rid of some rather nasty hunters last month (with a bit of help from another friendly hunter he’s known for a few years now).
It’s not his fault if you turn though – he just tried to save your life. It had been a rather close call for you, the rogue vampire almost ripping out your whole throat right in front of his eyes. Thank God he had been there and managed to surprise the rogue, saving you in the process.
Bringing you to a hospital hadn’t been an option, the smell of blood in there too overpowering even for a strong and old vampire like himself. That’s why he brought you to his own apartment – quickly dressing most of your wounds, before giving you some of his own blood.
And now, all he can do is wait.
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You feel like absolute shit when you slowly begin to regain consciousness.
The last thing you remember… is some weird guy trying to grab you.
After that… nothing.
You groan, your tongue feeling like it weighs a ton inside your dry mouth, head pounding slightly. The room you find yourself in is dimly lit, you can just make out a small dresser, a full-length mirror on the wall opposite you and a tiny desk. The bed you lay on is soft and comfortable – but unfamiliar to you. It’s rather cold and you begin to shiver slightly, hugging yourself to keep some warmth.
It’s completely silent inside the apartment.
Has that strange man managed to kidnap you?
You try not to panic and to stay calm.
Should you leave your room? Try to escape – from wherever you’re at right now? But what if your kidnapper is outside, just waiting for you to come out…
Your thoughts spiral like this for a few minutes, before the decision is made for you – footsteps come towards your room; if it weren’t so eerily silent, you wouldn’t have been able to hear them. The door opens with a slight creak, revealing a tall, broad figure standing in the hallway.
You can’t help it – you scream.
"Jesus Christ!", the shadowy man in the doorway yells, nearly dropping the tray he's carrying, "Do you want to give me a heart attack?!"
With that, he switches on the light, looking at you with a slightly incredulous expression. "What was that for?!"
You blink a few times, a bit taken aback. This is definitely not the man who was following you earlier, that much is sure. This man is tall and broad, dark tattoos peek out from under his light grey jumper, his eyes and hair are dark, but his smile friendly.
"Where am I?", you simply ask, actually sounding braver than you feel.
"In my apartment on second street.", the man answers, placing the tray onto the small dresser.
"Why am I here?"
"You were hurt. I brought you here to dress your wounds."
You raise both eyebrows. "You do know hospital exists for exactly this reason, right?"
He looks a bit sheepishly. "Yeah, but my apartment was closer and you were already half-dead when I brought you here, so..."
You snort at that. "Already half-dead? Well, I feel more than fine right now, so that can't be true."
"I have no reason to lie to you.", the man simply states, "But I understand if you don’t believe me."
You decide to stay sceptic, crossing your arms in front of your chest. "Who are you even?"
"My name is St. Van."
You suppress a grin - what kind of name it that? - but give him your name as well: "I'm Y/N."
He nods curtly, before pointing to the tray. "I've brought you some tea. Drink, it will help your body to stay warm."
And with that, he turns to leave again, but you quickly jump up, wanting to hold him back - but failing, thanks to the world suddenly beginning to spin around you. "Oof.", you make, but before your body can hit the ground, strong hands have already picked you up and placed you back on the bed again. You have no idea how fast St. Van must have moved, you only know it should have been impossible.
"H- how...", you ask confused, but he quickly shushes you: "Sleep, Y/N." Strangely, the intensity of his gaze makes you sleepy and darkness washes over you - seconds later, you're out like a light.
St. Van sighs, looking at your sleeping form. He shouldn't have used his power on you, the gift of persuasion being something he tries to use as rarely as possible. But he knows your body isn't completely healed yet, knows you need more sleep, so making you sleep was actually in your best interest.
At least that's what he tries to tell himself - it definitely had nothing to do with you seeing how fast he had moved to catch you.
He has been for the look-out for the rogue vampire for a few weeks now. Most of the information he had on the rogue was thanks to Lou, one of the more friendly, open-minded hunters out there. From time to time they team up, knowing it’s easier to catch rogue creatures who threaten to expose the supernatural world to humans with the combined strength of their skills.
But Lou had to leave before catching this particular vampire, so he entrusted St. Van with all the information he had already gathered so far, before departing to take over another pressing case in a town a few hours away.
Since then, St. Van has begun to follow the younger vampire, trying to see if he could maybe catch him on his own and help him with his blood lust. By now though, he knows that the rogue is a lost case, already being way too deep into his blood rage. There is only one way to end his bloody path - to end him.
Easier said than done, though - the younger vampire is pumped to the brim with fresh human blood, making him faster and stronger than St. Van, who relies on blood bags to keep him from starving. It had been more luck than skill he was even able to fight the rogue off your body, thankfully managing to save you. But now he is still out there, continuing to look for more human blood. 
St. Van knows he should be out there, trying to catch the rogue, but he doesn't want to leave you alone. Maybe the rogue will come back and take what, at least in his eyes, is his - to finish what he started.
No, St. Van won't leave you.
Maybe Lou could send another hunter over... The vampire considers this for a moment, before pulling out his phone and dialing the hunter’s number.
Lou picks up after a few rings: "What's up?"
"Can you send someone to take care of the rogue vampire? I won’t be able to leave my apartment for some time."
"What do you mean, you won’t be able to leave your apartment? The sun's not even that strong at the moment." Lou sounds exasperated and St. Van can only imagine the dark scowl the young man is probably sporting right now.
"The rogue vampire attacked a young woman tonight and almost killed her. I brought her to my apartment and gave her some of my blood to heal her body. She's still out like a light at the moment, but I don't want to leave her alone in case the rogue comes back and tries to end what he started.", St. Van explains quietly, his back turned to you. He fumbles for the light switch, the darkness immediately helping with his concentration. Even though the sun can’t actually hurt vampires, the darkness feels way more natural to them, bright lights often hurting their eyes and giving them splitting headaches four hours on end.
On the other end of the line, Lou sighs deeply. "I'll try and see what I can do. I’ll  get back to you as soon as- oh, hey babe. Why are you awake? Did I wake you?" A muffled voice, female and sleepy, answers something inaudible even to St. Van's superior vampire hearing. "Go back to bed. I'll be there in a second."
St. Van doesn't think he's ever heard Lou use such a soft, gentle tone before.
"Uh, so, yeah. I'll send another hunter over. Stay with the woman and take care of her. I'll text you when I’ve got news." With that, he simply hangs up.
The vampire raises both eyebrows, looking at his phone with an incredulous expression on his face. Well, that was kind of rude. But he just sighs, before pocketing the tiny advice again. He’s used to it by now. That’s just how the young hunter is.
When he turns around to look at you again, he jumps.
Because your eyes are wide open, staring at him and reflecting the dim light coming from the hallway.
"Uh. How are you awake?!", St. Van asks, shocked as well. This shouldn't be possible - his persuasion has never failed him before!
You simply continue to stare at the man, still too shocked to talk. You've heard the whole conversation, the voice of the other person - someone called Lou? - on the phone audible even to you.
"So, I guess you heard everything.", St. Van asks again, trying to sound calm (which he isn't at all right now).
You simply nod, heart beating fast in your chest.
"I swear, I'm not a psychopath. I'm really trying to protect you."
"And you're a vampire."
St. Van jumps a bit, looking at you with wide eyes.
"I- what?"
You suppress a smile at his comical expression. "You're a vampire.", you repeat yourself.
He begins to nod slowly, before quickly catching himself and beginning to shake his head rigorously. "There's no such thing as vampires."
You raise one eyebrow, scowling slightly. "Don't even try this with me, I know there are. My family has the sight."
St. Van looks surprised at this new information - this actually explains why his persuasion didn’t work on you. Humans with the Sight are often immune to some supernatural powers - apparently, this has something to do with their lineage (at least one person in your family tree had to be some kind of supernatural creature for the Sight to emerge in the next generation). "Really? So you're able to see ghosts and everything?"
"Yup, have been ever since birth. Just like everyone else in my family. So I know about the supernatural world - even if I'm not part of it, not really at least."
The vampire sighs, looking relieved. "Well, that makes everything a lot easier. But why didn't you notice the rogue vampire following you, then?"
You cross your arms in front of your chest, beginning to pout and St. Van doesn't think he's ever seen anything cuter than this, you're adorable. 
“Just because I know of the supernatural world, doesn't mean I know a lot about it. You're actually the first supernatural creature I've come into real contact with - even though I'm pretty sure the slightly eccentric boyfriend of one of my closest friends is actually a warlock."
St. Van simply nods. "Fair enough. So - like you’ve already overheard, I think the rogue vampire will keep a lookout for you. So I don’t think it will be safe for you to be alone, at least for the time being."
You consider him for a few moments, before shrugging. "Well, thank God I'm on holiday at the moment and don't have to go into work." You gaze around the room. "So, do I have to stay here with you or...?"
"Uh, well, it would make things a lot easier. But I do understand if you want to go home. I'll just keep watch over you from afar - that should work as well."
"But not as well, right?"
St. Van nods again. "Like I said - it would make things a lot easier if you'd just stay here with me. If Lou contacts another hunter as quickly as he's promised, the rogue should be taken care of in a few days."
"Okay, then... I'll stay. But I think I'll need a few of my things to be comfortable in here, like clothes and stuff like that."
The handsome vampire smiles at you. "Of course. Give me your address and I’ll get you whatever your heart desires. In the meantime... if you want to, you can take a shower. I'll lend you some of my clothes."
You look at yourself, realizing with slight horror that you're covered in dried blood. "Ew.", you make a bit distressed, gazing up at St. Van, "Isn't this diffcult for you? Being in the same room with me - with so much blood?"
But he only shrugs. "Nah. It's dried up, so it doesn’t smell nearly as good as fresh blood. Still, I would appreciate you taking a shower." He grins at you, showing you his pearly white canines (no fangs in sight though).
You huff playfully. "Just tell me I stink.", you murmur, before slowly getting up. St. Van extends one hand towards you, but you shake your head. "I'm okay."  
The vampire shows you to his bathroom, which is tiny but very clean and neat, and gives you fresh towels as well as some of his clothes, before leaving you alone. The warm water helps relax your stiff muscles and you're surprised to see no bruises or other wounds on your body. Just some scars that look like they've been on your body for at least a few months. "Probably the vampire blood St. Van gave me...", you murmur, "Very effective indeed."
Twenty minutes later, you feel like a new person; quickly toweling yourself off before getting dressed. St. Van's clothes are way too big on you, but they are comfortable and smell amazing. You definitely need to ask which laundry detergent he's using.
When you leave the bathroom, releasing steam and the smell of fresh soap, you find St. Van in the kitchen, making dinner. He smiles at you, his eyes forming little crescents. "Feeling better?" He takes in your wet, frizzy hair and the way his large jumper gives you sweater paws, the view making him feel all soft and mushy inside.
You nod, sliding onto the kitchen bench. "Immensely, thank you. Why are you cooking? I thought vampires can't eat normal - uh, well, I mean, human food."
"That's right. But I guess you must be pretty hungry by now." 
Right on time, your stomach begins to grumble, making you both laugh. 
"There you go." With that, he places a plate of steaming hot pasta in front of you.
"It smells delicious, thank you!", you say right before diving in. You can't stifle a tiny moan when the first bite hits your gums.
St. Van grins. "I guess you like it?"
You nod fiercely before swallowing and asking: "Where did you learn to cook?"
He props his chin on one hand, gazing at you with a slightly wistful expression on his face. It makes your heart flutter and you hurriedly take another bite before being able to blurt out something stupid. 
"My mother was an amazing cook, actually. She taught me a lot about spices and how to combine different flavors and so on."
"So you weren't a cook before turning into a vampire?"
"No, I was a priest actually."
At this, you choke on your food, coughing and only getting your windpipe freed again thanks to St. Van carefully hitting you on the back, a small smirk playing on his lips.
"A priest?!", you're finally able to gasp out, still left with a few tears in your eyes.
"Those were different times, Y/N. A lot of people became priests or nuns back then. It was pretty normal, actually.", St. Van explains, his eyes glinting amused.
"Mhm, yeah, I guess...", you mumble, taking another bite and observing the handsome man opposite you. "Do you believe in God, then?", you ask curiously.
He nods. "I do, yes. I mean, there must be something bigger out there - and we just give it the name 'God'. It can be a kind of energy or something like that, I don’t know. But I definitely do believe in something more."
Well, you can definitely agree with him on that.
Your conversation continues to flow easily over the next few hours; you tell him about your family and job, he in turn talks about the many historical events he managed to witness during his life as a vampire - he actually saw the Berlin wall fall?! He was at Times Square when the end of the Second World War was declared?! You are more than amazed, being a bit of a history freak. When he talks about the years he used to live in China, your heart softens even more for the vampire - you can’t believe he’s still in contact with the descendants of the family he used to stay with, all of them actually knowing about him being a supernatural creature! This really touches you, showing that he still cares about all the humans he met over the span of his long life.
It's well after midnight when your eyes begin to droop, making St. Van gently smile at you. "I think it's time for you to go to bed, Y/N.", he murmurs and you nod, letting yourself be led towards the tiny guest room.
"Don’t worry, Y/N, I'll keep you safe."
That's the last thing you hear, before falling into a deep slumber.
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The next few days are spent in the company of your undead (and ridiculously handsome) savior: he makes you breakfast, watches movies with you and lets you ask all kind of questions, answering them with an almost saintly patience.
You quickly notice you actually share the same kind of humor, always laughing about silly stuff (St. Van's laugh rapidly becoming one of your favorite sounds in the entire world, it’s just adorable).
He tells you more about his past, about his family and friends, about the supernatural world.
It doesn't take long for you to feel completely comfortable around him, his laid-back, easy-going nature making it absolutely impossible for you to not like him.
You pretty much forget all about the danger you're actually in - the rogue vampire couldn’t be further from your mind.
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You're not quite sure what wakes you during the third night spend in St. Van's guest room - but your heart is hammering inside your chest, your hands are clammy and you feel like you're unable to breathe properly.
Everything instinct inside you screams to run.
Carefully, you sit up and look around your room - everything's still dark, so it should still be nighttime, you guess.
You creep towards your door, trying to be as quiet as possible, before opening it and stepping into the hallway.
"St. Van?", you whisper into the darkness.
No answer.
You begin to shiver a bit, hugging yourself tightly, the sleeves of your jumper way too long and covering your hands.
"There you are."
That is definitely not St. Van's voice. 
You whirl around, but before you can react in any way, two long-fingered hands have already grabbed you around the neck, slowly beginning to choke you. "I can still taste your blood.", a voice rasps, but thanks to the non-existent lighting, you're unable to see more than a shadowy figure in front of you.
Your fingers claw at the hands around your neck, trying to get them off and failing miserably. You struggle to get air into your lungs, darkness beginning to creep into your vision. "Please.", you croak out, but the rogue vampire just hisses.
The next thing you feel are his fangs grazing the thin skin covering your neck. Tears are streaming down your face, the only thought in your head being I don't want to die, I don't want to die, oh please, God, I don't want to die - then, pain seems to explode in your entire body, the vampire burying his fangs into your vulnerable neck.
You're unable to scream, unable to move, unable to feel anything but pain soaring through your whole body.
This is the end, you think.
Darkness washes over you.
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"Please wake up, oh God, Y/N, please wake up.", a male voice besides you sobs, "Y/N, please come back to me."
Something strong and painful hits your chest, making you gasp, your eyes flying open in the process.
St. Van's scared face hovers just above you.
"Oh God, oh God, thank the heavens.", he gasps out, when he sees you looking at him, your eyes wide and searching.
He softly cradles your face between his hands, thumbs stroking your cheeks. "You're okay, you're okay. You're safe, I've got you.", he murmurs, slowly  wiping away the tears rolling down your cheeks and carefully holding your body against his chest.
"Where-", you croak, but St. Van instantly hushes you. "Don't speak, save your strength. I gave you some of my blood, but it hasn't managed to heal you just yet." He hugs you even closer, hands stroking your back, "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I failed you..." He chokes on his own words, trying to calm himself with a few deep breaths (even if he doesn't really need any of those, right?). 
"I was gone for barely thirty minutes to get some more of your stuff.", he whispers, pressing his face into your hair, "But that bastard... he must have watched us."
You move a bit in his arms until he loosens his grip around you. You gaze up at him, at the worried lines on his forehead, his dark, apologetic eyes and the grim set to his mouth. You raise one hand, gently touching his cheek. "It's not your fault.", you rasp as softly as you can manage.
"He nearly killed you.", St. Van whispers, lips trembling slightly.
"You saved me."
"I should have come earlier, I shouldn't have left you alone-"
"Hush. Don't beat yourself up. You saved me, twice. I owe you everything.", you interrupt him, tracing the worried lines on his forehead with one finger.
He swallows thickly, before nodding, leaning his forehead against yours and closing his eyes. Gently, you stroke the hair at the back of his neck, hoping it will calm him down further.
In that moment, a tall, blond-haired man steps inside the apartment, making you jump. Immediately, St. Van's grip around you tightens and he bares his fangs. When he sees the unimpressed expression on the intruder's face, he relaxes again. "Oh, it's just you."
"Just me? Excuse you! I just killed that rogue vampire!", the man huffs, a bit offended, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"You helped. A bit.", St. Van replies with raised eyebrows.
"Well, yeah, okay. But I have to get rid of that thing now. So I think some thanks would be in order." He looks at you, taking in your tired expression and bloody clothes, the way you cling to St. Van. Immediately, his cat-like eyes soften. "I'm Inseong, by the way. Nice to meet you."
You return his smile wearily. "Y/N. Thanks for saving me."
"Don't mention it, that's what we hunters are here for." With that, he turns to the vampire again, "I'll give Lou your greetings along with my report. Soo... I guess I'll see you around. Take care." With that, he gives you both a mock-salute, before stepping out of the apartment and closing the door behind him.
St. Van gazes down at you, eyes soft. "Are you okay?", he asks quietly.
You nod. "I will be." 
Especially with you by my side, you silently add in your head.
He sighs deeply, pressing a chaste kiss on your forehead; your heart skips a beat at the sweet, simple gesture.
"I promise I'll keep you safe from now on.", St. Van whispers, arms tightening around you.
I won't ever leave you again, he silently adds in his head.
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emeraldbabygirl · 5 years
Things I been thinking bout
Avin is a literal baby and he reminds me so much of A.O and now I miss LC9 even more
Laon is perfect boyfriend material. That’s it
Jinwoo is actually so smol I’m gonna cry. Literally hims tiny babie :((
This picture of Dojin
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These three pics. It must be their thing huh?
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This funny set up I found on Pinterest
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I want his whole arm in me. That’s it thanks
Just thinkin about how much I miss disbanded groups but especially Halo rn
Those lethal photos of Hanse
That dream I had with Uiyeon
How I’m gonna make that Dojin fanfic good
Why Mr. Park Seonghwa is so handsome?
Why I’m bout’ta thot out for DXB or whatever their group name is
If Junji, BC and Hanse were all in the same room with the same piercings, same tats, same hair color and hair style
My Demon Daddies, mostly WD40 and Dojin..been thinking bout them A LOT
My fake gamer bf Jeup and how much I love him
Baby Boy Yoonho :(
How large Jinwoo’s mouth actually is
Sehyoon but also A.C.E in general :(
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