wispscribbles · 1 year
hi! so i absolutely adore your artstyle and think its so scrum-dilly-umptious!
i wanted to see if its alright to save some of your pieces to a pinterest board of mine? i use it for art style inspiration and i'd love to add your work to the mix <3
the board is private, so no one else can see it, but if you aren't cool with reposts, no worries! i'll just write down your user and keep it in my notes 😅
Hii! Thank you - and thanks for asking first ^^ If it's just a private board for yourself, then that's completely fine. Nice to hear you like my art !
Just as a general PSA: If my art is reposted, it's ok as long as it's with explicit credit back to me and with info on where to find me. None of that "credit to the artist uwu" or "dunno the artist but look at this". I see that so much (especially on tiktok), and it's so disrespectful. Just don't. Also, never use my art to make money in some way.
Just be respectful and always do your research on what the artist is comfortable with (Like this question asker is doing!)
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