#stab my eyes? totally coolio. can we make out now?
junkanimate · 10 months
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My lady <3<3<3<3
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
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Chapter 36: Miss Keisha, Miss Keisha! Oh My God She Fuckin Dead.
Tenya couldn’t believe it, Shinso was standing right there and the tension was thick. Should he start the conversation? Or should they start? Either way, answers will come out of this.
“...and we’ll have you working out of here” Tenya said to finish the agency tour to Shinso “I’ll get one of the security robos to get you scanned as an associate.”
Shinso watches Tenya summon the boxer sized robo “I can’t believe she did it” his eyes follow the robo “she really is amazing, wish I’d seen her rise to the top.”
“You know, she never told me why you left” Tenya obliviously stated “I know you two moved in together but not when you two split up.”
Shinso went pale and clammy “Wait, you talked to her? Is she okay? Since when? Does she ask you about me?”
“Slow down, I’ve started to talk to her again in early spring” Tenya recalled “when I asked about you, all she said you two broke up before her 20th birthday and the subject never came up again.”
“Oh I see” Shinso sighed “of course it’s like that, why would she want to talk to me again after what I did.”
“If you don’t mind me asking” Tenya leaned in “why did you two break up? You two had an unbreakable bond from what I saw before we graduated.”
“It’s a touchy subject” Shinso felt uneasy again “maybe I’ll tell you after a while but please” he begged “don’t tell her I’m here, it won’t end well.”
“Why? What is she going to do?”
“Just trust me” he sighed and turned to the robo “she’ll lose it if she finds out, I trust that you’ll keep this secret for me.”
Tenya feels the conflict in his heart, on one hand, he’s a trustworthy friend. But on the other, Ita is his love and deserves to know that Shinso is back in town. The weeks go by and Shinso has managed to fly under the radar and is closing in on his term with the Ingenium agency. 
-Ingenium agency, night shift-
“Who’s texting you?” Shinso asked Tenya, who has been distracted by the high amount of texts the past hour.
“It’s Ita” he said as he responded to her text “she’s at her agent job and is not having it with her co-workers again” he chuckled and put his phone back down on the table “her co-worker Hila HATES her for being young and rich, so they try to embarrass her but you know Ita, always ten steps ahead of everyone and it backfired but today was one of those-” the chime of his text tone interrupted his sentence. Shinso saw on his lock screen was a picture of Ita T-posing in front of her coffee maker in the hoodie Shinso gave her on their anniversary.
“Thats...the sweater I gave her” Shinso looked at the text notification, it’s from Sweetheart “Oh, I see you have a nickname for them too. Still can’t tell her huh?”
“Oh um actually” Tenya got red-faced and flustered “she’s my girlfriend now, for a few months actually. Reuniting brought it out of me and she told me she’s always felt strongly towards me, even after hurting her and drifting apart. We’ve been inseparatable since and she’s happier than ever.”
Shinso heart sank but tried not to seem hurt “She moved on huh” he looked at his phone to see his lock screen photo of Ita napping on the couch with the cat on her belly, the memory hurts to look at now that he knows she’s moved on “I’m happy that she’s happy now, the months leading to our end were sucking the happiness out of us, especially her” he put his phone back in his pocket “and all I did was make things worse.”
“I still don’t know the fully story” Tenya said, almost demandingly “why can’t you tell me?”
“Honestly, the memory is so painful to remember” Shinso was having trouble breathing, like he was going to have a panic attack “I’m still hurting over it, but ask her about it, she’s stronger than me and will probably explain it better.”
That scene fucked up Tenya for a few days, Shinso was known for being serious and collected. But to see him on the verge of a panic attack scared Tenya to the point where he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to ask Ita what happened. In his heart, he knew there was needed closure and there was no other way to get it than breaking his silence.
-Ita’s house, 7pm, dinner time-
“Thanks for dinner” Tenya thanked Ita, for the 10th time “what do you call this dish?”
“Arroz con Frijoles y Carne Asada” I responded.
“I love it when you pronounce your ‘R’s” he gushed “it’s so exotic and alluring.”
“Shut your fuck and thank kami-sama for the food!” I blushed hard and tried to hide it.
They start eating, then Tenya spoke up “It’s been slipping my mind, but Shinso has been a temp at the agency for a while now.”
The sound of silverware dropping on a ceramic plate startled Tenya to look up at a very pale and sweaty Ita “OH HE-HE’S IN TOWN! Coolio! How is he?!”
“Are you alright? You’re being shouty and stressing your words” Tenya started to regret his words.
“Naw this is my normal voice hehehehe! Did he tell you where’s he’s been?!” she starts to hyperventilate and sweat harder “How’s his cat?! Is he back for good?!”
“STOP!” Tenya stands from the table “What is with you? He told me not to tell you he was back because you might freak out” he walks over to her side of the table “I believe him now, but what happened between you two?”
Ita was feeling very cornered but gave in and took a few calming breaths “I guess you were going to find out sooner or later” I motioned him to sit and held his hands “let my preface everything with I love you and I will never leave you unless I have a good reason to and we’ll talk things out if we’re running into problems.”
“I love you too, I’m listening” he squeezes her hands to give her reassurance.
“Okay, everything started around the time I was entering my second term of college...”
Flashback to 3 years ago...
I was going through usual couple things like small fights and compromise with lots of affection. With life picking up the pace and with no signs of stopping, I felt invincible. Everything halted when I found out I was pregnant with Shinso’s baby, college and my want to start up my company had to be on hold. Everything was fine up until the incident that changed our lives.
“Hitoshi! Can you help me put on my boots?” I whined from the living room couch, it was 10am and I had an important day ahead of me.
“Let me just set this here” Shinso set a teacup down on the table and kneeled to rub my feet to ease the swelling “are you sure you’re fit to work? You’re getting huge to be doing fieldwork.” He put on her boots and kissed her growing belly “kick once if mommy should stay home, twice if she should go to work.”
“Silly! I’m only 5 months, they have me on light footwork if I have to go on a mission” I put my hand on his face, a small kick was felt on my left side “just today then I stay home to get the house ready for our baby.”
“I don’t know babe” Shinso looked into my eyes “with all the raiding being done in Sumida lately, it’s becoming dangerous to be in the business district.”
“I’m a toughie! I can manage myself just fine” I sit up and hold my arms out for him to help me up “today I have to do paperwork for the monthly report, you know how I get when I do paperwork.”
“Fine then” Shinso kisses me “just come home as soon as you can.”
I head off to work and my light field-work turned disastrous when the bank I was at to gain intel was getting robbed in the middle of me reviewing security footage. I get the footage and get the workers around me to safety and contact authorities and rescue to get me out. Before they came, a blast was set off and a heavy filing cabinet fell on top of me and my water broke. I was rushed to the hospital to save my baby. The baby didn’t survive and died in my arms, all the guilt of not listening to Shinso to stay home stabbed my heart and ripped me apart. Shinso was in total shock, he wouldn’t even look at me nor speak. He didn’t want to see where I buried our baby, he didn’t want to me to touch him and he didn’t sleep in our bed. He just droned with glazed eyes and barely ate anything for days.
“Hitoshi, are you in here?” I softly asked as I pushed open the door to the office “hey, did you eat dinner?” He didn’t respond, just sat at the desk writing something “look, babe, it’s been two weeks” I take a deep breath “can we talk? It doesn’t have to be about what happened, I just want to hear you.” He stopped writing for a second, like he was considering what I said, but he continued writing “I suppose it is a bit late for talking” I knew I was just making up excuses “well, I’m going to bed, if you’d like to come” I turn to leave “good night, I love you.”
I went to bed, alone. I tried to stay up as long as I could to see if he’d come to bed after-all. In the morning, I see that he didn’t come to bed and I woke up 15 minutes before I was supposed to be up. “Hitoshi?” I called out, no response. “I guess he’s still asleep maybe” I sat up and after rubbing my eyes a bit, I see the room was cleaner than I left it last night “oh he did laundry?” I said as I saw that the basket with overflowing dirty clothes was picked up and maybe in the laundry room. I go to the bathroom and see it was also cleaned “he threw out all the empty products? It’s so cleared of clutter” I brush my teeth and notice his wasn’t in the holder, I check the cabinet and see a lot of his things weren’t there. “Weird, I know he keeps his deodorant and eye drops in here” I finish up in the bathroom and go down stairs “Hitoshi? Why is-” I start but stopped myself because something wasn’t right. The cat’s bed, toys and tower wasn’t in it’s usual spot and the cat was no where to be seen or heard. “Hitoshi?! Biscuit?! Please meow if one of you is there?!” I call out, nothing. I look in the laundry room and all of my clothes were folded but his were no where to be seen. I check the office and it was cleared out of all his things, same in the garage and our closet. “I don’t understand?!” I get worried and I walk into the kitchen to see that coffee was brewed and the kitchen was cleaned. There was a note on the fridge addressed to me:
I can’t talk about what happened and I can’t keep living here. It’s painful to be around here and even more when you tell me you love me through your pain. I need time and distance to really heal from everything, there’s groceries in the fridge and three months of my part of the rent and bills on the counter to last until the end of the co-lease. I cleaned the house and took all of my belongings, including the cat. Don’t come looking for me, please take care of yourself but until we meet again, I love you.
I was devastated and just broke down on the kitchen floor. Unable to move or know what to do, time flew by and everyone at work noticed that I wasn’t there. Mimi got special permission to come check up on me. She found me on my kitchen floor and read the note, they got filled with rage that once again I got hurt by a man. After blowing some steam and consoling me to my feet, they asked “Okay, you’re up now” she put her hands on my shoulders “what’s the plan?”
“I’m not sure” I squeeze my eyes shut to think of something “nothing makes sense in my head, I just want to lay down.”
“No! You are a bad bitch!” she shook me “I’ve seen you pull yourself together when a boy hurts you. You’re going to pick up everything he made you drop for him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Going back to college!” she points to the small dog grabbing the tissues off the ground with his robot arm “start our company! Nothing will come out of you just laying down and waiting for him to come back.”
“You know what....YEAH!” I pump myself up “I’m going to work on myself! And if Hitoshi does come back and doesn’t like the new me, then he can fuck off!”
“Yes bitch!” she yelled and carried me to my office to get started on myself. But the loneliness came back when she left, I found it hard to sleep in that bed. The couch and the floor of the office is were I slept for months. The day I graduated college was when I slept in that bed again, nobody was there to wake up to when I felt lonely. A price to pay when you succeed beyond your wildest dreams in less than a year. I lost the warm and loving part of myself in the process, sex meant nothing and there wasn’t an alcohol strong enough to make the pain go away. I didn’t let anyone come too close to my heart because who the hell would want a broken woman. I convinced myself that if I just work and keep working, there will be no room for things like love to get in the way. Slowly but surely, I changed into this mysterious and unattainable person you see on magazine covers and business articles.
End of flashback
I finish my side of everything with tears streaming down my face “...I haven’t talked to him since the night before he left” I look toward the stairs “I’ve asked around for his whereabouts but lost track a year and a half ago. Amajiki told me he was going north for work but he didn’t say where.”
“North? He did come from Hokkaido” Tenya remembered “he’s a contract basis hero, so he’s never in just one place.”
“I figured” I sighed “now that he’s back, I don’t know if he wants to talk” I wiped my tears “I’ll let him do that on his own time.”
“It’s not like you to be non-confrontational” he questioned “and it wasn’t like Shinso to get all panicked when I mentioned the past. This really hurt you two.”
“Yea, sometimes I imagine how life would’ve been if I had our baby” I rubbed my stomach “our little boy would’ve been turning 3, maybe showing signs of his quirks” I smiled “he had dark purple hair and my nose, probably had his eyes and my personality traits. I like to think that we would’ve been a happy family but at the same time, none of the things I worked hard for would’ve came true. I’d be stuck in that lacky agent job and be a housewife for the rest of my life.”
“Well if it makes you feel any better” he wiped her tear “I don’t think you’re broken, you’re still that warm and loving person and you can start your happy family over with me” she looked up at him “we’ll get married, have as many children as you want, raise them with love and nurturing care to be whatever they want to be, I’ll do housework and cook too when you’re working and-”
I start laughing “Whoa there! One thing at a time Tenya!” I throw my arms around him and squeeze “thank you, for listening and unpacking my baggage. I needed it.”
“It seems like it’s what I do best” he holds her “thank you for being brave enough to retell your past. I love you.”
-One week later, Ingenium Agency-
“Just one more week huh Shinso-kun?” Tenya said as Shinso walked in the locker room.
“Hm? Yeah heh” Shinso takes off his voice changer “I was thinking about staying in the suburbs of Tokyo, I forgot how nice this area actually is.”
“You’re here to stay?” 
“You could call it that” he took off his boots “I have a friend in Chiyoda that’s been looking for a roommate and the work around here is better than up north. So I’ll stick around and see if I can get an agency to keep me.”
“That’s wonderful news!” Tenya exclaimed “I’m happy you’ve settled back, from what Ita told me, I thought you might not want to stick around because she’s so close by.”
“I know and I guess she told you why I left huh?” Shinso turned to Tenya and saw him nod “it’s a lot to unpack but I have to say my side. I don’t blame her for anything, I blame myself for being so selfish. I thought having a baby would solve all of our problems but they were really my problems. She was talking about the future and starting her own things, it was like she was maturing too fast and I wanted to keep her the same laid-back and feisty girl I fell in love with. Getting her pregnant just made her more mature and I was regretting it, I love her but not her ideas and dreams.” he closed his locker “how can I say that when she’s carrying our son! So when she lost the baby, I was relieved but also saddened that he was gone now. My coldness wasn’t her fault, it was all mine. I was afraid to tell her how I really felt, so I just didn’t talk or looked at her when she begged me to. I’ve been planning my move out for a week and the final straw was when she told me ‘I love you’ after begging me to talk to her because she wanted to hear my voice. It was painful to leave her alone in that house, I still loved her enough to leave her a clean house with food and paid bills.” his voice started to crack “I hid away from her and our friends to avoid getting confronted by her. And even after all this time, I’m still not ready to talk to her because I’m deathly afraid of seeing her heartbreak over my truth and selfish ways. I don’t think she’ll forgive me. But on my hardest days, all I could think about is her arms around me as she kisses me and the warmth we share when we make love.” he stops and turns red “but um, I bet you already know about all that now, lucky you.”
“What do you mean?” Tenya asks as he wipes his face with a towel.
“You know...making love” Shinso makes some suggestive hand gestures to fill in the gaps “or I don’t know what you two call it but isn’t she just so warm and freaky in bed? God I miss it.”
“I don’t? Understand what you mean?” Tenya was more confused “I’ve never shared the bed with her.”
Shinso’s jazz music stopped in his head “WAIT HOLD UP!” he tried to hold it together “are you telling me that you, an adult man, have never asked Ita ,your adult girlfriend with a high sex drive, for sex?!” he laughed in disbelief “I can’t believe it! You’re an adult virgin!”
“I wouldn’t know the first step to ask!” Tenya turned red in embarrassment “I don’t even know how to any of the moves!” that just made Shinso laugh harder “don’t laugh! Nobody taught me how!”
“Oh man, I haven’t laughed that hard in years!” Shinso wiped his tears “oh fuck, look Iida-kun, the first step is to have her in that little kissy mood” he puts his arm on his shoulder “get her nice and flustered, then run your hand on her inner thigh, lean in to her ear and say ‘wanna take this to the bedroom?’ or ‘baby, I wanna give you a Detroit Smashing.’ and the rest will follow.”
“Won’t she laugh at the last one?”
“She did, and it was super awkward every time we heard Midoriya yell it in class-”
After that little talk in the locker room, Tenya pondered how he was going to ask her, as he was going to meet up with her later that night at her place. Everything was going the way Shinso said to start out.
“Oh you’re getting handsy” I giggled “don’t be shy, my body is all yours to feel.”
“If you say so” he took it as a cue to do the inner thigh touch “is this too much?”
I start to quiver “N-n-not at all” my voice was choppy “it feels naughty, don’t stop.” 
“It’s so warm” he kept running his hand and observing her expressions “um, can we, um” his mind was blanking on the spot, he had to stop stammering and say something! “can we take this to Detroit?”
“To where?!” I started laughing at his panic sentence “I’d love to see you point to Detroit on a fucking map Tenya but what in the actual fuck?”
He sighs in defeat, her roast was too much “I mean- I meant to say, er, ask if you wanted to, IF YOU WANT TO I’M NOT FORCING YOU TO DO ANYTHING!” he panics again “if you and me, shared a bed tonight?”
“You can say sex Tenya” I looked at his nervous face and put my hand on his “and I would like to partake in intercourse with you” I kissed his lips “I’m consenting.”
“You didn’t have to say it like that” he chuckled, feeling a little less nervous.
“Like ‘can we take this to Detroit’ was a better phrase” I roasted back as I levitated us off the couch “I won’t drag you upstairs, lets go” we get to my bedroom door “welcome to my bedroom, it’s huge” I open the door and flip on the lights.
“This...I see why you don’t like sleeping alone” he looked around in amazement of the opulent aesthetic “that bed is way too big just to have you sleeping in it” he looks at the furniture and the slightly ajar closet “it’s so luxury feeling just floating in here.”
“Heh just a few ten thousands of dollars can really change up the look of a room” I said as I floated onto the middle of the bed and set him down on the edge “Muffin, can you set the lights to ambiance 3 in this room and put the house on Do Not Disturb mode?”
“House set to Do Not Disturb, lights in bedroom to ambiance 3″ the sound of the small robo could be heard from downstairs “now powering down to sleep mode, good night Mom.”
“The dog calls you- Oh wow the lights” Tenya got distracted by the sudden change of light from bright to dimmer and slightly rose in color.
“Where were we?” I sat up to get his attention “come here love, I’m cold” I softly spoke to coax him in “I know it’s your first time, it’s not scary, just relax.” 
He crawled up to her held her “I want to do good for you” he was trying to relax but the anticipation was getting to him “just like you said in the tree the night after the dance.”
“Well, lets start with some visualizing” I straddle him “In second year, after we talked over apples, I touched myself pretending you invited me to stay and we kissed for hours until we gave in and rubbed each other to climax.”
“You’d think about me?” he felt the heat rise from deep inside his body “what made you so turned on back then?”
“I love how your arms just envelop me and your hands are big and soft,” she ran a hand on his chest “your large and strong build is something to fawn over, I imagine myself under you as you just have your way with me” I rest my hips on his “the only time I’d obey orders is in bed.”
“I didn’t know you felt lust over my body” he cleared his throat “is it getting too warm in here?”
I take off my shirt “Ever wonder why clothes get ripped off durning sex?” I felt a poke on my thigh “the body gets hot and bothered, looks like you’ve sprung up to the occasion” I teased as I lift his shirt a bit, showing his tummy “take it off, I want to see my man in his raw form.”
He takes off his clothes and helps me out of mine “Oh wow the tattoos do trail down your back” he commented before I flipped onto my back “may I see your-” I open my legs before he could finish his sentence “Oh goodness me, this just made things more confusing” he scratched his head and oogled at it “how do I...move around in there?”
I laughed “Give me your hand and come closer” I give him a mini anatomy lesson but with hands on learning “...does that make sense now?”
“Yes it does” he touched over it again slowly “if you’re ready to receive me, I’m ready to start.” I nod and he positions himself “I’ll try my best.” It began a bit awkwardly at the start but picked up a bit once he found his rhythm “I love to hear you moan, it feels like I’m doing something right” he kisses her neck “my love, my heart, my everything....I want to make love to you every night and be the one you see in the morning” he goes faster, making me short of breath.
“Tenya~I’m gonna-”
“Hold on to me, I’m close.” he moans right before he finishes, he gives a few final thrusts and drops his weight on top of me “excuse my weight, but was that good? Because I feel amazing.”
“Yeah~ you’re amazing Tenya” I said breathlessly “I thought I could handle your size but you gave me quite the pounding” he pulled out of me “cuddle me, I’m needy.”
“Kiss first” he asked and I obeyed “you weren’t kidding when you said you’ll obey in bed” his arms wrapped around me “was I everything you imagined?”
“I couldn’t imagine something better if I tried” I nested myself on his chest “did you mean what you said?” I got timid “about the every night and morning thing?”
“I did, I don’t think I can go back to sleeping alone” he stroked her sweat damped hair “and I don’t think I want you to go to sleep alone either. You’ve spent enough nights alone with your fantasies.”
“I have, it finally feels like I’m complete” I pull the sheets over us with my telekinesis “stay the night, please?”
“Can I just...move in?” he hesitated to ask.
“Just like that?” I tilted my head up to see his face “well, lets see...it’s November and the new lease starts in January” I muttered to organize my thoughts “can you make a down payment of 220,000 yen by the 1st of January? Co-rent is usually like 22,000 a month if you’re down.”
“That’s doable” he squeezed her lovingly “I love you!”
“Not possible, I love you more!” I squeezed back.
They slept in each other’s arms and dreamt of domestic life. In the morning, as usual, Tenya was the first one up. It was 6am and the mess of black curls under his chin greeted him before the familiar face of squished and sleepy. Not the best look on her but how he adores her and her genuine expressions. He waited patiently for her to wake up, he didn’t want to hold back on his promise that he’ll be there in the morning. Finally, at around 8am, she came around.
“Oh shit, good morning” she sleepily moaned “I lowkey forgot we fucked last night and that it was all real.”
He watched her rub her eyes and stretch her back “It was like a dream” he kissed her properly “I’m here like I promised, so good morning love.”
The door slammed open, ruining the moment “Good morning Mom, you have 20 new client emails, 2 events for today and review documents for this month’s company overview.” Muffins blared as they’ve been programed to rude awaken her at 8:15am everyday.
“Thank you Muffins” I stressfully groaned “I’m up now.”
“Is that-”
“Daily, yeah” I sat up, forgetting I was naked “the life of a CEO should be starting at 5am but I’m a sane person, my day starts when I want it to” I float lazily off the bed and towards the bathroom “you can use my shower if you’d like, I’m not kicking you out yet.”
He blushes as he sees her just do her routine, naked “Can I ask you a weird question, about your body?”
“Sure? What’s up?”
“You have so many tattoos now” he runs his fingers on the sunflower patch on her hip “and they’re beautiful works of art, what do they mean?”
“Well, I got them as I got scars from my agent work” I pulled my hair up in a bun to show the ones on the back of my neck and shoulders better “the one you touched was to cover a stab wound I got before I got pregnant, this koi fish one on my shoulder was from the time I got a bullet wound like a year ago.”
“How are you still in agent work?” He stopped her tattoo tour “if you keep getting hurt like this? Yes I have scars and such but you have so many more.”
“I’ve saved lives too Tenya, not all my scars are because of my recklessness” I point to the tattoo on my left thigh “see this one? I nearly lost my leg in a tussle with a super villain, the one in Ichikawa that leveled the agency there. There was this family that was struggling to escape and I didn’t have time to get them all out of the way of a direct attack incoming, I jumped in front and took the hit that almost shattered my leg and left a lighting scar. The family was safe but I was in the hospital for sustaining a direct hit, when I got discharged and got my leg out of the cast, I got this cool rose tat.”
He traced the rose tattoo with his fingers, feeling the slightly raised scar tissue that was covered by the blue inks “I remember that attack, I couldn’t reach out in time to fight” he felt guilt “it should’ve been me that took that hit.”
“None of that!” I put my hands on his face and squished it to stop his thought “I’m here and alive, you’re here and alive, lets not dwell on the what if’s and just love each other in the moment.”
“But I still worry” he remembered something from the past “when I saw you get that ice shard in your abdomen and your body going limp” his voice cracked, it was traumatic to remember “I carried you to the hospital, running faster than I ever could to save you, screaming to open your eyes and to stay with me. I couldn’t function for days, I wanted so badly to see you and make sure you were really alive because I couldn’t stand the idea of you dead before you had the chance to go back home.” Tears poured from his face, hands trembling to hold her “even in the time we were apart, I worried about you. If you had enough to get by, enough to eat, enough attention, if you went to bed cold or if you got sick , and my worst fear, if you were being loved and cherished enough.”
“Tenya, all that just for me?” I wiped his tears “well, no use crying over spilt milk! Now we can lead our lives, together, and you won’t have to worry if I’m hungry, cold or sick. And I don’t have to worry about being cold, ignored nor feel lonely” I bought him in for a tight embrace “because you’re here to stay and I’m not going anywhere. I love you and your feelings are valid.”
He felt his chest swell with that familiar feeling of genuine emotions after listening to her. She always knew what to say and it was one of the thing he missed the most about her. After a brief moment, he remembered that they were both still naked, in the bathroom “As much as I love you” he started as he broke the embrace “can you cover up and look that way as I’m showering?”
“No, my house, my rules” I got cheeky “you have to look at my naked body until I dress for the day, I paid good money for this art” I turned around and wiggled my ass “or I’ll cut you a deal, take a bath with me and then I’ll cover up in a robe.”
“I- ahem- I’m-” he was flustered “oh goodness, you don’t play fair.”
I walk toward the bathtub and turn on the hot water “When have I ever?” I gave a flirty giggle as I adjusted the temperature of the water “will you join me? I promise to keep my hands to myself.” He didn’t have words, just a head nod and walked toward the running bath. Sharing a bath, trying to get used to her tattooed and naked body just made their bond stronger. To think this was what he was missing all this time, his heart was full and ready for the future they’re going to build together.
-Chapter 36, End-
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