#staff outsourcing solutions
officebeacon · 2 years
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xbsoftware · 5 days
The web development progress is a double-edged sword. Countless libraries and frameworks give you freedom of choice, but sometimes such a variety confuses. To help you avoid this situation when choosing a library for building a web app UI, we decided to build a data dashboard for a web application, using React, Vue.js, and Webix and comparing the results.
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donatotech01 · 3 months
custom software solutionsEducational Summer Camp
At Donato Technologies located in Dallas, Texas we offer many services to help ensure your business is maintained through technology https://www.donatotech.net/careers/
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adiresourcing · 4 months
Exciting News! ADI Resourcing Expands into Myanmar 🚀
ADI Resourcing, a leading IT staffing agency in Thailand, is thrilled to announce its expansion into the vibrant market of Myanmar. This move marks a significant milestone in ADI Resourcing's commitment to providing top-notch IT staffing solutions in the Southeast Asian region. 
Myanmar, with its rapidly growing economy and burgeoning tech industry, presents a promising landscape for ADI Resourcing to contribute its expertise and resources. The company is excited to bring its extensive experience in IT staffing to the Myanmar market, catering to the increasing demand for skilled professionals in the technology sector. 
"We are thrilled to take this bold step into the dynamic market of Myanmar. As a trusted IT staffing agency in Thailand, ADI Resourcing is eager to contribute to the growth and success of businesses in Myanmar by providing top-tier IT talent," said [Mr. Amit Lal Singh], [CEO] at ADI Resourcing. 
As ADI Resourcing expands its operations into Myanmar, the company invites industry professionals, businesses, and the public to follow them for updates on their plans and activities in this emerging market. Stay tuned for exciting announcements, partnerships, and insights into the IT staffing andscape in Myanmar. 
About ADI Resourcing: 
ADI Resourcing is a renowned IT staffing agency based in Thailand, specializing in connecting businesses with highly skilled IT professionals. With a commitment to excellence, ADI Resourcing has successfully provided staffing solutions to clients across various industries. The expansion into Myanmar is a testament to the company's dedication to meeting the evolving needs of the Southeast Asian tech market. 
For media inquiries, please contact: https://www.adiresourcing.com
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Remote Team Solutions - Lucid Outsourcing Solutions
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datapointanalytics · 1 year
Boost Efficiency and Productivity with Staff Outsourcing Solutions
In today's competitive business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking innovative ways to maximize efficiency and drive productivity. One effective strategy that has gained significant traction is staff outsourcing. By leveraging staff outsourcing solutions, businesses can tap into a pool of talented professionals, enhance operational agility, and focus on core competencies.
At Decimal Point Analytics, we understand the challenges faced by businesses when it comes to staffing and resource allocation. Our comprehensive staff outsourcing solutions empower organizations to optimize their workforce, streamline operations, and achieve cost savings. With our extensive network of skilled professionals across various domains, we provide tailored staffing solutions that align with your specific business needs.
When you partner with Decimal Point Analytics, you gain access to a vast talent pool of experts who can seamlessly integrate into your organization and contribute to its growth. From IT support to data analysis, research services to administrative tasks, our staff outsourcing solutions cover a wide range of business functions.
Benefits of our Staff Outsourcing Solutions:
Scalability: Flexibly adjust your workforce based on project requirements.
Cost Savings: Reduce overhead costs associated with recruitment, training, and employee benefits.
Expertise: Access highly skilled professionals with domain-specific knowledge.
Focus on Core Competencies: Allocate internal resources to strategic initiatives and critical tasks.
Operational Efficiency: Streamline workflows and improve productivity.
By leveraging our staff outsourcing solutions, you can unlock significant advantages for your organization, gain a competitive edge, and drive sustainable growth. Visit our website to learn more about how Decimal Point Analytics can help you streamline your staffing process and enhance your business performance.
Explore Decimal Point Analytics innovative and data research solution Today
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freyrsolutions · 1 year
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lordzannis · 2 months
There are several serious concerns regarding DreamWorks Animation in recent years:
Shifting Production Away from In-House
DreamWorks is shifting away from fully producing animated films in-house at its Glendale, California studio. The studio is partnering with Sony Pictures Imageworks to handle asset builds and shot production for an upcoming 2025 film. This reflects a new cost-cutting model where DreamWorks will outsource some work to partner studios in lower cost locations to reduce production costs by 20%[1]. This has raised concerns among DreamWorks staff about job security and the studio's commitment to in-house production.
Significant Layoffs
In March 2024, DreamWorks announced huge layoffs across multiple departments. Reddit users commented that the studio won't be recovering from this round of layoffs, blaming the outsourcing strategy[2]. The exact number of jobs lost is unclear, but it seems to be a major blow to the studio's workforce.
Questionable Leadership Decisions
DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg has made some decisions that have raised eyebrows. In 2013, President Obama visited DreamWorks and joked about Katzenberg's large ego[4]. More concerning is Katzenberg's history of overseeing the shift of production from Culver City to Vancouver at Sony Pictures Imageworks to take advantage of tax credits[1]. This suggests a willingness to prioritize cost savings over maintaining jobs in Los Angeles.
Outsourcing Threatens Local Economy
The animation industry is a major economic engine for Southern California, similar to how finance is to New York or tech is to Silicon Valley[4]. By shifting production overseas, DreamWorks is putting local jobs at risk and threatening the viability of the local animation ecosystem. This could have ripple effects on the broader economy of the region.
In summary, DreamWorks appears to be making decisions that prioritize short-term cost savings over maintaining a robust in-house production workforce. While some outsourcing may be necessary to stay competitive, the scale and speed of the changes raise serious concerns about the studio's long-term commitment to its Los Angeles workforce and the local economy. Significant layoffs and the CEO's history of prioritizing tax credits over local jobs add to the sense of unease among DreamWorks employees and the surrounding community.
Citations: [1] https://www.cartoonbrew.com/studios/dreamworks-shifting-away-from-in-house-production-in-los-angeles-sony-imageworks-is-new-production-partner-233466.html [2] https://www.reddit.com/r/vfx/comments/1bdemof/dreamworks_layoffs/ [3] https://www.thegamer.com/things-wrong-dreamworks-movies-choose-ignore/ [4] https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2013/11/26/remarks-president-economy-dreamworks [5] https://www.watchmojo.com/articles/top-10-times-dreamworks-movies-tackled-serious-issues
Here are some potential solutions for holding DreamWorks Animation accountable and ensuring they pay their fair share of taxes:
Advocate for Closing Corporate Tax Loopholes
DreamWorks and other large corporations often exploit loopholes and tax havens to minimize their tax burden[3]. Employees should urge lawmakers to close these loopholes and ensure companies like DreamWorks pay their fair share. This could involve measures like:
Eliminating deductions for offshoring jobs and profits
Imposing a minimum tax on corporate book income
Increasing IRS funding for auditing large corporations
Requiring public country-by-country reporting of taxes paid
Push for Transparency Around Tax Practices
DreamWorks should be more transparent about its tax practices and lobbying efforts related to taxes[3]. Employees can demand the company publicly disclose its effective tax rate, tax credits and incentives received, and political contributions. Greater transparency would allow stakeholders to hold the company accountable.
Support Unionization to Increase Bargaining Power
Unionizing gives workers more leverage to demand that DreamWorks invest in its workforce rather than prioritizing tax avoidance[2]. Unions can negotiate for higher wages, better benefits, and more training that improves productivity and reduces the need for tax breaks. Collective bargaining power is key to rebalancing the scales.
Collaborate with Community Organizations
DreamWorks employees should partner with local community groups, nonprofits, and advocacy organizations that are pushing for corporate tax reform and responsible business practices[3]. By pooling resources and amplifying each other's voices, workers and activists can build a powerful movement for change.
Engage with Shareholders
As a publicly traded company, DreamWorks is accountable to its shareholders. Employees who own stock should engage with the company's leadership and other investors to voice concerns about tax avoidance and demand more responsible corporate citizenship[3]. Shareholder resolutions and proxy voting can influence company policies.
By pursuing these solutions, DreamWorks Animation employees can help ensure the company contributes its fair share to society through the tax system. Closing loopholes, increasing transparency, unionizing, collaborating with allies, and engaging shareholders are all important levers for driving accountability. Responsible corporate tax practices are key to funding public services and infrastructure that benefit workers and communities.
Citations: [1] https://dreamworkstaxsolutions.com [2] https://www.reddit.com/r/vfx/comments/1bdemof/dreamworks_layoffs/ [3] https://filmstories.co.uk/news/dreamworks-animation-set-to-outsource-work-to-tax-advantaged-lower-cost-geographies/ [4] https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/how-to-manage-taxes-as-an-indie-developer [5] http://www.filmstrategy.com/2015/04/production-tips-filmmaker-and-taxes.html
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animehouse-moe · 8 months
Manabu Otsuka, Mappa, and Jujutsu Kaisen & Yuri On Ice!!
Today (or well, yesterday in Japan), an interview went live with Manabu Otsuka (who is the CEO of MAPPA), which is equal parts disheartening and disappointing, making it an important read for any anime fan out there, and I'll explain why here.
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The single largest red flag here is this paragraph. They want to reach the heights of Kyoto Animation and Ufotable, but in a fraction of the time. This entire concept is a fallacy and just ridiculous in nature.
Why? Well, because Ufotable became a studio in the year 2000. They are just past 20 years of business. Kyoto Animation? That ones a little more valid since it was 1985, so I'll just provide an example to the former.
Ufotable, as a studio gained massive critical acclaim and success with Kara No Kyoukai / The Garden of Sinners, thrusting the studio into the limelight. The year that movie was released? 2007.
Only seven years after the official formation of the studio, they put out an insane success as a studio. Of course, that wasn't entirely consistent, but when you speak to the critical acclaim and refinement of a studio such as Ufotable, Kara No Kyoukai is by no means off of the table. Though, it's not like Fate/Zero was much further behind in 2011.
These dates will remain important later, but I just want to address the final part while I'm here.
Otsuka's solution to "catching" these studios that have a decade or more experience over Mappa? Brute force. Need experience to get better? Well, we're just cram in as much as we can to improve. Oh, but you're worried about quality? Don't worry, we'll make sure to maintain high quality.
Forget what's going on with Jujutsu Kaisen, forget even the issues with Hells Paradise. Series that they 100% funded struggled with production, outsourcing an incredible amount of frames to Chinese studios, even the original season of JJK and its movie struggled with production timelines while delivering.
The sheer hubris of Otsuka as a producer and the CEO of the company is impossible to grasp. During a season where staff members have been crumbling on social media, getting upset over complaints and words from fans, struggling to do good work, Otsuka believes it a good time to provide an interview about front-loading on productions to increase the rate of growth with the studio.
Incredibly frustrating to read, I can't imagine how the actual staff from Mappa feel about the direction they're being dragged in.
But that's only one of two parts to this interview that are just beyond repair.
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Otsuka directly credits Yuri On Ice!! and In This Corner of The World for the success and modern image of Mappa. But wait, isn't there supposed to be a Yuri on Ice movie happening at some point? Oh yeahhhhh, it's in production hell and Mappa won't say a word about any actual developments.
I think the only good thing to arise from this paragraph is the fact that they give credit to In This Corner of The World and have recently released Alice and Therese's Illusion Factory. It's the first movie they've release since 2016 that is not a complement to an existing anime IP.
Still, incredibly disheartening to see them credit such foundational series and yet stray so far from them. But hey, they're adapting battle action shonen #3451 so it's all okay.
Anyways, the numbers I mentioned earlier. It took Ufotable 7 years, or even 11 if you want to focus on TV anime only, to find massive success as a studio.
Mappa? They did it in 6 years with Yuri on Ice. Yuri on Ice!! quite literally built Mappa into the studio it is today. Otsuka admits that as fact. But still, Yuri On Ice!! remains by the wayside as a priority for the studio that owes it its standing in the anime industry.
I know that a lot of high level staff with various studios are very much out of touch with the industry as they focus on tradition and the more enigmatic (to Western populations) Japanese business practices, but this exists on an entirely separate level.
Which is incredibly disappointing because there's good conversation from Otsuka about independently produces anime and the monetary challenges that face a studio. But it's hard to feel sympathetic and agree with them when they handle so many other aspects so poorly.
So yeah, I'm not really sure I have some grand reason for why people should read it, but I think it's important in pulling back the curtain on the industry and your favorite studios to realize that these are all corporations trying to make money before they do anime.
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blackjack-15 · 6 months
tina turning up the heat is sooooo dirty, like girl you're a middle-aged woman beefing (heh) with a women in her late 20s? like...i'd be a little embarrassed just saying
syd, predictably enough, doesn't handle being in a managerial position super well XD to be fair, managing this kitchen would be a nightmare, but leadership skills take time to build, and she -- like everyone else in the world -- is gonna need to take the time to build them
the insanely aggravating thing about the staff is that the best solution would be to fire tina for the Everything in this episode -- but they don't have the money or time or training to hire someone to replace her, so they're stuck with this insanely childish hazing ritual. i know we're at the beginning of the story so we're gonna see growth for everyone, but my gosh i can't wait for it
even when they're tense, sydcarmy scenes are like a breath of fresh air. the moment when he says they should outsource the bread and she responds she's way ahead of him? absolutely beautiful
syd needs to know when to take help, but she also needs people she trusts enough to help her, so it's a catch-22 at the moment.
carmy asking if he can chill with sydney is absolutely wonderful -- gives her the chance to say no or to move, and when he gets permission, sitting as close as possible? girl if i were 15 years younger i'd be squeeing and kicking my feet. i'm settling for grinning like a lunatic
nope screw this doing a new post for this scene my breath is TAKEN AWAY
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Get the affordable Architectural Interior Detailing Services Provider in New York, USA
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CAD Outsourcing Consultant offers comprehensive Architectural Interior Detailing Services to enhance your projects with precision and efficiency. Our expertise in Interior Architectural Design Services ensures that every element of your interior spaces is meticulously planned and executed. We specialize in creating detailed Interior Shop Drawing Services that cater to all aspects of interior design, from layout and material specifications to intricate detailing. Our CAD Services encompass a wide range of solutions, including detailed drafting, 3D modeling, and rendering, all aimed at enhancing the quality and accuracy of your architectural projects. Partner with us to experience unparalleled quality and efficiency in your architectural interior detailing needs.
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erastaffingsolutions · 2 months
The Small Business Guide to Employer of Record Companies
Navigating the complex world of international growth and human resources is a daunting task for any entrepreneur, especially when the expansion of your small business requires a deep understanding of local labor laws, payroll regulations, and compliance standards. This is where Employer of Record (EOR) services shine as the unsung heroes of global HR management. This guide, specifically crafted for small business owners, will illuminate the roles of EOR companies, detailing how they can streamline your HR operations and ensure your global growth is a success.
What Is An EOR Service?
Employee leasing, professional employer organizations (PEOs), and employer of record (EOR) services share a common goal – simplifying the employer's HR responsibilities. EOR steps in to become the legal employer for tax, payroll, benefits, and other HR purposes.
But what sets EOR apart from the other two is its international reach. When a small business expands overseas, the legal and administrative duties can be overwhelming. An EOR is the mechanism that allows companies to focus on their core business operations while a third party manages the legal nuances of international employment.
The key benefits of using an EOR company include:
Accelerated global expansion
Local compliance management
Mitigation of legal and financial risk
Comprehensive support for international payroll, taxes, and benefits
But with numerous EOR service providers in the market, it can be challenging to choose the right partner for your business. That’s why understanding the value proposition of each service is crucial.
Why Do You Need to Hire an Employer of Record Company?
Legal Compliance and Risk Management
When you're employing people in a new country, you need to adhere to unfamiliar labor laws and often complex regulatory requirements. Failure to do so can result in legal implications and financial penalties. EOR services ensure all aspects of employment meet local legal standards.
Payroll and Benefits Administration
Employee compensation and benefits vary greatly from one country to another. EOR companies have systems in place to keep you compliant and ensure your staff is fairly compensated according to local standards.
Global Expansion Support
EOR services remove the barriers of expansion, allowing you to tap into new markets without setting up a legal entity. This speed-to-market approach is critical for small businesses aiming to grow rapidly.
Focus on Core Business Activities
By outsourcing your HR administration to an EOR, you free up your time to concentrate on the activities that generate revenue and drive business growth.
Ongoing HR Expertise
EOR companies have a wealth of HR knowledge and can provide strategic advice and support for your international workforce.
9 Best EOR Companies to Smoothen Your HR Operations in 2024
Choosing the right EOR for your business is a significant decision that directly impacts your global operations. Here are the top nine EOR companies in 2024 that are well-equipped to support your small business in its international endeavors.
1. ERA Staffing Solutions
ERA Staffing Solutions focuses on creating customized employment solutions for companies of all sizes. With a strong presence in numerous international markets, ERA is known for its compliance expertise and hands-on approach to payroll and benefits administration.
2. Rippling
Rippling streamlines HR, IT, and Operations with an all-in-one seamless platform. Their focus on efficiency and automation makes them a favorite for companies looking to integrate global HR operations into their digital infrastructure.
3. Papaya
Papaya’s platform is designed to manage the entire EOR process from onboarding to payments. They place a strong emphasis on the user experience and have a user-friendly interface for both employer and employee engagement.
4. Multiplier
With a standout solution for high-growth startups and enterprise businesses, Multiplier takes a tech-forward approach to compliance and HR management. Their agile system adapts to the unique HR needs of your company as you expand globally.
5. Deel
Deel simplifies the complexity of employing a global workforce. It stands out for its user-friendly platform and comprehensive suite of services that cover every step of the employment process – making it a perfect fit for small businesses.
6. Oyster
Specializing in a human-touch approach to global HR, Oyster prioritizes the personal aspect of HR administration. Their clear and communicative service ensures that your employees feel supported in every location they’re based.
7. Remofirst
Through technology, expertise, and a strong emphasis on customer success, Remofirst ensures that companies achieve fast and compliant expansion into new territories. Their service is highly recommended for its structured and result-driven processes.
8. Globalization Partners
Globalization Partners offers a robust service that brings your international employees under one umbrella, providing a cohesive HR strategy that considers the unique cultural and legal aspects of different regions.
9. Remote
Remote values simplicity, enabling highly complex global employment setups with an intuitive and straightforward approach. Their customer service is lauded by clients for being responsive and helpful, guiding businesses through the complexities of overseas HR with ease.
In your pursuit of finding the best EOR company, always look for the one that best aligns with your small business's unique requirements and core values. The right EOR can be instrumental in not just managing your global human resources, but in driving your success in international markets.
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xbsoftware · 7 days
It's already June, which means that the end of the year is hakf there. However, technologies don't stop improving. So, let's take a look at 10 (plus a bonus one) tech trends worth your attention in 2024 and beyond.
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donatotech01 · 3 months
At Donato Technologies located in Dallas, Texas we offer many services to help ensure your business is maintained through technology.
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adiresourcing · 8 months
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At least 10 thousand Civil Servants Hold Obsolete Positions in Brazil
Roles such as typist and cowboy remain occupied
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Professions like butcher, cowboy, recreation leader, and craft vendor are not usually associated with the public sector.
However, at least 10 thousand federal Executive branch employees, or 2% of the total permanent staff, hold positions in roles like these, ranging from obsolete areas like videotape editor to others currently performed by outsourced workers, such as cooks.
Experts assert that restructuring State careers is the main solution to avoid obsolescence, with employees having less specific assignments and the capacity to work in different public agencies.
Adopting this model is part of the government's long-term plans, according to José Celso Cardoso Jr., Secretary of People Management at MGI (Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services).
Continue reading.
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