(ToCS/Persona 5) Duvalie and Makoto with a Yor-esque S/O
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Duvalie has no idea how S/O even functions as a human.
They excelled at infiltration and execution of enemies, yet completely crashed and burned at doing simple things like cooking.
You'd have to be the biggest idiot in the world to realize they aren't an assassin.
The way they fought in battle reminded her of Sharon, but outside of battle they were a bumbling buffoon.
And yet...they were her bumbling buffoon.
The way they tried so hard to be a loving boyfriend/girlfriend really endeared to Duvalie, making it hard to stay angry at them.
As a battle partner, Duvalie didn't trust anyone else more than her Stahlritter Knights and Lord Arianrhod.
As a romantic partner, no one in the world could top them.
They weren't the best at domestic tasks, but they try their hardest.
And for Duvalie, the fact they love her so much unconditionally and try that hard is enough.
(S/O) "Hey, Duvie! Wanna go out for dinner tonight?"
(Duvalie) "...You burned our dinner again, didn't you?"
(S/O) "...Y-Yes..."
(Duvalie) sigh "I love you, you moron..."
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Makoto has no idea what the deal is with her S/O.
During fights they could solo entire groups, but when it came to cooking?
Yeah no, Makoto was the one taking care of that.
It kind of reminded her of Haru in a way, but even she learned how to cook thanks to Akira.
She can't help but laugh sometimes, seeing the messes S/O gets themselves into.
(Makoto) "Um...are you okay?"
(S/O) "D-Dinner exploded on me."
(Makoto) "But you were just cooking rice. In a rice cooker."
(S/O) "I don't wanna talk about it."
Makoto chuckles as she puts a hand to her S/O's cheek.
(Makoto) "Wanna head to Café Leblanc?"
Meanwhile during missions, Makoto has never seen S/O mess up once when it comes to killing Shadows.
It was honestly kind of a terrifying shift.
Now she was definitely being reminded of Haru, in a less comfortable way.
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fostersffff · 6 months
The fact that the fight with the Stahlritter that is built up to in the prologue flash forward is defused one second later by Aurelia going "did you dumb babies forget about chivalry?" and they all go "oh fuck, we did forget about chivalry, damn it, she's got us dead to rights" and they just leave.
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asoulofatlantis · 2 years
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The fact that I laugh at his reaction in this scene very freaking time. This is an absolut serious moment, and Musse using magic to get him to kiss her is anything but a joke, but his reaction is this ^^’ What an idiot. A lovely one I admit tho.
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The fact that Agate was actually on the opposite end of Erebonia when we arrived here and it only took Sara to go “There is something happening near were Tita is” and he comes running within less than a day XD
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The fact that Millium could fly with Lammy, but chose to do this instead.
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*lol* This. Just... this conversation XD We are in the middle of a serious battle and Shirley isn’t exactly an opponent to take lightly, but nor is our team and yet Angie and Shirley have time to flirt. Just wonderful ^^’
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Jusis understatement of the Century. Seriously, every time I play this game and he says that I sit here and think: “That isn’t how I would word it”, because it seriously looks more like we are done for. Even tho we have quite the lineup ourselfs, we are facing the red constellation including Blitz and Shirley and in addition to that we also have Campanella and freaking McBurn on the other side. How is “bad” the right word to describe that? XD
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I really should not love that girl this much, but you gotta hand it to her, she would a scary man as Osborne and absolutely pitifully cute name if she wanted to XD I mean, Cedric with his Babyface is just fine with Princeboy I guess - tho it hardly befits his immense Ego - but think about it! Randy was once called “the red reaper” wish sounds dangerously bloody, if you get me, and here she is, big ass Sword in hand, calling him “Dolphy” like he is a cute dolphin or something ^^’ Gotta love to play this game again just to smirk about that a bit.
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To see one of the many reasons why the Stahlritter never seemed like real Villains...
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Crows memories were suppressed by that mask, but you couldn’t help notice that he was drawn to Rean (quiet there, fangirls!) and Class7 the whole time. Its likely like Angelica didn’t stop flirting with Girls. It is something that was burned into their hearts, not their brains. Tho I have to say it is more obvious to see, when you replay the game once or twice.
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The fact that even Campanella knows about Toval and Eien.
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This ♥
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The fact that even Randy pickt up on the shipping-vibes so quickly XD
Aaaaaaand cut. I decided that I needed to finish this chapter today, thats why I didn’t play DQB2. My week off from work is sadly over now, so there won’t be much time for playing in the upcoming 8 or so weeks. But I try my best to finish CS3 soon.
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obsidean · 6 years
rolls minerva into the mcdonalds drive thru, orders a single black coffee and leavs sozzums gerome
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 ……………………………………………………………… mother?
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of-invisible-ties · 6 years
stahlritter replied to your post “B E H O L D M Y B R E A S T S T R O K E ! ! ! !”
does that mean innes is shit at the other strokes tho? like his breaststroke is A+ but his front crawl looks like a dying fish
“How dare you! I have perfected all forms of strokes and strikes!”
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“I am especially proud of my breaststroke because it is among those that I have recently perfected, but that is not to insinuate that it compensates for my failings. You would do well to remember that!”
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wyvernslance-a · 6 years
its cormags birthday youre all invited!
     He can’t help but offer a hearty laugh at the enthusiasm shown in regards to his birthday, but the rider appreciates it none the less. Especially at the sight of Minerva wearing a costume of all things and the fact that the cake showcases an image of his beloved ( yet irritable ) mount with such care and detail. Cormag is, to say the least, touched by it all.
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     “Thank you.”
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deadicated · 6 years
‘ If I may be so forward, milady, I could scarcely stay my eyes whilst fighting alongside you and your mount. ’
A wyvern, no less, which in itself was a daunting feat. The creatures themselves were uncommon to Ylisse, and to see one so domesticated, let alone so adroit, was no mere vacuous marvel. ---- Even so, he takes to maintaining the fair distance betwixt them, somedeal stringently.
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‘ You move so flawlessly, as though your thoughts and hers are as one. I've never witnessed such fellowship between man and beast! It's an admirable trait, I must say. ’
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atalantian · 6 years
stahlritter said: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Cue confused and slightly terrified Noire noises
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wyvernrisen · 6 years
fuckin pounces on him with the most hot pink, flowery, lacy dress on the entire planet she wants u to be 3 and complacent again gerome
“ mother. mother, what are you doing? mother— “
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rooksummoned · 6 years
@stahlritter replied to your post “��”
if u need anything msg me bby !! ;w; <333 honestly even i'll talk to ur dad if u need it bby ur worth everything ♥♥♥
thank you so much almond- i think i’ll be okay, he usually gets over this stuff by the next day. i’m just...really tired and sad today and this is the straw that broke the horses back you know?
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fostersffff · 5 months
Gonna spitball part of Cold Steel IV’s finale:
Rean and Class VII are trying to make good on their promise to rehabilitate all of the Ironbloods, and as they’re defeating Rufus and he has a big heart to heart with Jusis, Duvalie (and Ennea and Ines) drop in and kill him exactly the same way he killed Arianrhod.
Rean and Class VII are pissed off, naturally, but none of the Stahlritter could accept letting their lord’s murderer live. This leads to a falling out between Rean and Duvalie that positions the Stahlritter back with Ouroboros, and possibly with Duvalie as an Enforcer/Anguis, taking Arianrhod’s place.
Honestly, I feel like this won’t happen on account of the fact that this series has kinda lost its teeth and would probably rather have Rufus make a noble sacrifice or something, but I would love to see Duvalie Go Hard.
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grimahearted · 7 years
@stahlritter ( cont. )
    “Like a diamond? Surely that’s an exaggeration, Cherche,” she says with a disbelieving shake of her head. She’ll concede that she’s a good strategist--she’ll even concede that she’s particularly good--but this? This feels like too much, though the sentiment is certainly flattering. 
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    “If anything, I think it was you who shined out there today. I knew you were quite the fighter, but those archers really didn’t stand a chance once I pointed them out to you. It was incredible!”
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convxction · 6 years
📒+ ( I LOVE U FATY )
Send “📒+” for our muses Support Conversations || NOT ACCEPTING || @stahlritter
Support C
Chrom: Good day, Cherche.
Cherche: Ah, Prince Chrom. Good day to you.
Chrom: No need for the title, we are both comrades in the same cause.
Cherche: That is true. How can I help you?
Chrom: I would like your opinion in the next strategy meeting if possible. 
Cherche: Mine? I beg your pardon but why me?
Chrom: As someone as expert as you in aerial battles and the terrain we are going in, it would be efficient to have your opinion on the matter.
Cherche: I see. I suppose I will try to give the best counsel then, of course,  Minerva will help too.
Chrom: Thank you, and Minerva.
Support B
Cherche: I am glad we managed to win that battle.
Chrom: All thanks to your advice, Cherche.
*Minerva roars*
Chrom: Whoa! Yes, and you too, Minerva! G-gods….my ears..
Cherche: Heh, why, it was my pleasure to be of aid to you and everyone and Minerva is glad to help as well.
Chrom: We would have been taken out in few rounds if we did not know about that steep in the mountain.
Cherche: Yes, the terrain here is quite different from Ylisse.
Chrom: I will look forward to what other things you can teach us about Valm, Cherche AND Minerva.
*Minerva roars*
Cherche: It will be my pleasure, Chrom. And I hope I can learn more about Ylisse as well.
Chrom: Of course. This will ensure our bonds are stronger than ever.
Cherche: Bonds…That is quite a nice way of putting it. I will look forward to forging new bonds in here, Captain.
Chrom: Right. 
Support A
Chrom: Many thanks, Cherche.  
Cherche: Oh, nonsense, I did my job and it was Minerva who protected you.
Chrom: That blow could have ended me in mere seconds but thanks to Minerva I was saved. Thank you, my friend.
*Minerva roars*
Chrom: Still….cannot…handle..her roars…but I guess this is her ‘You are welcome’?
Cherche: *giggles* Yes, you are learning Commander.
Chrom:….I have a long way to go to understand her like you do, and maybe I need even more ears to handle that roar.
Cherche: Don’t forget your promise to teach us about Ylisse more.
Chrom: I wouldn’t dream of forgetting that.
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delleal-blog · 7 years
11 ♥♥♥♥♥
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode || accepting 
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
OOOOOOH good one…..  honestly…. it’s hard to say, considering Ike sees some pretty traumatic stuff happening?  there’s three contenders here; when his mother died, when his father died, and when he saw every one turned to stone.  i’m going to say that his mother’s death is probably the most afraid, just because he was a child when it happened, and children…  think their parents are invincible, and Ike was of an age where he thinks his parents can’t do anything wrong.  with Greil’s death I feel like he had a little warning about it?  like, he was scared of leading the mercenaries, but he had already started to ease into the role and they all knew that sort of thing was inevitable, and that people in their outfit were going to die ( sometimes have died depending on how you play ).  he doesn’t even cry, because he’s got a lot of unresolved feelings surrounding Greil’s death, which I don’t think include fear.  Ike’s..  anger pretty much overshadows any fear he should or might have against the Black Knight, that’s pretty clear.  i’m also including the statue thing because i think it’s the first time he’s ever been in a situation where he can’t find an immediate solution?  ( i mean, he doesn’t remember his mother’s death at that point but i’ll get there )  like, Black Knight kills his dad?  easy, just kill the black knight, problem solved.  he’s pretty obviously kind of a blunt force problem solver, he only tries to talk something over when there’s astounding evidence it should work, because he was raised so much on fighting.  you can’t fight a statue back into a person.  that’s so supernatural that Ike was forced with the reality of the kind of entity that could actually do that sort of thing.  I know that cutscene has shitty voice acting but like… c’mon that kid almost has a panic attack there.
but yeah, i’m gonna say that it’s the circumstances around his mother’s death, because he feels like everything he found important over the last 5 years or so were a complete lie.  he feels a little betrayed by his own personal hero, and he sees that scenario from a different point of view.  it’s not his memory – his was erased, and yet he’s remembering it, and he struggles with not knowing if he’d rather have it from his personal point of view or not.  on top of it, he just has to move on, because they’ve got more important things to do.  no wonder this guy leaves Tellius afterwards!
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deliverant-a · 7 years
@stahlritter // call.
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          “ lady cherche! i hadn’t realized you’d come back to valm! ” he’s out of breath from their latest clash, armor dented from his crashing with another cavalier, and lowers his lance when minerva lands beside him. to her credit, his mare doesn’t startle, simply stepping back a few steps. “ i’m glad to see you. the rebellion is -- well. it’s seen better days, but i think you already realized that. ”
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