#standing man emoji
fun-size-sunshine · 1 month
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Part 9 of 23: Clara
Part 8 and earlier:
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musubiki · 7 months
also just rambling so sorry for the spam posts but i would want there to be mega evolutions and mochis mega being an altaria is so GOOD because....fairy/dragon (eyes emoji)
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amplichor · 7 months
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𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍 : file — 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓
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[ ... ] love does not consider itself foreign within your body . it 's familiar , a consistent hum that resonates along your spine , where your heart hammers and ears buzz . it takes different forms , surrounded you in many ways taken for granted . it is not only a four letter word , made synonymous with words like patient and trust .
However , That ’ s not always the case , is it ? the word , the emotion , can also be synonymous with pain .
at twenty - three , she fell in love . and it left such an impression on the soul , it scarred .
rose tinted glasses , made the perfect accessory for a girl knowing no better . love that you so desperately longed for ; welcomed with arms wide open . little did you know you were reaching into the wolves mouth . or rather [ ... ] caught in a spider ' s web .
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𝒊. 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖦𝖮𝖮𝖣 : at twenty - three utahime entered a relationship with a man by the name of kagero akihrio . he was a twenty - six year old man who stood just under six foot , with lavender eyes and dark / black hair . it was suspected he was just another non - sorceror , somebody with no knowledge of the jujutsu society or curses . you see , utahime and kagero met through a mutual friend , once contact between them was made and a date arranged , they hit it off .
𝒊𝒊. 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖦𝖱𝖤𝖠𝖳 : kagero was a kind man . just as you would imagine utahime ' s ' type ' to be . a gentleman , who treated utahime with great respect . he was somebody she trusted completely , giving him access to her apartment when she was at work ( at kyoto high , being trained as a teacher under gakuganji ) and thus , he was who she ' d complain to when her training was particularly rough . utahime always told him that she was in training to be a school teacher and never expanded on the specifics . if he didn ' t know about curses then surely she was not about to bring them up , partially as a code of conduct within jujutsu society but out of her own comfort as well .
𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖡𝖠𝖣 : they were together for many months ( approx. 8 ) before things took a turn . he was staying at her apartment most of the time , things were good . however utahime was cleaning one day when she found a folder containing mutliple documents with notes and intel on her , her technique as well as her relationship with gakuganji , in her apartment . clearly not hidden well enough . with the only suspect being kagero , since he was the only one with access , utahime decided to confront him . she was angry , upset with the betrayal as well as the existence of the folder . hurting .
𝒊𝒗. 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖶𝖮𝖱𝖲𝖤 : upon confrontation , utahime discovered that kagero was not only a shikigami user , but had been using her with the purpose of getting close to gakuganji / the higher ups . he laughed in her face , suddenly changing his complete personality . no longer the kind man he was before [ ... ] he became hostile , immediately taking her by surprise as he summoned his shikigami . his shikigami appeared to be spider - like , with eyes like goggles that stacked up the middle of the head . and multiple arms on either side of it ' s torso . it had to be at least seven foot , with a long neck and slouched shoulders . two human faces hanging by a chain around the neck . two of it ' s arms ended with sharpened points -- where an acidic solution was secreted .
𝒗 . 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖤𝖭𝖣 : utahime was attacked by this shikigami , using it ' s speed and acidic ability against her . it ' s sharpened arms sliced fast , resulting in a laceration across her face , deep and thick , along with some others , scattered and much more shallow in comparison to the one across her face . while she was skilled in hand to hand combat / martial arts , she fought ... but the likelihood of her getting out of there alive was low , so she ran . she was battered , covered in blood and exhausted . she passed out and once she was found she was taken to a hospital [ ... ] she awoke a few hours later with shoko nearby . a grateful feeling blooming in her chest at the sight of her friend , of safety .
𝒗𝒊 . 𝖠𝖥𝖳𝖤𝖱 : while shoko did arrive in time to heal utahime , her ability was not enough to completely mend the scar (s) that had formed . there are rules to every technique and poisons / acids are tricky to heal , especially when it ' s a curses -- the properties are often different than anything humans would know of . utahime returned to tokyo from the hospital , staying with shoko while she recuperated : partially for her safety as well as for the sake of any treatment needed . it would take weeks , maybe months to fully heal , thanks to the severity of scarring / wound . while with shoko , she could drop the mask that she was okay , often crying about what had happened , she moved from the apartment , finding a more discrete apartment complex that had security measures . since kagero had gotten away , utahime wasn ' t sure if it was his real name but still reported the incident to gakuganji . while she healed she had nightmares , and still does occasionally -- dreams that resemble night terrors , with flailing and crying , even screaming at times . because of the nature of her wound , shoko dressed the wound in bandages and checked on them despite utahime's claims that she was fine , that it didn ' t hurt much anymore . severe nerve damage had been inflicted , so the skin where utahime ' s scar is , she cannot feel if somebody touches her cheek . the entire instance makes her incredibly wary in terms of relationships / love , feeling unsafe within the emotion .
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arcademoss · 10 months
*peeks my head out of my tiny burrow and sniffs the air* it's not cringy to like trolls anymore?
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alpinelogy · 3 months
What is that pit stop Mercedes what are you doing
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unironicallycringe · 2 years
A friend described Ganondorf in one of their scenarios as being so awkward that he was just "Standing Man Emoji" so I had to create a visual
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Please wield this transparent png's Power to your heart's desires, it's what Standing Manondorf would want
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alirienn · 2 years
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solitairesys · 10 months
i trew up🧍🧍🧍
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fatewalker · 2 years
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cade-bentley · 1 year
"Don't close the door," Cade said immediately as soon as he saw Everett's face. It was three in the morning, he'd just gotten off his shift, and he'd maybe snuck some drinks of the bottom-shelf bottles for himself as the evening had worn on. The stress was particularly heavy today, maybe it was the feeling of tension in the Tower getting under his skin. Whatever the reason, he found himself at Everett's door on the second floor. Instinct, maybe. Loneliness. Wanting a bed bigger than a shoebox, possibly. Who knew, but he was here. "I miss you." The confession came surprisingly quickly, even easily, after over a year of complexity, denial, anger, shame, and yet it was true. Deeply, painfully true, and in the dark, it was so much easier to confess to it. He held his breath, waiting for a response. Hoping for an invitation in, literally and figuratively.
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yookimi · 1 year
“ you  feel  so  good. “ / for utahime bUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO REPLY IF YOU DON'T WANT TO . 💕
* ✻ — 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 : 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ❞ ( accepting ) @6cular
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𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 is beyond the default , without a doubt : out of the ordinary . however — it doesn ' t stop her . her annoyance having overflown , — read : shaking a soda and then opening it as if it wouldn ' t ( 🇪‌🇽‌🇵‌🇱‌🇴‌🇩‌🇪‌ ) . mayhaps she could try to blame it on the tensions gone unresolved for far too long . despite her outward approach of being indignant && seething with ire when it concerned ' gojo satoru ' , it was only ever 🇸‌🇺‌🇷‌🇫‌🇦‌🇨‌🇪‌ 🇱‌🇪‌🇻‌🇪‌🇱‌ . while she did see him as an annoyance , always goading her && calling her weak ; hate was too strong of a word to define the absolute ocean that ebbed && flowed with aggravation along side comfort ( of all things )
now it ' s 🇧‌🇱‌🇮‌🇸‌🇸‌ that he ' s provoked . willing && submissive . a hum that rearranges itself into a moan vibrates against her vocal chords . utahime is hyperaware of the fact that he ' s going to be insufferable after this , once again calling herself stupid . . . she can ' t be too mad though — he feels good , which is favorable in the current , but it ' s a disadvantage in the long run . she ' d decided that this was a one time thing . . . but now . . .
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eyes originally closed open and veer their gaze to the other , looking up at him through her eyelashes she catches cerulean and cyans , a riptide pulling her in , her gaze presents itself as nothing less than 🇩‌🇦‌🇿‌🇪‌🇩‌ ; wanting . blood lets itself gather in the apples of her cheeks , crossing her nose and raising into the tips of her ears . hot hot hot . body runs rapid with heat , with the warmth of two bodies following the same wave , arms bind loosely around his neck where fingertips / nails glide over the nape and legs are wrapped around him the best she can manage in her position ( bent out of shape ) . lips drop open and cast a new breath , only then to capture his in sloppy kiss , uneven and slick in the mesh . she presses her leg against him in her attempt to reign him in just as she breaks the kiss , sight gravitates to him once again . ❝ then don ' t stop , idiot ❞
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calqlate · 1 year
lowkey wanna bring back that one izuocha fic but i wanna rewrite and edit it so bad, and i also don't know where to begin 😭
and i also want to bring back this other todomomo fic and another kamijirou draft because they also scream potential at me so i'm stuck???
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amplichor · 10 months
NAME : utahime iori
NAME MEANING : iori : hermitage , uta : poetry or song , hime : princess
ALIAS : utahime - sensei , utahime - senpai , uta , hime ,
ETHNICITY : japanese
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she has two brothers : i've posted a family hc before stating that she was an only child but I changed my mind — her behavior suggests that she has at least one sibling. i believe utahime to be the oldest of three. her brothers , takuto & setsuko , are twins : born 6 years after utahime . they're both annoying and love to irritate / tease their older sister. ( the origin of her short fuse. ) her brothers are both jujutsu sorcerers, however, while utahime and takuto specialize in providing support, setsuko has a more powerful and combat ready technique. takuto is able to use his technique ‘ lullaby ‘ in different ways depending on the song he sings, in general definition he’s able to destabilize curses, cursed users, and even sorcerers if needed. setsuku has a technique that’s more power focused , dubbing the name banshee, you can infer what he's capable of.
sweet things : it's common knowledge that utahime doesn't like sweets, while that's true i do see her liking more organic sweets that comes from fruit, therefore my portrayal of utahime includes her favorite dessert being a fruit cheesecake , favoring a tangy sweet rather than the intense sweet that most candies and sweets have.
celestia : growing up, utahime was extremely fascinated with the moon and stars, and even to this day she can point out the stars and constellations when she's given the chance to look up and observe the sky and she'll likely start to ramble on about which ones are where and it gets her a little more out of that polite and proper shell she has a lot of the time.
karaoke . . . she loves to sing in general , often taking time through her day to aimlessly sing or hum, obviously she sings in the shower ( if she has music playing ) . she's always loved to sing, always had a knack for it, and with a voice as pretty as hers ? you'd want her to.
drink ! . . . there's not much else i can say, utahime likes to drink and it's how she unwinds after her stress induced days supervising and all, she prefers beer over anything else but that doesn't mean she won't drink anything else. her tolerance is dependent on what type of alcohol / liquor it is.
read . . . since she was able to, she's loved to read. usually she's perched somewhere, working through one of the many books she's bought and put aside for later ( work keeps her busy ). her favorite genres include romance and action , sometimes fantasy. not to mention the word puzzles she likes to do, crosswords, word searches, etc.
shoko : her closest friend , a confidant, shoko is a constant in her life that she doesn't have to worry about watering herself down for ( not like she really does anyway but regardless ) , she's completely herself around shoko and catch up no matter how long it's been inbetween their visits. she really loves shoko, is perhaps overly protective of her ( all her friends ) and i can see utahime actually telling shoko anything whereas she may hold herself back from telling mei mei anything that could be compromising .
yuuka iori : her grandmother , a woman that's raw, she always says whats on her mind and doesn't hold anything in, she has a more rancid sense of humor ( she's one of the fun old people ) . but she's always been closer to her grandmother.
Her students : yeah this is a bit of a cliché probably but ! Above all else, utahime loves her students as if they were her own children ! she ahs a special place in her heart for each of them, and applies herself accordingly but just like gojo, she'd be willing to die for those students.
her scar : she didn’t have to take the mission, she was already training to become a teacher vs. staying a active sorcerer, because her strengths laid in her ability ot easily teach others, often tutoring when she was at tokyo. her scar was given to her thanks to the special grade curse that had originally presented as a grade 2. she regrets how confident she had been going into the fight, knowing what she knows now, that she almost died killing it, she would have been much more careful, maybe she wouldn't have taken it or at least had some backup. her scar taunted her for a while, eventually she had no choice but to deal with the fact that she'd forever have that reminder of her weakness.
goodbyes : utahime's father passed away shortly after her scar healed, it was a very intense time for her and she lives to regret never being able to say goodbye the way she wanted. he grew sick, but he's always had a stronger immune sysetem than the rest of the family, that being said, he died suddenly, on a rainy november morning. if she was given the chance, if she had known ! then she would have made sure he was aware of the love she had for him, the only girl surrounded by her brothers she was a daddy's girl, her dad's soft spot, and they had a bond to resemble that. her biggest regret is never telling her dather how much she loved him.
ONE PHOBIA YOUR CHARACTER HAS : etomophobia , aka the fear of bugs. she will scream ! and cry ! she hates them so much, will call somebody if there's a spider in her apartment.
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foxfed · 2 years
who wants a tag or wants to be mains or smth I swear I’ll write fr
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flawlessflesh · 3 months
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a mermaid duet, featuring our shining stars laios and thistle
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doeble · 11 months
stop ruining my life im so serious
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