#star seeker frametype and lore made by dimorphodon x
soundcrusher · 2 years
Takes place during Logbook Entry 87 to 94.
Star Seeker frametype and lore made by @dimorphodon-x
Heh, finally got around to write his story. XD
Trigger Warning: mentions of brutal deaths and the deaths of minors
It has been a long time since someone visited their village. 
They weren’t that known to others and mostly served as a place where wanderers and merchants could stop to refuel and rest, before continuing their journey to the next city. Sometimes, they would have pilgrims come to the village’s old cathedral to pray to Primus. Prayers, Icarus would often guide or hold, instead of the usual priest. 
In truth, there hasn’t been a priest in the cathedral for centuries. Well, there was one, and Icarus took over once the old priest died. But even then, he wasn’t a true priest. No, Icarus was just a Star Seeker who grew tired of the war and left his faction to search for a peaceful life. And he found it. Right here within this village. 
At first, he and the original priest were the only ones living here. The priest teached him many things, without ever forcing any of his opinions onto him. Differently to the faction he served. 
When he was with them, Icarus was expected to believe what they told him without a second thought. But with the priest, it was different. He openly encouraged his doubts towards Primus. Often saying things like “Without doubt, how shall one find their faith?” or “Faith should not be forced, but rather chosen.”
Icarus loved the old priest for that. He was like the old wise grandfather you could go to, when those taking care of you were trying to shape you into something you didn’t want to be. 
So, he stayed. Helping the priest with his tasks and praying whenever he wanted to. And with time, their village grew and the priest died. Prompting Icarus to pick up his spear and continue their work. Taking care of wanderers, pilgrims, merchants and the small community that was built from those who chose to stay. 
And Icarus loved his village and people dearly. 
He saw himself as their protector, for he would always be the first to fight whenever danger neared. And his people would thank him for protecting them, because they knew that they were safe with Icarus. The Star Seeker who did not see factions, but the mechs and femmes underneath the mantles. 
Those were the times he cherished the most. For they were the best for his people.
But all good things had to end at one point. 
And their end came in the form of pillagers. Disgusting Cybertronians, who did not care for who they killed or took from their homes, as they ravaged the village and set it ablaze. Killing those who tried to run, or burning those inside their homes who tried to hide. They didn’t even spare the younglings or sparklings. 
Murdering their way through, until nothing remained. 
And Icarus was forced to hear it all from within the cathedral. 
They knew who he was. They knew he would protect the village from them. And they knew that he wouldn’t stop until all of them were gone. Either by their own choice, or by his. 
So, they ambushed him when he had his back turned. Impaling him from behind with his own spear, before pulling it out. Letting it drop next to him, before cutting off his legs. They wanted to make sure he couldn’t stop them. But he was also sure that they wanted him to suffer the greatest. 
For what is a greater suffering than hearing the cries from those you swore to protect?
And Icarus suffered for centuries, for he couldn’t move on. He refused to move on. 
His people weren’t buried, nor did anyone give them their earned respect. 
No, no-one spared a single glance to those who died, they only moved along. Sometimes they stayed in the cathedral for the night, before moving on. Leaving the village in the frozen picture of death and misery. 
However, that changed as another Star Seeker came into the village. 
Icarus watched her. She was clearly a Resource Hunter, the height sure enough matched. Icarus expected her to move along. To search for resources and leave again, but she didn’t. She stayed behind and mourned the dead. 
She mourned his people and paid them the respect they earned. Burying them around the cathedral. Giving them graves and gravestones, without even knowing who they were. 
And Icarus felt a wave of love, relief and happiness sweep through the village, as the sparks of the dead finally moved on. 
They begged him to come too. They held out their servos, asking him if he would join them in the All Spark, but he refused. There was someone who needed his guidance. Someone he had to take care of, and his people, no, his family understood. Telling him that they would wait for when he was ready. And as he watched the final body being put down to rest, Icarus got up from the broken wall he was sitting on and followed his sister into the cathedral. Watching her, as she kneeled down in front of his dead body, taking his cold servos into hers and weeping for the loss of someone she had never known. 
And as she was laying him to rest, Icarus started to whisper. Even though he knew that she couldn’t hear him. He was dead, a ghost, and she was alive. Still, he said his thanks. Telling her how glad he was for her coming to the village and doing the work he couldn’t. And before she could lay down the spear in his grave, Icarus told her to keep it. It was supposed to stay in the family, after all. 
And as Starhopper’s work was done and she continued her journey, Icarus joined her. Floating alongside his fellow Star Seeker, as he thought about the future and how he will make sure his sister's light won’t fall into darkness.
Not as long as he was there to protect her.
Bonus Icarus in all his ghostly glory:
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soundcrusher · 2 years
Okay, so, I was playing around with the Hikaku Sitatter again. It's a site where you can put in heights and you get a height chart, and I made one for my Transformers Ocs... And... well...
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I JUST REALIZED RECORD IS ONE TALL BOY! And his height isn't even the actual height of his alt-mode. A Lockheed C-5 Super Galaxy has a lenght of 75.53m those are 24780,18 feet. Which means he could just step on his foes and take them out that way.
And then there is Flinch, who's alt-mode is also way longer than his height. A Blackbird has a lenght of 32.73m, that's 107.4 feet. That means he's also a tall boy and his fear of stepping on his Minibot friends is even more justified. I mean, look at Silverlining. He's just a spot there.
This also means, their ship is huge, or at least has very high hallways.
Also, both Record and Flinch can give other Cybertronians a ride in their alt-mode no matter what, and I like that.
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soundcrusher · 2 years
What song do you think, best associates with any of your ocs?
Were do I start, because, honestly, there's not just one song I associate with any of my characters.
They all have their "Theme Songs".
So, I'm going on a small info-dump spree and just name some of my characters and their song/s.
Beware, it's gonna be long.
Starting with the crew of the Neutral Zone!
Record: Can't Take Me from the Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron soundtrack and You'll be in my Heart from Phil Collins
Silverlining: Achilles, Come down from Gang of Youths
Galen: Say it English cover from Will Stetson and Son of Man form Phil Collins
Polaris: Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog (cover by Annapantsu
Copper: Don't threaten me with a good time from Panic! at the Disco
Flinch: I wanna dance with somebody from Whitney Houston and Dare from Stan Bush
And the whole "Theme Song" for the Neutral Zone is: We are family sung by the Ice Age 4 cast
And continuing with reg/Phoenix, sg/Phoenix and their family:
reg/Phoenix: Boys will be Bugs from Cavetown and Saint Bernard from Lincoln
sg/Phoenix: Ship in a Bottle from Fin (Steffan Argus) and Say it English cover from Will Stetson
Tankcrusher: Baby Mine from Dumbo (covered by The Hound + The Fox)
Thrillchaser: Little Lion Man from Mumford & Sons
Old Man: Here's a Health to the Company covered by the Longest Johns
Starhopper and Icarus are next!
Starhopper: On my way from Phil Collins
Icarus: Icarus from Bastille
And onto Apprentice and Danny!
Apprentice: When Somebody loved Me from Toy Story and What I like about you from the Romantics
Danny: Dark as a Dungeon by Merle Travis and Once Upon a December from the Anastasia movie (cover by Joshua Figueroa)
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soundcrusher · 2 years
Today, I bought a new Transformer and he inspired me to make a new oc.
And then I thought: "Hmmm... What if said oc was safed by Starhopper and now he's insisting on following her around... And he and Icarus don't get along."
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I still have to work on him, I don't like his head, but I think the first sketch turned out alright.
Still don't know if I'm going to really use him or not...
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soundcrusher · 2 years
I gave my Starhopper Starfall and now she won't let go of him.
She loves him.
Star Seeker frametype and lore by @dimorphodon-x also, Starfall is their character.
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(Been sitting on this for a while now, but had to courage to post it. Mostly because I'm unsure about Starfall, but eh. Better late than never.)
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soundcrusher · 1 year
Starhopper's Logbook Entries Part 4
Never thought I would get to write something about my girl Starhopper again, but inspiration hit me.
It's a little bit different than the other three entries, but I hope those interested will still like it.
If someone wants to read up on the other parts, here they are: 1, 2, Icarus, 3
Star Seeker lore and frametype was created by @dimorphodon-x
Starhopper and Icarus are my star seeker ocs.
Logbook Entry 188:
The ghost of my brother has been following me for more than a week now. At first, I couldn’t make out much. He was a shadow most of the time, but then he became clearer, and I could make out his form.
He really looks like me, or at least we look similar. Which means there must be more of us! I am not the only one of my kind left in this galaxy!
I have a - --------
Starhopper placed her pen down, as she turned off her data-pad and let out a soft sigh. She couldn’t write, not when someone was staring down her shoulder and watching every glyph she put down. It didn’t feel right to write about her personal thoughts, when someone was watching. Even if that someone was long dead.
“I… don’t want to sound rude…” Muttered Starhopper quietly, as she awkwardly shifted in her stool to have a better look at the gold and dark blue mech behind her. Keeping her optics fixated on the visor that hid her brother’s, as she clutched the data-pad closely to her chest. “But… writing is a little hard when someone is watching…”
Her brother was quiet for a moment, before letting out a faint chuckle and bowing his head. “Ah, my deepest apologies. I did not intend to intrude into your personal space. I was merely interested in what you were doing, little sister. It has been long since I was able to openly interact with someone.” Said the other Star Seeker, as he walked over, or more like floated, to the nightstand where Starhopper kept her sparse belongings and picked up the crystal Magnolia. Twisting it in his digits as a small smile graced his lips. “Let alone someone like us. You would not believe the misfortune our kind shares when it comes to being, well, us. Sometimes I wonder if our kind wasn’t cursed by our creator after all.”
Starhopper tilted her head at the mech. Ever since he became more visible to her, he’s been nothing but a mystery. Oftentimes he spoke so differently, almost as if he went through more millennials as anyone she has ever met. But when she asked about it, all Starhopper got was a laugh and a shake of the head, before he explained how that was impossible for him. Either way, her dead brother was a strange mech.
“But if our kind is cursed to have bad luck, then why was I lucky enough to meet you?” She asked innocently, placing her data-pad down and standing up. Taking a few steps towards her brother, before being stopped by a comm. The two owners of the inn needed her to start her shift earlier than usual, and Starhopper wasn’t a femme who wouldn’t help someone in need. “Ah… ehm… I guess we will have to continue later. Sorry. There’s a troublemaker down there.”
“Do not worry about our conversation. I will still be here when your shift ends. After all, a dead mech can’t go far.” The dead mech said, as he turned towards Starhopper, only to catch her rushing out of the room quickly. Forgetting her spear in the process and causing the mech to let out a soft sigh. “One of these days, she will forget to bring her wings.” He muttered, before picking up the weapon and leaving the room himself. Keeping mostly to the shadows, as he floated down the halls and towards the front of the inn. Something that usually wasn’t necessary because of him being, well, a ghost and thus not seeable for most others, but a floating spear would be quite the sight. Especially when everyone knew that it belonged to Starhopper.
So, he stayed in the back. Holding the spear that once belonged to him, while watching Starhopper deal with the rowdy patreon.
“Please, sir. You know the rules of the inn.” Said Starhopper, as she held her servos up in a harmless gesture, while the guest kept on shouting at her every kind of profanity he could think of. Although, the taller femme did not once shout back or try to deny anything the other shouted in his drunken stupor. All she did was talk calmly to him, while trying her best to not accidentally hurt the mech when she grabbed his waist and picked him up. Saying a quick apology to everyone for the inconvenience, as she carried him outside.
However, Starhopper came back after a while and was quick to walk past everyone and into the back of the inn where her designated ‘break room’ was. Granted, it was nothing more than a big enough closet, but Starhopper never complained. And it was closer to the main area of the inn than her room, should something happen. So, she didn’t complain.
Either way, the ghostly mech was quick to follow Starhopper into the break room. Leaning the spear onto the closest wall while chiding her like an older brother for leaving it behind in the first place. Although, his next words died in his throat as he turned around and saw her holding her side. Energon seeping out from between her digits. “Hopper… you’re…”
“Y-yea… he had a knife and I… I didn’t notice it…” Starhopper chuckled, as she pressed down on her wound with one servo, while she rummaged around in search for the first aid kit. “A-ah… I must have startled him. I mean, no-one would attack unless provoked or scared, right?” She asked, but as Starhopper got no answer from the dead mech, she turned to look at him. Concern written over her face, as she saw his blank expression. “B-brother?”
“You are such a naive fool.”
“You heard me! You are a naive fool for even thinking that this was not done with malice! Hopper, that mech yelled insults at you when all you did was treat him with kindness. He HURT you, when you did nothing wrong!” Starhopper flinched back at her brother's outburst. Never has she heard the dead mech yell or sound this furious. Yes, sometimes he wasn’t happy about how she dealt with certain scenarios or how she always put herself between fighting guests, but never has Starhopper seen him this angry. Not in the short time they have known each other.
“NO ‘BUTS’! Mechs like that, they do not care Hopper. They do not care at all! They are cruel, they will hurt you, and they will definitely offline you the second they have the option to! Why do you think I am dead!? Why do you think my people are dead!?” He didn’t mean to scream or yell at Starhopper, he truly didn’t, but seeing her hurt like this, it opened up wounds in his ghostly spark that haven’t healed yet. Especially when he could have done something. He wasn’t like other ghosts of their kind. He could interact with the living. He could touch them, he could mess with them, and yet, he didn’t.
“It is because of mechs like that… someone like you has to suffer Hopper…”
“B-brother…” Starhopper started, but she was silenced by the ghostly mech’s raised servo. “No more words Hopper. We should get you fixed up, before you head out again. I am sure that the two owners are already worried about you.” Was all he said, before taking the first aid kit from Starhopper’s shaking servo and starting to patch her up. “You’re lucky. The wound wasn’t too deep, but you should still tell the owners about what happened and see a medic.” Starhopper only nodded. Too scared to say anything, in fear of upsetting her brother even more.
Although, his words still made her wonder about some things. Which mechs was he referring to? How did he and his people die? And why was he following her around? Shouldn’t he be in the after spark by now?
She might have said the last two questions out loud, to which the ghostly mech only chuckled like he usually would. Seems like his anger has already passed.
“My spark, it has always been a little bit off.” He explained, while finishing patching up Starhopper. “I cannot explain it, it just was easier for me to do certain things. But ever since I died, those things have become even easier. I suppose you could call me an outlier, although a dead one.” There was a chuckle coming from him, before it turned into a sad sigh. “Who knew that I had to die in order to figure that out… Any more questions?”
“Yes, but only one.” Starhopper said, as she looked from her patched-up wound towards the dead mech. “What’s your name? You never told me, and I would love to call you something else than just ‘brother’.”
For a moment, there was silence, until a smile formed on the ghost’s face. “I cannot believe that it slipped my mind to tell you my name.” He said with a chuckle, before placing a servo over his dead spark as he bowed.
“I am Icarus. The fool who flew too close to his wish and died chasing it.”
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soundcrusher · 1 year
Was in a mood to sketch my two Star Seekers again.
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This gives me the "I saw a cute tall flier, but the ghost behind her scared me", or "This ghost is trying to throw hands with me, because I stared too long at this cute flier" vibes.
Star Seeker lore and frametype by @dimorphodon-x
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soundcrusher · 2 years
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Okay, I was practicing expressions but didn't expect it to turn into a whole setch. It was fun either way.
Star Seeker frametype and lore made by @dimorphodon-x
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soundcrusher · 2 years
Starhopper's Logbook Entries Part 3
Part 3 everyone. I really love writing like this. It's different from writing Phoenix's story, but just as fun.
The Star Seeker frame type and lore was created by @dimorphodon-x (hope you like this)
Starhopper is my Star Seeker oc
Logbook Entry 144:
Today, I helped the same Cybertronian, I call them boss, with their needlework I have helped before. This time though, the commission didn’t have an all too short deadline. Which means we can take our time finishing it. At least, that’s what they say. I would rather work on the commission and finish it, without wasting too much time on other things. 
Maybe that’s why they couldn’t finish their order before, they spend too much time working on other, smaller projects, than finishing the big one. Which I can understand, sometimes you need to finish the smaller projects in order to have a constant income, but spending too much time on them isn’t good either.
Maybe I should tell them that? Would it help, if I pointed it out?
Probably not. They seem to be someone who doesn’t take kindly to criticism, even if it’s well meant. Just means I will work on the big project while they work on the smaller ones. 
Logbook Entry 148:
They got angry at me for working on the main project all by myself. Yelling at me and telling me how stupid I am for not being able to follow orders or how I shouldn’t have worked on their project and told the customer that it was already finished. 
But it was already done! I finished it even before the deadline was over! I did everything the customer asked for, and still got yelled at by my boss. They said that if I would have waited, they could have done more, but there wasn’t anything else to be done! 
I checked the customer’s request time and time again! Everything was just like they wanted it to be. From the embroidery pattern to the ruffle top! I even managed to sew in those fancy beads the customer wanted to have and made an extra see through shoulder scarf to go along with the commission, and the customer loved it! They were happy to get it! 
But… I guess when the boss isn’t happy with my work, I shouldn’t do it the way I do it…
Logbook Entry 149:
The boss told me today that the customer told others about my work and that there are a few Cybertronians now, who want to commission me. And then, the boss simply thrusted the data-pad containing the customers' requests into my servos and told me to go to work. 
Which I did, but it wasn’t as fun as before. Mostly because the boss kept on looking over my shoulder, and when I didn’t do a good job in their optics, they would tell me to do it again and again, until it was ‘perfect’. And the other works should have been disposed of, but I hid them in my subspace. It would have been a waste, if we threw them away just because the boss didn’t find them good enough. 
Logbook Entry 155:
Work has only gotten worse.
Sometimes I catch myself thinking that my boss is doing this deliberately. That they want to work me, until I can’t anymore. 
Have I done something wrong? All I did was finish this one commission in time and add something extra. The customer even paid extra for the scarf! Or maybe it’s something else? I don’t know what it could be though…
And at this point, I’m too scared to ask. 
Boss is too scary to ask anything…
Logbook Entry 160:
The commissions are all done and I got my pay. Boss took more than half of it. Saying that I need to pay for all the material I wasted by making failures, but I didn’t care about that.
I simply took my pay and left. And then, I went to the local market, paid for a small stall and sold the ‘failures’ to the market goers. 
They didn’t seem to mind that my needleworks were ‘failures’. Even those that looked crooked or unfinished were bought. Which made me very happy, because it showed me that others still like my work, even if it wasn’t perfect. 
And after everything was sold, I packed up and left the marketplace. Going back to the room I was currently staying in and… well… I guess I'm still doing what I started. 
Writing into you, Logbook. 
But tomorrow I will continue my journey. There’s apparently a ship a Star Seeker lives on. Although, I doubt that I will ever find that ship. So I will simply look on the next planet. 
Logbook Entry 161:
Well, off I go to a new planet. I’m excited!
From what I’ve heard, the next planet is a really beautiful one. With crystal flowers that sparkle in all the colors in the universe, when the setting sun shines through them. Maybe I’ll be able to pick one. But which one?
Maybe I should pick more than one too, to share with my siblings. Once I find them that is.
Side Note: I should also get one for my buried brother. I’m sure he would like one on his grave.
Logbook Entry 162:
After traveling a long time by myself, and the rest on a ship, I made it to the next planet. And the mechs who talked about it were right. It’s as beautiful as they described it. Maybe even more. 
The crystal flower fields were as wide as the horizon and as the setting sun shone through the blossoms, the area and everything within it was basked in a gleam words alone cannot describe. 
It was breathtaking and I stayed in the fields for a long time, before seeking an inn for the night. Finding one close to the field and paying for a week, before settling down on the berth and calling Ma’am. Letting her know about how things were going after our last call.
She didn’t seem all too happy when I told her about my boss from the last planet and how they treated me after doing, and I quote, ‘Their fragging work they probably were too lazy to do themselves.’ She then said that they were probably jealous of my talent. To which I asked ‘What talent? I’m only doing my work.’ And Ma’am answered with “I often forget how humble you can be, my magpie.”  
I don’t think I’m humble, I’m just saying how things are. 
I am just doing my work after all.
Logbook Entry 163:
It might be nothing, but yesterday when I couldn’t fall into recharge, I heard a mech’s voice singing a lullaby. 
It didn’t come from the room next to me. I’m the only one on this floor, due to the rooms being for taller guests and most guests using the smaller rooms upstairs. The voice also didn’t come from upstairs or from outside. It came from within my room. Specifically from the table by the window. And when I squinted, I thought I could make out a dark colored mech with golden accents. 
Maybe it was just my tired processor, but I’m sure I have seen that mech before. Somewhere on my travels, but I don’t know where. 
Either way, today I went out to the fields again and tried to pick a flower, but a femme stopped me from doing it. Saying that the flowers in the fields weren’t there for picking and that I should go to one of the flower shops and buy some there. So, I went there and bought some crystal flowers in different colors. The shop owner assured me that they wouldn’t go bad like organic flowers, which is a relief. When I finally meet one of my siblings, I want them to get a beautiful crystal flower and nothing that’s, well, dead. 
And I told the owner that. Telling her about why I went on the journey and how I’m looking for my siblings. And the owner asked me to bend down a little bit, which I did. I was confused about it, but then she stuck a crystal flower to the left side of my visor. Telling me it’s the crystal version of a flower humans call ‘Magnolia’ and that it’s supposed to be a good luck charm.
I thanked the owner and paid for the flowers, before leaving. Storing them in my subspace, but as I did, I heard someone whisper something like ‘A white Magnolia… fitting.’ But when I turned around to look behind me, I saw no-one. 
I then continued my day as if nothing happened. Searching for signs of my siblings by myself, or by asking those who live on this planet. And as my search showed no results, I returned to the inn and started writing down everything that happened as soon as I sat down on the bed. 
But now, I can hear the lullaby again. 
It’s calming… 
Making me kind of tired… or maybe it’s just the day catching up on me?
Either way… good night…
Logbook Entry 167:
I started working for the inn owner. He and his conjunx had some big troubles with a group of troublemakers and as I saw the leader of the group trying to hit the poor minibot, I got in between. Catching the leader’s fist in my servo and looking down at him. And I think I might have scared him by looming over his body. 
I didn’t mean to do it though! It just happened, and after I let him go, and readjusted my spear in my other servo, he ran out of the front door. Followed by his friends. 
After they were gone, I kneeled down to be at the minibots height and asked him if he was okay. But all he did was introduce me to his conjux as their new security guard. And I didn’t really say no, because the conjux looked relieved and they offered me food and shelter as long as I protected their inn from troublemakers. 
Logbook Entry 176:
Today was karaoke night at the inn! I have never seen so many Cybertronians flock to a place to sing songs and have a good time. Even the bar I worked for at the beginning of my journey had this many customers. It’s nice if some of them wouldn’t stare at me. But the minibot would always shoo them away, if they blocked the entrance by staring too long. 
Either way, watching everyone have a good time and sing their spark out was fun! Even if some nearly made the glasses shatter. It’s kind of amazing how someone can produce a sound like that with their own vocals. Kind of makes me wonder if I could ever shatter glass with my voice, but the minibot and his conjux would probably get mad if I tried. So, I stuck with singing nicely when it was my turn. 
And the night went really smoothly too. Hardly anyone made trouble, and if they did, I simply threw them out. Well, I didn’t throw them out. I kindly guided them outside the inn and made sure they would get safely home, before returning to my post. Some of the patrons who saw that would ask me if I didn’t want to work for them, but I simply told them ‘No’, before explaining that I won’t stay on this planet for long. Leaving as soon as the minibot and his conjux would find a new security guard. 
After the karaoke night was over, I helped with cleaning up, before going back to my room. Spotting the same ghostly mech from before, when I laid down on my berth and started writing. 
I think he’s the same mech I buried back on that one planet.
I think he’s the ghost of my brother.
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