#star wars Ergesh
oh-no-eu-didnt · 2 years
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Ergesh were a species of sentient plant native to Ergeshui in the Expansion Region. Large, with slimy appendages around their bodies, Ergesh anatomy was vastly different than many species. They tended to be easygoing and fair, as their utopian society had no concept of gender and no social classes, discrimination, or crime. Ergesh could live for up to 200 years.
Source: Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Two (Art: Rob Caswell; 1992)
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the-music-maniac · 2 years
On the topic of how way too many people are apparently offended that Obi-wan Kenobi is now canonically bisexual, it genuinely baffles me how many people still think lgbt narratives are unrealistic, especially in a setting like Star Wars.
You're telling me in a world where humans interact with hundreds of different sentient species all with their own cultural nuances and different biology and are able to coexist in relative peace, you think those same people give a rats ass about something as little as SEXUALITY? B u L L s H I T.
Maybe I'm biased because I myself am bisexual, but if I could walk out a door and almost get my ass beat by a giant sentient worm, who other people are fucking would be the least of my worries. Who I choose to fuck would be the least of my worries too. It's a vast universe. Time to experiment. WHO is gonna judge me, huh? An Ergesh, whose species reproduces by planting a seed from their bodies in a swamp called the Shoolbloorp, the "Land of Beginnings," during a special mating ceremony??
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Star Wars Alien Species - Ergesh
Ergeshui was a planet located in the Expansion Region, and the Ergesh homeworld. It was the only planet of the Agash system.
Ergesh were highly intelligent, curious, and gentle beings. Their native language was said to sound like thick mud coming out of a rapid boil, though most members of the species preferred to speak Basic. Ergesh personal names were long affairs, with many odd bubbling noises included. Fortunately for other species, they tolerated being given nicknames by off-worlders they interacted with.
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Once every year, on Ergeshui, came a day when both moons were aligned in a certain way, with devastating effect upon the Ergesh. During this period, they acted irrational, violent, or even insane.
Ergesh were divided into clans, which had formed a federation that ruled their planet. There were a total of 80 clans, each with about 10,000 members. The eldest Ergesh from each clan was a part of the governing body. This government met monthly in the Communal Pool. The Ergesh federation kept in regular contact with the leaders of the New Republic.
As a reflection of their biology, Ergesh culture had no concept of gender. In their dealings with each other, Ergesh were honest and fair. They were a society with no classes, no discrimination, and no wants. There was no crime among the species.
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The Ergesh possessed amazing bio-technology which included living starships called Starjumpers. Their weapons were small plant buds that could be thrown at a target and would deliver an electrical shock on contact. Their buildings were all organic, and semi-sentient enough to recognize residents and block intruders from entering.
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The Ergesh were one of the few sentient species in the galaxy that evolved from plant-based organisms on their swampy homeworld. They resembled shambling mounds made up of plant materials and had droopy slimy appendages of various lengths and sizes. A fully grown Ergesh could weigh up to a half of a metric ton. Their coloration consisted of green, brown, and gray. The younger Ergesh had more green, the elders more brown. A strong smell of ammonia and rotting vegetation followed an Ergesh wherever the being went.
Reproduction was accomplished asexually through two Ergesh each planting a seed from their bodies in a swamp called the Shoolbloorp, the "Land of Beginnings," during a special mating ceremony. Twenty days later, a young Ergesh rose up from the ground, self-aware and ready to join the society. Each Ergesh could produce one seed every two Ergeshui years.
Despite their bulk and weight, they could float on water. Due to their physiology, they could breathe underwater, though they preferred "dry" land. Their wet, thick skin also acted as a strong protective layer against weapons.
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Ergesh did not have faces in the accepted sense of the word. A number of the smaller tentacles were actually opticstalks, the Ergesh equivalent of eyes, while others were sensitive to sound waves. They could not become intoxicated, drugged, or poisoned by most substances. Their immune systems broke down such substances quickly, and their natural secretions carried out the harmful or waste elements. The Ergesh could consume Kaloob in order to cleanse themselves from harmful microorganisms.
Ergesh were not fast and were poor combatants, with their most effective attack being simply trampling over their opponents.
Ergesh age at the following stages:
1 - 10 Child
11 - 29 Young Adult
30 - 129 Adult
130 - 169 Middle Age
170 - 199 Old
Examples of Names: Ergesh personal names are long affairs, with many odd bubbling noises included. The Ergesh tolerate being given nicknames by offworlders that they are dealing with.
Languages: Ergesh communicate using sound-based speech. Their voices sound like thick mud coming to a rapid boil. In fact, many Ergesh- especially those that deal most with offworlders- speak rather good Basic, though it sounds as if the speaker is talking underwater. Due to how they perceive and understand the world around them, they often omit personal pronouns (I, Me) and articles (A, The). Most small words in the Ergesh tongue are represented by vocal inflections.
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siryl · 6 years
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Illustration by Cathleen Hunter of an Ergesh Starjumper, a sentient organic spacecraft grown in the tidal flats of Ergeshui.  Scanned from Star Wars: Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Two.  Note that “Starjumper” is printed as a single word in every instance except the caption of this illustration.
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