#star wars chess
segacity · 1 year
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The Pawns 'Star Wars Chess' SEGA Mega CD
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tea4argenti · 13 days
I made a second account cause I wanted to post about star wars. that's it. anyways.
possibly ff7 too.... we'll see.
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these two! I love and miss them.
also this is just... rebels season 3 in a nutshell.
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memyselfandtheemperor · 11 months
How likely is it that you'll so a homoerotic ObiMaul comedy after you're done with MM&TE? >)
(Also I fucking love your work, it has such character! Iconic.)
Thank you so much! Love to see that you like the comic!
About the Maul Obi wan thing, I haven’t really though about a long story focusing on them, maybe only gags, but who knows the mm&te started that way as well so who knows XD
Still depending on how much spare time I have the most likely thing to happen next would be a short Clone wars adventure involving Obi, Snips and Skyguy
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comicbookcovers · 2 months
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Chess, part 2
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I think if Wolf 359 had been running in the past ~2 years, it would've absolutely done numbers here, between how this site cares a lot more about character arcs and media analysis now, and also Hera's autistic disabled transgender swag. HOWEVER, they wouldn't be able to make Wolf 359 today, not even for like "political" reasons, but because characters in media now are all too self aware and good at talking about their own emotions. We would never get shit like Minkowski drugging Eiffel with hallucinogens to get him to read Pryce & Carter, instead they'd just have a heart-to-heart where she admits she's only so adamant about protocol because of her own insecurities. Half the fun of the show is extrapolating characters' motivations and thought process from their absolutely batshit actions and words! It just wouldn't be the same 😔
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circle-around-again · 2 months
"Maul breezed past the malodorous Rodians and came to a stop before a teenage Abyssin, a hulking native of the planet Byss. ... [T]he Abyssin stood nearly two meters tall. Maul tilted his head back, looked up into the Abyssin's eye, and said, "I am Maul. Your move."" (Windham, 80).
Might I remind everyone that Maul is about 7 here, so he's probably around half the height of his opponent, who towers over nearly all adult humans.
Maybe one of the most badass things Maul has ever done. No posturing, just creepy confidence.
A small thing to note -- Maul's slow walk to the enemy and use of the term "move" implies that invokes the imagery of a chess match. He operates as and names himself as one of the pieces on the board. But he is a named pawn. Sidious told him to walk there just a few seconds ago. It will be a while before he grows up into a Knight.
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weyrwolfen · 1 month
Clocking Time - Star Wars: The Clone Wars One-Shot
Rating: T
Characters: Commander Fox, Chancellor Palpatine
Warnings: Sheev being Sheev, but nothing particularly graphic is portrayed
Summary: Coruscant wasn’t the same as Kamino. Commander Fox needed to retrain his instincts.
“Commander, we have a few minutes between meetings,” the Chancellor said, shuffling through the datapads spread on his expansive desk. “I believe you mentioned a proposal you wished to make to me, regarding the Guard?”
Fox, from his unobtrusive position in against the office’s curving wall, breathed, steeling himself for this conversation.
He owed his men this. He had to at least try.
“Sir, it has to do with a personnel issue, and maximizing the efficiency of the troopers assigned to Coruscant,” Fox said, shoulders squared, hands clasped behind his back. Perfect.
The Chancellor looked up from his datapad, and there was something cold and dangerous in his eyes. Fox’s heart rate picked up, adrenaline surging. This was… this was a mistake. This was…
But then the Chancellor smiled so gently that Fox berated himself for his immediate, illogical reaction. Three months into this posting and his instincts, which previously had served him so well, were still flinching at shadows. He was better than this.
“Of course, Commander,” the Chancellor said, folding his hands in front of him on his desk, a signal that he was giving Fox his full attention. That was… That was good. “Tell me what is on your mind.”
Fox owed his men. He’d prepared for this. Meticulously.
“Three Guardsmen suffered permanently disabling injuries in yesterday’s speeder bombing,” Fox started, voice as coolly professional and emotionless as if he was discussing a theoretical situation, a logic puzzle presented in an exam. Not Sift’s mangled eyes, or Red’s severed legs, or Amber’s crushed spine. Bacta was a miracle treatment, but even it could only heal so much. Fox breathed, holding his composure under rigid control, and continued. “I am requesting that they be reassigned to the Guard’s communications hub, to free up able-bodied troopers for more physically demanding assignments.”
The Chancellor looked up at Fox, eyebrows furrowing slightly over flat, empty eyes, his expression concerned. “That seems reasonable enough,” he said, the barest hint of confusion entering his tone. “Is there a problem with such a transfer of which I am unaware?”
“Yes, Sir,” Fox said evenly. His breath was even, perfectly controlled, even while something in the back of his head screamed a warning. This was the Chancellor of the Republic, he held the lives of trillions of sentients in his hands, and Fox was wasting his time. For three clones who were no longer able to do their duties.
Fox owed them. He was their Commander. He owed them this attempt, even if it failed. Even if he suffered for it.
“Current protocol states that they should be returned to Kamino for processing, and replacements sent from the most recent cohort of mature clones,” Fox replied, dragging his eyes away from the kindly, patient – calculating, predatory – expression on the Chancellor’s face and instead focused on the cityscape sprawled beyond the office’s expansive windows. It was safe enough; with his helmet on the Chancellor wouldn’t be able to tell. The sprawling vista was as beautiful as it was daunting. Fox breathed. “However, these replacements would require significant training to be brought up to speed on the specifics of serving on the Coruscant Guard. Retaining the three injured troopers in a support capacity, and adjusting the Guard’s protocols in the event of similar situations in the future, would prevent these temporary decreases in unit readiness.”
Arguing with the Kaminoans was generally a losing proposition, but if you had to, it was possible to sway them with cold logic and brutal pragmatism. And Fox had been very good at speaking to them in a language they understood and respected. He’d been the best at it, at maneuvering them, at making it look like they had reached the conclusions he’d wanted on their own.
But that had been back on Kamino.
Coruscant was different. He was still learning its rules.
The Chancellor shifted in his ornate chair, drawing Fox’s eye back to the man’s face.
There was understanding there, compassion in the set of his mouth, the worried arch of his eyebrows. But his eyes, his eyes…
“And you care for them,” the Chancellor said with a small smile. Gentle. Understanding.
A trap.
Don’t mention love. Love wasn’t efficient, but ‘care’ could be twisted so that it aligned with the Kaminoans’ ledgers.
“I am their Commander,” Fox replied evenly. “It is my duty to care for the troopers under my command.”
It was the correct response, the only acceptable one, but there would be a cost. The Kaminoans always exacted a cost, so Fox was sure the Chancellor would too. But Fox would pay it. For his men.
“It seems a terrible injustice, to send these troopers away, especially for injuries they sustained in defense of the Senate,” the Chancellor said with a slightly wider smile, enough to convey a sense of real warmth and care.
A bead of sweat trickled down Fox’s back, between his shoulder blades.
“I am sure that you are more than able to make the proper arrangements,” the Chancellor said with an air of finality. “I leave it in your capable hands.”
That… was it? Fox had prepared more arguments. He had numbers. Statistics. Counteroffers.
“Thank you, Sir,” Fox said, because if you ever managed to win something off of the Kaminoans, you learned not to press your luck further.
“Now, I believe that my 2:30 from the regulatory oversight committee should be waiting,” the Chancellor said, clearly moving on to the next task on his schedule. “Please see them in.”
Fox moved to comply, smothering down his shaky relief so that it would not affect his performance. He was expected to perform perfectly, and so he would. He needed to be perfect, in the eyes of his owners. It was important.
But the Chancellor interrupted his progress, just as Fox was reaching for the door panel. “Oh, and Commander?” he said, voice smooth.
The hairs on the back of Fox’s neck prickled.
He turned to address the Chancellor, shoulders squared. Above reproach. Perfect. “Yes, Sir?”
“Execute Order Twenty-Three.”
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Fox passed along the good news to the Guard’s CMO. Fox would check in with Sift, Red, and Amber in the morning. They were all recovering and needed all the sleep they could get. And besides, Fox needed to catch up on the day’s flimsiwork. Guard duty in the Chancellor’s office tended to make for an easy, often boring shift, but the messages and forms tended to pile up in his absence.
The shift had been uneventful, just a steady stream of politicians and lobbyists, business representatives and aides from interest groups. The report Fox would file with the Chancellor’s office would be deadly dull for all its meticulous detail. He did not envy whichever functionary was tasked with tracking and filing such things.
Coruscant might not be the posting he’d wanted, the one he’d envisioned for himself, but he would perform his duties as assigned, to the level of quality the Kaminoans had required. There was some pride to take in that.
Fox’s own secondhand desk was much smaller than the Chancellor’s, but he suspected that his chair was more comfortable. It had already been old and worn down when he’d arrived on Coruscant, but the chair was thickly cushioned, which was an almost decadent indulgence, after the hard planes and harsh angles of Kamino. Fox sat in the creaking chair, oddly sore and stiff for physically having done so little this shift. He tugged off his helmet and set it aside, reaching for the nearest datapad.
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There was a whole new stack of datapads waiting on Fox’s desk, when he’d arrived fresh from talking to his men in the medbay the next morning, cup of dubious-smelling caff in hand. It looked like more of the usual, except for one file which had been flagged as medium priority. Apparently a junior aide from the regulatory oversight committee had not checked into his suite the previous night. The chair of that committee, a mid-Rim senator Fox had never met, had grown concerned enough to file a missing persons report.
Fox was certain he’d never met any of the sentients involved, but something about the file made him pause. Something familiar.
He shook off the odd tension which was gathering in his shoulders and forwarded the file to the correct department, moving on to the next report.
AN: I sat down to work on Eidola last night and instead my brain decided to cough up this.
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daisychainsandbowties · 2 months
me as soon as i finish a project: who am i
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yardikins · 10 months
I’m of the opinion that the only reason Disney killed Paz is because they realized how much chemistry he and Axe had, and Disney being Disney, refused to let a gay couple exist
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yuribracket · 1 year
Maligned Yuri Bracket: Preliminary Round!
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How is Rey/Rose Tico (Star Wars) maligned?
"Reylo happened instead lol. Rose got basically written out of the last movie and there's scenes in the trailers of her and Rey interacting that never made it into the final cut"
How is Anne Bonny/Max (Black Sails) maligned?
"quintessential 'f/f couple overshadowed by the fandom's m/m shipping culture' couple. they literally sleep with each other on screen but a big chunk of the fandom barely acknowledges they exist. also for some reason fic writers tend to write Max's dialogue in the third person as if she talks like a cartoon fortune teller. she just has a French accent????"
How is Svetlana Sergievsky/Florence Vassy (Chess) maligned?
"MISOGYNIST FANDOM! They would rather ship the two men in their lives who are HORRIBLE to these women. At least fandom sometimes acknowledges that Anatoly cheated on Svetlana but I have NEVER seen anyone acknowledge this line from Florence when she’s leaving Freddie: 'you’d be lost without me to abuse like you’re used to' HELLO??? But he’s the fandom’s golden child their uwu babygirl IT MAKES ME SICK!!! Also Florence and Svetlana are perfect for each other and the misogynist WRITER doesn’t let them talk!! They get ONE duet about a man which is CRAZY because if you analyze their solo songs...they are SO compatible. But alas. Tim Rice sucks and fandom would rather blorboify men than pick up the slack and remember women exist..."
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
Cody and Obi-wan are both dudes who would be champion chessboxers, if they were in a reality where chessboxing was A Thing, but Cody gets into it from the chess end and just happens to pick up (and be really good at) boxing, and Obi-wan gets into it from the boxing end and is very much encouraged towards chess by friends/family bc less concussions, please, dear god man
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where-is-grogu · 8 months
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mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
The Thrawn and Ezra Chess fic is done! Enjoy :)
Summary: There’s not much to do when you’re stranded in the middle of nowhere with your worst enemy. Fortunately, Ezra’s a handy guy, and Kanan taught him a game or two that might just win him the upper hand…
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roguetoo · 1 year
Dejarik Table with "Real" Holograms
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Let the wookie win
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it’s funny to me how palpatine chose one of the most unpredictable jedi to make his project. like yeah yeah I know the prophecy but anakin is such a wild card. does palpatine even know how close he was to fucking it up??? he just was like yeah yeah I’ll try it on the unstable one and it managed to work… for a little while and then the anakin’s crazy ass offspring came around to ruin it
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cryptocollectibles · 5 months
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Star Wars Chess Software (1993) by Mindscape
Computer Gaming World declared Star Wars Chess the 49th-worst computer game ever released stating: “Proof that there really is no intelligent life (or AI) even in a galaxy far, far away”. GamePro magazine however praised the game's action scenes, sound, detailed animation and stating "Chess purists and Star Wars purists alike will enjoy this one. Most impressive!" ( from the Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Chess )
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