nyanzaya · 5 years
You ever just see your friends and just feel so:
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isempiterna · 6 years
@starbrosforever​ ∬ (and suddenly)
   She's just on the street when it happens. (Later she won’t even be able to recall the name of it, and oh, how she wishes she could, sentimental creature that she is.) It’s a bright day, sky turned the palest shade of grey with light—everything’s paler, even the shadows—and pleasantly warm, summer just coming to roost in the city. She’s always liked people-watching and her gaze roams the crowd freely, though never lingering too long as staring is rude. An older man hurrying along, not dressed in a suit but casually and carrying balloons; perhaps a birthday? Two high schoolers chatting animatedly, a woman sitting on a bench—
   The world explodes.
   Or so it seems; suddenly, Sparrow’s entire field of vision is assaulted by things she has no words for, because even if they can teach you the names they can never show them to you. Only one person can do that. Only your soulmate. Sparrow hardly caught a glimpse of him, quick as a camera flash, but the image is seared into her mind, the first colors to ever touch her eyes. She doesn’t know what they are yet but they are almost painful in their beauty, vibrant and violent. Her eyes burn from the overwhelming variety and her own easily moved heart, everything blurring together slightly as she looks desperately for the young man who threw her world into an entirely new spectrum. There!
   “Wait—wait!” she calls, stumbling to dash after his quickly disappearing form, vivid and wonderful even among the other rushing colors of the world. She’s terrified of losing him (doesn’t know his name or even hardly what he looks like, doesn’t know anything about him at all) and it ignites some frantic part of her that overrules any reservations and manners she has.
   Sparrow grabs his arm, strangely short of breath despite running less that twenty feet, and she’s staring at him like he’s the only one in the world, like he’s the last thing she’ll ever see. Like he’s the first thing she’s ever really seen. If she had enough presence of mind, she’d be horribly embarrassed by her behavior. If she could think of anything at all beyond don’t go, I have to know you!, then she certainly would have wondered how he’d react.
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guitarmastcr · 6 years
@starbrosforever fяσм
     As he lay spread-eagle on the ground, dazed and struggling to remember how to breathe, Malachi reflects that maybe the universal alignment of him and Luke finding a long hill, one conveniently abandoned shopping cart, and themselves with absolutely nothing better to do, was one of those tests in life you were actually supposed to avoid. Still, what was done was done, and even as the lack of oxygen starts to become a growing concern he feels not even an ounce of remorse. Totally worth it. 
     Vaguely he registers movement from the lowermost corner of his eye, and then Luke’s concern is filtering through a mildly dizzy haze. Is he okay? 
     “...Hhhhgu.” Aha, air! Now if he can just figure out how to reverse the flow... Slowly but surely, Malachi drags in a breath. Then another. Nothing feels broken, and so he slides a grin at his friend. “That...was awesome. I mean, it—” a moment to clear his throat, as it’s feeling rather dusty “—it sucks now, but. It was awesome.”
     As his vision stops its lazy, static-y swimming, however, he notices the gravel clinging to a rash of red down Luke’s cheek, his nose trickling blood, and swaps the grin for a frown. “Oh, shit, are you—” The rest of the question dissolves into a yelp as he sits up, jostling his ankle, which sends a sharp jab towards his knee in retaliation. And that’s when he notices the dull throbbing that has become his foot.
     It’s far from the worst injury he’s had (of which he’s had many), but thanks to his experience with such, he knows that attempting to walk anywhere is going to end badly. Still, with little else available, he figures that hobbling will get him somewhere else hopefully closer to a first aid kit, at least. Besides, he’s got Luke with him, and it’s not like they’re stranded anywhere! Speaking of whom, he’s got a hand (scraped up and bleeding and thoroughly guilt-inducing) outstretched to Malachi as an offer of help, which fills him with a warm surge of camaraderie and brings an apologetic smile back to his face, and yet... Close to a foot taller and practically twice his weight, Malachi can’t help but feel like he’ll squish his friend if he tries to lean on him.
     So he stalls, waiting for some of his own strength to return to him as he asks, “Are you okay? You’ve got one up on me with the whole standing thing, but I mean. You, uh, got something on your face.” Even as he says it he feels bad for making a joke of it, but Malachi’s always found that coping through humor makes everything easier to deal with.
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misfortuning · 6 years
Mirrors: What is your muse’s least favorite thing about their appearance? Ghosts: Has your muse ever seen something they couldn’t explain?
CAN YOU FEEL THE CHILL — accepting !
What is your muse’s least favorite thing about their appearance?
gmmbl;khdg no honestly isayah just doesn’t care about himself enough to have that kinna opinion
Has your muse ever seen something they couldn’t explain?
yyyyes? I mean. Isayah himself is already something he can’t explain LMAO, but aside from that the first time he saw Noël he didn’t know what was going on, and Bis?? what in God’s name, literally. also his cat, Rosie? anti-magic. yeah. that’s a thing. not to mention the being he got her from. AND SUNNY, DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON SUNNY,
and that’s just his squad, his current job and the one before that are uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh too much
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charmiier-archive · 6 years
let me love you || accepting
You write such interesting narratives!!! I love your writing, and as much as i love the dialogue you write I especially love how much detail you go into with the narration. You’re also super chill and easy to talk to ooc, and plotting with you is a lot easier than with most ppl.
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littleoceanboy-blog · 6 years
Starter for @starbrosforever !! 
For once in his life, Akihiko had decided to visit the local park with his art supplies instead of the beach. He had spotted a nice little bench surrounded by bushes, and somewhat hidden away underneath a large tree. 
...However, what he had failed to spot before approaching the bench was the person that was already occupying the area. Suddenly seeing the person kind of scared him, actually, but Aki hoped the surprise wasn’t too obvious. “..Oh, sorry, is this your spot? I didn’t mean to bother.” Aki was well aware that this was a public area, but some people like their space. If that was the case, he could always just find another bench.
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The nearest exit is blocked! By what? Plastic Wrap, of course! Whoever walks into the transparent wrap trap will be the newest victim of the red starboy who is carefully watching the exit from a good distance.
                  Of course he doesn’t see this coming—!! Why would anyone DECIDE to put plastic wrap over any exit?? Feet will guide him as mind drifts, walks straight into the trap. Swears, a little more viciously than he intends, before tapping the plastic again, annoyed enough to pull out the knife in his pocket to stab at the plastic.
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parchmented · 6 years
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     “ it’s just a small scratch. “  shouhei lightly thumbs over the tiny imperfection upon the lens of his glasses,  studying it with eyes scrunched in scrutiny.  the graze means nothing to him now;  but perhaps it will bother him later------but when it comes to that point...  “ i can just visit the optometrist and have it replaced.  i’m sure that my prescription has changed anyway. “
     @starbrosforever  |  not quite broken.  
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cornaceaes · 6 years
FEEL. -How does your character react to a persons touch? A random stranger’s? A loved one’s? A friend’s? HUMBLE. -How does your muse handle praise?
(  ⁞⁺   ˢᵒᵘʳᶜᵉ    †      ᵃᶜᶜᵉ���ᵗᶥᶰᵍ !
tbh Bis is always surprised by physical touch?? he doesn’t naturally have a physical body, and the physical form he had when he first came down was. really just a weapon, used in battles when a physical form was more efficient / effective / convenient, which was p rare. so first of all, being in a body is weird enough. and then all his friends are in bodies!! always!! and touching is like, a sign of “””affection”’’’ what is this?? listen he’s just SO CONFUSED BY HUMANS anyway he’s like, sorta used to it now having spent a fraction of an angel time second in one hffhdsf he still feels weird about it but hey he’s stuck like this, he’s adapting. random touches be they stranger or friend still surprise him, but if he’s expecting it then he’ll jus stand there patiently like “oh yes, the humans are doing their touch-thing, I understand” no he don’t ffjmbmfwith friends tho he is a lil more understanding cause like. he knows they’re friends and this is just what friends do apparently. with strangers he gets it a little less cause they aint friends why the touch? but humans, humans
he doesn’t think much of it, honestly. as a soldier he just did he job and that was all; there was no praise or reprimands bc. that’s what they’re created to do they just do it no questions no nothing it’s their Purpose. so praise is actually a foreign concept to him ? and therefore holds little importance. which might be offensive to some humans, like if they genuinely tryin to congratulate him and he just brushes it off, but he don’t mean to!! he just doesn’t understand the implications and impact of being praised because he’s never needed it, never experienced it, doesn’t value itbut this also means that he doesn’t know how to praise other people!! I mean he’s kinda learning like if someone seems really excited about something they just did he’ll be like “oh yes the human needs me to tell them what they’ve done?” and he’ll be like “good job yes!” but he doesn’t actually get what he’s doing and it’s not like it’s insincere, it just. he doesn’t actually know what he’s doing
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nyanzaya · 5 years
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(🐈) His ears twitch. Is that the love of his entire life he smells?
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guitarmastcr · 6 years
☭ x (Luke??)
яєα∂у! fιgнт! ✔️
Battle Intro: This town ain’t big enough for the both of us…Victory: I’M BATMAN!!Half HP: It’s half full!Low HP: We can hug this out, right?Defeat: IMPOSSIBLE!!!Death: Long…live…the king…Assist: I invoke the power of friendship!Taunt: I’m gonna break you…LIKE A KIT KAT.Reacting to Taunt: The only reason you’re kicking my ass is ‘cause you can’t reach my face! …Wait.Flee: You might beat me in an arm-wrestling match, but I’ll win in a foot race!Reacting to Flee: And there’s more where that came from!Tie: Rock-paper-scissors?Perfect Victory: Foolish mortal, you dared to challenge me?!Low HP Victory: I could do this all day! But I’ll stop here.Finishing Move: Mala-KICK!!
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misfortuning · 6 years
⌚ ⌘
FATHER FATHER — closed !
       Someone had made the mistake of asking after the boy. Not to say that curiosity over his well-being was a mistake—no, the mistake lay in asking Johan rather than Rebecca. His mother, ever the professional, would have kept it short and sweet, fondness in her voice and eyes but moderation in her mind. His father, however, held no such reservations.
       “Oh, he’s getting so big! It’s like just yesterday I could carry him in one hand—” laughter bubbles in his chest, warm and rich “—not that I ever did, Becca would have had my hide for that. But I could’ve, and now just look at him!” The wallet is fished out, the picture proudly flaunted: A boy of not-quite-three kneeling on a piano bench, clumsy hands spread flat on the keys. His mouth is wide with delight, eyes pinched nearly shut, relishing his raucous song.
       “Look at that! He’s big enough to get up there all by himself, and just last night we caught him trying to climb the counter! Becca had some stern words for him, of course, but I think he knew she was just worried, didn’t put up a fuss or anything. He takes after her more than me—looks and brains!” Laughter tumbles forth again, heavy river water over rocks. He’s looking at the picture again, face shining with adoration. “We decided we were going to teach him how to play when he was old enough, but at this rate he’s going to teach himself. He was just making noise right there but afterwards he started playing all the keys one by one, just listening to the notes like he was trying to figure them out. He’s a smart little guy, curious about everything he can be. The other day, in fact—”
       This goes on for a long time while the poor soul who made themself available promises in silent fervency that they will never unlock this door again.
       “…He loved us.” Such a thing should have been said with reverence, perhaps a misty fondness for times lost. Instead the words are flat, expression broken from it’s usual blank state into a slight twist of too many things (sadness and betrayal and disgust and anger, horrified acceptance of knowing why and a bitter lack of understanding and so much more) gone too quickly. 
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asteriium · 7 years
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     “ hey,  could you walk for me a bit? “  the invitation is cordial,  though obvious that something is wrong.  kaoru’s eyes are shifting,  casting off to the side and then back over to the male.  a ways off,  someone is tailing after her,  scoping her out.  she’d noticed a while back,  deciding that it would be better for her to not return home.  “ until that guy goes away...? “
     @starbrosforever  |  eyes upon the stars.
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dyomazi · 7 years
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    “ Listen, I am sorry if I am disturbing you, ” the girl finally speaking up after wandering the same block, shoving her hands into her dark hoodie’s pocket.  “ Alla eimai hlithios ... I was wondering if you could just ... tell me where I am? Nothing seems, er -- familiar. ”
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cry-ket · 7 years
〜❁〜 @starbrosforever 
    The library. Towering, arching ceilings, peaked with windows like bright, curious eyes peering in. Cavernous spaces packed to the very seams in the walls with silence, filtering the light on its way down, dimming it to a hush. Dust settles in lungs, discouraging speaking. To Cricket, a good place to go for any reason, even no reason at all. The boy simply has a reason, this time, by happenstance. He stands in the long sections labeled “plant biology” for some minutes, wanders the rows for some more. Touches all the spines of the books, lips forming soundless titles. He worries to open one.
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jasoldblog-2-blog · 7 years
🐤 (For either boy?)
Send me a 🐤 for a Tweet my muse would make about yours. [ACCEPTING]
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The chronicles of starcrack!
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