sonder-farm · 5 years
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jumpin on the campaign wagon for @stardeworanges Clark !!
Edel, waking up in a cold sweat: SPELLING BEES.
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starflyfarm · 4 years
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(for almost every blog interaction here ive drawn a bust of the other character to kinda practice their design and i thought they came out cute so im posting em :P)
(ft. @askcigsandgas @spacedewvalley @stardeworanges and @ask-the-four-corners-farmers )
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crop-bound · 4 years
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🍊🍒                        final fusion - @stardeworanges‘ marm fused with cherry!!! u bet ur butt she makes the best fruit punch in the valley
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Marmalade’s Winter’s Star Party
// Hey y’all, this year I was Shio’s ( @stardeworanges ) secret santa for our discord community secret santa! It took me forever but I present to you ‘Marmalade’s Winter’s Star Party’, a story with a bit of fluff, a bit of edge, and then some more fluff, with some guest appearences in there too.
The full version can be found under the cut, or you can read the story HERE.
I hope you like it shio!!
Word Count: 3022
Marmalade looked down at her latest accomplishment: a small stack of laminated cards, each one addressed to the friends she had made – her Valley family.  There were about 50 cards, everyone from Sebastian to Gus was invited. Names embossed in cursive detailed the addressee of each invitation. The orange-haired woman was so proud of her little cards – she had designed them from scratch, from the colours on the bordering, to the little intricate mistletoe and stars adorning the corners. They were her own little doodles, quite well-done considering Marmalade had never considered herself an artist. In all honesty, Marm had gone a little over the top with these preparations, which had become obvious after she had created a 50-page binder complete with individual greetings, an array of feast meals and cocktails, and even mood boards to pin the perfect aesthetic. But she had a mission, and by Yoba, she would do whatever it took to achieve it.
Her smile softened. The Winter’s Star had always meant so much to her. When she was a little girl, she’d always visit her grandpa for his Winter’s Star festivities. Many a memory was dotted with her kind grandpa’s grin, the smell of warm cocoa, and the flashing of festive lights; the raucous of townspeople sharing hot drinks and good food. But those memories were fading with age, and Marmalade knew that she had to take up the mantle. She was going to throw the perfect Winter’s Star feast. She was going to honour her grandpa’s legacy.
And the next step to doing so was dispersing these slick-looking invitations to their rightful owners. Most important on her list was Clark, her best friend, and the newly appointed mayor. She hadn’t seen him in a few days – the farmhand had been tied up with bureaucratic red tape left behind by a spiteful Lewis. The poor man had been running circles around the town, attempting to get at least somewhere with his new legislation. Well, there was at least a slim silver lining to that storm cloud – Marmalade knew exactly where he would be.
It was a short walk from the farm to the town, though the brisk winter winds would require a Winter’s Star sweater, and of course, the tackier the better. She scanned her drawer for the best candidate: a red and white wool monstrosity, with “Orange you glad it’s winter” knitted in a box. Perfect. The sweater slipped on, gloriously awful pun present in yellow text, a pair of oranges decorating the inscription. She wrapped a scarf around her bare neck, her orange locks falling over the dark, soft material. Finally, she swung her backpack on, filled with a water bottle, some orange slices, and the crux of it all, her invitations.
Without a misstep, Marmalade was out the door, the brisk winter winds and the ankle-deep snow neither bothering nor hindering the ginger on her mission. Winter always brought a unique beauty to the Valley, bare skeletons of trees sleeping for the winter, and those brilliant blue berries poking up through the white terrain. One of Marmalade’s favourite sights had to be spotting the holly berries and crocus flowers in the dense snow. Wet gravel crunched under her feet as Marmalade trekked on. Her mental checklist of places to stop kept growing. Gotta invite Pippa and Rue and Dae! I’ll stop on the way. And I’m sure Cherry will be home – and maybe Nikoma and Jenna will come… Then I should stop at Pierre’s for some more supplies. Oh, and of course, Clark, in the town hall!
She smiled once more to herself.
Winter 26th was going to be the best Winter’s Star party anybody had ever been to!
Clark ran his fingers through his dense, blond curls, the toll of being constantly busy affecting the usual lustre of his hair. He grimaced at the paperwork in front of him, feeling each and every monotonous, tedious word sap strength from his dwindling will to keep reading. He loved being mayor. He loved the warm appreciation of the townsfolk as he walked the streets of the Valley, he loved the constant support and trust. He loved that he was elected the Mayor. He did not love the piles of paperwork constantly inhabiting his in-tray, perched eternally on the right of his desk. The dark circles under his eyes evident of his sleeplessness, his expression stony as he stared down the stack of sheets sitting, waiting, mocking – Clark wanted nothing more than to slam his head into the desk.  He pulled at his red tie, loosening its grip around his wrinkled, white button-up shirt, sleeves cuffed awkwardly around his tanned wrists. That was one thing he did miss – the blue jeans, the red flannel, the straw hat, but there was something about office-wear that really made his pecs look juicier, so he was willing to compromise. A groan escaped him, forcing its way through his teeth, as his eyes wandered towards the window, looking for anything to fuel his procrastination…
And as if summoned by Yoba himself, Marmalade burst through his office door, face alight with happiness.
She was a radiant beam of sunlight in the poorly lit office, and she couldn’t help but bring a grin to Clark’s mug. Her silly holiday sweater procured a chuckle from the exhausted ex-farmhand – it was just like Marm to be a walking pun. The woman basically bounced to the front of his desk, striking a little pose before rummaging through her pack. It was obvious Marmalade was very excited, and Hayesmith was ready for whatever the exuberant redhead was going to throw at him.
“Mayor Clark,” Marmalade’s voice rung with a silliness that she only showed around her closest friends, “I would like to cordially invite you to Miss Marmalade’s Winter Star feast party!” She slapped down the invitation on top of all of his paperwork, its festive design a winter star compared to the drab documents underneath. Clark let out another one of his gruff chuckles. “Not even a howdy before the theatrics.” Marmalade’s face went a shade of bashful pink, the playful act dialled back a bit from the cowboy’s ribbing.
“Now y’know I’m jokin’ there, Marm. I’d be pleased to make it.” He lifted the card up, inspecting the calligraphy – Clark Hayesmith, You are invited to my Winter’s Star party, 6 PM on Winter 27th. See you there! He tucked the invitation away in his pocket – it had been a while since the man had been able to socialise, and he was looking forward to the opportunity.
“Say Marm, who’ve you invited to this lil’ shindig?” Oh, how Marmalade had missed his deep, soothing drawl – and boy did she have a list of names for him. “Well, Pippa and her crew are coming, and Clive, uhh Sebastian and Maru said they would come, Red and Derek, Abigail… Nikoma sighed at me and said ‘fine’ so I’m assuming he’s coming… Jenna and Haley said yes too! Oh, and Jenna has an assistant now? And Amelia, Ainsley, Edel…” The names kept coming, and Clark’s excitement to flex his social and physical muscles was only growing.
“Trust me darl’, I’ll be there, I wouldn’t miss it for th’world . Now, I better get a hustle with this work, or I’ll be stuck here till the party’s over.” Clark shook his head in exaggerated despair, and Marmalade let out a small chuckle. “Okay Clark. See you at the party!”
“See y’all at the party, Marm.” Clark waved as Marm hurried out the door, the farmer eager to deliver the rest of her invitations. The new mayor-elect pulled out his invitation once more.
He grinned, and for the first time in what seemed like days, he actually wanted to finish his paperwork. A party clearly makes for a mighty fine motivator.
Winter 27th was going to be the best Winter’s Star party he’d ever been to.
It was 7:56 PM on Winter 26th.
The ticking of the kitchen clock on the wall had drove her crazy. It now laid facedown on the tiled floor.
Marmalade glared at the door. She sat alone, at her dining table, 34 different plates of food sitting, cold, untouched, abandoned on the dark cherry wood, uncovered and unprotected from the cold night air. The fire had burned out about half an hour ago – what was the point of keeping a fire burning if no one was here to stay warm?
Marmalade glared at the door. She hadn’t touched any of the food she had slaved the day away cooking. She hadn’t had a sip of the punch, or the soup, or the wine. She was at first waiting for someone to come, to share the food with, but after an hour of sitting alone she had thoroughly lost her appetite.
Marmalade glared at the door – only pausing to wipe the tears defiantly escaping her eyes. She had told herself she wouldn’t cry. It didn’t matter if no one had come. She was sure there were reasons why they hadn’t come, but no one had even called to inform her. Maybe they just weren’t her friends. She had always thought that at least a few of the farmers had been left with good impressions of her. The anti-social ones, she understood – those like Katherine, afraid of people, or Nikoma, annoyed by people – but the extroverts? Cherry? Pippa? Red? Where were they?
The only conclusion Marmalade could come to was they didn’t care. They must have had other plans, or had forgotten, they must have been too busy with their lives to remember Marmalade’s party. She sniffled, wiping away more tears that had forced their way down her face. She had to reason with herself. After all, yesterday was the Winter’s Star Feast, and everyone would be tired…
Even Clark, her best friend, her old farmhand, was too busy for her. It must have been his new job…
Marmalade glared at the door. The door swung open. Tension was almost palpable in the air as Marmalade tensed up – tears at this point were streaming over her blushed cheeks, make-up running. Clark walked in, sighing. He had yet to look up, his head was hung low, the strain of sitting at a desk all day leaving a myriad of cricks in his neck and back.
The cowboy could tell Marmalade was in earshot, and he called out while taking his shoes off. “Hey Marm, excited for your party tomor-…” Finally, his gaze swung up to meet Marmalade’s glare.
Time froze as he scanned the room; the festive decorations, the tinsel-covered tree, the holly and mistletoe and wreaths hanging from every possible point. The banquet of food laid out in spectacular fashion. The poor, lonely woman, sitting isolated amongst the festivities.
Marm broke down. The floodwalls failed, and she began sobbing, only quietly, but there was no other noise – all Clark could hear was Marmalade’s soft weeping. Immediately, he moved towards her, trying to protectively wrap himself around her, in an attempt to shield the orange-haired woman from what had happened in her own dining room.  She protested, albeit weakly, beating closed fists against his brawny chest. It didn’t last long, as those beating fists uncurled into fingers gripping his shirt, knuckles clenched white, the fabric a lifeline to Clark as Marmalade pressed her tear-soaked face into him.
Clark didn’t know what to do, he didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t even entirely sure what happened – her party wasn’t supposed to take place until tomorrow evening… Unless she didn’t know that. The invitations must have been wrong. The cowboy shook his head. All of Marmalade’s meticulous planning, all of her expertise and effort, left to rot because of a typo on the invitations. Clark knew what he had to do.
Clark continued to hold Marm as she wept out her grievances, Clark affirming her and hushing her softly. It didn’t take long for Marmalade’s crying to slow – it was clear now, obviously the town didn’t hate her. But it didn’t matter. The party was a failure, and she had spent so much time and effort and money on this one, she had nothing left to throw another one. It was all a waste, and everyone was going to be disappointed.
All Clark could do was hold the woman, assuring her that the townsfolk wouldn’t be mad. He told her stories about his failed events in the past, about his week and all the mess-about that went into being mayor, about how people were kind, and forgiving, especially in these parts. For about 40 minutes, the pair laid spread out on the on the cold tiled floor, Marmalade’s head still on Clark’s chest, time passing in an emotion-filled haze.
It was 9:03 PM on Winter 26th, according to Clark’s wristwatch.
He knew exactly what he had to do to make this right. As Marmalade drifted to sleep, he swept her up, and escorted her to her bed – and then he was out the door. He knew most of the farmers and townsfolk would be winding down for the night, but if he knew this Valley, he knew that they would come together for something this important, especially for the mayor.
Well no, actually.
They’d come together, especially for Marmalade.
Clark had to make sure that Winter 27th was going to be the best Winter’s Star party Marmalade had ever been to.
It was 9:04 AM on Winter 27th, according to the clock Marmalade had picked up off the floor.
She was still a little down – she had thrown all the wasted food in the bin, and tried to salvage what had kept, but it all felt like a big mistake. She was now sitting at the dining table, staring absent-mindedly at the door. Clark was nowhere to be seen, again, as always. The farmer didn’t want to walk out that door, didn’t want to have to tell everyone the party was cancelled.
But she was a brave woman, and she’d let most of the negativity out last night. She wasn’t ready to do it yet, though. No, she’d check the mail, and then finish her coffee. Then she’d set off to let the public know of her shame.
The woman stood up, stretching her haunches, mug of hot, black coffee clutched tightly. A small amount of the life-saving ichor had stained the sleeve of her long sweater, but that was fine, it was just a pyjama top anyway. The soft fleecy fabric was a latte-foam tan, with the sleeves slightly too long, and honestly, the small brown stains added to the look. Marmalade ambled towards the door, procrastinating her eventual exposure to the outside elements.
It was just the mail.
She’d have to face the world eventually.
She swung the door open – and dropped her mug.
Laid out on the front lawn, cleared of snow, was tables of food. Fresh prepared meats, plates of berries and fruits – all in season, all garnished with those dark green leaves that survived the winter chill – bowls of punch and liquor and crates of wine laid out, hot coffee and soups simmering over small fires. And with it all, stood all the farmers she had invited to yesterday’s party.
Warm smiles from familiar faces all began turning towards Marmalade, the breaking of ceramic and the splashing of coffee alerting the people laying out this feast on her front lawn. It felt like a dream – the slow roll of applause started to crawl across the crowd, and before long they were all cheering at (or cheering for, more likely) Marmalade.
Friends and acquaintances from all around the Valley were present – she immediately noticed the tall figures of Barclay, Rue and Bernard, discussing fishing in the mines (a very controversial topic, apparently), with Pippa and Red inspecting the miner’s latest find close by. Edel, Katherine, Mona and Amelia sipped at Kat’s latest champagne, the bubbly enticing enough to drink even this early in the morning. Alex and Cherry were carving roast chicken, while Ainsley and Delaney seemed to be debating what exactly defined a ‘soup’. Jenna and Haley chatted away with Vi, Percival and a pair of siblings who Marmalade hadn’t seen before – but they were all far too dressed up, clearly. Even the recluses had turned out; Anderson and Morrison stood at the end of a table, alone, and Nikoma sat in a pile of snow, flask in hand. And that wasn’t even most of the people Marmalade could recognise – about 60 bodies, more than she had ever invited, stood around, having a good time, eating food and drinking merrily, just as she had envisioned for her party…
And right, smack-bang in the middle of them all was Clark, those new, dark rings under his eyes the blackest she’d ever seen them. He had been up all night, corralling the locals into coming together, pooling their resources, cooking and brewing and shovelling snow, to throw Marmalade the best Winter’s Star party that she had ever been to.
Marmalade hopped over the shattered mug, and ran straight into his arms, once again pressing her face into his broad chest. There was no way this was all happening, and yet, it seems Clark had made it happen.
A few tears stained that same, white shirt he was wearing last night.
“Thank you so much, Clark! Thank you…”
Clark smiled warmly, his tired eyes softening as he patted Marmalade on the back.
“Not a worry in the world, Marm. You know I -… You know this town would do anything for you.”
Marmalade could feel the kindness in her soul, the flame that had been doused last night, reignite within her. She couldn’t ask for anything more, to be surrounded by those she lives with, to supply the space for her community to be happy, to be safe, and to have a good Winter’s Star. To take up the mantle of her grandfather. She pulled herself from Clark, and looked around at all of her friend’s faces, warm drinks and good food in their hands.
This was going to be the best Winter’s Star party ever.
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codys-farm · 4 years
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@ask-farmer-mona Merry Christmas, I’m your secret Santa!

I decided to mix a bunch of your requests together,and this is what the result is. Your farmer, Mona, on her way to deliver presents with @stardeworanges farmer, Clark!

I hope you like it!
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jerboa15 · 5 years
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@stardeworanges You've got a new voter
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askfarmerjinn · 5 years
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just guys being dudes  ( @stardeworanges mistle toe post  )
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oxalisfarm · 5 years
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They just back ... for the sake bringing Mayor Lewis down. Obv Clark (@stardeworanges) gets their vote! specially aka have an eye for free t-shirt
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seafoam-surfers · 4 years
rp reply | @stardeworanges | continued from x
“Marmalade, at your service!”
The shorter, orange-haired woman was just adorable, and her voice brought a smile to both Kira and Reece. Every single person they’d met so far had been lovely, and it seems these two were exactly the same. 
Reece nodded as Clark offered his part-finding service. “She’s about forty years old, so parts are gonna be few and far between...” He rubbed the back of his head, tustling his own hair, genuinely sad at the prospect of not getting his beloved van running again. “But I guess we’ll get to meet all these townsfolk, so sticking around shouldn’t be too bad.”
Kira-Lee voiced her agreement with a “Mhm!”, mentally listing the farmhand’s recommendations of sights to see in the town. “Yeah, we’ve had a bonzer time since everyone’s come to have a gander with gifts.” Reece shook his head - truly it felt like Kira was speaking a different language sometimes.
Kira continued, “Cheers for the hopsitality, we defo have gotta pop in some time. Never been to an orange farm!” The confused faces of those around her didn’t even make her think twice about her language, she was oblivious about any sort of communication barrier.
“And if youse guys ever need a relaxing arvo, come for a dip with us and crack open a few tinnies, yeah? It’d be heaps good.”
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foolfarms · 5 years
It's been like 20 years since I drew on my tablet but I'm willing to so it for @stardeworanges campaign. Lupin says Clark for mayor!
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sonder-farm · 4 years
👀 - Marm n Clark
“Ah, Marmalade has a very pretty face in general! Her cheekbones are cute. Thats kind of a strange thing to say, isn’t it? She always smells like oranges, so now whenever I smell oranges anywhere else I think of her. She has really nice nails, too. Resilient nails are important for valley living!” She laughs a little to herself. “But seriously, I’d ask if I could paint them if I was better with nail polish.”
“And Clark is- Clark is just- I’ve said this before but he looks like what I thought farmers looked like all these years. I mean that as a compliment! Truly! But honestly, he looks so strong. He could probably pick people up without breaking a sweat.. And at this point I’m only stating the obvious but he has the loveliest smile. It lights up the room, everyone knows that!~” 
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starflyfarm · 4 years
How's the season been treating you, your harvests heavy? Always nice to see some fresh life in the valley. Stop by my grove for some sweet oranges and company if you ever have the time! - Marm of @Stardeworanges
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“It’s been alright, I think. I’ve never had so much as a house plant before, but I’ve managed to not kill any of the crops so far, so I take that as a good sign, heheh.”( @stardeworanges ​)
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crop-bound · 4 years
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🍊                     trying 2 refine my painting style but here’s a marm ( @stardeworanges ) bc,,,,,,, wife
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basil-and-honeydew · 4 years
"Hey Basil! It's so good to see you back in town!" Marmalade eagerly tosses herself around the larger woman in an affectionate hug. "Got plans now that you're back to work?"
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Ah heard about Clark shooting’ for mayor a’ Pelican Town, tell ‘im I’m rootin for him! @stardeworanges
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ask-momofarm · 5 years
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{ @stardeworanges​ and i briefly talked about Clark meeting the crew and.
here take the giant cowboy manchild playing samurai
(that’s takeshi’s yukata that’s far too small for him. hanako insisted he put it on) }
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pumpkajelly · 5 years
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Happy Stardew Valley Secret Santa, @kayterschmater!! Hope you had great holidays!
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