#stargate atlantis VS5
eirian-houpe · 10 months
TMI Tuesday
I'm still here, kicking and screaming - and counting the days (count them, 13 working days) until Winter Break.
Here are some thing that have been on my radar, to relative degrees this week:
An upcoming reboot of prompts for A Monthly Rumbelling. Stargate Atlantis Rumbelle Secret Santa Grammar - Relative pronouns/relative clauses.
A Monthly Rumbelling: The astute and observant of you may have noticed that I haven't posted new prompts for AMR for a while now. Not for want of doing so, but - brutal truth moment - only ONE person (rumplesrose) was posting anything regularly, just as the year or so before, @peacehopeandrats was practically keeping the site alive, and when their account went away, and time became a premium for me, something had to give. Sadly that was one of the casualties, and you know what...? No one even voiced a concern either.
Now, I know that fandoms have slowed down, and especially older fandoms like Rumbelle, but that was disappointing. However, I refuse to give up on Rumbelle as long as even ONE person is still writing for the fandom, and I know there are folks out there that are, I will provide prompts, and so - with December - AMR will reboot.
Stargate Atlantis: When the show was still on air, and because I knew I wouldn't like what they did with certain characters in what turned out to be their final season, I set out to write my own season 5, and for years the resulting fics sat, first on a fic website that shall not be named, and then a personal website. Now I've started the mammoth endeavor to post them to AO3.
The other day I posted the first part of the second 'episode' - Chain of Command. Feel free to ask about that fic, episode 1 (Harm's Way), the series, or anything you want to know about it.
Rumbelle Secret Santa: We are in the writing period of this fandom event. I can't wait until the reveal stage where the whole fandom will benefit from the glorious gift of new Rumbelle fics. If you're participating, don't forget to enable anonymous asks, so that your Santa can contact you, and please remember to answer your Santa's ask. They may be waiting on you before they start to write for you.
Grammar: Relative pronouns/clauses: No, honestly, no link to this, (unless you really, really want one). It's just what we were teaching in class today. It does bring to mind a recent writing question though, and turning TMI Tuesday on its head, here is my question to you all: By what criteria do you categorize a fic?
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eirian-houpe · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Happy Wednesday.
This post comes to you via a scheduled post, because today is the first of the Teacher Workdays for Summer School, and I have no idea if I’ll be able to make the post live. So I decided to do it this way.
I’m walking a fine fandom line at the moment.  Yesterday marked the third creator in the Rumbelle fandom, that I know, who is curtailing their posting, or switching fandoms for lack of exitement, engagement and really wild things (all the things the Rumbelle fandom used to be!)  It makes me feel many things, but... sadness is one of those things.
Now, what have I been up to so far this week?
Disparate Pathways - Chapter 41 
Gold has a past, a past that he has rejected, but it seems one that will not let him go. Belle, daughter of Governor Maurice French has been kidnapped, along with her mother, and just as the authorities raid the organization that is holding her hostage, decides to make her own bid for freedom, unknowingly derailing an undercover sting, and Agent Milnor has not choice but to take her into 'protective custody,' but is he all that he seems? As the threads of the story grow more tangled and the threat to Belle, and to Gold, her appointed protector, grow ever more real, a growing, mutual attraction makes everything far more desperate and far too personal for Gold to ignore what he knows to be the truth.
 Harms Way, Chapter 1 - Stargate Atlantis VS5
With Colonel Sheppard's team still trapped in what remains of Michael's compound, and Teyla in Michael's hands, Colonel Carter must hurry to rescue them before the game of 'Lantean in the middle' takes an even more deadly turn with the arrival of the Wraith, led by a new and vicious queen, and her too-familiar scientist.
Lover’s Leap - #14
Laer o Faen - Chapter 26
Up Next:
Breathe - Chapter 5
How to get things done on my own schedule, on my own time.  It’s summer after all and don’t I deserve to take things easy, so long as I get something done each day? Other than working Summer School I mean.
Nothing completed.
if you want to ask anything go ahead.  My inbox is always open. Additionally if you would like to participate in Three Things Thursday, Saturday Secret or Seven Sentence Sunday, don’t forget to ask about those too… please do!
A reminder, you can catch up on all my works on AO3 - here, and I’m happy to take prompts and/or questions. Feel free to pop them in my inbox. I feel sad when my inbox is empty… and it has been very empty of late.
Here are all the current WIPs:
Disparate Pathways
Modern Wonders
Darkness Falls On Hyperion Heights
Storybrooke’s Best Kept Secret
All Our Past Mistakes
What the Actual Fuck!
Breathe (First part of We Three Series)
Lover’s Leap Series - #14
The Language of Flowers Series
Given No Choice (Rush only fic)
Thoughts On A Happy Ending Series
Darker Hearts Series
Time’s Curse
The Pawn Shop On Main Street
The Mansion On the Edge Of Town
Cobra: In Your Prayers
The Miner’s Day Festival
To See Series
Saving the Dark One
Brought to You By the Color Red
(In)consistent Equations
The Boston/Storybrooke Line
An Individual Life Plan
Breaking the Waves (Movie AU)
Secret of the Seas
One Last Wish (Thank you @deliriumsdelight7 for the inspiration for this one)
In Service to My Son
Playground Games
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
“Only Remembered for What We Have Done.”
Librarian UC
Laer o Faen
Harm’s Way
Butterfly and Phoenix
Coming Down
Armor of Ice
Duath i-Achas Eriol
Star of the Morning
If: With No Choice
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