#starkey's silly edit
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byekitty · 5 months
*EDITED* u know what would be so wild ???? alternate universe babies
ok ok ok so like what if in another universe all the former ships remained canon. how silly would it be if those couples had babies and one or more accidentally goofed up somehow when they were trying to visits their parents and just ended in our timeline by dumb luck. like ??? lol who aRE U??? but they'd be like 'WHY IS MY DAD KISSING YOUR DAD" that's so insane dude
anyway, this is a pointless post to force u into looking at a few of my nominees for au babies lmao thanks
isaac/lydia: asa germann and abigail cowen
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benny/erica: jack mulhern and maddie phillips
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ethan/sarah: alfie enoch and Kassius Nelson
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scott/maya: xolo maridueña and jenna ortega
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eddie/alex: louis partridge and denyse tontz
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thats all for now but i'll probs harass u with more eventually
feel free to tell me i'm wrong or suggest ur own
i am curious
and u know what that does to cats...
della/benny: ella purnell and drew starkey
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danny/jane: miles robbins and bebe wood
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i can't remember if tori/beck happened but like ??? antonio cipriano heLLO
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sgt-paul · 5 years
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1968 || Paul and Jane, with Ringo and Maureen, on their way to India, and in India.
“As I spent time with the Beatles, together or individually, Paul was the most overtly warm and friendly. Jane Asher was a lovely-hearted woman whose striking red hair framed a freckle-filled face of beauty and intelligence. Unlike the other Beatles and their partners, Jane and Paul were openly tactile and affectionate.”
– Paul Saltzman, photographer, filmmaker, author of “The Beatles In India”.
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obx-pogue4life · 3 years
What A Night
Summary: Y/N and Rafe set out for date night at a new restaurant that ends up going wrong and they try to save the night so its not a total loss
Warnings: None really! It’s more fluff than smut and has softer BF Rafe vibes :) Beware of my poor editing and spacing issues tho lol thats the real warning... 
HUGE shoutout to @maybankforlife for forcing me to realize and come to terms with my love for all things Drew Starkey! I blame you completely and I’ll never forgive you ❤️
*Not my pic but I will gladly credit them if anyone knows who it belongs to*
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"Shit, why the hell can't we find this God damn place, Y/N? I've lived here all my life and never had this much of a problem gettin' around for fuck sake!
I look over at my boyfriend Rafe and laugh as he continues to swear and mutter under his breath. We were supposed to be going to a new restaurant downtown. Our reservations were for 7pm and we were already about 20 minutes late and as far as I could tell, we weren't anywhere near where we needed to be. It was supposed to be this amazing little Italian restaurant that got rave reviews and Rafe and I had been invited as some of the first lucky few to get to try it out, opening week. A definite perk of dating a Cameron- we got invited to things like this all the time.
"Why don't we just pull over and ask for directions, I'm sure someon-
"NO, I'm not asking for directions Y/N. Shit- this shouldn't be that difficult" he mutters again to himself, under his breath.
Typical Rafe, too proud to ask for directions. He'd rather circle around downtown aimlessly for hours before he would even consider asking anyone for help.
I stare out the passenger window as the familiar buildings and parking garages make yet another appearance on tonight's quest for dinner.
"You should try the GPS again babe", he says to me.
"Well, I can if you want, but it sent us to the wrong place the first time we tried it so why would it send us to the right place the second time? I'll try baby, but I wouldn't get your hopes up", I chuckle.
"Yeah, you're probably right", he whispers, letting out an exasperated sigh.
"This is really starting to piss me off", he says as his stomach began to rumble. I laugh and poke at his stomach.
"Awwwww, my poor baby", I mock him and he looks at me with dagger eyes but then laughs.
"It's ok babe, I'm getting really hungry too. Do you wanna just ditch the opening and hit up a McDonald's or something instead?
I could tell he was thinking about it and before he could answer me, his stomach growled again loudly.
"Fuck this", he laughs and begins to pull off the road. "Where the hell, even are we?" "How did this happen?", he asks me shaking his head.
I looked over at him and completely lose it and start laughing uncontrollably and the next thing I know, he's laughing too. We both just start cracking up over this whole silly mess and can't stop. We laugh until we cry and just when we think it is all out of our systems, Rafe's stomach growls again and it makes us erupt into a whole new fit of giggles.
Once we were able to catch our breath and calm ourselves down, Rafe grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers together and smiles at me. "I Love you, Y/N", he says. I smile back and reply, "Love you more" as he groans and rolls his eyes at me, smiling. "You, my darlin', will never, NEVER love me more than I love you, it's just not possible", he says giving me the cockiest, most sly smile imaginable. I giggle and playfully swat his arm.
"Rafe", I say softly, unbuckling my seat belt and turning towards him.
"Yeah", he looks at me unsuspectingly.
I'm not sure what exactly was going through my head but in that moment, I decided to make the most of our little mishap and reach over to him and unbuckle his seat belt.
"What are you doing, Y/N? Why are you undoing my seat bel-
I cut him off by putting my finger to his lips. "Shhhh", I say leaning closer to his face.
"Slide your seat back baby, I whisper softly, lightly licking the outer part of his ear.
I hear him gulp and he immediately slides his seat back as far as it will go.
He looks at me with wide eyes waiting for me to make my next move. I swiftly shift from my seat to his and try to straddle his lap as sexily as I can and I think I do a pretty god job, because he is just staring at me with this goofy grin on his face. But as I try to get myself situated better on his lap, I notice some tension tugging on the side of my skirt. All thoughts of how sexy I think I'm being fly out the window when I look over and notice that I have managed to get the pocket of my skirt caught over the gear shift. We both look at each other and then at my skirt pocket and immediately start laughing again.
"Fuck it, I give up", I giggle and bury my face in his chest as he fixes my skirt for me.
My face is flaming with embarrassment. "What the hell is going on tonight?", I ask him.
"I dunno Y/N, but I liked where this was heading", he says cheekily. Why'd you stop?" he questions me.
"Well I kinda ruined the moment Rafe- there's nothing sexy about what happened just now, is there? I mean, how does that even happen" I groan and look away feeling completely deflated.
"Y/N", he said.
I ignore him and start to climb off his lap.
"Y/N", he said more softly. "Stop and look at me"
As I lift my head up and look at his face, he has a huge smile on it and he kisses me on the forehead.
"You really are perfect for me, you know that?", he says.
"Perfect, yeah right. Have you forgotten what just happened two minutes ago baby?", I laugh, giving him a look.
"Nope", he smiles shaking his head. "That babe, is a perfect example of exactly why I love you. You're always up for anything. You're carefree and able to laugh at yourself and are incredibly sexy, weather you believe me or not. And you always try to make the best out of a completely shit situation. Tonight was horrible all the way around, everything we set out to do tonight was a terrible disaster, but you know what? It doesn't matter because we spent it together and had a few good laughs.
I look into his eyes and smile. "Yeah, I guess your right", I say as he pulls me in for a hug.
"I'm still kinda hungry though", he says licking his lips. "What do you say we head towards home?"
"That sounds perfect, maybe we can grab a pizza or something", I reply as I start to climb back into my own seat. "Wanna get a movie too"? I ask him.
"Nah, I have a better idea babe", he says winking at me as he puts his seat belt back on and begins to pull back onto the road.
I blush a little as he reaches for my hand.
"I think we need to finish what you started", he says in a low voice, pushing my hand down onto his lap.
"You think your not sexy Y/N, but would someone who isn's sexy be able to make me this hard", he questions.
I brush my fingertips over his length and feel him pulse against my touch.
"I want you so badly, Y/N", he whispers, eyes fixed on the road. I need you. Now.
I bite my lip and begin to palm him through his tight black jeans, seeing his bulge straining against the restricting fabric.
"Mmmm, babe", he moans.
I smirk at him and start to unzip the fly of his jeans but he places his hand over mine to stop me.
"If you unzip me right now Y/N, we will most definitely not be making it home in one piece", he chuckles darkly.
"Yeah but Rafe,  we're still an hour away from home", I pout.
A sly smile spreads across his face. "I have an idea", he states as he pulls off the highway.
"What are you doing now", I say to him.
"Well, tonight kinda sucked, yeah? So why don't we try and save it", he says with a cheeky grin.
"What are you up to Cameron?", I question him again, laughing.
Just when I'm about to ask him for the third time what he's doing, he pulls up to a huge Victorian style hotel and parks the car.
"You're crazy", I tell him, putting the pieces together and grinning from ear to ear.
"Only about you", he says getting out of the car and jogging over to my side.
I roll my eyes at his cheesiness and let him pull me out of the car and onto my feet.
"We don't have any luggage Rafe", I protest realizing how this is gonna look.
"Babe, what we're gonna be doing requires no luggage", he says with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
I smile and shiver with anticipation and he pulls me closer to the doors of the hotel.
"What about dinner", I laugh as he reaches for the door handle.
He stops and leans towards me again.
"Suddenly I'm not so hungry Y/N", he breathes into my ear and opens the door. "Well, not for food anyway", he states and winks at me. "But we can get room service later."
I blush as he leaves me near the entrance way of the hotel with a dumbfounded look on my face as he goes up to the front desk and books us a room. I finally feel like our night is about to get better. I look over at my boyfriend and he waves for me to come over to him while the concierge tells him the total. As he pulls out his credit card to pay a condom falls out of his wallet and onto the floor and I can see the embarrassment and panic in his body language as his shoulders tense. He hands the concierge his credit card and she scans it through. I don't think the concierge noticed because she didn't miss a beat. Still standing by the doors, I  watch Rafe, trying not to laugh. He is fidgeting like crazy and keeps looking at the floor and then to me and settles with putting his shoe over it. I know I need to save him when a family comes up and stands in line behind him. I make my way over to him and pretend to drop my purse, picking it up with the the condom simultaneously and leaning into Rafe, resting my head on his shoulder as if nothing happened.
"Thank you", he mouthed to me.
"I think you dropped something baby", I smirk.
"Shit, could this night be anymore ridiculous", he whispers to me, embarrassment clear from his reddened cheeks.
The concierge grins at us while we banter with each other and right as I think she is going to give us our key-cards, she tells us to hold on a minute, and walks away. Rafe and I both look at her, shrug and say, "OK".
"That was weird", he whispers to me so she can't hear him.
"Yeah", I agree. "But it definitely goes with the rest of our night", I say chuckling.
He begins to laugh with me and puts his arm around my shoulder, sighing contently.
"Here we are", the concierge says to us in a sing-song voice.
She smiles at us as she hands us a set of key-cards and a folded up piece of paper.
"Ummm, thanks", Rafe says to her.
"You two have a wonderful night,", she chirps, winking at us.
As Rafe and I walk toward the elevator we both look at each other and laugh again.
"What the fuck was that Y/N?", he said to me.
"I have no idea", I said wiping my eyes. "What's on that paper she gave you with the key-cards?" I ask, still giggling, and reach for it.
"I dunno babe", he says handing it to me. "Read it?", he asks.
"You remind me of my husband and I many years ago- so young and so in love. Please accept this complimentary upgrade to the Honeymoon Suite. It's so refreshing to see such a sweet, carefree and loving couple. Plus- its on its own floor so you don't have to worry about noise! You two lovebirds have fun!"
"OhMyGosh!", I gasp and look at my boyfriend.
I can feel my cheeks begin to burn.
"Shit", he says looking at me, embarrassment taking over. "Fuck", he groans, his cheeks flaming. "She must have seen me drop the condom", he says in a hushed voice.
"This is the weirdest night, baby", I sigh shaking my head. "Should we accept it?", I ask him.
"I don't know", he answers honestly.
The elevator dings and the doors open. We both look at each other with puzzled looks.
"Where to", the attendant asks us.
I smile and shrug my shoulders, leaning into Rafe.
"The Honeymoon Suite", he says with a smile on his face.
"Yes, Sir", the attendant says, smiling at us.
When we arrive at the Honeymoon floor, he grabs my hand and we get out off the elevator and walk towards the large double doors at the end of the corridor.
"Are you sure about this Baby", I ask him softly.
"The way I see it Y/N, she wouldn't have offered it to us if she didn't want us to use it. And to decline such a sweet offer from such a nice old woman would just be rude", he answers with a  cocky smile spreading across his lips.
"I suppose your right", I say slowly. "We wouldn't want to be rude", I say smiling back at him.
"Definitely not", he says rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb.
"I think our night is about to turn around babe", he says bending down to kiss me slowly.
"Mmmhmm", I murmur as he continues to kiss me in the corridor.
He softly moves his hands up my body and tangles them into my hair, bending me back slightly and he begins to deepen this kiss and I have to force myself to break away from his intoxicating embrace.
"Let's go inside baby", I say breathlessly.
"Whatever you say Y/N", he says looking me up and down, licking his lips.
"Whatever you say", he repeats and smirks as he unlocks the door to the suite.
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annemiek19 · 4 years
Kissing - Rudy Pankow/Drew Starkey
A/N I'm in love with this one! Also, this video above is from Rudy. It's on Madelyn her Instagram and I love it. It's so good and fits the song very well if you asked me! BUT I hope you like this one just as much as I do. If you want to read anything, please tell me so I can write it!
Request an imagine here.
You’re best friends with the cast from outer banks and you all go out to party. Rudy likes to make videos, so that what he does in the club. He catches you with another guy and gets jealous. 
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Rudy Pankow has been your best friends ever since the two of you have been little. You two were a package deal. If Rudy got in trouble, you were beside him. If they were inviting you to a party, Rudy would come with you. So when he got a job in Charleston, you moved with him. He moved in with Chase Stokes who plays, Madison Bailey who played Kiara and Jonathan Davis who played Pope. The other part of the cast moved in a few houses down from you. It was always fun being around them. There was always something going on in the house. 
One night you all decided to go out, with the whole cast. You got ready as Rudy walked into your bedroom. 
“Should I bring the camera? I know Drew and Cline are brining theirs,” he asked you and let himself fall on the bed. 
“Yeah, you should! You still need to edit the video from set,” you reminded him. 
“Crap. I almost forgot.” You laughed. One thing almost nobody knew is that Rudy likes to create videos and he’s pretty good at it. It usually looks like it has been shot on a very old camera. Madelyn Cline and Drew Starkey have the same sort of camera. It gives a vintage look and you’re in love with it. Rudy gave you a camera like that for your birthday, but you rarely take it out. You’re too scared that it will get broken. 
“You need to film something tonight! Create an awesome going out video.”
“Rudy! Y/N! You almost down?” Madison yells from downstairs. You quickly finish the last things of your hair and the two of you walk out. 
“Coming!” You yelled and walked down the stairs. Everybody was already waiting in the hallway. 
“Look at you all dressed up,” Madison said with a big smile on her face. 
“It’s not everyday that you go out in Charleston,” you laughed. The two of you walked out of the door. The boys followed. 
You walked through the streets and met up with Madelyn, Drew and Austin. That was the crew you were going out with. 
“There is a club down town that is supposed to be really good,” Austin said when you guys arrived. 
“Let’s go then!” Chase said. You all walked the way to the club. It wasn’t that far. Along the way, Madelyn, Drew and Rudy were filming the group of friends. Rudy and Jonathan were also doing some stupid things which made you laugh. Rudy almost tripped over a rock and bumped into you. 
“Sorry, I fell for you,” Rudy joked. 
“Haven’t heard that one before,” you said sarcastically. Rudy always had the same comment when he bumped into you. 
“It’s hard to be original these days.” You nudged him on his side. “That’s also not very nice.”
“I am not nice,” you said and smiled at him. 
“That is very true.”
“What have you filmed so far?” You tried to change the subject. 
“Nothing much. I think I have a great idea for the in the club so we’ll see how that’s going to turn out.”
You arrived at the club. It was packed with people, but it was exactly how you liked it. It was not to crowded, but not to quiet either. You had room to dance, but you didn’t felt like being alone on the dance floor and then there was the music. It was exactly your type of music. You could sing along with it and dance to it all night long. Austin was the first one to buy a round of shots. 
“To the Outerbanks!” He yelled and raised a shot. 
“Tot he Outerbanks!” You all yelled and took your shot. You took another one and then you took the girls to the dance floor. You felt the beat going through your body like it was your heartbeat. You threw your hands up in the air and let them swing, feeling like you were on top of the world. Chase and Drew joined pretty quickly. You started to dance with them. Drew made crazy faces and you laughed your ass off. Chase was the gentleman he always was and dance with you on the slow songs. You mostly were around Drew. Since the moment you first saw him, there was something between you two. Somehow it felt more then friendship, but you didn’t want to think more of then it was. You barley knew the guy at first. You know him a little bit better, but still not enough. Right now, you were dancing with him and everything felt complete. You hips were shaking on the beat of the music, your eyes locked in his. You danced around each other, did another shot and laughed at a silly face Drew did. You totally let yourself go tonight and you loved it. You didn’t had a care in the world. 
The music slowed down a bit and you took the time to take a breath. 
“Having fun?” Drew asked. You two were still standing on the dance floor. The rest of the group was somewhere standing on the side. 
“Very much!” You smiled. Drew smiled back. You felt something in your body. The music started to speed up again, but it felt like the world was slowing down. Drew didn’t take his eyes off you. You felt your heart race when he leaned in. His hands found a way to your hips. You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him closer to you. He pressed his lips against your and the sparks were flying through your body. You pulled him closer to you, if that was even possible. You felt like he was meant to be kissing you. It was like the pieces fit perfectly together. That was until he pulled away. When you opened your eyes, he was nowhere in sight. You scanned the room and saw him lying on the floor, with Rudy on top of him beating the shit out of him. 
“What the hell!” You yelled at Rudy. “Stop it! Right now.” He was never the type of person to fight so this came as a surprise to you. The other boys came pretty quick to drag him of Drew. You helped him up. His nose was bleeding and he had a cut on his lip. Never have you ever seen Rudy do this to someone. Even know when his friends were holding him, he was trying to get back to Drew. 
“What the hell, Rudy!” You yelled at him. “What was that good for? You ass!” He looked at you, suddenly calmed down. 
“No. What the hell is wrong with you, Rudy? You think it’s cool to fight? Are you like that now?”
“What? No!”
“Then why in the world did you fight Drew? What did he do to you?”
“He kissed you!”
“And that has something to do with you? I didn’t think so. You’re an ass,” you said. You turned around back to Drew. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“I’m fine.”
“I don’t care,” you said and dragged him to the bathroom with you. 
It was quiet in the bathroom. The music sounded far away. You grabbed a paper towel, got it wet and started to clean Drew his face. 
“Honestly, it’s no big deal,” he said. 
“Have you seen yourself? Your nose is still bleeding.”
“I got what I deserved, I guess,” Drew mumbled. 
You looked up at him. “What? Why?” 
He sighed, but didn’t say anything for a moment. “Because I know he likes you, more than just a friend Y/N. You’re the only blind person and I guess he snapped when he saw me kissing you.” 
You started to laugh. Maybe it was the alcohol, but this was just to funny. “I’m sorry, but you think that Rudy likes me as in he wants to be my boyfriend? Are you insane?” You couldn’t help but laugh even more. 
“I know because one, he has talked about how he feels towards you and two, I see the look in his face. I’ve seen guys looking at girls like that and they only do that with the people they truly love.” You stopped cleaning Drew his face. He was serious about this. You suddenly started to get really hot. Your best friend loved you. Your best friend was in love with you. “Oh my god,” you mumbled. Your mind started to race. You were afraid you were going to lose your best friend. Could you be friends with someone who was in love with you? One thing you knew for sure after the kiss with Drew is that you didn’t loved Rudy that way. Oh my god, how are you even going to tell him that? This is fucked up. You didn’t want to lose Rudy. He was your best friend, your family. 
“I get it if you feel-.”
“I don’t like him like that,” you cut Drew off. “He is my family, my best friend. God he’s almost like a brother to me! We grew up together. I don’t love him like that. Oh my god.” 
Drew grabbed the paper towel from your hands. “Just calm down. He knows that. That’s why he didn’t say anything about it.” 
“So this has been going on for a while then?”
“You should really talk about that with him.”
“How? How am I even going to face him? I’m going to have to turn him down, because I don’t love him like that. Jezus, this is fucked up.” 
Drew cupped your face in his hands. “It’s going to be okay. He’ll get it.” 
“How do you know? He just beat the shit ou-.” Drew pressed his lips against yours again. You relaxed in an instant. You got deeper into the kiss when you felt Drew wince in pain. You pulled back. His lip. Shit. How could you forget about that. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled. 
“It’s fine. I just really like you,” he said. 
“I like you too,” you smiled at him. He smiled back and his eyes sparkled with happiness. The door opened. You both looked, Drew stepping away from you. Madelyn appeared in the doorway. 
“I was wondering how everything was going here,” she said with a slight smile on her face. 
“Pretty good,” you answered. You tried to hide your smile, but you knew that Madelyn noticed it. 
“Good. Chase, Jonathan, Rudy and Madison went home. We get it if you don’t want to go home, so you could stay with us for the night if you want.” You really wanted to go in on that offer, but if you didn’t talk to Rudy now, you would never do it. 
“That would be great, but I have to talk to Rudy first,” you said. 
“Sure. We’ll walk with you,” Madelyn said. 
“We’ll be up in a minute.” She nodded and disappeared. You went on with cleaning Drew his face. 
“You sure you want to talk to him right now?”
“Yup. If I don’t do it now, I don’t think I will ever talk to him again,” you sighed. You cleaned the last of the blood and threw the paper towel away. 
“Alright. I’ll be waiting outside for you, just so you know.”
“That would be great.” You placed a kiss on his cheek and you both walked upstairs. 
You walked home, holding hands with Drew. It was almost like it has always been this way, like it was meant to be. You hated the fact that Rudy got so jealous he started a fight. Were you really that blind? Would he ever talk to you again? How in the world are you going to turn him down? He’s your best friend. You can’t do that to him. 
Before you know it, you arrived at the house. 
“I’ll be waiting right here,” Drew said. He slowly squeezed your hand. 
“Alright. I’ll be out soon.”
“Take your time.” You nodded and let go of his hand. You walked into the house and saw Chase and Jonathan sitting on the couch. 
“Where is he?” you asked. 
“Upstairs with Maddie. She’s trying to calm him down, but he will probably be more annoyed,” Chase said. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled. You walked upstairs and first went to your bedroom. You quickly packed a backpack with some things you needed for a sleepover. You put the bag outside Rudy’s room and knocked before you walked in. Rudy was standing by the window with the vape in his hand. He hasn’t smoked for a few weeks, so you knew it was bad. Madison was sitting on the bed. She gave you a look, stood up and walked out of the room. 
“Why did you fight him? Why not use words?” You asked Rudy. He didn’t turn around to you. 
“Because I was never planning on telling you. I know you don’t feel the same way. But something snapped.”
“Yeah, you.” Rudy sighed. “Look, I can’t say that it’s fine, because it’s not and you probably know how I feel about you, but you can’t just start beat people up, Rudy.”
“I know. I just got jealous.”
“Well, try to control it next time.”
“Next time?” Now he turned around to face you. 
“Yeah, because I think there’s going to be a lot more of me kissing Drew.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Do you even know the guy?”
“I do. There is no need to be all jealous again.”
“I’m not jealous. It’s just all of a sudden. You have never even mentioned him to me, about how you feel.”
“Because I didn’t know what to feel, but that kiss, god it was like magic. Like it was meant to be.” 
Rudy rolled his eyes. “It’s just the alcohol. You’ll regret it in the morning.”
“And crawl to you? I don’t love you like that, Rudy. You’re my best friend. You’re almost like a brother to me. I love him, Rudy. Not you.” You saw how Rudy his hand balled into his fist. 
“You serious right now?” He took a step towards you. “After one kiss you think you love him? You’re insane if you feel that way!’ He yelled at you.
“I don’t care. But all I can say is that you better get used to it, or are you going to beat him up every time I kiss him? Or are you going to beat me up to?” It was out of your mouth before you knew it. Rudy parted his lips together. “I’ll just see around,” you said and you walked out of the door. You quickly grabbed your back and hurried down the stairs. Three pair of eyes were looking at you. 
“You’re leaving?” Madison asked.
“Just for the night. For now,” you said. 
“That bad?” Chase asked. 
“Yup. I’m sorry that you have to deal with him tonight. I really am, but I just can’t be around him right now,” you explained. 
���Okay. Just come back, okay?” Chase said. You nodded your head. 
“Bye guys.” You walked out of the house. Drew was the only one waiting for you. 
“How did it go?” He asked. 
“Not good. I asked I’m if I was next and that was the last thing I said before I left,” you sighed. “I get that he is jealous and that’s fine. But you don’t start a fight. Is he going to do that every time I kiss you? Because then I’m leaving. I don’t want that shit.” You both started to make your way to the house. 
“What else happened?”
“Nothing much. Rudy is just being an ass right now. It will probably be a little bit better once he is sober and thought about what he did.” 
Drew grabbed your hand. “Just know that you can stay for as long as you want.” 
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
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british anguish
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please do not the peter
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