#starring: dreamingofmuses
stageplayhero · 9 months
🎅 - Do they believe in Santa? ( :3c )
holiday headcanons!
Several responses run through Mark’s head, and most of them come with a snotty tone. Santa Claus? How old do you think I am? Five? He can’t remember the last time he seriously believed there would be a mystical figure venturing down his chimney. His parents didn’t exactly keep up the ruse very long.
He has to admit that certain events last year were suspicious. No one came forward about the gift, and he never figured it out himself. As if it appeared by magic. As if someone knew exactly what he’d like.
Mark huffs a reluctant breath, turns his head, and speaks in a low voice. Reluctant to admit.
“I… suppose, yes. Myself and others have encountered some odd Christmas events, and— wasn’t there a Santa ego running about, at some point?” He clears his throat. “Magic is real. Reality warping entities are real. It’s not strange to think he is, either, correct?”
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snake-eyes-11 · 1 year
Throws a second ۞ for the Poet pls :P
send me a "۞" and I'll introduce you to one of my other muses || accepting || @dreamingofmuses
The Poet: OC: Discord Exclusive
A pair of harlequin boots - one black with purple trim, one white with green trim - clicked against the pavement. A matching pair of half white, half black trousers, a waistcoat and a shirt in the same pattern accompanied the outfit. Shrugged on top of the bright ensemble was an equally loud coat. One side was covered in white faux fur and jutting grey spikes, while the other was black and purple pinstriped. Poised on his nose, a pair of purple and green sunglasses distracted from the gouging scar that disfigured the left side of his face, one whitened eye unmoving as the remaining blue artfully glanced around.
He wore an impish smile, eagerly watching the crowds on the streets of London staring at him. However, for the first time, they weren't gawping at him in horror or disgust. Every single person that passed him seemed to gaze in wonder, some pulling out their phone to take photographs and others whispering with stars in their twinkling eyes. Some approached him, requesting autographs or selfies; and the Poet was more than happy to oblige.
As he passed a fashion outlet, he heard one of his songs playing over the radio speakers and his mischievous smile turned into a full puppet master grin. Throwing his head back, he let out a giddy giggle and his gentle stroll began to become more of a leaping jig. He swung around the nearest lamppost, receiving a few gasps of shock and bewildered looks.
"Oh, don't be shy, darlings!" he cried, winking at the next couple to pass him. "Be like me! Dare to dream! Live your passions and join me in your wildest imaginings!"
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churchwright · 4 years
  [ I had to update you guys on how all my boys...
[ florence is an absolute glitter monster, I wish the pictures would do it justice slkfsf ]
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wolfvirago · 2 years
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&. 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝, 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. [accepting] [x]
@dreamingofmuses​ / @blueheartedmayor​ said:  ❛ it feels like you’ve been avoiding me. ❜ (Damien, blueheartedmayor, for either WKM era or modern setting! :D )
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When I was a child, I heard voices Some would sing and some would scream You soon find you have few choices I learned the voices died with me When I was a child, I'd sit for hours Staring into open flame Something in it had a power Could barely tear my eyes away
Once upon a time, she had been human. She had a life, a job. A past, full of both happy memories and sad ones, some that made her heart ache just from uncovering them. She had never expected the happy memories to start hurting too.
She had been human, a little girl with hopes and dreams. Even then, the gods had whispered, told her in incomphrensible words and emotions that she was destined for something spectacular... Something cruel. 
Ah, they were laughing at her right now, weren’t they? Those cruel gods, watching the girl with the star on her palm, the sunlight in her veins... Falter at the sight of the man she had loved more than that old life, more than any new one.
Her destiny laid in space, in time and love that would careen through the stars and surely overcome their heat. Surely. 
(I only wish for a world where you can be happy.)
When I was a man I thought it ended When I knew love's perfect ache But my peace has always depended On all the ashes in my wake
“Are you happy with the life you live right now, Damien?” Robin finally asked, the sunlight burning through the window behind her, casting her form in white flame. Her expression cold, unreadable.
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Fuzzy memory for the attorney!
Fuzzy Memories! Open
Alrighty then~
The wedding was lavishly expensive- as was to be expected for Marc’s wedding. There wasn’t a soul in California who wasn’t aware that the actor was getting married, and he wouldn’t have wanted it every other way. The venue was packed stem to stern with members of the upper echelons of the acting community; the people Marc called his friends now.  They all blended together in a blurred mess of shapes and colors- like an artist who had gotten particularly careless with their water color paints.  Their images wavered at the edges like mirages, dark, ink-like splotches where their faces should have been.  
The Attorney didn’t know any of these people.  (Did she...?) So, their faces were irrelevant.  
At the center of this world of muter water colors and faceless people Marc stood like a beacon. He was radiant and glorious, wearing a custom-tailored white suit that had probably cost him as much as the venue. At his side, Celine was the image of a goddess who had come to grace these unworthy humans with her presence. The silver-white of her gown complimented the porcelain of her skin and the ebony of her hair. Her train, made of while tulle interwoven with glittering silver stars, flowed around her like folded angel wings.  
The Attorney hovered at the edge of the circle. She had already heard whispers rippling through the crowd as she passed by. Marc had invited a half-white mongrel like her? What could he possibly be thinking?  What right could she possibly have to be counted as a guest at a wedding, rather than a member of the help as was her God-given duty in this world?  
Let the flock of sheep gossip all they wished. The Attorney wasn’t there for them. She wasn’t even there for Marc or Celine. She only knew Marc in passing –he was one of Damien’s friends, who sometimes joined them in the speakeasies for a night of debauchery. Celine was like a mystical figure; the disowned sister who had fled to New Orleans to learn the ways of magic from witch doctors and voodoo practitioners.  She re-appeared in Damien’s life like a dream, and Marc had been captivated from the moment she said hello.  
Marc had told a joke of some time, and laughter rippled through the entirety of the crowd encircling the new bride and groom. Sycophants- all of them. Desperate, petty leeches trying to get into the good graces of one of the biggest names in the acting community; the man who had rose to the upper echelons seemingly overnight.  It left a sour taste in The Attorney’s mouth.  
Swiping a glass of champagne from a serving try, she strode out of the ballroom with no one giving her a second glance.  The venue had been at a country club on Catalina island, providing a picturesque view of the ocean.
What should have been the scent of salt water was more akin to ash.  The island beyond the foothills was a writing pool of shadows, lethargically wriggling along as they tried to coalesce into a clear, complete picture.  The sky cracked and splintered like a broken mirror at it stretched towards the horizon.   The Attorney in the memory didn’t acknowledge how wrong the area was. She took a sip of champagne, reached into her purse to pull out a cigarette case.  
Nicotine burned against her tongue.  She relished the feeling- only the only thing at this wedding that felt genuine.  So engrossed on her smoking, The Attorney didn’t notice Damien come to her side.
His image wavered and flickering like a tv with bad reception. A man half-dressed down, his suit jacket and mayor pin long forgotten. A haggard man with jawline-length hair and a snow jacket. A man tinted gray, consumed with grief and sorrow- before it finally settled on the Damien The Attorney remembered most fondly. Gentle and calm, if not looking somewhat haggard himself.  Such was the life of a Best Man.  
“I must say,” Damien began. “This entire affair is much less...” he waved a hand vaguely. “Chaotic than I first imagined.”
“Considering the wedding was put together in a span of a few months,” The Attorney said, flicking ash off her cigarette. “I have to agree with you.”
Damien chuckled fondly. “Marc has always been... impulsive, but he pours his heart and soul into everything he wants. He promised me he’d treat Celine like a queen. And, well...” He glanced back at the ballroom, a worried crease forming on his brow.  “I believe him. Full-heartedly. But...” He shook his head. “I suppose the fact that my older sister is married to my best friend hasn’t quite sunk in yet.”  
The Attorney shrugged. “I can’t relate to that feeling,” she said truthfully. “Being an only child and all.”  
“Nevertheless, I am glad you decided to come,” He said with a gentle smile. “I don’t know even a fourth of the people inside, so having someone I do know is grounding.”
“It is kind of fun, seeing everyone’s scandalized faces,” The attorney admitted. “You should have seen the looks on everyone’s faces when I caught the bouquet; I may as well have lit it on fire!”  
“I wasn’t aware you even caught the bouquet.” Damien nudged the Attorney playfully. “█████, have you finally met someone?”
The Attorney nudged him back. “Afraid not. I’ve resigned myself to becoming a spinster.”
“Well, that just won’t do. You are a lovely and charming woman. Surely someone must have caught your eye by now.”  
The Attorney paused, taking a drag on her cigarette. There was someone. Someone who was preparing to run for Mayor soon. Someone whose good reputation would be tarnished if he ever got into a relationship with her.  Their friendship had been a cute novelty in college, but it could never become anything more in the real world.  The truth stung like a dagger in her heart, and the bouquet landing in her hands earlier that evening had only given it a painful twist.  
She smiled in spite of it, because Damien deserved better than knowing about the woes of a hopeless, impossible, love.  
So, she deflected. “And you’re a handsome, intelligent, and charming man. Where’s your lady love?”
“Somewhere out there, I hope.” Damien said wistfully. “Bah, listen to us.”
“It’s all this romance in the air,” The Attorney said, taking another drag. “Marc and Celine have been acting like a pair of lovebirds all night. It’s infecting the rest of us.” She pulled out an unlit cigarette and held it out to Damien. He paused, considering, before finally taking it.  
The rest of the world faded away when Damien leaned closer to light his cigarette. The tiny flame illuminated his lashes and caught the mahogany tones in his hair. The dagger in the Attorney’s heart twisted further.  
She wished she could reach into her chest and pull it out herself. There was no way it could hurt any worse than this.  
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dreamingofmuses · 4 years
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(Not okay to reblog)
Hello there! Welcome to dreamingofmuses, a humble hub-blog penned by an Irish fish called Ash. While these are neither the most active nor the fastest batch of roleplay blogs out there, the goal is to try and bring good times to the dash. If any of the icons catch your interest, feel free to click the links below to learn more about them.
@theauthorlives​ - HIGH ACTIVITY - A small multifandom, multimuse blog. Currently focuses on Yancy from Heist with Markiplier, Gunther from In Space With Markiplier and Roman and Remus from Sanders Sides.
Muse List - this will allow you to view all the ‘abouts’ for each muse
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@skullandbowties​ -  LOW ACTIVITY - Jack Skellington. Formerly of @skeletonwithabowtie​​
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@blueheartedmayor​ -  HIGH ACTIVITY - Mayor Damien from Who Killed Markiplier, set in modern day where the events don’t transpire; and a canon divergent Darkiplier who calls himself Dante (where the events of the previously mentioned series did happen).
About Damien
About Dante
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@rosetintedgunman​ -  HIGH ACTIVITY - Wilford Warfstache and Colonel William J. Barnum from Who Killed Markiplier and other Markiplier productions.
About W.ilford
About William
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@skullandbowties​ -  LOW ACTIVITY - Jack Skellington. Formerly of @skeletonwithabowtie
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@luckywildrover​ - ON HIATUS WHILE I FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO WITH HIM - Jamie Murphy, an OC. The owner of a successful social media platform, though he is somehow never recognised. His cousin, the rightful owner, has vanished from existence due to unknown magical interference, and it’s up to Jamie to figure out how to bring him back.
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@actuallyastar​ - ON HIATUS - Sirius, an OC. A young star was embedded with a black diamond that granted it sentience. After travelling the galaxies, they’ve settled to exploring the planet earth in the form of a human child. They have a lot to learn about their new home.
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venusexstillhaven · 5 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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AAAHHHH! Thank you!!! This is really sweet! I’m just going to tag a few people instead of sending them. @boltxnbastard @timelordcurse @bheithann @dreamingofmuses @poisonedbyexistence @briingmayflowers @lvckyflannel @starkbirthed @peritxetxinvenit @hxcked and I know there’s more but I can’t remember everyone right now.
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briingmayflowers · 5 years
Alien meme - what IS your view on aliens?
Send 👽+ ANY question you want to ask the mun! || accepting! || @dreamingofmuses
ooc; I believe it’s highly possible that we’re not alone in the universe. I mean, there are so many stars and planets out there, there have to be some other lifeforms somewhere, even if they’re not as advanced as us.
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solipsisticmori · 5 years
Oops. There goes Ki, spun around and lifted into Wilford's arms! They're given a kiss on the nose before being pulled in for a cuddle. "Happy day where th' world has ta acknowledge yer beautiful, perfect self~" (rosetintedgunman, being a supportive boyfriend ✌️)
Oooft. Ki is laughing with a bright red face as they were spinning around. Hearing the words, Ki sorta went red even more, giving their boyfriend a big smooch on the face.
“Heh, thank you babe,” They were grinning, kissing Wilford on the lips, “I hope this means I’m gonna get absolutely pampered,” Ki forgets that every day seems to be pamper Ki day. 
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stageplayhero · 2 years
📋 *scampers out*
📋 wishlist meme!
Hey? Hey wait where are you going-
Hm. Let’s see here. You didn’t put a star, but I treated Wren’s like it had a star, so you also get one! Throwing under a read more:
I haven’t actually tossed my Actor-who’s-central-thing-is-pretending-to-be-Damien at a Damien, but it would be interesting! I don’t think his act would hold up against the real deal. If time-weirdness brought Mark to modern!Damien’s doorstep and he tried to pass it off as being an alternate version of him? And as for Dante - Mark loves bothering Darks, naturally. He will gladly poke him for no particular reason.
And I will say: the Captain hasn’t forgotten Wilford’s little comment about doing something to the Life Support Room. They are still mildly concerned by that. To the point they would maybe try to post some people there to watch it, not that it would help. I should also send them over to actually engage with the Moonlight Roller, they were being shy and just left the present there. And have hid in a locker.
Christmas C.arol au! Don’t know what you have in store with Wilford but I’d imagine he isn’t going to have the same approach Asher has had? Mark’s still silently dreading it though. Mark and Wilford interactions in general, really. He’s going to get him back for the twerking dare one of these days.
But also because I’m not sure whether the ask was for some general RP stuff-!
Dream!Captain shenanigans. They’re from an au that’s an extension of the This Must Be a Dream! fake ending, except they never really snap out of it. Basically them gone off the rails.
I should really do more with this blog’s version of I.plier Industries Inc. I’ve given it a cryptic build up, but the actual thing is very over the top. If you’ve seen P.resident B.usiness in The L.ego Movie? I’ll admit that has influenced how I write shady evil companies. It’s like that.
I’ve started to explore it, but Mark getting a foothold against the Entity enough sometimes to realize what he’s done and actually feel bad about it.
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dreamingofmuses · 5 years
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Have you ever said “Oh golly gee I wish there was a roleplay hub blog out there that focused on Disney, Iplier and Septic Egos with one OC thrown into the mix”?
Dreamingofmuses is a hub blog that caters to muses in that very specific list of requirements! Lovingly called the ‘Rainbow Squad’, these side-blogs run a variety of activity levels, but are all here for a good time. Why not take a look and see what takes your fancy? Click the Read-More for the blog links, and give it a reblog to spread the word!
All muses are written by Ash, and the only drama we support is IC angst!
@theauthorlives - The Author from Danger in Fiction. Also features the Host and the King of the Squirrels.
@rosetintedgunman - Wilford Warfstache and the Colonel from Who Killed Markiplier, among other things.
@skullandbowties - Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas.
@handsomethrowrug - Scar from the Lion King and the Lion Guard.
@swingingintoaction - Jackieboyman, the Jacksepticeye ego.
@blueheartedmayor - Mayor Damien from Who Killed Markiplier.
@actuallyastar- Star OC that is mostly fandomless.
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